J. I. BORD WELL, Editor. SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1870. The Teachers' Institute at Ceotra vilc next week ought to be attended by all the teacheis in tbe county, and by the di rectors also, as far as possible. Ot course no one expects to learn everything in a Week. Tbe institute is not intended to take tbe place ot a full course, or even a single term, of acadetnio study. Jiut one who is determined to niuko the most of this opportunity will receive a great many val uable hints, both as to the matters to bo taught and methods of teaching. Not only young teachers but those who have spent years in that honorable profession will be likely to gain some new ideas ; and here as ilsewhero those who know the most' and have attained the greatest proficiency in be art of teaching will make the most ini rovemeut at the Teachers Iusti'ute. Hut she actual knowledge to be gained is scarce ly so important as the stimulus to thought, the professional cutLubiasui which maybe "xpeeted to result from such a meeting of .he teucheis in a county with those com petent to teach Jthem. And this enthusiasm in their profession is one thing that is very much needed by the teachers of Elk Couu ty. Let them by all means spend a week together and stir up one another to take bold of the work in caanest. Let every teacher commcuce the summer term with the zeal of un artist ; let the directors feel that they are placed in charge of the most important business of the stuto ; at. J let parents watch the progress of their chil dren's education with at least as much in terest as they would the painting of their portraits; and iu six mouths there will be a call for another Teachers' Institute, whieh will be attended with more interest than any previous one, and followed by propor tionally greater results. F:r3 at Franklin. IV e condense from the Venango Spccta tnr, the following particulars of the burn ing of the Franklin exchange : Our citizens were st irtleJ by tbe alarm of fire at half past four o'clock on Wed nesday afternoon, and in n few minutes af terward the Franklin Exchange, one of the lnrgest hotel buildiuga iu Western Penn sylvania, was a nias3 of flame and smoke. It w.'ts immediately seen that it was im possible to sava this uoblo structure. As the flames made headway the inteuse heat from the doomed building drove tbe fire man away from itj front, but they worked like saiuiuaoders, and did all that is possi ble for men to accomplish. A telegram wus immediately dispatched to Oil City for help, and was responded to by the urrival of the Steamer Vigilcnt No. 1 on a special tra!u. She immediately went into service an! rendered efficient aid iu slaying the further progress of the flic. As tho huge pile of the Exchango be came one mass of bright red flame, and the sides begau to shiver uud fall, the scene was awful and beyond description. A five btory building, dry as a tinder box ; with nothing about it to guard apaiost fire, but a slato roof, the rapidity of tho destruction barely gave time for tbe escape of its in mates in the upper stories. A fire under the same circumstances, happening at night, would have involved a terrible loss of life und destroyed tha half of the business por. tion of the city. There ore conflicting accounts as to the cause of tho fire, but they do not widely differ. One is, that the call and the lamp boys amusing themselves with a dug by tying paper to his tail, saturating it with refined oil and then setting it on fire. It is supposed that the dog, thus rigged as a fireship, followed the lamp boy to the oil room iu tbe cellar and set fire to a barrel of oil. The other account is, that a lamp exploded while the lamp boy was lighting it and fire was at onco communicated to all the oil in tbe cellar. That the beginning of the firewas oil is apparent from the dense smoke