bstuClc. PAVrXjNT ! GOLD OH GREENBACKS r TAK2S IN rXCIIANG3 FOB oa J-O-S WORK AT THE RID Q WAY WAGON SHOP. Call tod examine my stock before buy. ing a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I uso the Lent selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but Firtt Clan Mechan ic ; I uie DOthing but the bat RefintJ Iron. I thick it will be to jour interest to give me your order. flaving twenty five lumber wagons in coarse of costructiou, I will be able to furniah any party by the first of April. All orders by mail, also aoy orders left with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. March 5. tf S. JACKSON. 1HARLES HOLES, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER JEWELER, Wtst and of Uyjc Houst, Ridgway, Pa. Still as Cheap as Ever, COLD AND SILVER WATCAES, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, XX VIOLIN AND GUITAR PTRING3, Ppeotacles, Pens and Fsnaila, Bxelnsive Jgent for the sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Repairing Watches, etc., done with the same accuracy as heretofore.' nov20,'69tf N OW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE CHEAP Bargains iu HARNESS. SADDLES, VALISES, TRUNKS, WHIPS, &C. JM. HEARD, havingjust returned from Tliil delaphia, where l.e has purchased a large as sortment of the above goods, along with nearly everything in his line, would respectfully in vitethe audition of the public to them. Ho is at all times prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of harness, or unytbing else iu ttisl ins. BOSTON TEAM COLLARS, Ths but collar for lumbering purposes, are liBI'T CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I CHALLENGE COMPETITION AS TO PRICE, STYLE OR QUA LI Y. Itf-Give me a call at try establishment, ABOVE THE CORNER OP MAIN AND DEPOT STREETS, RIDGWAY, PA. TflM-ljr J. M. HEARD. GFIAT DISTRIBUTION By tie Sleuopslitaa Gilt Co, CAqH GIFTS TO THE AMOUNT OF $500,000 IIC2ET DAfTS A PSIZJS. 6 c'h g's, eah $20,000 40 Ch g's, eaeh $1,000 10 " ' 10,000 200 600 CO " ' 600 I 200 " ' 100 CO Elegant Rosewood I'ianos each $300 to $700 75 Melodeon ' ill to luO 850 Sewing machines - " 60 to 170 600 Gold Watolies - - " "3 to 3(X Cash prizes silverware, jo., val'd at 1,000 01 1() A chance to draw any of the abovd Prize for 25c. Tickets describing l'rizes are tealtd in i'uvealopes and well mixed. On receipt of "5o. a Seated ticket ia drawn without choice and sent by mail to any address. The prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticKet-liol dor on payment of One Dollar, Frizes are im mediately scut to any address by express or return mail. You will know what your Prize is Wore you pay for it. Any 1'rtze exclmtipedfor anoth tr of mat value. No lllanks. Our patrons can depend on fair dealing. llcFtut.NCF: V.'e select the following from runny who have lately drawn Valuable Prizes and kindly permitted us to J ublish them: Aurfrew J. Burns, Chicago, $10,000; Miss Clara S. Walker, Baltimore, l'ian , $800; James .If. Mathews, Detroit, $5,000; John T. Andrews. Savauuah.fS.OOO ; Miss gues Sim mons, Charleston, Piano, COO. We publish no names without permission. Opinions of the Pakss : '-The firm is relia ble, and deserve their success " SYttkhj Trib une. May 8. We know them to be a fair deal , ing firm. X. Y. Herald, May 28. A friend of ours drew a bOO dollar prize, which was promp. try received. Daily A'eir. June 3. Send for circular. Liberal inducements to Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every package of Sealed Envealopes contains on cash oin. Six Tickets for one dollar ; 13 lor two dollars; 36 lor five dollars ; 110 for 15 dol lars, .411 letters should be addressed to HJRFER, WILSON & CO.. . ( FVfc 19 laa 1 MBroad