lh flaunts gdrocntc. . M. B O K It W E I. L , Edit or . SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1S7Q. NKW IlAtLROAP TIIROl'GH MARYLAND ANT 1'fcNSSYI.VANIA. We ropy the fol lowing fpcuiul di.-patch to the I'liiliidelpliiu Le1jcr, May lOtti : The Conni"ce lin Hallway and Canals to-dny, were cti jjimeil on a bill chartering u company to run a railroad from this ti ('lcveltiod, Ohio, tilling a line tlirotiuli Frederick, Md., anil j vronc and Kidgway. in I'cuntvlvaiiia. Tlie country is athst wiikinfc tip to the i'lipor'.ance ol a wore direct iiire of trans flotation from the Capital to the Lake", the reat west and our Canadian frnrtier. It scuds also to he settled in the minds nf Legislator), both State and National. that.Hidgwiiy is n point in said line which rnrjiiot he over looked. If the proposed charter above refered to nmde Buffalo iti Bltud ol Cleveland the northern terminus, we should look for the early completion of the 'road as iudieated as Kidgway is 'al most iu a direct line between Tyrone and Buffalo unit the portion between Tyrone and Cleat field is already in operation. Some such line of Hail Kotid is clearly required as a military prccautiou, as well an for commercial purposes, and we have no shadow of a doubt but it will be contin ually agitated until secured. W-e fell ull louk with interest (Vr further advices iu regard to this measure -not so mutch with any idea that Congress will ac complish anything towards i', its consideration iu that quarter is anuther in dication that the public are beginning to realize the importance and feasibility ol making such cot.neclions with existing loads, as to form this through direct line from the Capital to the frontier. ii The "Kagic Eraser." Chicago papers, of a recent date, state that men are about the streets ol that city, selling a preparation called the "insgio" rraspr ,i solution ol chloride of lime which is ubod to remove ink marks from j a; er. i However useful this article u.ny Ic .'o. some purposes, it hue proven a daneions one, as nscaU have of lute lectin to avail theniselvcj of its erasing properties to change tthtcks and other commercial papers with fraudulent intent. In New York and otl.er Lusteru eities very hnld operations of kind have been successlully conducted n;id bankers have become so much alarmed tlwt checks and drafts are scrutinized with the greatest cures nnd payment is refused unless parties pro.euling them are known at the bank. It is said the fluid will not rrase h'ue ink. ai.d Chicago bankers aro therefore instructing their customers to use this color crily iu filling up commercial pper. A writer in the Chicago Trillin-1 n;is; "To detect whether bank checks, n'.tes, dvuflg, or papers of any kind l ave hi eti altered or tempered with by the ue of the "magic, fluid," hold the Mt'pccted pa j er over trio flame of a gas jet, being careful not to scorch or burn it, and if any fluid has been applied to the paper, the place v.'Ik re it has been put will speedily become discolored, and turn a decided brown color. Frequently the writing or figures which have been erased by (he fluid will reappear, faintly, on such application of heat." Tha Indian Question. General Sheridan, in replying to a letter from a newspaper correspondent, gives his views ou the Indian question as follows, iu a private letter dated Chiehgo, April -S, and now for the first timo made public : I may say, iu reference to" the manage ment of Indians, the reservation system is the only ODe offering any prospect of suc cess, but all experience has shown that the wild Indian will not adopt it untill he is forced to do so. All the tribes on the northern Pacific coast had to be 'subdued and forSed on to the reservations, which was accompli.