V "TOV IS THE TIMK T0 PROCURE CHEAP X Bargains m llARNV.SS, , SADDLES, --VALISES, TRUNKS," WHIPS, &C J M. HEARD, hnvingjnst returned from Phil adelphia,' where ho has purchased a large as sortment of the above goods, along with nearly evei vthing in his line, would respectfully iu vite th ullenlion of the public to them. f!c is nl aU times prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of harness, or anything else iu his line. BOSTON TEAM COLLARS, , The lest collar for liimber'ng purpose", are KEPT CONSTANTLY OX HAND. 1 CHALLENGE COMrETliLON AS TO riitCE, SIYLE OR QUA LI Y. trtjGivo, me call at ay establishment, AI'.OVE THE CONNER OF MAIN AND TEroT STREETS, T RIDGVvAY, TA. nnvR.'HO.Iy J. M. HEARD. 1' IE ONLY RELIABLE CURE FOR DYS Pti'SIA IN THE KNO'tN WOULD. i'R. Vrinr bt'r Cheat America Iirprr.rsiA 1' '!-!.:rd Pivf. Trke Tab CcnniAi. are n posi t re An 1 inftPible erne for dyspepsia in its 1 .vf . aT;rrnvated i'nim, And no matter of how '. !'? Mau-i.n,. They pc:i?trite the secret abide of thh ter u il 'j-e, end exterminate it, root and I r-mrh. forever. i licy cllevi Ma more agony and Bilcnt suf I. ; , ili.'tn a tongue cir. teii. y nre noted for curing the most despc s in- n:i i liopes cases, whenever known .' wis frl ;o a ft or d relief. ( i-ji ef .iy.-pepsia or Indigestion can re-i-oi t .. .. ir penetrating j uwel'. WISH ART'S. : tr.ee T.na cordial 7. '.-4 the vital principle uf ;'ie Tine Tre, ob ' t i-v .i p.-ciiitn.- pi ..cess in the instillation i.i i I y v. hich :t. i.ij'lic--! medical propcr ' -s :-r.. 1. It invioi ntcs t!ie c,!nret:vo - : ri. ia i v.'sro'.vs the n; p: tit r. It cticngtii- ..-!. ... hi'.'.' ie 1 sj-.s;..i.. . jini.!- and the V'o. !. tr.d i s c'.s tram the n ;?in ' " portion which .t.i'n broc-'ts on tin- u 1: .ii-olve-. i lie tuner. or ph'.cgt:i which the liia ui;- pu i z ! the ii.n,TS. Its ' ' l i .'j pvi.ieii rt"ts i: c: th', irritnic ! rrr the iu..s Htid !i.i.Hl, -ei)eliv.ti:.(? . i . .. .!;:aseJ pi;vt. rt-ilo. Ii.g pt.in and .:! i ... . . l mtt'ittn Ii i :! v;.",t ofyeufi of A i ::pi.i !. i. ! ' r -red to the . i ; : m.'C'' i.s p(iT-.:: i ' ! 11 ; !"" t'lM-if i':9 pmi'T I I ' 1 .11 j !.'.'. .1 ; il IV'r.,rt 10 ii'.O U.eaiiS l. ...."v. Cv'". CC-"- S.' .' iu . .''.. I.nr I i . :!, .i. i... "ii I hili'll'J A I'x'y'M;. i. .,';tn, Jrnor Me ei'u- I ' 4io'.i...n4.-, d -m.i hii ft tire time to t..e . it 'Ic e! rof.'.or.-. :i !:. . v .!''((' 'luMlit'r: !':.v' i . - ; ii a l." . i : "u:l 'ii, i, , lid'i' s.ll'- . - ..e . . i. I I..' jo.l ,. M.I H OF ClI r.li'l. v : o:i ..'ea Lv no oilier in- f !.! c- '.it:.' i y. ! in is I'.o'.i i iv p'lit v.f ttie eotintry, thirr' ' - ,-nmijiiv unit "tr.'lr.usly rps 1 t" i io. u.icie cviuveniciit, reniiitauces tia tu:.e the alrvftf'f'f JUJ.VF 7 &. POST-OFFICE ORDERS I ii.'euf Wishnrt's American Pyf-pepsia Pills .': ! i ''x.. Sent by trmil on rccipt of price. :c ( f M'ifshart's Pine Tree Tr.r Cordial, ' ' . .i) ilctilc ui- .? 1 1 ; -i- doctt. Sent bj ex i ! uniiitM.iiiciilioiis sh'ttild he ndi'rcsred I t V. WI'HASr, M. D, I L;,2 Surtlt S"i.-,7 Strfet, Phi la. )AI.DlN(j HOL'.H N. .ir the Pepot, "icox, Pa. )'ATIN SOWERS, Proprietor. e n!i'ipV3iii6'l hns opened n large boardirg i .'i-- a! the above place, where he is amply I 1 1. i 1 to siiiufy the '.vants of those win n.ay ' . r :,i.u with iheii'.cuslom. nov'OOJO, ;-7 KLE.S HyLlij. ritAVTir.tL ,f. V ATCIIMAKKR, ENGRAVER JEWELER, Wis! ee l of Hyde House, Pidgway, Pa. Sellt as Cheap an Ever, fiOLD AND SILVER WATOAES, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, NX VIOLIN AND Gt'ITAR STRINGS, Spectacles, Pens and Pencils, Fxcli.iive J gent for the tale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Repairing Watches, etc.djne with the same accuracy as heretofore. nov20,'(i0tf f 10.METHING NEW IN RIDGWAY ! 