(Slh Cfounfg g (Ironic. .f. . BORD WELL, Editor. PATCRPAY, MAY 14, 1&70. I:;'ore sting To Soldiers. The House of Representatives last week passed two measures of considerable impor tance to ex-soldiors of the rebellion. Ono was a "bill to provide for payment of boun ties to certain officers of volunteers." The bill provides that each nnd every commis sioned officer who entered the army as an enlisted man after April 19, 1861, for a period of not less than three years, and woa promoted from a private or non-commissioned, officer to the rauk of a commissioned officer, and was afterward, while holding the same rank to which he was promoted, honorably discharge on account of wounds received in the line of duty, and whose pay and allowances for the period he served as a commissioned officer were less than tto amount he would have received as pay and bounty for the same period, had he contin ned to serve as a private or non-commissioned officer, shall be entitled to received such sum or bounty as will, together with the amount he received as pny and allowances as a commissioned officer, equal the amount he would havo received as pay and bounty had he continued to serve as a private or non-commissioned officer as aforesaid. This bill is of the nature of an amendatory law to the act for the equalization of bounties, and make provision for many deserving cases. The following resolution, also passed by the House, provides for the return of dis charges by Government accounting officers to the owners thereof, and a matter in which very honorably discharged soldier is inter ested. Be it rttohed, &c, That iu all cases bas become necessary for any officer or en listed man of the army to file his evidence of honorable discharge from the milirary service of the United States to secure the settlement of his accounts, the accounting officer with whom it has been filed shall, upon application by said officer or enlisted man, deliver to him such evidence of hon orable discharge, providing his Recounts shall have been duly settled ; and provided that the fact, date, aud amount of such set tlement shall first be clearly written across the face of such evidence of honorable dis charge, and nttcsled by the signatuio of the accounting officer. Tux McFarlad Trial. We take the followig comment from Forny's 1'ress. It is about the sentimeut expressed through out the country : After rctireing long enough to give their verdict the weight of deliberation, the jury in the McEarland case returned A verdict of acquittal. From a sense ol propriety wo havo refrained from express ing any opinion on this cose during the pendency of tho trial, but of its issue we have had all along little doubt. Is part of of the unwiitten law of this land that any man who tampers with the wife of another must take the consequences, be they what they may, and no American jury has yet been found to Question the right of an out raged husband to inflict any punishment be may deem fit. Without wading th rough the somewhat prurient details of the evidence in this un pleasant case, enough is kuown to safely assert that Mrs. McFailand violated her marriage vows, and that Richardson was her comrade in crime. Owiono to the re culiar circumstances of American society women are allowed a freedom that in other countries can hardly be understood, but the man who takes advantage of it must abide the penalty. Our homes are open, but the same power which opens them eustom guards them. The Oldest Inhabitant Gone, Miss Jelf,"ihe oldest inhabitant" of Xcw Jersey, died at her residenoe in Elizabeth, on Sat urday, Apiil 23, in her 105th year. She was born in that city March 27, 17G6 Tho father of Miss Jelf, who was an Eng lish merchant, died while she was young, and although having lost much of his pro perty by the depredations of the Hessians and depreciation of the currency, be left her in comfortable circumstances. Het memory did not desert her nntil a few days before her death, when she became