The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 30, 1870, Image 2

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    lh founts tHcSat
JT. a. B O R D W E 1. L, Editor.
New Rail Road Route. Wo have
received a tuap of a new Railroad Route
called the Rochester and State Line and its
branches. The route from Rochester
to MoKean county is almost a ptrnight line.
The route is selected from McKean county
to Ridgway and up Liltlo Toby to Jefler
aon county, there to connect Kith the Alle
gheny Valley Road. Ridgwny being on
an air line from Pittsburgh to Rochester
and the only route giving advantage to the
conl and lumber of this section of couutry.
We ore f;lad to pee Rochester waking up
to a sense of her duty and interest. This
rond would not only 1'uruish her with an
endless amnuut of coal, but millions of traJe.
The conutics of Ell: and Jefferson arc
Tich with coal of good quality,; Jefferson
has veins of bituminous from five to twenty
one feet thick ; aio vasts amounts o! pine
and hemlock which is bound to invito iu
Tannery-men as the cites lor tanneries are
no better in the States.
Tliis route in passing along ihe Claii"ti
rivr will pass many lumbering cht:iLli;-h-mrtits
which are cutting from two to five
millions each per year.
Tha Fifteenth Amendment Celebration.
Tuesday was a gala day in Ilarrihtiurg
and Philadelphia. Torny's 1 Ws fays :
The celcbra'iou of Tuesday, which em
phasizes this great event ol otirdnj, wis in
every way a success, Tie Colored people
of Philadelphia made a most favorable im-prti.-iiu
ou their ic-ilow-eit izonp, and luliy
vindicated all that their friends have claim
ed for them. It is safe to say that even
the bulk ol the .Democracy will join in
commendation of their behavior on th's
critical occasion. At good citizens order
ly, sober, intoliigenl they have proved
their right to rank t ill) any other class.
It is also safe to say that no political de
monstration of edua! size ever took place in
Philadelphia with lets danger to the peace
and pi.' perty of the citi.-.jn3.
seeing how well the colored people have
merited their great franchise, how wmthily
they have worn the new honors of citizen
ship, we seiz-j this occasion to pre-s home
on the Jou'i' men of Pennsylvania the lc
fon of ihe scene. Last Tuisd.iy "as the
end of the Democratic party. It lias passed
out of history by the very law of hisMv,
and can uo more claim the allegiance of en
intelligent man. This party hardened its
iKMrt and followed after the people whom
God was lea Ibi'j, and its f.ito is already
written cure in history : ''And Israel saw
the Egyptians dead iij on the sea shore."
Below wo givo the letter of G. W. Sco
fitjld, our ntsmber of (.Vngross, courenting
tti bo a candidate for re-election. We be
lieve that Elk. County. will be pleased with
ibis, and we presume there will bo little or
no oppositiou in the other counties of the
Iu reply to Messrs G. W. An'rews. F.
A. Weaver, O. C. White, lion. Isac G.
Gordon mid others, of Jefferson County, he
snys :
WASinxfiTOX, I). C, April 1 1, 1S70.
Gr.xn.ZMKS : I have received your let
tor offering to ravor my rc nomination, and
inking permission to announce mo as a can
didate. I thank you for the fluttering man
ner in which you r :fer to my past public
services. It is gratifying to learn that my
efforts to properly fulfill the duties of my
position have received the approval of the
citizens ol the District.
There will be a new apporiionmunt of
thj State into Congressional Districts next
year- Of the present apportionment only
one term remains. This term you propose
I should serve.
The people of the North, under the in:
pressiou that experience adds to the useful
ness of their representatives, seem di.-po.-ed
to lengtlieo their tormcr terms of service.
So fur as I know, this is the sentiment of
our District. In answer to your letter,
therefore, I will say, that greatful for this
new mark of confidence, I shall accept a re
nomiuation, if tendered me by the Repub
lican Convention ; but ov,ing to my duties
hore, even it otherwise proper, I will be
unablo to make any personal efforts to
secure it. I have the honor to remain your
obedient scrvaut. ,
G. W. SroriiLn.
The Onedia-Eorabay Affair.