which instantly filled the house, and from the rapidity with 'which the flames spread to every nook and corner of the building. forest RepuLlkan. We copy the following letter from the McKean Miner: Washington, April 5, 1870. L. Roo Ens Dear Sir I see by the Miner of March 31, '70, that the recent decision of the Supreme Court L misunder stood, and to prevent useless expense to our old comrads I seed you the Ruling of the 2d Auditor with regard to said deci sion, vi: "That it applies only to men who enlisted for three years between May 4, '61, and July 22d, 'Gl, (including May 4th and excluding July 22d) and wero bonorablp discharged. "Men discharged for promotion are not entitled to tbe bounty. "Heirs of such as have died since dis charge are not entitled." These are the classes of claims that will and will not be paid under the recent de cision. Yours truly, FAIS FLAT. PpcTon Bordwfll Dkar Sir Those letters published in part by the Gazette, and-correetly in the Advocate, last week, April 16th, between Mr. Wm. M'Caulcy and the Pastor of St. .Uoniacc Clurch, call np inquiry from abroad j who is Mr. M'Cauly, and what of his family f and what ot the girl? We answer, Mr. Win. Mo Cauley is an honest, respectable oitizen ; an industrious upright mechanic ; his wite a very intelligent discreet woman. In the course taken with the girl they used groat prudence. AftersuITering greit annoyance and iusult, Mr. MoOaulny writes thepticst a private letter. Ail can judjo of it. This Cathelic Priest published it and his own answer. His answer needs no comments j every iuteligent mind can read, mark, learn and inwardly digest and thank God that in America we have a common school and a Bible. I. have seen tho girl; should think her about fourteen or fifteen years old, evidently thoughtful above her years. She has not been influenced as to sclxtd or church priv ileges by Mr. McCaulcy. The girl is very much respected. Yours Hespectfully, Wm Sampson. Parsonage M. E. Church, Ridgway Pa. N. B. If the Catholic PTiest of St. Bon iface is not satisfied, or anything yet un covered ; out with it. "Let us walk in the ligbt." . Wm. Sampson. . A Pahis Story With a Skquel. Here is a little story of Paris life : Count C., a Paris dandy, recently per sistently acuoyed oueof tho prettiest Amer ican ladies in Paris, by following her wher ever she went. At last the American spirit of independence could stand it no longer, being tracked step by step, and Miss boldly turned to Ihe petit creve and asked him politely but energetically to 'vanish. Hereupon the gentleman in dulged iu au ardeut declaration, which was interupted by the young lady's breaking her umbrella over his head. The count swears he will take bis. revenge upon the first American who falls into his bands. And here is its equal : Ihe Paris correspondent of the Pall Mall Gusrlte says: "The other day I sent you an extract from the American Regis ter abusing Count Hector C , who had offended a young lady from New York. The count was told that if he required any explanation he might call on the editor. I hear that ho did call, and was shown a list of about a dozen names to choose from, or, if be preferred, he might begin at the be ginning of the list .and go through with it. How this international question will bo ul timately settled is doubtful, but for the moment Hector is said to have retired to his tent, discountenanced at the imouut of accommodation offered." Tho Fmsral cf General Thomas. Tnov, April S The funeral services at St. Paul's began nt noon, precisely. They consisted of the imposing ritual of the Epifcopal church, in Bishop Pjunuo ai-d Rev. Drs. Coit, Porter and Tucker took part. When the religious exercises were finished, the remains were immediately ta ken to Oakwood ccmetry, where they were interred, not put into a vault, as is so often the case. The