wholly unconscious. Up to that time the was cheerful and contented. She resided many years with her niece, Miss Mary Ohetwood, who, with the exception of an old and at tached domestio, was the only other inmate of the house in which she had lived nearly sixty years. She could read with easo or dinary newspaper type. She remembered distinctly the breaking out of the Revolu tion of '76' and loved to tell oHier conver aation with George Washington and Gen eral Lafayette, and the banquet she attend edgiven in their honor on their visit to Elizabeth at the head of the American army during the great Jersey campaign. She clearly reoolleoted the burning of a portion ofElnabeth by the Hessians. She bad not been out of the bouse for nearly fifteen jean, and bad sever seen a locomotive, or .even ridden in a borse-car- ltU'i'.m.iu 'i,tiTiuijii-iu' hi i. Hannibal's Sk!:i,f.ton.- Th"usnnds of persons throughout tlia Cni'e.l Strifes, who have gn.ed in wonder vpon (lie cnilnsal proportions of Van A mimic's famous ele phant Hannibal, on rxiiibitiou in this coun try forty-six youni, the lorprft specimen of the species sver imported into this country or Europe, will bo interested in the final disposal of his bones, which, we undcrsrand, are to be added to tho Zoological curiosi ties of Mew York Central Park. Hannibal died at Contreville, Md., in about tho ninetieth year of his age, in May 180(5. The complote skeleton of an ele phant being very difficult to obtain, the bones are correspondingly valuable, end great precautions were, in consequence, taken to preserve those of Hannibal, and under the charge of Albert Townsend, the carcass was dragged to a field about a mile from the village, and a large strong mauso leum of masuriry erected over it. There it was suffered to remained until tho flesh had wasted away sufficient to permit of the removal of the bones. So great was the mass that not uutill a few days since was it thought advisable to open the tomb. To Mr. Hyatt Ftost. director of the men agerie, is due tho conception of the idea of making the unique and valuable present to tho city of New York. Within a few weeks the massive bones will have been cleansed, transported to tho Central Fark, and set up in the zoological department, there to remain an object of interest to the visitors until the tooth of time causes them to crumble to dust. A IIonniBLE Accident. John Hoover, residing within three miles of this place lost bis life on Wednesday last while at work on Goodfellow's Sawmill under the following circumstances : He went to the mill about nine o'clock, and not coming to dinuer some one repaired to the mill, about one o'clock, and there found him corded on the bullwhccl, dead aud mangled in the most horrible manner. It appeared from the surroundings that the first thing he done after he went on the mill, was to draw a log out of the pond ; and in attempting to prevent the rope from 'piling up' on the wheel, ho was evidently caught by the hand and drawn upon the wheel, and the rope wrapped around him. His logs head and arms were all pounded into jelly, caused by striking the timbers while rcvolviug around with the wheel. Tho rope had broke, but he was still held tight to the wheel when found. Mr. liojwr whs a single man about 35 years of age. It is not long finee a death was cau.-ed at Messrs. Uigler's Mill, near this place through similar careless ness. Cearficld npuhiici.iji. Terribb Hail Stonn. Philadelphia, May 8. This afternoon the most destructive hail srorm ever known passed over the city from northwest to southeast. For nearly 30 minutes there was a continuous fall of hail storms from the size of a pea to six and seven inches in cir cuiul'creucc. The damage done greatly ex cels tlie great storm in September, 18C8. The greatest force of the storm was along 1 J road street and the southern section of the city, on the south side of Chestnut street above Eighth, and hardly a pain of glass was left on 15road street. Many churches