(Silt canfjj g to ate. , f. MORD WELL, Editor. 8ATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1870. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR CONGRESS. Hon. Oi.inni W. SooFiRt.n will be a candi date for Congress, subject to the usages of the Republican parly. FOR FRESIPKNT JUDGE. IThjirt Southkr, of thin county will be ft candidal for President Judge of the Sixth Judicial Distriot of Pennsylvania, subject to the usages of the Republican party iu tlio District. We are authorized to announce the name of 8. K. Woodritff, as a candidate for President Judge, subject to the usages of (lie Republican party. Considerable complaint is made in the Kentucky papers of famine in some parts of Virginia. Undoubtedly there may bo want and wretchedness in the region named ; but it is not much of it due to a persistent refusal to work on the part of a portion of the population ? Wherever there is a dis position to labor, and land is cheap, there ought to be no general destitution prevails in this country, there is a screw loose. Oue paper goes back to Grant's occupation of the region in 1864, and makes that ono cause of famine. Probably Grant did not carry the land away with him. It is not likely that he carried off more than ono crop. That is now six years ago. What has been done with the crops since then? Mount Joy Herald. A Dreadful Dbath. The Cincinnati Commercial says : Shortly after eight o'. clock yesterday morniug, two men were standing Dear the corner of Seventh and Smith streets, looking np to the top of the graoeful spire of the beautiful new St. Paul's church, southwest corner of those streets, were men, who looked like small bovs, were hanging by rotton ropes, slating the spire. The observers wondering bow tnen could work at that dizzy height, with no barrier between the slip and death, when suddenly ft thrill of horror passed through them, and their faces bleached to the tuc of chalk, as they saw ono end of theslendor swing drop j and they held their breath as they saw the body of a man, the instant before lull of vitality, health and peace of mind, launched hee'sover head, for a fall of a hundred and fifty feet or nioro, bumping withjall tho force that a hundred and sixty pounds can gain in a long fall, ajainst jag ged stones, and in another second striking the pavement, a' mere bundlo of crushed nod pounded bones and flesh, from which lifo had fled. The victim was George Jayno, in the employ of Dunn & Witt, forty-five years of age, having a wife and five children. Mr, Jayne, about a year since met with a simi lar accidcntjWhich caused him to be confined to his bed for many months, and finally to return to his work with impaired sight He was engaged in slating St. John's Epis copal church, and loosing his footing while moving the Scaffold, was precipitated to the ground, a distance of eighty or ninety feet. KSWS IS ERIE?, The rains have caused heavv freshets in the Southern States. One hundred females are now studvincr law in this country. There landed at New York in one dav re cently 8370 emigrants. The Channel Inlands have sunk fortv feet in the last five centuries. The Bot of the Period. Why boys will work in a store for ?80. or $100, or $150 per annum, when it is possible for them to learn trades in which they may begiu on the last mentioned sum, is a ques tion none but boys can answer. There are always hundreds of hands to bo had for fifty dollars a year in fact the market is always glutted with them, and the great attractions must be the looks of the flash ily dressed clerks who have been in the service for four or five years or more, and who look like 85,0C0 a year bloods, but who really vegetate on a tenth of that sum, making both ends meet in a manner known only to higher power than their washwoman. It is a nobler ambition which makes a good trade, and not tape measuring, the founda tion of true prosperity. American Volunteer. Charles Dickens Death of the Great Author. Lodon, June 10. Charles Dickens, the great novelcst, is dead. Ho was cutcrtain a party at dinner, at his residence at Gad's Hill, on Wednesday, when he was sudden ly Seized With nlarminrt enrmrvf Arv -i-i" ' depriving him of speech and volition, and was thought to bo dying. He was immediately conveyed to his