jJawal Car Time at lUdgxcay. Erie Express Knit ... 9:41 p. m. do do West 8:86 a m. da Mail East.... 2:60 p. m. do do West ..; 2:l0 p. m. Uoal Freight East ...ll:00a. m. do do West 6:85 p. m. Elk Lodge, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be aeld at their hall on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WHITMORE. Seo'T. 10. 0. T. Tha Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodge, Ro. 256, held every Wednesday eTening at Aeir Lodes Room. n. A. PARSONS, W. S. AOS NTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized agents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or.Job work, take pay there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Aldricii, J. L. Dbowm. Kane. Fradk W. Merck. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Haoaw. 6t, Marys. Chas. McVeax. Centreville. Homer B. Leach, Maj. Burke. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Wmt. Benneiette. Johm C. Bard, J. W. Bnowx. Sbawmut. Job Farrer. Spring Creek. A. W. Irvis. Highland. Levi Ellothorvb. Horton. D. C. Oyster, N. M. Brcckwat. Rev. Wm. iS a. upson wilt preach in the Cour? House Sunday, March 27th. Go to J. R. Baud's for your tobacco, lie. has just receivd a lot consisting of Fine out, Cavendish, Navy, and an assortment of emoking tobaco, all of a fine quality. Powell k Kime have on hand a fine Jot of Clover and Timothy seeds. Also a nice choice lot of Peach-blow Potatoes. Also, Manilla Rope suitable for raftmen. Call and see for yourselves. The first number of the Daily Topic made its appearance on the 16'h inst., at Hasrieburg. It is pulishcd by John II. Gihoo, late Private Sccrearty of Governor Geary. It is a neat and ably conducted paper and will advocate the Republican cause with vigor.. Persous desirous of ob taining daily reports of legislative proceed ings, Hud what is going on at the State Capital, can be aucouiuiuduted by subseri bioa for the Daily Topic. A Card The d., nation visit Tuesday evening at Ilellen was a pleasant affair. Mr. D. C. Oyster fc Lady served up a good mpper Everything in fine tante for thf occasion. We received (805.) sixty nVe dollars on! made many pleasant acquaintances. Will tbe friends accept our thanks ? Wm. Sampson. Lois C. SampoOS. Ridgway March 21th, 1870. Non Fating subsciiiuers are thus talked of by a Western editor: "Wagons, cannot run without steam, bullfrogs con Dot jump without legs, or a newspaper carried on everlastingly without money, no more than a dog can wag his tail when he has uone. Our subscribers are all good, but vylmt docs man's goodness do wlieu it don't do any good f We have no doubt that every one thinks that all have paid except himself, and as we are a clever fel. low, and his account is a little matter, it makes no difierauce. Strange hallucina tion Burned To Death. A ctild about three years old, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johu Alt, was burned to death on Tacsday, at Mill Creek Mills, this townshp. Mrs. Alt went to the mill, which is but a short distance from the house, to see her husbaud, who was working (here, and Jon her return found the child wraped in flames lying on the floor. Her clothes had, evident, ly, caught fire wlffle the was trying to put wood into the stove, as the door was found open. She suffered about three hours when death closed the scene. Accident. Mr. and Mrs. A. Curaruiogs and a little daughter, while passing from the Depot to their new residence, on Wed., nesday, were thrown backward out of. a hack striking on their heads and shoulders giving them a severe jar. Fears were en tertained that they were badly injured but upon examining no bones were found bro ken. They are recovering from the shock and will Boon be around. Tbia is rather a rough introduction to our town but there is an old adage that says : "A bad begin, oing makes a good ending." We wish them success. No IIuMBua. We do not mean to in form you, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any other man,' has discovdred a remedy that cures all diseases of mind, body estate and is designed to make our rublunary sphere a blissful paradise, to which heaven itself shall be but a side show, but we do tcish to inform you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemtiuy has cured thousands of eases of eatanb in its worst forms and stages, and tbe proprietor will pay 1500 for case of this lothsome disease that he cannot cure. It may be procured by mail for sixty-cents, by addressing R. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, Jf. y. For sale by most djrugglst evrywhere The Boston Transcript reports that a little four-year-old girl, who was taken to aee the ballet, expressed a wish on her return home to dictate a letter to her father, and did it as follows : ' "Dear papa, I have been to see some ladies dance. They danced on their toes. They- had no feet; their toes were on the ends of ther legs.' Gen. Sheridan says that the Santeo Indiuns sing Watts' hyrua a thoir scalp dances. Imayino a fes ive brave, fu 1 of bay-rum, driving a white oak. stake through the stomaeh of a pale-faced priso. oer, and then after building a fire upon h;s chest, waltzing around singing : "1 want to be an angel !" These simple children of the forestall have immortal longing, as well as a weakness for hair. Meant Business. A Chicago school teacher testified as foilows the other day : "Witness had had trouble with Maggie Lynn. On one occasion the girl refused point blank to spell a word, whereupon witness, anticipating a squabble, took the precaution to remove her watch chain. eur rings, and such other loose articles as might sufier in the "muss," and when her decks were cleared for action, she told Maggie she would give her one minute by the watch to spell the word. She spelled it." To New Subscribes. To all new aub cribeis for the Elk Advocate, paying in advance, from this until the first of June, next, will receive as a premium, S. S. Wood's Household Magazine, mailed regularly ' to any address. This is a Monthly Magazine, published in Newburg N. Y., ut $1 pet year and contains more good read ing n atter than any other Magazine pub lished at or near that price. We hope to in crease our circulation by this rare and liberal cnur. Props at.s will be received at the office of tbe Secretary of the School Board until the 1st of April next, for building a School Houe in the villatre of Ridjjway. Plans and specifications may be presented for consideration. By calling at the offoe of of the undersigned a gcnerl idea can be hud ot the kind cf house wanted. II. A. Parsons. Secy. School Board. AusoL, tk Divrrces legilly obtained in New. York, ludtatia. I'.linois and other State?, for persons from any States or Country. legal evey where:'(leertion, drunkenness non-support, ect., sufficient cnue : no publicity ; no charge not ill divorces obtainel. Advice free. Busi ness establish fifieeu y sar. Address. M. HOUSE. Attorney No 78Nassau Street New York cit v. gOMETLUNO NEW IN KIDGWAY ! HOOT k SHOE ESTABLISHMENT Tbe ml nmltiri take lllta lli.tliod of Inform i g the eiiiiens of Hldgwey and vicinity that at nas oenej a BOOT i SHOE STORE, n th rnr.ni lately occupied bv Henrv S. Thar t in the west 'end of the UyJe House, where may nt toauu a general assortment or Ladies Shoe. Gntieoiens' Hoots and Shoes, Boy' Iioots and Children's Shoes. ALSO, Connected with the above establifhment I hare a Bet and Shoe Manufacturing Establishment where work will be niacle to order. Repairing ion on suun nonce ana on reasonaDle terns The nubile are invited to give nie a call. o38. 08y GKORGE WALKER. TUE ONLl RELIABLE CUKE FOR DY3 PEI'SIA IN THE KNOWN WOULD. . Da. WunH'i Great Amiiucak DvsrxreiA Pills and Pink Tukr Tab Ccrpial are a posi tive and infallible cure for dyspepsia iu its most aggravated i'crw, and no matier of bow long standing. They penetrate tbe secret abode of this ter rible dis and eiuiiniuate it, root and branch, lorever. They elleviate more aeony and silent suf fering than a tongue can tell. Tecy are noted for curing tbe most despe rate and hopeless cases, when every known means fail to a So' d relief. No form of dyspepsia or indigestioa can re sist their penetrating power. DR WISH A RT'S. PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. It is the vital principle of tbe Pine Tree, ob tained by a peculiar process in the distillation of the tar, by which its highest medical proper ties are retained. It invigorates the digestive orgai.aSn l restores tbe appetite. It strength ens the debilatuted system. It purifies and enriches the blood, and expels trom the system tbe corruption which scrofula breeds on tbe lungs It dissolves the mucus or phlegm which stops tbe the air passage of the 'lungs. Its healing principle acts upon tbe irritated sur face of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and sub duing inflamation. It is tbe result of years of study and experiment, and it is offered to the aflioted with positive assurance of its power to cure the following diseases, if the patient has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure: t'omumption of the Lnngt, Conght, Soar Throat and Jireatt, Bronchitii, Liver Complaint, Blind and Bleeding iSles, Asthma, Whoopiny Cough, Diptheria, &e. A medical expert, holding hoffor blt colle giate diplomas, devotes bis entire time to the examination or patients at the office parlors. Associated with b.m are