had staince glass windows destroyed. The wiudows in front of the Contenental Hall were destroyed. The loss is thousands of dollars. The reports from outskirts state tho destruction of fruit trees which are just in blossom. At nine o'clock to-night the hail still remained in piles in the street. Erie Gazette. A Hcrribb Crime. Niw York, May, 5. The only case be fore the couit of session to-day, was that of People vs, John D. Currie, who was placed on taial charge with committing an outrage upon his own daughter, Emma, on 3d of June, 18G7. Emma was only thirteen years old. On going on the stand she re lated the whole circumstance of the disgust ing assault in a clear and distinct manner, aud also testified that he had on two prev ious occasions attempted the same offense. The jury has not yet rendered a verdct. Passengers who left San Francisco on the Pacific railway on Thursday, the 28th ult, at 8 u. m , reached this city at seven seven this morning, making six days and tweuty-three hours, the quickest time yet make across the ooatinent. Tha Fenians in Council. New York, May 9. A Convention of all the Centres of the Circles of the Fenian Brotherhood in Man hattan district, held a Convention yester day after noon, at head quarters. Numerous questions of grert interest to the origination discussed. Most of the pro ceedings were seoret. It is only known that the late diffcuhies between Gen. O'Neil and the Senate Constitution formed the chiclf subjaot of discussion, and action. The course of O'Neil was bitterly condemn ed. The Centies reported enthusiastic ao actioa, and meeting in favor of onward movements. Dead. Another of eur oldest inhabi tants has gone to that bourne from whence no traveler returns. Rev. John Flegsl, residing near Luthersburg, and well known to many of our readers throghout the ooun ty, departed this life on the 18th instant, in the 75th year of bis age. Clearfield Repblican, A Wliirkey murder occurred iu Ulica Macp.uh county :i ft w days ago: A man named Phillip.) o.tua to tho village in the evt;iiiig and boeauie intox icatcd and started for home with one or two companions, all more or less intoxica ted. Phillips became so numb that they could not fret him along, they endeavored, at a houso on the road, to obtain loging for the night, ns it was raining very hard, but they refused, when they left him in the rosd, where he was found dead the next morning. Isabell Co. (Mich.) Enterprise. Fort Sumptor. Tho Engineer Depart ment will shortly commence work in re build ing Fort Sumptor, which yet remains in the condition in which it was left at the close of ho rebellion. It is proposed to use it ns a battery rather than ns a fort, and consequently the works will not be re built in the original dimcntioas, but of less height and greater thickness, and better fitted to withstand the effects of a contined bombardment. Much of the original ma terial is available, and the expence of re building will not be exorbitant. It ap pears fit and proper that the Government should again establish this defense, not on ly on account of its value in time of war, but for reasons of a national character, - - Paying the Freight. The miners in the new territories are victimized without mercy by the Jew traders that they are compelled to buy supplies or. An English miner who wcut to buy a darning-needle, selected one, stuck it in the lappel of his coat aud asked tho price. "Four bits, (half a dollar,) my teah." ' Four bits ! four devils," said the miner; "why, where I come from you can buy a dozen for one bit." "Vcro you come from ?" said the trader. "Birmingham, England." 