l WmWMSMl .'-Mi1!1 LLL'! ! i ' Car Time at Jlllftgway. trie Express Dust 0:41 p. m do do West m- da Mail East 2:f0 p. m. do do West 2:00 p. m. Local Freight East 11:00 a. m do do West :o p. m. Elk Lodes. A. Y. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge ield at their Imll on th second and ill be fourth fnesdayt of each raonth. J. K. WHITM0RE, Sec'T. I. 0. Q. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodge, No. 250, .held every Wednesday evening at jfceir Ledge Room. H. A. PARSONS, W. S. AGENTS YOB THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized agents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give reoeiptt. Wilcox. A. T. Alubicii, J. L. Brow. Kane. Fbask W. Mrscs. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Haoa. St. Marys. Ciias. McViak. Cenlreville. Homer B. Leach, Maj. Burke. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Weed. Benneiette. John C. Bard, J. W. Browh. Shawmut. John Fabrkr. Spring Creek. A. W. Irvix. Ilighlnnd. Lsvt Ellothobte. Horton. D. C. Oyster, N. M. Brockwat. NOTICE. The Courmiwoners will meet at their Office in Ridgway, Elk County Pa., on Moaday, the 11th day of April 170. C. 11. M'CAl'LKY, Conir's Clerk The snow that hus beea with us so long is leaving quietly. Good bye, winter, call again. The river is now up to a running stapc and rafting has commenced iu earnest, every mini is tit his oar or making the boards lly. There is ubuut the usual amount of boards and timber to run, which makes it lively. HARNESS CHOP. J. Heard Tias moved from the tliop he occupied above the corner of Main uud Depot Streets to a shop ieccntly fitted up tor biiu over Powell iV. Kime's Store, where he will furnish cus vomers with Harness, Saddles, Whips, Trunks, Valises and anything in his line. Dentistry. C. W. Stebbitis, .Dentist, will be in Kidgway during Court Veek. Office at J. It. Daiid's. Dr. Stebbins has the reputation of bein one of the most ex jiert Dun tints iu this sectiou. Anybody wanting anything in that lino will find it to their interest to jiivc him a call Tlo'Cv e speaks of burying itself at a tliiap funeral and having M'iktoue for a i monument. 1 ou con t iuve tier, sir; we re going to grind our own grists with that f tone und then if we are not enough foi you we will populate Highland after we get our new Railroad through. The first dirt was broke cn the Ridg way and Clearfield Railroad a few evenings since by a young Gent., of this place, when ruuning at velocipede speed, ran off the track tearing up tbe mud in regular railroad style with Lis cow catcher and buuter do. ing no serious damage, bewever, to his lunmog gears. The City of IWtun hos now been out for sixty days, yet has never bcn seen or tpokeu. J lie aCuanccs, t Here lore, 01 her aafety are daily diminish iug. It is barely possible, if disaster has haapencd, some of her passengers and crew may have been saved in boats, who may reveal her late, A Most Perfect Reoulator of the he whole human svstem is found in Dr. 1. l II. - . .V T.i . . yi ., lerce s Aiicrta'ive extract, or uoldon pledical Discovery. It cures Female weak less, YA eak Rack and all irregularities. It s a great restorative tonic, and nerve force enerator, and hence in all cases of Ner- ous or General Deability. nothing can qua! it. Sold by druggists, or send three ollars and twenty fhe cents to Di. R. V, ieroe, Buffalo, N. Y.f and get three bot e&, free of express charges. Quality or Paos. The Journal of Agriculture says, though most farmers keep fowls and raise their own eggs, there are J tl II V w lltj uavu UUl Ul U(3 UIUCICUVD u- 1 . 1 1 .I.