lh amount? gidrorufc. . 5. J3 0R It WELL. Edrfsr. SATURDAY, AUOUST 6,' lPTrT. rOR CONfiKEtiS. SON. GLENNI W. SCOFIELD. FOR ASSEMBLY. WILLIAM E. LATHE7. rOR PRESIDENT JUDOE. IIixmt South, of tliis county wiU be n Candidate for President Judge of tlio Sixth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, subject to ths Hinges of the Republican parly in the lliiiriei. W are authoriitcd to iinnoiince llic tmtrc nf S. I. WooPHTf, s a candidate for rre-odcnl Jndge, subjeot to tUe usages of tho Republican REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. tor County Commisnioiirr, A. W. GRAY, of Joy township. For Jury Vommitsionrr, HORACE LITTLE, of Ridgway. Fur County ISuriiior, J. L. BROWN, of Jones township. For County Auditor, CHARLES M'VEAN, of St. M iry. OUE TICKET. We head our ticket for the full cam paign with the name of Hon. 0. W. Sco. - field for Coogress, who has represented the district for eight yenrs in tho Consres of .he United States where he has -loiiion-tratei,not only hia devotion to nil uur lucal interests, bnt a fit in titi;iiisititiii to all jobs aud peculations nod an earnest jmqio.-e to secure on honest and ceoinnnicnl admin istration of public uilairs. Such in J nde Scoficld who will be returned to tho post he has so long honored, by an everw helm majority, this full as the representative of the liUh Congressional District. ! or as sembly we have uominated Win. E. Lathey, Esq., of Forest, a gentleman of Cue abili ties an able Lawyer, and one in whom the interest ol the District would be sale and who would reflect hoi er and credit on his constituants and one who wcjwill elect if every voter does his di.ty in ( Iciouer as thi re are dissensions in tho opposition party and will I a wi.lrr this fall than it I III lF I V k. - was last when fir. Hall, the Democratic nominee, was iAc.U'A by a very Mini1 mnjoi y over Dr. C 11. Euiloy ami that iu a so called Democratic strong-bo d. So let rveiy vo'ei in the district do hit' duly in October and we will have Mr. Lathy to represent us in the State Councils by a nice majority. Our County ticket is represented by pentlitiien who ore old citizens of the county and wtose names have ulways been above reproach, and in whom thp county will find her interests honestly aud efli eietly attended to. Let cvey voter put his shoulder lo the wheel, and no', wait for his neighbor, aud wc will astonish the uuteritiod Democracy. THE WAR- We take the followiud war news from the Philadelphia Inquirer: London, Aug. 28 A. M. The war news this morning is meager aud unimport ant. The London journals appear to-day with out a word from the rival armies ou the Rhine, being far behind the American pa pers in that respect. Active recruiting for the marine service has been ordered at the English dockyards. The impression prevails here that the ar rival of the French fleet iu tho Haltie Sea lone prevented a Prussian advance through Vrnnft to Paris. Brussels, Aug. 2 Noon. A correspond ent Indcpendanct Iiclji:, writing from Melz, asserts that the first great battle will be fought on Taturday or Sunday next, or on Monday at the at the furthest. Ho under scores the sentence following, v'tt., J his is sure. London, Aug. 2. Adviec from Prussian sources mention the prevalence throughout Germany of an unwavering assurance of ul timate victory. Vienna, Aug. 2 Aupfrin is mobolizing 50,000 men to watch the Bohemian Iron tier. London, Aug. 2. Advices have been re ceived here, by telegraph from the Prussian headquarters on the Rhine, up to 3 o'clock yerterday afternoon, that there had been no general engagement up to that time. Scouting parties and skirmishers from both armies are continually making raids iuto the enemy's territory, but it is believed that ' this was aore to accustom the troops to the eight end fire of the enemy then for aoy other purpose. Berlin, Aug. 2. The Deutsche Bank of this eity offers to receive and disburse the donations