81iv founts- gdtott' . t. M 0 R D W K L L, SHlr. BATCRDAT, MARCH 26 1870. The State eleotion in Connecticut takes place oa Monday, the 4th of April. Both parties have canvassed the State in a thor. ough manner and the vote will be heavy. Under the Tan of Connecticut, votes must be registered twenty days prior to the elec tion. At the fifteenth Amendment has not yet been proclaimed the two thousand col ored men in the State cannot become qual ified in time to register. The Republicans have anticipated some advantage from the negro voto. In this tbey will be disappoin ted. .-But with the strong ticket headed by Governor Jewell, there ought to be do qustion of Republican success. The Fourth of July, 1876, promises to b a great day in this rouotry Congress is already preparing to appropriate mouey for the eelebiation ot the centennial anniver sary of Independence. The House Com mittee on Manufactures have discussed at great length the question of "holding a cen tennial exhibition on the Fourth of July,- 1876, with a view of showing the civilized world the immense aJvanco in wealth and prosperity which the United States Gov ernment has made during the last 100 years Tbey propose to have it ou a scale worthy a great nation like ours. Considerable dis cussion has been had whether it should be held in New York, Boston or Philadelphia, bat no decision has been reached The Woman Question in WyomR&o Our readets will recollect that some ten or twelve women were empanelled on a jury in Wyoming, where the right of suf frage bad been bestowed on females. The following dispatch advises us of the work ings of this mixed jury ! Labamie City, W. T., March 12. The Ilowe murder case is still pending. The jury cannot agree, and have been ordered to be locked up untill 9 o'clock in the morning, at which time the court will meet them. The jury were allowed their dinners and suppers, lhe woman look pale and fatigued, this being the fourth night ot theit dotention. A later dispatch says that the jury fin ally agreed, and on Saturday midnight brought in a verdict ot manslaughter. The telegraph says that "(he women looked pail aud haggard," and that "there were several complaints among married men." We djn't woudcr that the latter complained. To be compelled to stay home and do house work for four days while yrur wife is locked up in a roc oi with a lot of strange men is bo laughing matter. Erie Ditpatch. m i A"Viutucus" City. New Orleans sud denly grows virtuous. Having passed its annual celebration of Mardi gras with the usual giving up of its streets absolutely to the prostitutes, who paraded on horse back, attired iu flush-colored tights, or in the airiest ballet-dancer's apology for a toi let, or dressed entirely in the flash costume of their male friend, the gamblers while the mayor gives orders under no circum stances to make an arrest that can possibly be avoided, the startled city suddenly dis covers that the costume of Mrs. Dr. Major Mary Walker is indelicate, and directs that he be arrested every time she makes her appearance in the streets. .That this dis tinguished champion of the woman's suf frage cause is not always wise, is an asser tion which, we ttluk, may be ventured up on. Cut tbe city which arrests her, aud allows the disgraceful revels of Mardi-gras, is straining at odo ridiculous little gnat ut ter swallowing a great many scores of cam els. Romance in the Treasury Depat jent A little romaoce in the Treasury Department reads like one of the stories in books. A widow, whose husband at one time filled the position of minister to China from this country, and who unfortunately had oot the secred posessed by Uncle Sam's servants at the present day, ot manag'n metaphorically to kill two birds with one tone, that is, on one salary, to live in th most luxurious style and at tbe same time grow rich, at his death left her very poor, with several small children, so that she was forced to do something to get them bread. She succeeded in getting an office. Now, the lady being very beautiful awakened con-passion in the breast of a fellow clerk of tbe opposite sex, who had. so immensely wealthy friend at this very time in search of just such a face to sit opposite him at tbe fable for life. The aforesaid tender-heart ed individual wrote at once to his friend at a distance to come and see for himself if this face would do to hang among h fami ly portraits. The rich friend came and the result is, that throwing bis arms round bis disinterested friend's beck in an ectaoy oi delight, be exclaimed-with '.he cooquror of old : Veni, vivi, vici. So the widow's cap will soon be exchanged for vale and oringe blossoms, with the snug little obeck for two hundred thousand dollars wrapped round (be wedding ring by. way of making u a "perteot fit." (Uor. bt JUiuis Kepub a Frmth Corry Rrpi.blthan. Editorial Correspondencs. HARRI8BB0, Pa., March 21, 1870. Tbe legislative work ot the lust week lias been ot a startling character. It has over shadowed in magnitude anything attempted heretofore in many years. 