The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 07, 1870, Image 2

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    . t. MORD WELL, Stiff.
IATURDAT, MAY 7, 1870.
The county Institute met nt. Centrcville
IV, April 25th., 1870, and was called to or
der by Rufus Lucore, Esqr., who explained
its objects. The exercises were opened by
Miss Sophia Coleman, rending ; followed by
Mental Arithmetic, Mi?S Lace j Grammar,
Miss Coleman, and a Ciscnssion on the use
of text books by teacher during recitation.
After exercise in Arithmetic by Mrs. Ellin
Adjourned to half past nine Tuesday
Tuesday, April 2Gth. Institute met pur
suant to adjournment. Minutes of previous
session read and approved. Addresses
Were delivered by Hon. C. R. Earley and
Prof. Win, M. Lindsey. of warren. Prof.
Lindsey having taking chargo of the Insti
tute, an intermission of ten minutes was an
nounced. On reassembling, the eseroises
proceeded as follows: Practical Arithmetic
by Mr. W. E. Hewitt : General discussion ;
.Exercise in Reading, Prof. Lindsey : Insti
tute adjourned.
Afternoon Session. Met pursuant to ad
journment. The following exercises were
proceeded with ; Mental Arithmetic, Miss
Coleman ; Discussion on methods of Teach
ing ; Composition, Prof. Lindsey. Recess
of fifteen minutes ; Orthography ; Miss
Luce, Grammar, Prof. Lindsey. Adjourned
untill Wednesday morning.
Wednesday, April 27th. Met pursuant
to adjournment. Order of Exercises. Com
position Prof. Lindsey. Reeess of fifteen
minutes; alter which, Rev. Win, Sampson
delivered an address; exercise in Gymnas
tics, by Prof. Lindsey ; Geography, with
method of teaching it, by Miss Speneer;
Reading, by Prof. Lindsey. Adjourned to
meet at two o'clock, this afternoon.
Afternoon Session. Order of Exercises
Discussion, "Teachers, and their salaries."
Opened Hon John G. Hall, Hon. C. R.
Karley, and Prof. Lindsey ; close by Mr.
"School Terms : How shall they be divi
ded ? Opened by lion. C. 11. Earley : fol
lowed by Hon. J. G. Hall and Horace Little,
closed by Prof. Lindsey.
'Text Rooks; How can uniformity be
obtained?" Opened by J. C. McAllister ;
closed by Hon. C. R. Earley; alter which,
the following Resolution was, on motion,
adopted :
Resolved, That it is the imparative duty
of the several School Boards of Elk county,
to Call a meeting of the Boards, in connec
tion with the Teachers, and adopt a series
of Text Rooks to bo used in their respec
tive Districts, and having so done, to see
their action be enforced.
Adjourned until half past seven this eve
ning. Evening Session. Met pursuant to ad
journment. Orders of iTxercises. Dis
cussion ; ''Should corporal punishment be
abolished ? Opened by Peter Thompson
Esqr., followed by John C. McAllister Esqr.
The discussion was closed by Hon. C. R.
Earley ; after which Prof. Lindsey lectured
on ''Universal Education." Adjourned un
til to-morrow morning at half past nine.
Thursday, April 28th. Met pursuant
to adjournment. Miuutes of previous meet
ing read and approved.
Order of exercises: Mental Arithmetic,
Mr. W. E Hewitt ; Practical Arithmetic,
Mr. Lucore; Composition, Prof. Lindsey;
intermission of ten minutes, after which,
Prof. Lindsey illustiated his m.-thod of
teaching Mental Arithmetic, and Grammar.
Adjourned until two o'clock this after
noon. Afternoon session. Met pursuant to ad
journment. Order of Exercises : Appoint
ment of committee on Resolutions; Mr. N.
G. Bundy, and Misses Spencer, Coleman,
Luce, and Addie Taylor were appointed ;
after which Mr. Lucore instructed iu Prac
tical Arithmetic ; Mr. Lindsey in Spelling.
Recess of fifteen minutes; after which Hon.