made in America for the benefit of the wounded soldiers. Copenhagen, Aug. 2. There is entire harmony between Denmark and Sweden in the matter of the Frauee-Vrussian war : Paris, Aug. 2. Tho Fiyaro of to-day an nounce that the Government has lefu&ed a ofer of the Ameiiceu General P. il. Sheridan to serve iu the Freuch urmv. , I The scene on the depaiiure of the King for tho seut of wat ou Sunday evening was eitraordioary. The King rode from his palnno to the railway station in an open enr- j riago with tho Queen. He woro a short military clonk, and his helmet was placed on the neat by his side. The carriage was surrounded, followed and frequently stopped by an immense multitude, wild with emo tions shouting farewells aud benedictions. The houses were hung with flags aud fes tooned with lowers, aud at the railway stn tiou arches 'vcre erected and patriotic in scriptions displayed. Tho Queen weeping, parted froia the King with repeated cmbra- oes. Whim his Majesty Jrom the platform oi tho car finally saluted tho crowd, tho scciio was indescribable. Tho poople were frenzied with enthusiasm, and tho tho entire Court, Indies aud all, mingled with the crowd, pnrticipaiting in us emotion, sur rounded the old soldier, and bid hha good bye with every demonstration of loyalty and devotion. Hismark and Generals Moltke and Vou Room were present, aud were re peatedly cheered. Russia demands of Austria explanation as to why she is arming. Tho South Germau army is armed with old muskets;. The war exienscs of Prussia are 54,000, 000 francs per day. The Prince Imperial is in military train ing. Thirty ttoittand soldiers are billeted on the city of Hamburg. The Empress of tho French has visited the army. The only correspondent allowed with the Prussian anny is Dr. Russell. A son of Abdel Kadcr has volunteered in tho French army. London, Aug. 2. Evidence is hourly accumulating oi'the superiority of the needle gun over tho chasscpot and this fact creates deep concern iu Frauco. news nr ERisr. Warren had a tub race last week. The vote of Forest county will be double that of last year. Dismark and lager beer arc pupular in the West. The tobacco crop of Kcntuekey is esti mated at 4",000 bogheads. Ilarrisburi: has a colored canditato for Mayor. His name is Junes. Some of the beer saloons iu Philadelphia are flying the Prussian flag. Among the prisoners in jail at Yoik, Pa., b a man who has boon confined for over nine years for refusing to answer a tiucstion in court. Kansas city, Missouri, which claimed a population of thirty thousand, two years ago, now bnds that she has less than eigh teen thousand. The 'American workmen,' at North Adams who have beeu 'driven from their labor by the coolie important,' it now ap pears, were nearly all French Canadians. A hen, in Proviuce towu, celebrated the Fourth of July by picking at a torpedo un till it exploded and blew her head off. The eating of horse flesh appears to be uinnrllW ou tho increase in Franco. Horse beef still brings less than half the prise of ox beef. Last SutL'Tday tho saw mill of Lawsho & Co., at O.HOcoJa, eighteen miles from Tyrone, Pa., was burned with '.),000,000, ioet of lumber. Thn oinnnil ol the upper Hudson is irradually filling up. Roats drawing fivo or more f.ir of wa.jfct are sure to ct a-'i ouud at low tide Since Napoleon nd King Willinm have resolved to spend il c summer in tho Rhino country, American I luiists have given up the idea. At Cnlinrs. X. Y.. u lady dressing for her wedding, cxplod.ul a kerosene lamp aud her funeral instcal of her bri la! was celebrated. According to the Lon.Ion Times, France has, without justification, pluugou Europe in n war whinh no ncrsoir living can see the end. f Among the street occupations of New Orleaus, according to th Republican, is thivt of neddlinr voun-r alleators. Almost i 1 any price is accepted. In Indiana a maiden and a jnatron are to have a foot race to determine -whether the single