The Navy Department has received ail
the papers pertaining to the Onediu-Honi-bay
affair. Admiral Porter says that after
a thorough investigation of all the facts ot
the case tho department is led to the be
lief that the liouibuy is solely uud wholely
to blame for the uccideut. lie repels the
charge that the officers of the Onedia were
druuk and carousing in the cabin at the
time and leaving the deck in the charge of
of midsBipmen. He ateo says that the One
dia had her full compliment of boats, as the
Je tter at the Navy Department showi.
How They Knew the Yankee.
One day last, tall, says a writer, in com
pany with an eminent clergyman of JLon
don, I was msking my way toward the
Thames Tunnel, when we were stopped by
an itinerant vender of pictures, who seemed
to know my companion, "liny some of
these pictures of the public buildings ol
London, sir,", he said, "and you can give
them to your An erican friend to take home
with him." I was in a hurry but my
wonderment would have stopped mo it 1
had been runtiiug to a Gre.
"Ifow iu creation did yu know that I
was an American ?" T asked.
'Why, 1 couldn't mistako iltul," the
p;cuture seller replied, with a quiet laugh.
"Vou're American all over."
I purchased a picture, and then asked
him to cxpiain himself.
'' would know you by your soft beaver
hat," he tuid. "That's an American fash
ion.'' "Well If it were not for that?"
lie glanced down at my feet,
"Yeiir boots would betray you. Nobody
but America!'. wear square toes "
"U'ell what el.-e?"
'Your chin whiskers, Englishmen al
ways wear the mutton-chop style."
"Well any siting more '!"
''If you won't bo offended, sir?"
"Not at all; I cm seeking for informa
tion "
"I should LfiO'.v you by your thiu, peaked
"Well, my friend," I said, T fancy you
are at the end of your catalogue now. Sup
pose that I wore a still", high-crowned hat.
round toed boots, mutton-chopped whiskers
and had a face as red and chubby as any
in Britain would you be able to know uie
for an American Ilea ?' '
', Certainly I should, as soon as I heard
you speak,' the fellow triumphantly answer
ed. 'You Americans invariably commence
every sentence with a well.'
'.My Knglidi friend laughed long and loud
at the man,s adroitness.
'I believe be is more than half right,' he
said. "Fee if your natinnaly is not detec
ted everywhere you go'
It was even so. Iu I'aris I was impor
tuned to buy a photograph of La Fayette,
because he was 'ze friend of all Americans;'
iu Genoa a dirty vagabond waj clamorous
to exhibit to methe house where Columbus
was born, because he discovered 'the Ma
nor's great couutrie ;' any at Alexandria
ihe climax was capped by a ragged little
deCen Jar-t-of the Pharaohs, who besought
him to take a ride C! his doukey. 'Strong
donkce- fifet doulce nice Yuiik.CC Dood'e
donki c !' was his irri.-istibie appeal, in the
only Englh-h words he knew.'
Fo it seems that the individual Atncri
eau is known oil over the world.
, CCl...
v." AS
T:i Tunc.
re s now
emu eiit a.: J aim s c i t tio prospect of an
Indian war. A h ices received and te!e
gi lied, supplemented by still more start-
ling news, fLoia
etit'ed to '.iv at
mo facia
Ueu.. i -a.
of .he
army. Wiiliiu one month twenty thou
sand Sioux are expected ou the war path
These with allies of Cheyenne aud other
northern tribes will make a formidable
force. The cause in as usual. The failure
of the Government to live up to the treaty
tipulations. Tho Indians say that they
having been neglsected the past winter,
they intend to aveu;e themselves this sum
mer. In view of a threatened fciflict and
also to keep a sharp watch on the I'cd
'liver difficulties, General Sheridan decided
several days ago to establish his headquar
ters on the Srst of May at Pembina, in the
northern part of Miunrssota. The Seven
tc:iitli and Fourteenth tegiments, infantry,
were ordered to Sioux city, Iowa, with al!
despatch. The former regiment lias been
stationed in Virginia, nnd the latter in
Kentucky and Tennessee. The shifting of
these regiments from points so remote, to
the very heart of the Indian country, is
sufficiently ominous, together with the
movement already chronicled of five com
panies of the Soveuth cavalry to Fort Hays
for active service uuder General Custer,
lt seems not all unlikely, judging from tenor
current aud tho despathes from the 'far
west that the administraion is to have for
ced upon it an advance of further legislation
by Congress, the responsibility and expense
of one of the most serious conflicts yet in
itiated with the savages of the plains.