way, N. T. GARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, ' Handbills, &o., done ia a neat manner, ad -at the lowest pkioi, FOR CASH, at Blk Advocate rriutisj Ofllee. Jlli'.5lTk!R S NOTICE. Notice id iareln (jiTcntlmt tlin followir.fjad cojints hare been filed in'my oihen and will tie pi t-exiled at tne next Trim of Orphans Court of t.ik. Ciitiuty, fur continuation: Account of Josej h HaahiiUNcr, Guardiati of Mary K Mcentu. Final account of OeorgeW. Rhines, Uuaidi an of Maij 1), Dougherty. Final account of A. W. dray and John Parr, Kxecutors of the lust, will and testament ol Michael Oval, drecased. Final account of U. T. Kyler, Administrator of the Estate of Anthony I'uiies, def eased. n2:tw4 FRKD. SCHOENJNU, Rtgister. The most Complete ntislnpNti CoN U se the Inllcd states. Affording facilities for ncquireing a thorough, practical business education, pojsesscd by ne other School in the country. Since its incorporation in 1855, noarly Six-' teen Thousand Mudents, representatives from every State in the Union, have atlouded here. No vacations. Students enter at any time, and receive private instructions throughout the entire course. N. B. Circulars with full particulars and all necossary information, on addressing SMITH i COWLEY, Principals, Pitisuuboji, Pa. gOMETHINO NEW IN RIDOWAY ! . BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT ! The subscriber takes thia mithod of inform ing the citizens of Rldgway and vicinity that he has opened- a W BOOT & SHOE STORE, in Ibn ronm nriinitt.l t.n TTnn o ti,. er in the west end-of the Hyde House, where way u iuuuu a general nssortaient ot Ladies Shoes, Gentiemens' Boots and Shoes, Boys' Boots and Children's Shoes. ALSO, Connected with the above establishment I have a Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Establishment where work will be made to order. Repairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms. The public are invited to give tne a call. OQZd.wy (jJSOltGE WALKER. G U'SMITniNJ. The uudersi'incd respectfully an. nounccs to the citczcus of E'.k, aud adjoin. inp counties, that he has recently established a G mi Shop in Ridgway at the head of Maiu and Depot Streets, in the basemeutof the building occupied by V. S. Service as a tin shop, where he will attend promptly to all orders for work in his line. TARGET AND HUNTING RIFLES, Single or Double, mads to order,- and war- ruted. He also keeps on hand, and lor ssle a NEW AND SUPERIOR Breech Loading Rifle, a (rood assertiuent of Ammunition, Revolvers, Hunting Tackle, uud oli,r articles pertaining to the trade, nil), tf HORACE WARNER. npiiiri inlitilible lleuiedy Uoes not,, like the l poisoi.ous irritating snuffs and strong cauttic soli.t ois with which the people have long boen humbugged, simply palliate for a phortiitne, or drive the disease to the lungs as there is danger of doing in the use of such nos trums, but it produces perfect and permanent cures of the wsiBt cases of Chronic Catarrh, as thouc ands can testify. Cold in the head is cur ed with a few applications. Catarrhal Head ache ii relieved and cured as if by miigic. It removes cilVnsivc breath, loss or impairment of the stiii-.e of taste, smelling or hearing, water ing or weak eyes, and impaired memory, when caused by tho Violeuco of Cularuh, nslhev fre quently are. 1 offer in good faith a standing lewurJ of $500 for a cuae of Catarrh that 1 cannot cure. For sale by most druggists everywhere. Price only 50 cents. Ask your druggist for the remedy ; but if ho has not yet got it on sale, don't put it off by accepting aiy uiiierable worse than worthless substitute, but cncloso sixty ceuts to me, and the remedy will be sent you postpaid. Four packages $2, or one dozen for 