-hed between tKe years 1 Si3 and 1SG9, then pesee ensued. Lattcr'y the same policy has been pursued iu regard to the Camanches, Kiowas, Cheyonnes, aud Anrapahoes. After the wild Indians are put upon the reservations a strong military lorco will have to be kept there, to protect the agents and others required in the work of cultivation, and alo for the subordina tion ol the Indians and their protection agaiust the eucroachnents of tho white set tlers, who otherwise would take possession ot their lands. Ilenj. Pleming, the last of Peiry's meu aud the wain-top man on the Niagra. died in Erie last week and was Luried cm Wed nesday io a 'costly coffiu' with all tho pomp and parade accorded o a first-class hero. The city couueils passed complimentary ies olutioDB, the Michigan was ordered up from 'Buffalo to the funeral, anil, all classes joined ia praise oi the dead hero, because he was dw'au. Yet this same old man has ior years lived, or rather starved, ia Erie on charity ! Half the money thrown away cn Lis funeral, would tave made the old man comfortable. Such is human nature and Erie nature! Warren Mail. lfETTs ; rr:z7. Major Powell waul $15.1, HO) to in ry on the Colorodo explorations. Work is progressing on the Kast llivcr bridge. Newrpiipeig iu France, like dogs, must ho muzzle 1. F.uiancul, King ol Italy, still remains victor. Passing strange Two fi lends jawing each other without speaking. When is money dump? When it is dew in-thi! inorninr; and mist at nisrht. Portland has tri'.lol its tiade with Cuba so lar tins year, as coniiuirod with last. The best mothers for ballot girls step mothers. A Lancaster city ordinance imposes a fine often dollars on corner loafers. Shad arc very abundant this season, aud ought, consequently, to he cheap. li'ismarck's real disease is said to be like our delirium tremens. There is n formidable strike of cigar rua- kers in New York. Uri'ham Young allows each of his wives two quarts of whisky per month. A Ftatc dinner in China consists of fifiy- two courses. Paraguay has fifty woiuen for each man. Why riot move Utah down there ? The colored levee laborers ut New Or leans arc on a strike for 4 per day. Our yards should be hallowed ground for in them now repose tho ashes of the grate. A Jasper county (Indiana-) girl, of six teen, weighs esaetly two huudrcd and thii ty uiuc pounds. Estimates of the eoming cotton crop are made. The highest estimate is 4,000,000 bales; the least 83,500,000. A married wuman in Alton, Me., who is iu her seventeenth year, lately gave birth to her fourth child. Fires in the swamps of Atlantic county, New Jersey havo destroyed property valued at 150,000. The three hundred restaurants of New York ciy serve up seven hundred thousand meals per diem. Sassafras tea is used in some portions of the South, in pcrfdrcuee to the article from China. On the Mississippi rivur several steam htvifs have ilai !y ncw?pnprs published on boird. A witty 'aoj. K-itig nsl ed In r oiinioti of njir.MacJ.c, repHtf'!,' I al.v:id .et inyYfucc agr.in-t tl.em.