13ut four days are required to pans theough both branches of the Legislature a bill taking nine and a-hall millions of dollars of railroad bonds from the sinking luud of the Slate Treasu ry, and uiving them to chartered compa nies for bonds upon roads that as yet have no material existence. Nine and a-half millions at a swoop. jiod that between the evening of four diiysl It was manifest from tho first appearance of the bill in the Senate that the powers controliug legisla tion had willed it should go through, and all opposition would pass as naught. HOW PISTRIBUTED. The head and front of the scheme con. sists in giving six millions of the Pcnn. sylvania Railroad bojid to the Jersey Shore, Pine Creek and Buffalo Company, incorpo rated a few days.ago, to construct a road from Jersey Shore, in Lycoming County, to some point in McKean County, to con nect with the Buffalo and Washington road. In return, the new road is to give first mort gage bonds to an equal amount ; the time of final payment, however, being exteneded four years beyond that of the original boDds It ib stipulated that the road shall be con structed and in running order within three years, and that this together with the pay ment of the interest on the bonds untill the road is built, shall bo guaranteed by the Pennsylvania or soine pther responsible Railroad Company. Three and a half mil. lions of the Allegheny Valley Railroad bonds are to be apportioned thuswise : To the Pittsburgh, Virginia and Charleston company, one million six hundred thousand, to construct a road between South Pitts burgh and Greensboro, in Green County; to the Clearfield aud Buffalo Couipauy, one million four hundred thousand to make a connection with the Allegheny Valley Railroad extension at some Doint in Clearfield Co., with tho Buffalo Washing ton Raiiioad at some point in McKean County : and to to the Erie and Allegheny Company five hundred thousand dollars, to construct a road from Erie' to some point on the Atlantic and Great H'estein Railroad, in the county of Erie, or Crowford. In all those cases second mortgage bends to an equal amount are to be given for those ta ken, the first mortgage to be limited sixteen thousand dollars per mile' The stipulations for the construction of the roads within three years, and tbe payment of the interest ou the bonds are the same as required of tbe Jersey shore, l'iue Ureelc and JJuttalo Load. Tins is a brief staemcnt of the transaction itself, but arouud it cluster ma ny considerations which must be taken into account id estimating. THE VOTE. On the final parage of the bill stood 20 to VI in the senate. Senator Lowry and Allen both recorded their votes in the af firmative. In the House the vote on the final passage was 59 to 54. Messrs Bow man and McCrcary both voted in fnvor of the bill, Mr. Stone, of FPurren, voted against it. A Revolution in the Circus Business. Of lnte years the hotel and stable hills of the showmen have run up to such enor iu o us figures as to devour nearly all their receipts. In order to overcome this enfecb ing drain, Mr. J. M. French, of New Or cans, who had to take a circus in self de fense, and run it in order to get back mon ey which he had loaned to the proprietors, ast season, hit upon the expedient of camp ng his men and horses on the ground on which they performed. This worked so well that Mr. French has gone iuto the business systematically, and will this sea son run his show independently of landlords nd stable keepers altogether. Mr. French has had a kitchen built, eight feet wide, ten feet high and eightetn long with all the modern improvements, which is mounted on wheels, and in which cooking can be done for one hundred nienerith econ omy and celerity. This kitchen will be a Bhow in itself, and the performances of the cook and bis assistaonf wil be apt to divide the interest ot the country houstwives with tho performances under the cinvas. Mr. French has also devised a portable canvas stable for his horses, thirty-five feet wide, eighty-five feet long, and fifteen feet bigh. Portable stalls, troughs and other stable gear have also beeu provided id abun dance, and provender has been engaged at convenient points, so that the horses of the concern may have all possible equine com. forts. Other shows getting wind of this new im provement, have also gono into it ; and it now locks as though the country landlords ould be left uuto themselves desolate by those on whom tbey have heretofore looked as lawful prey.