- j:ir ere irt u mib r uiiutrsa auu uavu ui rriri'N irouueeu oy wen leu nuns, biiu iuoks irom 1 ji ii- ii 1.1 i' ,:lJ tt...i-v. .. j .1, u ' C5 our winters. There will be some difference in the sine, but far more iu tbe quality. The yolk of one would be large, fine colored and of good substance, and the albumen, or white, clear and pure ; while the contents ot the other will be watery and meagre, as in the parent fowl, to properly carry out and complete the work uature had sketched. In order, therefore, to have good eggs, the fowls should be well fed, and also provided, t A l. ,L. ll I 1 . luring iub uiuuiua nicy nro uubuiu to come 0 the ground, with a box containing an UUUUBUU9 UI UUO bUUb lUCy Utttlf UO ble t) grind and prepare their food for di estion. Of eggs, those from the domes s ben are decidedly the best, but those of 1Kb iiiu ireese niav nn irtma nt 1 j 1 i. i v 1 purposes of dotue&tic cookcrj, i The Annexation or St. Dominoo. A covp d'etat is meditated by the friends of the proposition to anuex St. Domingo to the United States in the event of the Sea. ate not ratifying the pending treaty, which requires a two.third vote. It is proposed that a joint resolution be passed by both Houses of Congress, as was done in the case of Tesas, authorizeing the annexation of the is'and. It is believed that a majority of the Senate will support the measure while there appears to be no doubt of the consent of the House. Such being the case, the prospocts are that St, Domingo will fiud shelter under the protecting wing of the Uuion, in spile of Mr Sumner and the other norrow-minded Senators. Topic. The Lkuislaturk of 1870. The Gov ernor has approved of the following gener al bills: An act relative to the pay of the county Auditors. An act to exempt sewing machines from levy and sale on execution, or distress for rent. An act to provide a mode to inquire into the origin of fires. An act relative to the payment of taxes on unseaaed lands. An act to prevent tne distructioo or in jury of baggage within tbe limits of the State. . A Florida correspondent of the Trib une says that the people there all speak well of Mrs Stowe, and quietly adds : "I am told that they propose to build two monu ments to commemorate tho names of the heroes of Mrs. Stowe's best novels. . The monuments are to be on MaDdariu Point, iu view of her house, and whero all can see them tis tlu-v pass un and down tho river One is to bo fur Uncle Tom, and the other for Lord liyrun ; but as a dispute has arisen between the patties as to which shall be the highest, the moiuments may possibly never be erected. To Nr.w vbscribks. To all new sub eribeis for the Elk Advocate, paying in advance, from this until the first of June, next, will receive as a premium, S. S. Wood's Hoi.weiioM) Magazine, mailed regularly to nny address. Thisis a Monthly Magazine, published in Newburg N. 1'., at S L pet ycur and contains more good read ing n alter than auy other Magazine pub lishei at or near that price. We hepe to in crease our circulation by this rare and liberal offer. ittcir 3ldirliscmcr.tfl. 3- Ansol..- tk Iimirces lcgilly obtained in Now Vork. Ill-liana. Illiu.iis und other Stiitoa. fni- persons from any Slates or Country, legal ovey- ti.jtn-: ucrrmin, nrnnKennoss. iinn-mmnnri i-t.. Mitlii ient came : no miblicitv : nn nli unnii (tivrrcex obtmnci. Advice free. Buti- L-es OMabliHii fifteen y ;nis. Address. M. HOUSE. Attorney No 78K:issan Htrevt New-York city. U.S- T. AX APPELS l". S. Assessor's Orncr. 10th D l a., iiiiu-c, 1,1'iiwtNsvin.E. Cicai fifc Id Co. l'a. f .lmiiT is nercny given tliat the assessment lists, vslii-ilinns ami enunu-i ntinns made and liik.