The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 13, 1870, Image 1

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C, ( .,
O. 1.
KID G WAY, PA., AUGUST 13, 1870.
NO 43.
L Sf!i
p k n .f .v vjti.
Rates of Advertising.
Adrc'r and Ex'rs notices, cho, 6 times, $ 8 00
Auditor's notices, each .... 3 00
Cautions and Estrays each, 8 times 3 00
Transient Advertising per sqnre of 8 linos
or less 3 timos, or less, 2 00
For each subsequent insertion........ 50
Official advertising for each square of 8
. liner or lessil times or less .......2 00
For each subsequent, insertion ....60
Professional cards, 5 liner, 1 yr 6 00
Loal notices, per lins. ono time..... ......15
Obituary notices, over 6 lines 10
Yearly Anvcrtising, one-half column...... 50 00
fearly Advertising, one column ,.100 00
filnhks, single quire 2 60
Blanks, three quire 2 00
Blanks, 8 quires , per quire 1 75
Clanks, over (i quires per quire 1 60
'or bank notes, subpoenas, summons, ex- j
editions, warrants, constnble salos,
road and school ordors. each per dot..,2
Handbills, eight Bhect 25 or less 1 60
' fourth sheet 25orless 2 50
" half-sheet 2"orlcss 4 60
whole scet 25 or less 8. 00
Over 25 of each of above at proportionate rates,
J. 8. llORDWELIi, M. D.
nphe word eclectic means to thooso or sc-
I lect medicines from all the different
schools of medicine ; using remedies that are
safe, add discarding from practice aH medi
cines that have an injurious enect on the sys-
govt's 3jorni$.
BT sua X, B.
In musing moments oft we wander back to day
of yore,
I em, such as meroury, antimony, lead, cop- I And many long departed scenes, in fancy pon
per, etc. ...... der o'er
reducer or dcpletcr. and equalize "the circula. We th,nk of 8,ft,ely Pft,ftces now ruineJ r
tion and restore the system to its natural ,ncy stand,
state by alteratives and tonics. I shall here- While those who tenanted their halls dwell in
after give particular attention to ohronio dis-1 the silent land.
enses, suca as ivuoumai:sm, isysnensio, Aiiver - ( i,.. v . .. ,.
complaint, Catarrh, Ne .ralgia-, diseases of the rthrt bcat light with joyous thoughts, or
throat, urinary organs, and all diseases pecu
President Judsc S. P. Johnson
Additional Luw J udce Hon. Jho. P,
Associate Judges E. C. Schultze,
Jesse Kylcr.
District Attorney J. K. P. Hall.
Sheriff Jacob McCaulcy.
Prothonotary See., Frud. Schajning,
Treasurer Claudius V. Gi'.ris.
Co. Superintendent Kuf'us Lucore.
Commissioners H. Warner, Jos. W
'Tnvlor. Louis olltiior.
Auditors Clark Wiloox, George D
, .Messenger, and Joseph Willielm.
County Surveyor Geo. Wultmley.
Jurv Commissioners. Gcorre Diuki
rand Horace Little.
( . Second Monday in January.
' Last Monday ia April.
First Monday in August.
First Monday iu November.
rS and after MONDAY. MAY :10th, 1870,
the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie
Railroad will run as follows s
.Mail Train leaves Philadelphia.. ..-10.20 p. m.
" " Ridgway 1.57 p. in.
.I it arrive at lirio 7.40 p. ni.
Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia 10.50 a. m.
' " Kidgway - 2.00 a. in.
" arrive at Eri .... ..11.20 a. ni
Mall Train leaves Erie - 8.50 a. m.
' '. ?' . Ridgwny 2.-18 p. m.
' . " arrive at Phila'd'a....... 0.20 a. m.
.Erie Express leaves Erie 0.00 p. m.
P.idgway 1,20 u. m.
. . rat Philadelphia...- 5.80 p.m.
Express, Mail and Accommodation, east and
west, connect at Corry and all west bound
trains and MaU.accotnmodation east at Irvin
ton with the Oil Creek and Allegheny River
Rail Road.
Gen'l 8up't.
liar to females, &c.
CATARRH I treat with a new instrument of
a lnte invention, which cifcs every rase.
TEETH extracted without pain.
Oflioe and residence South of the jail on
Centre St. Office hours from 7 to 8 a. ; m 12
to 1 p. m ; 6 to 7 p. m.
