The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 11, 1870, Image 3
BJ'Jt X. Oilh Remits -gduocalc. v f ' 7'it tit Kra Express Kant , ' do do Vest do Mail East !.' do cln West Itdffteitij. ', 2:t'() p. in. : 1:01 a in. 2:I8 i. in. :"" l. M. Local Freight Easi.: 7:20 a. m. i do do West 6:10 p. di. EnTtodgT A"yT M. Stated liioiitings of. Elk Lodge will ho leli at thcii- hall on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WHITMORE. Sec'y. I. 0. 0. T. The Regular mcethgs of Rldgway Lodgo, No. 256, held every Wednesday evening at ' Jjeir Lodce Room. H. A. r ARSONS, y7. S. AGENTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. The follnwingnnmed persons are authorized Igenls for the Adrocatt to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pny there to: and give reciipts. Wilcox. A. T. Ai.iuiirit, J. L. Knows. Knuo. Frank W. Mkkcr. Johnsonsburg. Isaac 11 An an. S?t, Marys. Ciias. McVras. Ccntrevillc. Homkii II. Lbach, Mnj. Biirkk. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. AVkbh. Bennezette. John C. Uaiid, J. iY. Brows'. Shnwmut. Ion.- Fauhbii. Spring Creek. A. W. Iiiyin. Highland. Lkvi 1-LI.htiiohit. Morton. D. C. Ovstkb, N. M. linnr-KWAV. NoTtCK. The Commissioners will meet at tlicir office in llidgwuy, Elk county, l'a., on Monditj, Jnnc loth, 1870. C, 11. iVCAULEY, Clerk. At a Mkktinu of the Republican (.'nun ty Committee held at ludgway, May 2u'th, 1870, it was ordered that the priinory meet ings of tho several Election Districts be held at their respective Election Houses, on Saturday, July !th, 1870, at .YVoloek 1'. M., to elect Delegates to meet iu County Convention at Hidgway, on Tuesday the 12th ot July, at 4 o'clock p. M. Resolved, That a meeting of the Coun ty Cominittc bo held at Ridgway, on Fri day, tho 17th day of Juno 1870, at .'J o'clok p. m. A lull attendance is desired. 15y Order Couuty Coinmittc. Ciias. Mcvean, . " J. R. Eaihk, ;ec y. C'hairmuu. Argument Court was held on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Judge Johnson presiding. There will oo .Services at tho Episcopal Church on Sunday liexr, the I :Mi hot., at 11 o'clock A. M., an 1 S o'c'ock I. M-. Rev. Jlobt. C Ca.-well ollioiating. Is it not abimt tune to ui;;ko arrangements for the foiirJi ? Don't depend on Ft. Marys this year, but let us have a Fourth uf July of our own. 'El'lM'K,' l ied Sei ceiling's dog, aecidet. )y got unler the cars at St. Marys cn Fri day last and was imumnled so bad that it was necessary to kill him and end his suf eiing. Brinco was ouo of the brightest of his rsee, very fond of children and rats. Sale of unseated lauds for arrears ol taxes takes place at the Court House next Monday, the 13th. Tho period for re deeming hnds sold at the sale of expired, Wednesday the Sth inst. Some owners lost their lauds by failing to redeem iu time. Novel Importation. The proprietors of the Vilcox Tannery have brought Iroiu Virginia fifty-seven colored men. They aro engaged iu peeling bark, and will soon become expert at the business. Among them is a Mr. Samuel Williams, who, during the war, acted as guide fur General Ilroside wheu iu North Carolina, and by Ii is knowledge, skill, and integrity, was of great value to the cause of the Union. Arrest that terrible Catarrh, and thus avioid a cansumptive's grave, by useing Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It's not war ted to cure Consumption when the lungs are halt consumed, uor to make uien live forever, nor to make this earth a blissful Paradise to which heaven bhall be but a side-show, but t,he proprietor v ill p ly 8500 reward for a caso of Catarrh which he cannot euro. Sold by druggests, or ueud sixty cents to Di" R. V. Pierce, Buf falo N. Y., and receive it by mail. To Beautify tub Teeth. Dissolve two ounces of borax iu three pints of boiling water, and before it is cold odd ono tea spoonful of the spirits of camphor and bot tle for use. A table spoonful of this