Vnr Time at Rldgtcay. Brie Express East 2:20 p. m. do Weal 1:01 in. do Mail East 2: IX p.m. do do Went 1:67 p. tn. iocal Freight East 7:20a. m. do do West G;10p. ui. Elk lodge, A. Y. M. Stated meeting of Elk Lodge will be sold al. their hall on thi seoond and fourth f ucsdays of each month. J. K. WHITMORE. Seo'y. I. 0. 0. T. The Regular meetings of Kidgway Lodge, No. 250, held every Wednesday evening at .heir Lodge Room. b H. A. PARSONS, W. S. AGENTS FOB THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized gents for the Advocate to receive subscrip ions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Aldbicii, J. L. Brows. Kane Frank W. Mkkuk. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Haoan. St, Matys. Chas. McVbak. Centrevillc. Homkii U. Lkacii, Maj. Bi'Rxe. Caledonia. W. I. Smith, B. A. Whko. Bennezette. John 0. Bard, J. tV. Buown. Shawimtt. John F.mirkb. Spring Creek. A. W. Iuvin. Highland. Ln vi Ellothoiu-k. Morton. I). (?. Oystch, N. M. Hhockway. The absence of the Kditor is our excuse lor the lack ui' locals &c, this week. J. B. Agncw and T. B. Cobb, of Tio. ncsta, gave us a call on Wednesday. They viiuie near being too late for the Convutiuo being delayed scverl hours oo the Oil Creek pnd Jerome Powell of Elk, were appointed t V ln...l 1... - 4nnlt tf,n i.titiiiiii off the track. Gave us a Gall. John Scntt, Esq. of Brookville dropped in on Tuesday tuor niitjr, staying lonj; euough to say "How arc you" and ' Good bye." Mr. Scott is otic of the Editors of the Brookville ilepuVI van and Post Master at that place, lie re ports Jefferson county goiid (or a nice little Republican majority thin lull. TllK Drmot nit of IumI week s:iys : We notice hy the obituary column o! the Ali:ot! Ic the editor of that, died lias lately visited lliiilil.ui'i toniohip.' It so happened that the death causing he obituary notice in the Auvhcatb la.-t week, occurred before we reached High land. The miller hail better opcu h is eyo. belore he flops his winns. Our citizet 8 will tc tren'ed to n course of Dr. McDonald's rare and epic lectures upon Men and Women, Phy.dolo Jfcc, coiunieiicic with a f ree Lecture thi. (Saterday) evening, by Prof. Ripu-rel, his .associate. 1'licsu gentlemen are highly mentioned fby the people and press wherever they hob! ;!orth. They will hold forth four ni'L'lt in Messenger's Mall. No IIumijl'u. We dj not wish to in 'Jorai you, reader, that )r. Wonderful, or ;any sther muo, has discovered a remedy iithat ceres all diseases of mind and body or estate, .cud destined to make our sublunary . sphere lilissful paradise, to which heaven ;jtclt'isa side show, but we tlo wish to in jl'oriu yoctiat lr Safe's Catarrh Remedy flins cured 'L-hausands ot Catarrh iu its worst 'J'oruis aad-fitages, and the propretor will pay $300 4br a case of this lotlisome disease swhick kocxncvt cure. It may bo procured fby tiutl tor-sixty eetdis. by addressing R. V. Pieree. 1!. I. Buffalo, X. Y. For saje At most Drug ' tores everywhere. Bask TXi. A-ccoi-ding to on orrunse imetit thu jVleit Duse Hall Club, of this silace, left here -or: Saturday morning, un tthe eo;p-es;, tu .flsj -rhe Activo Club of tieuovjt. The "trip down wad pleasant and at aa early .hour they .arrived itt Peuova where fhey were uet iy a committee of (the Actives and escorted to the Jter.ova House. After breakfast tl-3 Active boys howei them through the priocip&l streets o( the town until the time Xr the gunic to oomniAuoe. At Imltjiriet cine both, clubs ofxpeured oa tlie cli, ready far plaj'. Mr. John Yoaaj!;- was ohosen i!M,pire, ami at fl:45 tUe Ailerte woirt to the -btt, havhg ioet the toss. The game was toteustlv auterenting throughout, the Alerts .'airly I'ssticg of the Eejtttlcan CosgrdBsIanal Ccn-feren:i-Eon. 0. VT. SooaoliEj-aominiitelly AeelunatloB. , The congressional Conferees met here on Tuesday, at 4 o'clock p. in. The seven counties iu the JMstrict were represented by iwenty-tbrei delegates. Gen. Thomas L. Kane, of JIcKean county, was called to the chair ; M. W. Caujjhey, Esq., of Erie, and A. ). Wood, Esq., of Warren were