-n wiiintho ?'encte(nih Collection District, l'a., by the Assistant As-essors uikLt the lnws of Hie I'nited States, wi'l remsin open to all persons roiieornt-d for e.xuniiimtiou for the fJn from the 5th d.17 of April, A. S., lo.w, at the Assessor's Oitice, in the llor ough of Cnrw insville. At the time stated above the Assessor will receive, hoar and determine all appeals rela tive to any erroneous orexcessive valuations or eiiumi-ralinns by the uisistunt assessor. In icgoril to appeals, the law provides, "That the quvniioM to bo determined bv the assessor, on nn appeal respecting the valuation or enu iiieraii 11 of property, objects liable to duly or taxaiion, simli be whether the valuation com plained of be or be not in a just relation or proporton to other valuations in the 6aiuo as-sc-siiient riiftrii-t, and whether the enumera tion bo or be not correct. And all appeals to the assessor as aforesaid, shall be madeia wri ting, ard shall specify the paiticular cause, matter, or thitg respecting which a decision is requested ; and shall moreover, state tbe ground or principle inequality oreiror com plained of." DANIEL LININGSTON. Assessor of the Nineteenth Collection District 25 St LOIIILLARD'S EUKEKA Smoking Tobacco it granulated Virginia. an excellent article cf Wherever introduced it it mired. universally ad- It is put up in handsome muslin bags, la which orders for Meerschaum Pipet are daily paoUed. LOIULLAAD S "YACHT CLUB" Smoking Tobacco has no superior ; being denl colmiicd, it cannot injure neveless constitu tions, or people of sedentary habits. It is produced from selections of the finest stock, au j prepared by a patented and original manner. It is very nronatie. mild, and liu-ht weight hence it will last much longer than others; nor duet it burn or stinir the tunirue. or m. disagreeable after-taste Orders for eenuine. elec-antlv mrvml Meerschaum Pipes, silver mouuted, and pack ed in neat leather pocket cases, are nla a Ida the Qucht Club brand daily. LORILLARD'S CISIUII Chewing Tobacco This brand of Fine Cut Chewine Tobaocc has no superior anywhere. It is, without doubt, tbe best cbcwinr to bacco in th country. I.nilTT.T.Aim'S SMrTTr,TT"S Have been iu ireueral use in the United States over 110 years, and still acknowledged '-ike best" w herever use.l. If vour storcLeftnera dnea not have than articles for sale, ask him to get them. -lhey are told by respectable iobbert al most everywhere. Isrculars mailed on armli nail mi. r.LOlllLLaU6st, ,Jt eu fork. T ACOD YOUNG & CO . Book Binders And ft Plank Book Manufacturers, Writrbft Iilk. Corr, Pa. Biunk Bookt Made to Order. W. S- SERVICE. 000,000 CUSTOMERS WANTED. At the new Maionio Elall Building. STOYES at prices that wttj pleat cf all de sirable kind. TIN-WARE ef every Ha a .a kaai at all timet. Speeial atttatien given to Wholesale orders. Priot list furnished te dealers on application. SIl LET- T1X AND COPPER WARE, Hcmc faraisaiag geeas a great variety. STEAM AND WATER HrilSG, PUMrS, FlyillNQAXD UUNT1NG TACKLE, tach at RODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CArS, l'OWDER, io. Jo. ALL ORDERS TOR GUN WORK Promptly attended to. BIRD CAGES A X1CM VARIETY. ROOFING, GUTTERS, SfOUTS. ofTin, Galvaaiaed Irea ta4 Copperas! every kinc cf HOUSE AND JOB WORK dene ea thcrt aclicc aa4 warranted. AOIKCT cf Icary Dltitoaa celebrated tawt. Oracrt fcr tawt at factory prices sc licilcd, altc fcr rcpairiag. Iafcraatioa aad price Hit faraiskee ca as alicatica. . PAPBR RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD COPPER, "iRASS, PEW TER, LEAD, IR05, BEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKOX SKINS, SHEEP PELTS, GR1EI BACKS, NATIONAL BANK KOTES, D. S. BOKDg.fct. trnlt ms jrcft fr Good or Tf orb V. . SBSTKB. TILL AHLAI) I OUR GRIAT BOSTON DOLLAR STORE. v want food reliable agentt In every part of the country. By employing your tpart time 10 lorrn elubs and sending us your orders, tom can obtain the most liberal commissions, eithor in cash or merchandise, and all goods sent by us will be as represented, and we guarantee satisfaction to every one dealing at our houia. Agentt should collect ten rente from every customer, and forward to us in advance, for descriptive checks of the goods we tell. The holders of the checks have the privilege of either purchasing the article thereon des cribed, or of exchanging for any article men tioned. en our catalogue, numbering over 600 different