Dec. 23'67.-ly. J. S. BORDWELL.
JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg
way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'60 ly
throbbed in bitter woe.
Men lived and loved, and died as
"One hundred years ago."
JO, IX o. HALL....-....
..JAS. K. r. HALL.
Attorneys - at - Law
September 20, I860, ly.
TS. Bordwell, M. D. Eclectic Physician
, Olfice and residence opposite the
Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt at
tention will be given to all calls. Office hours :
7 to 8 A. M-: 12 to 2 P. M. ; and 6 to 7 P. M.
Mar. 22, Gli-tf.
St. Mart's. Pa.
LARGE! & MA LONE, Prow's.
ine proprietors respeomiuy as nie auenuon Around Thy name as did they
n limit IVlnnrla nrnl ilia r.nlilit i n nnnntn1 1a I '
their lni sre and commodious hotel. Every hundred years ngo,'
attention paid to the convenience of guests.
nay30 -1803.1y J. A. wALON'E.
0 .' God : whers are those prcious souls, re
deemed at such a cost !
The dreadful thought, to thy blest vi
Boinc are too surely lost ;
But those who fought the "glorious fight"
are blessed forever more,
With fadeless crowns adorned they stand, on
the 'Eternal shore,'
Ah, may their prayers God's pity move to
wards us who hire below
Are striving as they strove on earth 'one
hundred years ago.'
At early dawn the 'king of day' illumed the
Worl 1 below.
The ststely hall, the humblo cot, alike in
splendor glow,
The silvery moon pursued her course, through
the deep cthc. blue,
While brilliant, stars lit up the sky like gems
of golden hue.
0 ! mighty Lord ! Thy wondrous works, a
glorious halo throw,
then, "One
misery, the rich in
IkT ASLIN Kettles. Brass Kettles, Porclean
XfJL Sauce Pans. French Tined Sauce Pans.
rruit cans the cheapest and nest, at w. S.
SERVICE'S, Ilardwarc.Storo, Pidgway.Pa.
RtnowAT, Elk Co., Pa.
V. II. SC1UIAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore so
iberally bestowed upon him, tho new pro- j
prietor. hope,?, ty paying strict attention
o the comfort and convenience of guests, to
merit a continuance of the same.
Oct 30 18011.
The poor toiled on :n
grandeur dwelt,
In many a convent cell at prayer, tho gentle
sister knelt.
And oft at twilight's lovely hour they sang
the "vesper hymn."
It's music sweetly echoing throughout the
cloister dim.
The safred chnnt arose to God, in accents
soft and low.
For lie was loved by faithful hearts, ''One
hundred years ago."
'Vef. T hflYfl tnv crnndnoBa f DTnLImn
: - J " J vavigiiu
the beauty, as Julius' feet stirred the sedi
ment and a more sickening odor arose.
'Why, it's terrible.'
''Indeed it if j and I'll certainly die i
you don t marry me :
'And will it always be this way V and
again the little pug nose ahot up in tlie
'But I can't stand it.'
'It won't be quite so violent, but just as
"I I I don't think I like to be loved,
sir ; it smells too bad-'
'What! exclaimed Julius, with another
scrape of his foot and this time obtaining
a good drought of the carbolio acid.
'It smells so !' the maiden repeated.
i. .1 . i. i .. . .
jiuc tnai am i love its something un
der the table.'
'Oh, Well, now, I thought as how when
people lovod they smelt.'
'Oh, no !' said Julius j and an immediate
search revealed the cause of the offensive
It is useless to say that thereupon Julius
became happy and his sweethert radiant.
How Sir Robert Peel Made his Fortune.
You shall have it, Dick, and bell" a gal
lon every Suuday in the bargain.'
'Well, then,' pays Dick, Grat looking
coutiously around to see that do ono wan
near, 'this il be;' and putting bis lips lose
to Mr. Peels ear, he whispered, 'Chalk
your bobbins.'
That, iodced, was the great secret. Drck
bad been in habit of luritively chalking
bis bobbin, which simple contrivance bad
effectually prevented the adherence of tbc
cotton. As the bobbins were white, the
chalk had escaped detection
Mr. Peel was a sagacious man, and saw
through the affair at a glance. He at once
patented the invention, had 'chalking' ma
chinery contrived, and soon had tho lead
in the cotton spinning department. This
was the foundation of his princely fortuue
Advice to the farmer keep jour weath
er eye open.
