The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 19, 1870, Image 2

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    . i. M 0 B D WELL, Bi I r .
What or Cuba 7 Queseda, the lender
of the imorrcetiooarj Cubans, hai arrived
in the United States. His presence heie
is variously ioterperted Some sny it means
the breaking up of the Cuban revolution,
while the Cuban Junta at New York insist
that Queseda comes upon a diplomatic mis
ion, and is fully authoriitd by CcspcJcs to
make negotiations for the recognition of
the gem of the Antilles. The nioro prob
ably opinion is, that tho revolution is at an
end. The best possible way for Queseda to
have obtained the recognition of Cuba wus
10 have won it on the field of' battle. Of
that, recognition might have been a simple
logical result. 'A movement from the field
of battle to that of diplomacy is a retaeat,
if Dot a rout.
Tkbobh, the representative, we arc told,
of the best blood of" Mississippi, breaks jail
like a common felon, and flees the State
with a baiter aronod bis neck. Consider,
ing the very little danger there is of a Mis.
sitsippi jury ever convicting a Mississippian
for the murder of a United States soldier,
we are forced to pronounce this as a care
io which conscience makes the ooward. In
Pennsylvania, when one gentleman is so
unfortunate as to shoot another, H is cus
tomary for the survivor to submit the facts
to a jury of bis fellows, and await their
terdict with at least the apparent conscious
ness of innocence. It is only our Probsts
and Twitohells and Bohncrs that our jail
and hsndoufis are needed for. So far, the
developments of the Yerger murder case
bave been creditable neither to Mississippi
justice nor Mississippi manhood.
Tn Montana Indians The latest
information from General Sully relative to
Montana Indians is dated Helena, Februa
ry 26, and states that the Gros Ventres and
Assiniboines, hearing that the Piegons were
at war with the whites, had started a large
war party for the Piegon camps to retaliate
on them for stealing al! their horses when
they were smitten with the Email pox last
fall. The Piegons are suffering from the
time complaint, and tho above Indians
deem it a favorable opportunity to take their
revenge. He reports nothing of import
ance in regard to the lilockfeet. Dig Jake's
band of Piegons are still on the Marias,
thirty miles from Benton, in to bad a con
Means oi sustaining me, auu, unless fed by
the Government, they must die of starva
tion. Accident on tiix P. & E. R. R.- Tburs
day's Ditpakh sejs, the 4ickcl ci reis
going east on the P fc K. Road, met with
no accident last uight about one mile this
ide of Irvineton. A rear coach and sleep
ing car were thrown from the track, by
means of a broken rail, and several per
sons injured, although not seriously.
Among the passengers were two or three
citixens of this city, but they escaped un
hurt. We have not obtained th names of
those who were injured, but understand
that a Mr. Flannigan, of Olean, New York,
was the only serious case, the others re
ceiving but slight bruises. The train was
made up again at Irvineton, and passed on,
having been delayed about two hours.
A J. Dobbios was somewhat injured. -
liike the Dispatch, we have not obtained
the names of the others.
A most cruel murder occurred on Satur
day morning at Phillipsport, a small vi'.
lage in Sullivan county, New York. The
author of. the deed is the wife of a common
laborer named Daniel Tico, retidiug in that
village, and the victim is ber youngest
ebild, about two years old. The particu
lars of the affair are borriblo in the ex
treme. The family of Tioe consisted of himself
nd bis wife and two children, the eldest a
' boy, and the other a child two year3 old.
It appears that Tice and his wife bave for
long time lived a- very quarrelsome life,
and on the morning of the murder, before
he went to his work, they had an alterca
tion, during which his wite threw a tea-pot
at bim and then picked up two or three
glau bottles and hurled them at him also
Tbis not proving sufficient to appease ber
anger, she next gave him a thumping with
her fisu. Finally she told him if he came
home that night she would murder bim.
The persecuted husband was only too glad
to escape from bis infuriated wife, and
started for bis work.
Alter he bad gone the tolling of a bell
was heard, whereupon the frenzied mother
told her oldest boy that it would toll for
him next. She then bade bim to go out
doors and foed the hens, which he did.
While be wai absent the went to the closet
and procured a common table knife, and
catching her youngest child attempted to
eat its throat with the instrument, but the
kpife proved too dull to out well, and (he
reordiogly got a whetstone and ihtrpcned
it. She again applied the knife to the
throat of the poor little victim and finished
the brutish work Bhe bad commenced.