Fifiy-citjlit person kilhtl. two hundred
more ur lea injured. Twrli hnjiila
(r killed or wounded a tctole til if
in mourn .
Troin tub D.w.Y Topic
ItiCU.MONH, April '11. A tenible cal
amity occurred here this mnruing. The
floor of the Court of Appeals, in the State
Capital, gave way and precipitated the hun
dreds therein assembled to htar the deci.--imof'the
Mayoralty case of Ellison and
CahooD, upou the Conservative caucus then
titling in the Hall ci the House of l'ele
ga's below
We Uave, neither time nor upace to give
the full de tat ill this week,
JiiMij wirii i ii k Loun A Chap
lain Ma i' is a Fi .ciai. Phaveii --A very
unumul occurence took place in the Iowa
llouso of Ilepresentaitvca a few days ago.
The clergyman whose lot it was to open the
day's proceedings by imploring the Divine
blessing, took occasion to pray earnestly
for the pas.-nge of a certain appropriation
bill, which has elicited a great deal of in
terest generally throughout the State. lie
informed the Almighty that the State was
abundHtitly able to afford it. He also sent
heavenward the further information that
the people demanded it and had largely
petitioned for it. lie earnestly besought
for the members light, grace and strength
to enable them to do their whole duty in
supporting this meritorious bill. This little
episode the veriest piece of clerical cecet
ricity (not to characterized it more pointed
ly) on resord created a decided sensation
iu the House, aud the good Speaker pound
ed away for several minutes with his gaval
before order was" restosed.
Tiial in lEehlgaa te.'ors a Jury Cooipo;el Sn
fcrjly OiColorsiKon.
1'or the fit at time in this State, says a
Detroit paper of a recent date, and perhaps
for the first i:i any Mate in the luioti, a
jiry comyored euiirely of gave
their verd'ut upon a case in Court yester
day. The accused were Irishmen, Thomas
OXrien, William M'Guhc ami Albert
Rlauk, charged before the ltd ice Court
wirii assault and battery, and iu view of the
well known antagonism between the two
races, it was freely given out in advance
that they would stand no chance whatever
before a uogro jury. They were, however,
iicjuittcd of the charge, the jury showing
themselves entirely capable of treating the
ease upon its merits as shown by the evi
detic:, without any iuflueuce from preju
dice. Whether nej;ro prisoners before a jury
composed entirely of Irish Democrats
would have fared as well may reasonably be
(juestioucd. There was at the court rjuite
an assemblage of barroom loafers and Po
lice Court subje cts, prepared to make fun of ;
the "darkies" but the intelligent appsiance
and self possesion, and correct bearing of
the jurymen no occasion for either sport
or ridicule. During the first portion of the
trial, the counsel for the prosecution spoke
of ihe jury as "my colored fellow-citizens,"
but. one of the jury raising an objection to
this style of address, the offensive and need
less adjective "colored" was dropped.
Aside from this there was no notieub'.e in
cident connected nith the trial.
W ti la jjix .
The trees are putting forth their tender
leaves of hope.
Trout arc plumper than usiiul, this
Italy is sending an exploring expedition
to Abyssinia.
The new five cent pieces are coming into
Ten years is the Maryiaud tarifffor prize
The now hotel-fever rages fearfully at
Gardens aic being prepared for the re
ception ot seeds.
Cincitiuiti pays $10,000 a month for
street cleaning.
The world uses 2-Vt,000,000 pounds of
tea taeli year.
Ptousevillc is to have a fire Department,
and a new school.
Corry has organized a military company
called the Coory Guards.
Tho Can idians are still in a state of alarm
about ihe Fenians.
A state dinner in China consists of fifty
two courses.
The drummers of the country asatecrate
nearly 50,1)00.
The next cotton crop is expected to ap
proximate 1 0U!J,(Jtii, bale.'.
General Thomas had fl'lljODO insurance
on his lit c iu one company.
There are said to be 5 10,000 French
Canadians in the United States.
Massachusetts is to submit woman suf
frage t) tho people.
