The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 12, 1870, Image 2

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    . . MORDWSLL, Sdittr.
8ATURDAT, MARCH 12 1870.
To New Subscribes. To all new sub
oribeis for the EtR Advooatb, paying in
advance, from this until the first ofJune,
next, will receive as a premium, S. 8.
Wood's Household Magazine, mailed
regularly to any address. This is a Monthly
Magazini, published io Newburg N. Y.,
at SI pel year and contains more good read
ing niatler than any other Maguse publish
ed at or near-tbat prioo. We hope to io
ercase our circulation by this rare and lib
eral effcr.
Aw exchange relates that Addiew Saiif'
of Genoa, Cayuga couty, N. Y., found thui
a blind horse owued by him had fallen into
a dry well, a few days ago, and, alter 7ari.
nus unsuccessful attempts to extricate the
unfortunate beast, concluded to give it up
and bury him alive. Two or three men
commenced throwing io dirt, but as it fell
around his legs 'Charley' commenced tread
ing it down. The faster tbey shoveled, the
livelier he trod : and when they had filled
tho well, he stood upon the surface, uubur-
ied, and in good order considering his fall.
Judge Dale, of Tiouesta, recently re.
eeived a letter from Hon. A. O. Curtin,
$ted January 26th. He considers the
winter unusually mild for Russia but much
colder than the severest weather in Penn
sylvania. Among other things he says;
"Although the Emperor is a liberal man,
and has done more for his people thau any
of his predecessors, and is far iu advance
f public sentiment iu all his reform uieas
ures, this Government is far behind our
free system. To live hero is to realize the
blessings of our own Government, and to
value its wisdom and grandeur."
Minister Cu'tin is enjoying gcoJ health
and says the people ara truly kind and hospitable.-"
Warren Mail,
Down Agaix. Gold touched HOf and
closed at llf.on Wednesday. The exei'e
uent in the Gold Room yesterday surpas
sed anything since the "high times" of
September. Our best bonds are at par in
j.'nld. Five twenties will soon touch tho
same point ; greenbacks are almost iu the
nineties, worth this morning 89 1, aud strug.
gling upward. As far as silver chunge is
ennoerned we have reached a resumption
j oint. Un the loth iun., tho ucw law of
Canada, depreciating American silver, goes
into effect. Our silver coin will then be
uso.i io Canada only at a discount of twen
ty per cent. This is very suro to drive a
large amount of silver change over the lint
again for circulation at home. To bring
our silver coin coinage into to common use
) not espittaKy desirable. Wo want it in
maiuly to give stability to paper. It may
expand our circulation somewhat, and
in some degree cjuiet the clamor of the wesf
rro inflations. Bat nobody withes it to
entirely replace the fractional currency.
The habitual use of slver is an inconven.
ience, and though the first lensation of
being inconvenienced in that way would
be pleasant, on a lapis the "little tcrip" is
naturally our staple reliance for small
change. Erie Dispatch.
One of the "lost tribes" has at last turn,
ed up, safe aud souud, in the shape of a
people called the Falashas, who inhabit a
district io Abyssinia, which has long re
mained a terra incognita and a blauk spaco
on tho maps. They were visited by Mr.
Halevy, a very intelligent French traveller,
who has now communicated an account of
his journey to the French Geological So.cie
There were about 250,000 of the Falas.
has. They speak an Agua diaject called
Falashiua, or Kaillina, and into this lan
guage they have translated a Gheez version
of the Old Testament. They do not prac
tice polygamy. They circumcite their
male children on the seventh day. Their
proper names are derived from Hebrew,
Gheez, and Amhario. The institution of
purification is. practiced; the children are
taught the Bible, the psalms, prayer, and
aacred history. In the synagogues the
vexes set apart. Incense is burued during
the services. Their religious hopes are
turned to Jerusalem, but theii ideas of the
Messiah are very indistinct.
They are wholly unacquainted with He
brew, and know nothing of the ceremonies
instituted after the time of Ezra. Tbey
have religious litoratura written in the
style of the Midrath. They keep the Sab
bath rigidly; fast on Mondays and Thurs
days; keep the 0th of Ab to commemorate
the destruction of Jerusalem ; they wash
before and say grace after eating; they have
t traditional mode of slaughtering animals
lor foodjGthey practice commemorative
sacrifices on the holy days, and also for the
repose of the souls of the dead. Their wo
men enjoy equality with men. They bold
slave, but liberate them after servitude
I six years.
