- J. M. B ORD WELL, Ediltr. SATURDAY, JULY 2!1, 1870. ANNOUNCEM ENTS. l'OU CONUBKS8. Hon. Omsni W. 8cor.su will be candi date for Congress, subject to the usages of the Ftpublieun party. FOR PRESIDENT JUDGE. H.I.BT SouTiiitB, of this county will lie 11 ntlilte for President Judge of the bixtli Judicial District of Pennsylvania, subject to r iI.a Ttnmililicun party 1U tho 1 UVJ WCMgVO V . - J, District. We are authorized to hnnonnce tlie name of ft. K. Wooniurr, as acandidale for President Judge, subject to the usages of the Republican rrt7- REPUBLICAN COYNTY TICKET. tor County Commissioner, A. W. GRAY, of Jay township. Modern wars are of comparatively short j Wrned political writers evervwhr h... duration. We shall probably never require oomrjeoded it to the public attention. a historian to record the story of another In view of this subject, and because the 'thirty years' war." The genius of tuodera republican minorities nave ennered long ,. l .. i uu uiuuu lor wbiu ui proper ana equal warfare was typinca by tout campaign be- , .. F . ., , Jl J . .. . . representation, the niombers of the Re- tween Austria and 1'russia, which burst publioan State Central Committee held upon Kurope so suddenly, terrifically and meeting in the city ol Philadelphia on the fatally as a thunder storm; and before tho 1(Jtl1 ms'-i when it was resolved that a pcclntorshad time to recover their astonish- state V0"?1',0? 01 legates lrom minority mcnt, its wreck and rum were wrought, its Wednesday, the 31st day of August, text, fury was spent, and the sky was clear. A with the view of concerting measures to very (cw decisive measurements of strength secure representation lor minorities in all will probably he enough to determine the matters wherein they are interested and cunsiuor omer matters interesting to question of superiority between France and minority oounties. For Jury Commissioner, HORACE LITTLE, of Ridgway. For County Survryor, J. L. BROWN, of Jones township. For County Auditor, . CHARLES M'VEAN, of St. M-.rys. tion of improved arms Bome designed for greater precision, and other tor greater ipiJity of fire. We have again new exp losive materials to be developed; new and deadly luiss-ilcs, and above all new systems of field artillery. The. Republican Convention of this Judicial District met at Irvintnn on the 21st. Erie countj claimed ten delegates, but was ruled out as entitled to but five and lelt the convention. Warren and Elk organized with five delegates each by choice ol Hon. T. Strutuers, oi Warren, 1'iesideut and r. E. J. Rur-s, of Klk Secretary. Several ballots were made resulting in five for Wet more, of Warren, and five lor Souther, of E!k. Fiiday, the 22d, tho convention reorganized with ten delegates fiora Erie, ; eiyht ironi Warren and six from Elk, a two-thirds voto to nominate, but adjourned until to-day without ballot ing ; the prospect is. no nomination will be made to-day, but a further adjournment will be made to next week. Rut we shall not now anticipate too much, its issue to.day, predicts, as the result ol the or even too much presume, on tho present war, that 'the Conapartes will be found to tidings. So strange are the shillings of have exhausted Heaven's patience.' pontics mat we must ever ne prepared to The Dai, expresses sorrow at th. :na even war ciouos wmiy mowing away, reca of Mr Mot nd Mr F r s r tliA rttt.na h.inrl ImttlA ininail in a I O lay.- -E.i'chunie. MINORITY CONVENTION. huysen will find the English government ready to settle all disputes with America at auv time. Sir George M. Gifford, Lord Justice of A convention ot delegates from the the Court of Anneals, and Dr. .Tame (Inn. 1 r l- - C . . L T 1 I 1 r Hemi cou, u. .... ouue , ny,- ,and m;neDt d fi vumn c ttifth rtprvnna nnlv na 010 f'lvnruh a l ' ' to the movement to secure minority repres- llerorts from tlie in,eri,r confirm previ- entation, will be held at the city of o us accounts ot the good effect of the rain Reading, on Wednesday, the 31st day of on the crops. August, next, at il o clock, a.- M. London. Julv 18. The Mornfnn Post i'U- : :ti . i. r a - 1UU L'UUVVUVIUU Will U. IWU I , J11JJ . 