C. R. Earley addressed the Institute on
the Study of History, and Prof. Lindsey
instructed in Spelling, and answered such
questions as were proposed by the Teachers.
Adjourned until this evening at hall past
Evening Session. Met pursurant to ad
journment. Hon. C. R. Earley delivered a
leoture on Physiology, after wnieh Laurie
J. Blakely Esqr., lectured on the Duties
and Responsibilities of the Teacher,
Adjourned until to-morrow morning at
half past nine.
Friday April 29th. Met pursuant to ad
journment; Minutes of previous session
read and approved. Prof Lindsey having
answered the questions propounded by the
Teachers, Mr. Lucore called on Messrs
Earley, Lindsey, Blakely, and Rev. M. V.
Moyer to address the Institute. The gen
tlemen named having complied, Mr. Lucore
returned thanks to the Teachers lor their
attention throughout the session, and ex
pressed the, hope to meet them next Insti
tute. He then declared the Institute ad'
joutned sine die.
N. G. Bundv, Seo'y
Following are the resolutions adoptod by
the Institute :
Our plcasnnt labors boiug about to cease
we dectu it not only appropriate but
right, before asperating to record the pleas
ure wo have experienced in our associatons
of the past week, and our sense of the ad
vantages we havo reaped.
Rnohxd, therefore, That our thanks
are duo in the first instance to our Super
intendent, Rufus Lucom, Esq , for the ad
mirable arrangement of the Institute, and
the solicitude disphyplby him in reference
to our physical comfort. In him we recog
nize, an officer who is eminently wor
thy of our confidenco and support in his
labors and efforts to advanco the cause of
Education in our county.
Risohed, That our thanks are duo to
the School Directors of Fox District, for
the use of School House No 1, in which
our sessions have been held ; to the citizens
of Ccntrcville and vacinity for their hospi
tality, and to the scvsral directors who at
tended, and by the interesting discussions
in which they participated showed the prac
tical interest they take in school matters.
Resolved, That our thank. are due to
Rev. Messrs. Sampson of Ridgway, aud
Moyer of Kersey, for their attendance up
on and interest taken in our sessions.
Resolved, That our thnnks are duo to
the gentlemen who have lectured to us du
ring our session. To Prof. Lindsey of
Warreu county, for the thoroughness of
his instructions and the patience with
which he has borne with our many defects,
and fot his lecture on Universal Education;
to Hon. C. R. Early for his lecture on
Physiology ; and to L. J. Blekely, Esq.,
for his address on our duties and responsi
bilities. Resolved, "That we call tho earnest atten-
of the oitizens of Elk county to the ques
tions discussed on last Wednesday, relating
to tho obsticles in the way of improvement.
First: The small saleries paid to teachers;
Second, The brevity of school terms;
Third, The lack of uniformity in text
Resolved, That in seperating we tender
eachothcr our adieus with the hope that
we may meet next fall at the fourth ses
sion of the County Institute.
Resolved, That we deem it the duty of
every teacher to subscribe for the Penn
sylvania School Journal, or some offer ed
ucational perineal.
henoh-id, 3 hat, wc have learned with
sii eerost ropret, of tlie (lc;ilh of Mrs. Ma
ria Gillen, (jue Maria O'Conner) a member
of the County Institute; and we desire to
place our tribute of unfeigned regret for
her death, and respect for her many vir
tues, and attainments, upou the minutes of
this Iustitute,
HcsijictJ, That, our thanks are tendered
to the fditi rsof the Dnnorrat. (fwtfetn&
Advocate, for their notices of the lostitue;
atid especially the iiditnrof the Gmettefor
hiscfi'er to send to each member of the In
stitute a copy of tho paper coutaiuiuing a
report of onr proceedings.
Resdvcd, That, tho Superintendent be
requested to cause these proceedings of the
Institute to be published in the several
papers in Elk county.
N. G. Bundy, Scc'y
Tho Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society.
The ratification of the Ffteenth Amed
ment is an event over which the members
and friends of this Society may truly re
joice. As an organization their work is
accomplished. Their pledge to the colored
people of thi3 nation has been fulfilled. Af
ter a loDg career of faithful and efficient
service in the cause of liberty and equal
rights, the Society proposes to disband.