If yonr boot maker sends boots home)
jot can't walk in, you should walk into
Once when a bad man died, a savage wit
being apprised of the event, observed that
the avesage Talne of mankind was sensibly
An editor heads his lists of births, mar
riages and "deaths thus : 'Hatched, 'Matched,
and Despatched."
How is it that the trees can get on their
summer dresses with out opening their
trunks ? Why, because they have out their
summer clothing.
When does Shakspcare give an instance-
It is but right to add that lie pentioned off of the cure of consumption ? When th
Dick handsomely. Duke of Gloster stoos Kin I Wv'a onffin
O J " wv
A poet wrote of his departed lo7e, Wo
will hallow her grave with our tears,' but
The Chinese in Tennessee.
roads, play poker, keep a hotel, wash and
Every one know that Sir Robert Peel, i "ron nurse tha batyi edit a newspaper, run
father of the late Prime Minister of Eng. fr Congress or play the piano and enter-
and and grand father of the present Daro- taln company.
et, made his money by cotton-spinning. The owners of woollou factories praise
A Chinaman, says a correspondent of the tho wicked printer set it up 'We will harrow
Nashville Republican, is almost as versatile her grave with our steers.'
as a Yankee. He can make wooden clocks, A vounz fellaw ofiewd tr, W .;!,
and wooden Dutmeg for that matter. He is teacher of a vounsr ladies' mmm., .bi
an excellent farmer, shoemaker, can make who was boasting of the proficiency of his
bnok without straw, build houses and rail- pnmla. that not one cf thom U m..i;...
vm.m UCWIlUtJ
a husband.
A negro boy in columbus rashly went ia
bathing the other day and was drowned.
His mother said it served him right for
niiAVER nocsfi,
DAVID THAYER, Proprietor.
The undersigned having fitted up a l.irce
and commodious hotel on the southwest Snurnin? religion's irpntln wnv ,.t
,,, I -".V, Jiai.
their God ;
But darker scenes than these were oft enacted
, in the past,
And crime, a gloomy shade, o'er many a
guardcan spirit cast.
Men walked the earth with haughty tnein, in
arrogance they trod,
corner of Centre ami Mill streets, with good
and convenient stabling attached, respect
fully solicits the patronage of his old friends
and the public generally.
dcciatiu ty DAVID THAYER.
In the early part of his career, his business them as the best of workmen. The officers ,ak'Dg Up new fraDS,ed notions. He Debber
was rematnaniy extensive, but suddenly ho 01 lle ventral meiiie railroad, on which
made a trcmendious start, and soon distan- ten thousand Chinamen were employed, n Nevada a contemplative Dicer In-
ced all his rivals. He grew immediately spcak in the highest terms of them. Their dlaD 8at watching a party of base ball play
rich, 08 we all know, but we do not all work is said to bo full and honest, no lag- ets wno seeme(l to him to be working very
know the lucky accident to whieh he was g'Dg no story-telling, no whiskey drinking narl-Turning to one of them, be asked:
indebted for all his enormous wealth. few fiShts- Overseers dcclair they can drill liow Iuuch Set on5 "ay V
In Ihe early day of cotton-Spiuning ma- more rocIc ani move more dirt with China- "Why was I born ?" exclaimed Anna
I -I . . I T" I ....
chinery, a great deal of trouble used to n,en lllan Wltn an a(luaJ nuniber ot men wicsinson, in beginning one of her fino
be caused by filament of cotton adhering wll claim tu'9 inu of work as their spec- flights of eloquence on the equality of wo-
to the bobbins or tapes, which then formed ialty' tneD' Vh? wa3 1 born Be repeated,
portions of looms. These filaments accumu- Twenty years of contact between the two swelling her exultant form, stamping her
lating, soon clogged the wheels and other races in California have done little toward foot, and looking earnestly over the audi-
parts of the machinery, and reudcred it removing "je prejudice against the Chinese. ence. 'Give it up,' exclaimed a puzzled
necessary that they should be cleared, They have poured into and out of the coun- hap in the gallery j 'ask us sorasthiu'
which involved frequent stoppages and but, surrounded by barriers, they have eas'er-' ' :
much loss of timo. boon forced to form a world of thair own I r n
1 V F.HTF.nW hlTTnnPTTn Tl. IT t
' .ui.iio, mo X uUKeQ
e live hoosier has writ.
giving his experience as
was then called, spent vast sums in exper- swamped in failure, which would have given
mcnts. He employed some of the ahlcst. brilliant returns but for the tvraunv of
. "
Andoft the earth was moisened with tho life, mechanists in the kingdom, among them white workmen, who prevented tha employ
tide's crimson flow, James Watt, who suggested various cor- ment of chep Chinese labor.