Tho report we received says its head was
nearly cut off. When the horrible deed
was complete the oldest boy ontnc, and the
murderess commanded bim to run imme
diately to the nenrwt neighbors and tell
thctn she had killed her child.
She says she killed the child tospito her
husband. She was tuken in custody and
placed in a room at one of tho village ho
tels, where she is now lying sick, and at the
present writing is not expected to live.
She is supposed by some to be insane, al
though others are sanguine in the beluf
that her insanity consists only in her al
lowing her unbridled passions full sway.
The Tribune publishes Yokohama cor
respondence on the Oneida disastcs. ' The
writcn soys the whistle of the Oneida was
blown and three guns fiicd, still the enptaiu
on the Bombay says he neither saw nor
heard a signal, yet tho Steward of tho Bom
bay on arrivalut Yokolnma asserted the
Oneida had been run into and to tho water's
edge. But the worst of the story is the
evidenco of the British Lieutenant, that
Copt Eyre told him he had cut the whole
quarter off a damned Yankee frigate and
served her bloody well right. Capt Eyre's
own evidence is to the effect that the col
lision was to slight to be much regarded,
and his pilot told Lim a spit of land was
near and there was no danger, aud that
he was a good fifteen minutes looking after
the fated ship. The statements of the cap
tain's clerk, Crowninshield and Master
Yaies, agree that the Oneida's whistle wis
blown fiercely, and that if the Bombay had
s'opped or sent boats, nearly every man
would have beeu saved. Yates says as the
ship was fast sinking, Capt. Williams, who
was on the bridge, was asked to get on
board, but he refused, saying : "No I shall
stay in my ship if she goes down." Lieut.
Commander, Muldour walked up and said ;
,:Sir, the ship is going down." 'I know it,"
said the Captain, "but what can I do 7 I
havo repeatedly asked for boats, but could
not get them.' At this moment the ship set
tled, the smoke stack came over and forced
the cutter fiom the ship's side, and she
went down stern first. I hauled the cap
taiu's clerk, Win. F. Crowninshield, on
board, aud made great effort to save Lieut.
Commander Stewart, but he sunk just bo
fore I reach him, saying as he went down,
"For God sake save mo 1" He was quite ill
at the time. Corry KepuMfran
Madrid, March 14. The duel between
Montpensier and Henry de Bourbon creates
intense excitement. The letter written by
the latter branded Montpensier as a Jesuit,
conspirator, and called him a bloated French
pastry cook. The Prince won the choice
of weapons and ground, and the right to
the first shot. The distance was ten paces,
and the combatants firing alternately fiom
revolvers. The first and second shots of
the Prince missed, and his third bullet
grazed the cheek of the Duke, eausiDg a
slight wound.
The Duke's first shot missed, the second
slightly wounded the Prince, and the third
proved fatal, the ball entering the Prince'a
forehead and killing him instantly. The
Duke exclaimed, "My God I what have I
done !" and swore to protect the Prince's
children. The Duke and his second are in
Madrid, and not arrested. When tho Duke
had fired twico the seconda endeavored to
effect a reconciliation, but the Princo was
fui ious, and refused. It is rumored that a
French intrigue is at the bottom of tho af
fair. The funeral of Priuce Henri de Bour.
bon, who was killed in a duel on Saturday
by the Duke de Montpensier, was solem
niied to-day. No publ;c demonstrations
were made.
Bun.Msa Attimpts toEbcaix. Some
thing of an excitement was created in Hunt
ingdon on Friday last by a desperate at
tempt of Bohner to effect an escape. Dur
ing the night he managed to work th e
manacles off one of his arms and when oue
of the guards entered the cell in the worn
ing Buhner rushed upon him and gave him
a terriffia blow with the manacle. The
stroke was not as effeotivo as its author in
tended it to be, for it did not wholly disable
the guard and be called for help lustily.
A prisoner who is allowed the liberty of
the jail was providentially within bailing
distance, and promptly ran to the guard's
assistance. Bohner made a desperate re
sistance and it was not untill he had been
stunned by repeated blows upon the head,
inflicted with a heavy poker, that he suo
cumbed. During the melee one of the
bones of Behnet's arm was fractured. Bo.
denberg to whom tho keys were thrown by
bis associate in crime, showed no dispos
ition to attempt an escape, but remained
passive io his cell. We understand that
the prisoner who rendered such valuable
service is confined for tbe non-payment of
a trifling cost bill. If not already released
he should be speedily. Alt oony Sun.