1 J . f Artk taniAOAif a t , iv ;n A uhb h uuuuiu-iuuucu arucie 10-aay coniain ULIl .L'QLL li llll CDlill 1 C 111 t?Cll ID LI I H IU L1IU 1 1 WAS IN ETJECPE. The Corjn Lcyhhitlf, oi France, on I'rtday, declared war against Prutsia. The tvvord is now drawn, and in a short time tlie unuics of the two uutions will Jce each jther on the field of sanguinary strife. The jnaiti point to bo detei mined now is on which side lays the right iu the contest as it is now presenicd. When Prince Leo- pold was uunouueed us a candidate for the throne of Spain, under the auspices of Ooiical Prim, Franco objected. That objection was not auuinst the man, but family he represents. Leopold belongs to tho Royul family of Pruas-iu. He is Hobeuzollcrii. and us tho King of Prussia is tho head of that family, of course, Prussia would have a controlling influence iu the ufiaira ot .l ain. This influence was obnoxious to Napoleon, aud he called upon Prussia to remove Piiiiee Leopold from the fljld as a candidate. Prussia replied that kIic had uothing to do with the matter Slic had not put Prince Leopold iu the lield, and could uot, thcrefcre, .bo held responsible for the euibroglio. Whereupon Nanoleon took execution, and the mutter -nded bv the entire withdrawal of the i Prussian Prince fioui the contest iu re ?'.ird to the throne of Spain. As this was tho request of Prance, it was supposed the i-cttlcment would Le satisfactory to Napo leon. This was based upon the idea that liis real purpose- was to prevent a German Prince lrom ruling Spain, uot to provoke a war with Pruss-a for territorial extension iu the direction of the Rhine. Rut Napoleon did not pauso when Prince Leopold was taken out of tho field, lie made other demands of Prussia and urged ihe giviug of certain guarantees us to the course of that power in the future. These were declined by King William as insulting to the honor of his kingdom, and out of his action grew tho magnitude of the trouble, Now iu this aspect of the case, calm, cool observers will fail to perceive how Napo leon cun justify his present attitude toward Prussia by reference to Spanish affairs. Prince Leopold was removed because his election would be distasteful to France, aud yet Napoleon pushed on the mutter on Rciliu. He would cot pause. This show that the opposition to Prince Leopold was a mere pretext, on which to base u wa tcrritoiiul and dyuastic purposes. France Las traditions which Napoleou is unxious to to solidify into facts during his reign. II wishes to obliterato all traces of tho tieaties of 1815, to oppease tho name of his great uncle, to reach the Rhine, to bumble h rival, Bismark. These are purposes dear to a Napoleon, and he has used the Spanish trouble as a mask, behind which to get as near his real purpose as possible. Ibis the true light in which to view the French Prussian difficulty as it now ttands. N poleon opened a quarrel on a pretext, but the mask is bow removed, end the worm can nud will tee that it is territory and twiwpr whiiib. he lb crccared to clutcn at a lazaiua. All Eurcpe most be disturbed, and thousands oi people Uiu to bisiy me fcuibition of a single t ula. uwer House of the State Legislature, provided that each county shall be repres sed by at least one delegate. Ry Order ot the Committee. J. W. Wood, Sec'y. E. J. More, Ch'm. Allentown, Pa., July 17, 1870. To the liijmbficans of Pennsylvania : In calling the attention of tbo Republi- ans ot Pennsylvania to the convention to meet at the city ot Readiug on the 31st of gjnu gJtfMrtt5emwtts. It -t .1 1 14 1 1-russ.n, un.ess mty sr.ou.a cnance w do I .It is firmly believed that if the people of more cvcniy maicnca man we nave any l'ennsylvauia were more generally and reason to sunnoso them to be. equally represented in our State Lcgisla. I . 1 A . I 1 1 fl ' I . 1 A two fold interest will be excited by 'ure' l.ne eg.s.ai.on wouia J I he vastlv mnrnvprl whiln tnn dnnirnr fit the war: nrst, in the new strategio move- corruption would be Tery materially mcnts on famous campaigning grounds, and lessened it not altogether avoided secondly, in the exhibition of new weapons Tne n'tim-ity districts in Pennsylvania rm i i . I dio iiiunn vui neon ' unuiuiiu iu ocuu auto war. Ihe introduction of railroad trans- , iufluentia, r;T.rG8eotatives to th con- portation and of field parapets, or earth- vention which will meet at the city of works, for temporary fortification and Reading, while all tho other counties in the . 