(Bill Ccunig (luacaic. for Time at MZUl&ivny. Sri Express Fust .',.....,., 2:20 p. m. do do Vest.. J:01 a tn. do Mail East ,, H:4Hp.m. do do Went 1:67 p. m. Cool Freight East 7:2()n. m. do do West 6:10 p. in. Elk Lodge, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lndgo will Vie Snhl at, their hull on Un second and fourth TueBdays of each month. J. K. WHITMORE. Seo'y. I. 0. G. T. The Regular mcetngs of Ridgway Lodge, "No. 266, hold every AVednesday ' evening at -heir Lodgo Kooin. II. A. PARSONS, AV. S. AGENTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons nre authorized agents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay thcre fo." and give receipt!. AVilcnx. A. T. Aumtcit, J. L. Brown. Kimo. Frank W. Mf.kor. Jobnsonshurg. Isaac Haras. fit. Marys. Chad. McVean. Conurevillc. Homih B. hr.M-.u, Maj. Bi'F.KR. 1'alcdonin. W. P. Smith, B. A. AVkfo. Bcnnczctle. John C. Bark, J. iV. Brown. Shawmut. John Fahi:b:i, Spring Creek. A. AV. tr.vri. Highland. Levi Ku.oruor.fK. Horton. 1). C. OvsTKti. N. M. Bupckway. At a MektiniioI the Republican Conn tv Committee hold ut Ridnway, May 1 870, it w;is ov.love J that the primory meet ings of tho several I'lectiu-i I!;: i iicis lie lipid at their respective jf.locthm I i onsi's, on Saturday, July Uth, lSTJ, tit o : I c k r. M., to elect Relegates to meet in County Convention at II U,n'.T:iy, on Tuesday tlic 12th of July, at. 4 o'clock r Resolved, That a mooting of tl.e Coun ty Cuiumitte be hold ut i'id-'way, "i Fri day, the 17'.h day ol Jane !S(., at " u'clok p. in. A full attendance is desired. Tiy Oidor County Conimitto. Cn.lS. MCA'KAS, J. 11. BAIKTI, See'y. Chairman. KEEP your yard und collars Filthy places breed disetKe. liv invitation, Rev. Wm. F claao. xi pre. n will prea-ch a National Sermon, on July Jh at tho usual time of services in the monjir. ! " Notice. The subset iption IH for ti c benefit of the sufferers by the iate fro in jlidgway, is; in the hands of L .otither. Give him a cn'.l snot). I'owKl.t. 4 KiME liai'c ccuimenco d tn rebuild their store and will ' on have a temporary room up when? they will goods as cheap as ever. Fksti VAT,. I' lie ladies of Wilenx will pivi) an lee-creaui and Strawberry ls:t'.val iii l.'evliu'n Mall 'liis Sat;:r.:l jy( evet!-!r 'J'hc proceeds to be iipor 'prii 1 to the booefit. ot the llev. William Sumpsou. An invitation is extended to nil. rt.i ii JflWT. 1 ho trout season, in this sec- tion, fur this vear is about over, if i.l! the troutists tell -the thing as it is," they will be scarce next year. One man says ho caught them at the rate ot'onc hundred j per hour and intimated that ho bad been fishing till day. Ifow's that for trout '! IHOWXED. lliehard Coilom, son of Robert Coilom, a lad about 13 years of age, was diowned near Wilmarth, on Monday veuing last. It appears .that ho went lishiug about G o'clock in the evening and not returning by dark search was made and his body was found about OJ o'clock in the Clarion. An eschangc have, whoever rceivcs a cirular saying that 1G0 acres of land have Iinoil nuui'rllf.i'l I.im ni tar nl tAII ttf rliA rln- I ceased soldier, and are requesting 830 be torwurded to defray expenses of sale and transmission of the proceeds, will p'eose hold on to tha money. The thing is a cheat. Hev. William Sampson announces his appointments as follows: Wilcox, Sunday, Juno 2ikh. Centrevillo, Tuesday, Juno 23th. Toby, Wednesday, Juno 'J0;h. Key Stone Wilis, Thursday, June COth. Ilcllcn. near Oysters, Friday, July 1st The Little Cobpoual Maoazink, lorJuue, is received. In July this sterling Juvenile is to bo enlarged and improved. Those subscribing now receive one number free if they ask for it wheu they subscribe. One Dollar a Tear, Published by SEWELL & MILLER. Chicago, III. A seveke blow has been struck at the small but aetM-e class of reformers who have aud are still insisting that, by coufer rins the right of suffrage on women, we shall elevate politics by depriving it ol the duplicity aud brutality that now too ire qtntly attend it these latter bad