or the married Women oi' the State are the fleetest. It is stated that orders have ben leceiv ed at the Brooklyn navy-yard to fit out im- mirlintlv all availablo vessels tlu'ro for reinforcements of the Cuban squadron. At Pittsburg reoeotly a child fell over a precipice a distanoo of three huddred fe3t but his fall being broken by shelviug nwiks, ho was not killed, lie sustuinod serious injuries, however The Sixth Cavalry had a fight with Ca uiauche Indiaus on the Texas frontier, aud were forced to retiic, ruith a loss of two killed and eleven wouuded. The Indians were armed with Speucer rifles. The Cesort Icika. f From the 41t California. A large fraction of the Piute tribe of Indians live on the great American Desert, a region about 1,000 miles long from north to south, and about 300 miles wide from cast to weal. There are on this dencrt stretches of 100 miles without crass rr water. It is a region of sand and rocky mountains, with but little vegetation, and this of a peculiarly stunted character. This is the homo of the "Desert Indian," and some facts exhibiting his nature, habits and peculiarities, m.iy bo interesting to Jour readers. Iho "Desert Indian" is as much a re flection of the country ho inhabits as the 'lizard or tho horned frog. He is hollow cheeked, thin, lithe aud active. His ne cessities have rendered him superior in enduranco, quickness, sagacity and intel ligence to all neighboring tribes. Two months ago a "Desert Indian," currying express, traveled one hundred and twenty miles iu twenty-two consecutive hours. Their upper extremities aro very slender they carry scarcely any flesh but that employed in loctmiotiou. Their life has impressed upon them a pood physiology; their capacity to eat and starve is truly astounding. Six months ago seven In dians, including a child six years old, ate a horse that had perished from drinking alka line water, which weighed no less than one thousand pounds, from three o'clock in the afternoon to ten o'clock on the morning of the succeeding day intestines, heart liver, lungs, and all; even the bones were crushed und the marrow taken from them. In short, nt ten o'clock next day nothing remained of the horse but the hoofs. So in less than twenty-four hours, per capita, more than ono hundred pouuds of meat were consumed. Another instance: About a year ago a gentleman driving a number of horses aceross the desert loot thirty of them, at intervals, aloug tho road. A party of Desert Iudians" started in upon the road, so fatal to the horses, and devoured cveay one of them as they weut, coming out ou the other side of tho desert as fat as seals. They travel in the scorching heat of the desert from seventy to eighty miles a day without difficulty. It would seem that tho Piute tribe of Indiaus are iu process of spontaneous and natural extermination, independent of any destructive effects from contact with civili zation. AccoitniNO loan eastern journal, Mr. D. I. Keim, one of the the threo consular agents recently appointed by tho govern ment, early displayed an aptitude for the duties of his present position. During the war he managed to obtaiu from Rcneral Geo. II. Thomas the rebel signal coda. Keim rewarded the trust reposed in him by pub lishing it in tho New York Herald, which had the cfiect of procuring his arrest, ami it seems not to havo been tho General's fault that he was not shot for his journalis tic enterprise. The man who could wonii such a secret from so discreet a commander as General I nonius is fully competent to UDdcrtuko the duties of consular spy, and his eccentric habit of publishing the result of his observations will only rondcr his ser vices nioro valuable. Skrious Accidknt. On Saturday night between 10 and 11 o'clock, a mail was dis- oovcrcrcd lying near the track ou the south sido of the depot, with his left hand ou the -.i ti. ... ......:.. ... .......,....i.:.... fail. J lie pnilll Llilltu jnvn