2. Send a iwo cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address the proprietor, R'. PIERCE. M. D. nov27'60y Buffalo, N. Y. DON'T DO IT! Fkiends, Countrymen and Lovers : Do not for get that I, S. S. Wood, do hereby declare, on the authority of facts herewith submitted, that more money's worth is given iu premiuuis for new subsoribers to WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZIE than for an other publication iu the World. Also, that I agree to for eit Five Hundred Dollars to any Pub lisher who shall succeed in proving the contra ry to this declination, provided tha. such Pub lisher shall declare his inteuteution to inves tigate before preceediug to do bo ; also, that iu case ho fails he, he shall forfeit to me the same amount, and announce the result in regu lar type in the Editorial columns of his uext issue. S, S.WOOD, Publisher and Proprietor Woota HjLssulou Moiiine," Nswli-rs N. V. March 12. 1870 JOUIS U. GARNER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, Can be found at his Foundry at St. Mary's where he is ready to have all shop-work'in bis line done on short notiee. St. Mary's, Benzinger P. 0 , Elk oo., Pa. ml'08'ly 17UEE ''O BOOK AGENTS. Wo will send a handsome prospectus of our new illus trated Family Bible, to Any hook agent free of charge. Address National Publishing Compa ny, Philadelphia, Pa. 4w T EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, 6UBPCE1 'i ffas. Warrant. A., aa fci&J ul fi.r W. S .StKVICE. i)A),Un) CUSTOMERS WANTED. At the new Mmobjii Hall Building;. STOTBS at prieos tkat will please of all de sirable kinds. TIN-WARE of every kimd on hand at all times. Special atteation given to Wholesale orders, Priee list furnished to dealers on application. SHIXT-TW AND COPPIR WARE. Hoase faralshiag feeds a greet variety. STEAM AND WATER PIPKINO, PUMPS, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, each as RODS BAS KBTS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, 4c. Je. ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Promptly attended to. BIRD CA GES A X1CX VARIETY. ROOFING, GUTTERS, SPOUTS. of Tin, Galvanised Irea aad Copper ani every kind of HOUSE AND JOB WORK done en shert notice and warranted, AGENCY of Henry Disstona celebrated saws. Order for saws at fastory priees so licited, also fer repairing. Iaformation and priee list furnished on application. PAPER RAGS, OLD ROPI, OLD corrER, URASS, PKW- TER.LIAD, IRON, BEESWAX, HEAYT HIDES, D-EAKON SKINS, SHEEP PILTS, GREIX JACKS, NATIONAL BANK JJOTKfl, 0. t. S0XD,. flM m mXmg for Good or Jfori jjMLa-W?gg."i.g!m' V wrier.-irm gTILL AHEAD I . OUR GR3AT . ' BOSTON DOLLAR . STORE. -We want (rood relish!? sgenfs In every pirt of tho country. By employing your spare time to forai clubs and sending us your orders, yo can obtain the most liberal commissions, oithor in cash or merchandise, and all goods sent by us will bo aa represented, and we guarantee satisfaction to every one dealing at our house. Agents should collect ten rents from every customer, and forward to us in advanoe, for descriptive checks of the goods we sell. The holders of the checks have the privilege of either purchasing the article thereon des cribed, or of exchanging for any artiole men tioned en our catalogue, numbering over 600 different articles, not one of which can be pur chased in the usual way for the same money Thendvantages of first sending the checks are theso : We are eonstantly buying small lots of very vallunble goods, which are not on our catalogues, and for which we issue checks until all are sold ; besides, in every, club, we will put checks for watches, quilts, blanket', dress patterns, or aome other article of eqaal dalue. We do not offer a single