llidgwuy, March 1st, 1870. SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKES l.t JXCUANGK FOR WAGONS on JOB WORK A T THE RID G WA T WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my slock beforo buy. ing a Luruter or Pleasure Wagon. I'use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY"; I employ none but Firtt CAas MccJtun m; I uie nothing but the brut Rrfintd Jro. I think it will bo to jour interest to tti me your order. Having twenty five lumber wagoca io eurseof coslruction, I will be able to furnish any parly by tbe Crt of April. All oidera by mail, also any order left with W. S. Stnricn at the Tin Shop, trill receive prompt attention. March ft. tf S. JACKSON. 1HARLES HOLES, WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER JEWELER, West end of Hyde House, Ridgway, r. Sells as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AN D SILVER WATCAES, Cloe'ss, Jewelry, Silverware, XX VIOLIN' AM GUITAR STRINGS, JBpctacl9, Fens and I'eneilc, f xe'ni, tj go-it .'or tlm sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PIRN'S. Tepairing Walcl-.es. cle-.d.ina nt)i the same aoenraey as heretofore. nov20,'C&lf GOLD! UAH NESS! COLLARS : GCLD! GOLD " HARNESS! HARNESS! COLLAR!:! collars: JCIj. !. lma re.ncviJ hi Harness Shop over Puw!l Hi Rime's Stove and hni t.n hand ilia largest assortment ofhai'i'ess for for Iambi-ring ami pli'iiroire puposi-y, in this or adjoining count i( -s. and ull other articles belonging to tho I rn i TRUNKS, SADDLES, VALISES, U IIirK F. LANK 1-yj'S, COL LARS Ac. Would invite de attention cf all owners of In r he? to n.y new PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE COLLAR, which proves to be tlio best Collnr in exis tence lor these reasons: lic-i nir vc-ry Elas tic they do not cliate or gall end the cork being a tiou-cou-iuetor, tl.cy prevent injury from he.it. Call and seo them. All wort warranted. Rcparing, Triming and Upholstering doue witho neatness and dispatch. ul'9 tl JOSEPH M. HEARD. GFLAT DISTRIBUTION By the Iletropolitnn Gift Co, CAHJ GlKl'S TO THK AMOUNT Of $000,000 IVX2Y TICKET D2AW8 A VHiZi. e h gs, eaeh 520,000 40 C'li g's, each $1 000 30 " " 10,0(10 j 1100 " 600 3 " " 500 I 800 " " 100 AO Elegant Koecwood Pianos each $C00 to $700 75 " Melodsons ' . 60 to 100 860 Sewing machines - " CO to 170 600 Hold Watches - - 75 to 3'.'0 Cash prizes silverware je., val'd at 1,000 000 A chance to draw any of tbe above Prize for 25c. Tickets describing Frizes are ffsUd in 1'nvcalopes and well mixed. On receipt of 20c. a Sealed ticket is drawn without choice and aent by mail to any address. The prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticket-holder on payment of One Dollar. Prizes are im mediately Rent to any address by express or returnmail. You will know what your Prize is bffnrc you pay for it. Any J'nze rxehangr.dfar auoth tr of tame valuf. No lllanks. Our patrons cari depend on fair dealing. KiFinENCt: We select the following froai many who have lately drawn Valunlde Prizes and kindly permitted us to publish them: Andrew J. Hums, Chicago, tflO.riUO; Miss Clara S. Walker, Baltimore, 1'inno, &H00 ; James M. Matliewa, Detroit, $3,000; John T. Andrews, Favanniih $5,000 ,- Miss JguesSim mons, Charleston, 1'iano, COO. c publiah no lames without pemission. Oi'inions or the 1'akss : "Tlie firm is relia ble, and deserve their success." KVtA-y ?WA. am, May . We know them to be a fair deal ing firm. 8.V. V, Jfcrald, May 1!H. A frieud of ours drew a t00 dullnr prize, which was promp tly received. Jlutly A'eu:-, Juno 3. Bend for circular. Liberal inducements to .4 gent a. Satisfaction guaranteed. Lvery package of Sealed uveilopes contains onb oash cut. Six Tickets for one dollar ; 13 for two dollars; 35 for five dollars ; 110 for 15 dob krs, AH letters should be addressed to H4RPKU, WILSON & CO., It 1 tm lMBroadway, X. Y. CARDS. Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads. Tags, Handbills, 4o., done in a neat manner, aid at r the iowbst raica, FOR CASH, a Hi Btfc AdTCoaw lMwdng Qfie. J TIio moftt Complete llitftlncss Col lege in the B'lilloU Slates. J Affording fncilities for acquircing a Ihnra oli prnclipnl btiRinops education, po.