Ckxtbiville, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor.
For man destroyed his fellow nan "one hun
drod years ago,
'1 be only direct route to Pittsburg
from Oil City.
On and after Monday Nov. 22d 18G9, trains
will run as follows :
auixa. pouth
Pay Express leaves Oil City at
Arriving at Pittsburg at
Might Exprrss leaves Oil City at
Arriving at Pittsburg nt
Kittanning Ace. leaves Emlenton
Arriviving at Kittatiiiiug
Mixed Way Vcaves Oil City at
Arriviug at West Pcnn Junction at 7,05 p. m
' Day Express leaves Pittsburg at'
Arriving at Oil City at
Night Express leaves Pittsburg at
Arriving at Oil City at
"z Parker Ace. leaves Kiuanuing
Arriving at Parker
, . Mixed Way leave West Penn Juno, at 7,00 a. in,
" Arriving t Oil City at C,00 p. m.
Connections at Corry and Irvineton for Oil
City and Pittsburg. At Franklin with Jnmes-
i Uwn and Franalin' B. It. 'Connections with
' West Penn. B. il. at West Penu Junction for
1 Blair viile and all points on the main line of
the t'eeasylvama K. K.
B"Milrer Palace Sleeping Cars" on all
' Night Trains both' ways from Pittebrgh to
J. 3: LAWRENCE. General Supt
Taos. M. Kino, Aast, Supt, .
10,30 a. m
5,30 p. m.
y,S(l p. tn.
7,00 a. m.
6,10 p. m
9.00 p. m.
7,00 a. m.
7,15 a. m.
1,55 p. m.
8,00 p. m.
6,00 a. m.
7.20 a. m.
9,55 a. m.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore so
liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro
prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to
the comfort and convenience of guests, to
merit a continuance or the same.
M. V. Moore, (late of the Hyde Jlomn)
1 ropnttor.
Open Day and Night-
CII. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer
. in Lager Beer, opposite the Railroad
Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa.
Mar-22'fiC-l . .
great the low,
All, all are gone who trod
hundred years ago."
the earth "One
dcct Ijfliscdlanj.
The great desideratum was to find out Within this some fifty thousand men have trav t . u
some plan of preventing this clogging by been thnviug, while many have amused ten to his mother "
cotton, and Sir. Robert, or Mr. Tcel, as he large fortunes. Many an enterprise, too, has f0noff, . ' S'
Western people are death on etiquote.
You can't tell a man here ho lies, without
A few days ago a man was telling a pret
ty big story in mp hearing.
'Stranger, that's a whoopcr,' says I.
'Lay there, stranger,' says he-
And in less than no time I found myself
sprawling ia the ditch.
At another time, says I to a man I ner
er see afore, as a woman passed :
'That isn't a specimen of jour western
women, is it V
'You're afaid of the fever tnd agor,
stanger, ain't yer ?'
'Very much aays I.
'Well, that was my wife, and if you don't
ryologize in two minutes, by the honor of
a gentleman, I swear to you, that these two
... .. . ... I It . l. I T , r-.
rcctions : but spile ot all thev cou d Jo the i" oe tcu now onn itnna remained, and the evil man be receivetl i" the South. Tho cs
Such is this world that joys and fears, of appcard to be insurmountable. perimcnt is to be made on a scalo worthv
those who lived before. 0f eoa... ti,pae d,.lav.. sPrto.,.lw fTot.i of the creat national Question of labor. Five
Are all forgotas ours shall be-ere yet a few Lufl lr, , tha :" o.. hundred Cinnamon hnv l,D-n l,.,lnJ .