mix ture, mixed with an ccpual cpuantity of tepid water, aud applied daily with a soft brush, preserves and beautifies the teeth, extri pates all tartarous adhesion, and, arrests decay, induces healthy action of the gums, and makes the teeth nearly white. The CRors and Fruit Prospects in Crawford Co. Spring crops are coming forward finely, and are in advrnce'of any previous 6eason iu this latitude, s far as our iecolectioo extends. Corn aud oats Jook well. Fall wheat is heading well, but is light ou the ground in most fields we lave observed, but promises an averago crop. Spring wheat is very good, and so of rye and barley. The grass crop will be beavy and meadows will be ready to cut a jtlMSKTSKTefl WfMflUMLlMI W"UJ It- W" W'XMt AlXlinVMIASMUWt.1 .MfmV'VJKtiAM, minima firtinight earlier than usual. Clover is almost ready for the scythe. The potato crop will be heavy and meat enormous if no disaster overtakes it. A larger surfaco than usual is planted, and the weather is very lavorable for rapid growth. All things considered our farmers l.uve reason to re joice iu tho prospect ol a year of plenty. rruit of every kind Dover promised greater abundance. The trees are laden heavily so heavily, indeed, that iu many orchards the thinning outj process must bo resorted to or much damage will result from limbs breaking down. Meadville llcpublicau. Fatat Accident. Ou Friday last, as Mr. Joseph Shaffer, former owner ol the ShufFer Farm at Reno, was walking along the track of the Philadelphia & Erie Rail way, about ono mile above Warren, l'a., he was struck by the engine of the Warren Accommodation and instantly killed. Mr, Shaffer was quite an aged inan. and, we are informed has been nearly deaf for the past t wo years, and it is supposed ho did not hear the train approaching. The deceased was a man univertally esteemed by all who knew him. lie had been a usident of Venango county for near forty years nnd was well known throughout that couuty. f orest Press. Ex-Attounev U enkuai, B II. Brews ter U'jUIjud. At an early hour yesterday morning burglars aro supposed to have en tered the residence of Benjamin II. lliews- tcr. No. 700 Walnut street, Philadelphia, by breaking open a side panel of glass, pul ing their hands iu and forcing back the bolt of the first door. Oucc insido they eu teied the parl'r, took a candle-stick off the parlor mantle, and lighting the candle made complete examination ot the whole premises. Mr. Brewster's vest and papers were over hauled, as well as a lot ol bills, but the burglars seeing they were valueless to them threw them on the floor, Proceedirg to the sleeping apartment of Mr. JJ., they chloro formed him, and completely ransacked the loom, taking from the closets seven pieces of old family plate, a handsome gold watch. a sapphire ring, and even Mr. Jl.'s suit ol cloliies. '1 Ley then le!t by tho way they en tered. On going down si airs they drooped -lr. i s pants ami vest, nut too remainder they took, wiih them. Mr. B. estimates his oss at about ?2UU0. T pit: A move is mal. iog to impeach Justice Field, o.t tho l'u;ted States Supr"iue Bench, and Judge I!o!;!ian, of Caliloauia. fr alleged complicity iu Pacific Railroad bribery. JrsT received at Variety Hall a full line id l-'ino. Shir's, Duck, Drilling and Dtmin ; t i ,,.!),.. Tu...,..,.. ii;,.i...y nf prices within the reach of all. Call in ami ee the large vaii"ty to select from no trouble to show goods. J. B. Baiud. Dentistry. John Sagr.r, Dentist, of Warten, will be found at the Hyde House, where he has engaged rooms, on Monday, June 13th., where he will remain dining tho week. Dr. Sager has paid Bidgway several professional visits and has always given satisfaction. Give him a call. EIGHT PEE CENT. GOLD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE ISSUE OF $ 1, 500, 000, BY THE St. Joseph and Denver City EAILEOAD COMPANY. In denominations of $1,000 and SoOO, coupon or registered, with