qualities to be eliminated by the refining influences and gentler natures of the lady voters. These arguments have been prored utterly Jallacious strange to say, by women them aelvcs. In Cobden, III., last week, two fe male discussed politics,, beca.no cura-ed, wheu uue seized a knife and fatally stabbed the other. If female politician demean themselves in this wise beforo thoy have the ballot, and are eligible to oSce, what is expected of them when they solicit votes Uu ...nc iw me 3poi;c ot publio positions of profit . r t iHlilNU WITH Gu.M'v WDEil Ycster- day wo had o conversation with gentle man who had (omo rxperier.ee at this kind of fishing. East week, ho fief oral times went out with parties of gentleman to blast trout out of tho Carson. The way they practice this new mode of fishing is a fol lows: They take a cartridge of Giant powder weighing ahout a quarter of a pound, insert into it a piece of fuso,properly capped, about mx inches in length, then lighting the fuse, the cartridge is thrown into any deep hole supposed to contain trout or other fiish. Immediately after the explosion, all the fish that happen to be within a circle of tweuty-five or thirty feet of the spot where the cartridge foil, come to the surface, cither killed outright, or so badly stunned that it is fonic minutes before they recover. Our iuforniant says that with two cartridges he saw over City pounds of fish killed, counting trout, white-fish and chubs. This is the most destructive niodo of fishing we have heard of it is a regular wholes-ale slaughter of great and small, good and bud. Should the practice gain ground it will ho neces sary fur the Legislature to p"t a ati;i to it by an act uiukiug it a criminal ntTetiCe to fish with Giant powder. Virg.'iia tit; (AVratff) Enter; r.'-r. Mule TniFF Acurx-fKn. Ytstrrday . morning v.e noticed the; theft of a pair of mules twin North East tho niiiht before. auu trelore t.ne item was teati tr.e iioer n:.u been captured. On Mimd-.y evening Mr. Jjytnnn T. Skinner, of North East, had been out of town with his team, and elituitaldy gave n yonns Jeliow, a stranger to him, a tide in. They drove to the pcMtoffia;, where bo:h got out and Air. Skinner hitched hi? team. Shortly afterward the young man deliberately unhiiehcd them and drove off nt a rapid rate. He wis traced as far as the Fair Grounds just east of this city, where the trial was lo-t, but again taken I up, Mr. Lyman and Cnl. Amos Gould, ol i North East, having followed him, and him j self am.l mule were font: 1 tieur A' aintt' I Civ.k a li w im'i-s west ol tt;o city, fie was I hr.'-i'.iht in tl eitv arid vesterdav mMiiie:; ! had a oitrit'g be!' ire-Ji;,'-ti?. vii'lth. whero 1 ii :1V I,1S I'i tun ns J(.war:l .Mc'.afr.'i. ; In oi-ta'i! of Sot1' 1 1, tl e Justice com- milled him to jai- tmwa't trial at m;.! firm 0t Court. I'.iie Daily Dip::-.;. ! FtttTiITrui. JIuilI'LR. On Saturday night last, ahout 12 o'clock, a homl.-lo mur uer w; s eoiamittcd ut i'arkci's Landing It n:pe::rs that, a mm nasusd Alcx.-.ndcr Flcinir'g bed siducni the .sister of V.'. II. Groeuworid. a:d j'i; :n!!i cd!y w.ini'.-d by t!e.i hn '. .dbecr. r peat- :fl;r ( k-'cp away horn the liruse wis there a:;ain. Oa Fa:nr.l,:y tiiht lie when Kl rc'iiwuiid with" i tl'. mueh oenmony drew iirrd thiee ti::i;'s t I'iem'i a revolver t;id Z, CSUSJ'.: ha't an 1; )-ir. G r.'onv." 1 was UYe.-Jt'd ai.il brought bei'or-- 1'. 15. Fi'ilk, '. -q , Justice cf tho iVacc, jvitunninr, ami hv him cct;imitte - to jail t.) murdered : ill'and has a.7'iit trial, tfiti rca.;h,-d been buried. 11 is. lttnniMO'j in a si f .-tj- ml'ii-'. Cr.ir.Vio. June -'). yesterday was the hottest day of the season. A TrSnfo.f com positor, John M'Nell, died suddenly of sunstroke. M'Nell leaves a wife and three children in des'itute circumstances. liKD CiouJ and party started, this morn ing, for tho Western plains. They were visited, yesterday, nt the Trcmout House, by a large crowd, John Miller, of Ilurrisburg, who recent ly arrived here, was walking out, last night, when he was seined by thrpe men and hur ried into an alley and robbed oftwohun- , . , ,, We have received a copv'of the News paper I'ireetory puhli.