-' It is suiJ that lear'icrs i I the piiinoforte make lijiJ j iof:re.-s in the musical art by usiDg Ilallet, Pavis & Co,'s uocquulled pi an os. Mr Patterson, of Freehold, N. J., l as sold his (anions trotting nnrc ''Topsy," for 83.750, to Mr. Level!, owner of the "Amer ica'.! I ill." Ct'iNFMKSCi: Kami:. - day or to ago Mr. Holiday, a merchant of Springfield, this- county, uiado the acquaintance of an oo'eu-iblo Titusville menhnot, on the cars neaa Rochester. 1 he parties chatted much ly, but tho "freight agent" came in and wanted -50 for tho Titusvillc merchant's freight. lie hadn't the cah aud the agent couldu't chaugo & check for S,7-K on some bank or other. Mr. Ilolliday was applied to by his new found friend but he had only 8 10 with Li :u. Thisnvas to bo paid as soii as thoy got to Pufulo, but when there both merchant aud ajrent got off and Mr. Ilolliday began to 'smell wool.' The train was stopped aud the matter communicated to tho Chief of Police. Ho was surprised to think our Erio county friend hadu't read the papers, but hunted for the confidence men, though without s'iccess. This is tho stalest of all the railroad sharper dodges and yet there is not a week passes without some body getting gulled cut of their money by it. An AxutiCicus Villian. In Hamil ton, Canada, a few days since, a man named John Conoily, nearly sixty years of aire, only failed el heiu a murderer hy leiti"; too atrocious about it. Ellen Morrison and ho boarded at the same house, Iu the ab sence of the landlady John Liiocked Ellen down, thcu kicked and trampled ou her uutil she became tascusiLle ; then, to com plete matters, he took a buck-saw and de liberately undertook to i?uw her up. The pain, however, retoied her to conscious ness and excited her failing strength to such an extent that tlio succeeded in es cjping lrotu the amateur eawbones cud found refuge with a neighbor. i?ixai'r.ii Fatal Accident. Mr. Samuel Dean, residing near liadeu, Beaver county, met with a singular accident on Thursday evenio, which rusulted in his death. He was working about a circular saw, when a large splinter from the wood which was being sawed glanced off and struck him in the left eye, pcuetiatiug the skull. It could only be removed by the united efforts of two men. Medical atten tion was summoned, but notwithstanding all efforts tho victim after much suffering the victim died. tittt Gazette. Killed iir LiourNiNO. ()a Friday last, Mr. (.loorgo Suiit.h, a fanner residing in South l!end, Anrmtrong county, was truck by lightning, during the prevalence f the storm nnd instantly killed. Ilg was landing iu the door of his barn, and the lightning striking the barn, he was killed is above staled. A black mark down the -pirio of the back was all that wis to bo -ecu of the effects of the stroke. The )arn was not injured to any extent. 1'rcss. William I!. Hoed, the well known demo cratic lawyer and aristocrat of Philadelphia is a defaulter iii the sum if 200.000, and his ubseconded. lie was at one timo Min ister to China, more recently counsel to Jefferson Davis, and has been prominently before th country as the literary defunler of his grandfather, Joseph Heed, the semi- traitorous Adiutant-i'cneral of Georee Washington. His recent defalcation has ruined the fortunes of several personal friends. The Last of a Norlk House. A Lou isvillo despatch informs us of the death of theodore Clay, the lust son ot our old fiicud Henry Clay. For. nearly half acen tury Theodore Clay had been the inmate of the Lunatic Asylum in Lexinton. K There are lo Henry Clays uow-a-days. 