interest at Eight per eeut. per annum, payable loth February and Au gust, inOOLLI free of United States taxes, in New York or Europe. The bonds have thirty years to run, payable iu New York in GOLD. Trustees, farmers' Loan and Trust Company of New York. ' Tho mortgage which secures these bonds is at the rate of $13,500 per mile; covers a complete road for every bond is u first and ONLY mortgage. This line, connecting St. Jaseph wiili Fori Kerney, will make a short and through route toCulifor- The Company have a Capital Stock of And a grunt of Land from Con gress, of l.OOJ.UOO Acres, val ued, at the lowest estimate, at -First Mortgage bonds, - Total, - 4.O0O.0C0 1,500,000 $15,500,000 Tolallength of road, 271miles; dist. included in this Mortgage, 111 miles; price, 07 aud se cured interest, IN CURRENCY. Can be ob. taiued from the undersigned. Also, pamph lets, maps add information reining thereto. There bonds, being so well secured and yeild a large income, are desirable to parties seek ing safe and luorative investments. We re coiuuiendthem with entire confidence. W. P. CONVERSE So CO., COMMERCIAL AGENTS, , No. 64 Pine Sreet, JS'ew York. TANNER & CO., FISCAL AGENTS, No 43 Wall Street, Kcw York. June i om. ERCANT1LE APFRA1SMENT. The follnwinir is n true and correct list and classification of tho Wholesale dealers ann Retailers oflo. cien and domestic Merchandise within the county of lor the year loiO' ll'uhjK ty Township. CLASS. DEALERS' SAMK. 10 J. S. Hyde & Co., 8 P.iwell & Kimo, 14 Charles Holes 12 11.8. Thnytr, Id W, C. Healy, 14 Grunt & Morton, 12 H. 8. Oillis. 14 W. 8. Service, 14', J. R. Baird. 12 O. G. Messenger. Druggist, Jnnrt Toxniehip. 5 Tanning & Lumber Co., 11! A. T. Aldrieh, 14 Martin Sowers, Ilorton Totcnship. 12 J. S. Hyde, 12 Short & Wile ox. Fox Toirn.thi'p. 10 Joseph Kooh A Son, l:i 1. W. Hays, 14 C. V. Rnrleigh, 11 Francis Gill, Brewer, St. Jlfari's Boruvyh. 11 Jntncs Snecringer, 3 0 Charles Luhr, 14 W. J. Blokely, . 12 I'ceclier & Copcland, 14 Rarhary Rudolph, 14 Leonard Cook. l CnrryellA Betes, TAX $20 00 30 00 7 00 12 50 20 00 7 00 12 50 7 00 7 00 10 00 60 00 12 50 7 00 12 50 12 50 20 00 1(1 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 20 00 7 00 12 50 7 00 7 50 50 00 20 00 10 00 50 00 7 00 7 00 12 50 10 Wcis Brothers, l;i Adoluh Fnuhtmnn. t J'isorili Wilhclm, 14 John Soseulieiiiier & Fon. 1 1 John Wntcliel, 12 Lyon Brothers. 14 J. E. Weidenhorner, 00 12 Reynolds & Garner, Druggists, 12 f0 14 Jacob Rcharirer. do 7 (10 Joseph Windt'oldcr, Brewer, 12 5(1 Heis - Gi'iber, do . 7 00 1'. X. .Sni p, do ' 7 00 William Sell, do 7 (10 C II. Volk, do 7 00 Edward .McBridc. Jeweler. 7 00 14 14 14 14 14 Benczrt Township. 1). A. McDonald, 12 50 Fletcher & Jones. 7 00 Campbell & Brothers, 7 00 Kane Brothers Co., 7 00 Winslow & Johnson, 7 00 An appeal will be held at the Commissioncis' olbee, in Ridgway, on Saturday, July !l:h, lbTO. at which tine those feeling themselves aggrieved may present their case before the Commissioners. JAMES PEXFIELD, Mercantile Appracser. Ridgwny, May 2l'ith, 1870. 1ST OF UXCLAIMD LETTERS remaining J in tiicRidgway l'oKiolliceto June 1st, 1870 lilnod E. K. IT.mdcman James, lteosoy Guen Lee Eliza I'.issel L. E, .Ma;ran M. E. 2 ('ill Dennis, J Mallei t Oliver t'arr Robert, McDcrmott Michael 2 Degmau James j.MclIenry & Mages Frost II. A. jshipnian Windticld I'arr G. Vt Wvrkmnn Rev. Paulcns Ilolahan Messrs. & Co Woodward Bronton 1). Hardy John. jWiscoo Thomas ' llaimhan 1'nliick, . he above letters, if not cnl'ed for within thirty daya, will be sent to the Dead Letter Of fice. JAMES II. 1IAGERTY, P. M. llicteway, March 1st, 1870. SPECIE PAYMENT! TAKEN IN EXCHANGE I'OR iyi rr-;, f, OR JOB WORK A T THE RID G WA 7 WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock beforo buy. ing a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but First Class Mechan ics ; I use nothing but the lest Refined li on. I think