chamber, and medical assistance . was rapidly sum moned. Upon the arrival of the physician, he pronounced him to be under the influence of a formnable stroke of approplexy. Im mediate rcmedys were prescribed and ev erything done to alleviate his sufferings, but it was all useless, as the great novelist still remained in a comatoso state, from which it was impossible to rouse him. A consultation of physicians failed to develop a remedy for the unfortunate coma. Mr. Dickens still lay in that dangerous state of insensibility, and from the time ot the attack until six o'clock last evening he lay motionless, betraying no signs of lifo. The physicians, alarmed at his condition, at six o'clock examined him to detect signs of breathing, but the last flickering spark of life had expired, and shortly after six o'clock the great novelist was pronounced dead, Laving-given no signs of lite, and re maining Blmost utterly insensable until the hour of his death. Miss Hogarth, seated near Mr. Dickens at the dinner table, observed evident signs of distress upon bis countenance, and then made a remark to him that he must be ill. To this Mr. Dickens replied, "O no, I have only got a headache ; I shall be better presently." He then asked that an open window be shut, and almosn immedianely became un conscious and fell back iu a chair insensi ble. His son and daughters remained stead lastly at his bedside after the attack until his decease. The ladies manifested many demonsira- tions of grief at the sad event,and the scene is described as mournful in the extreme. Many reminiscences of the eminent au thor have been recalled, by his sudden death. It is stated that Mr. Dickeos has several times, of late, complained that he expe rienced considerable difEouly in working, because his powers ot application were be coming impotent. He also said his thoughts do longer came to him as spontaneously as in former times. While at Preston be had need of medioa aid, and called upon pbysieians, who warned bim not to continue reading, because he was doing so at the peril of his life. The sad news of the decease of Charles Dickins has elicited the warmest expres sion! of universal sorrow and regret, and the columns of the morning press abound with mournful articles upon the event Domestic Hints. Dread and cakes sould be kept in a tin box or stone jar. A hot shovel held over varnished furni ture will take out white spots. Frozen potatoes make more starch than fresh ones; they also make nice cake. Wash your tea-tray with cold suds, pol ish with a little flour, and rub with a dry cloth. Keep coffee by itself, as its odor affects other articles. Keep tea in a close chest or canister. Flour and meal of all kinds should be kept in a cool dry place, and in cloth bags ather tham in wood. To selest nutmegs, prick them with a piu. it they are good, the on will instantly pread around the puncture. Do not wrap knives and forks in woolens; wrap then iu good, strong paper. Steel is injured by lying in woolens. Two gallons of fine charcoal will purify a dozen bogheads of water, when the smell is so unpleasant it cannot be used. Oders from boiling ham, cabbage, etc., are prevented by throwing red pepper-pods, or a few pieces of charcoal into the pot. tum ...Lutjlistu lstvCII (kCt UUL11 lUe meat is too muuh dried to be good, let them stand in milk and water eight hours, and ry them, and they will be fresh as when new. Bar soap should be cut into pieces of a convenient size, and laid where it will be come dry. It is well to keep it several weeks before using, as it spends fast wheu it is new. Rich cheese feels soft under the presure of the finarer. That which is very stronz is neither good nor healthy. To keep one that is cut, tie it up in a bag that will not admit flies, and hang in a cool dry place. If mold appear on it. wipe it off with a dry cloth. Red Cloud, in a speech to Secretary Cox, said some things which, perhaps, are quite as truthful as poetic. He said the troops in his country were afoot, and the government was throwing away its money for nothing. The officers there are all whiskey drinkers, and he did not want them around him out there. I do not allow my nation or any white man to bring a drop of liquor into my country. If he does, that is the 