appointed Secretaries. On motion of Wni. Griffith, of North East,Erie county. Hon. Glcnni W. Scofield, of Warren Was unanimously re-nominatet for Congress and being notified of the result,, appeared in the Convcnlion thanking the conferees for the complimcntory manner in which they selected him as the Republi can nominee, and briefly referred to his relations to the party and the people of the District. At the conclusion of Judge Scofield's acknowledgment the Conveution dissolved. Th3 Ee!ejra93 to tho Assembly Conforsnss, far tha District eonwosei of tno Counties of Clsarfield, Forest 'ani Elk, Met In Eidgvav Aujust 2d, 1870. Whereupon, lion. J. Hemphill, of clear field was called to the chair, and 15. A. Weed, Esq., appointed Seo'y. Cleurfield County was represented by J. Hemphill, A. 0. Finney and Juo. S- Rodebaugh. Elk County, 15. A. Weed J II. Ilagerty ana Jerome Powell. Forest County, T. 13. Cobb, and J. li. Agnew. On motion W. E. Iiathey, Esp., of Forest County, was unaiii:uauously uotuiu ated. On motion A. C. Finney of Clearfield, cutfjelditig their opponents, while tho Aitives .exooilad at the but. It is noueces- ary to giv-e the detsils of -tffce game, euSeieat te sj, the -Alerts were a de l eatad parti; it the eni f tho oicih iaeiog by tficorti-of 41 to 15. lankgs 1. 2. S. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Alert, 0. . 3. 2. 2. 4. 1. 2. 0. ' Active, 0. S. 7. 2. . 2. 7. 5. 7. Home Runs Beardsley 1. Umpire J. B. ionng, Scorers Alert, F. Reher; Active, Tlios. M. Ciea. After the game both clubs proceeded to the Revere House, where a splendid din ner was awaiting their presence. It is almost needless to say that fall justice was done the viands that graced the table. In the afternoon the Actives showed their guests through the P. & E. railroad shoj s at that place, and continued in every possible mauoer to entertain them pleas antly At 9:45 the Alerts left for home, pleased aud delighted with their receptiou from party of jjeudeuven who would grace any ball field without wrangling or growl-, ing at the dicisious tff a just umpire, swue-. thing a certain club we know of never thiol of flaying a game without doing. I a committee to dtaft resolutions. The committee reported the following: Wlicrcus, We believe it to be the duty of the people, not only to watch and scrutinize the public uets of those whom they have elevated to positions of honor aud trust, but to publicly express their j jpproval or disapproval of their official acrs as iney may tuera to merit, mere lore, be it lif -'lceil, That while wn admire the quiet demeanor, the wise statesmanship, the patriotism and the sterling common -ense of General Grant our worthy Chief Magistrate, we rejoice that with the co operation of Congress, lho complicated worth of reconstruction has been going forward in the mot satisfactory manner. That the great question of liuauce is com prehended mid the country is gradually approaching a specie basis, and improving "ho jnspcrity ol trade commerce and all he great industrial interests of the country. That with great reduction in taxation the public uVbt i rapidly dituinishirg. RiKiJvuK Th:it iu the rc-iiominntion of fiidge ScoSfdd for Congress, who this fall will be elected for the fifth consecutive 'erm, the people of the district have only done an act of justice to a well tried public ' ervaut, while at the same time we arc the ureater gains in being honored by having one of the first men of the Dation to watch over oui interests at the National ijapitol. JicsnlvcJ, That in the nominee we now present for the suffrages of the Republicans of this district for member of Aesembly, V . E. Lathey, Esq., of Forest Cauuty, we have a geutluman every way capable and deserving; and should he be elected he will do credit to himself, and reflect honor on his district. Resolved, That in tho appointment of Hon. II. li. Swope, of Clearfield to the office of 1. S. District attorney, for the Westeren District of Peun'a. we have a gentleman iu every way capable an able Lawyer and one whose selection gives