it will be to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty five lumber wagons in course of costi uction, I will be uble to furnish any party by the first of April. All oider3 by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. March 5. tf S. JACKSON. JIIARLES HOLES, PKACTICAl WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER, k JEWELER, West cud of Hyde House, Ridgway, Pa. Sells as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WATOAES, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, XX VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, Spectacles, Pens aud Pencils, Exclusive .lgeut for the sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Repairing Watches, etc., done with the same aocuracy as heretofore. nov20,'6Utf TRY MORE 4 CO'S OVAL STEEL ENGRA VINGS, 111 Nassau St., N. Y. Anybody can sell them. Cheap. Sell fast. Pay hand somely. Send for ne circular- 23 4 w M POWELL & KIME. QOODS FOR THE MILLION. P O WE'LL & KIM E, At their capacious store in RIDGWAY, Have on hand, a splendid assortment of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants Ol the peonle Of Elk and ndinininir - . J c counties, which they aro selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply- state here, that being very large dealers, their facilities for Durchasina are rni- equalled by any establishment in the county. They buy directly from manu facturers and on the GROUND FLOOR. Another advantage. You can nlways got what you want at their store, htnee you will save time by going directly to them and TIME IS MONEY". We have no space here to enumerate all tho ad vantages you will have in pu.iuu.u.UB establishment. Rut call and see, and reap the advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will find DRY GOODS in en Hess yarietics, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cut and finish, BOOTS & SHOES of the best stock and make. CROCKERY for newly married, middle aged aud elderly. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, TORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly allj kinds of country produce taken at the market Talnr vlult. AT? If M)Ti:i; TlftSMliSTS. ' iT -err TO Tim NERVOUS and DEBILITATED, WHOSE SUFFERING HAVE BEEN PRO TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE VIlOJtirT Til Ett TJflEJfT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. If you are suffering or have suffered, from involuntary discharges, what effect does it produce upon your general health ? Do you feel weak, debilitated, ea sily tired ? Does a little extra exertion produce palpation of tho heart? Docs your, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frctpuently get out of order ? Is your urine sometimes thick, milky or flocky, or is it ropy on settling ? Or docs ti thick skum rise to the top 'i Or is a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile ? , Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated ? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory impaired ? Is your mind constantly dwelling on the sub ject ? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, ot liio f Do you wish to bo left alone, to get away from everybody? Does any little thing make you start. or jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Js the lustre of your eye as brilliant f I he bloom of your cheek as bright ? Do you enjny yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with tho Eamo ener gy ? Do you feel as much confidence iu yourself? Are your spirits dull and flag ging, given to fits of nielencholy : If so, do not lay it to your liver or dispepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak. aud have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, veneral dieease badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all ca pable of producing a weakness of the gene rative organs. 