1 .. . . ..... I M . Jt anil dclenct!. liave revolutionized old ici uraicu iw rou uclcu , ... r . to assist in the objects of the convention in : ... ' . . accordance with the resolution passed at mo maugo uuuu wiouyi.1 uy mo lummuu- Uie meeting of the Committee, E. J. MORE, Chairman. Allentown, July 17, 1870. MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN NEWS. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY VIRTUS of a writ ol Venditioni Ex ponn issued out ot the Court oflBonimon Pleas of Elk County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, I will expose to PUBLIC SALE, at the Court House, in Ridgway, on Monday, August 1st, 1870, at one o'clock p. M., the following described tract of land siuate in rox township, Jbjilc county, Pennsylvania, bounded and des cribed as follows, to wit: The first, beginning at a hemlock, thence fifty-eight and one-halt rods to a post thence south two hundred and ninety-four rods to a hemlock, thence west fifty-eight and one-half rods to a post, and thence north five hundred and ninety-four rods to the place of beginning, and containing one hundred and one acres and sixty-nine perches and allowance. The second, beginning at a hemiock, thence west seventy-two perches to a hem lock, thence south partly by the land of Michael Callaghan one hundred and eleven rods to an ironwood, thence east seventy two rods to a post, and thence north one hundred and eleven rods to the place of beginning, containing ntty acres. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Henry T. Gout, at the suit of James v. V betham, and to be sold by JACOB M'CAULEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 1. ir, Ridgway, Pa., June tl, '70 JJ1D"10 THE SECOND VOLUME OF A.H.STEPHEBIS Great Ilistory of the War Is now ready. Agents wanted. Send for circulars, with' terms and a dill description of the work. Addrens Na tional Publishing Co. PhiU. Pa. 89 4w dj ess iili a. ivi. V. ENGLAND, T.nvnnxT Till.. 1ft Tt.o C, . '. ..' . " ! . ALSO, bv virtue of a writ of Vendition Exponas issued out of the Court ing the following sentence : 'Any violation of Belgian neutrality.' ITALY, Rome, July 14. The Papal infallibility dogma was carried in the (Ro umenica Council yesterday by a vote of 450 to 88. Sixty-two, according to other reports sixty- six, of the fathers voted conditionally, Rome, July 18, via Paris, July 19 The August, next, we di-sire to present the Council held a public session to-day, at tollowing consideration concerning its wh;c'n 538 fathers were present. The purpose . scheme 'de ecclesia Christ!' was adonted bv llie Republicans of l'ennsylvauia who , live iu counties in which thev are iu the a.vole 01 000 10 - 11 was pprovea " minontv, number ono hundred and twenty- part of the constitution of the Church by live thousand voters, more than one-third the Pope, who pronounced a short ellocu- ot tlie whole republican vote, incy own tjon and control very large and varied material NEW ADTERTISEMESTS I will send the re oeipt by which I was cured of Catarrh and Deafness free. Ad- iivggtsu, HoDoKen a. a. THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Db. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. 2 g S MOSE THAU 600,000 TERSONS p S' g 0 "g Bear teMiuionj to the wonder- 3 J o-5 lul Curative Kffeoti. ans e-2 " AU AT ARCTUFV 1 3'.-5 2 5 SZ A few more Jt G EJVTS are WANTED for one of the Cheapest and Best Books in the world. Iter. ir. . MtlJTOLEirs Natural History Giving: a clear discription of nearly every known epecies of Beasts, Birds, Fishes, In sects Reptiles So. so., enlivened oy iwu spir. ited illustrations and replete with exciting and amusing anecdotes of tbeir manifold pecular ities. The cream of the famous London four volume edition, with valuable addition, from the works of other distiuguiseud naturalists, Nuttall, Agassiz, Wood, Wilson Audibon, and many others. No trouble to Agents about sect or party. Everybody is delighted with it, old and young, in town or country. Nothing like it in the field- Attents report profits from $5 to $20 per day, and sell in connection tne latest and best edition of bibles extnnr. Send for illustrated circular and our most lib' eral terms for the Book and Bible. A. H. HUBBARD, Publisher, 400 Chestnut st., Phila, ' 4W A .HoM x X Boss Z. o i ' ' US I I ' o ' 3-5h .imfv$kw s s - S ntorests, reouiriug the care and protection auoi-ded by wise and salutary laws. i hat these people are wholly excluded rom