On May 5th, in the hall of tho Assem
bly Building, the finail meeting was held,
and the occasion was one of deep and sol
emn interst. Tbte old friends of the tri
umphant reform, those who have been ac
customed to assemble together time after
time, were deeply impressed with the im
portance of the event, and their rejoieing
tempered by the realization they parted to
meet no more undr tho auspices of the time
honored Society. But their exultatation
over the great victory of equal rights was
nevertheles fervent and enthusiastic. Their
greetings and congratulations will be heart
felt and sincere. Not only to them, but
also to others, to all who are imbued with
the spirit of the hour, the feeling ot grati
fication in view of the successful issuo of
the great amendment. Harribburg Tpic.
Pennslvania State Sundy School
Convetion. The annual convention, for
the year 1870, will be held at llarrisburg,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June
14, 15 and 16. George II. Stuart, Esq.,
is expected to preside. Each Sunday
School in the state is invited 'to send two
or. more delegatej. Pasftra of Churches,
Superintendents of Sunday Sohools, and
prominent Sunday School workers from all
parts of the State are invited to attand and
Our Sunday School brethern from other
States are also cordially welcomed. It is
requested that the names of those who ex
peot to attend shall be sent to Rev, Thus.
II. Hobison, or John M. Sayford, Secretary,
on or before the first day of June, as it,
will be necessary for those who Would avail
themselves of a reduction of fare on the
rilroeds, to procure excurtion tickets before
leaving their homes for Ilarrisburg. The
committee of arrangements will secure or
ders for tickets for all who noty them in
time to do so and forward them.
riaces of entertainment will bo provided
for all who give due notice of their corning-
T. H. Robibon, Chairman.
J. M. Sayford, Scc'y.
The Old School House.
Do you remember the time, Alick, when
you and I were small ;
I was rather short of stature, while you
were very tall ;
We had much fun together, and played
many boyish tricks :
You went by the name of Alick, and I by
the .name of Rich.
Long years have passed since then, Alick
our hair is getting gray ;
The Old School House is gone, too, and we
are far away.
I passed that way not long ago, no sign
of it was seen,
But iu the place where it had stood, the
grass was growing green.
Do you remember the slab seat, Alick, that
stood up ncaT the door ?
My legs were not quite long enough, and
would not touch the floor.
I often got leg-weary, yet I strove to do my
best :
Yours were much longer on the floor, and
you could let thtm rbst !
Everything has changed, Alick ; we never
more shall see
Our early school companions, with all their
youthful glee ;
Upon the old Log SoIiodI House we never
more shall look,
Nor enter its old door again, with anykind
of book.
You remember Uncle Ben, Alick : I know
you heard him preach ;
l.ilr n't. . .. ..
wnat loity mgnts ne used to tase ! go way
up out of reach 1
He seemed to be inspired by the spirit of
God's love ;
No doubt he's gone to glory, and dwells
with Him above.
Those young and happy days, Alick, again
we shall not see,
For sujely we are drifting out upon life's
great lea ;
Soon we shall pass from sight, and they'll
see us here no more ;
I hope we may land safely upon the he
venly shore.
Rich'd R. C. B.