An Odd Individual. We fiud the
following account of an odd genius, who
lives in Monmouth county, in the las' num
ber of the Monmouth Inquirer!' V.
There lives in a oertain part of Ocean
township, in this county, an individual who
may truly be styled an eccentric character.
He is worth several thousands of dollars,
the house in which ho lives, and some real
estate. He is about seventy years of nge,
is a bachelor, and lives alone. In bis dwel
ling thcro is not a even the semblance of n
chair. In fact the house may be said to be
completely destitute of furuiture (if any
kind. '
The man is on invetorate chewer and
smoker of tobacco, is filthy in his habits,
wears his clothing till it almost drops from
his body, and never thinks of having it
washed. But the strangest part of the story,
n our opiuiou, remains toXie told. It is
that he is a great reader. He is a subscri
ber for the Imuirer, and has been for
many years. We are told that he is itelli
gc, and well posted on national . affairs,
and, if so diposcd, can tell you more, about
the doings at Whashington and throughout
the country than most of our best aud lead
ing politiptns.
lie gathers his knowlelge from reading
all the leading papers of the day he can
get hold of. Not being disposed to sub
scribe for city papers, he goes round from
place to place, wherever he can borrow a
newspaper, aud reads it from beginniug
to end. He has never been out of the com
munity where he lives, and seems to have
no desire to see the large cities which he
must havs read wonderful accounts of.
No distinction is shown by him in regard
to the choice of his companions, and black
and white people are alike bis associates.
It is rarely the case that a man who is fond
of reading, and who spends almost his en
tire time over our metropolitan journals, is
ever drawn into such miserly habits. As
he U a man of respectable family connec
tions, we omit his name and the precise lo.
cality of his residence.
The meanest roboery we ever saw re
corded occurred near Cleveland a few
nights since. The vietim was just on tbe
verge of matrimony. By strict economy
he had managed to lay up a sung little sum
of money with which to foot the bills inci
dent to that important event, including a
prospective bridal tour, after the manner of
newly married people. Day by dJy be
feasted his eyes upon his little store oi du
cats and his heart went "pit.a-pat" as he
thought of connubial iovs. But, alas 1 on
cue inSm ueiore me great event, ne mired
to dream of the blissful hours to come,
iuc vu'i iu me pucKci oi nis pantaloons
and 880 aud his watch in a bureau drawer,
And Io ! while he slept tho despoiler came
and "went through" his unmentionables,
abstracting therefrom the $170 and making
good his escape! Cupid danced before
him in his dreams, but his little bow and
quiver were of no avail against such ma
rauders. Nor did the luckless wight know
of his loss "till morning did appear." Ii
may be a gratification to our readers to know
thut the twain were made one flesh, not.
withstanding this discouraging calamity,
although their hymeneal trip was necessa
rily shortened Erie Dispatch.
Lisbon, March 15. The regular mail
steamer from Rio Janeiro arrived hero to.
day, with later advices from tho allied army.
Lopez bad retreated northward to a point
near Meranda, in Matto Grasso, a province
of Brazil. He was accompanied by a few
followers, who are making every effort to
pass the frontier into Bolivia. The Prince
d'Eu, the allied commander, had made a
judicious disposition of his troops, aud en.
tertoincd strong hopes of capturing Lopez
and his band before they could escape from
the Brazilian territory. Now that the war
is practically over, the first division of tbe
army of Brazil had returned to Rio Jan
eiro, and were received by the citizons
with the greatest enthusiasm.
A Sad Occurrence. A bright Jittle
girl of thirteen, at Germantown, while en
deavoring te master a difficult lesson at ber
home a few evenings ago, was suddenly
seized with brain fever and fell helpless up.
on the floor. Many ''bright little" children
are severely injured, if not killed ont-right,
over study. When a child quits school for
home it should leave its studies behind.
Nothing but physical and mental damage
occurs from the "cramming" process. Pa.
rentt and teachers would do well to remcm.
ber this sad iuoibent.
Models tor the new fifty cent notes
bave been completed. Tbe side is the same
as the old ones. A Vie net te of the late
Hon, E. M. Stanton, pronounced a most
excelleut likeness, and executed by one of
the best engraver in the United States,
will orniment tbe left end of the note. Tbe
other end, for the space of an inch, will re.
main blank, for the purpose of showing tbe
localized silk fibre, which will be so .intro.
duoed as to make it a distinctive feature of
the note,
dHh Counts &&mt.