articles, not one of which can be pur chased in the usual way for the tame money. . The advantages of first sending the olierk are these : We are eonstantlv buvinr small lots of very valluable goods, which are not on our catalogues, and for which we issue checks until all are sold ; besides, in every, club, wc will put checks for watches, quilts, blaakets, dress patterns, or come other article ef canal dalue. iWe do not otTcr a single article of merchan. vase that can be sold by regular dealers at our price. We do not ask you to buy goodt from is unless we can sell them cheaper than yoa can ooiain mem in any other, while tL greater part of our goodt are sold at about t ONI-HALF THE REGULAR RATES. uur stock consists in Bart of the followla goods : Shawls. Blankets. Quilts. Cottom. Oinrtj.io. atuss uooas, iaoie Linen, . owels, Hosie ry, Gloves, Skirts, Corsets, Silver bitted Wase, Spoons plated on Nickel tilvcr, D8Bert Forks, Fivebottle Plated Cas tors Iiritiania ware, Glass ware. Ta ble and Pocket Cutlery, in Great Variety, Elegant French and Ger ms n Fancy Goods, Beautiful Thotograph Albums of the New. ett and Choicest Styles in Morocco and Velvet Bindings. Ileavr Onlrt ..J Fluted Jewelry of the latest aud newest Btvleft We have alsj made arrangements with some 01 me leading publishing houses that will ena oie us 10 pen 1 lie standard and latest works of minors at about one-half the regular prices : oiicu uyron, liurns, Mcore, Milton and lenoyson s Works, in full gilt and cloth bind ings, anu Hundreds of others. These and everj thing else for ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLI In every order amounting to over $50, M vvmjj.ui.il uj me casu, me agent may retain f 2 ; and in every ordor over $100, $4 may be PAT THE EXPRESS CHASOII. COMMISSION TO AGENT. For an order of $30 front a elnb of thirl win pay the agent as commission, 83 yards cf all wool pants pattern, or SU 50 in cmh. uicai-uru or urown sneeunr. o-ood draia n.n.rn rorau-orderorft.0 from a club of sixty, wc sill .1 . ..r 1 . . 1 urn uy iub uppoi 00 varus ot Drown or b raak ea enecting, Hunting case watch, all wool snawi, or$ 1 in cash. -v. auvmci ui iuii. irom a ciuc lull, wc h ii. n .) 1 ,' r , , a M ill pay tho ae-ent llOvardaI vard -iilt sheotine, splendid sewiue niaehina. arZllin ZD MONEt BY REQI3T1RKI LETTERS. For further particulars tend for oatalcraca. Addrest GEORGK A. PLUMMER & CO., (Succeison ta Harris a Plummer ) Not. 30 and 40 Hanover Street, Bostoa, Uats. nov20,'G9 tf T HE SATCRDATiVENING POfT. THREE MONTHS GRATIS ! This cheapest and best of the Literary Week lies is offering unequalled inducements to new aubacribers. Iu the first paper of October, it commenced a brilliant Novelet, called a Family Failing," by Elisabeth Prescott. It also is now running a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Henry Wood, the famoat author of " East Lynne," Ae. NEW NOVELET will continually tucceel each other. Anne those already on hand or in rrorr in " Under a Ban," by Amanda M. Douglas : " Leonic's Secret." bv Frank Lea B.n.dit . i Novelet, by Miss Hosmer. so. Tbe post also gives the gems cf Ike larlitk niagaiiues. NEW SUBSCRIBERS Per 1870 will haue their tubioriptioai dated back to the paper of October 2d. until th large extra edition of that date ia exhausted. Ibis will bo thirteeen papers in addition to tha regular weekly numbeit for lo70 or fiftuea months in all ! When our extra edition is ex. bausted, the names of all new subscribers for 1870 will be entered on our list the very week they arc received. TERWS: $2 60 a year. Two eopies, H Pour espies, $6. Five eopies (and one eratislSS. On. eopy of the Pott aud one of the Lady't Friend, A copy of the large and beautiful Pramiua Steel Fugraving, ' Taking the Measure of the Weddinir Minor " nnnril in l'n.i.nj 20C0 will be sent to every full ($2 60; ubscriber, and to every person sending a club. This