satisfaction to tho people of the Western District, and one who will reflect honor aud do credit to those he represents. Ou motion Cou' ention adjned. of the South. In the volume now befere us, lie narrates the story of the War, given especial emphasis to the action of tho gov ernment of lho Confederacy, or to what may be called itsconfidentiat history. His account of the important conference at Hampton Roads between Presidaut Lin coln and the Confederate Commissioners, is one of the most valuablo additions to the literature of tho War, and is in itself worth the price of the entire work. Tho vexed question of the non exchnnge ol Prisoners of War has much new light shed upon it, and the peace movements in the South are thoroughly explained. The fact that the first volume, which was but the introduc tion to tho history of War, commanded a sale of over G0,0U0 copies, fully warrants the assertion that this volume, which is not a mere discussion of principlcsbut a living, breathing narrative of the eveuts of the greatest struggle of modern times, by one of the most important actors in it, will reach a sale unprecedented in this country. No fair-minded, unprejudiced person con afford to bo without this book- It is the official history on tho Southern side, and must hold iu tho literature of the War even a higher place than is accorded to Mr. Greeley's American Conflict. It will occupy in our history the place that is given to Napoleon's Memoirs in the litera ture of the French Empire. It is like that work the last production of its gifted author, and is entitled to all the weight which attaches to the high character of a fireat leader presenting to tho world the story of his cause in vindication of it. The book is sold by "subscription only, and agents are wanted in every county. The Court House is finished andjurui&h al at cost of S2 4,715, nil part irmre inters rslcd arc ut'.ficJ, and we challenge the State to favoiably compare with the flgurcs. Forest Republican. Iu Chautauqua county, N. Y., wher everything is different from ony other por tion of America, a veteran of 80 has just married a girl of 16. The blushing bride would'ut be led to the nuptial couch until the old geotletuan hud made a transfer to her of tio acres of land. To show her grat ification for his liberality, in two weeks after, sluj presented him with a pair of twins. Warren Mull $tciu adwtisemtnls. SHERIFF'S SALES. GRiCK, BRSGK! THE SUBSCBIBERS ABE BEADY To furnish brick in quantities to suit purchasers. Will deliver on board of cars on tho Duugas choanda Railroad at Eerlcy. T. KINO & CO. Eearley July 12. 1870. 8m lilE MAGIC COMB Will change n. colored hnir nr hftnrfl In n black or brown. It containa no voieon. Any one can use it. One sent by mail for $1. Ad dross MAGIC COMB CO.. 1 1! 8m . Springfield, Mus, CAUTION. Whereas my wife Emma J. Brandt has left lay bed and board without just cause or provieation, all persons are here by cautioned not lo trust or harbor her on my account as 1 will pay no depts of her contract ing unless compelled by due course of law. MAlllIN J. ISKANDT. -4rroyo, July 7. 1870. 89 3t w j law Ln .o 1 1 The subscriber having ordered GOO tons bi tuminous and authricite coal is dow prepared to ..furnish the people of llidgway with hurd or soft coal, nut or stove sizes, lump run of mines aud Rlacksmithing coal, in quantities to suit purchasers. 40 l'' M. T. FRENCH. July 2:1. 1870. Well's Carbolic Tablets- After much study and scientific indeatigation as to the remedial qualities of Cakdomc Acid Dr. W ells has discovered by proper combina tion with other articles in thb form of a Tablet a specific for all pulmonary diseases. THESE TABLETS area SURE CUKE for all diseases of the BESriRATOKY ORGANS, SORE THROAT, COLD, CROUP, Dll'THERI ASTHMA, CATARRH, or HOARSENESS: Also a successful remedy for Kidney difficul ties I'kics 25 cksts I'eb Box. sent by Mail 22CIiflSt., New York, Sole Agent for the United State. 