Car Time at Ilidgmay.
Iris Express East 9:41 p, m.
ao do West 8:86 m.
do Mail East 2:60 p.m.
do do Went 2:00 p. m.
cl freight East 11:00 a. m.
do West...
6:35 p. m.
Elk lodge, A. T. Jt
Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will bo
ild at their hull on tho second and fourth
fuesdays of each month.
I. 0. 0. T.
Tho Regular mcelipRS of Ridgway Lodge,
No. 256, hold ever Wednesday evening at
.heir Lodgs Room.
II . A. PARSONS, W. 8.
Thw following named persons are authorized
igenls for the Adiorate to receive subscrip
tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there
Ier and give receipt.
Wilcox. A. T. Ai.DRicn, J. L. Bow.
Kane. Frank W. Misrs.
Johnsnnaburg. Isaac Haoaw.
St. Maiys. CnAB. McVa.
Centreville. Homer B. Lkach, Maj." Bobri.
Caledonia. W. V. Smith, B. A. Wisd.
Benneiette. JonN C. Baud, J. W. Browb.
Shawmut. John Fabkib.
Spring Creek. A. W. Irvih.
Highland. Lkvi Ellothobpi.
Burton. 1). C. Ovsteu, N. M. Brocewav.
Gracb Church. There will be servi
ces at Grace Church, Ridgway.on Monday
evening and Tuesday moruing, March 21st
and 22d.
Rev. Caswell, of Vranklin, will officiate.
Dunkirk, which has long maintained the
reputation of "the oldest Democratic town
in Western New York," has elected a Re
publicad President, Justice, and entire
Board of Trustees. Good for Dunkirk !
Bank Robbed. The Wavorly Nation,
al Bank, of Wavcrly, N. Y., was robbed
early on Sunday morning last. The door
of the safe was blown off with a charge of
powder. The loss to special depositors is
said to be large, while that of the bank is
No Humbug. I had recently the pleas
ure of examining tho working of the Iron
City College, and was surprised at its thor
ough practical organization. Any young
man, no matter what his vocation in life
may be, will be greatly benefitcdby a
course of study here. John Harper,
President ot tbe Bank of Pittsburgh.
. 1 m
PropsaLS will be received at the office of
the Secretary of the School Board until the
j, .r r!J fnr building a School
House in the villugo ol KlUgway. nans
and specifications may be presented lor
consideration. By calliug at the offce ol
of the undersigned a generl idea can be
bad ot the kind of house wanted.
II. A. Tarsoss,
Secy. School Board.
Snuff or dust of any kirjd, and strong,
caustic or poisonous solutions aggravate
Catarrh aud drive it to the lungs. Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures Catarrh by
its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing
properties. Each package -prepares one
pint of the Remedy ready for use, and costs
only fifty cents. Sold by druggists, or send
sixty cents to R. V. Pierce, M. D , Buffa
lo, N. Y., and get it by return mail,
Nuggets of considerable size have been
found upon the farms of several persons in
the vicinity of Colfax. A hired man in the
employ uf one of the above fanners discov
ered some small nuggets among the sand
and gravel that were thrown out from a
well He kept the matter secret, and sold
the gold to a jeweller in the city for uiuc
dollars. About one mile from this farm
another well waa eudI near a barn, and it
is presumed the chickens picked up the
gold in eating the gravel thrown out, as the
women upon dressing them discovered sev
eral small lumps of metal, which they sup
posed to be brass, drop out on the table.
A third farmer in the vicinity found sev
eral pieces; they can bo seen at any time
by calling at his house. These discoveries
were made during the last summer and full,
but the parties attached no particular im
portance to them, and in fact were not
aware of the nature and value of the treag
ure found. They allowed their children to
have them, aud thus tbe largest and best
specimens were lost
A few days since, Mrs. Carper, owning
one of the farms in question; came to this
city to pay her taxes and visit her sister
in law, Mrs. Giffoid. Upon relating the
particulars as above Mr. Uiflori was iuduc
ed tOHCoompaoy her home, and immedia.
tely commenced prospecting lor further ev
idence. Upon sinking a shaft some eigh
teen feet, he reached a quicksand and gra
vel six feet deep. The water came in so
fast, and the tools of the men being insuf
ficient, it was deemed advisable to suspend
operations for some length of time, when
more extensive developments will be made.