'Yaas, dat ish so, but this is America.you know." "Suppose it is, what difference docs that make?" said the sooty workar of ores. "Ah! youforycl the fieiyht, my trail," said the peddler, with a deprecatory shrug. Com. Bulletin. Pleasant Paragraphs. A man in Council Bluffs is both a liquor saloon keeper and an undertaker. One business snppoits the other ! Woodford County Kentucky, has tho on ly crosseyed cat on record. A brick struck her between the eyes one night as she was entertaining company by singing, "When you and 1 was young," and she has looked cross ever since. Just think ot a poor Rothschilds having been robbed of over two million dollars ! They will have to live now on less than ten millions a year. A crockodile who wouldn't weep at this, hasn't a heart to his back ! A bereaved Kentucky parent, who had rcceetly lost his son, was consoled by the reflection that the youngster could not join a base-ball Club iu the placo to which he had gone. A crazy mantis about Iowa City, armed with a live polecat, which he carries under his arm. When he askes for something to eat at a house and it is not forthcoming, he immediately gets his battery into posi tion in front of the premises, and ca'ta for a surrender. At Ottumwa, Iowa, a nice young man put a sheet around him to scare a dutch man. The Teutonic gentleman says: ''1 shunt jump raino wagon out, and vip the the ghost all the time. I would would vip him, if he was a whole graveyard." Relioous Appointments. Elder L. Osier, of Providence, R. I., will preach, the Lord willing, in Centreville, Elk Co , Pa., on Saturday evening, May 21st, at 7 o'eloolck ; ot Toby, Sabbath morning and evening, May 22; at Keystone, Monday evening, May 23 ; at Ridgway, Tuesday evening, May 24, at 7J o'clock. CONFIRENCI OF MESSIAH'S CHURCH. The Pennsylvania Conference of Messiah's Church will hold its thirteenth annual ses sion in Messsiah's church, on Little Toby. Elk county, Pa., commencing Wednesday, May 25th, 1870, at 10 o'clock A m., and continue over the following Sabbath. A full attendance is desired and earnestly urged. The annual sermon will be deliv ered by Rev. M. L. Jackson, of Shiremans towo, Pa., on Wednesday evening. Three publio services each day. Themes of in terest to all believers in the Pre-milleonial advent of Christ will be considered. Am ple accommodations will be provided for all. Nervous and General Debility, Heart Disease, and those chrooio, lingering dis eases which are peculiar to females, are cured by that wonerful and valuable rem edy Dr. Pieree's Alterative Extract, or Golden Medical Discovery. In Bronchial, Throat and Lung disease it has no equal. Sold by druggists, or enclose three dollars and twenty-five cents to Dr. R. V. Pieroe, Buffalo, N. Y., and get three bottles, free of Express charges. Subscribe tor the Advocate. Car Time at itiit&vpny. Srie Express F.nsf fl.4) p. tn. da ilo Wo ":8(i tu. do Mail KftH iiioO p. m. do do Went 2:00 p. m. jocul freight Lust 11:00 a. m. do do Vest .' p. rti. Elk Lodge, A. T. M. cMntcd meetings of Elk Lodge will be leld at their linll on tin second and fourth fuesdajs of each month. J. K. WIIITMORE, Seo'y. I. 0. 0. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodge, fo. 250, hold evory Wednesday evening "at No. 250, hold evory Wednesday .neir iiouge iiooni. II. A. PARSONS, W. B, J. W. Oyster will please accept our thanks for the nice string of pigeons sent us fresh from the Warren Woods. We did not receive our Advocate last week. How is it Cal ? Gazette. Don't know perhaps a slip of the eye or pencil. Dr. W. James Blukcly, formerly of St. Mary's has been appointed Physician to city of Erie, a tribute to merit and Homoe opathy Gazitte. A hailstorm visited tho eastern part of the State on Suuday last. It was UDt more thsn ten miles wide, and seems to have started from tho norrthwestrn lakes. Court Daily Republican. The first issue of this neat little Daily is on our ta ble. The publishers deserve success ; we wish them a liberal patronage. The Forest Republican comes to us this week enlarged from six to a seven col umn paper and otherwise improved. It reflets credit on its editor, Mr. R. J. Mc Quillen. We received this week the first number of The Bee, an after-noon penny paper pub lished iu Philadelphia, by Charles W. McC'lintock, formerly connected with the Press, aud subsequently of