We perceive that Hon. Gleuni W. Sco
field, Representative in Congress from the
Xinetaeth district, has returned an affirma
tive responce to the reqest from a large
number of leadiug Republicans of Jeffex
son county for permissoin to bring forward
his name fo reuomination. AVe are grat
lfied to notice this announcement. Mr,
Scofield belongs to the class of men who
cannot well bo spared from Congress. He
is one of the ables members not only of the
Pennsylvania deligation but of the House
some of his speeches standing as models
in logical torce and impressive eloquence
and is, withal, industrious, atteutive, and
faithful to the interests alike of his imme
diate constituents and the whole country
We cannot doubt that be will be renomina
ted and eonsquently re-cleoted. Philn
A Walkino Match. Two Utica Ken
says the Ileruid, are in training for a walk
ing match. They will start from that city
ou Monday, May 2d, and strike first for
Buffalo. From there their rouho is map
ped out as follows : Eric, Cleveland, Cin
einnati, Wheeling, Pittsburgh, Cumberland
Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, New
haven, Providence, Boston, Springfield
Albany and Utica again. The stakes are
82,000. Fifty days will be consumed on the
trip, aud each day will consist of twelve
hours. The contestahts will walk a distino
match each day, tho one walking the great
est number of miles in the jtwelve hours
winning the day, and the entire will be do
cided by the days' races; that is the win
ner of tweuty-six day's races or over will
win the stakes.,
The Census. The ninth census of the
United States will be taken ou tho first of
June next. Citizens can do much to for
ward the work and insure its thoroughness
by preparing statistics beforehand for the
deputy marshal. The names, ages, num
bers, sex, color &o , ot every family will be
required ; staticties of farm product, man
ufactures, etc, eto., must bo furnished
Heads of tho families are the proper per
sons to give this information j but iu their
abseose any member of the family over
twenty may act as their agent. A refusal
to furnish the information, .or furnishing a
false statement with knowledge,Tenders the
person go offending liable to a fine of $30,
to be sued tor and recovered in-action of debt
by the deputy marshal.or assisstant to whom
suoh refusal or fake statement shall be made.
filfc taunts gicotaie.
Var Time at Mltdgwny.
Srie Express East.
0:41 p. tn,
.... 8:30 it tn.
..... 2:50 p. m.
2:00 p. m.
11:00 a. m.
6:35 p. m.
do do West.,
do Mail East
do do West
'.oca! freight East.,
do do West..
Elk Lodgt, A. T. K.
Stated meetings of Elk Lodus will be
leld at their hall on the seoond and fourth
fuesdays of each month.
J. K. WHITMORE, Sec'y.
I. 0. 0. T.
The Rotrular meetings of Ridirwav Lodae.
No. 250. held everv Wednesday evening at
-heir Lodge Boom.
41. A. PARSONS, W. S.
Hon. J. L. Gillis is in town again lookig
as young and healthy as usual.
New goods arriving at Powell & Kime's
cheaper than ever. "
If you want to buy a good watch go to
Charles Holes'
Building. Charles Holes is building
a splcnded store-house on Main street, be
side Powell & Kimes store.
Attention, Alerts 1 The members of
the Alert B. B. 0. will be on their ground,
ready for play, at four o'clock this, (Satur
day) afternoon,- when the first nine will
play the field.
Bask Ball. A game of base ball will
be played at St. Marys, on Saturday, the
14lh inst., between the Alerts, of Ridgway,
and the St. Marys, of St. Marys.
The McFarland trial is to be brought to a
close this week. The question before the
court now is, did he shoot Richardson or
or did he murder him.
Ths is to be a terrible season for snakes.
Whiskey, if used in time, is a sure antidote
for their poison No person should think
of an excurson to the woods without a plen
tiful supply of good whiskey. Forest Press
The author of the communication signed
"A Lady of Ridgway," should kuow that
names of correspondents are requited, not
for publication, but as a guaraty of rclia
Rev. v m. Sampson s appointments
for the ensuing week are as follows :
Ridgway, Courtllouso, Sunday May 8th
Centreville, Tuesday May 10th.
To'jy School House Wednesday May 11th
lielieo, near Oyster, Tuesday May 12th.
The Commissioners havo plowed the
poblio tquare, leveled it and seeded it down
with buckweat and grass. The grass has
not yet mado its appcarane, but the tuok-
wheat is up and liaj tho appearance of
a good crop.
School IIoii&e. The nevi school house
so long needed in this place is under course
of construction. The building was let to
S. Jackson and is to be completed this
Summer. Wo have not learned what the
dimentions of the house are, however it
is to cost between six and seven thousand
The Weather. Alter a long dry spell
a refreshing . rain v'wited us enimeucing
Wednesday night which served a double
purpose, starting vegitatiou and extinguish
ing tho fire in the woods aud on the hills
near town which had done but litte dam
age, but probably would had it cout'nued
dry longer.