0 .V'. ... FOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT ! The suhseribe' takes thia mithod of in'orm- 1 g the citizens of Uldgway and vicinity that h ban opened a BOOT & SHOE STORE, in the room lately oecupjid by ilenry S. Thay er in the west end of ihe Hyde House, where cay be found a general assortment of Ladies. EhVs, Gentiemens Boots-ami Miocs, ' Ifjjra..Iicpts and 'Children' Sleti. ALSO, ICunu'cted with the above establishment I have a Bvt and Shoe Manufacturing EstablibLment Inhere work will be made to order. Repairing 1'ine oq short notice tnd on reasonable ternvt. u'he publio are iuviteu to give me a call. et.de, QY.OV.Qc. WALKER. W. S 8ERV1 73 200,CUO CUSTOMERS Wi 1.ED At the new Masonic Halt B ,iId'De- STOVES prltes tft will pltete of ail d v irablt kindti TIN-WAR" f :'9ff kiai ea iB( al alt timet. eprtial atttntion given to Wbole.ial ordtrt. Prict lilt furnished to dtalert on applicatloa. SUhET TIN AND COPPX)TAtlE. Rout farnialiing gavdt a great variety. STKAU AND TT4TEK PII'tlNO, PUMPS, FIsIIING AND UUNT1NQ 1ACKLE, such at KODS BAS- KE1S, SEINES, FLIES, HOOK.S, CAPS, POVTDEil, ke. Jo. ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Promptly atleudcJ to. HMD CJ CIS A MCE VAKIETTT ROOFING, GUTTET LiCuje. of Tin. Galvaaixed Iron and Copper an 1 every kind of HOUSE AND JCB WORK Join on short notice and warranted. AGENCY of Henry Ditatoaa oeltbrated law. Orders for taw at factory prists to lioittd, alto for repairing. Information and p.'iut lilt fu.'nishtd on applieaiiea. PAPER RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD COPPER, BRASS, TEWf 1 f ER, LEAD, IRON, , BEESWAX, IIEAYY HIDES, DEAKON SKINS, SHEEP PELTS, GRHKH , ' BACKS, NATIONAL BANK KOTKS, 0. B. ...:'. BONDS. e. taken in nthangt .fur GooJt or Work yiatotf. w. n. wrarrot. niK OLDEST ESTABLISHED PA l'ER IN ELK COUNTY. THE IK W. ADVOCATE. HAVING TFIE LARGEST CIRCULA- ilO. IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING .MEDIUM IN THE COUNTY ! gwrtt o the SnttUfU $(tUtoU Qx&txt tot gob Vorfc onritcc xua JromiKtl cttoea to. ADDRB3S J. S. I30RDWELL, Ridoaay, Pa. LOHILLARD.'S EUHEKA bracking Tobacco is an excellent irticle of grantilnted Virginia. Wherever introduced it is universally ad mired. It is put up in hand9omo nmslin ' Vfb if h orders for M- . ..6s, in -iv-erschaum Pipes are dnll packed. ' LORILLAAD'S "YACHT CLUB" Smoking Tobacco has no superior ; being doni cotinijed, ii cannot injure neveless constitu tion?, or people of sedentary habits. It is produced from selections of the finest stock, ana prepared by a patented and original manner. It is very aromatic, mild, and lightweight hence it will last much longer than others ; nor docs it burn or si iug the tongue, or iea'e a disagreeable after tnste Orders for genuine, elegantly carved Meerschaum Pipes silver mounted, 'and pack ed in neat leather pocket cases, are plaeidn the Qacht Club brand daily. LORILLAKD'S CENTURY Chewing Tobaco This brand of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco has no suporior anywhere. It is, without doubt, the best chewing to bacco in the country. LO KILL A HITS SNUFF'S Have been in general usu in the United States over lit) years, and st ill acknowledged "the best" wherever used. If your storekeepers does not have these articles for sale ask him to get them. They aie said by respectable jobbers al most everywhere. Csrculars mailed on application. M'.LOltlJLLIO S t o ,-rew fork. BEST CABINET OilGArJS AT LOWEST PRICES. That the MASON & HAMLIN CABI NET and METROPOLITAN ORGANS are thd best in the world is proved by the almost unanimous opinion of professional musicians, by the award to them of sr.v ENTY FIVE GOLD and "SILVER SIKDALS Or other highest premiums, at principal in dustrial competitions within a few years, including the Medal at the Paris exposi tion, and byasmevery much greater than that of any timilar instruments. This Com pany manulacture on y ftrs'.class instru mrnts, and wilt not make "cheap organs" ht any price, or suffer an inferior instru ment to bear their name.. Having greatly increased their facilities for manufacture, by the introduction of new machinery and othevwiec, they, are now making better Organs than ever before, atiucreased econ omy in cost, which, in accordance with their fixed policy of selling always at least remunerative profit, hey are now offirinc at prices of inferior work, F OUR 0 C. T AVE ORGANS. Plain Walnut Case, 850. FIVE OCTAVE ORGANS, Double Reed, stops ( Viola,- Diapason, Mc loilia, Flute, Tremulaut,) $125. Other styles in proportion. Circulars, with full particulars, inclulinjr accurate drawings of different styles of or gans, and much information which will be of service to every purchaser of an organ, will be sent free, and postage paid, to any ODe desiring them. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. 4w 154Tremont St. Boston; 596 Broad way, New York. M AN HOOD : nOW LOST, HOW RE- STORED Just published, a new edition of Dli. CULVEKWELLS CELEBRATED ESSAY on the r-dieal curt (without medicine) of Si'Erhatorbho!a, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Ihpoi e.ncy, Mental and PhUical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Con sumption. Kpilkp8t, and Fits, induced by self indulgence or lexual extravagance. ggf-Price, in a scaled envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practio!", that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mav be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. &yTbis Lecture should be in the hands of ever? youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in plain envelope, to any address, pottpaid, on receipt of six cents, er two post stamps. AfO, Dr. Culverwell't " Marriage Guide," price 23 cents. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE Co., L27 Bowery, New York, Post-Office Box 4.686, vln35yl. JOB WORK of all done at this office. kinds aud desori- VISITINO CARD! 4 at ibis VIATLY lUfPT. I PuWELL & KIME- QOODS FOR TllJi MILLION. POWELL KIME, Attn ear eacios store ia RIDGWAY, IlaT.on baod,a iplmdid tinorlaient of all seasonable Good addled to tl.. .nt. of th p.opl. of Elk and adjoining counties, which thoj tro selling at prices that defj competition. Thej would at.u v . ucre, that being yery large dealers, their fiollities for purchasing ara un equalled bj anj establishment in tht county. They buy directly from manu facturer and on tke GROUND FLO OK. Another advantage. a'vvavs get what you want vou will save time at their sture, hLce by going directly to Hum an! TIME IS MONEY. We have no space hero to enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patronizing their establishment- But call and see, and reap the advantage! for yourselves. Among their Goods you will find DRY G CODS in enlless varieties, GROCERIES choicoand fresh CLOTIIINGf best material superior eul and finish, BOOTS t SHOES f the best stock and make, CROCKERY for newly eaarried, uiddle aged aud eldeily. DRIED JRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, ILOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly all kinds of eoualry produce taken at the stark ot reive- -" vleltf. SPLLNDID rilIZE FOR THE LADIES I 1U finest, moot pleasing, and costly ensur ing ever published in America, to be presented at a premium to each eubsciiber to DEMOREST'S MONTHLY miUr' 8fn.1 0f tPrB,,,"l u,i,i,7 in the house, a mirror of the iishlons, a id a "-erarv coner rator of surpassing interest and nfistio excel- r" "7 tuio ue me nnucru t,urlor maganne of America f " , The engraving, 28x32 inches, Is from t lie or tg'.ial painl.ng, entitled, -The Pioio on the Jhotirth of July.1 The puintini took a whnla rt.nr I i sidored the finest of the entire list of numerous populor productit ns by Lil'.;. M. Sne-1(.nr ti.. engraving was the labor of four vcus h.- tiren eminent artists John Dodgers, Snr i -I Ilalpi-i, and Samuel IMiyer; The l.sframcd having rTeen induced :.i t'onift from r!,.r.i.n ii,, tat. i. -ri . . . t 'o "fiigi-aers nave at,:v Fcconucd thofucccssful labors of the raiiter." vi,.i,i artists ran fully appreciate the skill and labor isneu on mis engraving The general rt tect is very fine and impressive, nd (lie deli ....r m.iM.i io me neaus will bear the most mi. nute inspection. The union of line and stipple is executed with ungual ability, and their Miiui combination lias greatly contributed to the success of the engravers in this uusurpass- j itui ui inuir genius. Thejwork .on the engraving alone cost over seven thoutand dollais.hcs dss the cost orthe copyright, and is acknowle.lrml K judges the most elahnratcl- miished large work or art evor engraved in America. Fine copies of ibis nmpoiiOent picture, on nravy plato paper, worth MO each, are to ba given as a premium to each subscriber to DEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGZINE. Yearly subscriptions only Three Dollars, and ten cents (which is to be sent, with the sub scnpiienK for the postage on the enrravinir (wlnr-l, iv, 11 1. ,,.! , roller. "P 011 rnt xu.s is certainly