20 8w STORE. ORPHAN'S COUBT GALE. Hy virtue of an order of Ihc Orphan's Court nfhlK County, I lie undersigned will expose at 1 untie- aate, on t lie premises, on Saturday, Ecseteafccr 3d. 1870, at 1 o'clock 1'. M., one hundred mcvcs of land. more or less, situate in the Township of Spring rcci in Hie ( nuhty ot, known us tli James Crow Warrant, buimdod on tho cast south and west by lands of KhiiiesA Dilworth ami on the norih by lauds knuwii as the Wil son Warrant. TERMS: One-third cash iu hand, the bal anci; iu two equal annual piiyincnts Willi in tercst to o secured by ooud and uiortiiase cn tlie premises. JOHN CHAM 15 "RUN, l'ETERCHAMUEULl 42 t st. TN',1 IN, Guardoans " AUTltlN'. Whereas my wife. Mary, has j tills u-.y leit my Led aud board withou juuEt cause or prvicatioi, all persOLd are here by forbid trusting or harborirg her on my ac count. C.tSPER ROl'ER. Jones Township. Elk Co., Va., July 28. 18D0, "Tic ?r lietween the States, itt Causes, Character, Conduct and Results." liy II os. A. II. SxiriiENb. The National Publishing Company, of Philadelphia, have just issued the second and concluding volume of this great work. For some time past there has beeu a gen ral feeling of apprehension throughout the country that the precarious condition of Ma Stephens' health would prevent his com- (dcting the work, but tbis apprehension is oo w 1 amoved by the fact that the book is tiaisheJ and in the hands of tho Agents of the Coaif-HDy for delivery. This is a matter of congratulation to the cutire country. Ibis book must Iroaj its very nature, ial'e precedence of all South ern histories ot' the war. The high position held by Mr. Stephens in the government of the Confederacy, his great abilities as the first statesmau ol the South, aud his acknowledged integrity of character, make him perhaps the person best qualified to tell the story of his cuust and its failure. His position as second officer of the Con federacy euablcd him to gai.T much infor mation which was inaccessible to tbe ordi nary historian : the secret h sury of his got eminent is as familiar to him as an open book ; and Ins constant aud intimate asso ciation with the leaders of the South, pre pares hiui to speak with accuracy of their motives, and to judge their acts from a more intelligent stagdpoint than any other writer. Iu the first volume of bis work Mr. Ste phens confined KiuiB6lf entirely to a dicut- siuo of the causes which led to the keceuioa REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thai the following ao counts have been filed in my office and will be presented at the next Term of the Orphan's conn oi r.iK i;ounty tor confirmation: Par tial account of 1). IJ R. Dickinson and Carrie D. Willis, Adiiiiuistrators of thd Estate of Al bert il'is, deceased, und final account of Jerome Powell, Administrator of the Estate of J. C. Chapen, deceased. FRED. SCIKEOING, Register. 89 tc. EIGHT PEE CENT. GOLD TIFIST MORTGAGE EOND3 OF THE ISSUE OF 1, 500, 000, BY THE St. Joseph and Dsnver City RAILROAD COMPANY. In denominations, of $1,003 and 500, coupon ur registered, wiih interest at Eight per eent. per annum, payable loth February and Au gust, in GOLD free of United States taxes, in New York or Europe. The bonds have thirty years to run, payable in New York in GOLD. Trustees, farmers' Loan and Trust Company of New York. The mortgaze which secures these bonds is at the rate of $18,600 per mile; covers a complete road for every bond is a first aud ONLY mortgage. Tbis lino, connecting St. Jaseph with Fort Kerney, will make a short and through route to California. Tbe Company have a Capital Stock of And a grant of Land from Con gress, of l.bOU.000 Acres, val ued, at the lowest estimate, $10,033,033 ..o Biioscni-er ucjrs leave to inform the citi zens oi Ridgway and vicinity that he hue "jicucu a siore wnere may bo found PFRFU.MERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. THE ELK IQ. ADVOCATE THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULA TION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE COUNTY ! Si'oM o the 3fu.tfrc.6t0 of the rojle ot cm .counti). TERMS :$2 00 FEU YEAR. nl2 vltf J. R. EAIRD. NEW SUBSCRIBERS Who send in their names hlni-A tl. iw .iv. viMiiher, shall receiue the November and De cember numbers of this year in addition, mark nig loin-teen months in all And new subseri. hers sending in their names by the first of December shall receive the magnificent Decem ber lnliday uunibc". making il,i,.t., .1.