'There were giants iu those d;iys," and there are pigmies in these. Well, the country which could stand the shock of stupendous rebellion may at last succumb to the constant nibbling of asses and geesca. But no ! do not let us despair, There is an end to everything human, and imbe cility is human. Is it strnngo that the death of poor Theodore Clay has led us into these reflections? Nay, for we or reminded of his great and his patriotic father; aud then, oh yes, then comes the sad, lamentable, pitiable eontrest. Wc can't help drawing it. Phila. Bee. HOW A I33IDE WAS DltEHSED. At 0 recent wedding in high life, in th;s city, tho bride, a beautiful blonde, was dressed in white tulle, trimmed with alternate floun ces and puffs half wsy up the skirt, and around the edge of tho skirt vas a iue, composed of white orange flowers and grsen leaves. The ovcr.kirt was alto trimmed with ruffles aud puffs, and was considerably looped at the sides and in the back. The entire frout of thsdcs3 was literal'y cov ered with orange fl iwets. The veil was of very flue whit tulle, very f'lll. surmounted I hv a wreath of cranio blossom, with Ion? trailing .vines. OiDnmenta of dianonls aud pearls, consisting of earrings aud neck lace, with large pcnd.uits. 1'resa. A S.NAiti: is' the Pkd. On Tuesday evening hist, says ll-o Warren Lufjvr, as Mrs, Wm. lltmgarty, in the lower pr.rt ct town, opened the Led to put her child in to it, She saw au enormous snake coiled up there. She screamed, of course, when aid came and the snako was "killed. It meas ured five feet, and is called a Massa.-or or black snake. It is said they have a disa greeable habit of getting into buds, and it may hi well to look for them these wur:n nights. Car Time ttl Jllitlgiciitj. Jrie Express Enst ib do West do Mail Hast Uo do West eal freight East do do West 9. 11 p. m. '.M' in. . "J:")1! p. in. . -.t'U p. in. .ll:Wti. in. . 0;J-) 0. III. Elk Lodge, A. Y. II Stated meetint.'i of Elk Lodto will he iilj oi their hallenMlii second ami fourth I'uesd.iyu of each mouth. J. lv. WIIITMORE, Sec'y. I. C. O. T. The llcffidur i.-teotiv ;;s of Hi lgway T,nd:;e, S'o. -t(i, held every iedneaiay evening ai heir Lodja liooin. If. A. P VUSONS, W. S. ANNOUNCEM KNTS. "Hou. Gientii W. b'cofield wiil be a can didate for Congress, subject to tlio ueacs of the l'epublican parly. Henry Souther, of this county, will be presented as a condidato for I'rofident Jud'e of tlio Wxih Judical Ditiiet ol I'ennsylvunia, subject to the usages of ibe Republican party iu the District. We are authorised to announce the name of S. E. Wood ni If, as a candidate for the office of Proideut Judge, Subject to the ut-ages cf tho Republican party. ITotloa- There will Lo a meet ins of tho Republican County Coinoultte held at Ridgway, on Thursday, May 25th, 1670, ut 7 o'clock p. in., to lis time for holdiug Primery Ekotiocs and doviso rules for gov ernment of same. Attest J. R. Uaird, Cuas. M'Veax, Chairman. tSec'y. After our next iuo wo will take out the treasurer's