The parties owning tbe other farms will
not oonsent, under any considerations, to
let an investigation be made, as the iudi-
uatiou8 are that tbis strata only lies near
ana on tne line ot a small creek. The
existence of gold may be fully establsshed,
but whether tbe quautity will pay for the
labor expended is the only doubt.
Our streets are quite lively to-day. Bus-
incM Good.
Empty The jail.
s Full Some of the boys tho "hop"
last night.
Fresh Fish At J. R. Baird's every
Powell & Kirue are almost giving away
goods to make room for a new stock.
II. S. Beluap came clear from Indiana t
buy a wagon from S. Jackson.
Paupers From 8 to 5 now on our town-,
ship and a prospect for the number to be
increased, at least ono more.
Because Wc are bthind.this week, and
short of reading matter, because we bad to
get up the Treasurer's sales and were short
of mntorial.
Talk about strawberries in New Orleans,
but we are going to have some maple sugar
when the bj beins to run.
We scey our exchanges that the snow
storm has been general east and west of us,
delaying tho trains on nearly all the ril
roads east of us? The mail from the east
was ten hours late on Wednesday.
Cheap Soap We did not believe that
soap could be sold for ten cents a bar that
would take the dirt off a pi inter's hands,
until J. R. Baird gavo us three or four
bars, assureing us that it was the very best
for washing clothes, as well as printers. It
is certainly the best soap for the price we
have u?ed. Ho sells Gowai.s & Beard's
Marble Soap, for the Toilet or Louandry,
for ten cents a bar, and other toilet soaps
oheap in proportion.
A statue has been placed in the yard
of one of our old citizens of this place.
From the proraiucice of the figure and
its position, we think it is intended to rep
resent one of our lords of town, but vaii
ous opinions arc entertained. Snic think
it should have an apron on, and others
thiuk it should bear in its grip a piece of
the valuable mineral of our county; but us
many are visiting this statue every day,
they can easily decide who it was intended
to represent, so that we have nothing to ray
about it, only that it is a well executed
piece of work.
The sculptors of this, wo believe, are
from Boston, and are highly commendable
for their skill and ingenuity in acsomplibh
ing this uoble work. And it is no wonder
that the work was well executed, as the
sculptors lave much experience and havo
never been known to soil their bauds with
any other labor.
it ku icste trsjroncE.
Notice ia hereby pivtn thut the following sc
counts have been (lied in my otlica nnd will be
presented at the next Term of Orphans Court
of Elk County, for confirmation :
Account oi" Joseph Hanhauser, Quardiau of
Mary li Mecum.
Finnl account of George W. Rhines, Guardi
an of Mnrv E. Dougliprtjr,
Final accouct of A. W. (Any and John Barr.
Executors of tho lull aud testament ol
Michael Oval, di-ceased.
Final account of It. T. Kylcr, Administrator
of the Efiate of Anthonv Cnncs, ()eren?d.
Ii2:?w4 FKED. SOHOEN'IN'G, Register.
)ciu gldwrli5cmcr.ts.
fired 22 years with the Iile, u cuied,
und will send the receipt free.
20 4w Jersey City, N. 3.
A AGENTS WANTUD1 $1000 per
year ure made by AgenU. male or female.
slling our Korld-rtnntcmd J'Mtut Evtrlafinj
While. Win Clothe Line: Cheapest and hem
clothes lines in the World ; only 3 eta. perfjnt.
and will last a hundred yeara. Address the
lludton liw-r Wire Co., 70 Wm. St., or 16 Dear
born SU Chicago, III. 20 4w.
; 10 VIUKATOtt. ItfiUiuto the Ear, is
not precept ible. removes Singing Noises in the
Head, and enables Deaf 1'eraoun to hear dis
tinctly at Church or publio Assemblies. Trea
tise on Deafness, with Means of Cure, sent free.
Da. T. HrxT Stilwsii, 7C2 Uroadway, N. Y.
20 4w
$75 to $200
Mont il
Every where, .male and femaln.
Genuine Improved Common Ssnie
This Machine will etich, hem, fell,, tuck
quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroide'r iu a
most superior manner
Fully Warrntkd for Five Yeabs.
We will pay $1000 for ony machine that will
sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more
elastic seam than ouis. It makes the
Every aecoud el itch can be cut, and still the
cloth cannot be pulled apart without leaving
it. We pay Agents from $75 to $200 per
month, and expenses, orjk conmiasion from
which twice that amount can be made. Ad-drc-as.
Pittsburgh Pa. i Boston, Mass., or St. Louis.