-scMed by no other School in the country. Sim e its inc'irporation in 185,", nearly Six teen Thousand Students, representatives from e.ry Slate in the Union, have attended here. No Taerition. Student enter at any time, an I receive privnto iusJruotions throughout nit- entire course. N. R. Circulars with full particulars and all iioojpsary fnfurmation, on addressing 8MITII & COWLEY, Principals, PlTTSBl-ROB, Pa. s OMETHINQ NEW IN RIDGWAT ! BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT I The subscriber take thiamzlhod of inform ing the citizcus of ltldgway and vicinity that he baa opened a LOOT & SHOE STORE, in the room lately occupied by Henry 8. Thay er in the west end of the Hyde House, where mny bo found a general aisortnent ef Ladies Shoes, Gentieinetie' Roots and SIiom, Roys' Boots and Children's Shoes. ALSO, Connected with the above establishment I have a Root and Shoe Manufacturing Establishment where work will be mado to order. Repairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms. The public are invited to give me ac!l. oc23,-09y GEORGE WALslES. QILNSM .""'SMITHING. The nmlcraigned respectfully an. nouneesto the c.itcjicns of E!fc, and adjoin, in counties, that lie boa recently established a t.iun-Shnp in Kidgway :tt the head of Maiu ami Depot Streets, in the basement of tbe building occupied by W. S. Service as a tin tdiop, where bn will attend promptly to all orders for work in bis line. TARGET AND HUNT INC. RIFLES, Sincln or Double, mads to order, and war rnted. ilo also keeps on hand, a-jd lor sale a NEW AND SLTEU10R Breech Loadinjr Rifle, a cood asscrtuient ol Ammunition, Revolvers, Hunting Tackle, and nthtr nrtielrs perttining to the trade. nlO. tf HORACE WARNER. rSIHIS Infallible Remedy does not, like tho J poisonous irritating snuffs and strong cauf-tio eolt-.t'ona with wtiirh tho people havo lonjr been linnil'iipged. simply palliate for a shrrt time, or driv. iliediscaie to tho lungs as there is danger of doine in the use of such nos trums, but it produces perfect and permanent cures of the wsist cates of Chronic Catarrh, as thoii-andy can testify. Cold in the head is cur ed with a fi w upplicutious. Catarrhal Head ache ii relieved and cured as if by magic. It removes i C"i-isivr- breath, lots or impairment of the P c iif-of t-iMe. uneliincor heariui'. water ii.g ot wrnk i-ves, and in paired nu-niory. when caused by tho violence otCatarah, as they fre quently are. I otier in poo l faith a Handing re-.- ard of LoW fi r a ease of Catarrh that I cannot cure. For sale by most druggists everywhere Price only 50 cents. A-k your dreegist for the rr-mcdv ; but if ho has not yet got it on sale, don't put it off by accepting any miserable worso than worthless Mili-stili'.te, but enclose sixty cents to roe. and the remedy will be went you postpaid. Four packages or one dozen for Ul. Send a two cent f lamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address the proprietor. K. V. PIERCE. SI. D. nov27'60y Buffalo, N. Y. L 0 1 1 1 L I . A 11 1) ' S E U 1 1 E K A mokine Tobacco is an excellent artisle ef granulated Virginia. herevcr introduced it is universally ad mired. It is put up in handsome muslin bags, in which orders fur Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed. I.ORILLAAU'S "YACHT CLUB-' Smoking Tobacco has no superior ; being denl cotinized, ii cannot injure neveless constitu tions, or people of sedentary habits. It is produced from selections of the finest stock, ana prepared by a patented and original manner. It i:i very aromatic, mild, and lightweight hence it will last much longer than others ; nor does it burn or sting the tongue, or leave a disagreeable after-taste Orders for genuine, elegantly carved Vecrschnum Pipes, silver mounted, and pack ed in neat leather pocket cases, are pla e idn the tjaeht Club brand daily. LORILLARD'S CESTUI! Chewing Tcbneeo. This brand of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco has no superior anywhere. a It is, without doubt, the best chewing to bacco in tin country. LOHITiLAHirS SNUFFS Have been in general wu in the United Stales over 110 years, ami still acknowledged "the best" wherever used. If your storekeepers does not have these articles tor sale, ak him to get them. They are sold by respectable