- iV. Y. Sun. Scene in the Gold Room. There was tome laughter in the gold room, on last Wednesday, when a newly-arrived English Dundreary, who had been taken there with, out being told the nature of the place, de camped in haste and terror under the im pression that be had got into a madhouse. The Englishman, however, was quite cor rect in his opinion and entirely justifiable in bis conduct. There is no. madhouse in the country which is the scene of such wild, absurd and horrible uproar as tbe gold room is Dowsa-days, and people who wish to re. tain their reason and their wits ought to koep outside of it as determidly as they most do if they wish to retain poseasiou of their money. N. Y. Tribune. A Horrible Murder. Mansfield; 0., March 12, 1870. Early this morning, it was discovered that Mary J. Lumsford, a seamstress, about thirty yoars old residing near the Atlantio de pot, bad been murdered in her - bed. The most intense excitement was oreated by the discovery, and several thousand persons hsve visited the scene of the horror dating to day. 1 he body was found on a bed ia an upper room, nearly naked ; the upper slats of the bed weie broken, her head restini; near the floor. Her head was almost sev ered from the body by a horrible 'gash in the throat, extending from car to ear; another laying one cheek open from the mouth to the throat, and a deep cut, about iix inches in length, extending downward n the abdomeu. The upper part of the bed and pillow were saturated with blood, large pool of which was on the floor. Her arms were terribly bitten, and her body bore evidence of a fearful strugglo with the fiend. The following faots have been elicited : The woman came here from Cincinnati in August last, and has been the kept mistress of one of our citizens, formerly of Cincio nati. By a letter found on the pretnues it appears that sho was to have been married on Tuesday next to a man by the name of J. EbeTsoll, of this city. Marks of blood on a lower window sill indicate that the mur derer escaped that way. Ebcrsoll was ar rested at Shelby to day, and will be held as witness. The murdered woman has been married and leaves one child, about seven years old, living at Lima. Her for mcr husband is supposed to be now in ken. tucky. It is thought the murderer must have been wounded, as he was tracked some distance by blood oa the ground. As yet nothing has transpired to furnish a clue to the murderer. The county Commissioneis nd city council met this morning; and promptly offered a reward of one thousand dollart tor the detection of the murderer. Telegrams were sent in every direction de. tailing the facts as as transpired. Mansfield. Ohio, March 10, 1870. The coroner's inquest on the muidered Mary J. Lunsford, has been in session all day, and is still in session. The facts elici ted go far to show that A. S. Robinson, a foreman in the machine shops of Blymea, Day & Co., and who has tor along time been a paramour of the woman, is the guilty party, and his arrest was ordered this af teruoon. The arrest was affected by detec tive A. M' Haekett and City Marshal Leir on, and the accused is in jail. irroiu a Late London Letter, j The Princess of Wales. The PrenccEs of Wales is as much pit ied as the Queen, for, justly or unjustly, the worst construction is put upon the do. ings of ber husband. Bravely does she keep to thcfroQ. The two go everywhere They held a great diuner party the very day the lady's maid was telling her story. f bey sit together in a box at the theatre They aie just going to hold a levee. Last week they were skating in Regent's Park. She does not skate alone, by the way ; but, supported by a friend on either side, glides down the rink at a very rapid pace, and seems to' enjoy the amusement. The heart must be sad sometimes under it all. She believes in her husband's innoeense; but she must shrink from the suspicion of his complicity ; and the newspapers, and the cry of newsboys in the streets, the gossip in the salons, is all so much torture. Sh little toresaw this when iennyson was writing his welcome : 'Sea kings' daughter, as happy as fair." Bliisful bridt f a blissful heir ; liridc ot the hair of tbe king of the sea 0 joy la tbe people add joy to the throue. Come to ua, love us, and make us your owi In every church, last Sunday, when th clergyman expressed the prayer of the con relation for ''Albert Edward Prince of Wales," there was scarcely an adult whose thoughts were not carried to the divorce court, and to tbe statements of the uobnp pj woman whose physical and mental con btitution rendered her a ready victim, if not a dangerous temptress. But iu proportion as the Priuce's indiscretion is believed in, do tbe virtues of the Princess gain hold of the publio feeling, She was never so pop ular as now. A Legislative knock-down. On Friday last, shortly after 'he adjournment of the Legislature, a personal encounter took place ia the Senate chamber between Senator Lindcrmao, of Bucks eounty, and Senator Nagla, ot 1'hiledelphia, tbe