The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 28, 1870, Image 2

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    0;ih dounla grtiocate,
j. s. m o n n ir n i. l . iu a or,.
yon .,onkkss.
Hon. Cm:nni YV. SinT:v:t,n will lie ft sandi
dute for Congress, subject to tho usages ft I lie
I'ejmbliei.u party.
IlfKiiT SorMirn. of this t-fmnt jr will he n
rutididnlc lor Picsiib'iit Judge of tl'io FixiU
JuHioinl District of IViiinflvaiiin, subject to
I lie usages of tlic Republican parly in t lie
District. .
We nre authorized lo announce the ran c of
P. K. Wooiwrrr, n n candidate for President
Ju'lgc, subject to lie usnges of Hie Republican
PkESIKDST JUIIOK. We have lit the
present tituo, only two mimes for the above
position, S. E. Woodruff, Esq., of Erie and
Hon. Henry Souther, of this place. We
aro but slightly acquainted with Mr.
Woodruff, but believe him to be. a gentle
man of ability. Mr. Souther is well quul
iCcd for the pnsitiou, being tumble lawyer,
and would, if chrsen by the District, fili
the position to the satisfaction of bis con
stituents. As Erio and Warren cn'inties
have always had the "Loaves ttud Fishes''
iu the gift of the pin fy and Elk has been
ignored on account oi being in the minori
ty, we think it no more than just, for the
service we have done in behalf of H c publi
can principles, and the bigli slai'.Kng and
ability of our candidate, that tho uomioa
tion be accorded to this end of the District.
Aonthcr Rebellion Ended.
Lisbon, May, 22. Later novices from
Suu'.h America have been received Vy the
mail steamer from Rio .Tuner io. The re
bellion in the province of Eutrc llious has
been brought to a close.
Gen. Lnjcz Jordan, commanding the
revolutionary loreef, after the itssasMtialiou
of the Dictator General, J.J. I'rqniza.
proclaimed himself Emperor of the prov
ince of Eutre T!io., and ms at once reegni
zeel as tucb by the national Government of
Argentine Confederation.
The recognition of the new government
by the ArgeidiiH- Republic has terminated
what prom's jd to!.: .; very fermidullo and
protracted struggle.
This net'ou of the main government i
thought to he, however, a stroke of Policy,
inasmmh as the country ot Entre Rios, be
ing almost eutirely unpioduetive, thereby
contributing a very unlimited revenue to
the republic, a longer control of that prov
ince by '.he Argentine Conf education was
considered no advantage whatever, liu'
rather us a source of uunojtiuee ami
Projlaaatin of tho President iho
Washington, May L'-l.
The President this sfternoou issued a
procloma'.ion stting forth that ho has re
ceived information of illegal and unlawful
expeditions being fitted out in the'U. S.
to operate for tho invasion of Canada, a
provience of the Crown of Great Brittiau,
a country with which the U. S. is at peace;
in view of susu icfeiriratiou which is duly
autheutieatcd, bo warus all persons enga
ged in such expeditious of the consequence
of such illegal acts aud announces that if
captured they will not beshcilded frcm the
penalties so incurred, and that tho United
States will aot iutertere in their behalf.
Ho enjoins on all cCicers of the United
States to employ all legal authority to in
terfere and apprcheud such unlawful ex
peditions and defeat all participants in
their designs, and to aid iu bringing to jus
tice every such offender.
T! report of tho select commitle ou
smuggling lrauds along tho Mexican fron
tier is discussed a good deal to-day, aud will,
it is thought, lead to some spicy correspon
dence with the Mexican goverumcnt. The
Mexican Miuistbcr seems greatly annoyed
that the report condemns in such strong
language the conduct and actions of Presi
dent Jaurcz during the late rebellion, lie
called upon Senator Patterson, chairman
of the committee with Caleb Cushing, in
referonoe to tho matter, and seemed desi
rous of having that portion of the report
which alludes to Jaurez modified, but re
ceived no encouragement whatever.
Fenian Humors and Movements.
New Y'ork, May 24.