article of merchan vuse that can be sold by regular dealers at our price. We do not ask you to buy goods from wnlessis,' ue can sell tbcm cheaper thanyoa ean obtain them in any other, while the greater pait of ou goods are sold at about ONE HALF THE REGULAR RATES. Our stock consists in part of the follow La goods : Shawls, Blankets. Quilts, Cottons, Ginghams, Dress Goods, Table Linen, . owels. Hosie ry, Gloves, Skirts, Corsets. Silver hlated Wave, Spoons plated on Nickel f-ilver, Dtsaert Forks, Five bottle Plated Cas tors Brittania ware, Glass ware. Ta ble and Pocket Cutlery, in Great Variety, Elegant French and Gr raen Fancy Goods, Beautiful Photof rapb Albums of the New. est anu Choicest Styles in Morocco and " Velvet Bindings, Heavy Gold and Pluted Jewelry of the latest aud newest, styles. We have' also made arrangements with some of the leading publishing houses that will ena ble us to sell the standard and latest works of authors at about one half the regular prices : such as Byron, Burns, Moore, Milton aud Tenuyson's Works, in full gilt and cloth bind, ings, and hundreds of others. These and ever thing else for ONE DOLLAR FOR EACn ARTICLI. In every order amounting to over $51, ae eompanied by the cash, the agent may retain $2 ; and in every oidur over $100, $1 may be retained to PAT TBI EXPRESS CHA1GH. COMMISSION TO A GENT J: For an order of $30 front a clnb of thirty, we will pay the agent as commission, 83 yards ef bleached or brown sheeting, good dress pattern, all wool pants pattern, or $3 50 in cash. For an order of $00 from a club of sixty, we will pay the agent CS yards of brown or bleach ed Bhecting, huntiug case watch, all wool shawl, or $7 in cash. For an order of $100, from a elub 100, we will pay the agent 1 10 yards ,1 yard wide), shee ing, splendid ewiieg mathine, or $11 in cash. SEND MONEY BY REGISTERED LETTERS. . For further narticulars sand fur aatalairima Address GEORGE A. PLUMMER & CO., (Successors te Harris a Plummet' ) Nos. 30 and 40 HanoTer Street, Boston, Mass. njv20,'ti9 tf ri'HE SATURDAYZVENING POST. THREE MONTHS GRATI3 ! This cheapest and best of the Literary Week lies is offering unequalled inducements to new subscribers. Iu the first paper of October, it eommeneed a brilliant Novelet, called ' a Family Failing," by Elizabeth Prcscott. It also is now running a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. lleury Wood, the famous autlfer of L' T II . - W A.yiio, au. NEW NOVELETS will continually succeed etch other. Amoaz those already on hand or in progress, are " Under a Ban," by Amanda M. Douglas ; " Leonie's Secret," by Frank Lee Benedict ; a Novelet, by .Miss Hosmer, ac. iue post also gives the gems of the English magazines. NEW SUBSCRIBERS For 1870 will baue their subscriptioas dated uaea 10 me paper 01 uctooer -a, until tho large extra edition of that date is exhausted. This will bo thirteeen papers in additien to the rcgu'ar weekly numbers for 1870 or fiftcff mouths in all ! When our extra edition is ex hausted, the names of all new subscribers for 1870 will be enterod on our list the very week they are received. TERMS : &2 F0 a voir. T.a iiiTii 41 Vi, $G. Five copies (and one gratis) $8. One copy 01 iue i-011 auu one or me Laay rrlend, $4. A CODV of the larca and heuitifnl Pramiim Steel Fugraving. Takiug the Measure of the VV.J.l: ij: 11 ... i..- , icuuiuk; mug Kiigrave i in r.ngianu at a cost of $2010 will be sent to every full ($2 00) Ubscribl-r. and IA Aver nmnn anmliiiir . 