1 he organs of the genera tion, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever tinuli that those bold, den- ant, energetic, persevering business-men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health ? You never hear such men complain of being nielencholy, of nervousness, of palpataticn ol the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they dou t become sad and dis couraged ; they are always polite and pleas ant in company of ladies, and look you and them right in the face none of your down cast looks or any other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the orcrns inflated bv running to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but ilso those they do. business with or for. How mancy men. from badly cured diseases. from the effects of self-abuse end excesses, have brought about that slate of weaUncs iu these organs that has reduced the general sys tern so much as to induce almost every other disease idiocy, paralysis, spinal allcctioni, suicide, and almost every other form of dis. ease which humanity is heir to and the real ana have'aoeouveunej'aarcel.y ever suspected, DISEASE OF THESE ' ORGANS REQUIRB THE USE OF A DIUEETIC. FLUID EXTRACT BTJCHU IS THE ORET DIURETIC, AND 18 A CERTAIN CURE FOR DISEASH OF TUB BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE COMLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY. Andall other diseases of the Urinary Oorgam, whether existing in Mai.k or Fkham, from whatever caure originating, and no matttr how ltng standing. If no treatment is submitted to. consump tion or insanity may ensue. Our flesh aud blood are supptrted from these eourcm, and the health and happiness, and that of Poster ity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HEMROLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, established upward of 19 years, prepared by II. T. HELMBOLD, DRUGGIST, 594 Broadway, New Yms axd 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia Pa. PRICE 51,25 per bottle, or 9 bottles for $6,50, delivered to any address. Sold bx all Dbuoqists stimwueb&. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IX STSKL KMGBAVKD WKApPEB, WITH t AO-81MI- lib or ht CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, and SIGNED, . H. T. HELMBOLD. DPw. J. S. BOEBWELL'S . M odicairee Bill : Advice ot office, common cases, 81 00 Call in town , - , - e 1 00 Call in town nt night . 2 00 Travel by Railroad 8 ni'les 5 00 , . . m , , ," oo per mile . . . ' 11 ' ' 7.00 Over 14 milns from 25 to 50 cents per mile. Traveling with own convey ance one tiiilo . " ' 2 Ten to twelve miles ' ' ' ' . 10 00 00 Obstetrical Calls within ten miles 10 00 ' "by rail 15 miles, 10 00 unless detained beyond the usual time. For cureing Catarrh, from five ' to fifteen dollars. For cureing Scrofula Swellings or Kings Evil, from twenty-five to one hun dred dollars Tooth Extraction, . 50 Vaccination 50 Lancing Felon, 1 00 TTnmentioued and Surgical operations will be charged according to circumstances. To those liviug several miles from a Drug Store I furnish suoh medicine as I carry. I give this fee list to stop the constant magnifying of my charges by interested parties. The above are about my usual charges and have been for several year?. SPLENDID PRIZE FOR THE LADIES. The finest, most nleasine. and costly engrav ing ever published in America, to be presented as a premium to each subscriber to DEMOREST'S MONTHLY, a magazine of praotical utility in the house, a mirror of the fashions, and a literary conser vator of surpassing interest and artistic excell ence, acknowledged to be the modern parlor majrazine of America The engraving, 28x32 inches, is from the or iginal painting, entitled, 'The Pio-Nie on the Fourth of July.' The painting took a whole year, and is con sidered the finest of tho entire list of numerous populor productions by LillieM. Spencer. The engraving was tho labor of four years, by three eminent, artists John Rodgcrs, Samuel Hatpin, and Samuel Hollyer ; The last named having been induced to come from Europe to finish it. The engravers have ably seconded the successful labors of the painter. None but artists can fully appreciate the skjH and labor lavished on this engraving The general ef fect is very fine and inipressivo, and the deli rate finish to the heads will bear the most mi nute inspection. The union of line and stipple is executed with unusual ability, and their skilful combination has greatly contributed to the success of the engravers in this unsurpass ed proof of their genius. Thctwork on the engraving alone cost over seven thousand dollars, besides the cost of the copyright, and is acknowledged by competent judges the most elaborately finished Urge work ot ait cvor engraved In America. 1'inc copies of this magnificent picture, ou heavy plate paper, worth $10 each, are to be given as a premium to each subscriber to DEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGZINE. Yearly subscriptions only Three Dollars, aad ten cents (which is to bo Bent with the sub scription), for the postage on the engravings (which will be mailed necureiy done up on a' roller. This is certainly the larzest, most lihcral and splendid premium ever oll'ercd to single subscribers by rny publisher, aud affords an easy and economical way for auy one to secure an floiraut work of art, , Parlor Picture that is only next to a piano in tho way of ornamen tation, and a perpetual reminder of a day which ought to to be cherished and held in re membrance by every true American. i lii-iftiHf'avtwy" r ';., rnxpinifiecnt picture venture anything in saying'TliaT fc'iw-H'n. not procure another that combines so much of in terest and beauty. Specimens of the Magazine, with circulars, giving full particulars, will be sent to any giv. cn address, post free on receipt of 15 cents. Address DEMOREST' MONTHLY. nov20tf . t38 Broadway, N. Y. rjMIE LADY'S FRIEND. TWO MONTHS GRATIS The Lady's Friend announces the following Novelets for 1870 : Did He Forget Her ? by Louise Chandler Moulton ; The Cascannon's Aunt;' by Elizabeth Prescott, author of 'Be tween Two.' &o. ; ' Solid Silver ; or, Chrisie Doane's Bridal Gifts, by Amanda M. Douglas, author of the ' Debarry Fortune," with nu merous shorter stories by a brilliant galaxy of lady writers. A finely executed steel engraving, a hand seme double page, fiuely colored fashion plate, and a largo assortment of wood cuts, illustrat ing the fashions, fancy work, etc., are given in every number. It will give a popular piece of Musit in ev ery number. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED AUTHORS. The January number will contain portrait (engraved on steal) of Mrs. Henry Wood, Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moulton, Elizabeth Prescott, Amanda M. Douglas Mrs., Margaret Hosmer and August Bell, NEW SUBSCRIBERS Who send in their names before the first of No vember, shall receiue the November and De cember numbers of this year in addition, mark ing fourteen months in all ! And new subseri. bers sending in their names by the first of December shall receive the magnificent Decem ber holiday number, making thirteen months iu all ! TERMS ; $2 50 a year; two copios, $1 j four copies, $6; epoieshtc. (aud one gratis) $8 One copy of e Lady's Friend- and one of the Post, $i. stA copy of the lorge and beautiful Premium Wcel engraving Taking the Measure of the cedding Ring 'engraved in England at a sost of $2000 will be seat to every person ending a club. Tlii s engraving is a gem of art. Address 1 DEACON a PETERSON, 819 IValnut street, Philadelphia. Speoimen copies sent for ten eents. KW STORE. The subscriber begs leave to inform theiiti- zens of Ridgway -and vicinity that he liaa ' opened a store where may be found PFRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES.. STATIONERY, . ' ' ' FINE CON FECTIOK ART, I OYSTERS, ORAXGES, LEMONS, in season, f lvttf J. R. BAlfttK ' t