The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 30, 1870, Image 4
V VTA'J L' !'?""!' Jl . ',JI Jlidgway March 1st, 170, SPECIE PAYMINT I OOLD OR GREENRACKS TAKES IN EXCHANGE FOU meows OR JOB WORK A T THE RID G WA Y WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock bcforo buy. wig a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I uso the best selection of Michigan WniTE OAK AND HICKORY"; I employ noue but First Class Median ici ; I uee nothing but the Lett RifincJ Jron. I tbiuk it will bo to j our interest lo give me your order. Having twenty five lumber wagons in eoarteoi costruction, 1 will be able to furnish any party by the first of April. All orders by mail, also any orders ltft with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will recoivc prompt attention. March 5. tf S.JACKSON, -IHARLES HOLES, 1TACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER JEWELER, Wtltendof Hyde House, Ridgway, Ph. Balls as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER "VVATOAES, ClockB, Jswelry, Silverwure, XX VIOLIS AND GUITAR STRINGS, Spectacles, Tens and l'ei.uils, Exeluiive I gent for the sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Rspsiring Watches, ct., done with the same Mursey as heretofore. r.ovU.'b'.itf N TOW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE CHEAP iiargaius in HARNESS, SADDLES, VALISES, TRUNKS, WHIPS, &C. JM. II K.AKD, having just returned from I'iiil dcUphia, where he hv purchased a large as. orlnieiit of the above goods, along with nearly everything in his line, would respectfully in vile the I "'lit .on ot ttte pulilic to I lie in. He is at all times prepared to manulncturo to order all kinds of harness, or anything else in bis! ine. BOSTON TEAM COLL A US, Tat bttt collar for lumbering purposes, are KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I CHALLENGE COMPETITION AS TO PRICE, STYLE OR QUAL1Y". BftGie me a call at try establishment, ABOVE THE CORNER OF MAIN AND DEPOT STREETS, R IDG WAY', TA. evfl,'691y J. M HE1RD. GRAT DISTRiBUTlON By the Metropclitaa Gilt Co, CAn GIFTS TO THE AMOUNT OF $000,000 IVZKY TICKET ESAWS A TBIZJE. t e'h g's, eaab $20,000 40 C'h g's, each $1,000 10 10,000 I 200 " 5()0 20 " " 600 300 " " 100 60 Elegant Rosewood Pinnos each $300 to $700 75 ' Mclodaon ' 60 to 100 A60 Sewing machines - " 60 to 175 6U0 Gold W'atcnes - - " 75 to 800 Cash prizes silverware, jc, val'd at 1,000 000 A chance to draw any of the above Prize for 25c. Tickets describing Prizes are tealed in Envealopes and well mixed. Ou receipt of 2-'c. a Sealed ticket is drawn without choice and Hunt by mail to any address. The prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticaet-holder on payment of One Dollar, Prizes are im mediately sent to any address by exprccs or returnmail. , . You will know what your Trizo is before you pay for it. Any Prize exchanged for anuth tr of nine value. No Blanks. Our patrons can depend on fair dealing. RttrEBEKCE: We select the, following from many who have lately drawn Valuable Prizes and kindly permitted us to publish them: Andrew J. Burns, Chicago, $10,000; Mits Clsra S. Walker, Baltimore, Piano, $800; James -V. Mathews, Detro.t, $5,000; John T. Andrews, Savauuuho, 000 , Miss Jgnes Sim mons, Charleston, Piano, GOO. We publish no names without permission. Opinions of inn Pakcs : "The firm is relia ble, and deserve their success " Weekly Trib une, May 8. We know them to be a lnir deal ing firm. AT. Y. Jlerahl, May 28. A friend of ours drew a bOO dolhir prize, which was promp tly received. Daily tie ct, June 8. Send for circular. L bernl inducements to Agents. Satisfaction guurantetd. Every package of Sealed Envealopes contains onk cash gift. Six Tickets fur one dollar ; 13 tor two dollars; 85 for rive dollars ; 110 for ladol. Urs, Ml letters should be addressed to HJRl'ER, WILSON it CO., rdblftlnt mBroudway, Ji. Y. CARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, &o., done in a neat manner, . aad at the iowsst raica, FOR CA6U, at . Us Elk Advocate rusting OSes. ve ir a brKHTisr.tiKxrs. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the following 'rc. oniinls linve heen filed in n.y nflion nnd will he presented at the next Term of Orphans Court of Elk County, for confirmation: Account of Joseph Hanhauscr, Guardian of Mary E Mcciim. Final nncoiint of George W. Rhincs, Guardi an of Mai v E. Dougherty. Final account of A. W. (tray nnd John Barr, Executors of the last will nnd testament ol Michael Oval, deceased. Final account of It. T. Kylor, Administrntor of the Estate of Anthony Cunos, deceased. nlMnd F11FD. SC110ENING, Register. Tlic most Complete fJitslness Col Irgeinflie I'nlW-d States. Affording facilities for ncqiiireing a thorough, practical business education, possessed by no other School in the country. Since its incorporation in 1 85a, nearly Six teen Thousand Students, representatives from every State in the Uniou, have attended here. No vacatious. Students enter nt nny time, ond receive private instructions throughout the entire course. N. B. Circulars with full particulars and all necestary information, on addressing SMITH & COWLEY, Principals, riTTSBlRQII, Pa. gOMETIUNG NEW IN RIDGWAY '. LOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT ! The subscriber takes thin nizthod of inform ijg the citizens of itldgway and vicinity that be lias opened a BOOT &, SHOE STORE, in the room lately occupied by Henry S. Thay er in the west end of the Hyde House, where may be found a genera, assortment ol Ladies Shoes, Cicutieincns' Roots a:id Shoes. Roys' Roots aud Children's Shoes. ALSO, Connected with the above establishment I have a Bojt nnd Shoe Manufacturing Establishment where work will be made to or.ter. Repairing done on snort notice nua on reasonable tern.s. The public arc invited to give me ncall. oc28,'C9y GEORGE WALKER. CrU: SMITHING. The undersigned respectfully an. nouneesto the eitezens ol L!k, aud adjoin. iuj counties, (hut he bus recently established a Guu-Shop in Ridowny at the head of Main ami Depot Streets, in the basement of the building occupied by W. S. Service as a tin fchcip, wbtre he will attend promptly to all orders lor work in his hue. TARGET AND HUNTING RIFLES, Single or Double, made to order, and war rtited. He also keeps on hand, and for sale a NEW ANl SUPERIOR Breech L.-adinj: Rifle, a eood assortment of Ainniunitiun, Revolvers, Iluutit. Tackle and other articles pertaining to the trade ulO. tf HORACE WARNER. rrVUS lnlnlliblo Remedy does not, like the I poisonous irritating snuffs uud strong caustic solut ous with which the people have long been humbugged, simply palliate for a short time, or drive the disease to the lungs as there is danger of doing in the use of such nos trums, but it produces perfect and pernunent cures ofthe wsist eases of Chronio Cntarrh, as thouennds can testify. Cold in the head is cur cd with a few applications. Catarrhal Head ache is relieved and cured as if by magic. It removes offensive breath, loss or impairment of the sense of taste, smelling or hearing, water ing or weak eyes, aud impaired memory, when caused by the violence ol'Catarah, as they fre quently are. r ouer in good laitn a standing reward of $G0O for a case of Catarrh that 1 cannot cure. For sale by most druggists everywhere. Price only 5ti cents. Ask your druggist for the remedy ; but if ho has not yet got it on sale, don't put it off bv accepting any miserable worse than worthle.