-hed ly (ieo. P. Piowcll ii Co., of New York, containing a complete and accurate li.-t of all the dai lies and weeklies published in the United States and I5ritish Provinces. lJcund tip with this volume is a Rate-Book, g:ving the cost of advertising in most of the prin cipal newspapers of the United States. There is also some agreeable reading in the shape of biographies of well known adver tisers. The whole fora:s a large octavo volume of uearly nine hundred p:!ges, and is sold for five dollars. If you desire rosy cheeks and a complex ion fair und free from pimples and blotches, purify your blood by tho use of Dr. Pierce's Alterative Extract or Goldeu Medical Dis covery. It has no equal lor this purpose, nor as a remedy fjr severe Coughs or Proo- ic'iilis. So'd by druggists, or enclose three and a quarter dollars to Dr. Ti. Y. Pierce, Ptiffulo, N. Y , aud get three bottles free of Express charges. An 1cidr:'T. The Washington Chronicle says that smong the incidents of Memorial Day at Arlington was one show ing the love of a great captain for his fal len comrades one which escaped the many eyes of tho press, but which wis wit nessed by two of the ladies on the Commit tee ou Decorations. After the crswd had Jepurted the carriago of the President drove to the far end of the cenieterj, where the 1 resident alighted and taking a large banket of flowers from the hands of v.. n. ,..n .j .i ... i . cuiuiuifcu iucui upou nic graves rul the soldiers. An ludianaj'olis womeu recently ae birth to a child during her husband's ab sence, and just before his return "the neighbors" borrowed two other babies and placed them in bed with thu little stranger. When the father asked to see the child the cover-lid was turned dowu,und although he must have been immensely surprised, be coolly turned to his wile and asked, "Did any get away V Rtuoiots Intolerance is Spain. A letter writer from Madrid mentions an exiiaoidinary action on the part of the ad herents of Don Carlos in his pretentions to tho Spanish throne. It is positively affirmed that upon a recent occasion the the members composing the Carlist Junat at a recent session voted in favor of a re turn to religious intolerance; and affirmed their allegiance to the re-establishment of the machinery of the Inquisition. It is represented that considerable excitement has followed this announcement. raACTicE versus Theory. 'Without disp&rngemnnt to any other School we can safely say, that the Iron City College is the only institution in the country in which the system of Practical, Actual Business training has been carried into successful operation. Tho snporiority of this system over uny moiely theoretical course cannot bit iries'.ii.iu'd. Pittaburtj Chronicle, Ftesc by IJew. Isaac Corry, of Hor ton township, i n Thursday, while tryina to hive a switi iii of bees, was so severely s urn.' tha', it is thought, will cause his .'e-i-.h. Io:pceu-.eoiih bloods in New Orleans cap ture rich wive1 by exhibiting lottery tickets, and afterwards claiming to have drawn the grand prize. INTSSNAIi ESVEHUE TAX. The Annual Lit of Iiicoiiic nirl Special Taxes is now in my loinus fur coliectioD. Payment, for Kite i.'oii'iiy, may he m.vlo to E. Souther, ut Pont her V itlis & Souther's ola'ce. in Iiiiljr. v;iy. t ;'rtit the lax payers of St Mary's, Jay aiol Uriioi'i'ite, v.ho will pay at Short li fill iV I'i'.'ts i nnl;. in St Mary's. Persons neglecting !.i i'.iv sohjivi ihemselves to nn increase of ') ;k r i-c-: 1 1 r ten days nouca, and 1 per ceut i per i.i'.ir.li after that. 1'. i'OKD, Deptv. Col. Dist. Pa. fiiiCilipprt. ,T.::ie 10ih, 1S70. :i(i2w fV.p F.trty-horr.o power Enijine, coinjjloto in tvvry particular, for sale very cheap. V.ilX'OA TANNING CO., Sti lt Wilcox Pn. i fsr received at Variety liall n Itiii line of J inH .Shir's, Duck, .i.hil ing and )umin tivetails. Jumpers and Hickory Shirts, at ju-ioes within tho reach of