1K This is truly a beautiful engraving ! . Anaress II. PETEESON & CO., S19 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies sent free for five oeuts. OUR HOME PHYSICIAN A new llandn Honk of Mnlimn R Dr. BEARD, of the University of. the City of New York, assisted hv meiltnal in the various departments. Three year deve- 10 iia preparation, guackery and hum buggery exposed. Ptofefsora iu our leading medical colleges testify that it ia the best fam ily doctor hook Aver writl an dnlfll and a.n.. pie free to agents. A. U. HUBBARD, 400 Chestnut St. phil'a, Pa A THIEF- II baa been trvaling about humbugging druggists and private partiee mixing up and selling a base compound which he oalla WOt.f'flTT'u Dim diil. in . - v . w . 1 U 1 A 1.1 ( A L.1 x , Ail 9 Wolcott's genuine remedies have a white out age wrapper (with sigm eagre hartptk Log VJl'XkrV-f-!Vl'"iit'.'.3.VfVi POWELL & EI ME- QOOD3 10U TUlf MILLION. POWELL fa K I M E, At their spsoieas store i RIDGWAY, nave on hand, a spl'udid assortment of all seasonable Goods adapted to t'.ie wants of tha people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at priees that defy competition. '.They would aimply state here, that being very large dealers, their facilitiei for purchasing are un equalled by any establishment in tht county. They buy directly from manu facturers aad en tht GROUND FLOOR, Another advautage. You ean always got what you want at their store, hence you will save time by goiug directly to them aud TIME IS MONEY. We have no apace here to enumerate ail the ad vantages you will have iu patronizing their establishment. But cs.ll and see, aud reap the advantage! for yourselves. Among their Goods sou will ud DRY GOODS in endless varieties, GROCERIES ch oice and fresh CLOTHING of bsst material superior cui and u!sh, , BOOTS Si SHOES ef the best stock and make. CROCKERY for newly carried, uiJdlc aged aud cldtily. DRIED FRUIT, . BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ILSE. j Nearly nil kiuda of eountrj produoc aake at tha maiket raker - - " o' - - .' SPLENDID FRIZK FOR THE LA TIES. Tne finest, most pleasing, and costly engrav ing ever published in America, to be presented as a premium to each subscriber to DEMOREST'3 MONTHLY, a magazine of preeticat utility in the Loose, a mirror of the fishiotis, and a literary coLjtj vator of surpassing interest and artistio eicot encc, acknowledged to be the modern parlor magazine of America The engraving, 28x32 Icehes, ) from the or iginal paiuting, entitled, 'The Pii-Nio on the Fourth of July.' The painting took a whole yr, and Is con sidered the finest of tho entire list of numerous populor productions by LilliaM. Spencer. Tho engrAving wss the labor of four years, by three eminent artists John Rodgers, Samuel llalpin, and Samuol Hollyer j Tho Ust named having been induced to come from Europe to finish it. The engravers have ably secoudeit the successful labors of the painter. None but. artists ean fully appreciate he skill and labor lavished on this engraving Tho general ef teot is very fine and Impressive, nd the deli rate finish to the heads will bear the most mi nute inspection. The union of line and stipplo is executed with unusual ability, and their skilTul combination has greatly contributed to the success of the engravers iu this unsurpass ed proof of their genius. Theiwork on the engraving alone cost over seven thoutand dollars, besides the cost orthe copyright, aud is acknowledged by oompetect judges the most elaborately finished largo work of art evor engraved in America. Fine copies of this magnificent picture, on heavy plate paper, worth $10 each, are to be given as a premium to each subscriber tu DEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGZINK. Yearly subscriptions only Three Dollars, aid tea cents (which is to be sent with the sub scription), for the poHisge on the engravings (which will be mailed necurely done up on a rol'er. This is certainly the