Seize your oysters now. The season will
soou be over.
Jeffi:ion county. Ohio, has just erected
a soldiers' monument.
Three colored men have been summoned as
jurors iu Newark, N. J.
The city of Portland, Me., owes more
than the State of New Hampshire.
Killing a Chinaman in Nevada is now
made a penitt utiaiy offeuee.
Cincinnati is to have a grand hotel equal
to any ou tno Continent.
Summer is coming on apace, aud ice
cream, etc , will soon soon be iu order.
Only five persons were killed iu Hussia
last year by railway accidents.
There are 2,200 employees on the pay
rolls of Mr. Stewart's uptuwu store.
In Massachusetts it is proposed to col
lect tax bills at tho polls.
The Penney Ivania Reserve 'Association
Will meet at hockhaven ou the Tin of May
The widow of Sir John Franklin arrived
iu San Francisco by steamer on the I3ih
inst., having gone thither for the purpose
of satisfying herself as to the authenticity
or correctness of the reports published eev
eral months since relative to the discovery
on the soucrern coast of certain documents,
which seemed to promise nuother cule to
Lcr husband's fat.
oHIi Ojomilj gduocatc.
far Timr at llldgway.
iri Express Eii9t 9:41 p. m.
do do West 8:8Ha m.
do Mail East 2:60 p. m.
do do Vt'est 2:00 p. m.
jncnl freight I'mM 11:00 a. m.
do do West 6:35 p.m.
t Elk lodga, A. T. X.
Stated meptinfrs of Elk Lodge will be
id 1 nt their ballon thf second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month.
J. K. WUITMORE, Sec'y.
I: 0. 0. T.
The Epgolnr meetings of Ttidgwny Lodge,
;o, aoh, in-ill erery Wednesday evening
-heir Lodge Hooin.
H. A. PARSONS, W. 8.
Rrad J. M. Heard's new advertisement
in another column.
J. R. 5aird will receive on Thursday of
e&ch week, while, the season lasts, Fresh
Fish and Fresh Vegtebles.
An oil car on express freight east last
Saturday caught fire and burnd up about
three miles west of town. The bnrning
ear was switched off aud the balance of the
train saved.
The editor of the Jamestown Journn',
E C. Dishop, was cowhided in his snctum
one day hist week, by Lt. Commander
Cushing of tho U. S. Navy, for printing a
complimentary commfut under his marriage
A Mudkl InstitoTAon. the Iron City
College is an institution, not of theories,
but of the most riged, correct, and compre
hensive practice. It is an entire business
world of itself. Graduating from .the
College is little less than a change from
one business to another. I'.'ltslurj Po t.
A man, whose name we have not lenmd,
was brought here and lodged in jail on
SuuJ.iy last by the of Uenezet;
he waf engaged in a stabbing affary on Sat
urday evening. Another from St. Mary's
was kiudly taken in on Wednesday lie
Made a mistke nnd sold somebody's coat.
PtTF.nsoxs Majazir.e, for May. publish
ed hj chailes J. Petcison. This superior
Magazine has an elegant colored fashion
plate (jvc figures). A pattern in color
for a lady's slipper; a large number of
wood cuts of the latest spring styles; pat
terns for fancy work, &c. &c. Tie Head
ing matter is good. "Put out cf my Way"
is commenced in this number, by the au
thor of "The tSeeond Lifo. Address C.
J. Peterson 200 Chestnut Si, Philadelphia
Government has determined to 'put a
stop to wholesale smuggling on the south
western frontier, known as Free Ueli. The
Secretary, finding the Revenue Department
unable to exercise surveillance over the
whole frontier, issu"d an order discoulinu
ing certain routes for exportation of mer
chandize, iu bond and mixed, if neces
sary, he will foibid exportation entirely.
This breaks up depots hitherto head-quarters
for the emii''"!:ug.
I5ad rRAcriCE. You might as well
expect to relieve and cure an inflamed eye
by dusting irritating powders into it, as to
expect to subdue and cure Catarrh (which
is an infl.unation of the mucous membrane
of the air passives in the head) by the use
of irritating suuffi or strong, caustic so
lutions. Dr. Snpro's catarrh Remedy cures
Catarrh by its mild, soot hint: action, which
subdues the infiimatiou and restores tho
natural (secretion of the mucous follieies.