UJ'MU1IU1..IJ,, nnd it hcing impossible to stop it iu time, the fireman ran down on the foot-boxi'd and attempted to kick the umu's hand clear of the track, hut he held all the tighter, and tho wheel cut thee lingers close off to the joint. Drs. Faulkcr and Hlukcly amputated tho stumps and made li i its as comfortable as they could. He Y us yesterday taken to the Amcricuu Hotel nud subsequently token charge of by L. W. Olds, Poor Director aud removed. Tho man was asleep when the accident occurred aud was probably Intoxicated, lie had in his pocket a couple of gold pieces and au emigrant ticket to Sacriuicntj, California. Eric Dispatch. Ku Lux Juocikd. Doughty Gov. IIol den has got oi.e hundred Ku Kluxers ("prominent citizeus'') in durance vilo. , A Ku Klux Judge hits been shying habeas corpus writs at tho Governor, but llolduo don't scare worth a cent, and he is going to try the red-handed scoundrels by mil itary commission. They thought they hnd it all their own way down thcro. They read liric-k Pomcroy's incendiary sheet, hung "niggars," burned "carpet-bagger" out of house aod home and ravished their wives and daughters for a good while with eutiro safety. Gov. Huldeu threw gross at them for some time Now ho is trying stones, aud wo hope tho Ku Klux rebels like it. Ex. The Titusville Herald is responsible for the statement that John Stee , of spend thrift notoriety, has lately received u dis patch from New York that there are 8iV 000 which he deposited several years ago, au4 had piobubly lorgolteu all about it. XE V A TF.R TISr.M EX TS TnK SECOND VOLUME OF MSTEPH OreM History of ilio Ynr Is now ready. Agents wanted. 8end for cireuUrs. with terms and n full description of the work. Address Ka tiona' Publishing Co. 1'hiU. l'a. ."..) 4w will send the re nt by w hich I wns red ot't'iitnri'h and Pcnfness free. Ad- llobokcn N. J. A few iiioro li;.Vr.V aro WANTED for on of tho I'licnpesi ami Jlcl Hooks in the world iicv. tr. mvc: leis Natural ZHistory Giving a clear discription of nearly every known species of l'easts, Birds, KUhcs, In. seels Ttentile ko. &c., enlivened by JOlid spir. itcd illustrations mid replete with exciting and amusing anecdotes of t heir manifuld peculur ities. Tho cream of the famous London four volume edition, with valuable additions, from tin works of other disliiiguiscud naturalists, Nultnll, Agassix, Wood. Wilson Audition, and many others. No trouble to Agents about sect or party. I-'verybody is delighted with it, old and young, in town or country. Nothing like it in the field. Agents report profits from ?"i to S'-'O per day, and sell in connection tnc loqtfOiid beit edition of bibles extant; .Send for illustrated circular and our most lib eral terms for the Hook mid llible. A. H. HUllltAUU-, Publisher, 400 Chestnut st.. Phila. 4w S34 PER DAY.' AGENTS WANTED EVEIlywhore for HENRY WAHD BEECHEIT. CHEAT rilAVKR, "THE CHRISTIAN UNION,' is given away that suporb and world renowned work of art, MARSHALL'S HOUSEHOLD E.NCAVINO OF WASHINGTON. me nest, paper ami grandest engraving iu America. Agents report 'making $17 in halt' day. falc3 easier than books, and profits greater. Wide awako Agents, Teachers, Clergymen and others, male or female should send ut once for copy of paper and full panic tilursnfttiis entirely new und unprecedented combination, iu which there is more money I mill nnyotlier now ottered. A. II. 1ILHHAKD, t'ublislier, -HKI L'Ueslnut St., I'll. In. d't 4w VTTANTED AG K NTS To sell the OCTA V (.ON Si:VlN(i .MACHINE. Il is licnsed. makes t lie 'Llastie Lock Stitch ami is war rained for . years. Price $15. All either machines with nil under-Iced sold for Slo less arc inlViiigeniriiis. Address OCTAGON SUWINU MACHINE CO.. St. Louis, Mo., Cliicngo. ill., rutshurgh, Ph., or lioslou Mass. SlOi DAY liiisiness entirely now and Honorable. Liberal inducements. licsci iptive circulars free. RAND & CO., Ulddeford, Me. Address J. C, li'.l ;!in. 7 ANTED AUEXTS To sell the f .SHUTTLE SEW I EG M.tCAlNE. HOME Price S'J."). It makes the -Lock stitch,' alike on both sides j aiu Is llie only licensed uiider-feeil shuttle Machine sold for less than $0O. Li censed by Wheeler ,1 Wilson, Grover & Baker ami Kinder and Co. All other nnlcr-fced shuttle Machines sold for less than SijO are in fiiugunients, mid the seller and user liable lo prosecution. Aililress JOH.N.NON, CLARK & CO., Huston, Mass.. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1'hictigo, 111., or st. Louis, .Mo. yl.t:ini ACENTS WANTED FOU "WONDERS OF TUE WOULD," Ovr.n onk Tiior.xi lllustralions. The lar gest liesl selling, and iiitit iiitriictiv subscrip tion book ever published. Sl'nd lor Circulars, with lei-ins lit once. .Address, I'. S. Publishing CO. 411 Kroomasi. N. Y. Sil 4w WHY DON'T YOU TRY WELL'S CAUHOLIC TABLETS. TIIKY AUK A N C it K CURK FOR SORE THROAT, cold, cniuji, Dipthcira, Cutnrrh or Horsncss; also a Suceessfiil Remedy for Kidney Difficul ties. Price ''') cents per H x. Sent by mail on receipt of pried, by J. Q. KELLOt.G, 31 Piatt St. New York, Solo Asenls for N. Y. :S'.I 8w SOLD BY DIU GCilSTS. V GENTS W.INTED c?10 PER DAY) by the AMER1CN KNITTING MACINECO., Itostou Mass., or Si J-ouis, -Mo. o'.i ;iin T HE SAT U I! D A Y ii V EN I NG POST. THREE MONTHS GRATIS ! This cheapest nnd best of the Literary Week lies is oliering uueiiuallcd inducements to new subscribers. Iu I lie first paper of October, il commenced a brilliant Novelet, called " n l ainnv tailing," by Elizabeth Present t. It also is now running u serial, culled " George Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Henry Wood, ihu famous author of " tast Lyuuo, &c. NEW NOVELETS will continually succeed each other, Among those already on band or in progr4S, are " Under a Kan," by Amanda M. Douglas ; " Leonie's Secret," by Frank Lee liencdiyl ; a Kovdet. by .Miss llosiuer, e. The posi also gives the genu of the English magazines. NEW SL'KSCKIBERS For 1870 will liaue their subscriptions dated back to Iho pnprr of October -d, uutil the large extra edition of that date is exhausted. This will bo thirleeen papers in addition to Ihe reculur weekly numbers lor ISiO or nlleen months in all ! When our extra edition ij ex liuusiod, the names of ull new subscribers for ltiTO will be entered uu our list the very week they ore received. TERMS ! CO a year. Two copies, $ 4. Four copies f'i. Five copies (and one gratis) S8. One copy of the Poet aud one of the Lady's Friend A copy of the large and beautiful Premium Steel Fugraving, ' Taking the Measure of the Wedding ltinz " rugravei in r.uglnnd at cost of SiliOCO will be sen! to every full ($li f0) subscriber, uud lo every person sending a club This is truly a heiiutuul engraving : Aud reus II.PETEESON'&CO., 810 Walnut Street, Philadelphia .Specimen copies sent free for five cents. FOR SALS. Oi Forty-horse power Engine, complete in ci try pmucubir. for sale very cuesp. VILfOX TANNING CO.. u It Wilcox Pa W40Wr en, U ...IB, .... C 1'fKiV.M THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERT Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. 2 E 6 UORS ISAM 500,000 PERSONS 5. 5' 6" g ZZ'p l"' testimony to th wonder- -5W,( S WHAT ARE THEY ? 5 e " Ci :." THEY ARE NOT A VII.B B c r A IM V I L r I IM l- Mado of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits, and Rcluse Ll.iuors, docloreO, spiced, and sweetened to plenso the taste: called "Tonics," Appclizors, Restorers," Ho., taut lead the tippler on to drunkenrss and ruin, fmt. nro a true medicine, made from llvt wative Uoots aud Herbs of California, fret-front nil Alcohol- io Stimulants. They are tho Oreal lllood Purl, tier and Life Giving Principle, a perfect Keen ov itor and lnvijtorntor of the System, carry ing off all poisonous matter, anil restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Hitters according to directions, nnd remain long unwell. $133 will bo im'en for an tacurnblc