the Post. Mace and Allen have arrived ot New Orleans and are preparing for the great tussle for the championship of tho world. Joe Cobura will challenge the wiuuer, he says. A married man in New Hamshire bas adopted a singular method of economy. One morning recently, when he knew his wife would seo him, he kissed the servant girl. Tho house expenses were instantly reduced S300 a year. The weather this week has been tco wet for our gardeners and larmers, which ac counts for the large crowd at Powell & Kime's They either have 'good hackers or a lileal supply of 'stamps' or they would not carry off such loads of goods, evbu at the low figures P & Kore selling their new stock at. On Monday last the 2d, inst, Congress man Schcuk introduced a jont resolution declairing the 30th of May, being the day appointed for the decoration of the graves of soldiers who died in defense of the Union, a public holiday, to be forever ob served as such by the people of the Uuited States. The resolution passed the House without division. Fiokon Shooting. Messers. II. I).. II. R F. 8., C. L. B., M L. R , J. W. 0. ttud J. 8 , returned from the Warrcu woods on Tues day, where they havo been slaughtering the pigeons at a fearful rate. The party spent a week near Spring Creek, about three miles from the Warren pike, where acres are covered with pigeons and their nests. They u?ed 30 pouuds of powder and 150 pounds of shot and killed 375 doz. pigeons. A party of Indians have camped there and are living high. Mr. 0. says he don't like their style of cooking pigeons? They boil them in a 'ten pail kettle,' tos sing them in 'feathers and nil;' after boil ing awile the feathers come off and raise to the surface when they are skimmed off, leaving all the delicious flavor with the birds. This might appear dirty to some people, but the Indians relish the dish, be sides it is a labor-saving mode of cooking. We understand that Mr. H. B., has conclu. ded to purchase a piece of land in this pigeon district, take to himself a wife, settle down and clear up a farm. We wish him and the whole party success. At Wilcox, Sunday, May 8th 1870, by J. D, Parsons, Esq., Ma. Charles Peter son and Miss Annis Tetjcbson, both of Wilosoc Pa. Special Notices- CwfiAA -MWANTED an s olive man, In tJ)tlUt each Cot nty in the Slate, to travel and take orders by sample, for TEA, CO FEE, and 81'lCEd. To suitable men we will give salary of $9UO to f 1,000 a year above traveling and other expenses, aula rea sonable commission on sales. Immediate applications are solicited from proper parties. References exchanged. Ap plicatioos are so'icited from proper parties. Apply to, or address immediately. J. PACKER & CO., Continental Mills." 884 Bowery New York. ME W A D VER TI SEMEN 'I S. TKY 510RK CO'S OVAL STEEL KNGRA VINOS; 111 Nassau St., N. T. Anybody cun aril them. Cheap. Sell fast. Pay hand somely. Send for new circular- 2!) 4w A HRKAT CHANX'R TO AGENTS J jt.$ir " t"0( rer month. Tfawantto ploy a got d agent in every County in th tJ. 8. on conininsion or salary to intradue our world Kftiownrd rallrnt While Tit're CUthei Lint ; will last a hundred years. If you want prolilaeU and pleasant employment, addross R. S JiUSH & CO. Manufacturers, 76 Williaia St., N. Y. or 16 Dfarbora St., Chicago. 4w LIFE IN-UTAH OR THI MYSTERIES OF MORMONISM. By J- H. BKADLK, Editor of the Salt Lak Reporter, JJEIXO an EXPOSE of THEIR SECRET RITES. CERKMOXIES and CRIMES. With a full and authentic history of?olyg&my and the Mormon Seot, from its origin to th present time. ,Vf fTif.V01d and inferior workg on the Mormons are being circulated. Keo that each book contains 83 Sua engravings, and 640 pa pes AUKNT3 WANTED. Send for Civoulnrs and seo our trrm aud lull discriptiou of tht work. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISH ING CO., Philade'phia. Pa. T.) im Well's Carbolic Tablets- After much study and scientific indestigation ns to t!