It is still stated, on good authority, that
two stronu Fenian movements are being
made simultaneously, one toward the Do-
minion. Gen. Spear is in command of the
men on the Canadian border just now, but
the precise location of Gen. O'Neill is kept
a profound secret. The "green bouse" iu
4th street was beteiged this forenoon by
uiilitary-lookihg men in considerable nunv
bers, who called to procure information
The Secretary was busily engaged in re
ceiving and answering dispatches. Last
night their was a private meeting at bead
quartera of four Federal and Confederate
officers, who all have commands in the Fen-
ran Army. All the n-ms li ne I, nig fjtico
bceu forwarded to convenient points along
the border, to as to alleviate the r.easuity of
Carrying them withthe moving troops. 'II
the If S government slops the trains for
a certain Imiglh of lime, the liicn w',11 find '
other means of transportation, pnd it is
doubtful, whether Undo S.-.m has cnongli
troops at. present mailable to stop them
The i'Vniiin (iimv will subsist on the Cana
dian farmers until the government store
houses are captured. Tho headquarters ol
the organiztion, under command of John
lavage, was a'bd ih i fcc tiR of considerable
,-tir to-day. The news iu the morning pa
pers was canvassed very rageily, but it was
declaired to bo a hoax, New York cily alone
is to furnish a contingent of 25,000 men;
squads of meu have left by all the trams
to-day oti the Hudson River Railroad. They
dare not travel in a body ; each man pur
chases bis own ticket and maintains the
strictest silence on route.
St. Aliens. Vt. May 21.
Up to noon to-day tho total number of
Fenians who have arrived is supposed not
to exceed JiUO, but the officers expect large
arrivals from Massachusetts nod New York
to-night. These now here subsist among
their friends or puchase food at the farm
houses in the vicinity. A'l the inns, and
liquor saloons have been closed by the au
thorities, though the demand for beverages
had not been of any great extent. The
Fenians aro reticent, and are evidently
bent on Intuitu: . Ycster-day all the Irish
men connected with the lumber companies
in Burlington street demanded their arrears
of pay ; in some cases their demands met
with prompt settlement, and those who re
ceived their saleries suddenly disappeared.
They are supposed to. have some connec
tion with the raid on Canada. Al! the
railroads from the South and East have
received notices from protnitnent leaders
of the brotherhood to make rxtriordiuary
arrangements for the triiiisp'.rtatiou of huge
hi'd'us of men, supposed to be deslit-od for
the frontier.
Jutland, Yt., May 24.
Vermont -is again excitement over the
projected .Fenian raid on Canada. The ex
citement runs higher than atPhi.y tin o since
t e .aid of 1807. Irishmen io vi rious parts
ot the State are aetivc.
V i.i .tiiir.r.n r.f tiirn nr. it Ar r'l r. rr nKiMll
ee ir.
, pa.v ort tuouuli lien1
t night ii i-:nitf
from Wa.-li'ng-couutirs,
N . Y.
!. A 'A,:!., 'ii.-v r
Yr'jtri'ii and 1!( I s-.-e
ie a'e csvee!' e! to-u-iy.
r.f.Mt: V..y 21.
Thro- hiirtdrrM Fei:'..o.s U i'r Ihis City on
the Home, Watertuwn and Ogiiensburg II
II. this A. M. TI.ey had tickets for Ogdens
burg and were to halt at Malor.o. A largo
number from tho East and West are now
in this city they aro all dressed in citizens
doilies and none of them have arms. I'ive
iiuudrcd more arc expected to take the
caily truio for the North tomorrow morning.-
Xi:v Haven May 21.
A large cntliushstic fenian meeting was
held in Minor Hail in this city to-night, at
which patriotic speeches were made. About
men have left for the border by the mid
night train north.
:;s',vs in esisf.
Charles Sumner denounce the. income
Executions iu Cuba are the order of the
Fifteen thousand wives are wauled in
Graham received 10,000 for defending
Etrawbtrrys aro ten cents a pound in
San Francisco.
Naples will have an International Maritime
xhibitiou next fall.
The tea and silk crops iu China arc
In New Y'ork on Tuesday a womau tried
to burn her own children.
Ellen McCarty, of Matteawan. N. Y'.,
went crazy over 800.
De Havens, an aeronaut, fell from a bal
loon at Davenport, Iowa.
Anson Burliugame's property in San
Francisco amounted to $S00,000.
Forrest, tho tragedian, wears a finger
ring worth five thousand dollars.
Nashville turns out a "lirty Stocking"
Base Ball Club.
Female telegraphers are pronounced a
success in Bussia.
Foreign emigration is more extensive
than ever before.