case, pro- vided the bones are not destroy tt' by mineri.l poisons or other in en in, and- th Tinil erjvns wasieil beyoml the point ot repair. ror Innaititnatory nnd Chrome Rheumatism, nnd Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, li?iws, Ilcinitlcut, and Intermittcnti vtvers, Disesses of the I'.lood, Liver, Kidneys, nnd lSladdcr, these liitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitin4wl lllood, which is generally produced by derangement of the uigestiTe Organs. Cleanse tho Vitiated lllood wbenerer you find its impurities bursting tdtrough iW skin in Pimples. Eruptions or Sores: cltsmse it when it is foul, imd your feeliugs wiU tell yon when. Keep the blood pure und the liHh of the system will follow. Pin, Tape, nnd other Worms, lurking in the system of so nmuy thousands, are chcctually destroyed and it-moved. Iu Bilious, ISomiilcnt, nnd Intermittent Fe vers, these Kilter liavc no ctuil- l'or lull directions read carefully tho cir'.-uhii! nj ound each bottle, printed in fiHie languages Eng lish, (icrmnii, 1 ic-ncii and Spanish. .1. WALKER, Proprietor, 3? ('omuv.rce St., N. Y. R. It. McDON A Lt& CO., Druggists, and general Agente. San Friiii'sNot and Sac-.-jiuiento, California, ami & i!4 Com ineree St., N. Y. , afcy sold i;y all drlcoists deal ers. Urn A' A' II' AD I hli TlSKMMM TS. AGENTS WANTED rOR "Lost Abroad." Send for specimen paces, circulars, terms, etc. Addi-resa S. M. l'.ETTS & CO.,ll.utfort Conn. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE FOR HEY. ALBERT MMES, NEW BOOK. SALES IMMENSE Business for Everyboby. Pays .10 lo $300 per month. siisn for Circular loZEIG'. ER, MoCURDY tCO. Hi a. south Sixth St., Philadelimitt, Pa. SO 4w. TATHi'W HALE SMITH'S NEW BOOK. JlYL Twenty Y'ears Among the Hulls and Bears OF WALL STREET. MO Pages Fiuoly Illustrated. Price $2,60. It shows the mysteries of stock and sold gambling, aud the miseries of unfortunate speoulutiou, uud uxposes the swindlus. tricks and frauds of operators. It tells how millions are made und lost in a day, how shrewd men are ruined, how '-corne-s" are made iu grain and produce, how womeu speculate un the sireel, etc. Agents wanted. Wo pay freight .Vest. .Send fo terms. J. fl. Kl'Kf CO., HARTFOUD, CONN. u'.l JW T 1I1S IS NO HUMBUG '. Dy sending S,i CENTS, won ago iieipur, ooior 01 eves ami nan-, iou win receive, ny reiuru limn, picture ol vour liiture Uusl.and or wile with uamo und dale of marriage. Address W. EOX, P. O. Drawer No. 2-1, Fultonville, N. Y. GREAT REDUCTION IN PH'I'K Ol' TEAS AND CO FEES TO CONFORM TO PRICE OF GOLD. Increased Facilities to Club Organizers, Send for New Yoik Price iisl. The Great American Tea Co. (P. O.Dox 5048.) HI Sl S8 Vesey St., New lorlt. 8'J4W BOOK AGENTS wanted for the AUTOBIOGRAPHY j. PEBSONAL ESCOLLEO- The whole enlivened with affecting incidents full of interest aud pathos. Fifty thousand sold the last live mouths. People will buv tins, notwithstanding the. "hard limes." It is a pleasure to sell it for it is doing much goou- me worn is spleiiaedly bound ana il- inslrateu. Address H. C. Johnson, No. 0112 Arch streot, Philadel phia, Pa. ,yj4w LIFE IN UTAH ou Tiia MYSTERIES OF HOBMONISM Dy J. II Hl'ADLE, Editor of the Salt Lake lleporter. Being an expose of Their Secret Rites, Ceremonies and Crimes. With a full and authentic hist or v f Pnlfr.m. and the Mormon Sect, from the original to Agents are meeting with unprecedented sue cess. One reports 71 subscribers in two rys one 29 the first day. ' oena tor circulars. AiMrl nitiowit. PUDI.ISLINQ CO., Philadelphia. Pa. 80 ' I ' "?-A-UA WTVAL LIFE .Sets fi. j o III sN&Alr? m mm Y$ :Vt$f 3-1 t x'TAtfh' 21. 