gathering of the Grand Army of the Republic was not the least imposing feature of the funeral procession. The following is the order of procession, which was taken up immediately after the service in the cuuroh ; Troops of the National Guard, S. N. Y and independent military organsza tions. Escort composed of two companies Engin eer troops, four of the 1st United States Artillery and two of the general ser vice; iufantry. Officiating clergy. Body. Pill bearers Major Generals Meade Rose crans, Schofield, Hooker, Gordon, Gran ger, Newton, Uazen and Brig, Gen. M'Kay. The President . of tho United States. The Secretary of War. The General of the Army. Two bands. Committee of the Senate of the United States. Committee of tbe House ot Representatives of the United States. The Governor of the State of New York. Committee representing the State of In diaua. Clergy. Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Officers oi the Army, Navy, Marino Cops, Volunteers of the War and National Guard in uniform, and in the order named. Corporate authority of the City of Albany. Corporate authority of the City of Soheneot dy. Corporate authority of the City of Troy. Posts of tbe Grand Army of tbe Republio. Civic Associations, Citizeos. The Ninth and Tenth Brigades, N. Y. 8. N. G., were ordered to do escort duty, and were, with other local military organ isations, under the orders of Major General Joseph B. Carr, commanding the third Division, who is Grand Marshall for the day. 1 TT South America. London, April 13. The following highly imporloant intelligence has been received from Rio Janeiro, via Lisbon President Lopes, of Paraguay, is dead. He was surrouuded, and, refusing to surrender, was killed by a Brazilian Lancer. The mother, sister, and children of Lopez, to gether with Madame Lynch," have been captured. Tho commander of the Bazil ian troops, who put this finishing stroke to the war, has received from the Eperor the title of Viscount Pelotss. Lopez. Theie is said to bo much rejoiccing in Brazil over the fall of this chieftain. This of itself is tho best eulogy that need be ut tered concerning him. He died almost alone, yet withstanding an army. There was no surrender. His oft-repeated words, that be would never survive his cause, sug gests that enthusiastic heroism that made the ancients rashly brave. Brazil feared him, hense she rejoices. With tho Em peror's army and resorces, at his back the combined dynasties of South America could have made no headway against him. Many portraits of Lopez have been drawn by journalists, though but few true ones have been painted. We have .not chosen to regard him as of s.i much value to repub lican institutions in South Amosica as the causo ho represented. Tho war of the al lies was simgly a raid upon Paraguay. The alliaono was an ingenious arrangement in the iutcrest of Brazil. It was tbe old story ot slave propagandism at tho expense ot adjacent torntory aud anything like a progressive spirit. Forny't Press. A C at Sucks a Babe's Breath. Tho following cat story we find in one of our exchauges. The reader can take it for what it is considered worth : A cat nearly caused the death of a child in the vicinity of Sandy Hill, Perry county, a few days ago. Our informant states that Mrs. Jeremiah Hull left her child, aged about nine months, in 'the room playing with the cat, while she was engaged in an other part of the house. After some time she went to see about the child, when she eaw the cat sitting on its breast with its nose inserted in the child's mouth and its paws clasped around its ceck, Mrs. Hull ran and threw the cat from the child, which was almost lifeless, but the cat immediately sprang back on the child, placing its nose in tbe child's mouth and clasping it around the neck as before. A second time the animal was thrown back, and then greatly enraged it