The Armenian bishops have been some
what troublesome to t lie Popo.
The population of Pennsylvania is
James Gordon Bennett, Jr., is to sail
back to America m his own yacht.
' The lemon trees iu California nre .about
one-fifth as nnmeroua as the orange trees.
Wy was Noah nevea hungry in the ark ?
Because he had Ham with him.
What everybody doing at the same time?
Growing old.
Lots in Kit Carson, Kansas, sell for from
$500 to $1,000 each.
Ode of the Cardiff giants is in limbo out
West for not paying bis 53 government
tax on receipts.
Terriblo Tragedy.
From the Nashville Uaiiner, Muy U.l
One of the most sanguinary deeds grow
ing out of jealousy, nnd one of the highest
exhibitions of female courngo we have seen
any account of for many a day, occurred s
few days since near the the East Tennessee
line, io the edge of North Carolina border
ing on Uliiuf. county. The, aecount, which
we abreviatc from the several reports, seems
mirnclous and extravagent. Tho parties
representee! arc said to be credible and re
sectable, 1 1 appears that the wife of James Da
venport became jealous of a young girl
named Kate Jackson, represented a9 being
quite handsome aud lovable. Quarrels and
contentions were fierco and frequent be
tween the two ladies aforesaid.
On the day of the fatal collision it ap
pears that M;ss Kate Jackson( in company
with her married sister, Mrs. DeArmand,
passed the resideuco of the Davenport fam
ily. As soon as the sisters. were discovered
on tho road, the Davenports six io uumber,
comprising the mother, three daughters,
two of them growu, aud two sons, the el
dest about eighteen years old, rallied in
force, nr.d set out iu vigorous pursuit.of the
defenceless sisters. The trail wss continued
was coutiuued until the sisters had nearly
reached the Tenncsee line. Here tho Da
venport brothers, by a military movemeut,
strategically flanked them, nnd presented a
front armed wish slicks and stones. This
caused Kate nnd her sister first to halt and
tl on to attempt to retrace their steps. But
on attempting to retreat they were confron
ted by Mrs, Davenport and her three
daughters similarly aimed, who demanded
Mrs DeArmand to get out of the way. as
they intended to kill Kate. Instead of
obeying this order. Mrs. DeA. made prep
erations to defend her sister. Y'oung Da
venpor.t, the eldest son. seeing theoposition
lo the order, at onec let. go a stone at. her.
which took ellect on her head, breaking
her skull and prostrating her lifeless on the
The heroic Kale was thus, at the nnet
of the engagement, left to di fend herself.
She rallied and meintained her lino by iu
ciiseriminaiitly hurling upon the attacking
party such flinty missiles as came opportune
to her. One of these shots took effect up
on the cider Davenport boy, slitting his
face open, and placing him horn dc combat
Turning her attention, then, to the mater
nal head of the Davenport family, she di
rected a stone against her head that iiitletca
a revere wound and laid her sprawling on
the 11' Id. This nceompKscd, the brave
irl slowly fdi back to a position where she
could sup-ply herself with necessary anima
tion. This point atlaiutd, and being still
beseigfcd, she again discharged a idiot, nnd
another of the Davenport boys wilted.
Then the Davenport girls rallied and made
a desperate charge upon her with clubs and
stones, inlletiug serious wounds, but not
dan-aging her mueu. Ju?t at this easis
Kate," hard pressed as the was, and having
no tiuie to stoop to gather roeks to defend
herself, extricated from her pocket a tuiali
peu-knife, measuring about six inches iu
the blade and commenced an inaiscrimiuate
nnd very wild and gfneral cutting and
slashing at the combined Davenport girls
surrounding her.
The rasult of tho featful frenzy on the
part cf Kate w as seriously detrimental to
the well-being of the Davenport females
Two of them received serious slashes from
the weapon she wielded one of them .drop
ping on the field from the lo. s of blood let
flowing by the knife, and the other to ser
ioiiily disable as to be a fit subject for hos
pital prrctiee,
This unexpected result contributed iiin
tciiully to the withdrawal of the remaining
Davenport besiegini; party, who queitly re
moved thrir disableb from the fie'd, leaving
the heroic Kate master of the situation.
The causalties sustained in this engage
ment only amount to the death ol Mr. De
Armand, wilh tho probability that tho el
der Miss Duvenport will also die, and the
crippling for life of four others of the Da
venport family.