-s substitute, but enclose sixty cents to rnc, and the remedy will be sent you postpaid. Four packages $2, or one dozen for !i2. Send a two cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address the proprietor, It. V. i'lEUCE, M. D. nov27'ti9y Buffalo, N. Y. LORILLAliD'S EUREKA Smoking Tobacco is an excellent article of granulated Virginia. Wherever introduced it is universally ad mired. It is put up in handsome muslin bags, in which orders for Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed. LORILLAAD'S "YACHT CLUB" Smoking Tobacco has no superior ; being deui cotiuized, ii cannot injure neveless constitu tions, or people of sedentary habits. It is produced from selections of the finest stock, ana prepared by a patented aud original manner. It is very aromatic, mild, and lightweight hence it wilt last much longer thau others ; nor does it burn or sting the tongue, or leave a uisagrceame niter taste Orders for genuine, eleffnflt'v carved Meerschaum Pipes, silver mounted, and pack ed luueat leather pocKct eases, are piaeidu ll.o Onnl.t f't..l. i..'. 1 .I..1I.. LOItlLL ARB'S CENTURY Chewing Tobacco , This brand-of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco nas no superior anywnere. It is, without doubt, the best chewing to bacco in the country. LOIULLAinVS SNTriVTT'K Have been iu general uso in the United Slates over 110 years, aud still acknowledged "the best" wherever used. If your storekeepers does not have these articles tor sale, ask him to get them. They are sold by respectable jobbers al most everywhere. Csrculars mailed on application. l-.LGIULLtiV X lo ,Yeu York. 7. S- SERVICE. .)it0,0t)0 CUSTOMERS WANTED. At the new Masonic Hall Building. STOVES at prices that wHI please of all de sirable kinds. TIN-WARE of every kind on hand at all times. Special attention given to'YfholeBale orders. Price list furnished to dealers on application. SIlt.ET- TIN AND COPPER WARE. House furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER PirElNO, PUMrS, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as RODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, &c. e. ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Promptly attended to. BIRD CAGES A NICE VARIETY, ROOFING, GUTTERS, STOUTS. of Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper anl every kind of HOUSE AND JCB WORK done on short notice and warranted, AGENCY of Henry Disstons eelebraled saws. Orders for saws at fastory prices so licited, also for repairing. Information and price list furnished on application. PAPER RAGS. OLD ROrE, COPPER, BRASS, PEW- OLD TER, LEAD, IRON, BEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON SKINS, SHEEP PELTS, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK NOTES, U. S. BOKDS.&o. taken in eethavge fur Good or Work vinJae. w. a. eiMtnoc. TOWELL & KIME. QOODS FOR THE MILLION. P O W ELL & K I M E, At their oapaeioui store in RIDGWAY, Have on hand, a splendid assortment of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of tbo people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that being very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing are no equalled by any establishment in the county. They buy directly from manu facturers and on the GROUND FLOOR. Another advantage, jret what you want at you will save time by them an! TIME IS Y'ou er.a always their store, hi nee going directly to MONEY". We have no space here to enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patrouizing their establishment- But call and s:c, and reap the advnntas for yourselves. Among their Goods you vill find DRY' GCOD3 in en Hess varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cu; aud Etiish. HOOTS & SHOES, of the best btoclc and make, CROCKERY for newly married, taiddlc aged aud elderly. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR. CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly all kiuds of eountry produce taken at the market value fill If. T HE SATUUUAYEVENING TOST. THREE MONTHS GRATIS I This cheapest ond best of the Literary Week lies is offering unequalled Inducements to new subscribers. In the first pnper of October, it commenced a brilliant. Novelet, called " a Family Failii g," by Elizabeth Prescnti. It nlso is now running a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Henry Wood, tho famous author of " East Lyune," ic. NEW NOVELETS will continually succeed each other. Among those already on hand or in progress, nre " Under a Han," by Amanda M. Douglas; " Leonic's Secret." by Frank Leo Benedict ; a Novelet, by Miss Hosmer, sc. The post also gives the gems of the English magazines. NEW SUBSCRIBERS For 1870 will hntto their subscriptions dated back tojhe paper of Octoher 2d, until the largo exli a edition of that date is exhausted. This will bo thirtecen papers in addition to the regular weekly numbers for 1870 or fifteen months in all 1 When our extra edition is ex. haunted, the names of ull new subscribers for 1870 will be entered on our list the very week they are received. TERMS : .2 DO a year. TwoVopiis, $1. Four copies, $ti. Five copies (and one gratis) $8. One copy of the Post and one of the Lady's Friend, S4. A copy of the large and beautiful Premium Steel Fngraving. Taking the Measure of the Wed iine Ring " engrave! in England nt n cost of f'JOi.O will be sent to every full (Si -Ml) uhscribcr. and to every person sending a club. This is truW a bcnulilui engraving ! Andress h. rnTErniNAco.. Sift Wnlaut f-'licct, Phibide'tihia. Specimen copies sent free- tor five cciiis. OUltllOME PHYSICIAN" A new llnndp P.oolt of Fi.unly Medicine. 1'y Dr. BEARD, ofthe University of the City of New York, assisted by medical profe.-sors in the various dppurlneuts. 'fhTee yei'ts devo ted to its pri pai-mioti. tiu icUery and hum buggery exposed, l'tofc t:;,,rH in our lending medical coheres testify that it is the b?st fam ily doctor book ever written. Ouifil and sam ple free to agents, A. II. HUBBARD, -100 Chest nut St. 1'hil'a, Med it-ill Fee liill : Advice ot i.ffice, CGtumoti cases, t'ull in tt.wu Cull in tnwii nt t.iiht Travail by lluilmtid S miles " II fjO per milo , O.'cr 1 1 ttiilas fr.iTii '!" tn ,"0 coil's f!0 (HI (!" 01 i per milo. Travitling with own con vCJ- anec on."1 tniic - Ten to twelve miles 10 Obstetrical Calls within ton mi'es lit ' " bv r.rl 1.") mil. s, 1:1 rmlt'f.s detnirr j In voir! tin) usual tiiini. 1'or cuicini; Catarrh, fnini live to (iiloeu dollars. Wr curcitij; Sornlula Swcll-ii'.'s or Kius V., from twen'y-Gve to uia- Iiuu diid (i.ill.iis Tooth Extrac'iion, , T I Vucci: a;;iti r-iiir 1'cloii, Intiifiiiioiit 1 will he chnrued Tu thine living .: I 1 ! an I ii r j'u il (ipt'iation.- ll tilfUti;St:iHCc"-. h s I'rom a J'la SCCciI'dili; '. Vt'Viil II I ::t"'ic I furuirh si! I 1 oivo thin 1'co uittoniiyi:!;.; ol' n eh medicine :s t carry, li.-t t'i :-V".i tho t'otist'itit ii. t'..c : by in lei Ul:'.I cl esied i p.".i l;c.-. J p t'lhive are anout t m l have Lt'ci; l. i V. T? 1 ri. i lit t TO TiU-; ViHiiKlNi; ( LAS? YvV .iv pl'C p. 1.1 1 tl tlli'lli-.!l all l,'l;i-Ms t. i'll in eiiip'oyiiu lil tit lio'iie, the whole ofthe t lor the spare uiometits. BihIiics new. and profilii'ilo' l'er.sen.s of ei : !i".v si . eaiu from ."tli1. I j S'i per evenitiir. and a ; now ;-, mi. to e or !i:iht en: :i,v 1 i-"'- portsiiniil sum by devoting ihotr hoi lo llic loisihess. lio'. s si. d girls imi i n iie.-i! iy as much as men. '11. at all vho ti:B tl.'s ionic; may send their address, and test the Ini.r.ui-ss 1 we iniike thU uhparulleb d oli'-r : To ns J nre nut wel.l saiisiiie l, wc will tend il to pay : for ilie trouble of writing. Full particulars, i a valuable to'implo, v.hieh w'U d i lo e inioiein.'e J work on, and a copy cf The I'. npl .'s I, in r-.t.