it truly a beautiful engraving 1 Auuress II. TETEESOX 4 CO., 819 Walnut Street, Philadclphia. Jpeeimen copiet tent free for five cenit. OUR HOME PHYSICIAN A newllandp Book of Familr Medicine. R. Dr. BEARD, of the University of the CUt r New York, assisted by medical professors ia the various departments. Three years devc ted to itt preparation. Quackery and hum buggery exposed. - Ptofefsort in our lcadinr medical colleges testify that it is tha best fam ily doctor book ever written. Outfit and sam ple free to agents, A. II. HUBBARD, 400 Cheetaut St. Pail'a, Pa. A THIEF- He has boeo trvaling about humbugging druggittt and private nartiea mixing up and telling a bate eompoand which he cU WOLCOTT'8 PAIN PAINT. AU of Woleott t genuine remedies hava a wklu aau side wrapper (witk kimmhi avriak La oat fcr ccititasscctc. s POWELL & KIME. QOODS FOR TUB MILLION. POWELL KIME, aI tii ir ttpaeieat itora ia RIDGWAY. Hava on baad, a spUndid assortaient of all seasonabla Goods adapted to tlia wants 01 the, people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they at a selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply ..r. 11.. 1 . 1 . . atata nere, tbat being very large dealers, their facilities for purchasin are un niinlTr4 lw m n . .. 1 1 1 . . .. -r-""-u "j auj eisiaonsnment in tn6 county. They buy directly from manu- faeturart and tha GROUND FLOOR. Another advantage. Yo eai always get what you want at their store, hince you will sava time by going directly to them and TIME IS MONEY. We hava no space hera to enumerate all tha ad vanttges you will hava in patronising their establishment. But call and see. and reap tha advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will lad DRY GCODS in enlleti varieties, GJIOCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING afbest material superior cut and finish. BOOTS k SHOES af the best stack and make, CROCKERY for newly Married, middle aged aad elderly. DRIID FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, TORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EYERYTHING XLSE. Kaarly all kiada ai country fraduo 1 takaa at ik aaarket vaKie- wlolaf. SPLENDID PRIZE FOR THE LADIES. "he finest, most pleasing, and costly engrav ing ever published in America, to be presented at a premium to eaoh tubsciibcr to DEMOREST'S MONTHLY, a magazine of praotioal utility in tha house, mirror of the fssbions, and a literary conser vator of surpassing interest and artistic excol ence, acknowledged to be the modern parlor magazine of America The engraving, 28x32 Inches, Is from the or iginal painting, entitled, 'The Pio-Nio ou the Fourth of July.' The pninting took a whole year, and is con sidered the finest of the entire list of numerous populor productions by LillieM. Spencer. The engraving was tbe labor of four years, by three eminent artists John Rodgert, Samuel Jlalpin, and Samuel Ilollyer; The last named having been induced to oorue from Kurone to finish it. The engravers have ably seconded the successful labors of the painter. None but art isle can fully appreciate the skill and labor lavished on this engraving Tho general ef tcct is very fine and iinr.ressive. and the deli- rate finish to the heads will bear the most mi nute inspection. The union of line and stipple is executed with unusual abilitv. and tbpip skilful combination has greatly contributed to the success of the engravers in this unsurpass ed proof of their geuius. 