8an Francisco, Maruh 4 The rich
deposits recctntly discovered in New Mex
ico, aro situated near tie boundry line of
Armona Territory, and the heart of the
Apache country. No small party of whites
oan safely venture in the neighborhood of
the mines, as the Indiana are fiercely hos
tile. The discoverers have brought a quan
tity of ore to I'hiladelpeia.
It consists of the blue and sulphurcats,
the silver oi e assaying as hieh as $2,000
a ton. The principal lode consists of a mass
of silver ore three thousand .n.t .; k...
dred feet in length, oue thousand feet in
wwin, ami projecting a thousand feet above
the level of the surrounding mnnm Ti,
distance from well defined points to the
uiiues are given, as tollows: From the
line of the projected Southern Pacific, three
miles : Irom Fort JSrnwn. fnrtv mil... frnm
the Members settlement, eighty miles; from
Pinos Altos, one hundred miles : from Mm.
iila one hundred and twpntv milp frnm
El Paso, one hundred and fifty miles; from
S in Miego, sixty.six miles ; and from Sher
idan, where supplies must be obtainded,
eight hundred miles. There is an abun.
dance of wood, water, and grass in the
neighborhood, and some fertile land.
Robert op Another Bank. The
National Rank of New Canaan. Conn., was
robbed on ihe night of March 3, by three
New York burglars, who entered tho bank
about midnight, gagged and bound the
watchman, and went to work to drill into
the safe. They did not succeed io getting
in the blast till five o'clock next morning.
When they touched it off the charge was so
heavy that it not only blew open the safe
but nearly destroyed thu building, forcing
out windows, &o The thieves seemed to
be frightened by their own work, aud did
not wait to profit by it. A large amount of
money and securities wero exposed by the
explosion, but only $1,000 was carried
A Sad Calamity1. The
at Ncponset, Mass., was destroyed by fire
on the morning of March 2. Six women
employed there were burued todeath, being
unable to escape. The building burned
was an old wajlcn structure, one and a half
stories high. The attic, where the unfortu.
nate women were employed assorting cot
ton and wool, was kept at about 125 de
grees Fahrenheit Wr drying materials. Ac
cess to the attic was by a ladder and trap
door. The women burned to death were
.Mrs. Patrick Dnun. Mrs. P. Kennedy, Mrs.
Thomas Hurley, Mrs. P. Martin, Mrs. R.
Maitin, and Mrs Peter Con d iff.
Santa Fe, March 5. A gentleman who
has just returned from Chihuahua, Mexico,
reports that there is geeat exciteuient in
that and the other border States of Mexico,
und that the feeling in favor of the over,
throw of Presedent Juarez is strong. Many
of the best citizens favor annexation to the
United States.
Huntingdon, Pa, March 9. Bohner
and Bodenberg, the murderers of tho
Peigbtal family, suffered to day the dread
penalty of the law for their tearful erime.
At 12 o'clock Deputy Sheriff Force and
his assistants proceeded to the cell of the
prisoners and hound them. In the mean
time Sheriff Ncely ascended the scaffold
and asked that order be maintained by the
assembled thrcDa.
The prisoners made no resistance, but
submitted quietly, and were marched
down from their cells at 12 o'clock. First
came Bohner with Sheriff Neely, followed
by ministers; next came uouenberg with
other miuisters.
The prisoucis walked out boldly. They
were d res aed in Common citizens dress
tollowing were the members of the press
and the doctors.
The prisoners ascended the scaOole with
a urm tread. Alter taking position be
neath tho halters, prayer was offered by the
R?v. Mr. Svkca.
During this prayer, one of the platforms,
filled with people, weut down with a crash,
aud created much contusion, but the pns
oners were unmoved.
Alter the prayer, Bodenberg made a state
ment, deuying being guilty ot the crime
for which be was about to suffer. Bohner
turned to bim, when it was finished, and
denied l's truth.
After a few exchanges of words between
the men, Rev. James C.Clark delivered
most eloquent prayer in English, to which
the prisoners listened attentively.
At the conclusion or the prayer, ropes
were put around the men's necks, and the
ministers and officers bid them good-buy.