three consulting phy sicians of acknowledged emience, whose ser vices are given to the publio rasa of chios. This opportunity is offered by no other in stitution in tbe country. Letters from any part ef the country, asking advice, will be promptly and gratuitously res ponded to. Where convenient, remittances should take the shape of DRAFTS OR POST-OFFICE ORDERS. Price of Wishart's American Dyspepsia Pills $1 a box. 8ent by mail on recipt of price. Price of Wishart's Pin Tree Tar Cordial, $1.60 a bottle, or $11 per doiea. Seat by ex press. All eommunications shauld be addressed L. Q. C. WLSHAST, M. D., -V. 232 North Second Strut. Phila. I W . S. SERVICE 200,000 CUSTOMERS WAN! ED. At tha new Masonie II all Building. STOYES at prices that wll elease f all de sirable kinds. TIN-WARI f ovary .tad ea hand at all time. Special attention given to Wholesale orders. Prioo list furnished U dealers on application. SU LET- TIN AND COPPER WA RE. Hoaae faraiehiag getds a great variety. STEAM AND WATER PirEINQ, PCMPS, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, sack as KODS BAS KET3, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CATS, POWDER, Ac. Je. ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Promptly attended to. BIRD CA QCS A NICE VARIETY. ROOFING, GUTTERS, STOUTS. of Tin, Galvaaised Irea aad Copper aai every kind ef HOUSE AND JOB WCRK dene ea skert a'etiee aad warranted. AGENCT t Beory Difstoaa eelebrated saws. Orlers fer saws at factory priees se lieited, also fer repairing. lalerxtatioa aad price list famished ea application. PAPER RAGS, OLD ROPK, OLD COPPER, JRASS, TEW- TIR, L2AD, IRON, BEESWAX, HEAYT HIDES, DEAKOlf 8KI5S, SHEEP PELTS, GKIIV BACKS, NATIONAL BANE NOTBS, TJ. i. , BONDB.Jte. tedtm tmehfng fr Goods or . Morh tTILL AHLAl) 1 OUR GRIAT BOSTON DOLLAR STORE We want good reliable agents In every part of tho country. By employing your spare time to form olubs and sending us your orders, you can obtain the most liberal commissions, either in cah or merchandise, and all goods sent by ns will be as represented, and we guarantee satisfaction to every one dealing at our house. Agents should oolleot ten rents from every customer, and forward to us in advance, fer detcriptive checks of the goods we sell. . The holders of the checks have the privilege of either purchasing the article thereon dee oribeoV, or of exchanging for any article men tioned en our catalogue, numbering over 600 different articles, not one of which can be pur chased in the usual way for tbe same money. Tbe advantages of first sending the checks are these : We are constantly buying small lots of very valluable eoods. which are not on our cStalogues, and for which we issue checks until all are sold ; besides, in every, club, we will put checks for watches. Quilts, blankets. dress patterns, or some other article ef eqaal dalue. We do not offer a sin tie article of merehaa- vuse that can be sold by regular dealers at our price We do not ask you to buy goods from is unless we can sell them cheaper than yoa can obtain them ib any other. while tha greater pait of our goods are sold at about ONK-HALF THE REGULAR RATES. Our stock consists in cart of tha foil carta eoods : Shawls, Blankets, Quilts. Cottons, Ginghams, urcss uooas, laDie i,inen, owels. Hosie ry, Gloves. Skirts, Corsets. Silver, hlated Wate, Spoons plated ea Nickel Mlvcr, Dessert Forks, Five bottle Plated Cas tors Brittania ware, Glass ware, Ta ble and PoeketCutlery, In Great Variety, Elegant French and Ger man Fancy Goods, Beautiful Thotograph Albums of tbe New. est and Choicest Styles in Moroeee and Velvet Bindings. H Pluted Jewelrv of the Intcitmil nwat t.l nenave anj made arrangements with some of tbe leading publishing houses that will ena ble us to f-ell the standard and latest works of authors at about one-half Ihe rerular nrinu . - . - uch as Byron, Burns, Moore, Milton and lennyson s Works, in full gilt and cloth bind ings, and hundreds of others. llitse and ever) thing else for ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ABTICLI. In every order amounting to aver tflO. com pan id by the cash, the agent may retain 12 ; and in every order over $100, $4 may be retainea to PAT TUB EXPRESS CHA2GII. COMMISSION TO AGENT. Fer an order of $30 front a elnb of thirty, we will pay the agent as commiasitn, It yards ef oieacueu or Drown stieelinr, good dress Dattarn. all wool pants pattern, or S3 60 in cash. r or an order or uU from a club of sixty, we nui uav i us areni oo varas or Drown or bleach ed sheeting, bunting case watch, all weel shawl, or$7 in cash. For an order of $100, from a club 100. we win pay the agent 110 yards, 'I yard wide). ciiiui. uiiuum iiviDi uaenine. cr ail la