Don't think b ecause snuffs and strong
or poisonous solutions will not cure Catarrh,
that you canuot be cured. The proprietor
of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, offers 8500
reward for a case of catarrh which he can
not cure. It costs but fifty cents for a
package which prepares one full pint. Sold
by druggists, or send sixty cents to Dr. K.
V. Pierce, BuZmlo, N. Y., aud it through
the mail.
Murder in Crawford County Ear
ly in Mflich.Christiau Richards, of Vernon
township, Crawford Co., left his home with
over $300 in his pocket, to buy cattle in
the northwest part of the county. IJ is dis
appearance for over a week caused some ap
preheusiou for his safety. Last Wednes
day his body was found in the creek about
two mili't below Meadville, in a condition
that leaves no doubt he was foully murdered
aud his money taken. He was lust seen at
Meadvilio, where he took dinner. The
murder is supposed to have been perpotra
ted that same night, but as yet there is no
clue to the iu human perpetrators of the atro
cious crime. Erie Gazette.
Special Notices
V7A1TTSD an aotiye man, in
each County in the State, to
ravel aud take orders by amrle. for TEA.
COFEE, and SPICES. To Buitable men we
will give a salary of $000 to $1,000 a year
above traveling aud other expenses, aud a rea
sonable commission on Baits.
Immediate application are solicited from
proper parties. References exchanged. Ap
plications are solicited from proper parties.
Apply to, or addrt immediately.
. Continental Mills."
884 Bowery New York.
Absolctk Divorces legally obtained in New
York. Indiana, Illinois and other States, for
tapersons from any States or Country, legal evey-
nucre; uestruuo, urunuenness, non-support,
ect., sufiieient cause; no publicity ; no charge
untut divorces obtains 1. Advice free. Busi
ness establish ntteen yijars.
Address. M. HOUSE. Attorney '
.,, No 78Nassau Street New-York oily-,
VINGS! Ill Nassau St., TH. T. Anybody
can sell them. Cheap. Sell fast. Par hand
somely. Send for new circular- 21) 4 W
$76 to $'200 per menth. rT want to em
ploy a good agent In avery County In tha U. M.
on Commission or unlet-; to int rod net our vorli
Renowned I'etttnt fthxte Wr Ultht Linet i will
last a hundred years. If you want profitael
and pleasant employment, address R. S BUSH
& CO. Manufacturers, 75 William St., N. T.
or 16 Dearborn St., Chicago. 4w
life m mm
By J- H. BEADLE, Editor of tha Salt Lake
Willi a full and authentie history ofPolygamy
and the Mormon Scot, from its origin to the
present time.
;. VT ffJrOl and interior wora on tn
Mormons are being circulated. See that
each'bouk contain 83 fin engraving, and
C40 pages
AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circulars
and see our term aud full discription of the
ING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. 29 4w
Well's Carbolic Tablets
After much study and scientific indenization
as to the remedial qualities of Carsolic Aoin,
Dr. Wells has d oveved by proper combina
tion with other articles in the form of a Tablet
a specitio for all pu' nonary diseases. THESE
TABLETS are a SURE CURE for all disenses
also a successful remedy for Kidney diificnl
ties Pi.ior 25 cunts fir Box. s it. by Mail
upon leceipt of price, by JOHN Q. KELLOGG,
22 ClifTSt., New York, Sole A "jeD L for the
United Stales. 29 t w
H includes the Histories, Myslerici, and Se
cret Doings of Wall Sireet. Life Bketchcs of its
Men, the Speculation in Gold, Stocks, jo.,
Women speculators, and all that is great and
powerful, spendi-d mysterious, interesting,
wicied, amazing, wretched, etc., In the fecua
of speculation. Portraicts of Vandei-bilt,
Drew, Gould, Fisie Jr., and mony others,
Engravings of noted ploces, Life and Scenes,
c. Canvassing boohs free Send for circulars
to Worthinotos, Dubtil & CO., Publishers,
148 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn. 29 4w
TO CONSUMPTIVES, Providcniialy my daugli
was reiloreJ to health by simple means, with
out meJicih. The parlicu'iirs will be pentrce.