-,e remedial .ualiiies of Carsomo Aeit, lr. Vf oils 1ms discovered y proper combina tion with othor articles in I lie form of a Tablet n specific for all pulmonary disnases. TIIF.SU TA HI.ET 3. are a Sl'KE CURE forall dmenses of the Ut'SI'lKATOilY OUOAHS, SORE THROAT, COLD, CROIP, D1PT11ERI A, ASTHMA, CATARRH, or HOARSENESS: also a successful remedy for Kidney difficul ties Piick i!o cents Tin Box. sent hv Mall upon rec.ipl of price, by JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 1-2 Clin St., New Yoik, Solo Agent for the United f tates. 29 8w BOO it AfiENTS WANTED TO SELL TEN YEARS IN WALL STREET- It includes the Histories, Mys'.eries, and Se cret Doings of Wall Street, Life sketclies of its Men, the Speculation in Gold, Stocks, jc, Women speculators, an 1 all that is great and powerful, spended mysterious, interesting, wio.ed, amazing, wretched, etc., In the fecus of speculation. Poriraicts of Vanderbiit, Drew, Gould, Y'uke Jr., and monv others, Engravings of noted places. Life and Scones. 4C. CanruFsiny hooka free Send for circulars to Worn ltisnroH, DtrsTiL & CO., Publishers, 14 Asylum St., Hartford. Conn. 29 -lw TOCOlTSrKPTITES, ProTidentittly my digh Kiis restored to health by simple means, triM viil medicine. The particulars will be sntrf. Recukn E. Holnslow, Stockton St., Bioo'ilyn Long Island. 9 4w rpiUS IS NO HUMBUG 1 .1. Vy sending 35 cents with ago, height, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct picture of your future husband or wife, with name ntik date of marriage. Address W. FOX, PO. Drawer No. 21, Ettltonville. N. V. 29 4w I was cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy and will send the receipt free. M US. M. C. LEGGETT, Hoboken, N. J. 21 5w The New Article of Food. For twenty five cents you can buy of yo-ir Druirtrost or Grocer a package of SEA MOS.S FA RINK, m.mufuctujed irom pure Irif.h Moss or Cannjreen, which will make sixteen quarts of Blno Mange, and a like quantity of FuddinsiS, Custards, Creams, Charlotte l'usso, &c, &c. it is by far the Cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food in the world. RAND SEA MOSS FA RINK CO. 25 Cm. ft: Park Place, N. Y. PLANTATION D1TTERS S.T. 1S60--X. This wonderful vegatable restorative is the sheet anchor of the feeble and debilita ted. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and langued, it has no equol nuion Stom achas. As a remedy lor the ncrvious weakness to whtah women are especially subject, it is snpersceding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, tern pertature or frigid, it acts as a speciGe in speoies of disorder which undermines the bodily strength nnd brcuks down the ani mal spirits. For saic by all druggists. zo om 11LNKLEV KNITTING MACHINE FOR FAMILY USE timple, cheap, reliable, Knits kvk.bttiiino. AGENTS WANTED. Circul arand sample Block inn FREE. Address IIINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., Bath, Me. 8m fMHE MAGIC COMB Will change any )L colored hair or beara to a permanent black or brown. It contains no poisom. Any one can use it. One sent by mail for $1. Ad dress MAGIC COMB CO., 1 IS Im Springfield, Mass. TO THE WORKING CLASS We are now pre pared to furnish all classes with cons' ant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Perseus of either sex easily earn from 60o. to $5 per evening, and a prop portsojml sum by devotiug their whole lime to tho business. Boys and girls earn nearly as muoh as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business, we make this uhparalleled offer t To such as are not well satisfiied, we will send $1 to pay fer the trouble of writing. Full particulars. a raluable sample, which will do to oimmence work on, and a copy of Tht Eeople't Literary companion ouoi me largest. lanuiy newspa pers published all sent free by mail. Head er, if you want permanent, profitable work, viaresi t,. u. allM & CO., Avqcstt Maim. Feb. 19 3m, OUR HOME PHYSICIAN A newHandn-Rnnlr nf F&milv MAr1i.in Rv Dr. BEARD, of the University of the City ef new ion, assisted Dy meuioat professors