-'i L'jinpnitii.n- on 1 l.u li:''isi tamijy new pa pers published all iieul I're'il'.y ina'.l. Bold er, if you T.aiil ;,erni'!iifii. pmfitulje wr.r!;, tdircss U. C. ALLE: it Co., A rut s : v M um:. Feb. I J o.n. u S- TAX APPEI-S- U. S. Assessor's Ori irr. 1 '.itii Disinirr. ) Pa., Olhcc, (.'riiwKNSi H.I.t;. Cl-.oii -field Co. Pa. )' I Notice is hereby given that tho nsses'niani lists, vi.luaiions i.iol enumerations mile and ukm wiiin the yenetcentli Oolleci ion Idstrict. Pa., by tlij Assistent Assei'sors uud ;r the laws of ilie I'nited States, u i'l remain open to ail persons concrned for exaniiiiat ion for the space of ten days iroui tht 5th diy Cl A'li'il, A. D., 3370, ill the Assessor's Uilioe, iu liic Loi otif li ot Curwinsvi'.lo. At the lime stated above the Assessor will receive, hear and diilermiue nil nr pee Is rela tive to nny erroneous orcxeessive valuations or enuuirr.itions by the assistant assessor. In rej?crd to appeals, the law provides, "That the question to bo dt! enrolled by the assessor, on an appeal respecting tho valuation or cuu luerati ii of properly, objects liable to duly or luxation, shall I whether the vuluat'oii eoiu plaiued of be or be not in a just relation or propoiton to oilier valuations in the stino as sessmciit d i si i ii i . a nd whether the enumera tion be or bo. n u crre t. And all appeals tu the assessor as aforesaid, thall be made iu wri tinj;, uid shall Kpec'yiha pai t ieulnr ciuise, tiiatter, or tiiincr resio'ciiiiir which a deoisiun is reipiested : and tliall moreover, slate the (rrouiid or principle iaefiu ility or ciror coin plained of." DANIEL L1NINGSTON, Asessor of the Niuetecuth Collection District, vl ul 17RF.E TO BOOK AGENTS. We will send J ' a lu.ii.lHotne prospectus of our new illus tiated iamily Bii,le, to any b,ik agent free of cnarpe. Aiiuress JSational Publishing Conipa- uy, i uuaueipuia, ra. 4w A THIEF- He has been trvaling about humbugging druggists and private parties mixing up and selling a base compound which nc cans rULtUil a PAIN PAINT. All or WoloMt's genuine remedies have a wl.ii. i . - . , . vial. sidewrapper (with signature luriro). Look SrLENDlDPRI7E FOR THE LAP1E8. The finest, most pWsitip. nnd costly engrav ing ever published in America, to be presented as a premium to each subsuiibor to BEMOREST'S MONTHLY', a magazine of prsotical utility in tbo bouse, a mirror of the fvsiilons, and a literary conser vator of surpassing interest nnd artistio excel once, acknowledged to be tho mjdern parlor mngaiine of America The engraving, 28x.12 inches, Is from the or iginal painting, entitled, 'The Pic-Niu on tLs Fourth of July. The pi, tnting took a whole year, and is oou sidured tho finest of the entire lift of numerous popitW productii us by LilliiM. Spencar. Tho eiigrnviugVns the labor of four years, by three eminent artists Jthn Rodp-ers. Samuel Halpin, aud Samuel llyliyer ; The last named haying been induced to come from Europe t finish it, 'J'h engravers Imve ably secouu'ed the successful labors ofthe painter. NonebuL iiitistn can fully nppreciate the skill and labor lavished on I hif engraving The general ef fect is very fine nnd impretsive, nnd the dcli raie finish to the heads will bear the most mi nute inspection. The union of line and stippla is executed with unusual ability, and their skillul combination has greatly contributed to the success of the engravers in this unsurpass ed proof of their genius. Thejwork on the engraving nlono cost ovei seven thousand dollars, besides the cost of th copyright, and is sckuow'cd jed by compete t.t. judges the most elaborately tmislicj large work of nit ever e!lgled in America. Fmo copies ,of tbis iiingiiif.cuiit picture, en lieavy plate paper, worth ill! tnuh, h re. to h given as a piemiiim to each ndisuribsr to LEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGZINK. Yearly subscriptiims only Three Dollars. ni ten cents tw!jit h is to be tent with the kuI. siription). for the postage on the engravii-gs (winch will be luaiitd mouieiy done up ou a roller. This is rertiii;iv the lurfctt. tnoat UheJal ii lid splendid premium ever offered to sinji'n subscribers by rny publisher, arid niYordsau c.'i-y and eeonoiuical way for an one to pcrm-ft nu eletran: v. rk of ail, a I'arior Picture thai, is only nest io a piati.i in t!i?. wcy of ci inniixn Iniion, nrul a pi-ipetunl ivmi'i.b'r of a da vl ie'i .jiii? in int.. bf .;!,( ri.' 1 and 1 ell in ia iiieiiibrrinei; ! every fn.; American. 