The proprietor, 11- V. Fierce, M. T , offers
SoiJO for a case ol Catarrh that he can not
cure. Sent by mail on recept of sixty cent.
Address the proprietor as above.
For sale by most druggists everywhere.
The border Raiders have rivals in Con-
gross. Jiooker, the tuieurapn icus us, nas
introduced in the House a resolution that
the honor aud good faith of tho Govern
ment are bound to the payment of loyal cit
izens of tho South for property ol evry kind
taken from them for the use of the Govern
ment, Now, it is the unanimous evidence
of all the soldiers who luve returned from
the war that wherever down South there
was a chicken there was loyalty. Neither
man nor officer ever saw an atom of prop
erty in all rebeldoin that had not a loyal
owner. The "two vests" aud the "fourteen
pouud ham" of the Cumberland sufferers
would be nothiuing to the destroyed lux
uries and oppulenco of Dixie. Pass a bill
grounded ou this resolution, and our chil
dren aud children's children will have an
income tax to pay, aud five per cent at that.
We oppose it just on the ground that wo
oppose all such bills from any source.
When we can pay a single poor widow for
her lost husband or son, it will bo time to
take up loe claims of the owuers of houses,
horses, lauds, and bonds. Forny's J'rcss,
The will ot the late George peahody
has been admitted to probate in Essex
county, Massachusetts. It shows that
public benfactioDS have absorbed his prop
erly, except about $150,000 in private be
queathes. . : v . . ,
VINGS, 111 Nassau St., N. Y. Anybody
can sell them. Cliep Sell fast. Fay hand
somely. Send for new circular- 129 4w
.I75 to f 'JOO per nontb. We wunt to em
ploy a good agent in every County in the U. S.
on commission of snlory to intrduoe our world
Ktnowntil Pttllmt Wlutt Wi'm Cloth's Unit will
lust a hun tired years. If you want profilrio!
and pleannt employment, mldresr R. S RUSH
& CO. Manufacturers, 75 William St., N. T.
or 16 Dearborn St., Chicago. 4tr
life m mm
By J- H. BEADLE, Editor of th Salt Lake
With a full and authentic history ofPolyganiy
and the Mormon Sect, from its origin to the
present tima.
fJ.ft'TYO.VOliland inferior works on the
Mormons are being circulated. Kce that
each book contain 33 tiua engravings, and
610 pnges
AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circulars
and see our term and full discriplion of the
work. Address, NATIONAL l'LBLISH
INQ CO., l'hiladc'phia. Pa. U'J 4w
Well'rt Carbolic Tablets
After much study and scientific indesligation
us lo t'.t remedial qualities of Cakboi.ic Arm
Ur. VfcHs bus discovered y proper combina
tion with other r'.icle in the form of a Tablet
a flpecific for nil pulmonary discuses. TI1KSE
TABLETS area Bl.' KE (TUK for all diseases
TUIiOy, rol.l). CKOIT. IU PT II K It I A .
ASTU.y. CATAI'.R!!. or 110A tt.SKN KSS :
also a successful remedy for Kidney dillicnl
tics Prick '! cents tib ISox. sent by Mail
npon lee.-iptef price, hv JOHN Q. KKLLOGO,
U-J Cliff Si., New York, Sole Ageut for the
1 luted Stales. "U tw
ll includes tho Histories, Mys'erien, And Se
cret Unities of Wall Street. Lift sketches of its
Mn. the Speculations in Gold, tot ks, &?
Women speculators, ani all that is prea! and
powerful, spoii'led mysterious, interesting.
wietcJ, mazing, wretched, etc.. in Ihe I'ceus
of (pecu'ntinn. 1'ortrnicts of Vaiiderbiil,
Iirew, Gould. Kir'.e Jr., juid ninny others,
X'ngravinjii of untod place. Life and Seenex.