all. Call in and sea the lar'.rn variety to fe'ect from uo trouble to bhow goods. J. JI.llUKT). tl.. vi I- : K CEITT. GOLD FIRST MOPtTGAGE ECND3 Ol THE U-SL'E OF $ .1, 300, 000, BV TUB St. Joseph and Dsnver City hailhoad co:i?a:ty. In .leno'.ainations of Sf.OOO and S."0; coupon ur registered, with interest at hipiit per cent, per annum, payable l"ith February and Au gust, in GOLD free of United Siuies taxes, in New A'ovk or Europe Tho bonds have thirty years to run. payable iu Sew York in tit)Ll. Trustees, farmers' Loan and Trust Company of New A'orfc. The mortgagn which secures ihese bonds is at thi rate of Sl'I.oOO per mile; covers a complete in nl far every bond is a first and ONLY morlgcgc. This lir.n, connecting St. Joseph with Foi t Kerney, will make a short and through rcuto to Califor nia, The fompr.ry have a Capital St or'; of And a grunt of Land from Con gress, of I, i;u 1,1.10(1 Acre?, val ued, at tho lowest estimate, lit . . - First Mortjao bonds, - - Total, - - e -1.O00.iX0 l.ouu, (mu $l-3,o(10,000 T ital U-Tirrth of road.'iTlmiles: (list, included in this Moilgiigc, 111 miles; pi ice, '.'71 and no. cured ietcie-t. IN CCKitliNCV. Can bo ob. taiiicd ti tniviho undersigned. Also, pamph lets, maps add information relitiug thereto. There bonds, being so well secured and yeibl n largo income are dcsirnb'e to panics seek ing cafe ar.d lucrative invest -ncni. 'AA'o re coatmcudt hem with entire coulidcucc. V. P. CCr:VER3E&CO.. cmmki:cial A0!:JJ1'. Ho. ol l'ino fSieet, Iew A'ork. TANNEil & CO., FISCAL AGENTS, Ko 40 Wall Street, New York. June 4 oin. N TE'Y ST011E. The subscriber begs leave to inform the citi zens of Ridgway and vicinity that he har opened a store where may be found I'FRF EMERY, FANCY GOODS. TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FIXE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in seasou. n!2 vltf . J. R. BAIRD. T ACOB YOUNG & CO , Ejiek Binders And I Blank Book Manufacturers, AVrigbl's Elk Corry, Pa Elauk Books Made to Order. jyj EiUUMll.i, Al I'.lAu'MtN T. Tl e fnllnitinit Is a true nnd correct list nnd c'nsifii aiion o ihe AVIiulc'alo Dealers and Itctniltts of to. eigti (lad domeslio Merchnndiso within the courny of Hk for the year 1870s lliiljU'tii Township. CT.ASS. fIAI.tls' tlAMIS. Tax. 10 J. S. Hyde & Co., $20 00 8 Powell & Kiuie, 80 00 14 Charles Holes ,9 12 U.S. Thnyir, I2 o0 10 AY, C. Healy. 2 14 . Grant & Horton, 00 12 R. 8. Gillis. 12 60 14 AV. S. Service, ' w' 14 J. R. Baird, '00 12 G. G. Messenger. Druggist, 10 00 Jones ToKiichip. f Tanning & Lumber Co., 60 00 12 A. T- Aldrich. 12 60 14 Mnrlin Sowers, 7 00 Horton Township. 12 J. 8. Hyde. 12 T.O 12 Short & AVilfOK. 12 60 Fox Township. 10 Joseph Koch & Son, 20 00 13 I AV. Hays. 10 00 14 C. P. Burle!gh. " 00 14 Francis Gill, Brewer, 7 00 Hit. Mary s Jiorougn. James Sneeringer, 15 00 Charles Luhr, 20 00 AV. J. lilakely, 7 00 Beecher & Copcland, 12 60 Bavbury Rudolph, 7 00 Leonnril Cook. 7 50 Corry ell & Bdes, 60 00 AVeis Proihers, 20 00 Adolph Fnc'itinan, 10 00 Joseph AVilhe'm, 60 00 John Snseiiheimer & Son, 7 00 John AVatchel, 7 00 Lyon & Emitters. 12 60 J. E. AVeidenborner, 7 00 Reynolds & Garner, Druggists, 12 60 Jacob ltcbnrircr, do 7 00 Joseph Witulfelder, Brewer, 12 60 vleis & fieiher, do 7 00 F. X. Sorg, do 7 00 William Sell, do 7 00 C. II. Volk, do 7 00 Edward McBride, Jeweler, 7 00 l'cnexet Township. 12 D. A. McDonald, 12 50 I I Fletcher & Jones. 7 00 It Campbell & Brothers, 7 00 14 Kane Rrotliers Co., 7 00 14 AVinslow h Johnson, 7 00 An appeal will be held nt the Commisslonets' office, in Rulgwny, on Snturday, July O.h, 1S70. nt which tin e those feeling thcmsclvei nggr.ereii may present their case beforo the CoaiiiiiSbiot.t'i i. JAMP.S rEN FIELD, Msrciintile Appracscr. Ridgway, May 2Hth, 170. MANHOOD: HOW LOST. HOW RESTORED. isar,.SCC5.Tust puhltshed, n new edi tion of Dr. Ci.'lyerwf.ll's Celebrated Fsny on t'te rndlcal cure (without medicine) of Sperm itomea, or Seminal Weakness, involuntary Seminal Losses, ifnpo. tency, Men.'nl and Physical Incapacity, Imped iments