Bodenberg, in a clear, loud voice, then
committed his soul to God, and the black
caps were drawn over their heads. There
was a sensation in the crowd, and macy. of
the spectators turned away.
Jiohiier then commenced to say some'
thing iu German, during which the sheriff
gave the Signal, the prop was pulled down,
and the men hung at exaoMy twenty min
utes of one.
They were so secured and tied, hand and
foot, that no motion was perceptible io
either. It is supposed their necks were
broken tustautly.
Both of the men were almost friendless
and for a time it was unsettled what din
position should be made of their remains
Bodenberg, it is understood, had requested
of 'tis sweetheart that she should take pos
session of his remains, should she preset)
herself. ;ohner s remains will be given
to the physioiSQs, and devoted to the de
rfilnrmieut of medical science.
I. may be safely estimated that nearly
ten thousand people were in town to-day.
The hotels and restaurants reaped a rich
harvest. It was not untill after the bodies
bad been taken down, that all foe great
concourse of people left the" neighborhood
of the prison.
Thia execution was perhaps fhe most
public exhibition tbat has been made io
this State for many jears. It may bu ncc- to bang people for . committing
the crime of murdering a fellow be
ing, but it certainly does not follow
that the execution should be made a com.
mon ''show," whereat greedy speculators
make the misfortunes of their fellow men a
source of profit. To have some idea of this-4
execution, imagine a half acre of ground,
surrounded with a high wall, with hastily
construct scffoldine extenbinir alonw ah
side, at a height sufficient to give a view of
an tnat goes on within, and you will have
the scene at Huntingdon to day. i.
The following, concerning a gentleman
who has deposited with our State Treasurer
an amount of $100 to pay for an annual
dinner to the State prison convicts, will be
read with interest :
"II. C. Dorsey, the Rhode Islander who
has given to his own and other States funds,
the annual income of which should be ex
pended in roost turkey once a year for the
inmates of the penitentiaries, is thus des
cribed : Ho is a painter by trade, and con
ducts an extensive and lucrative business.
He keeps do books, but does everything
strictly upon the cash principle. Ue
makes no return of income to the internal
revenue department. The followinar scene
is said to have occurred : Enter United
States assessor. "Mr. Dorsey, what was
your income last year ?" 'Can't say keep
no accounts ; you see by that card my terms
are cash, and I live up to them never put
down one cent with a pen." "Can you not
give me some idea of your receipts ?" Not
te slightest have made a bargain with
Almighty that I will never be richer, aud
I carry out the contract to the letter ; am
giving away all along through tho year, and
at the end of the year have from' 82,000 to
$3,000 left to spend in giving persona
roast turkeys ; put on what you please by
way of tax, and if you should afterward
become dissatisfied come again and take
another crack.' I ventured to ask on what
income he was assessed. 'Oh,' he replied
on some 84,000 oi 85,000.'
"lis informed mc that he comprised a
society by himself, ol which he was prses
ideut, treasurer, secretary aud board of di
rectors, and that while the poor ot his own
town were his chief care, ho had beneficia
ries in many different States. He said that
he was formerly much annoyed by applica
tions for loans by persons in want, many of
whom he accommodated, but rarely got any
returns. He has, therefore, posted this
notice over the door of his shop, which is
more forcible than .elegant, aud is certainly
from all tincture of Purituuism :
SI3P !
No admittance here except on business ;
No more 'money lent !'