jobbers al moftatvery where. Circulars niaile 1 on application. ri.Oilll-illi ii t o ,rett York. IREE TO ROOK AGENTS. We will send a handeomcproKpcctus of our rew illus trated Family Uitle, to any hook agent free of charge. Address National Publishing Compa ny, Philadelphia, Pa. 4w A THIEF- '1 nas een trvaling about humbugging druggists and private parties mixing up and selling a base compound which he calls VOLCOTT'S PAIN PAINT. All of Woleott's gnuin remedies have a whita out side wrapper (with lira a tare large). Leak oju tar gauaawmiMfaMfcitiiv a magi jjHWfcLaa W. S. SERVICE- CO.OCO CUSTOMERS WANTED. At the new Masonic Hall Building. STOVES al prices that wBI please ef all de sirable kinds. TIN-rTAfcE ef every kiad hand at all imes. Spceial altealiea given to Wholesale orders. Prise listfarnishsd to dealers on application. SI1 h.ET- TIN AND COPPER WARE. Hoase furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER rlPEING, PUMTS, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, euch as KOD8 BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIE3, HOOKS, CAPS, TOWDER, 4o. e. ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WOttK Promptly attended to. BIRD CAGZS A NICE TARIKTY, ROOFLN'G, GUTTERS, 8 TOUTS. cf Tie, CaVvaaiiei Iran aid Capper a i svery kind ef HOUSE AND JOB WORK dene en short aotioe aid warraattd, AGENCY of Eeary DissteM eelsbrated saws. Orders fur savs at fastery prises se licited, also for rspairiag. Iafernetion and price list furnished oa aliealiea. PATER RAGS, OLD 0ri, OLD COPPER, CRASS, PEW TER, LEAD, IROX, BEESWAX, nEAYT HIDES, DEAKON SKINS,- SHEEP FELTS, GREEK BACKS, NATIONAL BANK KOTBS, V. . B0XDl;e. taken in mmAj or GttJt r Work Powell & kime. QOOD3 FOR THE MILLION. P O WE LL '& K I M E, At their eapataa stsre i RIDGWAY Havo on band, a Fplendid assortment ol all seasonable Goods adapted to the waDts of the pcoplo of Elk and adjoining connties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would aimply slate hero, that beirjj; rory large dealers, their facilities for purchasing are un equalled by any establishment in the county. They buy directly from manu facturers and ea the GROUND FLO Oil Another adTtntsge. You can ulways gat what you want at their store, btDce you will save time by going directly to thetn aud TIME IS MONEY. We have no apace here to enumerate all the ad vantages you will havo In patronizing their establishment- But c-ill and asa, and reap the advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will Ind DRY GOODS in en Ross varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING ef best material superior cul and Enish, BOOTS l SHOES of the beat kteck and make, CROCKERY for newly married, iddla aged aud eldoily. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGG 3, rORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSB. Nearly all kids ef eeaawy produce) takes at the narke rata DH. J. S. BOHDWELL'S Medical Foo Mill: Advice fit office, common cases, Call in towu $1 1 Call in town at niirht 2 Travail by Railroad 8 miles , fi . u 14 co per mile 7 Over 14 nii'as from 25 to 50 cents per mile. Traveling with owo convey ance 0110 mile 2 Ten to twelve miles 10 Obstetrical Calls within ten miles .10 '' " by rail 15 miles, 10 00 unless detained beyond the u-iual time. For curclii Catarrh, fnun five in fifteen dollars. For curein? Scrofula Swtll;nj;s or Kings Evil, from twenty-five to one hun dred dollars Tooth Extraction, CO Vaccination ' 50 Lancing Felon, 1 00 Ilnmcutioned and Surgical operations will be charged according (o circumstances. To those living several miles from a Drug Storo I furnish such medicine as I carry. I give ibis fee list to stop the constant magnifying of my charges by interested parties. The above are about my usual charges and havo been for several years. SPLENDIU PRIZE FOR Tlil LAD liifc. The finest, most pleasing, and costly engrav ing ever published in America, to be prwai4 as a premium to each subscriber to DEMORESTS MONTULY, a magazine of practical utility in the hone, a mirror of the fashions, aud a literary oohr.er vator oT surpassing iutereitand artisiic evcel ence, acl-.nowlet'jjcJ to be the nijderu parlm mnpnzine of America The engraving, li?x?i! inches, is