- TERMS : !2d0aycarj two conies. S t fnn .i.. epoieshtc. (and one gratis) $8. One copy" of e Lady s h riend and one of the PnQt j st.V copy of the lorpe and beautiful Premium eel engraving-. Taking the Measure of the cedding Kins '-engraved in England at a sos . ot !200)will be sent to every person ending a club This ensravinz is a trem of vr. Address DEACON PETE nun v 013 Walnut street, Philadelphia, fcpocimon copies seut for ten cents. BRING ALONG YOUR ADTERTISE- MENTS AND GET THEM IN SERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW KATES. If you want to sell anything, let the pcoplo know it through tho Advocate the great advertising medium. 1 HE LADY'S FKIEND. TWO MONTHS GRATIS ! Ihe Lady s Friend announces the followinir -Novelets for 1870 : Did lie Forget. Her 1 by Louise Chandler Moulton ; The Cascannou s aunt, by Uizabeth Prescott, author of 'Be tween Two.' &c. : ' Solid Silvpr , n ri..i: Deane's liridal Gifts ' bv Ama ida At. Tln.,i... author of the ' Dcharry Fortune." with nu! mcrous shorter stories Ly a brilliant galaxy of lady writers. ' A finely executed steel engraving, a hand seaie double page, finely colored fashion plate, and alai'"o assortment of wood mit. tit.,u, ing the fushions, fancy work, etc., are given in "UUI UL'It ltwill give a popular piece of Mimin i n ov er j Dumber. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED AUTHORS. The January number will contain portraits (engraved on stod) of Mrs HenrO w.i Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moulton' Elizabeth Prescott. AmandiL M ni.,., argaret Hosmcr aud August Bell, Job Printing Oflice, In Court House, Ridgway, Pa. liidgwoy, March 1st, 1870. SPECIE PAYMENT ! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IR EXCHANGE TOO. linn on J OH WORK A T TEE R1V O WA Y WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock beforo buy. ing a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best seleotion of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY ; I employ none but First Class Jhectan- ies; I use nothing but the lest Refined Iron. I think it will bo to your interest lo tihe mo your order. Having twenty five lumber wagons iu course oi costruction, I will be able to furnish any party by the first of April. All oidcn by mail, also UDy orders left with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. March 5. tf S. JACKSON, QHARLES HOLES, FBACTICAIi WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER JEWELER, West end of Hyde House, Ridgway, Pa. Sells as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WAT0AES, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, XX VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, Spectacles, Pens and Pencils, Exclusive Agent for the sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Repairing Watches, etc.. done with the sama accuracy as heretofore. nov20,'6'Jtf GOLD! GOLD! GOLD - HARNESS ! HARNESS ! HARNESS ! COLLARS! COLLARS! COLLARS! JOS. il. HEARD has removed his Harness Shop over Powell & Rime's Store and has on hand tho largest assortment of harness for for lumbering and pleasure puposes, in this or adjoining counties, and all other articles belonging to the trade. TRUNKS, SADDLES, VALISES, WHIPS, BLANKETS, COL LARS &c. First Mortgage bonds, Total, 4,000,000 1,000,000 $15,500,000 Tital length of road, 271milos: dist. included iu this Mortgage, 111 miles: price, 97 and ao cured interest, IN CURRENCY. Can be ob. taiued from the undersigned. Also. Damnh. lets, maps add information reliting thereto. There bonds, being so well secured and yeild a large income, are desirable to uartiei seek. iug safe and lucrative investments. We re commend them with entire confidence. W. P. CONVERSE & CO., COMMERCIAL AGENTS, No. 64 Pine Sreet, New York. TANNER & CO., FISCAL