I dont mind giving to the needy ; d n
the lending !" '
"Mr. Dorsey apologized fur Ihe rough
ness ot this notice by saying that it was not
meant for profanity, but only for empha
sis, and recalled that our Saviour's words
addressed the Scribes and Pharisees : 'Ye
serpants, yo generation of vipers ! how can
ye escape the damnation of hell?' Last
year Mr. Dorsey offered to the head of a
certain prisou 8200 on condition that he
would give his prisoners a rost turkey din
ner; the sum was accepted on that condi
tion. He afterwards learned that tlie biida
were boiled instead of roasted; and be sued
for a recovery of the 8200, on the ground
of a breach of contract. In relating the
circumstance, he remarked : 'If the old
gentleman, on the return of his prodical
son, bad sa;d, boys, now kill the fatted
calf, and roast it for the f'tist of welcojpe,
how would be felt if, on going into the
kitchen, he had found them boiling the
calf?' lie bad hiniseU been iu circumstan
ces to know what exquisite pleasure a roast
dinnr afforded to one who had long been
living on sodden food, and he then and
there resolved that if he ever had the means
he would provide a roast onco a year, at
least, for a class of men who seldom get
anything but boiled lood." Hartford
The Riward Foa thk Capturb or
jErr. Davis. Members of the 4th Mich
igan Cavalry who reside in this county will
be pleased to learn that the reward offered
by the government for the capture of Jeff
Davis is about to be made The Detroit
Tribune of Tuesday last, says : "The per
sistent efforts of an Ohio company and a
Wisconsin regiment to obtain a share has
caused the delay, aud has also reduced tho
amonut rightly due to the privates of our
Michigan 4th Cavalry from $600 each to
$293. This latter sum is now ready for
distribution, the lists having been finally
made out and proved, and lodged in the
hands of 2nd Auditor of the Treasury for
the payment." Two of the members of the
4th cavalry Marion R. and. Perry D. Pet
tit reeido in this village. The former was
on the ground and assisted in his capture.
Mount Pleasant Entcrprite,
A terrible boiler explosion occurred iu
Tolling mill at Scrauton, iu ths Etate, on
Monday, Killing nine workmen and bury
iug upwards of twenty others in the ruins
Cause of the explosion not yet determined
Some statistician has been figuring on
the cost of an "occasional drink," and the
result is positively astonishing. In answer
to the question : "How are so many drink
ing houses sustained f" he shows that 20
men at 80 cents a day will pay one of the
tippling shops $2,190 a year. A man who
pays 3 eentsa day for"drinks," pays $109.
60 a year. This is the intrest on $1,564
at 7 per cent, at simple interest. This sum,
80 jent a day, amounts in ten years to $1,
17IT95. All this is wasted, paid out for
" an enemy that steals away a man's1 brains"
ani robs him and bis family of every com
fort. Intoxicating liquors gave neither
strength to the body, vigor to the mind,
resolution to the will, elevation to morals,
nor dignity to character. Strong drink
drags a man down from his high estate de
prives all his appetites, and leaves him in
want and misery, the mere wreck and sem
blance of a man.
The constant use of intoxicating liquors
makes hard times for many a man ; thus, a
family of five persons will consume four
barrels of flour a year, or oue thousand and
fifty-six pounds of bread. This is nearly
three pounds a day. Good flour can be
bought now for $7 a barrel ; four times
seven makes 28 ; and thirty cents a day for
drinks is $109.50, or 881.50 more peryear
than the bread for a family of five persons
costs. "But,' 6ays A, "I only take two
drinks a day." Very well, you pay then for
your drinks $73 a year; only $45 more than
you pay for tho bread consumed by your
whole family, if it contains five persons.
This sum would provide tea and coffee for
Here, then, we sec that the man wbo pays
even twenty cents a day for liquor, spends
a sum sufficient to supply his family with
bread, tea, and coffee for the year. Is it
strange that times aie hard, that men com
plain of tho government, and charge that it
oppresses them with onerous taxes? The
above figures show how men tax themselves,
and how they tax the property too.
ftred 22 years with the Piles, wan cured,
uud will send the receipt free.
20 it
JerseyT.'ity, N. 1.
l AOhiNTd WANTED! 81000 per
year fcure made by A Rent t, male or female,
selling our worU-renowntd Patent Everlai ting
White Viire Clothei Linn. Cheapest and best
clothes lines in the World ; only 3 cts. per foot,
and will last a hundred years. Address the
Hudson Hirer Wire Co., 75 Wm. St., or 16 Dear
burn St. Chicago, 111. 20 iw.
; IC VIBRATOR. It fits into the Ear, is
not preceptible. removes Singing Noises in the
Head, and enables Ueuf Persons to hear dis
tinctly at Church or public Assemblies. Trea-
ise on l)e(fne, with Mentis of Cure, sentfree.
Da. T. Hi nt Stilwkll, 702 liroadway, N. Y.
f WO II Si desoripiive ol the T rSTE-
MliVS, f'MKTVES. I'lltS ottne
CITYOr Mtill8.