'ast of him and his liquor too. Spetted Tail can drink as much as he pleases on the Missouri river, and they can kill one another if they choosb. I do not hold myselt responsible for what Spotted Tail and the traders do there. When you buy anything with money, I want you to buy me what is useful. I do not want dirty flour, rotton tobacco and old soldier's clothes, dirt black, such as you bought for Spotted Tail. I only tell you what is true ; you have have had a great war, but after it was all over, you permitted chiefs who had been fighting to come back. Topic. Vermont is proud of being able to bIiid statuary marble to Italy. An artesian well was sold at auction in Charleston, on last Monday. Bender is the suggestive name of a larse liquor dealer in Baltimore A new city in the oil region is ominously named Shaniburg. Bombay, like the United States, protests against income tax. A ten million dollar moitengo was record ed at Indianapolis tho other day. In Cedar county, Iowa, the chief busi ness issaia to be prospecting lor copper. In London, a single firm makes 130 dif ferent patterns of iron aud bedsteads. Philadelphia is said to be growing more rapidly than any other city in the Union The Duke of Bcanfort has eaten a pound of sugar every day for the last forty years. Virginia oysters are sent to England pack cd in mud, that they may reach there alive. Cowley county, Kansas, which had not a white lumily two years ago has now a pop ulation of 2,000. in fans, iasmonabie Jadies now wear strings of small silver bells ar.und their necks. Despatches from India, mention an alarm ing outbreak of cholera in R-ewah, in the lieagal Presidency. At Portland, Maine, on Saturday, Mrs, Hutchings, a deaf old lady, was run over and killed by a locomotive. A young lady in West Philadelphia smokes a cigar after every meal to reduce her size and improve her complexion, The Twenty-third annuel preliminary sociable of the American Institute of Hom oeopathy was held yesterday, at Chicago. Pittsburg has adopted a paid fire depart ment, and a Commissioner is now engaged in appointing the various officers necessary to run the machine. At tho dedication of the new First Con gregational Church, in Chicago, Sunday, the sum of $72,000 was subscribed, nearly clearing off the church debt. Secretary Boutwell proposes selling in July 8300,000 in gold, interest on bonds that have been purchased from time to time and credited to the siuking fund. Tho extensive flouring Mill of Casper Dull at MoVeytown, was destroyed by fire on Saturaday night lust. The mill contained over. 2000 bushels of wheat at the time. John. Brooks, freight conductor on tho Chicago, Alton & St. Louis Railroad, while at tempting to jump on a train in motion, Sunday near Lemont, Illinois, fell under John Little, and intoxicated German, fired his revolver into a promiscuous crowd, at a German picnic in Ormsby borough, yesterday evening, shooting John Daniels through the arm, and Bartholomew Glinger in the abdomen. The latter will probably aie. iiittie has been arrested and held to bail for his appearance at court. A destructive tornado swept over Seott county, Illinois, on Satuaday. It covered an area of four or five miles in length, and mile in width. Fences were demolished, i i i 1 ... wneai, co:n, oais ana garaen vegetables were completely destroyed, the largest for est tiees torn up by the roots, and orchards and vineyards ruined. No lives were lost. A communication from Vienna states that since publication in Austria of the laws on religious liberty, a strange movement has arisen in the population ot that city. In less than two years about sixty-eight persons of both sexes have abjured the Christian for the Jewish faith, and theso conversions are on the increase. BOOK AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TEN YEARS IN WALL STREET- Pronounced the fastest selling book out. One Agent reports 79 orders in 6 days. It inolndes all that is mysterious and interesting in the focus of specnlalion,l3year's experience ot the anlhori Portraits and Lives of Vander. bill, Prcw, Fisk, Gould and many others. Filled With illustrations. Great inducements to agents ! Send for circular to WORTHING TON, DUST1N & CO., Hartford, Conn. 82 4w HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED.-"'.'.3'iS Agents wanted for tho Delaware Mutual Life Insurance Uo., tor all parts or ronnpylvania and New Jersey. Reference required. Ad dress, Branch Office DELAWARE MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO., N. W. cor. 9th and Cbestnn Si?., Phila. 82 4 w THE GHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY 1 Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. 3 E MORE THAM 500,000 TEESONS 5' 5' g Z5P Bear testimony to the wonder-. i ".a fill Curative EffeoU. 5"c-t fe WHAT ARE THEY? 333 1000 r"'JBINGLEY'S NATURAL HISTOIIY. Giving n clear and intensely interesting ae. count of the infinite variety of habits and modes of life, of nearly every known species beasts, birds, fishes insects, reptiles mollusca and animalculae of the globe. From the fa mous London four-volume edition, with addi ti ons from the most celebrated naturalists of the age. Complete in one large handsome volume of 1032 pages, richly illustrated with 1000 spirited engravings, Price down to gold basis, to suit the masses. Should outsell, five to one. any book in the field. Terms the mtt liberal. Full prrticu lars Bent free. Address. A. II. Hudbard, Pub., 400 Chestnut St., rhila. 82 4w A U MA TS WAAlJiV.WW 'to $aOO per Month Clergymen, School Teachers, tmart young Men and Ladiet wanted to Canvass for the iVcte Book, "OUR FATHERS HOUSE OR, The Unwritten Word. By Dakikl Mabce, author of the popular "Night Seens." This master in thought and language shows us untold riehes and beauties in the Great House, with its Blooming Sowers, Singing birds, Waving palms, Rolling clouds, Beautiful bow, Sacred Mountains, Delightful Rivers. Mighty oceans, Thundering voices, Blazing heavens and vast universe with count less being in millions of worlds, and reads to us in each the Unwritten Word. Rose-tinted paper, ornate engravings and superb binding. Send for circular, in which is full description and uniAersal commendations by the press, ministers and college professors, in the strong est possible language. ZE1GLKR & CO. 10 South Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 32 4w ai& ST ) X S-f 3 ill A?Jfeg yin OrOClPf i III Lot 2 rp HE IIAND-IN-HAXD 1 Lifo In MUTUAL nsurance Company wants a num ber of good Agents ; also, a good General Agent for Pittsburgh and vicinip. also a Gen eral agent for the German counties of Pennsyl vania. Addresa Home Ortice, No. 112 South 4th Jtreet, Philadalphia. 82 4w "2 ca O " o rl " o Mrs -2 di'ES THEY AUK NOT A VILE SbSFANCY drink, -g.1? Made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits, and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced', and sweetened to please the taste; called "Tonics," "Appetizers," "Restorers," &c, that lead the tippler on to drunkeness and ruin, but aro a true medicine, made from the native Roots aud Herbs of California, free from all Alcohol io Stimulants. They are the Great. Blood Puri. tier and Life Giving Principle, a perfect Ileen- ovator and lnvigorator ot the System, carry ing off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell. $100 will be given for an incurable oase, pro vided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point ot repair. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumntism, and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement ot tlw Digestive Organs. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you nnu its impurities bursting through the Bkin in Pimples, Eruptions or 8ores : cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tel) you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. I'm, tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed aud removed. la Bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent Fe vers, these Bitters have no equal- For full directions read carefully the ciroular around each bottle, printed in four languages .Eng lish, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor, 32 Commsree St., n. v. ii. h. Mcdonald 4 co., Druggists, and general Agente, San Francisco and Sacramento, California, and 32 & 31 Com merce St., N. Y. BSsy-SOLD BY ALL DRUGOISTS & DEAL ERS. 20 8m EIGHT PER CENT. GOLD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE ISSUE OP $ 1, 500, 000, BY THE St. Joseph and Denver City MILEOAD