'l he veeet'tii-'i i f tins iiiMi'nin.t rictnvM Will I: Vci.tll p: in: ii -e every one !y siii'ji.-.e nnd we do not : i,i ..i i,.. ilJB. J; ,vi' ut e iniolhe:' that e.,.ii'ii'.i,:s su of m.- lei .st at; ,d I Speei'iu-ii : inu' tul! is oft tic p.i: i :i . i "0, it ll t.:ir 'Ul,.l 1, iit 1 0 a;, y t v. o' IO CCljls. will l.e 1 1 el i.o u e.,i, . AJ-Ircss' I'.n'J lif DL :.!!; i:s': MUSTnt.v. roiiciwiiv, N. Y. SI: JUM.Y V. ' KD nisi. i 1 i. J n se!:milin i Are he:!:;: vea l b di'tioiiiinai i"ti nil o They n ro full o'' c ir. peon'.'! of Ci-ry crt's up I .'cr tiiis country nnd Euroj vital, beatilifi'l ri!:j:'in thought nnd fivdinp piibiished weekiy n: Srrti.ou- anil p r.i v r pvsei'v.itM.n ai. 1 !i no .v'b-aU i'.-'. 1'. i o Pi. i inn i ii I coiiiiiins Mr, rs. in toi Cl f; luli-ir . lor r lii .-.,;. Y , I t' I I I " H:'C-!.l ('I- ; i i'..:, ;m-i l,y i i,,. i ',i.;jv)iel.. t ii y loii! t olri.l V lMt'l: s i.'t' ON VI' ' In; 1 'v: i-aivi li.illv sn-.-i poitr.-jit c i- ;riy s i ; r c .i ! w . :ii ,".'i. A m, ! c::' Nil'. I.oeciier (.rot-en r-1 ?. Kxt.'tioi'.!;..!! I't I. i t t' s;i. m. i t'l.i i ii rt i.i-ii' s:,. , ,..( u.0 'ii.V.N L.Mu.S I' .V.I. an i!ii.-i-i-i;ir..'i'i, )iit"pm. ''-it w...'Mv 'oiiirii-,1 uf ( liri'-, v with iee fne ro. on i.-iii..i ;in. i d i : i ijl an.i-i j hy J.: -. l;.-i- -I. .!.--(. it i,i in,,, ail iri-.-s for ; kj j.i,. t'oUU i'OI.I. :: in .In, -.mii i'.s ,0 l'flll.-s tun I II. I ;.,!. op clt.lK "pcci- n.eii coon s, r.-i:i"i t . tor ., e.-iii. J. 11. HlillistU, P'il.iiai..,vJ. dw B'J Paik 1-ji.'. Yew 1 i-:'lt. n uy. r.;ii::,:. two M.i, n:s c;i?Ai I 'Hie Tady':. P.i.'iid ; 'iiv,-;i-i, t'oi- I i : ! I.olf:'-- r!j;in ;i.'i- .i.;o tunt.' by ilox.l,.:i;i I j I ei II 'I n -o ; . i Di ii'ie'c ;. i.ial 'iill.i i 1 i 1 r 1 1 ii r- ;. s thn ilc 1' uy i lion : The t hvvi'oti. until. follow in;: ii, i- V ' b: a'ii-au.ioi: i r i f id or. I'hr:. M. Do.. by Una .d t Mill tioi of i h ' nierons r : Ii. -hurry Furir, ne." with or stories bv a llrillimii ,...; n .ady Mtiieis., A liuul;.- executed "tocl engvavistg. hn scon double page, finely colored fashion pi and a 1'ii'e nssoi-i i.ieiit of wood cuts. iMuii . "'B tifiiiims, l.iii.-y work etc., ev-'i'v T;it. ih r. m g.c.: liiv ! givn a popular pie of ... u:o i.i j iii:::iij-..r. i out;; AITS OF Di Al'TIIOilS. '.ry i.uiiiIh'I' v. i!i co.'.iaiu on Moid) ol Mr li;-n! 1'iicy, Louis,) Chiiudlir l're-u..t, Am. m la ,. . The 1 ."! I) II lO'.'fr 1 V c .. M.mln .S Mr Uuji-ruv l-'lorer.e l-ll'zalie M.ii iict tlosuur and August Beli, n;:v .cV!':sr:!:ii;Ei?s Who send in their names 'o;.ji the tii'ui r, slmil receiu j tho Novemh.-e .,. .t : n.tu r nmu'iers ot this v.-ar in a Mii'.i..i i ing loui'teeu inonihs in all : And new ;,!, . tiers nun Jing in their n.u.ies i,v .i. ... ileceiuher thall reeoive the ui;iKu'iHeeiit De- : oei ii..uuay uuiu'jci', u,akiuc; ih uleeu un tu an : TERM'S! . :-l CO a year ; two copies, i I . foor ,. i,.s epoiesluc. (an.ioue uiaii -;3 (,,,,. ,..,.. 0 I. ady s I I ieud uud cue uf th lv, i st.V copy of t lin lor.'H aud beauiitui' Weel eiitfravi,,.r. Taking the Miasuie ot t ceita.n K in.' ' Aiti.,,v..l i'..i i eost of $oW0-will bo sent to every ner- every ill... ... .1 n ..1. I'l ; . . . - "....s oiiii iiiMcti sVddress e ; u a geui ol u: DM A CON x Pt'TEIlSON, 3U Walnut ttreet, PhiUdii."! Specimen copies seut for ten tents. i:V bTORE. The subscriber be?s leave lo inform the titi zctis o i Uidway and vicinity tlmt he hi opened u store where in.iy be found I'FUFUMEUY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET, ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIOXAIir. OYSTERS, ORANGES, tBUONS, iu season