participation in the management and coutrol of their respective county eovcrn- . FRANCE. Paris July, 1C. The city jouanals as sert that the French government, as soon as tho result of the vote on the infallibility mcnts does not in the least estrange their dogma was known here, signed an order for fevoti-.n to republican p. inc.ples or cause th rccai, q( th Frcnch t from Koruei I,.l...tA 1 ...in niV.mta tit l.nVinlf rf li A I ' SPAIH. success of the republican party. They have just cause ot complaint, however, in he fact that, while then political bretberu aro and for many years have been in the ascendency in the State Legislature, they are eutirelv unrepresented, and by an Madrid, July 19. The Workingmcn made a demonstration yesterday, through the streets, carrying banners with the in scription. 'Tho people are dying of bun uuiust rule established by a republican Cer.' In front of the Ministry of the Inter majority, they are continually subjected to ;or and other publi() dopartments they halt- uuiuat uuu uli ntsouo iuta, nunc mcj i . . . rpi nifct.ntlv .lP..;d-Mifth lplnti..n an their and demanded employment. Their con material interests require. duct was orderly, and the manifestations lbat so large a body of the people should ended without disturbance, hnd themselves unrepresented in tne law nmiii"' ni(r is evidence of a defective fundamental organization. A republicau St. Petersburg, July 19. Advices from or democratic form of government must of the agricultural districts of Northern and necessity be representative, and to uWH Central Russia show that the corps are look ing well, and promise a yield above the average. TTOSE7. Constantinople, July 16. The Viceroy of Egypt has given 40,000 Turkish pounds to the suffeers by the late conflagration in this city. A man in Washington county, Pa., has recently built a house, the four corners of which are each in a different township, the corners of the townships meeting in the cen ter of his cellar. of Common Pleas of Elk County, Ponnsylva' nia, and to me directed, I will expose to PUBLIC SALE, at the Court House, m Ridgway, on Uonaay, August 1st, 1870, atone o'clock P. M., the following described tracts of land situate in Jay township, Elk County, Pennsylvania, and bounded an described as follows", to wit : Beginning at a beech corner, thence north seventy degree: east, nincnty perches to a Rma 1 hem ouk. thfenoe soutn nineteen degrees east, about ouo liu'ndied and sev enty-tour and one halt pcro.ic'S to a niapie thence south about seventy dt ?rccs west about eighty-eight perches to a ja!, theuce north twenty degrees west, about C'e nun dred and eeventv-fbur and oue-haJi per ches to the place of bezinninr. and son tainini; ninetv-eisrht acres more or less, ALSO, all that tract, piece or parcel of land situate in Jay township, Elk county, .Pennsylvania, oeing part ot warrant o 4S93, decribed as follows : Beginning at the noitheast corner of said warreot, theuce west on th'e north line of said warrant so far that a due south line to the north line of the lot opposite ot the land late belong ing to Charles Gardner, which is part of the aforesaid warraut, lrom thence east on the north lino of the aforesaid warrant so that a line to the place of beginning will make and contain uincty-three and tbreo fourth acres strict measure. ALSO, all that certain tract, piece or parcel of laud iu Jay township Elk county, Pennsylvania, and described as lollows : Regiuuing at a pine the northwest corner of warrent No. 4895, thence east ninety one aud three-fourth perches to a post iu the north line of said warrant, thence south erly two hundred and fourteen and five teuths perches to a hetuloo in the north corner ot William Webb s land, tnence south seventy degrees west, thirty-three and three-tenths perches to a maple, the southeast corner of land allotted to Sophro- uia Webb, theuce uorth about twenty de grees west along the east line of Sophro- oia Webb s allottiuent one hundred and seventy-four and one-iburth to a small hem lock in the west line ot said warrant, be fore tho northeast comer of said Sophronia Webb s ullotmcut, thence north along the west line of said warrant to the place of coutaiuing eight acres strict &3 mm -T etf t 3 THET ARK NOT A VILE Ss-sFANCY DRINK. Made of Poor Hum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits., and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and