COMPANY. In denominations of $1,000 and $500, coupon ur registered, with interest at Eight per eent. per annum, payable 15th February and Au gust, in GOLD free of United States taxes, in New York or Europe. The bonds have thirty years to run, payable in New York in GOLD. Trustees, farmers' Loan and Trust Company of New York. The mortgage which secures these bonds is at the rate of $18,000 per mile; covers a complete road for every bond is a first and ONLY mortgage. This, line, connecting St. Jnseph with Fort Kerney will make a short and through route to Califor- The Company have a Capital Stock of - And a grant of Land from Con gress, of 1,000,000 Acres, val ued, at the lowest estimate, at. t First Mortgage bonds, - - Total, - - $10,000,000'- 4,000.000 1,600,001) $15,500,000 AGENTS WANTED FOR THE PHYSICAL LIFE OF WOMEN, TWENTY-FIFTH THOUSAND NOW READY. BY GEO. H. NAPHEYS, M. D. The most remarkable succoss of the day. Is selling with unpreceedentcd rapidity. It con tains what every Man and woman ought to know, nnd few do- It will save muph suffering. As the only reputablo ward upon the single and married life, it is earnestly rccomended by Prof. Wm. A Hammond, Prest. Mark Hop. kino, Avev.ix y irtuu uvecuer, vi, xmennell, Mrs. R. B. Gleasou, M. D Prof. H. N. East man, etc. Being eagerly sont;ht for, the Agents work is easy. Send stamp for pamphlet etc.,' to GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 710 Sansom Street, Phila., Pa. 8 School street, Boston, Mass. 32 4w 85 Nassau street, New York. 8100 to S125 per Month guaranteed. Sure pay. ages paiu weekly to Agents every where, selling our fattent silver Mould White Wire Clothes Lines. Business permanent. For full particulars address Giuabd Wire Mills, Philadelphia, Pa. 32 4w drowned. On Saturday afternoon last, Mr. Alanson II. Felt, of Brockwayville, was drowned in Little Toby, about one (pile be low Woe Rock. Ho was engaged io rafting, another gentle man b iag on ihe rati with hiui, but it is not defiuately known how be was thrown into the water. It is sup posed, however, that in dipping his oar it was caught with the current which is very swift there and threw him off, at the same time stunning him to such an extent that he could make no effort to save himself. His body was recovered about three hours after the accident, when it was oonveyed to his bouse in Iiaockwayville, and given bur rial on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Felt was about iorty-seven years of age, and leaves a wife and many friends to mourn his untime ly .end. Brookville Republican. Well's Carbolic Tablets- After much study and scientific indt-stigation as to the remedial qualities of C.uiiiolic Acid, Dr. nells lias discovered by proper combina tion with other articles in the form of a Tablet a spociflc for all pulmonary diseases. THESE TABLETS area SURE CURE for all diseases of the BESPIRATORY ORGANS, SORE THROAT, COLD, CROUP, DIPTHERIA, ASTHMA, CATARRH, or HOARSENESS: also a successful remedy for Kidney difficul ties Prick 125 cknts I'kb Box. sent by Mail upon receipt of price, by JOHN Q. KELLOGG, H Clitt St., New 1 ork, Solo Agent for the United States. 29 8w Total lcfl&th of road, 271miles: dist, included in this Moitgage, 111 miles: price, 'JTJ and ac cured interest, IN CURRENCY. Can be ob. tained from the undersigned. Also, pamph lets, maps add information relit ing thereto. There bonds, being so well secured and yeilu- a large income, are desirable to parties seek ing Bafe and lucrative investments. We re commend them with entire confidence. W. P. CONVERSE & CO., COMMERCIAL AGENTS. No. 54 Pine Sreet, New York. TANNER & CO., FISCAL AGENTS, No 49 Wall Street, New York. June 4 3m. M ERCANTILESAPPRAISMENT. KNITTING MACHINE IIINKLEY tnp p.vmii.v use Knits everything. AGENTS WANTED. Oircularand sample slocking FREE. Address IIINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., Bath, Me. 8m T HE SATURDAYjJVENING POST. THREE MONTHS GRATIS ! Terrible Accident. A terrible acci dent occurred on Sunday morning last, in Pine township, this county, which resulted in the death ot one lady and the serious in jury of several others. It seems that Mrs. James Steele, Mrs. Kurts, Mrs. Bechtell and Miss Bingaman were in a spring wagon, and on their way to church