latter being tbe assaulting party. It seems the former has made some remarks in a private discussion of the Metroplitan Police TJill reflecting upon the personal character of the latter. Seuator Nagle demanded an explanation, or retrastion, which Jailing to receive in a satisfactory manner, he struck Senator Linderman a blew in tbe face with his fist. Mr. Linderaian respon ded by a blow with his kane, when Mr. Josephs, member of tba House, from Phil adelphia, eame to the aid of Mr. Nagle, and struck Mr. Linderman one or two severe blows- At this point outsiders interfered. and supported the beligerants. It is hardly necessary to add that all parties eugaged in this disgraceful affair are Democrats. Corrj Republican. . PERSONAL. Kx-Senator Wigfall, late of the H. S. A sulking in London, and won't come borne under the existing state of affairs." Grand Duke Alexis, ol Russia, is to be struggled for at American watering places this summer. John G. Saxe, whose biokcn humerus oes not seem to have abated bis humor. is again able to travel, and is announced to lecture to Philadelphia this Week. The Philadelphia Alumni of Jefferson Medical 3ociety formed an association on Saturday, with Trof. S. D. Gross, M. D., LL. D., as President. Mehan. the editor of the Irish American, who was shot by a brother Fenian recently is much worse, and is feared he will die. Casper of Nor i oik and Choote of Spiinz. field, will play billiards for the champion ship of Ohio, at Columbus, on Wednesday evihing. . Hon. W. E. Chandler, ex-Assistant Sec retary ot tho Treasury, is a candidate for the United States Senate ftom New Hamp shire. Professor Cameion, of Princeton ColWe, left for Europe last week. He was visited by the senior class in a body before his de parture. Tennessee. Gen. Butler has prepared a bill for tho reconstruction of Tennessee. It declares that Gov. Scoter was elected by fraud, that the acts of Congress were violated in the registration and proposes to declare the election void and order new registration and election. It will be op posed by the Democracy of course and by some Republicans, yet it Congress can con stitutionally intervene and correct irregul arities in Georgia as it has done, why not do the same in Tennessee ? It is bound to guaraotee a Republican form of Govern ment for every State. Gentle womanly. The first jury com. posed in part of women, ever impaneled in n this country, was sworn in Lartmie, Wy oming territory, a short time since. A dis. patch says that none of the ladies asked to be excused. The Judge began his charge by saying "Ladies and Gentlemon of the Grand Jury" Further on he forgot the new order of things and said: "I am ex ceedingly pleased and gratified with the in dications of intelligence, love of law and good -order, and the gentlemanly deport ment which I see manifested." Shall we coino the word gentlewomanly ? Too Polite. Not long ago a newly-married couple fmn the country established themselves at a fashionable hotel in one of our Western cities, for the purpose of 'seeing tho sights' The lady was young and pretty. The u n ua DCen in the hotel some twenty- four hours, when the bridegroom walked up to the clerk and remarked: "That's ray wife that stops iu the loom with me." 'Yes, I suppote so," was the bland re ply of the clerk. " ell, 1 thought 1 d mention it, con. tinued the man, "so you wouldn't thing it strango in my complaining. I never like to find fault, you know ; but we're kind of bothered. We've only been here since yesterday, and my wife has been invited to go to rile three times, and to go to th minstrels' shows likewise ; and just now a sleek looking chap knocked at the door and wanted to know it the was alone, and ac tually inquired if that 'countryman she bad on the striug had zone.' I've do doubt these young men mean well enough, but they are too dogoned polite for me." The poor fellow was assured that the "well meaning" young men should not an noy him any further with their politeuess, and h3 retired apparently much gratified. gm gsdwrtisments. REGIiTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the following ao. oounts have been filed in my office and will be presented at tbe next Term of Orphans Court of Elk County, for confirmation: Account of Joseph Ilanhauser, Gnardiau of Mary U Mecum. Final account of George W. Rhines, Guardi an of Maiv E. Dougherty. Final account of A. W. Grat and John Barr, Executors of the last will and testament ot Michiel Oval, deceased. Final account of R. T. Eyter, Administrator of the Luiale of Anthony tunes, deceased. n23w4 FKEU.8CHOr.MNG, Register. Tbe most Complete Dullness Col lege tbe lulled States. Affording facilities for acquireinc a therenih, practical business education, possessed by a other School in th country. Since its incorporation in 1855, nearly Six- ecn ineusana (Students, representatives