Ac. f'. i (.' Ii l;i frtt Send for cireulnr
to Wohtiiinoton, Di stil & I'O. , Publishers,
lib Asylum St., K.-utford Conn. 4w
ft "SW"''
was rastarvd to health by simple monno, tcnt-
out mi'licin. Thu parlieulsirs will tie sentff.
liariiPN E. HolNSLOw, Stockton St., Uioo.iyn
Long Island. 2'J 4w
I I5y sending "5 centi
with nge, heipht, color of eyts and hair, you
will receive, by return mail, a corraet picture
of your future husband or wif. wtlh nnuie
and date of TimrriHpe AdJrejs . KOX. IN I.
Drawer No. 21, Fultouville. V. Y. 'J 4w
I was cureil of Deafness aiiJ Oaiarrh by a
similf rei.iidv and ill send the receipt free.
'.MKiS. .M.'U. LLGUETT, Hoboken, N. i.
21 f.w
The New Article of Food.
Eur twenty five cents yon can buy ol
yo-ir r'nisiii'st or G nicer a paekaue of SEA
MOSS KAUINE, niiuitihietuied Irom pure
lrir-li Mos or ('nnaireen, which will make
sixtci u fpniris nf Hltic Mano, nud a like
Uiiiitity of 'uddiuus, Cu.-lnrds, Crenms.
('hail. lite iltisse, tVe., &c. it s by fur tlm
Cheapest, healthiest aud most delicious
food in the world.
25 Om. M Park I'lace. N. V.
T. 13G0-S.
This wonderful vrgatnlile. restorative is
the sheet anchor of the feeble nnd debilita
ted. As a tonic nnd cordial for the aged
aud langued, it has no equal nmnu Stom
achas As a remedy ior the nervious
weakness to whioh womin are especially
su'iject, it is snperseetiiiig every other
stimulant. In all climates, tropical, tern
pertature or frigid, it sets a a specifie in
species of disorder which undermines the
bodily strength aud breaks down the uni
For yal.i by nil dllls'tjlsts.
'5 Om
I'Oll FAMILY USE simple, el.r.ip. r-ti-iMe,
l!ircula'" and fcmiipie moekiiip FREE. Address
Mo. cm
TCI II. has removed Lin Ilar u
I Mi. over i'owell & Kri,.- s Store aud has
on hand lh larpn: n ofi '.'lit ol harnes for
for lumbering an1 , t:isiiio (luposes, in this
or udioiniut; eoei i -. awi all other articles
liulougiug lo Ihe 1 1 .1 i .
LA i:-' Slo.
Would invite Ihe attention of all owners of
horses to my new
which proves to be the bet Collar iu txis
teuce for these reasons: Rein;; very Elas
tic they do not chafe or fall ami the cork
being a nou-eouductor, they prevent injury
troin heat.
Call and see them. All work warranted
Reparing, Triming and l.'pholsteriug
done withe neatuesa and dispatch.
u20 tl
rpilE MAGIC COMB WiU change any
colored hair or beara to a permanent
black or brown. It contains no poison. Any
ouecuuuseit. Ona tent by mail for $1. A'.
15m . Sj.rimflclJ, lwt,
Notice U hereby given that agrecalile lw
an Act of Assembly, passed 13th March,
la lo, entitled "An act to amend an aot
directing the mode of gelling unseated
lands fur taxes, xc., the following - tracta
in Elk couuty will be sold for arrears, at
the Court House, in Ridgway, on the sec
ond monday of June next.
HV. Acre ll'urrnfre Owncrt Am't (ax
5:532 028 Geo Mead Jas .Mokes lo 4l
f:i:J3 1UC7 do do 125 40
5335 1007 do do 197 6,
5338 106 ! do do 197 CD .