Kate Jackson was less injured than any
one engaged in the tight, and was able to
carry her dead sister home after the battle
Jehovah's Band.
A New religious (?) sect sprung up in
Macoupin, about twelve miles from Patter
son, N. J., under the especial auspices of
a wealthy farmer named John Rhioesmith,
who is their leader, as was Joe Smith, and
is Biigham Young of the Mormons. The
society is somewhat fashioned after the man
ner of tho defunct '.Iloly Holers," Scl
eral Screamers" and "Pious Jumpers."
They call themslves "Jehovah's Band,"
and a latjier jolly band they are. Their
reli&iefus exercises consist principally in
pufiing,4)!owing, whistling, shouting, jump
ing, wrestling, screaming, falling upon the
floor, bouudering about like fish out of wa
ter, kiekiug, rolling over each other male
aud female, and making all sorts of redicu
lous noises, and performing all imaginable
descriptions ot silly Duties. Baptism is one
of their rites, and this is always performed
at night,' and in a mill pond on
mith's farm. Out tiders are permitted to visit
their meetings, but none but the saints are
allowed to participate iu their peculiar man
ner of worship. That is a redeeming
trait. Topic Ilarrisburg
A little child in Fond da Lao, Wis., re
reccutly fell, bit his tongue, and bled to
There is a doctresa in New YTork who
professes to cure corns by pouring oil in
the ear.
flilk (tymntij gduccale.
Car Time at llirigicat.
Srie Express East 0:41 p. ill,
do do West ft: .to a m.
do Mail East 2:50 p. m.
do do 'West 2:(io p-. m.
jocal Freight Knt 11:00 a. m.
do do West 6;35 p. m.
Elk lodge, A. Y. M. ,
stated ' meetings of Elk Lodge will be
icllal. their hull on the second and fourth
ruesdays of each month.
I. O. O. T.
The Hopi'lar meetings of Bidgwny Lodge,
So. 250, field every Wednesday evening at
heir Lodge Kooni.
H. A. r ARSONS, W. S.
Notice The Commissioners will meet
at their office in liidgway, Elk county, Pa.,
on Moudaj, Jntie U5th, 1870.
C, 11. M'CAULEY, Clerk.
Congress will adjourn on the 15th of
Two locomotives ou the Lehigh vally
railaoad, named the "Bee" and "Ant,"
weigh each sixty-five tons.
At St. Paul licenescs are to cost 85 for
every male and 825 for every female dog
"Pups" according to value.
Just received at Variety Hall a full line
of Fine Shirts, Duck, Drilling and Deniin
Overalls, Jumpers and Hickory Shirts, at
prices within tho reach ol all. Call in and
sco tho large variety to select from no
trouble to show goods.
J. B. Baird.
A Popular Institution. There is,
perhaps, no institution of learning in this
country so widely known and so extensively
patronized, as tho Iron City College. Y'oung
meu conie thousands of miles to avail them
selves of the advantages aflbreded by its
splendid system of practical business edu
cation. Pittsburgh Commercud.
What is the use ol suffering intolerable
misery for froru wei:ks to months with a
"Cold in the Head,'' when Dr. Sage's Ca
tanhltcmedy gives immediate relief, aud
will permanently cure all such cases, aud
costs only fifty cents for a package which
prepares oue pint of the medicioe. Sold by
druggists, or send sixty cents to Dr. It. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Yr,. and get it post free.
At a meenting of the Republican County
Committe, held at llidwgay, May 20th
1S70, it was ordered that the primery
meetings of the several Election Districts
bo held at their respective Election Houses
on Saturday July 0th 1870 between the
hours of 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. to elect del
egates to meet in County Covention a?
Itidgway ou Tuesday the 12th. of July at
4 o'clock p. m.
Resolved, That a meeting of the Coun
ty Commitee be held nt Itidgway, on Fiiday,
the 17th day of Juue 1870 at 3 o'clock
p. iu. A full attendance is desired.
By Order County Committee.
CiiAS. McVka.v, J. R. Baird,
;cc y.
Base Bai l. Below is tho score of the
game played here on the 20th by Alcrsts, of
Itidgway aud the Independents of Renbva.