at Templeton. In going down a hill, Miss Bingaman, who was sitting on the front 6eat with the dri ver, was by some means thrown out, which frightened the horses and the driver lost all control over tbem. Down the hill they dashed at a fearful rate of speed, finally up setting the wagon and throwing the occu pants in every direction. Mrs. Steele had her collar bono broken and was badly cut obout the face. Mrs. KurU, jaw broken, scalp torn and one foot smashed. This lady is not expected to live. Mrs. Bechtell, collar bone broken, and her child was badly bruised and cut. Miss Bingaman in falling out, fell among the horses and had her col lar bone and two or three ribs broken. Very soon after the accident, messengers were dispatched to this place for medical aid, and Drs. M'CulIoch, Beynoldsand Allison re sponded promptly, and immediately repair ed to the soene of the disaster, and render ed all the assistance in their power. At last account all the patients were as comfort able as oonld be expected, Armstrong Ke publican. 1)A HTQ BY SUNLIGHT J; jnLiVi AKU GASLIGHT. A Work discripuve of the Mysteries, Virtue, Splendors and Crones of the Citu of 1 arts. It contains 150 fine engravings of noted pla ces, Lite and ocencs in I nns. Agents want. ed. Address. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia Agents Canvesing Looks sent free for SE011ETS OF INTEllNAL 11EVENUE The most remarkable book ever published, being a complete exposure of the powerful confederations or '-Ring preying on our Gov ernment. Showing up all cliques from the low est to the highest, Cabinet officers and Congress men as well as minor operators' system atic depredations, conspiracies, official corrup tion, political influence, patronage and wire pulling. A fearless Historical work, invalua ble to every citizen; containing 510 pages, by a prminent Government detective, Over 20,- OOO copies already sold. Agents wanted. Canvassing books free. Address W. Flint, Publisher, Philadelpeia Pa., Boston, Mass., Chicago, 111. or Cincinnati, O. aZ 4w AGENTS WANTED FOR THE NE.V This cheapest end best of the Literary Week lies is offering unequalled inducements to new subscribers. In the first paper of October, it commenced a brilliant Novelet, called " a Family Failing," by Elizabeth Prescolt. It also is now running a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Henry Wood, the famous author of " East Lynne," &o. NEW NOVELETS will continually succeed each other. Among those already on hand or in progress, are " Under a Bun," by Amanda M. Douglas iconic s oecrct," iy r ranic ioe iseneuict : a Novelet, by Miss Hosmer, c. Tho post also gives the gems of the English magazines. and classification of the Wholesale Dealeis and Retailers of fo. eign and domestic MerchandiBO. within tho county of Elk for the year 1870: Ridgway TotcnxJn'p. 1IKA1.KE8 NAMK. J. S. Hyde & Co., Powell & Kiuio, Charles Holes U.S. Thayer, W, C. Ilealy, Grant & Horton, K. S. Gillis, W. S. Service, J. R. Baird. G. G. Messenger, Druggist, Jones Townchip. Tanning & Lumber Co., ' A- T- Aldrich, Martin Sowers, Horton Township. J. S. Hyde. Short & Wile ox. Fox TownnJiip. Joseph Koch S- Sou, P. W. Hays, C. K. Burleigh, Francis Gill, Brewer, S. Alary' t .Borough. James Sneeringer, Charles Luhr, W. J. Blakely. Beecher & Copeland, Barb.iry Rudolph, Leonard Cook. Corryell & Bates, Weis Bi others, Adolph Fochtman, Joseph Wilhelm, John Sosenheimer & Son, John Walchcl, Lyon & Brothers. J. E. Weidenborner, CLASS, 10 8 14 12 10 14 12 14 14 1 1 14 12 12 10 14 14 TAX. 20 00 30 00- 7 00 12 60 20 00 7 00 12 m 7 00 7 00 10 UO CO 00 12 50 7 00 12 60 12 50 20 0" 10 00 7 (K) 7 OO 1 OF HUSBANDRY A complete guide for Farmer's young and old, by the celebrated Author and successful far mer. GEO. E. Jf1Rtjro, Jr., of Off den J 'arm. The large experience and recognized abPity of the Author guarantees a work of rterling merit. Among the subjects treated are Buy ing and Leasing Farm, buildins, Improved Implimcnts, Judicious Fertilizing, Sub-soiling, Draining, (Rotation of Crops, Butter Making, Cheese Factories, Breeding and care of Live Stock, their di seases and remedies, &o. &e., with many useful. Tables. COO pages rich with instruction and embellished with 10O spirited engravings. Terms