Bwectened to please the taste; called "Tonics," - 'Appetizers, "Restorers, &c, tliat lead tli tippler on to drunkeness and ruin, but aro a true medicine, made trom the native Hoots aud Herbs of California, free from b11 Alcohol io Stimulants. Theyre the Great Blood Puri. tier and Lif'eOiviug Principle, a perfect Reen- ovfitor and Invigorator of the System, carry ing off all poisonous matter, and restoring th blood to a healthy condition. iSo person can, take these Bitters according to directions, and remnin long unwell. $100 will be given for an incurable case, pro vided the bones are not destroyed by minei-iil poisons or other means, and tho vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. For Inflairimato'-v and Cbronio Rheumatism. AGENTS "WANTED -EVERywhere'for and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Bilious, ilkfUiY WAliil fifctLlifclifi cfthe Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful, fcucli GREAT PRATER, "THE CHRISTIAN Diseases are caused hy Vitiated Blood, which UNION, is given away that superb and jg Kuncrally produced by derangement of tho U 1 I. r i f I II L, II tl I-L.-J . . - wunu rcnuwneii worn oi an, iu AliOiiAuu o Uitestive UlarritllS. .. . cleanse tue V United Wood whenever you "WASHINGTON. find its impurities bursting throuch Ihe skin The best paper and grandest engraving in in Pimples. Kruptions or Sores: cleanse it- America. Agents report 'making $-liinualf wnen it is toul, and your lcelings will tell you day. Sales easier than books, and profits I wheu. Keep the blood pure and the health of ereater. Wide awake Agents, Teaoners, tne system will tollow. Clergymen and others, male or female should Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the send at once for copy of paper and full partio- I system of so many thousands, are effectually ulars of this entirely new and unprecedented I destroyed ana removed. combination, in which there is more money la Bilious, ISetnitient, and Intermittent Fe than anvother now offered. A. II. H CUB ARB, vers, these Bitters have no ciiuul- For full. 834 PER DAY. Publisher, 400 Chestnut St., Phila. 33 4w the requirements of a representative Tovernaient it should be so framed that all the people, as nearly as practicably can be, should have a voice in the enactment of the laws whish goveru them. It the government is so shaped that a majority of the people only aie to be represented, then it canuot be a free and republican stute, but a mere despotism ot one portiou of the people over the other. Such a government is despotic in principle as well as in practice, for it cau be of very little consequence to the minorities whether the laws which govern tbeoi are made by a particular class of men or by a single potentate, the minorities, who are excluded lrom uli voice or bearing in the Jaw making branch of the government, beariug about ihe same relation to the majorities as do subjects to an absolute monarchy. According to the mode of representation us established by the Constitution and laws of Pennsylvania, moio than one-third of her voting and tas-paying citizens are excluded from any voice ot power in the law-making department of the State, aud the same, remark will hold true as to the gencr.il government. We most respectfully and earnestly present this subject to the candid and considerate attention ol the voters oi Pennsylvania, confidently rclyins on their mtillienee ani teuse ot justice lor a re form in the matter so vital' to the welfare and prosperity of the whole and the safety and perpetuity of the government. It is gratifying to observe that this movement is not without precedent in our own country; for the people of llliuois have iiuite recently amended the orgauio law ot that state so that minorities will hereafter be fairly represented, uot only in the State Legislature but also in all corporations authorized by law. In other sUte the question has been favorably entertained, and even in some ot the Jiiuropeau govern menu it is ducued bv the Peoria und, io pne iustauce, partially adapted,, while TXT ANTED AGENTS To sell the OCTA- YY GON SEWING MACHINE. It is liensed, makes the 'Elastic Lock Stitch'' and is war ranted for 5 years. Price $lo. All other machines with an under-Iced sold for $15 or less ure iut'i-ii enieiils. Address OCTAGON SEWING MACHINE CO.. St. Louis, Mo., Chicago. 