largest, most I'berat anil splendid premium ever offered to single subscribers by rny publisher, aud ufforils au easy and economical way for any one to secure an eleo-ant work of art, a Parlor Picture that is only next to a piano iu the way of ornamen tation, ami a perpetual reminder of a day which ouiflil to to be cherished and held in re membrance by every true Vnierican. The reception t this magnificent picture will lake every one by surprise and we do not venfue anything in saying that $10 will not procure another thai coiul,iuus so uueh of in terest and lii'auiy. Specimens of tne Msgaiine, with circulars, ivin full particulars, will be seut to any g.. en address, pot free on receipt of 16 cei.s. Address DICMOUK'T' MONTHLY. ov20t 1MB Hveaalwey, N. t JJENRT Willi) SERMONS IN PLYMOUTH CHURCH. Are being read by people of every class end denomination ail over llijs eountraod Europe. They are full of vital, beautiful thought and feeling. Pl.YunfTU l'tn-ir i Published wi'i'kltf and m, nl iln. t. nu..-l...' Sermnus and prayers, in form suitah'e 0 v : 1 I : - v. v k ... I t.ii 'jii aim Liiiuir. i or sa;e ty a i neWKdi-alrra l'rii-a I'l ,-pni. U.K- .... ... . .17 1 J FUV- serlptions received by the publis'iers i3 gl urg iir iiaoo?iii:ifi voiuioi-B tu. over -iuo ,ag--4 eacti itair vntrlv 3,1 7f. x ...l u steel portrait cf Mr. heeelur preseuted to s ! yearly stibscribers. E trnurdinary "er ' PLYMOUTH PULI'IT fa. Ml ih, cilliis" TIAN UNION 'J 60. an unscrtarian, Indepei.. dent weekly joiirnit) ef ( 'I ristianity with U. ture room talks and editorial articles by .Mi. liceeher sent to ouu addren for 62 week " fer FnUR I)(ilr. rt. i.. canvassers and those gi;tting up ciubs. fj ku. mu cojjiea, pomaye 11 ee, lor o ceuts. j. tvnu fi i ii., t'utiiiahera. 39 Park Row, Yew Yark. 1 HE LADY'S I'lUkND. TWO MONTUd URATI3 : 7 he I-ady's Friend announces tha following Novelets for 170 : Did He Forget Her T ' by Louise Chandler Muultou ; The Cescannon'e Auut,' by Klizabeth Presoott. author of - Be tween Two.' ic. ; ' Solid Silver ; or, Chrisie Deane's Bridal n-tia ' hv Amu .1. i i i .... " .....w ..i. VUUI.'., autbor of IIjo li-barry Fortune," with nu iiiei ona p-ioner stories Ly a Lnuidnt galaxy of lady writers. A finclv executed steul tnnoln. . 1 semo double page, finely colored fasliion plate, and a large assortment of wood cuts, illustrat ing the fashions, fanev wnrlr ntn n;.An ;.. every number. Ii will pive a popular Diaea of Un,;,. U a.y number. PORTRAITS OF MSTINUUISHED AUTHORS. The January number will contain portraits (engraved on steJ) of Mrs lleury Wood, J lorence Percy, Louise Chsndler Moullon, tlixabeth Prescott, Amanda M. Douglas Mrs, Margaret Hosmer aud August Bell, " NEW SUBSCRIBERS w ho send in their names before the first of No vember, shall receiue the November and De cember numbers of tbia - j.i:.: L . - ... viuiuuu, marc ing fourteen months in all ! And new subseri. -...emiugin ineir names by the first c' December shall receive the magnificent Decem inall ' uumber making thirteen months TPna . $2 SO a year ; two copiee.V ; four eopiea, $9; CDOIeshlC. ttvnA r. -a r . ii, b'; o une copy or. e Lady's Friend and nn. r,e . i.. i... , stA oopy of the lorge aud beautiful Premium j i . . waiting the Measure of the sost ol $20()0-will he sent to every person . j , "i engraving is a gem or ar,. Address DFACON a rETF.RSON, 819 Walnut atreet, Philadelphia. Speeiinen copies sent for ten cents. JfKW STORE. The ubaeribe, begs leave to inform the elg sens of Ridgway and vioinily that he kaa opened a store where may be fcuad PFRFUMKRY, FANCY GOODS, ' TOII.BT ARTICLES. STATIONERY, i , , , . . ' v w i. . '. r r r , FINE CONFICTIONAir, OYSTERS, ORANGES, IEM0KS, In eeeeo.. 12 vltf i. firvn