from every State in the Union, have attooded here. No vacations. Students enter at anv tin. and receive private instructions throughout tii enure course. N. B. Circulars with full particilart and all ntcessary information, on addressing SMITH k COWLEY, Principals, PiTTiscsas, Pa JgOARDINQ HOCSK, Near th Depot, Wileox, Pa. MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor. Th undersigned has opened a large boardir house at th above place, wher be i amply prepared to satisfy th wants dmhos who may aver uim vm ioir custom. no evzu, NEW AD VER TISEAIENTS. A GREAT CHANCE! t AGENTS WANTED 1 $1000 per year sure made by Agents, male or female, selling our teorli-rtnowntii Patent Everlat ing White Wi'r Clothes Lint: Cheapest and best clothes lines in the World ; only 8 cts. per foot, and will last a hundred years. Address tbe Hudton River Wire Co., 76 Wo. St., or 18 Dear born St. Chicago, 111. 20 4w. I70R DEAFNESS THE PATENT ORGAN- 1C VIBRATOR. It fits into the Ear, is not precept ible. removes Singing Noises iu the Head, and enables Deaf Persons to hear dis tinctly at Church or public Assemblies. Trea tise on Deafness, with Means of Cure, sent free. Dr. T. Hckt Stilwill, 762 Broadway, N. T. WANTED AGENTS. $75 to $200 MONTH, Everywhere, male and female, to introduce the Genuine Improved Common Sense FAMILY SEWING MACHINE This Machine will stich. hem, fell, tuck quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner PRICE ONLY 18 DOLLARS. Ft'LLT WARRNTED FOR FlVE YEAB9. We will pay $1000 for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or mors elastic seam than ours. It makes the "ELASTASTIO LOCK STITCH." Every secoud stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without leavinc it. We pay Agents from 6 to $200 per monih and expenses, or a cor. ui ism on from which twice that amount can be made. Ad dress. BECOME & CO., Pittsburgh Pa. ; Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. CAUTION. Beware of all Agents selling Machines under the same name as ours, unless they can show a Certificate of Agency signed oy us. no shall not. hold ourselves responsi ble for wort hless Machines sold by other part in either selling or usMng Machines under this name to obtain from us by our Agents. Do not be imposed upon by parties who c.ipy our ad vertisements and circulars and offer worth's. Machines at a less price. 20 1) 1LES. A MISSIONARY, WHO HAD Suf fired 22 years with the Piles, was cured, aud will send the receipt free. KsT. FOSTER DIX, 20 in Jersey City, N. J. CASVASSI-vG-BO()KS SENT FREE FOR PARIS BY SUNLIGHT AND GASLGHT f WO UK descriptive of the .Tf fSTK MVS. fiUTUKS. IVCKAofthe VIT1' Of f tlllS. It ttlls how Paris has becocme the Gayest and most Beautiful City in the world ; how its Bc.iuty and Splendor are purchased at a fear ful com of Misery and SufToiing ; how visitors ire Swindled by Professional Adventures : how Virute and Vice go arm-in-arm in the Beauti ful City ; how the most Fearful Crimes are committed and conceited; how money ia Squandered in useless luxury; and contains over 150 fine engiavingsof noted Places, Life ird Senes in Pur is. Agents wanted, Canvas, sing Books sent free. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 20 4w Philadelphia, Pa. JVi IF A DtER TISE.VEXTS. II INK LEY KNITTING MACHINE FOR FAMILT USE timple, cheap, reliable, Ksirg everythino. AGENTS WANTED. Circular and sampie stocking FRUE. Address HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., Bth, Me. 4 T HE MAGIC COMB Will chance anT colored hair or beura to a permanent black or brown. It contains no poison. Any one can use it. One sent bmivil for $1. Ad dress MAGIC COMB CO., 1 IS 3m Spriugjield, Mass. DON'T DO IT! Friends, Countrymen and Lovers : Do not for get that I, S. S. Wood, do hereby declare, on the authority of facts herewith submitted, tbnt more money's worth is given in premiums lor new puhsoribcrs to WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZ1E than for an other publication in the World. Also, that I agreo te for eit Five Hundred Dollars to any Pub lisher who shall succeed in rirovinzthe contra ry to this declination, provided thai such Pub lisher shall declare his iuteutention to inves- igate before precoeding to do so ; also, that n case he fails he. he shall forfeit to ma tba same umeunt, and announce the result in regu lar type in tne manorial column of bis next issue. 