sprang forward and caught the child by the throat. After releasing tbe child, the cat was taken out and immedia tely killed. The child recovered in a few days. 1 The Fenian Scare. The authorities of Canada are frightened out of their wits over an imaginary inva sion of their territory by the Fenians. The cry "to arms" has been raised through out the Canadian provinces, and troops are marching with desperate haste to guard and protect the frontiers against tbe threatened invasion. The whole country seems to be in astato of fe irful fermentation, and t'lu Canadian newspapers are clamorous for the United States Government to assert its au thority, and come to the rescue Alas ! what a great smoke a little fife may create. The Canadians may just as well keep cool ; their troops return to their quarters; aud heir rulers cease to make doukeys of them selves. They are in ao danger, just now, from any Fenian iuvasioo, and may for the time being quietly lay their heads upon their downy pillcws, and repose in safety. Daily Top c. Robbery Of a Banking House. Charleston, April 18. Yesterday morn ing it was discovered that the banking house of Scott, Williams & Co., in Colum ba, had been entered by burglars, and the vault door and tbe inner sate drilled and blown open. A man named Gage wss found locked in a closet of the bank. He claims to have been locked in while drunk and knows nothing of the robbery. The bur glars pillaged the boxes of special deposi itors of bonds, gold, currency, jewelry and valuab.lo papers, amounting probably to $100,000, consisting partly of bonds not negotiable The burglars left behind them their tools and a half keg of powJcr. A journalist of this city, to exemplify woman's rights, stayed home recently to mind the baby, having sent bis wife to hear Anna Dickinson's lecture. General Lee's health is said to be improv ing since his arrival at Savannah. Our exchanges bristle all over with in dignant articles against tbe attempt to von' tioue the income tax. Some people seem so utterly sapid that one feels relieved even to bear them say they lave ''half a mind." Car Time at Mlliigtcny.' Jri Express East ... 9:41 p. m. do do West 8:36 a m. do Mail Fast 2:50 p. m. do do West , 2:00 p. to. jnnftl Freight East... 11:00 a. in. do do West 6:3jp. m. m Elk Lodge, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge i leld nt tbeir ball on tin seoond and ill be fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WHITMORE. Seo'y I. 0. 0. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodge, No. 256, held every Wednesday evening at iieir Lodge Room. II. A. PARSONS, W. S. AGENTS FOB THE ADVOCATE. Tbe following named persons are authorized igents for tho Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. ALDBicn, j. L. Brown. guno. Frank W. Mkkce. Johnsonsbtirg. Isaac Haoan. 81. Marys. Chas. McVean. Cenlreville. Homkb B. Leach, Maj. Ccbek. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Wked. Bennezette. John C. Bard, J. Vi. Brown. Shawmut. John Farreb, Spring Creek. A. W. Irvin. Highland. Levi ELLOTHonrs, Horton. D. C. Oyster, N. M. Brockwat. Teachers Institue. The Elk County Teachers Instn u le w ill be lit 1 1st Centrevilie, commen cing April 2oth and continuing in session five days Kl'FUS LCCOUE, Co. Supt. 20 St An engine struek a cow belonging to G. W. Khines, on Wcdoisday, smashing her so badly thalit was neccesary to kill her. Fire. The old dwelling house on the Montmorency farm was destroyed by fire on Saturday list. It was occupied by three families, who, we understand, lost most all their goods. Some of the New York papers allege that M'Farland's acquittal is a sure thing. We hope they are correct. It would be a good thing after 4iis acquittal to put on trial Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Calhoun, and several others of the Freo Love tribe, as instigators