in mo Tunous uepartmenis. inTee years aeo ted to its preparation. Quackery and hum buggery exposed. I'tofefsors in our leadiuj medical colleges testify that it is the best fam ily doctor book ever written. Outfit and earn Die free to atrenla. A. II. HCBUABP, 400 Chretnat St. Fall' a, T. TREASURER'S SALE 0 UN 1 SiiATEDLANDS. Notioa is hereby given that agreesblo to an Aot of Aincinbly, passed 13th March, 1815, entitled "An ct to amend an act directing the mode of selling unseated land for tuxos," La., the following tracts in Klk county will be sold for arrears, st th Court House, in Ridgway, on the seo ond niouday of June next. SALI LIST Of BSNKZET TOWNSHIP FOR UN FAIU T..XK8 Ol' 18GS AND ljC'J. Wt. Act-ft Warrntee Owners Am't tas 5332 1)23 Geo Mead Jas Stokes 8125 53:13 1007 do do 125 40 5335 10C7 uo do 11)7 60 5338 100 do do 107 60 5344 1067 do do 15-' 00 5345 1007 do do 212 fcl) 5346 1077 do do 114 00 5347 1067 do do Ul C 5348 1007 do do 114 00 537'J 45U do do 01 20 5380 1100 do do 1-36 80 5383 1100 do do 152' 00 5381 1100 do do 140 81 5387 1100 do do 140 31 5343 825 do do 109 67 5478 550 do do 51 31 5010 495 do do U8 24 5349 1008 do do 70 00 5177 1025 do do 233 71 5478 550 do do 125 40 5000 990 do do 225 72 5342 1100 do do 70 00 5477 75 do do 17 11 5011 990 do do 225 72 5014 445 do do 101 47 5481 450 do do 68 40 5353 143 do JI Merrill 21 71 5334 11 00 (h do 107 20 5337 1067 do do W 19 5350 1008 do do 70 CO 5351 11U0 do do 209 00 5352 300 do do 53 20 5330 1100 All Merrill 292 60 5287 275 do 72 10 5288 275 do 72 lift 52X9 223 do 42 50 50U3 990 W Willink C Brower 151 48 Jones Haul- 990 do do do do 151 48 mood X Co - 482 390 itlO 339 340 505 1000 945 do 134 52 do yi 20 do Fitch & Bovnton 93 32 1100 Geo Mead J JJrower 107 20 550 do J 15 Moorchcad 106 40 275 R Miekel 30 4 1 1 owner & John 200 W Willink 22 80 con 345 Geo Mead N W Ellis 05 & Addis'ti.Swurt 458 W Willink 87 03 Wout & Co 900 Geo Mead C Wainwright ICG 80 375 w willink Ralph Johuson 38 0l 430 do do 98 04 990 W W illink Thos Dent 225 72 500 do Miles Pent 114 00 495 do J U Marson 94 jH 5313 0-27 4994 4995 5341 5024 5025 .112 5479 4990 00 1 990 do do 225 72 00 Unknown 37 55 do John Brooks 14 4T do do 53 2i do do 28 8J do II C Spaulding 82 2.1 do do 83 00 do Robt Kwintr 35 4 5020 24 i 5024 3 HO 300 4990 5481 275 481 550 200 1997 98 L 479 5 11 C Winslow 5 71 332 J GeoMcvl Juo Johnston C3 10 1100 do HezekiuhMix 107 20 445 do K Morey 118 40 50 do Audrew Dent 9 51 285 do 11 Dunn 64 99 150 W williuk win Shannon 22 80 800 Geo O'Biastow 152 00 5023 5388 482 5023 479 4994 5980 1994 150 J S Hvde 28 51 5020 74 i W Willink K Wioslowll2 87 5021 405 do do 8i 31 5015 5027 5020 990 do do 150 4 790 700 247 J 317 110 do do 120 08 do do 115 b'i do do 37 03 do do 60 19 D S Johnson 25 OS 5020 5022 5340 5480 5.480 550 Geo Mead J W Brown 72 20 38 do do 29 44 60 Obcr& English 4 50 Heading, rishtr 990 W Williuk 220 14 ACo 990 d do 220 11 940 do do 214 30 090 do do 214 30 218 do C Winslow 33 12 5002 5013 5014 5009 5020 BKSZINGER TOWNSHIP. 4105 Juhn Carral 3 1 CS 4105 20 60 25 25 3 25 73 48 100 25 147 195 143 5 50 75 27 l'eter Garrity N A Downs Sani'i Schilp S llaucuck Ilecter Jacot Geo E Weii Ilecter Jacot G A Jacot, Daniel Long Peter Byrnes N Wemmer Jos Wilhelm N J Wemmer M O Sullivan J A Gibbons John Farrell Caesar Jacot 4105 4105 4105 4105 4100 4100 4115 2 4C 3 OL-t 3 O 'i 27 8 03 8 83 6 79 12 08 1 23 7 22 23 60 7 22 69 4104 4104 4104 4103 4103 4107 4103 4107 4107 4834 4883 6 07 7 73 S oa F Von Mat!. 500 nolle 60 33 Lawrence k 511 W Watson 61 78 do Casaeti 823 do dj HI 51 993 do do 119 200 II G Williams do 24 15 80 II W do do 11 04 220 O do do 80 36 Lamout oas & S00 II Kemcrer 36 23 Coal Co 500 P do do 60 88 900 CB Miller do 115 58 990 W Willink David Ran 199 68 Ridgw'y arm 546 Jaa Wilson 65 SS 4882 4859 4900 4960 4960 4953 4958 4993 4402 & Coal Co do 118 34 A ion to 4403 4110 4111 4111 980 do 1075 do 1025 do 50 Brussels Road 20 St Marys Road ft &eevlj Road do 123 78 do 6 07 de 2 41 4 4 IS'