bales, wbioh will enable us to give more reading matter. Accident.L. 0. Wilmarth, formerly of Pittsburg, now a lumber dealer in Phila delphia, fell from a board pile on Thursday, breaking bu lelt arm. Mace whiped Allen, and will fight Mc- Cool iu July for the cbainpiouship of the worlj A game of base ball was played hero yesterterday by the Alerts, of llidgway.aud the Indcendetit club, of llenova. They played eight inuiggs. The score stool. Independent, 70, Alert, 45. We will give full score next week. If yon have a discharge from the nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss of the sense ol smell, tasto or hearing, eyes water ing or weak, feel dull and stupid or debil itated, pain or pressure in the bead, take cold easily, you ntay sure you have the Ca tarrh. Thousands anuually, without man ifesting half of tho above symptoms, termin ato iu Consumption and end iu the grave. No disease is so comtmn, more deceptive or less understood by physicians Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Piiffalo, N. Y., ia tho proprie tor of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy a per- fo t spcAfic for Catart h, ''Cold in tho Head,' or Catarrhal Headache, which ho send to any any odress mail ou receipt of sixty cents. Sold by most dtnggsiiats everywhere. Rase Ball. The fust gimo of the sea sou in this locality was played at St. Mary's, on Saturday last, between the Alerts ol Kidgway, and the St. Mary's, ol St. Mary.s, Tiic Alerts were organized but a few weeks ago, aud are as. yet- mere novices at tie) game, llieir pbytngat M. .Mary s shows conclusively, however, that with practice they will be a hard team to beat. Their victory, as will be seen by the Fcore, was a signal oue, and they have reason to feel proud. They wero courteously treated af ter the game by the St. Mary's boy?, an plptfjiiil-. vr-nnrt. Li'iti-r prvi-il nn lo tl.pm !it '"i " the Luhr House Mr lluz.dtinc of Km- j porium, acted as uuij ire, and discharged . the onerous dati'js of that position fairly and impartially. It is expected that a re turn game will be played in Ridgway tt'uh iu the nest two weeks. Appended is the score : Ai.riiT. o. Snyor, c 1 .Sin de, ti b " Montgomery, 1 '2 Sithrain, r f -1 Jones, p "J Ilenly, s s 5 Cummin?, c f t Smith, i r Miller, '2 b 2 P. sr. MARIS. il jtltirner, c J IWiuhtck, s s.... 8 jMaher. p 7 jt'liaetrr, 3 b... 5 jr.irloy, 1 b !i 'A'.. Carner, r 5 : 11 ujrhes, c f ..1 ..4 .- U j Valentine, 1 1'.. - " jl.arjj y, 3 b... 7 03 .1 1 HI 21 runs ma ik in i:.cn innino. 1-t 2d o 1 4th 5:h (Jih 7:h 8th 9;h Alrrt i :5 O 4 19 10 5 7 45:5 st. Ma's 3 2 0 (J :5 7 U 0 021 Ctupiio U. W. lluzchiiic Scorers (Ico.'A. Ratcbun, Alert; Laurie J. lilakely, t. Marys. Timo of "a-iie liirre hours. At ViU-os, Sumlay. Mny 1 5th 1S70. by J, 1). I'arton?, I'.-q.. Mil. P.um:s Donel- ;d Mi;n Pkt: ol Pa. Tho I-Tcv Article of Food. Por twenty fivo i.vut: you e::n bt;v vo-.ir Lni.r:;'-t or druittra : ( r- -n-i (,t S MOSS PARINI', l!!.!iiu.';K-lii!;:il-ll'Oi!i lire Irish M"s or ( i : i; uoi n, which will nitike sixl.'Cii fj'i-n! i t' lilac M.itt- , auu a l.ke iii:iniity el i'uddiii -', t'ut-ir.ls, ('rentiis. Charlotte i!i:;;n &c . iv . it is by lar the Cheapest, he.iiihiest and lout delieioiu food in tl'.e w.iilJ. RAND HEX .MOSS l'ARINii CO. 25 15m. Park Place, N. Y. PLANTATION BITTERS ?i Tlii-i wonderful veitntahlo restorative ia the sheet anchor of the l'o. lile arid debilita ted. ' As a tuttio and cordial fur the p.gfd and langucd, it has no ctjuol ntiinin Stiun achas As a remedy lor tho tiervioiis weakness to which women are especially subject, it is EDpcrscedinjr every other stimulant. Id till climate.