and accessories 'to the. killing of the libertine Richardson. Ex. Rev. Wm. Sampson's Appointments for next week are as follows : Ridgway, in Court House, Sunday, April 24th ; Centrevilie Tuesday, 2(5th ; Jeri iniah Hewitt's Wednesday, 27th ; Ilellen near Oysters, Thursday, 28th; Wilcox, Sunday, May 1st. Use Dr. Tierce's Alterative Extract, or Golden Medical Discovery for all Coughs, Colds, Bronchial or lung Diseases. It ar rests and cures Consumption iu its early stages. Sold by druggists, or enclose three dollars and twenty-five cents to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and get three bot tles free of express charges. A singular outrage occurred in Titus- ville last week to the wife of Dr. Bailey The lady was the happy possessor of a very heavy and beautiful head of hair, which she wore in tresses, falling upon her shoulders. As she lay asleep in her chamber, with the door unfortunately unlocked, a wretch crept slyly in and cut off her hair close to the head and niado good his escape without arousing the fair sleeper she not biing aware of the fact till some time after when her husbandamo home and made tbe dis covery. A reward ot f io) is oncrea lor the detection of the miscreant. The Educational Gazette for April comes to our table laden with an unusually rich store of good things for yonng and old. The articles are sensible, high-toned, full of life, and zest, and teach noble lessons, such as persons oi all classes will be likely to learn, remember and profit by. We thiuk every school-boy should read tbe story 'The Ileal Tell-Tale,' which appears in this num ber of the Gazette. We cannot too high ly commend this publication to our readers. It is truly a good paper, cheap, valuable and instructive, a fitting companion for every teacher, parent, aud child. It should be read at every fireside in the land. Messrs. C. II. Turner & Co., 607 Chest nut street Philadelphia, are the publishers. Send for a specimen copy, not forgetting to enclose One Dollar, a year's subscription MARRIES. At the Parsonage in Ridgway, April 10th, 1870, by Rev. William Sampson Charles Parker, of Franklin, Pa., and Rebecca Stephenson, of Ridgway Pa. FREE "O BOOK AGENTS. We will send a handsome prospectus of our new illus trated Family Bible, to any hook agent free of cuarge. Aaarees Rational Publishing Cora pa ny, inuaaeipnia, ra. 4w A THIEF- II? baa been trvaling about humbugging druggists and private, parties mixing up and selling a base compound whieh lie cans VUIXOTI o PAIN PAINT. All of Wolcott s genuine remedies have a white out wde wrapper (with signature laee). Lek oat for ttalWwu. X ACOB YOUNG & 0 , Book Binders And J Blank Book Manufacturers, Wright's Blk lorry. c:anK Books Mad to Or Jer. $ciu gJJcwtiscmcrits. Absoluts Divorces, legally obtained in New- iora. inuiana, iinnnis una omer (States, lor rn.DT.ua fvnnt .n.Hlnla. m. f ...... I 1 1 I persons from any States or Couutrv. leenl evev where: desertion, drunkenness, non-support, eot., sufficient cause ; no publicity ; no charge untill divorces obtainel. Advioe free. Busi ness establish fifteen y tarn. Address. M. HOUSE. Attorney Nd 78Nnssau Street New-York city. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I was cured of Deafness nud Catarrh by a simple remedy and will send Ihe reoeipt free. MRS. M. C. LEGGETT, Ilobokon, N. J. 24 6w Tho New Article ot Food. For twenty five cents you can buy of your Druggest or Grocer a package of SEA MOSS FARINE, manufactured from pure Irish Moss or Cariagecn, which will make sixteen quarts of Ulao Mango, and a like quantity of l'uddings, Custards, Creams, Charlotte Russe, &c, &c. it is by far the Cheapest, healthiest aud most delicious food in the world. RAND SEA MOSS FARINE CO. 25 Cm. 53 Park I'laco, N. Y. PLANTATION N BITTERS . S. T- 1SC0-S. This wonderful vcgatable restorative is the sheet