It tills how l'nris has becocme th Gayest
and most Beautiful City in the world ; how its
IJenuty ana splendor are purchased at a tear-
ful cost of Misery and Suifeiing ; how visitors
are swindled by Professional Adventures : how
Yirute and Vice go arm-in-urm in the Beauti
ful City;' how tho most Fearful Crimea are
committed and conceited; how money is
Squandered in useless luxury; and contains
over ISO fine engravings of noted Places, Life
md Senes iu Paris. Agents wanted, Canvas
sing Hooks sent Tree. Address
ItAi.lU.-SAl. I'LLiLlSllI.NU IU,
20 4w Philadelphia, Pa.
Everywhere, male and female, to introduce
Genuine Improved Common Bens
This Machine will stich, hem, fell, tuck
quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a
most superior manner
Fullt Warrkted .for Five Yeabs
We will pay $1000 for any machine that will
sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more
elastic seam than ours. It makes the
Every secoud stitch can b cut, and still the
cloth cannot be pulled apart without leaving
it. We pay Agents from $75 to $200 per
month and expenses, or a conmission from
which twice that amount can be made. Ad
Pittsburgh Pa. ; Boston, Mass., or St. Louis,
CAUTION. Beware or all Agents selling
Machines under the same name as ours, unless
they can show a Certificate of Agency signed
by us. We shall sot hold ourselves responsi
ble for worthless Machines sold by other parties
either selling or useing Maohiues under this
name Io obtain from us by our Agents. Do not
be imposed upon by parties who copy cur ad
vertisements aud circulars and offor worthless
Machines at a less price. Q
I was cuied of Deafness and Catarrh by a
luipie remeuy anu win senu me reoetpt tree
iun w. wua. ai. v. litiuun r,
Hoboken, N. J.
On the Ruling Passion in Youth and larly
Manhood, with SELF HELP for the Erring
and unfortunate. 8ent in sealed letter ea
velopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD
amjimvutiuw, Bex P, Pailadeldsia, Pa
The Whiskey King, Gold Ring, and Draw
frauds Divulging svstematie Rubbery of the pub.
lie frcamry. Organised Depredations, Conspir
acies and Raids on the Government Official
Turpitudo, Malfeassnce, Tyranny and Corrup
tion. The most Startling, Facinating, Inttruc
live and Important Hook yet pub'ished. Con
taining authentio facts, indisputable evidence,
sworn testimony, complete and aoenrate details.
Legislators, Farmers, Merchants," echanics,
every Citizen and Taxpayer, are directly Inter
ested in the Stratagems, Artifices, Machina
tions and Crimrt of Corrupt Poliliciani, Illicit
Vittilleri, Gold Gamblers, Drawback foryeri
and crafty Malefactors, Published it one at
tractive volume, about 600 well-filled pages,
with spirited illastrations. Price low to suit
the times, $3.00. Sold by subscription only.
Sen J for circular and special terms.
19 4w WM. FLINT, Publisher Phila., Pa.
"Flower & Kitchen Garden.
21th edition of this popular work, Which a as
met with so much favor in the past, is now
rendy. It has been re-written and improved,
printed with new type, and on fine paper, il
lustrated with a beautiful Lithograph, and
many other fine engravings from nature. It
cnutains full description and the culture of
over 1600 lending varieties of Flowers and veg.
tables ; also descriptive list of the novelties of
the present season ; to which is addsd a collec
tion of "OOchoixe French Hybrid Galdiolus.
This work, we' fefl confident, will compare fa
vorably with any similar one.
From Levi Iiartlett, Warner, A'. II.
"I have received a copy ef your superbly
gottot up Amateur Cultivator's Guide. 1 think
it far ahead of anything of the kind ever be
fore issued from the American press."
8eut to any address upon receipt of 25.centi
for papor coeer, and CO ceyts for tastefully
bound in cloth.
19 4w WASHBUP.N 4 CO.,
Boston, Mans.
ING MACHINE. These machines r.mke. a
strong, durablo and elastio stitch ; will sew
with ease every variety of cotton, woolen, linen
and silk goods, from the finest to the coarsest,
and ot any required thickness at greater speed
and with less power and noise than any other
machine. Agents wanted in every town. Lib-e-al
commisHion allowed. For terms aud circu
lar addrJss A S.,
No. 700 Chestnut St.
nlS 4t Philadelphia, Pa., Sole Agt.
FOR FAMILY USE timplt. cheap, reliable,
Knits BveavTuisd. AGENTS WANTED.