-), tropical, tern pertature or frigid, it acts a specific in species if disorder which ur.dermines the bodily strength and breaks down the ani ma! spirits, i or s ue oy ail ilitiirgists. 2o Oia H INK LEY KNITTING MACI1INH FOll FAMILY l'Sl'5 implr, cl.ev, rtlhiih. Kxim EVKKYTiiisn. Ali.'.NfS WANTlil). "ircu: nrtititl snmpirt st o.-. i n ;r I'llKE. A hires 1I1NKLL5Y KXlTflXU MACHINE CO., Uaih, Mo. tiiu rgTill'i MAGIC COMli WiU ehaiif-B any 1 coii.retl n :u r or neirn to a perme.iioiu nliieU or livown, It viuitaiiis r;o poimim. uuy one etiu use it. Ono t enl by ntiiil fur $1. Ad dress MAC IO COMB CO.. 1 tin Springfield, Mass. TO THE WORKING CLAS3 Vie are now pro pared ti furuidh nil elates will cons ant eiiip'nyiiieut at home, iho whule of the time or for the spare luonicnts. Iiusincss new, light and prohtuhle. 1'eisens of either box easily earu from ,'iilc. to So per evening, and a prop purtHonal tum by devoting llieir whole time lo tho business, lioyg and girls eura nearly a.i inue-li as uicu. 'in.UfiU who see this nuliee may send their ad henn, and test the husiuess, vre oinke this uhpuiallolcd offer : To such as mo net well S'ltUliicd, we will enj !1 lo pay fur iho li-oublo of writing. Full particulars, valuable sample, wbieli will do to oinmenoe work out an 4 u copy of T PeopU't l.ittrary Companion-oojf liis l iren family pewipa pers ptibUuhed nil seut free by mail. Rend er, if you wnt permaueut, profitubie work, ddresi E. C. ALLEN CO., Aroi'STY Maini. Feb. 19 8ni, A A.' 11' A 1) 1 'Eli TISEMKX TS. HOOK ACiEXTd WANT Li) TO SKLL TEN YEARS IN WALL STREET- rronoiinced the fastest (oiling book cut. One Agent reports 7'J orders in f days. . It includes all tlial is mysterious nnd interesting in tli focus ef speculation, 13year's experience ot tho author : 1'ortrnit and Liyes bf Vandcr hilt, Drew, Fisk, Oould nnd ninny others, t illed Willi illustrations. Grout inducements to agents ! 8etut for circular lo WORTUIXU TON. IH'STIN & CO., Hartford, Conn. -82 4w WANTKD. Agents wanted for tlio Lk-laware Mutual l ite Insurance Co., for nil parts nf Pennsylvania and New Jersey, ltel'erenoo 'Huircd. Ad dress, Ilninch Oilice UliLAWAKIS MUTUAL LIKE INS. CO., JN. W, sor. VltU and Chestnn Sis., Phila. - 4w 1000 rsBiNGLEY'S NATUltAI. IIISTOIIV. Oiving a clear nnd intcLsely liitci csiing ac. count of the iiilinito variety of habits and modes of life, of nearly every known species beasts, birds. tisliCH insects, reputes tiiolluscii and aniiitnlouluc of tho globe. From the fa mous London fnur-vohtnie edition, with iidill ti ons from the most celcbiiited natiii ulisM of tho ni;e. Coii.plcte in one large handsome volume of pnges, richly illimtnted with 1000 spirited eni'raviiij's, irice tlotfil lo eoltl busts. It unit the nut sues, ftlioiihl outsell, live to one any 1-ooK in ilia field. Terms the must libctal. Kiill prrlieu ltirs sent fieo Adlrens. 4. II. Ilrtu itn," Puh , i'-J'J Client ut St.. Phils. t i! Iw .