anchor of tho feeble and debilita ted. As a tonic aud cordial for the aged and langucd, it has no cquol auionr Stoni achas As a remedy tor tho ucrvinus weakness to which women are especially subject, it is snpersceding every other stimulaut. In all climates, tropical, tetii pertature or frigid, it acts as a specific in species of disorder which undermines the .bodily strength and breaks down tho nni- nia! spirits. For sale by all druggists. zo Oin 1:1 ARMFHS, Their Son's, and others, ran "make money rapidly, selling tho NKW ILLsTKATED r AHMEliS MANUEL, edited byGp.o. E. War I mi Jr., Practical Farmer nd Au'hor, and late Agricultural Lcnzcni-cr f N. Y. Central I'm k. The best book fur Faimers ever issued All need it before pl.int- ng It is a sound. laborHivinjr. money ma in? kook. .thousands nave bought it, and bousands more want it. loth Ediiiou ready. Live Ae?nts wanted Profits large. A. L. TAI.CUl'T, Pittsburgh, Pa. 21 Iw HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE FOR FAMILY USE timpfr, cheap, reliable, K.vits kvkrytiiino. AGEST8 WANTED. Circular and aainnie siockinir FREE. Address HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., Bath. Me. cm rpiIE MAGIC COMB Will change any J colored hair or beam to a permanent black or brown. It contains no poi.om. Anv ne can use it. One sent by mini for l?l. Ad rcss MAGIC COMB CO.. 1 IS 3m Springfield, Mass. INFORMATION IN JOURNAL." HowTc THE "PEOPLES cachcis, Mudents, Re lied Clereymen, Energetic Young Men and Lidies can make $7o to Slot) per iimtith du ring the Spring and Summer. A copy free. send inline and addles to peoples Journal, Philadelphia, Pa. 2-j lw S732 IN VA DAYS Mado by one agent selling, Sii.vkr Path: t tLAsne JiuooM. Over oO.I'OO now m u?e. Kecconmndt-d bv hm. Harare t! reefy ar.J merieuu Aarkulturltl. 'One cour.iy reserved tor ench Agent. C. A. Ci.K'id & Co , 8M Covt- andt St. N. i.,or 120 Washing! in Si. Chica go, 111. I iw 1 11E LADY'S EltlENU. TWO MONTHS GRATIS The Lady's Friend announces the following Novelet Tor 18,0 : Did He Forget Her by LouiBe Chandler Moulton ; ' The Caecannon's Aunt,' by Elizabeth l'rescott, author of 'De- ween two.' &o. ;' Solid Silver: or. Chrinie Deaue'a Bridal Gilts.' by Ann da M. Douglas. author of the Dc.burry Fortune." with nu- merous shorter stories by a brilliant galaxy ot lady writers. A finely executed steel engraving, a hand- seme double page, finely colored fashion plate, and a large assortment of wood cms, illuxtrat ing the fashions, fancy work, ctu., are given iu every number. ltwilt give a popular pisca of Musis in ev ery number. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED AUTHORS. The January number will contain portrait (engraved on stel) or Mrs Henry Wood, Hoi ence fercy, Louise Chandler Moulion. Elizabeth Prescolt, Amauda M. Douglus Mrs., Margaret llouoier and August Bell, NEW SUBSCRIBERS Who send in their names before the first of No vember, shall receiue the November and De cember numbers of ibis year in addition, mark ing fourteen months in all ! And new subscri bers sending in their names by the first of December shall receive the magnificent Decern ber holiday number, making thirteen months in all TERMS : $2 50 a year ; two copies, $4 ; four copies, $6; poieshlo, (andone gratis) $8 One copy of e Laity s friend and one of the lost, $1. st A copy of the lorga and beautiful Premium Weel engraving Taking the Measure of the cedding King ' engraved in England at a sost of $2000 will be sent to every person ending a club. Tin s engraving is a gem of art. Address DEACON PETERSON, 819 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies sent for ten eents. EW STORE. The subscriber begs leave to inform tkiii. tens of Ridgway and vicinity that lis bat opened a store wuere may be round PFRFCMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, . FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season 'TREASURE!.! S SALE OI TJN 1 . SATEDLANDS. Notice is hereby givorj that agreeable to an Act ot Assembly, passed loth March. ...... 