to Marriage, ;c; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by se'.f-indulgeuco or sexual extravagance. Price, in a scaled envelope, only C cents. Tho celebrated author, in this admirable es spy, clearly denionsti-Htes from a thirty years' successful i ractice, that t'te alarming cor.se qm nces ot solf-'tb,i-e may be radically cured without th-tiant riMisnsc ofintei'Qal medicine or tho application of ilie knife: pointing a mode of cure at once simple, certain, anil f fcctual, by means of which evKvy Bttirercr, no n;atterrKlirtt his condition may be. mny cure himself ehcap'y, privately, mill radically. iy'i'lii? Lecture should be in tho hands of cv.-ry yoml: aud every man in the land. tent, under seal, in a lain envelope to any address, on rec pt of six cents, or two stamps. Also. Dr. Culvarwell's '.Marriage Guide,' price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, C1IAS. J. C. KLINE &CO.. 127 Bowery, j'cw York, Post-Glue Box4,6SG. o7 oia LOIUl,l,AltIVS KUllKKA Fmoklcg Tobacco Is an excellent article of granulated A'irginia. Wherever introduced it is universally ad mired. It is put up in handsome muslin bags, ia vrh'ch orders for Meerschaum Pipes arc daily packed. LORILLAAD'S "YACHT CLUB" Smoking Tobacco has no superior ; being deni cotinized, it cannot injure neveless constitu tions, or people nf sedentary iiabits. It is produced from selections of the finest stock, nnu prepared by a patented and original manner. It is very aromatic, mild, and light weight heneo it will last much Ion nor than others; nor does it burn or sting the tongue, or leave a disagreeable after-taste . Orders for genuine, elegantly carved Meerschaum Pipes, silver mounted, and pack ed in neat, leather pocket cases, are pla e idn the Qacht Club brand daily. LORILL ARB'S CENTURY Chewing Tobacco This brand of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco has no superior anywhere. It is, without doubt, the best chewing to bacco iu the country. JOIULtLAIUTS SNUFF'S Have been iu general use in the United Slates over 1 10 years, and still acknowledged "the best'' wherever uvd. Tf ymir storekeepers does not have these articles for sale, ask him to get them. They aro sold by respectable jobbers al most everywhere, Csrcuhirs mailed on application. p.loiijz,l,h) a to , etc rorii. A TH!F- He has been trvaling about humbugging druggists and private parties mixing up and sidling a base compound which he cubs WOLCOTT'S PAIN PAINT. All of AVolcOtt's Pennine remedies have n whim nut. side wrapper (with signature large). Look iut for oounterfei'.e. T7R a handsome prospectus of our new illus trated Family Bible, to any bjok agent fiee of charge. Address National Publishine Comnn- ny, 'ilodHlphjiv, P. 4w C1ARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, , Tags, Handbills, &o., done in a neat manner. and at the lowest mice. TOR. CASH, at he Elk Advocate Printing Ofiioe. TRY MORE i CO'3 OA'AL STEEL ENGRA VINGS, 111 Nassau St., N. Y. Anybody can sell them. Cheap. Sell fast. Pay hand somely. Send for new circular- 20 4w rpiIE MAGIC COMB Will change any colored hair or beam to a permanent black or brown. It contains no poisoh. Any one can use it. One sent by mail for $1. Ad dress MACIC COMB CO.. 1 15 8m Springfield, Mt TH ELK CU, ADYUGAIE. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULA TION, IT 13 THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE COUNTY 1 Huff lolhc ajntftcst. f the people of (6 Ik Counts. TSBH3: $2 CO PER YEAR. BRING ALONG YOUR ADTERTISE MENTS AND GET THEM IN SERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. If you want to sell anything, let the people know it through tho Advocate the great advertising medium. She lh adweate Job Printing Office, In Court House, Ridgway, Pa The best of work done, and at the very lowest prices. Blanks kept constantly on haul at this office. Hand-bills printod ai the bhortest notice. Call iu ami get our price for advertising and jobb'mg. . Satisfaction warranted. Or ders by mail promptly attended to. ADIiRKjSS