1 network on the engraving alone cost over teven thou;and dollars, besides the cost of tha copyright, and is acknowledged bv coninelert judges the most elaborately finished large work" of art evor engraved in America. tine copies of this magnificent picture, on beavy plate paper, worth $10 each, are to be given as a premium to each subscriber to DEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGZINE. Yearly subscriptions only Three Dollars, and ten cents (which is to be sent with the tub. scriptionl. for tbe nnsfao-n on d, : (biol "iU be mailed securely done up ou a Thisis certainly the lnnrpuf.. and splendid premium ever offered to Bingle """'"J 1'uijiiHiier, ana atlords an sy and economical way for any one to secure an eieeant wora ot art, a Parlor Picture that is only next to a piano in the wnv nf nrnom,.n. tation, and a perpetual reminder of a day which ought to to be cherished and held in re membrance by every true American. The reception of this mno-nifVnnt n,-nf,... will take every one by surprise and we do not venture anything in saying that $10 will not procure another that combines so much of in terest and beauty. Specimens of the Magazino, with oirculars, giving full particulars, will be sent to any giv. cn addr&ss, postfreo on receipt of 16 couts Auurcst DEM0RE3T' MONTHLY. 838 Broadway, N. Y. tov20cf b BEECH ER'S SERMONS IN PLYMOUTH CHURCH. Are being read by people of every class and denomination all ovei-this country and Europe lhey are full of vital, beautiful religigout thought and feeline. PLvnr-r T, .t ;. published weekly and oontains Mr. Bcechcr'e Sermons and prayers, in form suituM fn- preservation and binding. For sale by all newsdealers. Trice 10 cents. Yearly sub. scnptions received by the publishers j(3j, giv ing two handsome volumes nf 4011 eacu. Half yearly, $1 70. A new and superb steel portrait of Mr. Beecher presented to all ?.rV.,y,,,nbscriber8- Extraordinary offer : Ji'rPD,LPlT$3' 8,,d "e CHRIS! 1 L W 2 CO, au unseetariau, Indepcn. dent weekly journul of Christianity with leo. ture room talks and editorial articles by Mr Beecher sent to one address for 62 weeks for FOUR DOLLARS. Kpccial inducement,. canvassers and those getting up clubs. Speci men copies, postage free, for 6 ccutB. J. 13. iORD & CO., Publishers. 4w 39 pa,.w i?w v. v.v HE LADY'S FRIEND. TWO MONTHS GRATIS ! The Lady's Friend announces the following Novelets for 1870 : Did He Forget Her 1 by Louise Chandler Moulton ; The Cascannon s Aunt,' by Elizabeth Prescott, author of Be tween Two,' &c. ; ' Solid Silver ; or, Chrisic Deanes Bridal Gifts,' by Amanda M. Douglas, author of the Debarry Fortune," with nu merous shorter stories by a brilliant galaxy of lady writers. A finely executed steel engraving, a hand seme double page, finely colored fashion plate, and a large assortment of wood outs, illustrat ing tho lashions, fancy work, etc., are given in every number. Itwill give a popular piece of Musio in ev ery number. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED AUTHORS. The January number will contain portraits (engraved on tteil) of Mrs Henry Wood, Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moulton. i.luabeth Prescott, Amanda M. Douglas Mrs Margaret Hosmer and August Bell, ' NEW SUBSCRIBERS Wo send in their names before the first of No vember, shall receiue the November and De cember numbers of this year in addition, mark ing fourteen months in all ! And new subseri. bers sending in their names by the first of December shall receive the magnifioenl Decem ber holiday number, making thirteen inontha ia all ! TERMS ; $2 50 a year ; two copies, $4 ; four copies, $C; epoteshto, r(and one gratis) $8. One copy of e Lady's Friend and one of the Post, $4. stA copy of the lorge and beautiful Premium Weel engraving- Taking th Measure of the eedding Ring 'engraved in England at a tost of $2000 will be tent to every persoa ending a club. Tui t engraving is a gem of art. Address DEACON PETERSON, 119 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Specimen eopies tent for ten ecnts. JEW STORE. The subecriber begs leave to Infcrm the clU tent of Ridgway and vicinity that he kaa apened a store where may be found PFRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. 8TATIONERY. FINE CONFECTIONARY, OTHERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, ia tease. !Tl.f - -