Circular and aampie stocking FREE. Address
Me. 4w
rpiIE MAGIC COMB Will ehange anv
J colored hair or beard to a permanent
black or brown. It contains no poiro. Any
one can use it. One font by mail for $1. Ad
1 16 8m Springfield, Mans.
Jutt Published, in a Staled Envelops. Price
six cents.
A Ltcti On th N.m-ait, Tiikatuest An
Radical Cure of Seminal WeakuVss, or Sper
matorrhoea, induced by SelfAbus'e Involuntary
Eraissious, Impotency, ritrvous ilubility, and
Impcdcments to Mam'ge generally ; Cocump
ticn, Epilepsy, and Fits : Mental and Physical
Incepacity. ic-By KOU. J. CL 1. K 'In ELL,
M. D., Author ct the "Green Book," Jtc.
The world-renowni'U author, in this admir
able Lecture, clearly proves from his own ex
perience that tht awful consequences of Self
Abuse may be effectually removed without
medicine, and without dangerous surgical op
erations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cor
dials, pointing out a mode of cure at once cor
am and elieclua1, by which every suaerer, no
matter what his condition may be, may cur:
himself cheaply, privately, and radically.
This lecture will prove a boon tothouttanu and
Eent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any
address, on receipt of six cents, or two pot
tage stamps, by addressing the publishers
Also, Vli. ( ILVtKVltLL a "Marriage
Guide," price 20 cents
Address the Publishers,
Chas. J. C. K uxs & Co.
127 Bowaav, New York, Post Office Box 4,IBH.
pre pared ts funiisu all classes with cons. ant
emp.oyment at home, the whole of the time or
for the spare moments. Business new, light
and profitable- Persens of either sex easily
earn from 00c. to $5 per evening, and a prop-
iortsonal sum by devoting their whole time to
the busine-is. Boys snd girls earn nearly as
much as nten. That all who -see this notice
may send their address, and test the business,
we make this uhparalleled offer : ' To such as
are net well satishied, we will send 1 to pay
for the trouble of writing. Full particulars.
a valuable sample, which will do to ommence
work on, and a copy of 7 he People s Literary
Companion- onof the largest family newtra-
pers published all sent free by mail. Read
er. if you want permanent, profitable werk,
address E. C. ALLEN &CO., Aiui stt Maikb.
Feb. 19 8m,
Special Notices
The Advertiser, havinir been restored to
health iu a few weeks, by a very simple
remedy, after 'having suffered several years
with a severe lung affection, and that dread
disease, Consumption is anxious to make
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of
the drescription used, free of charge, with lie
directions for preparing aud using the same,
which they will find a sure Cure for Consump
tijn, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc The object of
the advertiser in sending the Prescription is
to benefit the afflicted, and spread information
which he conceives to be invaluable ; and be
hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it
will cost him nothing, and may prove a bless
ing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please
address. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. .
Williamsburg, Kings County, N. T.
I71REB TO BOOK AGENTS We will send
. a handsome prospectus of our new illus
trated Family Bible, to any hook agent free of
Kit a f I'" ,,ion''1 P-Miphing Compa
ny, PhilsJelphu, Pt. "
The most Complete Itaslncis Col
lege Ihe United 8lati.
Affording facilities for acquirelng a theroagbv
practical business education, possessed by no
other School in the oountry.
Since Its incorporation In 1865, nearly Bit-
teen Thousand Students, representatives from
every State in the Union, have attonded here.
No vacations. Students enter at any time.
and receive private instructions throughout
the entire course.
N. B. Circulars with full particulars and all
necessary information, on addressing
SMITH & COWLEY, Prinoipala,
IS an artiole despised by none, and we (re
now prepared to show how all may possesa
it in abundance, by following a few simple lit
structioas which will be givea
of eharge, except the trifling sum of twenty-five
cents, as a guarantee of good faith. The busi
ness is inexhaustible, and thousands are now
engaged in it ; while rt their friends the cause
of theit great suceees remains a mystery. Any
party engaging will frequently receive sealed
packages by express or mail. Further than
this the business is all to yourself.
toe article can be carried in the vest pocket, ex
cept when wanted for use. It needs your ati
tention but one or two days in the week, or a
couple of hours daily, which can be after other
business is over. t) additional rent, laxe.
help of any kind. All engaging must b of fii'st
Ifene bnt esod smart men wanted, who can
keep their business to themselves, act confli
deutiall.v with me, and make from $5 to $19
for every hour's service.