Though the Alerts were badly beaten, they
need not bo ashamed of the- game ; taking
into consideration that their opponents are
ao old olub, we thirds they done well :
1st 2d 3d 4 th 5th 0th 7th 8th
Iudependut.O 0 0 18 9 15 5 7- 70
Alert.. 2 3 5 13 8 5 1 845
Umpire Arthur J. Comley, Renovo.
Scorers George A. Rathbun, Alert ; W.
Crouse, Independent.
Senator Cameron. The Republican
party in Pennsylvania will be represented
in ibe next State Campaign Committee by
the lion Simon Cameron. No man better
fitted for that position could be chosen. Mr.
Cameron is well acquainted with the poli
tics of the whole State, and though well
advanced in life he possesses more vim than
most men of not half his years.
As the General always enters acompaign
to win, we may expect a lively canvass on
the part of bis party in this State the com
ing fall.
The committee will find before they aro
long in existence, that they have one live
man on it ; one who can and will breathe
vitality into the whole body.
With Cameron at the helm, tho Repub
licans may expect to sweep all before them
at the next election. The Democrats might
as well now as at any time try to conciliate
the unwhite vote, and stop'the foolish cry,
"this is a white man's country." Phila.
FOR FAMILY USE simple, theap, reliable,
IvNlTi evebythino. AGENTS WANTED.
Oircul araud sample Blocking FREE, Address
Me. 1 8m
fllHB MAGIC COMB Will change any
X colored hair or beard to permanent
black or brown. It contains NO poison. Any
one can use it. One sent by mail for $1, Ad
1 IS In Epringflsld, Man.
TOB WORK of. all kind ad desori-
done at this riffico.
I'ronounced the fastest selling book cut.
One Agent reports 7'J orders in 5 days. It
includes nil Hint is nivslciiims and inloi pshng
in the focus of spccnlntion.lfjyear's experience
ol (lie nntlior ; l'ortrnits and Lives ot V anuer.
bill, Drew, Kisk, Gould nnd many others.
Filled With illustrations. Great inducements
to ngentsf Sflnd for circular lo WORTHING.
TON, HUSTIN & CO., llunfovd, tlonn.
Tra v e line
nnd Local
Agents wanted for the llelnwnrn Life
Insurance Co.. for nil parts of Pennsylvania
nnd New Jersey. Reference, required. Ad
dress, Hranch Oltice DELAWARE MUTUAL
LIFE IN 8. CO., N. W, cor. 'Jrh and Cheslnn
Sis., l'hila. !U 4w
1001 1
Agents wanted
Givinc a clear and inlenscly interesting ac
count of ih infinite variety of habits and
modes of life, of nearly every known species
beasts, birds, tislics insects, reptiles molliiHcu
nnd animnleulne of tho globe. I romtlie la
mens London four-volume edition, with add!
li ons from t lie most celebrated milui iiUsls of
the ago. Complete iu one large' linndstine
volume of 108:; pages, richly niiisiraleu wun
1000 spirited ingiaviiig?, M'riCC down
to gold basis, to suit the masses.
Should outsell, live to one nny book in the
field. Terms the ino't libcinl. Full prrlitu
lars sent, free. Address. A. II. Hi:iidm;h,
Pub , 400 Chest uu St.i l'hila. h'2 4w
AGRXTS A.'lEI.00 to SHOO per
Month Clergymen, School Teacher, itunrt '""'.'
.! and Ltulitt tainted io Citnvass for the .V '
The Unwritten Word. ,
Bv 1amki. Maiu-u, author of the popular
'Night Keens." This manter in thought and
language shows m untold riches and beauties
in the Great I.'ouse, with its Blooming flowers,
Singing birds. Waving palms. Rolling clouds,
lieiiulilul bow, Sacred Mountains, Delightful
Rivers Mighty oceans, Thundering voices,
lilaiiig heavens and vast universe with eoinil
loss being in millions of worlds, and reads lo
us in each the Unwritten Wort. Ruse-iinled
pnppr, ornate engravings and supi-rb binding.