Mo. '
CAUTION of .11 Agent, selling
Machines under the same name as oure, unleoi
tbey can show Certificate of Agency signed
by us. We shall not hold oursehes responsi
ble for worihleas Machines sold by other parlies
either selling or ussing Machines under this
name to obtain from us by our A gents. Do not
be imposed upon by parties who ojpy our ad
vertisements and ciroulars and otTer worthless
Machines at a less price. 30
I was euitd of Deafness and Catarrh by a
limple remedy and will send tte receipt free
H 4w. MRS. M. C. LEGGKTT..
lloboken, N. J.
Jt WO Ml ft deacriptiTe of the .Tf fSTE
CMT1 Of r.ntis.
It tf Us how l'aris has becoctne the Oaveet
and most Beautiful City in the world; how its
Beautv and Splendor are pnrcliaaed at a fear
ful coat of Miaery and Sulleiing ; how visitor
are swindled by Professional Adventures : how
Virute and Tice go arm-in-arm in the Beauti
ful City j how the moat Fearful Crimes are
com mined and oonceiled j . how money is
Squandered in uaeleas luxury; and contains
over 150 fine engravings of noted Places, Life
rd Sonca in Paris. Agents wanted, Canvas,
sing Booka sent free. Address
20 4 Philadelphia, Pa.
The Whiskey Ring, Gold R'ng, and Draw
frauds Divulging ivstematie Jtobbcry of the pub.
lie Treasury, Oi gunized Depredntiona, Conspir
acies and Raids on the Government Ollivial
Turpitude, Malfeapsuce, Tyranny and Corrup
tion. The tnoit Startling, Facinatiny, Instruc
tive and Imvortant Hook yet pub'ia.'ied. Con
taining authentic facta, imiiaputablc evidence,
sworn testimony, complete and accurate detail?.
Legislators, Farmers. Merchants, Mechanics,
every Citizen and Taxpayer, are directly inter
ested in the Stratngema, Artifices, Machina
tions and Crimes of Corrupt Politician; Illicit
Distillers, Gold Gamblers, Drawback Torgen
nndirtiftii MalcfttclDrs, Published ir. one at
tractive volume, abtut 600 well-filled pages,
with spirited illastrationa. Price low to suit
the times, $3.00. Sold by aubacription only.
Send for circular and gpecial terms.
19 4w WM. FLINT, 1'ublisher Phi'.a., Pa.
Flower & Kitchen Garden.
24th edition of thia pnpnlar work, Which t
met with so much favor in the past, i now
ready. It has been re-wriiten and improved,
printed with new type, anil on fine paper, il
lustrated with a beuutiful Lithograph, and
many other fine engravings from nature. It
coutuina full description aud I lid culture of
over LjuO leading varieties of Flowers and veg.
tables; also descriptive list of the noreltics of
th present reason ; to which ia addsd a collec
tion ot liCO cli.-ise Fiencb Hybrid Qaldiolua.
This work, we feel confident, vill compare fa
vorably with any similar one.
From Levi Jjurtlelt, Il orofr, X. IT.
"I have received a copy ef your superbly
gottot up Amateur Cultivator's Ouide. I think
il far anead of anything of tho kind ever be
fore Issued frcm the American press."
Sent to kiiy address upon receipt of 25 cents
for papor coner, ULd CO ceyLs for taalefui'.y
bound iu cluta
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To New 'iT.TRir.Es. To all new
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next, will receive as u premium
Wood's Household Maoazink, n. ...
recularly to any adilrcsa. Tliisian -Magazine,
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td at or near that price. We hop
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eral cfler.
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naoesaary iuforniutiou, un addressing
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Friends, Countrymen and :
DonSt for get that I, S. S. Wood, dohpreby
declare, on the autiiori'y of facts herewu:.
submitted, more money's worth is g.vtt
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lo for eit Five Hundred Dollars to any f
lib tier who ahall succeed in proving the contr
ry to this declination, provided thai such P.Vr
lit'her shall deilore his Intentention to inv-i--tigate
before preceediug to do so; also, tM
in case he fails he, he shall forfeit to me the
suuie aintmnt, and announce tlieretu'i in r' lrj
lar type iu the Editorial columns of bis ntt
issue. - '
8, S. WOOD, Publisher and Proprietor. '
Woods Hoisiuloo Moizik," Nawuija
N. Y.
'. March 12, 187C. '
J2j oes. Warrants, ., o hasJ aad f:,T
kale at th! eftiet.