Act promptly, begin now and a fortune is
yours. Inclose with your -address 25 cents,
and yoa will get full particulars by retura
mail- Address,
nov20-8w vBoi 8St, Tiiusville, Pa.
The undersigned respectfully an..
nouncesto the citr-xens of Elk, and adjoiu.
ing counties, that he lias recently established
a Gun-Shop in Ilidgwav at the head of
Main and Depot Streets, iu the basemeutoi
the building occupied by W. S. Service as
a tin shop, where he will attend promptly
to all orders for work in his line.
Single or Double, mads to order, and wsr
rnted. He also keeps on hand, aud iur sale a
Bree ch-Ijoadiug Rifle, a goud assertment oi
Ammunition, Revolvers, Hunting Tackle,,
and otbtr articles pertaining to the trade..
MliS inmiiiljio Remedy does not, like th
poisonous irritating snuffs and strong
0 u t.c sol t o is with which ths peo. U hate
long been humbugged, simply padiate for a
hart time, or drive the dUeane t the lunga a
there is danger of doiug in- ths u'e of such no -truina,
b it it produces perfeot an I permaueut
ruret of the wnet eaei of Chrortio Ciitirrh, as
thousands can testify. Cold in the head is cur
ed with a few applications. Catarrhal Head
ache is relieved and cured as if by magic. It
removes offensive breath, loss or iiupa.rmeut of
the sense of taste, smelling or hearing, water
ing or weak eyes, und impaired memory, when
caused by the violence of'Catarah, nsthey fre
quently are. I otter in gtred faith a standing
reward of $600 for a case ef Catarrh thai I
cannot cure.
For sale by most druue'uts evervwhere.
Price only 10 cents.
Aak your druggist for the remedy : but if
he has not yet got it on sale, ion put it off by
accepting ary oaiiereble worse than worthless
substitute, but enclose sixty cents to me, aud
the remedy will be sent you postpaid. Four
packages t-, or due uoieu for S'J. Send a two
cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet ou Catarrh.
Address tue proprietor,
nov27'C9y Buffalo. N. t.
By the Metropolitan Girt Co,
6 c'h g's, each $20,000 I 40 C'b g's, each $1 OOt
10 10,000 J 200 'ctio
20 600 I 300 " oo
50 Elegant Rosewood Pianos each $300 to $7iw
'? " ' Melodson ' to to 10
o0 Sewiug machines - to to. 176
600 Gold Watches - 75 lo gyy
Cash prixes silver ware, c., vaVd at 1,000 OW
A chnace to draw any of the above Trite-
for 2oe. Tickets describing Priies are uultd
in - uciupe aua wen mixed. On receipt ot
ton. a txaled ticket is drawn without choice and
sent by mail to any address. The prize named
upon it will be delivered to the ticael-bolder
00 payment or One Dollar. Priies are im
mediately seut to auy address bv iinr... he
return mail.
You will knew what your Prise is bfor
you pay for it. Any Prut exchanged for anoth
er of same value. No Blauks. Our patrons can
Qepend on fair dealing.
RsrsRasck: We select the following from
many who have lately drawn Valuable Priies
and kindly permitted us to publish them
Andrew J. Burns, Chicago, $10,000; Miss
Clara 8. Walker, Baltimore, Piano, $800
James M. Mathews. Detroit, $5,000; John T
Andrews. Savannab,$5,000 ; Miss gnesSim".
inons, tharlcston, piano. 400. VTe publish ne
names without permission.
Opinions or tus Pa ..ti.. a ...
ble, and deserve their success Ws.kly Trih,
.. May 8 W , kncw (heni t0 b, f
ing firm. .V. T. Herald Moa .
- , u urui ii reue-
ours drew a 600 dollar pHxe. Uich 7r0rp. '
tly received Daily Ae. Jim, 3 V P
Send for circular. Jyberal inducement. U
dgeuts. Satisfaction gunrantetd.
package of Sealed Envelopes contains enm
cash Qirr. Six Tickets f ,r on. dollar ; IS Io
wo dollsrs ; P5 for five dollara ; 110 for 15dol.
Uis, U Liter should be addressed 10
r.a )! mjWlway, . x