111., Pittsburgh, Pu., or Boston Mass. ii'.l 8m $101! DAY Business entirely new and .lorable. Liberal inducements. Descriptive circulars free. Address J. C. BAND & CO., Jllddeford, Me. 39 8m. WANTED AGENTS To sell the HOME SHUTTLE 5LW1FGAUCA1NE. Price $25. H makes the -Lock stitch,' alike on both sides and is the onlv licensed undcr-lecd slniule Machine sold for less than $U0. Li censed by Whteler Wilson, Grover & Baker ml tinier and Co. All oruer nnier-ieea directions re.id carefully ihe circular around' eacli bottle, primed in four languages r.ng lish, German. Freiicn and Spanish. J. WALKElt, Proprietor, ilij Comm rce St., n. v. ii. h. McDonald & co., DingHists, and general Ageiue. San Frnunisc-i and Saoianienln, California, and "2Si 34 Com merce .t., X. V. SOLD BV ALL DRUGOISTS & DEAL- E11S. 20 Zm ME W A U YLU Tl SEMEN TS. AGENTS WANTED FOR "Lost Abroad." Send for specimen pages, circulars, terms, etc. . AdUercss S. AI. HE 1 IS & UO., IMrtlort Uoun. prosecution. Address JUIir0. cijAiiii. CO., Boston, JIuss.. Pittsburgh, Pa., Chit-ago, 111., or st. Louis, alo. iiuom. AGENTS WANTED EYERVWUKUE FOR REV. ALBERT BASSES, . NEW 00 K. SALES IMMENSE- shuttle Machines sold for less (lean $0 are in- Business far Evcryboby. Pays fc."0 to $30O - frineements, and the seller and user liable to per nioniu. .t.,tinn. Address .1(111 WS'OY. CLARK & BBN i) for Circular to ZEIG'.ER, McCURDY k CO. lli 8. south .Sixth Si., Philadolptiia, Pa. . 3',) 4w. MATHA'W HALE SMITH'S NEW BOOK. Twenty Years Among Ihe Bulls and Bears OF WALL STttEKT. 55() Tagcs Finely Illustrated. Price $-,G0Y '.It shows tho mysteries of stock and gold gambling, and tho miseries of unfortunate speculation, and exposes the swindles, trick and frauds of operators. It tells how millions me made and lost in ft dxy, bow shrewd men are ruined, how corners" arc nuido in grain and produce, bow women speculate on ine street, etc. Ageuls wau'.e.d. We pay freight iVest. .Vend ioi terms, r. B. BCRi t CO., HARTFORD, CONN. 311 4w measure. Seized and taken in execution as the property of David Tyler, at the suit of Ben son, Campbell & Co., and tn be sold by JACOli M'CAULEY, Sheriff. RncaiFF's Office, ) . Ilidgway, Pa., June 27, '10. jjy AGENTS WANTED FOR "WONDERS OF THE WOULD," Over one thousand Illustrations. The lar gest best selling, and most attractive subscrip tion book ever published. Send lor Circulars, with terms at once. Address, VJ. 8. Publishing CO. 411 Broome st. N. Y. 30 4 WHY DON'T YOU TRY WELL'S 0AIU5OL1C TABLETS. THEY ARE A SURE CL'UK FOR SOllE THROAT, cold, croup, Diptheira, Catarrh or Horsness; also a Successful llcmcdy for Kidney Diflicul- ties. Price '2o cents per Box. Sent ry mail on receipt of price, by J. Q. KELLOGG, 34 I'latt At., fcew lorK, Sole Agents tor . i. 31) 8w SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. ' 10-tO .S10 PER DAY) by Bobion Mass.. or St. l ouis, Mo. 30 A GENTS W.4 NT ED- AY the AMERICN KNITTING MAC1NECO., Committed Suicide. "Washington, July 20. Piest Paradal, the new French Minis ter, who arrived here last week and was received by the .'resident on Saturday last, committed suicide atone o'clock this uior niug by shooting himself with a pistol. He had been very busy since his arrival, yesterday his mind seemed wandering though he continued to give attention to business during the afternoon. It is presumed he was laboring under temporary iusunity, caused by fatigue and intense heat, the facts will probably be bruoght out at the coroner's inquest Em peror Napoleon has been notified by tele graph and JI. Bertoeoy, late Minister, who is now in New York has been notified to return to Washington. The body is l eing embrlmed to be taken to Prance No reason is assigned, but it is believed Le has beeu contemplating the deed for )me timo. Ho had written letters to Members, of his family stating such intentions. ALSO, by virtue of a writ of Fieri Fac ias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, waving inquisition and exemption and to me directed, I will expose at PUBLIC SALE, at the Court House iu Ridgway, on Monday, August 1st. 1870, at one o'clock i M., all that certain tract of land situate in Millstone Towuship, Elk Couuty Pennsylvania bounded aud des cribed as follows, to wit : Becinuic': at a post corner of land owned bv William Clvde, thence by laud ot Wynkovip north 41 degrees east 68 per ches to a hemlock, thence by land of Wynkoop, south 89 degrees east ISO perches to a post, thence by laud- of Win koop south 28 degrees west 53 perches to a po6t, thence by land of William Clide west 198 perches to place ot beginning, containing 50 9-10 acres strict measure. Seized and taken in execution as the property of James L Shaffer at the suit of Franklin' Forsyth and to be sold by JACOB M'CAULEV, Sheriff, Siiriff's Office. ") gj t(J Ridgway, July 5. 