14 - O 2 ' Aal3 fl""V!f??".?r K0IiB ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE IT - w f - P mvuv. . Pittsburgh and vicinity : also, a Oennr.a 1 for the German eauoties of Pennsylvania. Ad- thS.SiM?,: - 1,2 ,0,,,b street, ! TO THE NERVOUS and DEBILITATE WHOSE KI'EU1NU UAt. lll.r.3 I'lltJ TR ACTED FROM HIDDEN' CAUSES', AND WIIWE CASES REQUIRE VHOMV T TICf.V TJUE.VT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. If you are sifft!rin or hnve suffered, from luvolnutr.ry disciiares, what effect dors it 1 Mtluee pon your general health ? Do yon fcrl weak, debilitated, ea. sily tired ? lHai little eatra exertion produce palpation of tho heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, lrc(mtly get out nf order ? I your urino sometimes thick, milky or flocky. or is it ropy ou settling ? Or does n thick skuni rise to. the top 1! Or is n sediment at tho bottom tii'tcr it ks stood awhile I Do you have spells ofsliort breathing or dysjx.'psia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you havo spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the heatf? Is ynar memory impaired 7 Is your mind coumnutly dwelling on the sub ject I Divywi feel dull, listless, moping, tired of eotupsroy, of lite 1 Do ym wish lo he left aluiie, toct away from everybody? Does any little thing u-.ake yon Marl or jump t Is yowr sleep broken or restless? U the lswtrff f your cvo as brilliant? The . 1 . ...... . . moor ei yor trntnin us bright : yon enjoy yourself in society as well I Do you pursu your business with the same ener gy ? Do yon feel as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flag ging, given to fills of im lenrhnly ? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dispepsia. Havo you restless nights ? Your hitt-W weak, nnd have but little appetite, mi you attribute this to dyspqwiu or liue.r-eoiiiplaint ? Now,, rentier, f-elf-nhiiwe, rrnrral disease badly cured, anil sexual eNces.-i.-s, nro all ca pable of produeins; a weakness of tho uene rative organs. The organs of the genera tion, when in perfect hea'ili. make llie man. Did, you ever think that thoi-e bold, d. ti ant, eneigctie, pers.veriut busini-ss-ineii are always tlo-e whose gcneralive orgatm aro in perfect healih ? You never hear such men complain of being tneleiicholy, ol nervousness, ol pulpatntirii ot the hetn r. 1 hey lire never nlninl they cannot succeed in business-, they don't beeniiii! sad and dis couraged ; they itre always polite nnd pleas ant in company of Indies, und look you ami hem right in the face none of your down cast iiuks or iiy other meanness ulumt, them 1 do not. int un ihose who keep tho orgrns infhited by running to excess. These will not ouly ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or Jor. Ho mnnoy men, fewabmlly cured diseases, from tht etfctls of self-abuso und xvesses, have In ought about ihnA stiive of weakness iu these organs that has reduced the general sys tern so inueh as to indiMio almost every uth.-i-discsse idiocy, paralysis, upiuul atfectimis, suicide, and almost enr; txfhvr fwrai of .lis. ease which humanity Ubeir Iu iuul the reul cause of the trouble seiurstly ever ospecicd, and bavu doctored for all sit tho rijjht one. DISEASE OF THESE O-UGANS BEQL'IRK THE USE OF A DIURETIC. HELMBQiD'S FLl ll) EXTRACT EUCIIU IS Til K I'iltKT 1'11'UKTI, ANI IS A f KUTAIN CURE FOU DISKASE OF TUB I! LADDER, KIDNEYS, (1 RAVEL, DKOI'SV, OIKIANIC WEAK NIS, FEMALE COMLAINTS, GE.E1?.L DE1MLITY. Audall other disoiues of the I'riuiiiy Oorgans, whether existing iu Mai.k or Fkmalb, froi.i whatever cuuse origiuutiiig, and no. mailer how long standing;. If no treatment Is submitted to. eonsumi. - Hon or insanity may ensue. Our flesh 11:1 t blood am supported from these sources, and the lienlih and happiness, and that of poster ity, depends upon prompt use of a reliall.i remedy. HEM1SOLD c EXTRACT BUCHU, eslablishev upward of 19 years, prepared by II. T. IIELMUOLD, DRUG CIST, 594 JJroadwav, New Xmk and 104 South 10th Street, Pbikdeljilii Pa. PRICE $1,25 per loUle, or 8 bottles fur 4, $0,60, Slivered te a,,, addris" Bold r D.coout. .v.t..... 1 stsil rxotAVitn wBAnria. with fAiinu.. t CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, aau stuNiu, 1