5314 1007 dt do 152 00
5345 1007 do do 212 8'J
.'340 1077 do do 114 0O
5347 1007 do do 121 CO
5348 1007 do do 114 00
5370 450 do do 91 20
5380 1100 do do 130 80
5383 1100 do do 152 00
5384 1100 do do 140 31
5387 1100 do du 140 31
5343 825 do do 109 67
5478 550 do do 51 31
50 10 405 do do 08 24
5340 1008 do do 70 00
5177 1025 do ' do 233 71
5178 50 do do 125 40
5000 000 do dj 225 11
5342 1100 do do 70 00
5177 75 do do 17 11
5011 HOD do do 225 72
5014 445 do do 101 47
541 450 do do 08 40
5353 113 do M Merrill 21 71
5334 1100 do do 107 20
5337 1007 do do 102 lit
5350 1008 do do 70 00
5351 1100 do do 200 00
5352 300 do do 53 20
5330 1100 A U.Merrill 202 CO '
5287 275 . do 72 W
52h 275 do 72 fcO
520 223 do 42 50
5003 000 W Wi'link C lin.wer 151 48
Junes llam
5003 000 do 151 48
do mond k Co
51S2 505 do do 134 52
5300 lO('t) , do 01 liO
5010 045 do Fitch'it Uoynton 03 32
5:i30 1 D'O Geo Mea l J Brower 107 20
5340 550 do J I) 'loorehead 100 -10
5343 275 K Miekel 30 4 S
II ewntr t!t John
5027 200 W Wil.iuk. 22 So
109 4 345 Geo Mend N W !Ih -65 5i
Addis'u, Swart--1005
158 Y Williuk 87 0U
Wout& Co
5341 HoO.cioo M,.nj c wainwi-ighi 130 80
5024 375 w Williuk ualph Jolai.son 38 00
5025 430 do do 08 04
5012 000 W Williuk Thus Dent 225 72
5471) 500 'do Mi.cs Dent 114 00
4000 405 do J 11 .Marson 04 (ti
5001 S.W0 do do 225 72
5020 2471 "o Unknown 37 6-'
5024 300 do John Jirook41 17
4000 3ii0 do do 5-i 20
541 275 do do 2 8'J
400T 11 do 11 CSpauldiug 82 'J.!
508 i. 550 do li S3 00
5170 200 do Robt Ewing 35 4"
5 11 C insk.w 5 71
5023 332J do Mead Jno .lohustuu 0; 10
5388 llOO do llezekiah Mis 107 20
5IS2 445 do K Mori y lib 40
5u23 50 do Andrew Dent 0 51
5470 25 do 11 Dnnii 01 0J
4004 150 W wiliiuk win Shanm so
5080 800 Geo O'Jitastuw 152 00
4004 150 J IS Hyde 28-51
5020 74 J V Williuk U Vinslowll2 b7
5021 405 do do 88 3 i
5olo 100 do do 150 48
5027 700 do do 120 08
502(1 700 do do 115 52
5020 217J do do 37 0
317 do do 00 10
5022 1 10 PS. Johnson 25 0
5340 550 Geo Mead J W Diowu 72 2'
5480 388 do do 20 -1 4
5450 00 Obori Enji.,h 4 5-i
Heading, liaher
5002 PD0W Wiilink 220 14
5013 HOt) do do 220 1 1
5014 040 do do 214 30
5000 000 do do 214 o-
5020 2i8 do 0 Winslow 33 12
4105 25 John tWtal 3 03
4105 2 I'eter Canity 1 :',
41u5 6J N A Downs 2 40
41"5 25 f-am'i Schilp 3 U3
4105 25 S llaueoek 3 03
4105 2 1 Heeler Jact 27
4100 25 Geo E Weis 3 03
4 lOti 73 HecterJaot 8 83
4115 4S OA Jaoot 5 70
4104 lot) Daniel Lon 12 OS
4104 '25 I'eter JJyrues 1 23
4104 147 N Wtmmer 7 22
1103 105 Jos Wilhelm 23 CO
4103 140 N J Wemmer 7 22
11 07 5 MO Sullivan CO
1103 50 J A Gibbons G 07
1107 '75 John Farrcll 7 73
4107 27 Caesar Jaeot 3 0 i
F Yon
1S84 500 oeiio GO 3S
Lawrence Si
4883 511 W Watson 61 70
do Cassett
823 do do
003 do do
200 II (1 Williams do
111 51
119 72
24 15
11 04
80 II W do do
220 G' do do
30 30
4953 300 II Kemerer 3G 23
Coal Co
40o8 500 P do do CO SS
1M0CB Miller do 115 5H
4993 090 W Williuk David Rau 11)9 58
i . . Ridgw'y irann
4102 54GJasVilsoD 65 &
& Coal Co
1)80 do do
4110 1075, do d,
118 31
129 58
1S3 7
1 4111 1025 do- do
4111 60 Rrueselt Road do
20 St Marys RQtd du
' - II Rm.Ij Road i4
j 07