(Send t'nr circular, iu which is full description
ami jiniAcrsal eoiiuiKiidntioris by the preiss,
ministers nnd college professom, in i li u strong
est possible language. ZElGLhtl & CO. 10
South Sixth St., Philadelphia. Pa, ii'J -Iw
I Lile Insurance Company wants a uuu,
ber of cood Agents : also, a good General
Agent for Pittsburgh and vicinity also a Gen
eral agent fur the German cuniiesof I'ctin'yl
vauin. Address Home Oilice, No. 112 Poiuh
1th Jtroct, Piiiladalphia. 21 4w
Tli mot remarkable suocoss of the day. Is
selling with unpreooedoiiled rapidity, li con
tains v.iiai every Stan and womau ought lo
know, and lew do- It will save much siilti-ring.
the only repittnblo ward upon the single
and married life, it is earnestly reeimended
liy Prof. Win. A Hammond, Prcst. Mark Hop
Kins. Itev. H'y Ward Hoocher, Dr. iiushncll,
Mrs. R. It. Glcason. !. D.. Prof. II. N. East
man, etc. Being eajerly sought for, the Agents
work is easy. Send Htamp for pnaipfclct clc.,
to GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher,
VI'j Sansom Street, Pliila., Pa.
!i School street, Huston, Mass.
32 4w 85 Nassau strent, New York.
8K)0 to 8125 per Month gitnrnnttvt. Sure,
p 'li. Wages paid sveekly to Agents every
where, selling our J'ultrnt Silrcr Mould M'hilr
Vtirr Clothes l.inet. Easiness permanent . For
full particulars address Giuakd Wibk Mills,
Philadelphia, Pa. Al hv
ID A PTC uv siTNi.iau t
.1 Work discriptive of the Mialcrte. Virtue,
fyicniUr aiuf Crimes of I he City df 1'nrh.
It contains 150 tine engravings of- noted pla
ces. Life and Scenes in Paris". Agents want.
ed. Address,
national publishing co., phiiade'phia,
-Canvesinff Looks cent froo for
The most remarkable book ever published,
being a complelo exposure of tho powerful
Confederal ions or "Rings" preying on our Gov
ernment. Showing up all cliques from llie low
est to the higlmst, Cabinet ojjicers and Conjress
inen os icclt as miner operators7 system
atic depredations, cuiispiraoies, oflicinl corrup
tion, political influence, patronage aud wire
pulling. A fearless Historical work, invalua
ble to every citizen; containing J0 pages, by
a prminent Government detective, Over l!0,
000 copies already sold. Agents wnntci
Canvassing books free. Address W. Flint,
Publisher, Fhiladelpeiu Ta., Boston, Mass.,
Chicago, 111. or Cincinnati, O. 82 4w
A complete guide for Farmer's young and old,
by the celebrated Author and sueccssful far
mer. iEO. c jr., of og-
den farm.
The large experience and recognized abiMlv
of tho Author guarantees a work of sterling
merit. Among the subjects treated nre Buy
ing and Leasing Farm, buildins. Improved
Implimeuts, Judicious Fertilizing, Sub-soiling,
Drainiug.Sllolation of Crops, Butter Makinir.
Cheese Factories, Breeding and care of Live
btocU, their diseases aud remedies, &e., &e,.
with many useful Tables. 600 pages rioh with
instruction and embellished wtlh 100 spirited
engravings. Terms liberal, Circular free,
"Secure an Aiency at once."
E. B. TREAT U CO., G54 Brodway, N. Y.
Special Notices-
SnOAH WANTED au aotiveman, in
ptVJVy each County iu the State, to
travel and take orders by sample, for TEA,
COFEE,' and SPICES. To suitable men we
will give a salary of $000 to $1,000 a year
aDove Traveling and other expenses, aud a rea
sonable commission on salts.
Immediate application are' solicited from
proper parties. References exchanged. Ap
plications are solicited from proper parlies.
Alpply to, or address iomediatety
Continental Mills."
jai Bowsry New York.
Notica is hereby given that, street ble to
an Act jof Assembly, passed 13 ih March.
1815, entitled "An act to amend an act
directing the mode of selling unseated
lauds for taxes, eve., the following tracts
in Elk couuty will be sold for arrears, vt
the Court llonso, in Ridgwsy, on the sete
ond monday of June best.
PAID t.'.xks or 18GS anij 180y.