Rkcbbn E. Hounslow, Sioe ton St., BiooA-lyn
Lone Inland. 29 4w
rrunsis no humbug 1
JL By sending 35 cent
with age, height, color of eyes and hair, you
will receive, byretarn mail, a correct picture
of your future .husband or wife, with name
and date of marriage Addres VV . FOX, PO.
Drawer No. 24, Fultonville, N. Y. 29 4w
I was cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a
simple remedy and will sond the receipt free.
MRS. M. O. LEGUETT, llobokcu, N. i.
24 5w
The New Article of Food.
For twenty five cents you can buy of
yo-ir Druggist or Grocer a package of SEA
MOSS FA1UNIS, manufactured from pure
Irish Moss or Canageen, which will make
sixteen quarts of Blao Mange, and a like
quantity of I'uddings, Custards, Creams,
Charlotte Russe, &o., &c. it is by far the
Cheapest, healthiest aud most delicious
food in the world.
25 6m. 53 Park Place, N. Y.
S. T- 1CC0-X.
This wonderful vegatable restorative is
the sheet auchor of the feeble and debilita
ted. As a tonic and cordial for the aged
and langued, it has no equol among Stom
ai;has As a remedy for the nervious
weakness to which women are especially
subject, it ia snperseeding every other
stimulant. Iu all climates, tropical, tem
pertature or frigid, it acts as a specific iu
species of disorder which undermines the
bodily strength and breaks down the ani
mal spirits. For sale by all druggists.
25 6m
FOR FAMILY USE timple, cheap, reliable,
Knit evektthino. A0EXT3 WANTED.
Circul arav.d sample slocking FREE. Address
Me. 8ni
rpilE MAGIC COMB Will change any
J colored hair or beara to a permanent
black or brown. It coutning no toison. Any
one can use it. One sent by mail for $1. Ad
dress MAC-10 COMB CO..
1 15 8m Pprinjfleld, Mm.
pre pared to furnish all classes with cons' ant
emp'oymeut at home, the whole of the time or
for the spare moments. Business new, licht
'and profitable, l'orscns of cither sex easily
earn from (0c. to 90 per evening, and a prop
portsonal sum by devoting their whole time to
the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as
much as men. That all who see this notice
may send (heir atldress, and test the business,
we muke this uhparalleled offer : To such as
are not well satistiicd, we will send $1 to pay
for the trouble of writing. Full particulars,
a valuable sample, which will do to commence
work on, and a copy of The People't Literary
Companion-onof the largeH family newspa
pers published all seut free by mail. Read
er, if you want permanent, profitable work,
ddres E. C. ALLEN &CO., Acohsit Maisk.
Feb. 19 8ra.
A newHaudp Book of Family Medioine. By
Dr. BEARD, of the University of tlie Citv f
New York, assisted by medical professors in
iuo various departments. Ttnee year deva
ted to its preparation. Quackery and hum'
buggery exposed. Ptofefsora in our leading
niedioal colleges testify that it is the best fam
ily doctor book ever written. OutBt and sam
ple free to agents, -
A. H. HUBBARD, 400 Chestnut St. Phil',, p.
Notie ia here'ny ctven that agreeable to
an Act of Assoubly, passed 13th March,
1810, entitled "An act to amend an act
directing tha mode of telling unseated
lands tor taxes, &o., the following tracU
in Elk county will be told for arrears, at
the Court House, in Ridgway, on tha seo
ond nionduy of Juoa next.
paid Taxes or 18C8 and 18Ga.