liberal, Ciroular free, "Secure an Agency at once. E. B. TREAT & CO., 654 Brodway, N. Y. NEW SUBSCRIBERS For 1870 will haue their subscriptions dated back to the paper of October 2d, until the large extra edition of that date is exhausted. This will bo thirteeen papers in additien to the regular weekly numbers for 1870 or fifteen months in all ! When our extra edition 13 ex. hansted, the names of all new subscribers for 1870 will be entered on our list the very week iney are rccciveu. TERMS j $2 50 a year. Two copies, $4. Four copfes, rive copies (and one gratis) $8. One copy ot the Post and one of the Lady's Friend, A copy pf the large and beautiful Premium Steel Fugraving, ' Taking the Measure of the Wedding Ring " engraved in England at a cost ot $2010 will be sent to every full ($2 50) suDscrioer, una to every person sending a club. this is truly a beautilul engraving 1 Andreas II. rETEESON &. CO., 819 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies eent free for five cents. 11 10 14 12 14 14 10 lit 6 14 14 12 14 12 14 12 14 It 14 14 11 15 00 20 00 7 00 12 50 7 00 7 60 60 OO 20 tl 10 00 60 00 7 00 7 00 12 50 7 0' Reynolds & Garner, Druggists, 12 50 Special Notices- v2fl A A ---WANTED an aotiveman, in OlIUlli eaou County in the8tate, to travel and take orders by sample, for TEA, COFEE, and SPICES. To suitable men we will give a salary of $000 to $1,000 a year above traveling and other expenses, and a rea sonable commission on sales. Immediate applications are solicited from proper parties. .References exenangea. Ap plications are soUcited from proper parties. Aippiy to, or addrisg mmediatety J. PACKER & CO., Continental Mills." 184 Bowery New York, Jacob Bobnrger, do 7 00 Joseph Windfeldcr, Brewer, 12 60 Geis & Geiber, do 7 00 F. X. Sorg, do 7 00 William Selt, do 7 OH C H. Volk, do 7 00 Edward McBride, Jeweler, 7 00 Benezet Township. 12 D. A. McDonald, 12 50 14 Fletcher & Jones, 7 00 14 Campbell & Brothers, 7 00 14 Kane Brothers ! Co.. 7 00 14 Winslow & Johnson, . 7 00 An appeal will be held at the CommissSoneis' office, in Ridgwny, on Saturday, July Dili, 18(0, at which line those feeling ihemselvel aggrieved may present their case before the Lomimesioners. ' JAMES rEN FIELD, RUrcantile AnDracser. Ridgway, May 20th, 1S70. LIST OF UNCLAIMD LETTERS remaining in the Ridgway Postofficeto June 1st, 1870 I was cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy and will send the receipt, free. Mlta. M. V. LUGUETT, Iloboken, H. o, 24 5w Blood E. K. Beosey Guen liisBel L. E, Cut Dennis, Carr Robert, Degman James Frost H. A. FarrG.W. Holahan Messrs. & Co Hardy John, llanahan Patrick, j ha above letters, if not called for within thirty days, will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. JAMES n. HAGERTY, P. M. I.indeman James, Lee Eliza Magau M. E. 2 Maheit Oliver McDermott Miehael2 McIIenry & Mages Shipman t Windfield Werkman Rev. Pauleus Woodward Bronton D. Wiscoe Thomas DON'T DO IT! Friends, Countrymen and Lovers : Do not for get that I, S. S. Wood, do hereby declare, on the authority of facts herewith submitted, that more money's worth is given In ni.oniiii'na i'r. nau, .iiKafi.ik.H In UiW,TiU HOUSEHOLD MAGAZIE than for any other The undersigaed has opened a largs boardirg publication m me worm. Also, that I agree j. "Jr. "" "o amply JOARDINQ HOUSE, Near the Depot, Wilcx, Pa. MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor. to forteit Five Hundred Dollars to any Pub' Usher who shall succeed in provinethe contra ry to this declaiation, provided that such Pub lisher shall declare his intentention to inves tigate before proceeding to do sc ; also, that in case he fails he, he shall forfeit to me the same amount, an J announce the result in regu lar type inthe editorial oolumps of his next issue. 8, 8. WOOD, Publisher and Proprietor Woods Uovninoo Mtoizim," Niul-b March 12, U7i) prepared to satisfy the wants of those who may avorhim with their custom. nov'two T ACOB YOUNG & CO ft Blauk Book Manufacturers, Book Binders And. Corry, Pa WriiftaL'a ltllr ( Blank Books Made to Order. THE MAGIC COMB Will change any colored hair or beara to a permanent black or brows. It contains mo poison. Anv one can use it. One sent by mail for $1. Ad dress MAGIC COMB CO., 1 15 But Bpringfield, Msm, 1