1 ' 1815, entitled "An act to ameifd an act directing the mode of selling uosratcd lands for taxes," &e., the following tracts in Elk couuty will.be sold for arrears, at the Court House, in Ridgway, on tho sec ond monday. of June next. SALE LIST OF BENEZET TOWNKII1P FOR UN PAID T.SXES OF 18G8 AND 1809. Wl. Acres Warrntee Owner Am' I tar. 6:)32 D28 Geo Mead Jas Stokes f 125 40 b-lu.l 10G7 535 10G7 0333 106 5344 10G7 5315 10G7 5316 1077 5347 1UG7 6348 1007 5379 459 5380 1100 5383 1100 5384 1100 5387 1100 5313 825 5478 550 5010 4!)5 534!) 1008 5177 li2.3 5478 5i0 do do 125 40 do do 197 fin do do 197 GO do do 152 0O do do 212 8 do do 111 00 do do 121 06 do do 114 0O do do 91 20 d do 136 80 do do 1.V2 00 do do . H6 3L do tlo. H6 31 do do 109 67 do do 51 31 do do 98 24 do do 76 GO do do 233 71 do do 125 40 do do 223 72 do do . 76 00 i'o do 17 11 do do 225 72 do do l(.i 1 47 do do G8 40 do M Mf-nill 21 74 do do 1(17 20' do do 1G 19 do do 76 GO do do 209 00 do do 53 20 A B Merrill 292 GO do 72 96 do 72 96 do 42 56 Willitik C li rower 151 48 Jutii.'s llnui- J" 151 48 io mond & Co do di 134 52 do do 91 ztf 5000 5342 5177 5011 5014 5181 5353 990 1100 75 090 445 450 143 5334 1100 5337 1007 5350 100S 5351 1100 03-.2 5336 5'S7 528 52M) 5003 300 1100 275 275 223 990 5 "OS 990 512 53!0 5010 505 KM 10 945 do Fitch & Hnvnton 93 32 .-w! ilt.uj LrGO iWi'tld .) ISrower 167 2 5340 550 do .J J5 rloorehead lo6 40 5343 5027 4994 4995 3311 5024 5025 5til2 5179 1990 5oo I K Miekel 36 48 22 80 G5 50 87 03 II owner & John 200 W iliink 345 Geo Mead N V JOIlis AdJis'n,bWait- 458 V ,Vi:i.uk Wout & Co 900 tico Mend n Wiiinwi-i-lit 136 8U 375 w Wil'itik Ralph Juhu.stiu 5)8 00 430 do do 9S 04 990 W Williuk Tims Dint 225 72 5HJ do .Mik's D(,i,t 114 00 do J 11 .Miirsou 94 08 do do 225 72 do 1'nkiiown 37 .55 do John f Jiuoks 44 17 do do 53 'i do do o;S s;J do H CpaiiMinj: 13 do do . s- c.O do Rubt Kwing 35 40 495 990 5020 2 17 5i24 3:jo 4996 5I1 5479 5023 53-NS 54i2 5023 5 479 4994 5086 499 4 300 275 4-l 550 200 5 Jv . H HlsluW ; 7 I 332 iJeo Mead Jnu .Jubn.-ti:ii G3 Hi Ik'U do lh-zckinli Mix liiT "M 415 do ti Mm-ey 1 i 4i f0 do Ant rcw Dent 9 :M 2S5 do li Lilian 0 4 99 150 Y wiliink win Shannon 22 K'O (Jeo O liiastuw 152 (, 150 J S Hi do IS ;.l 5020 74 i W Willitik nVinslowll2 7 5021 465 do do 8 i'A 150 4 -120 OS 115 52 37 0; 50 1 5 990 790 700 do do do do do do do do do do )027 U026 5020 2l7i 317 60 l'.- 5022 110 I) S Johnson 25 (-- 5340 550JcoMeud J W Biowu 72 i. ! 38 do do 29 44. GO Oher&Enaliah 1 5-.- KeadiuL', luilar 990 W Wiiliuk 22G U 540 54-50 5002 & Co do 226 l i do 214 3i do 214 3- 5013 990 40 900 2i8 do do do do 5014 5009 5026 O Window 33 1- I'.ENZlNGElt TOWNSHIP. 4105 4105 4105 Z-J 2 50 25 25 2 26 73 48 100 25 147 195 146 5 50 75 27 500 Julio (iurral J 'ctcr (.iarrity 3 C3 1 2:i 2 4C 3 OS. 3 ObV 27 a 0i 8 Sii 5 79 12 08 1 2? 7 2 23 60 7 21 6t C 07 7 7.i 'S 113 i V wiiwmi aiu'i Seliilp y U uncock Heeler Jacot Geo E Wei Ureter Jacot (.' A Jticot Diiniel Long I'cter Byrnes N Wc turner Jos Wiliielm N J NVeiump -M O Sullivan J A Gibbons Juhu i'arrell Caesar Jacot F Von Mucui. XT 1 . 4U5 4105 4105 4106 4106 4115 4104 4104 4104 4103 4103 4107 4103 4107 4107 4884 500 nella 60 3d N 61 76 111 51 113 72 24 15 11 04 Law 4883 511 W Watson do Cassett 4882 823 do do 4859. 993 do do 4960 2,00 II G Williams do 4960 80 H W do do 4960 220 G do do 30 36 Lamout fiaa Jtr 4958 S00 II Keuiercr 35 03 Coal Co 4958 600 P do 00 60 St 900 CB Miller do 115 4993 990 W Willink David Rau 199 58 Eidgw'y farm 4402 546 Jas Wilson ' 65 5S & Coal Co 4403 980 do - do 118 3-t 4110 1075 do do 199 It 41111025 do do 19378 4111 50 Bruesels Road do 6 07 20 St Jlnrvs Rotd do 2 4- -iv. , "T