't. Acres Warrnlee Ownert Am't tan
5332 923 Geo Mead J as Stokoa 1125 40
5333 1067 do do 125 40
5335 1067 do do 197 6J
5338 106 do do 197 60
5344 1067 do do 162 00
5345 1067 do do J12 80
5346 1077 do do 114 00
5347 1067 do do 121 65
5348 1067 do do 114 00
5379 459 do do 91 20
5380 1100 do do 136 80
5383 1100 do do 152 00
5384 1100 do do 146 31
5387 11C0 do do 146 31
5343 825 do do 109 67
5478 650 do do 51 31
5C10 495 do do 98 24
5349 1008 do do 76 60
5177 1025 do do 233 71
5478 550 do do 125 40
5000 990 do do 225 72
5342 1100 do do 76 00
5477 75 do do 17 11
5011 990 do do '225 72
5014 445 do do 101 47
5481 450 do do 68 40
5353 143 do M Merrill 21 74
5334 1100 do do 167 20
5337 1067 do do 162 19
5350 1008 do do 76 60
5351 1100 do do 209 00
5352 300 do do 53 20
5330 1100 A B Merrill 292 60
587 275 do 72 96
5288 275 do 72 90
5289 23 do 42 50
5003 990 W Willink C Brower 151 48
Jones 11am-
5003 930 do . 151 48
do uiond ib Co
5182 505 do do 134 52
5390 1000 do do 91 20
5010 945 do Fitch & Hoynton 93 32
5339 1100 Geo Mead J Brower 167 20
5340 550 do J B Moorehead 106 40
5343 275 It Mickel 36 48
llewucr & John
5027 200 W Williuk 22 80
so a
4994 345 Geo Mead N W Ellis 65 5
Addis'n, Swart-
4995 458 W Willink 87 03
Wout & Co
900 Geo Mead C waiuwright 136 80
375 W Williuk ttalph Johnson 38 00
430 do do 98 04
990 W Willink Thus Dent 225 72
600 do . Miles Dent 114 00
495 do J 11 M arson 94 08
990 do do 225 72
5020 247i do Unknown 37 55
5024 390 do J. .hu Brook 44 47
3U0 do do 53 20
275 . do do 23 81
481 do II CSpauldiug 82 23
550 do do " 83 60
200 do Robt IS wing 35 40
R C Winblow 5 71
5023 332J GeoMcadJno Johnston 63 16
5388 lluu do DczekiahMix 167 0
5432 445 do IS Mcrey 1 1 8 40
50 do Andrew Dent 9 51
235 do II Dunn 61 9i)
150 W willink win Shannon 22 80
800 Geo O Brastow 152 OO
150 J S Hyde 28 51
5020 74i W Williuk R Vrinslowll2 87
247 i
D S Johuson
88 31
150 43
120 08
115 52
37 63
60 19
25 OS
550 Geo Mead J W Browu 72 2 )
388 do do 29 44
60 Ober & English 1 56
Reading, l'isher
990 W Williuk 220 14
990 do do 226 11
940 do do 214 3i
990 do do ' 214 3(
218 do C Winslow 33 12
25 John Canal 3 C3
2 Peter Garrity 1 23
50 N A Dowua 2 4ti
25 Saiu'i Sehilp 3 03
25 S Hancock 3 03
2 Heeler Jacot 27
25 Geo E Wei. 3 03
73 fleeter Jacot 8 83
48 C A Jacot 5 79
100 Daniel Long 12 08
25 Peter Byrnes 1 23
147 N Wemmer 7 2J
195 Jos Wilhelm 23 60
140 N J Wemmer 7 2U
5 M O Sullivan 6i
50 J A Gibbons 6 07
75 John Farrell 7 73
27 Caesar Jaoot 3 03
F Von Mas!-
500 nelle. 60 38
Lawrence k
51 1 W Wataon 1 61 78
do Cassctt
823 do do 111 51
993 do do 119 72
200 II G Williams do 24 15
80 II W do do 11 04
'220 G ' do ' do 30 3S
Lamout Gas &
300 II Kemerer 3G 23
Coal Co
500 P do do 60 85
900 (IB Miller do 115 58
990 W Willink David Rati lflp-Jfc i
Ridgw'y larm
546 Jas Wilson
65 6ft
fc Coal Co
4403 980 , do do 118 84
4110 1075 do do 129 M
4111 1025 do do 123 78
4111 iO Brussels Road do 6 07
20 St Marys Road da 2 44
S4 KmIj 1W d . 4