J. BORDWELL. Ripawv.T, PA. A' A W ADTF.tiTlSEMF.yT3. to the; NERVOUS and DEBILITATED WHOSE SUFFERING IIAVE BEEN PRO TRACTED FROM IlIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE VltOJIPT Tit Ef TMEJk'T TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. If you are sufTcrintt of bave suffered, from involuntary discharges, what effect does it produco upon your general health f Do you feel weak, debilitated, ea sily tired 7 Does a little extra exertion produce palpation of th5 heart f Does your liver, or tirinnty organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out cf order f Is your urine sometimes thick, milky or flocky, or ia it ropy on settling ? Or doss n thick skum rise to tho top ? Or is a sediment nt the bottom after it has stood awhile 7 Dt) you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? re your bowels constipated iloyou havo spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head f Is your memory impaired 7 Is your mind cotntantiv dwelling on the sub ject ? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of hie f Do you wish to bo left nlone, to get nway from everybody? Docs any little thing make you start or jump : Is your sleep broken or restless r Is toe lustre ot your eye as brilliant I Ine bloom of your check as bright 7 Do you enjoy yourself in society as well 7 Do you pursue your business with the same ener gy ? Do you feel as much confidence in yourselfi1 Aro your spirits dull and flag ging, given to hts of melcncholy r 11 so, do not lay it to your liver or dispepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak. and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaint 7 Now, reader, self-abuse, vcncral diseaso badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all ca pable of producing a weakness of the gene rative organs. The organs of the genera tion, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defi ant, energetic, persevering business-men are always thoso whoso generative organs aro in perfect health 7 You never hear such men complain of being melcncholy, of nervousness, of palpataticn of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business; they don t become sad and dis couraged ; they are always polite and pleas ant in company of ladies, and look you and fhom right in the face none of your down cast looks or any other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the orgrns inflated by running to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. How money men, from badly cured diseases. from the effects of self-abuse and excesses have brought about that state of weakness iu these organs that has reduced tho general sys tem so much ns to induce ulniost every other diseaso idiocy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost, every other form of dis. case which humanity is heir to and the roal cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. DISEASE OF THESE ORGANS EEQtlRil THE USE OP A DIUKETIC. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU IS tliE CRET DIURETIC, AND IS A CERTAIN CCItE FOR DISEASE OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAK- NESS, FEMALE COMLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY. Aud a'-l other diseases of the Urinary Oorgans, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever causo originating, and no matter how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to. consump tion or insanity may ensue. Our flesh anil blood nro supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Poster ity', depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HEM ISOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, established upward of 19 years, prepared by IT. T. HELMBOLDt DRUGGIST, 504 liiuuuwAY, New Yua ArJ 10-1 South 10th Street, Philadelphia Pi. PRICE $1,25 per bottl or 6 bottl for $0,50, delivered to any address. Sold nv all Dat ooists KVCBTwhtai. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DOS TJP IS DTHKL ENOl AVBD WlApPK. WITH FAC-IIMI. lib or ut CHEMICAL. WAREHOUSE, awn s.r.so. n. T-HELMBOLD.