vearsmore ""6 T""" uu cud- -
" I , ... . I T I I I h. Innrl..! . 1 , r ,
Then why, 0! mortals, strive for fan.., for Qaj?' generally came Ell0 10 proportion to "ipu a lew aays,
fading laurels here. the stoppages during the previous days. It aDU lQence wul De 6catterod through the
When death may tear us from our prize before was noticed, however, that one man nlwava ,arSe and sma" towns of the South. The
another jear! drew his full oav.his work was .lr,ro I next two months' experience will be rife
ihe mighty heroes of the past-lhe lich the -.-i:.!,,,.! . ; ff ,,- , . , with deeper interest than appears unon the
j su nvt. ii io UCVCI ItttU ItJ
stop, while everv other in the factor u-a sumce' ir' remalDS ,0 06 8cen how the Or-
idle. Mr. Peel was informed of this, and icDtal wiU stand the 8tertt Ans'o-Saxon
. SMitVirn rf flnUn. : J !t
Knew tnere must be a secret somewhere. ul "P"1? uuu avaiw
tt was important that it should ba disnnv. tlllv-
It is singular what episodes the tender
passion sometimes occasions. It is not iin
K winted t the Advocate Office ' frequently the case of biliousness, produci
dyspepsia and other complaints of the
ered, if possible. What be wants is employment, and such
Tlia mnn I i i nntT OQ vnll ennnm.1 lt.v. 1 - I
au noonaiuucu, oui 10 DO pUr- I r J ""IT" " "' BUUJ- BlStols shal nnr t A: 3
ra. n . j . , . I thin,, i..;, r.a.- f . ;v.,, aweunra.
fi icnuw-wui auieu uieu 10 -pump 6 i ccuu uati m iuo juiucr or I jy
mm, oui iney couia t; at last 31 r. Peel motner, or to the wife and children left at g0 J politely anoloeized
Pont Inr t, :. U ! : ir. C . . 1 1 1. 1 I . " '
Uv uE uiuu iuiu ins private omce. I otusiuiuou uas ne oeen io give I i admire the
T WAS cured of Deafness and Catarrh
X simple remedy, and will send the
urns. at. v. Ltuui.1T,
lloboken, N. J.
inn He was a rough Lancashire man, unable 8 ful1 0(1 aDl honest day's labor to those much, but darn me is I
df to read or write little better, indeed than who hire him, that he expects to give his etiquette it always take
ljat a mere animal. He entered the 'presence' cP'oyer the service of his muscle and skill ' "
Struggles and Triumphs of
Written ty himself. In one large octavo vol
, ome nearly 600 pages printed in English
, and German.. 83 full page engravings. It em
braoes forty year recollections of his busy life,
. as a merchant, manager, banker, lecturer and
. showman. . No book published so acceptable to
all classes. Every one wauU iu ' Aguuti aver
j ga from 50 to 100 subscribers a week. We
pfler axtra inducements. Illustrated catalogue
and terms to agents sent free.
f . , ' J. t. JJUBR.i CO., Publishers,
, 8w Hartford, Conn.
sTOB WORK of all kinds and deecri-
J done at this of5of. '
western country very
can stand so much
takes me uniwarea.
. . i riara ii a i.i I Pin nmroi" infl cavnino hm wak-.iv ,i I -
gestive organs; it has been asserted that uiujui. im eoierea me "presence fv- " "lumm uuu fh.ui
cholic is sometimes the result of it, and a PulIinS his forelock, and t huffling on the iur'la a11 the hours of the day, only asking
wouderful tendency to melancholy is created grottn" w,to tia great clumsy, shoes.
i . . .... i ii i. ' : j ni try. . .
Dy it. weaitative walks, silent reveries. "f -ree'i 'r urguson, the
and self-communion springs from the first ovcr'ookei' tells me that your bobbins are
advance of the observing: emotion. These always clean. Is that so ?'
are common and anticipated results : but 'Ee's, master,'t be so.'
resilience ana ouice OPPOSlts tiio Thover I It has hppn e-ft tn .In inc r"..t ,lt,l., I 'Wll It.oV hns An x-m, m..... V tt nil. that th Chinpon shn mitii tn m.;.. I inri. .- ,l. ., .. ...
jjouge - uvi v uioL-iusa f " ujauao i .nave u...v.o ,( ,lul , Iae matter f asked (be good
a uvw itoiuic iu iue uuiver&ai maiaay, it I r '"j ujouuuuo iu jet me anow r I ",c pur iucii. au luuigeni umnnman jJoctor.