1870. J T HE SATURDAYYENING POST. THREE MONTHS GRATIS ! mns IS NO HUMBVG ! X By sending C5 CENTS, . wilh age height, color of eyes and hair, j ou will receive, hy return mail, picture of your future husband or wire with lkime aud dale of marriage. Address W. EOX, P. O. Drawer No. 4, Fultonvillc, N. Y. BRJCKj BRICK! THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE HEADY Tl furnish brick in quantities to suit purchaseers Will deliver on board of cars on the Daugas choanda Railroad at Eerley. T. KING & CO. Eearley July 12. 1870. 8ib THE MAGIC COMB Will change any colored hair or beara to permanent black or brown, It contains mo poiso. Any one can use it. One tent by mail for $1. Ad dress MAGIC COMB CO., 1 15 tax Fpriugfield, Mass. This cheapest and best of the Literary Week lies is offering unequalled inducements to new subscribers. In the first paper of October, it commenced a brilliant Novelet, called " a l amny railing, by Elizabeth Prescott. It also is now running a serial, culled " George Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Henry Wood, the famous author of " East Lynne," &c. NEW NOVELETS will continually succeed each other. Among those already on hand or in progress, are " Under a Ban," by Amanda M. Douglas j " Leonio's Secret, by Frank Lee Benedict ; a Novelet, by Miss Hosincr, to. .The post also gives tne gems of tlie Luglisli magazines. NEW SUBSCRIBERS For 1870 will haue their subscriptions dated back to the paper of October 2d, until the large extra edition ot that date is exhausted. This will bo thirleeen papers in addilien to tlie regular weekly numbers for 1870 or fifteen mouths in all ! Yi lieu our extra edition u ex bausled, the names of all new subscribers for 1870 will be entered ou our list the very week tuey are received. TERMS : $2 CO a year. Two copies, $4. Four copies, $ti. Five copies (and one gratis) $8. One copy of the l'ost and one of the Lady's Friend, S4. A copy of the large and beautiful Premium Steel Fugraviug, Taking the Measure of Ihe Wedding Ring "engrave! in England at a cost oi jizuvu win be sent to every full (52 60) subscriber, aud to every person sending a olub. ims is iruiy a Deaumui eugraving i Andreas II. PETEESON & CO., 819 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies sent free for five cents. GREAT REDUCTION in l'a:cu OF T E A S AND C O F F E S TO CONFORM TO P1MCE OF GOLD. . Increased I'acilitif 8 to Club Organizers, Send for New oik Price List. The Great American Tea Co. l O.Bos 5U48 ) 1 tb Vesey St., New ( York. TOB WORK of all kinds and descri- J qont ot this c-mee, H B ENRY SOUTHED. Ridgway, Pa, A ttorney-at-La w (ft-b23'C8), LAN Kg of aU he 3. kinds for sale at this S'J4w BOOK AGENTS wanted for the JTCEIOC-SAPHY & JEP.SCUAL HEC0LLEC- iQKfilloUGIi. The whole enlivened with affecting incideuu full of interest and pathos. Fifty thousand sold ihe last five mouths. People will buy . this, notwithstanding the "lmid times." It is a pleasure to sell il for it is doing much good- The work is splendedly bound and il lustrated. Address II. C. Johnson, No. U32 Arch street, Philadel phia, Pa. S4w OH TUB MYSTERIES OF MORMOXISM By J. It BEADLE, Lditor of the Salt Lake Reporter. Bciug ah expose of Their Svotct Kites, Ceremonies and Crimes. With a full and ualhentio history of Polgamy and the Mormon Sect, from the original to the present time. Ageuts are meeting with unprecedented suc cess. One reports 1 subscribe Li two days, one 29 the first day. Send for circulars. Addresi NATIONAL PUBI.ISLING CO., Philadelphia. P. 89 4w THE HinD-IS-HAND MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company wants a nuaib ir of -good Agents, also a, gninl General Agent for Pittsburgh -aud vicinity ; also, 4 Uoaeml Agent for tbe German counties of PetiBttylvaiiia. Ad dress the Office, N. 112 south 4th street, PhiiiJ jipU!a, r. ay i