-HiExrs ir.i.v ;. sioo to i-ioo . Month ClergiMcn, Si-lwol Tiaehtrit, sutjit ynutig Mm and l.d'liet icuitlcl io Canvdss lor the -Wic Hook, "t)CU FATilKUS HOUSE j" OR, The Unwritten Word. ; Hv D.mki. Maiicii, .author ef the popuh.r 'N'igHt Keens." This muster in th.mgliw nnd Ia:igunj;e shows ui untold riehos and b?aiitis in tlie lirent tioiise. with i!a Ulo'iiiint; fluwurs, Siiiirin'r birds, Wiving paints, Holiini; elotulr, i - ,;t..i i.. ... ! :, n ,i:,.i.ir..t RiXM.s Mighty 'oc 'bus', 'uutiaeriiiK voices. Blawis heavm an I v.st ua.verw with crtnt. n in eac'i the I'nwritten W or L Hose-ti'Uo-i f-ipor, oriiaie eng.-.wliir's and sij'-. rb titi-liti. rtend tV-r cir-jiihu. in which is full desm-iplion nt.d u:.!f rfal eotum.-ndations by "the press, ministers aud col'e.;e prof,' .'ors. iti 'lie stro-'g-est possible l-ingtmye. ZMiMJ.lt .V CO. ill South Sixth St. Phiiadc'tihni, u2 '.vr 'IMIi: UAND-lN-HANi) Ml'TlAL .ii( Itisuranite 'i.tii; any wtmts a nun -btr of good Audits ; nljn, a rood (ienertil A,iciil fur Pittshirii and vie'r.iity, a'i'i u lie lit erul nciit f'r lit a ilermnn csum ies of Pvtinsyl vaaiii. Address Hi.ms (mice, No, 11- .South lt!i Jircet, Piii'.aJulphia. 8i -lw Atii'iNTS WANT I'Aj i'Ucl Tin: pii ykigaTj i.n-'i: OF WOliEX. nvoiT-riFT.'i TiiousAXi) :;uv heaov. i:v ci:t :i. :;.vi -iilys, j. The tr. e'tvt rr.i:i; ki.h! succusti of ihe J ty Is selling with iir.pritc.te.leiiied r.iyidity. It eoii itiiiiswli.i every Mun an-.l wnmun oug'it to l:u,.v, tit.d few do- It -ji'i t:ive much sii!t-rin. A ti.e drily ri-U'il tibia nurd upon t)ie single an-1 marvi-td hie il is cainesllv rccoiiu-l.tied ly Pr.jf. Win. A liamiioi.l, l'ie-1. Mir' li-.p. itn.-!, Itev. li v Ward L'ecalier, I r. ilu t'niut!), Miv. K. U. Oitason, tl. 1.. Prof. It. N. l-insi-maa, etc. Being e i;;erly sun'.il for, the Agenttj wurk is ea-'V. .Send ct.-imp fur puinphlet ct e. . lo " (illO. M.U.'LKAN, I'til.lwlier, 7ll Siuisom Street, Phihi., Pa. 3 .'-'i houl Eln-et, H-.'Sliin, MtisK. 85 Nassau sirejt. New York. SlliO to ?12oi'f Mi-i.'i 'jU'ir'ini'v.ril. ti.ire p-y. Wofjefl p dd weekly to A vri'tiM ( veiy- wli.'ro, pelliii our iYk( Si'rer MoulJ II 7,i'i Vi-'rr ( Iclhrs i,nct. l,:isi:te- j pcriitiuu-tit. l-'nr full p.n tict'laiH iiddreati UiUAtiii Wiiit Mills. l'iiii,i'leitilii:i, Pa. '-2 Iw J. Ai' t..iM.K.tir. .-t Vt'i.ri discriptivA of fio Mystcrim, Vni-if f!j !' i Cri'iiri ol' tt t'.V.v of Porii. It contains 150 fine etigrnving-i of noted phi res, Li I it nnd t'eencti m Purls. Agunli want. ed. A Idres?, SATIUIUL. l'UIJMSHI.N'n CO., rhihide'phia AgcntsCarivecin? Book3 sent'fr:3 Lr SKCIi CI S O V 1 X I K UN AL li i; ' K N .' K The nioct reiiiiukiil li; look ever publiohed. boing n compiele cxpnsuro of the powerful eoiiii-ai-ratiuim or "nins preying on unr liov. eriiua'iit. Showing up nil cliques ii om the low esi to the liihvst, Cuini. t o.'Vvr and Coiirt'3.i Mtit at rwtor oprratn' fyt-tem atic di-picdtilioiiH. coii'.pirncief, oilieitil currup iii.u. puiiiteui inutieiiee, niironi''o titi-.l wire pulliiig. A fetirlosi Historic il w rk, invalua hie to every ciliiont o inltiiuin.; (( p-iges, hy aprri'meni (ioveriiment detective, Over 20,- WU copies alieimy vobl. Agents wnnte Canvassing bonks fi ee. Addresi W. Flint rutili..her, l'hilmielpeia Pa., lioston. Mats.. Chic.