cash. SE.VD MONET BY REQISTIRKb LETTERS. Far further partiealars scad for aetalstaaa. Address GEORGK A. PLUMMER k CO., (Successors te Harris a Plummer ) No. 80 and 40 Hanover Street, Bostoa, Mass. nov.u, on if rj-nrSATURDATiVENING POIT. TBREB MONTHS GRATIS 1 This cheapest and best of the Literary Week lies is offerine uneaualled inducamaata La n subscribers. In tbe first caner of October, it a brilliant Novelet, called " a Family Failing," Dy fciuaoetti t'rescott. It alBo is now running a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Henry Wood, tbe fameas author of cask Liuai, ac. SEW NOVELETS will continually succeed each other, lanm those already on hand or in progress, are Under a Ban," by Amanda M. Douglas ; Leonie's Secret," by Frank Lee Benedict ; a Neviiet. by Miss Hosmer, so. Tbe post also gives the gems ef the lacllah nagasines. KBW SUBSCRIBERS Fer 1870 will baue their subscriptions dated back to the paper of October 2d, until the large extra edition of that date is exhausted. This will bo thirteeen papers in additien to the regular weekly numbers for 1870 or fifteen months in all ! When our extra edition is ex. hausted, the names of all new subscribers fer 1870 will be entered on our list the very week they are reoeived. TERMS t $2 60 a year. Two copies, $. Four ecplse, $6. Five copies (and one gratis) (8. Oae copy of the Post and one of the Lady's Friend, A copy of the large and beautiful Premium 8teel Fngreving, Taking the Measure of the Wedding Ring " engrave 1 in Eugland at a eost of $2010 will be sent to every full ($2 60) ubseriber, and to every person sending a slab. This is truly a beautiful engraving 1 Andreas' H.PETEE50NCO., tl 9 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Jpeeimetx copies sent free for five cents. OUR HOME PHYSICIAN A newllandp Book of Fajnily Medioine. By Dr. BEARD, of the University of the City ef New York, assisted by medjeal professors la the various departments. Tim years devo ted to its preparation, (Juackery and hum buggery exposed. Ptofefsors in our leading medical colleges testify that it is tbe beat fam ily doctor book aver written. Outfit and sam ple free to agents, A. H. HUBBARD, 400 Chestnut St. Phil' a. Pa. A THIEF- H has been trvalinj about humbugging druggists and private parties mixing up and selling a bass compound whiok he calls WOLCOTT'S PAIN PAINT. AU of Woloott's genuine remedies have a whit ens side wrapper (wiia eovare lae Lw POWELL & KIME. . QOOD3 FOR TUJt MILLION. POWELL, A K I ME, At task awaaaieas aaers as RIDGWAY, Have on head, a splendid assortment of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of the people ef Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at prices that defj competition. They would simply state here, that being very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing are un equalled by any; establishment in tha countj. They buy directly from manu facturers aad ea tke GROUND FLOOR. Another advantage. To a eaa always get what you want at their store, bsnce you will save time by going direotly to them and TIME 13 MONEY. We have no space here to enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patronising their establishment. Bnt call and see, and reap tbe advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will lad DRY GOODS In eniless varieties, GROCERIES choice and freak CLOTIIING ef best material superior cu: and finish, BOOTS k SHOES ef the bast stock and make, CROCKERY fer newlj marriad, iddle aged and elderly. DRIID FRUIT, BUTTER, IGGS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND ETERYTIIING XLS I. Nearly all kinds ef eeiatry prednes takes at ike stark vaW SPLKNDID PRIZE FOR TUB LADIES. The finest, most pleasing, and costly efigrav ing ever published in America, to be presented as a premium to each subsotiber to DEMOREST'S MONTHLY, a magazine ef practical utility in tbe house, a mirror of tbe fashions, and a literary oonser vator of surpassing interest and artietie cred ence, acknowledged to ba the modern parlor, magazine of America The engraving, 28x82 Inches, Is from the or Iginal painting, entitled, 'Ihe Pic-Nie on tbe Fourth of July.' Tbe painting took a whole year, and is con sidered the fined of the entire list of numerous populor productions by Lillis M. Spenoer. The engraving was the labor of four years, by three eminent artists Joha Rodgere, Samuel Halpin, and Samuel Hollyer ; The last named having been induced to come from Europe to finish it. The engravers have ably seconded the suooessful labors of the painter. None but artiBtc can fully appreciate the skill and labor lavished on this engraving The general ef tect is very fine and impressive, and the deli rate finish to the