AGENTS, No 49 Wall Street, New York. June 4 3ui. DEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGZINE. early subscriptions only Three Dnl1nr ..d en cents (which is to be sent with th scription), for the postage on the engravings (which will be mailed securely i r i' v u i This is certainly the Witp mnat ana splendid premium ever offered to single v.. uj, ,,1Jf puousner, anu anords an easy and economical way for any one to secure u .cKui wora or an, a Parlor Picture that sonly next to a piano in the w nf i.rn.,... tation, and a perpetual reminder of a day Which OUeht to to be cherixherl m.rl lioM tn - ua avM au uicuiumuce Dy every true American. The reception of this magnificent picture will take every one by surprise and we do not venture anything in saying that $10 will not procure another that combines so much of in terest and beauty. Specimens of the Magajine, with circulars giving luh particulars, will be sent to any fii en address, post free on receipt of 15 euls. Address nov20tf DEM0REST' MONTHLY. 833 Broadway, N. V. JOB WORK done with dispatch al this Office. JgOARDINQ HOUSE, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa. MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor. The undersigned has opened a large boardire house, at the above plaoe, where be is amply prepared to satisfy the wants of those who may avorhim with their custom. nov'6y20 T ACOB YOUvn m t.v h:j I 1.1 i. .. , V fw. inouvn Alia 1 tj llHiik Book Maoufacturers, M right's I'dk Corry, P Blank Bocks Ma le to Older. ' The best of work done, and at the very lowest prices. Blauks kept constantly on hand at this uffice. Hand-bills priuted at the thortcst notice. Cull iu and get our price for advertising and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted. Or dera by mail promptly attended to. Would invite the attention rr .1! r horses to my new PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE COLLAR, which proves to be the best Collar in exig ence lor these reasons : Beins verv Kine tic they do not chafe or trail and tlm pfrr being a uon-couductor, theyjprcvent injury from heat. Call and see them. All work warranted. Repariog, Triming andiXpholsterins one withe neatness and dispatch. n29 tt JOSEPH M. HEARD. LORILLARD'S EUREKA Smoling Tobacco is an excellent article of granulated Virginia. Wherever introduced it is universally ad mired. It is put up in handsome muslin bags, in which orders for Meerschaum Pipes arc dailv packed. ' LORILLAAD'S "VAniTT rr iti Smoking Tobacoo has no superior ; being deni cotmiied, U cannot injure neveless constitu tions, or people of sedentary habits. . It is produced from selpnti stock, ana prepared by a patented and original manner. 5 It is verv nromatix. mild n1 liahi a;,.i. i henoe it will last much longer than others ; ' uo nurn or Bting tuo tongue, or leave a disagreeable after-tast. Orders for genuine, elegantly carved Meerschaum Pities, silver mounted, ud nL-. ed in neat leather pocket cases, are pla e idn the Qaoht Club brand daily. LORILLARD'S CESIDRY Chewing Tobacco. This brand of Finn Cut C1i.;n. C.v... . has no superior anywhere. It is. Without douhL Ik boat 1 1., bacco in th country. IUKILLARD'S SNUFFS Have been in teneta! u iu tha Uniu-J Kim over 110 years, and still acknowledged "the best" wherever nsed. If your storekeepers dos not tiftv.l,. articles for sale, ask him to f et them. They are sold by respectable Tjobberg al most everywhere. Csrculars mailed en application. l.LOillL.LDfCo.,Atw York nARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, rii,-iio , ,1 s e u.v., uuirem K neai manner. ud at the Iowkst raioa. FOR PASH ut e Elk Advocate Printing Office. t TRY iiORE CO S OVAL STEEL ENGRA VINGS. Ill Nassau St., N. Y. Anybody can sell tfcmu. Cheap. Sell fast. Par hand - lomely. Head for new ciroular- 2i ADDRSss 2. KORDWKLL, 2'lDowAt, Pa. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE OR FAMILY USE timpl,. rktau. rtliohl,' Kkits LViav.TBiaiu. AGENT3 WANTU'i Circularand-sample Blocking FREE. Addre I HTNliU'Y KNITTING MACHINE Ct., Bath. Me.