-ig-), 111. or Cincinnati, O. Z2 -l.v A015.NTS WANTED FO.t Till: NE-V HUSBANDRY A complete ;'iiidn tor Ftirmer's vouaz and old. hy the celebrated Author and successful far mer. tt'o. H ir. tm.va, jr., or eg. iiiii M'ttrtit. Tht l.irpo expti-iencn and recognized abi'iiy of the Author jiiaieiiiera a vo.ik of sterling merit. Among I he Huhject (rented are I!uy iug and Leiising Faun, bui'.dins, Improvtd Iiiiplinieiils. Jud.eiouB fertilizing, Suh soiltng, l)ra.ning.j!'nt:itioii of Crops; Uuitcr Making, Cheese Factories, lireeding and care of 1.ito Slock, their diyenes and remedies, &o.. ie.. with many useful Tables. (300 pages rich wi'h instruction and embellished wttli lt'O epirited e .gravings. Terms liberal, Circular free, "Secure an Aienci at oncei' & JJ. TREAT ii CO., U."i4 Brodway, N. Y. Special Notices- VJIII II I .a.iiA.iiJ an active man. in r r r tAsm lJtVV, each County in the Stale, lo travel and take ordern by nample, for TE COFEE, and SHUE.S. To suiml.U will give aealaryof $000 lo 31,000 a year above traveling aud other expenses, aud a rea- buiiiiuib eoiuuiisbiou on eulis. jumieuiuie eppucaiions are solicited from rui.er panics, ji. lercnces exchanged. An irauum ir so'ioite.i iroin proper ptirties J. I'AOKEU to. CO., ' Continental Mills 831 lV.very New York 'IREASUREa sSALE OF UN 1 SEATED LANDS. Nutic is hereby given tbat agreeable lo an Act -of AMctub.lt, pa-ssed 13th March, 1S15, entitled "An act to amend aa act directing the mode of selling unseated latn(! for taaes, Sc, the tollowing tucia iu Elk county will bo sold for arrears, at the Court House, in Ridgwty, on the seo- ond monday of June next. 8AM I.lsT Of BKNTZET TOWSBIIIP FOIt Ulf- 1'AIU T. XES 11' AND liV. Aries Wirrntre Otcntrs Ain't (a 'o-V.vZ !)J,SClcoMcad Jas Stokes 515 40 rr.v.y.', It)(i7 do do ll't 10 r.3H.) l!.ii7 (lo do 107 C :;j;is ion d, d 1 s7 w 5:5-1-1 U!07 do do 152 CJ liHl,") li.Ki" do . do J12 HQ so Hi lt'77 do do 114 OU ').'!I7 l(iii7 do do li!l Ct iiJilX 10(i7 d.) . do 114 C'i 5.J7L 4;V do do 91 2) iiiV60 1100 do do l:-il fc.) f:S3 1100 do do 152 W .V'.f't 1100 do uo 140 21 5.-5S7 lMO do do 14(3 Si ;":u:i ss-i.j do do 109 67 5-J7X 55:i do do 51 SI ;0K1 -105 do do 98 24 .");;!9 100 do do 7(5 CO 5177 I02'i do do 2J53 7 1 547X 5 0 do do 125 40 5000 ji)0 do do 225 72 5:542 lion do do 70 0O 5177 75 do do 17 11 5011 99 J do do 225 72 501 1 415 do do 101 47 51S1 450 do Uo 15 4; 5:;.3:l 14:5 do 11 Mcnill 21 71 5:;:54 Uco Mo do 107 20 5:17 1C07 do do 16-2 19 5.'! 50 100S do do 70 t'-j 551 1100 do do 209 O'.i 5:552 ."00 do do 5:1 20 5:5oO 1100 A R Merrill 292 LO 5:7 275 do 72 9u 528S 275 do 72 Vti 52j-9 '22:5 do 42 i-0 500: -990 V Wiilink C Hrower 151 4 Jones Ham- 5 '08 990 d, 15 i 4o tlo ttioiid A Co sj ft or, ,io R;i 5:;;i0 l.niii do iio :U :;n 50 10 91.V U r.'eh t Royntou i-- 5:i:JU 1100 (J?o Mead J Umwer l',i," 0:5-10 550 do .1 1 Monrehcad ll'i'i -it 5:5 i:j 275 11 Mieknl i5u lii llewntr & John 200 W Williuk '2J !sJ non C15 (.'eo MctitJ N W Ellis Co 5y Addis'u,Kwitrt 45 W Wiiliuk fc7 0:5 Wont Jfe Co !l- 0 oi o Mead c vinwrij:lit 1550 y-t 1575 v wilhnk liaipl. jnhiisou iJ 0 ) :!0 Jo do OS li l '. on w Wii'.ink ih,;s D.ut 22.) .027 ;oo5 .-).; 1 1 VI2-1 'vilJ O 1 ; J do do do cio do do il-j do 0o do Miiis Dent llltt J 11 M arson 01 do 225 ;.: Unknown ii7 5d Jnli'i Hrooks 44 - d.) 5:i 2 do 2h :; 11 C.-;::iul.!inu' f2 Hi 5020 21 7 i 5024 ;:;nj Ul'Oii r.isi !;iii7 iW'l 275 -IS L 55) 200 (il 1 5170 Kobt liwitit' 155 5 5021! 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