from the or iginal paiutins;, entitled, 'J he Pio-Nis uuAi l'omth of July.' The painting took a whnla year, and is con sidered the i'mcst of tbu enliro list of numerous pepulor productii ns by Lilli.M. Spencer. The engraving -was iho lubor of fmr jt.vi, by three eminent artists Jobn R d;ers. amue llalpin, and Saiiiuc' llollrei-: 'i'iie last namel liaving been induced to cor:ie from Ktireps to finish it. The engravers liave aMy eecoudad the f.ueceffii! labors of the painter. .'o!ieliu-. artists can fully appreciate tlie skjil and labor lavished on this enginving The (jenorol f tect is veiy fino and inif rf"ive, ioi ihn dU ra'e finish to the heads will bear tbo most mi nute inspection. The union of line an I stipp'-e is expculcd with unusual ability, a i l t'i-eir skilful Lomhiiiatioti lias greitly Contributed to the (success of the engravers iu this uusurpaia cd proof of their genius. Thejwork on the engraving alone cont over seven tiioutand dollars, besides the Cost of the copyright, and ia acknowledged by competent judges tho most elaborately finished large work if art tvor engi uved in America. Fine copies of this magnificent pic; lire, eu heavy plate paper, worth $H! eac.'l, are to be givtn as a piemica: to each sul.'tsi'ibr in DEMOREoT'S MONTHLY MAGZINH. Yearly siibscripti.'ns only Three Dollars, anl ten cents (which is to be font with the sub script.ion ). for the posiage 011 the engravings (winch will bt muiied leeiuelr done uo 011 a roller. This is certainly tha largest, uir.nt liberal an.l splendid pruiiiinni ever.li'cred toaing'e 6ubscrilwi-o by my publisher, mid ali'irde an easy and economical way l' r any one to scent e an eleu-ant v,ir!c of art. a lai k.'r p. '.sure, that is only next lo a j-iuno in the v.y of oni-imeu-taiion, and a perpetual reminder of a dav which ought to to be cherished and hcl liu r" rienibranre by every true American. The reception of this magiiifieeiit )iie!n will lake every one by sui-pris aiol we do not venture anything in saying tiutt will noi procure another tint uvumiucs so n.jsh of in terest aiij beauty. Specimens of the Magazine, w'.ib circulars, giving full particulars, will fc nut to any giv. en addne.s'a. p.-.st free on receipt of 15 eeuu. Addrete DEMOREST' J':XT!I!.7. novliOtf tiililJKji h. T. ra HE IADV ri FKIE.iI). 1 TWO K0NT113 URAi:3 1 Tho Lady's, Friend announces the fidlowing Novelets for 1S70 : lid lie Forget iler ! ' by Louise Chandler Moulton ; The Caacaunon's Auut,' by Elizabeth Prescolt. author of Be tween Two.' .to. : 'Solid Silver; or, f'brisi I'eanc's ltridul tiilis,' by Ama .da M. Dou j'ai, author ofthe Debarry Fortune," with nu merous sliortcr stories by a brilliant gaiazy of lady writers. A finely executed steel engraving, a haitd 8C3io double page, finsly colored fashion plate, and a large assortment. 'of v.-o.id ems, illustrat ing the fashions, fancy ork, etc., are givea in every number. It will give a popular pises of Musis In ev ery number. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED AUTHORS. The January number will conlaia portrait (eagraved on steel) of Mrs. Henry Wood, Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moulton, Elizabeth Prcscott, Amanda M. Douglas Mrs., Margaret llosmer and August Bell, NEW SUBSCRIBERS Who send in their names before the 6ret of No vember, shall receine lhfVni,,l,. . icemuer numbers of this vnr in addition. murV 1 ing fourteen months iu all ! And new subset i. tiers sending iu their names by the first of December Khali receive lie magnificent Decem ber holiday number, making thirteen months in an : TERMS : $2 50 a year; two copi.s. $1 ; four copies, $5; epoieahtc. (and one grati) 8 One copy of e L,B'iy 8 incivi ana one ot the Post, J-1. atA Copy of the lorvij and beautiful Premium Weel engraving Taking the Measure of the ceddiug Ring ' engraved in England at a sost of $2000 will lie sent to every Dei-son ending a club. Tiii s eugraviug is a gem of art. Address DEACON PETERSON. 819 Walnut street. Philadelphia. Specimen copies sent for ton eenls. IN EW STORE. The subscriber bl ens ot Ridgway and vicinity that he has uyvucn ature wuero may bo round PFRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILKT ARTICLKJ. 