1(7. Acres WarrnUe Owners Ain't fa
5.1:)2 028 Geo Mead Jas Stokes SlL'5 40
53:!: 1007 do do 125 40
5335 1007 do do 197
5:138 100 do do 197 00
5344 1007 do do 152 00
5345 1007 do do 212 80
3340 1077 do do- 114 00
5347 1007 do do 121 66
5348 10(17 do do 114 00
5379 450 do do 91 20
5380 1100 do do 136 80
5383 1100 do do 152 00
5384 1100 do do 140 81
5387 1100 do do 140 31
5343 8-25 do do 109 67
5478 550 do do 51 31
5010 495 do do 08 24
534!) 1008 do do 70 00
5177 1025 do do 233 71
5478 5;'-0 do do 125 40
50(10 990 do do 225 72
5312 llOO do do 70 CO
5177 75 do . do 17 11
5011 990 do do 225 72
5014 445 do do HH 47
5181 450 do do (18 40
5353 143 do M Met rill 21 71
5334 HOD do do 107 20
5337 1007 do do 102 19
5350 1008 do do 70 00
5351 1 1U0 do do 209 00
5352 300 do do 53 20
5330 1100 A B Merrill '292 00
587 275 do 72 90
5288 275 do 72 tO
5289 223 do 42 50
5U03 990 W Wiilink C lirower 151 48
Jones Ham-
5"08 990 do 151 48
do ti.oud fi Co
5482 ' 505 do do 134 Wi
5390 1000 do do 91 20
5010 945 do Fitch & Boynton 93 32
5339 1100 Geo Mead J lirower 107 20
.5340 550 do J B Moorehead 100 40
53 13 275 R Mickcl 30 48
II owner & John-
5027 200 W Wiilink 22 80
4991 345 Geo Mead N W Ellis C5 5l
Addis'n,Swa it
4995 458 W Wiilink S7 03
Wout ,t Co
53 1 1 900 Geo Mead o Wainwright 130 80
5024 375 w wilhuk Ralph Johnson 38 0 J
51)25 430 do do 98 04
5012 990 W Wiilink Thos Dent 225 72
5179 500 do Miles Dent 114 00
4990 495 do J II M arson 94 18
5001 990 do do 225 72
5020 2471 oo Unknown 37 55
5024 5J90 - do John Brooks 44 47
1990 300 do du 53 20
5481 275 do do 28 SO
4997 481 do 11 CSpaulding 82 23
598 f 550 do do " 83 00
5479. 200 do Robt Ewing 35 4.
5 R O Winslow 5 71
5023 332i Geo Mrnd Juo Johtistou 03 10
5388 llOO do Hczckiah Mix 107 20
5482 .445 do E Morey lis 40
5023 50 do Andrew Dent 9 51
5479 2S5 do 11 Dunn 01 9i
4994 150 V williuk win Shannon 22 80
5081 800 Geo O'Hrastow 152 00
1991 150 J S Hyde 28 51
5020 74-2 W Williuk li Winslow 112 c7
5021 405 do do 88 31
5015 990 do Co 150 48
5027 790 do do 120 08
5020 700 do do 115 52
5O20 247 i do do 37 03
317 do do 00 li
5022 110 DS Johnson 25 03
550 Geo Mead J W Browu
72 2'
388 do
do 29 44
Ober & English 1 5tf
Reading, fisher
5002 990 W Wiilink
220 14
k Co
990 do do 22G 11
940 do do 214 313
990 do do 214 3t5
218 do C Winslow S3 12
Johti Carral
Peter Garrity
N A Downs
Sam'i Sehilp
S Hancock
Ilecter Jaeot
Geo E YeiB
Ilecter Jacot
C A Jacot
Daniel Long
Peter Byrnes
N Weiunier
Jos Wilhelm
3 C3
1 23
2 40
3 03
3 03
3 03
8 83
6 79
12 08
.1 23
1 22
23 CO
N J We in iu pr
M 0 Sullivan
J A Gibbous
John Farrell
Caesar Jacot
F You Masai
uelle 4107
C 07
7 73
3 03
60 S3
Lawrence k
51 1 W Watson
do Cassett
ci :a
m 5i
no 7a
24- 15
11 04
823 do do
993 do do
200 II G Williams do
80 II W do io
220 G do do
30 SG
Lamout Gas Jt
300 II Kemerer 8G S
Coal Co
500 P do do CO 3
900 (J B Miller do 115 58
-1993' 990 W Williuk David Rau. 199 58
nidgw'y iarra
4402 040 Jas Wilson . C5 56
Si Coal Co
4403 980 do do
4110 10751 do do
4111 1025 do do
4111 50 Bruesels Road do
20 St Marys Road do
M Jt1y Read do
IIS 34
129 5
123 7S
6 or
S 42
4 lt