heads will bear tbe most mi nute inspection. The union of line and stipple is executed with unusual ability, and their skilful combination has greatly contributed to tbe success of the engravers in this unsurpass ed proof of their geuius. Thejwork on the engraving alone eost over seven thousand dollars, besides the cost of tha copyright, and is acknowledged by competent judges ihe most elaborately finished large work or art evor engraved in America. Fine copies of this magnifioent pioture, on heavy plate paper, worth $10 each, are to be given as a premium to each subscriber to DEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGZINE. Yearly subscriptions only Three Dollars, and tea cents (whioh is to be sent with the sub scription), for the postage on the engravings (which will be mailed securely done un on a roller. This is certainly the largest, most liberal and splendid premium ever offered to single subscribers by rny publisher, and affords an easy and economical way for any one to secure an eletrant work of art, a Parlor Picture that is only next to a piano in the way of ornamen tation, and a perpetual reminder of a day which ought to to be cherished and hold in re membrance by every true American. The reception of this magnificent picture will take every one by surprise and we do not venture anything in saying that $10 will not procure another that combines so much of in terest and beauty. Specimens of the Magatine; with circulars, giving full particulars, will be seut to any giv. en address, post free on receipt of 16 cents. Address DEMOREST MONTHLY, no v tOtf U8 Broadway, N. T. JJENRY WARD BEECHER'S SERMONS IN PLYMOUTH CHURCH. Are being read by people of every class and denomination all over this country and Europe. They are full of vital, beautiful religigoue thought and feeling. Plymouth Pulpit is published weekly and contains Mr. Beecher'a Sermons and prayers, in form suitable for preservation and binding. For sale by all newsdealers. Price 10 cents. Yearly aub. scriptions received by the publishers (3j. giv ing two handsome volumes of over 400 pages each. Hair yearly, $1 75. A new and superb steel portrait of Mr. Beecher presented to all yearly subscribers. Extraordinary offer I PLYMOUTH PULPIT $3, and the CHRIS TIAN UNION 2 60, an unsectarian, Indepen. dent weekly journal of Christianity with leo ture room talks and editorial articles by Mr. Beecher sent to one address for 62 weeks for FOUR DOLL A US. Special inducements to canvassers and those getting up clubs. Speci men copies, postage free, for 5 cents. J. B. FORD A CO., Publishers. w 39 Park Row, Yew York. HE LADY'S FRIEND. TWO M0NTI1S0RATIS ! The Lady's Friend announces the following Novelets for 1870 : Did He Forget Her T ' by Louise Chandler Moulton ; ' The Cascannou a Aunt, by Elisabeth Prescott,' author of 'Be tween Two,' &o. ; 8oIid Silver ; or, Chrisie Deane's Bridal Gilts, by Ama ida M. Douglas, author of the ' Dcbarry Fortune," with nu merous shorter stories by a brilliant galaxy of lady writers. fc A finely executed steel engraving, a hand seme double page, finely colored fashion plate, and a large assortment of wood cuts, illustrat ing the fashions, fancy work, etc., are given in every number. Itwill give a popular piece of afusio in ev ery number. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED AUTHORS. The January number will contain portraits (engraved on steM) of Mrs. Henry Wood, Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moulton, Elisabeth Prescott, Amanda M. Douglas Mrs., Margaret hosmer and August Bell, NEW SUBSCRIBERS Who send in their names before the first ofNo- mhr altull 1. KT 1 a t eember numbers of this year in addition, mark ma ivunccu inumue in an i Ana new subseri. berilPldin in nam- V . u - . n - " rn.Mu.vB mi U I SI ox December shall receive the magnificent Decern- vor uuuuajr uuiuoer, malting mirteen months ia all ! TERMS :" $2 60 a year; two copies, $4 : four eopies, 6; epoieshto, -(and one gratis) $8. One copy of w rricuy UU 0D6 01 lilt 1081, $4. tA CArnv nf tha Inrff an1 k : .. i i- : r J .-v ivtgv U4 UVBUIJIUI XsOUllUTII Weel engraving' Taking the Measure of tha ..rlilih. U i n , .n 1 . 1 , . . . vuuiu4 ' engr,Bu ia x.ngiana at a sost of $2000 will be sent to every person uuiug a ciuo. xnis engraving is a gem of art. Address DEACON PETERSON, 19 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Speeiraen copies sent for ten cants, N EW STORE. The subscriber bees leave U Inform theelti. sens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has opened a store where may be found PFRFCMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. 8TATIONERT, , FI5I COSFBCTIOHARr OTSTStf, OSAJTGES. LIMOKS, la cease.