8, S.WOOD, Publisher and Proprietor Woous Uousshloo MtaiXINI." Niwdcis N. T. March 12, 1870. NOW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE CHEAP Bargains in HARNESS, SADDLES, VALISES, TRUNKS, WUirS, &C. JM. HEARD, havineiuet returned from Phil- delaphia, where he has purchased a larg as sortment or tne above goods, along with nearly everything in his line, would respectfully in vite th attention of the publio to them. tie is at an time prepared to manufacture to rder all kinds of haraess, or anything elss ia kisl iue. BOSTON TEAM COLLARS, " Th bst collar for lumbering purpose, ar K1PT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I CHALLENGE COMPETITION AS TO PRICE, STYLE OR QUALIY. BA.Giv a a eali at my stablishment, ABOVE THE CORNER OP MAIN .. AND DEPOT STREETS, RIDGWAY, PA. aveye9.iy J. M. BEARD. JOUIS H, GARNER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST. Can be found at his Foundry at St. Mary's wher h is ready to hav all shop-work in aon oa abort notioe. et. Mary's, fceniinger P. 0 ,J Elk ., Pa. ajyV68'ly lUdgway, March 1st, 187p. SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR "GREENBACKS taken in ixchanoi roa OR JOB WORK A f TDE RID G WA Y WAGON SHOP. Call aud examine my stock before buy. ing a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but First Class Mechan ics; I use nothing but the best Refine J Iron. I think it will be to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty fire lumber wagons ia course of contraction, I will be able to furnish any party by the first of April. All oiders by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. March 5. tf S. JACKSON. LORILLARD'S EUREKA Smoking Tolvaceo is an excellent artiele ef granulated Virginia. w herever introduced it is universally ad mired. It is put an in handsome muslin baes. la which orders for Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed. LOK1LLAAD 3 "YACHT CLUB" Smoking Tobacco has no superior ; being deni coliniied, it cannot injure neveless constitu-4 tious, or people of sedentary habits. It is produced from selections of the finest stock, ana prepared by a patented and original manner. It is very aromatic, mild, and lightweight hence it will last much longer than others; nor does it burn or sting the tongue, or leave a disagreeable after-taste Orders for genuine, elegantly carved Meerschaum Pipes silver mounted, and pack ed in neat leather pocket cas, are pla eida the Qacht Club brand daily. LORILLARD'S ClSTCir Chewing Tobacco This brand of Fine Cut Chewiag Tobaoe has no superior any where. It is, without doubt, the best shewing to bacco in the country. LORILLARD'S SNUFF'S. Have been in general use in the United States ....llOyti,-,..ij ai ill acknowledged "Ike best" wherever used. If your siorekeepers does not have these articles for si'e, ak him to get them. They are sold by respectable jobbers al most everywhere. Orrnlnrs mailed on application. V.LOMLL1i H t o ,Seu "orft. BEST CABINET ORGANS AT LOWEST PRICES. That the MASON & HAMLIN CAM NET and METROPOLITAN ORG ANd are the best in the world ia proved by tba almost unanimous opinion ol professional musicians, by the award to thr m of bev. ENTY FIVE GOLD and SILVER M'DALU Of orher highest premiums, at prinuipal in dustrial competitions within a few years, . includiug the Medal at the Paris expoi' tion, and by a sale very much greater than that of any similar instruments. This Com pany manulacture on y firs'.chiss instru ments, and will not tnako "cheap organs" lit any price, or suffer an inferior instru ment to bear their name. Having greatly increased their facilities for manufacture, by the introduction of new machinery and othevwio, they are now making better Organs than ever before, at increased econ omy in cost, which, in accordance with their fixed policy of selling always at least remunerative profit, they are now offering at prices of inferior work, FOUR O (J. T A V E ORGANS. Pla'n Walnut Case, $50. FIVE OCTAVE ORGANS, Uouoie ueea, stops I win, Diapason. Aie- Win, Flute, Tremuluut,) lb. Other styles in proportion. Circulars, with full particulars, includinr accurate drawings of different styles of or gans, ana much information which will be of service to every purchaser of an organ, will be sent free, and postage paid, to aay one desiring them. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. 4w 154Tremont St. Boston; 598 Broad- VT - I way, new xorc. QUNSMITIIIN3. The oodersTgneS resneetfullv aa. pounces to the citeiens of Elk, and adjoin, ing counties, that he has recently established a Gun-Shop in Ridgway at the bead of Mam and Depot streets, in tbe basement of ' the building occupied by W. S. Service as a tin shop, where he will attend promptly to all orders tor work in his line. TARGET ANDaQJNTING RIFLES, Single or Double, made to order, and w ar reted. II also keeps on band, aad tor sal a MEW AND SCPEKIOR Breech Loading Rifle, a good assertment at Ammunition, Revolvers, Hunting Tackle, and ottrnr artioles pertaining to the trade. nlO. tf HORACE WARNER. KILL THE DEMON of pain. Wol- eott's Pain Paiut remove pain instantly, aod heals, eld Uloera. Wolcelt's Annihilator cure Catarrh, Bronchitis and Cold ia th head Sold by all druggists, and 181 Chatam Square. N. Y. i 4W 10B WORK of all kinds and deon- dona at this office.