HENRY SOUTHER, Attomey-at-Law seems that Julius had been smitten with "ny, waster .PilJt be asoart o' sacret t?oes to the official ot bis native vilkge or 'Oh, I hardly know mvsclf ' shn ronf A
Ridgway, Pa. ffcb29'C8). ,1,. .,:,. ,j t.i.. . ... loike. ve see. nnd if ni tU 'nl,M l th nronint ,,f ! i:i. l.. , . J B"e repuea;
JQR.1C. H.
K ma way, Pa.
La resonable time for meals, together with
the stipulated wages when his work is done.
It may be interesting to those who are
not posted to know bow John Chinaman
A Doctor's Joke. The following an
ecdote is told of Dr. Cabarrus, the great
I homeopathio physician, who dieid lately in
M'Uo Julia Barron wan nnf n( BArta
gets here. It is to be understood, first of sent for him '
Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots Sc Shoes,
Main St., opposite Hotel,
nov27y Wilcox, Pa.
Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa.
MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor.
Th j undersigned has opened a larva
house; at tha above plaee, where le is amply
prepared to satisfy the wants of those who may
avorhim, with their custom. bov'6'j20.
JACOB TOCNQ & CO., Book Binders And
Blank Book Manufacturers, Wright's Blk
Corry, Pa Blank Booh Mads to Orde.
T) LAKES of all kindi for sale at this
the bright eyes and rosy cheeks of a cab- ,olke J see an" ' t0'd t'others'd knows
bage vendor in the Poydras market. He lnuc'1 88 oi' repHed Dick, with a cunniu
visits her daily and dines in her presence on f101
rashes of bacon and cold veiehlA. .n 0f coursei D!ck I'HIgive you somethinj
one of these occasions summoned affi,io( if J0"'11 tel1 me-abd if you can make all
courage to proffer his suit. But his em- the ,aCt0ry W0'k 88 8inootnly yours.'
barrassment caused him so much excite- 'EJ ry De n them' Master Pill'
ment that he actually overturned a jug of We1!' wbat slla11 1 6ive you 1 am
carbolio acid, which had been put under your price' Dick an(1 let mB tave yur se
the table by the maiden's respected pro- ce''
genitor. The noxious fluid spread upon I)ick ErinDe(1 scratched and stroked his
the pavement and a most offensive odor ereat heai1 aDd shuffle1 for a few minutes,
arose from it. while Mr. Peel awaited his reply. The
'What 1 1 that 7 inquired the little maiden, cotton lord thought his servant would broh
eletating her olfactory member, and niak- ably ask a bunred oounds or so. h!nh
ing evident signs of distiesi. would have most willWl
'It's my love continued Julius, oblivious Presently Dick said s
in his excitement, of the smell, and suppos- 'Veil, Master Pill. I'll tell'fia .11 .v,
ing her inquiry to refer to his attachment j H if you'll give me a quart o'beer a day
"Oh, my 1 You don't tell mn W J as Inn? as T'm :n. . mi ....
love v t ? r " w ul"u, yu " Bave
I turn ajaJUU
, 7 7, uave no wr. reel rather thought he should, and
ine precinct ot tue city in which he pro- 'my spirits are terriblv nnom,.! a
sides and proposes to mortgage himself and times I am greatly elated and then audden
his family for money with which to eome ly sink into the deepest melaneholy '
to America, where he expects to make his Alter a momenfa reflection Cabarruj
fortune, clear up his affairs and live said gravely :
thenceforward in peace, comfort and pros- 'I am afraiad there ia but one way to
perily. cure you.'
It ottcn happens, however, that the Chi- 4 What is that?' she asked eagerly,
naman does not return at the expiration of 'You must get married,' he replied with
a certain timo for which the motgagc runs, a mirthful twinkle of the eye, but otill
and then the harpies and moneylenders, l( ring a grave face. '
into whose hands the business bus fallen 'Well,' said M'lle Barron, aile a littl
by this time, pounce upon the poor China- hesitation, followned by a sigh of relief per-
man's family, and sell them into slavery haps you are right. Would you marry
without the least compuction of consciense. me V
Under such circumstances do most of the 'Ma diere,' replied Cabarrus LWl
Chinese who land upon our shores come. tbe doctor prescribes, but It does not take
It is not at all to be wondered at that thev his own medicines.'
. . . . . . i
ao not seme permantly that this tide of
emigration is like none otherin iu wondeful
ebb and flow, that the world ever saw.
Supscwbe and pay for the Advocate.
A tallow-chandler said he didn't mean
any disparagement to the son when he
said that hi candles were the be4 lights
ever invented.