8TATI0NERT, t FIN COXFBCTIONARr OTBTERI, OiAMfTW, LTOOM, U" NEWAb TFH mHi'A' TS. TO THE NERVOUS a si) DEBILITATED, WHOSE SUFFERING II A YE BEEN PRO TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSE a. AND WHOSE CASES REyUIRIi TO RENDER EXISTENCE DE31RABLI'. If yon on bu TVmg or have Buffered, front iitvoluiitmy discharges, what effect does it roduco upon your general health ? Do you feel weak, debilitated, ea ei'y tired J Does a little tx'.ra exettion produce palpation of toe heart ? Does your liver, or Urinary organs, or ynur kidneys, frequently get out of order '( Is your urino sometimes thick, milky or flocky, or ia it ropy en settling ? Or does a thick bkutn Ksjj to thi top? Or is a sediment at tho hnttom nfter it has stood awhile? Du you have spell of short bie-tthine; or dyspepsia? Are yr-ur huwels constipated ? Do you liavo spells of fainting, or lU'du-s of blood to th' head ? Ia your nit m ny impiiirrd ? Is otir uiind oourtnntly dwelling on the sub ject? Do you feci dull, list'es, mnpin;;, tired of company, of iile ? Do you wish to I e left alone, to get nway from everybody? Docs nny little thing n-tiko you tart or jump ? your sleep broken or rtBtle.t ? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant : J tin bloom of ymir chjek as bright? Do yen enj y your.-eU in focicty r.s wt.U ? Do yoa pursue your business with (h'e s.iitip n v i '! Do von feci m mu jli e.inli tenuis in yor.wdl ? re your spirits (lull and llu- ins, rjvci to litu oi ltielciicunly : It so, tto not lay it to your liver or dispr psia. tluvo oii ri dtlt cs nihts ? Your bnek weak. 1; ml ii-ive but Yw'Ar. sippelitc, and "U bttrit'ttii this to 'iy-.pcpHin or luci'-coiup 1 aint ? Now, render, s.-if.-.ibt-, vrnval dis-rtiKo I a lly enrol, a. d exuni excesses, arc fl! ca pabio of pi:i.iui:ii! a wcakt-e.4 of the g'-no-rattve organ., 'i he organs of the goticm t'oti, when iu petlect hca'tli. inni;e liie tntu, Did yrot ever think thai, tiio.-e bold, defi ant, uneigpt'c, pcis.vciing busiucrS-nieu are always t'no-e w'unso generajive orgat s are in perfect health ? You never hear such t'l -ii on-plain ol being nieletichoiv, of l ervi-u iiirss, of p-i!)utatii.ii of the luai t. T'jey are uev.-r afiuid thoy cannot succeed in buiio("s; they don't become and and dis courautii ; they are alvays pijlite and pleat -nut ill CDinpany ''I' ladii s, and hif.k yo'l nn-l ! i tn tight i-t tin- lace none f your down-ea-t loo lis nr any oiticr tiieittiiifs.s abuut -.hem .1 do nut mean tho.-.o w iio keep' the orgi sin inflated by running to excess.. Thcso will nid only ruin t'.i-ir (.'utistiiutions, but also those thov do bit-sinesij with or for. How tuaii"y men. from 1 -idly cired dibpuiics. from the 1-licet ef self a Imr-c and execsac, have brought itb.iul lltat state of weakneis i;i those or;.'iiM tlnit lias reduce I t he general at at tern so much as 10 induce almost every elk-, diroaac id-ony p ral'n. sp'itnt aflection-, suicide, and alniosi every ntbi-i- f .rin of d.. . c:ise w!tich liumau'ty is heir to and the real cr.n.-eof tlio Ircub'e seii'vely t ver suspected, Htid have tioclored for all 1ml the lSgbl one. t'JSEASEOP THESE OllfiAXS RI QUIRE TMi: UHK ('FA rjITjpkETIC. m (ft rna ? Si Jf S-3 FLUID Hi:'! RACT BUCHU IS THE r.UET Dlt nETIC, AND 18 A CaltTAIX CURE l'Otl DISEASE Ol' l'llK BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE CO.MLALNTS, GENERAL DEBILITY. And all other diseases of the Urinary Oorgane, wni.uer existing m Malm ov FiaALB, from whatever cause originating, and no matter how loug standing. If no treatment is submitted to. eeneuTtfv bn or insanity may ensue. Our flesh an, I blood are supported from these sources, aud li.eliealth and happiuss, and that of Poster ity, depends upon prompt nso of a reliable rerjie4y. 1 HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCnU, established upward of 19 years, prepared by IT. T. 1 1 ELM. HOLD, MIUGGI3T, 501 Broadway, Njw Yh 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia miCE-f 1,25 per bottle, or e.bttlM for 6,50, delivered to any address. Sold bt ail DauuaiaTt lvsntwasaa. NONE ATkE GENUINK UNLBSS DON I UF ik sraat iNoaavau waApcaa, with tAC-aim. ua or mt CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, aau iKiKin, n. t. helilIbold.