the largest, most liberal nnd splendid pieuiium ever offered to single subscribers by rny publisher, and affords an easy and economical way for any one to eecn-e an eletrant w rk of ait, a Parlor Picture that is only next to a p'ano in ti e way of ornamen tation, aiifl a perp"tual reminder of a lav which ought to to be cherished and held in re membrance by every true American. '''he reception f thii magnificent p'cture will take every one by surprise Bud we do not venture anything in siying 'bnt $10 will not procure another that combines so much of in terest and beauty. Specimens of tbe Magazine, w'th circulars, giving full particulars, will be pent to any giv. en ud'tress. post free on receipt of 15 cents. Address DEMOFFST' MONTHLY. novtfOrf $3 dronctwity, H. Y. T TEN 11 7 W. JUL UD BEECTIER iI)'C ?.ER:.IONS IN PLYMOUTH CIIURJII. Are b 'ng road by people of every clns and denomination all over this country and E in j o. i'l.ey arc full o? vital, beautiful roligiyi.iis thought and fooling. Pi.vMot Tti Pt t i it is published weekly an 1 contain." Mr. Bcclmr's Sermons nnd prayers, in form suitable for - . , -. . , tnT . . .. u.mi.i.. ror saic ry all newsdealers. Price 10 cents. Yearly sub. scriptioiis received by the publishers d), giv ing two handsome volumes of over 400 page each. Half yearly. SI 7o. A new and superb steel portrait of Mr. Beecher presented to all yearly subscribers. Extraordinary offer ! PLYMOUTH PULPIT $3, nnd the CHRIS TIAN UNION 2 50, nn unsectarinn, Indepcn. dent weekly journal of Christianity with lec ture room talks and editorial articles by Mr. Beecher sent to one address for r2 weeks for FOUR DOLLARS. Special inducements to canvassers nnd those getting up clubs. Speci men copies, postage free for f ?nts. J. B, FORD & CO , Publishers. 4w 39 PurkUo, Yew York. 1 HE LADY'S F'lIEND. TWO MONTHS GRATIS 1 The Lady's Friend announces the following Novelets for 1870 : Did He Forget Her ? ' by Louise Chandler Moultou ; The Cascannon's Aunt,' by Elizabeth Prescott, author of ' Be tween Two,' io. j ' Solid Silver ; or, Chrisie Deane's Bridal Gitts,' by Ama da M. Doug'a, author of tho ' Dcbarry Fortune," with nu merous shorter stories by a hiilliant galaxy if lady writers. A finely executed steel engraving, a hand seme double page, finely colored fashion plate, and a large assortment of wood cuts, illustrat ing the fashions, fancy work, etc., are given in every number. It will give a popular piece of Music in ev ery number. PORTRAITS OF DJSTINGUISIIED AUTHORS. The January dumber will contain portraits (engraved on stel) of Mrs Henry Wool, Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moulton. Elizabeth Preiolt, Amanda M. Douglas Mrs., Margaret Uoiuier and August Be'l, NEW SUBSCRIBERS Who send in their names before the first of No vember, shall receiue the November and D cetnber numbers of this yejir in addition, mark ing fourteen months in all ! And new subscri bers sending in theirnames by the first of December shall receive the magnificent Decem ber holiday number, making thirteen months in all ! TERMS : $2 50 a year ; two eopws, $4 ; four copies, $6; the copies, (andorie gratis) $8 One copy of e Lady's Friend and one of the Post, $4. et A copy of the lorge aud beautiful Premium Weel engraving-pr- Taking the Measure of the cedding Ring 'engraved in England at a sost of $20U0 will .be .sent to every person 'ending a club. This" engraving is a gem of art. ., . Address ' DEACON a PETERSON, 819 Walnut street Philadelphia. Specimen copies sent for tea eents. EW STORE. The subscriber begs leave to inform the citi zens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has opened a store where may be found PFRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS. ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. -12 Tltf ' J. R. BAIRD. gTiLL AlILAD I OUR GREAT Boston dollar store r We want gotd reliable agents in eve-y part of the coflntry. By employing your f fate time to form clubs and sending us vour orders, you can obtain the most liberal commissions, o.Uiou in cash or merchandise, nnd all goods set by us will be as represented. m,ft tl satisfaction to every one dealing at oui hous.J Agentyhould Collect ten cents from every customer, nnd lnrwnrd to in in advance for-def-ci-iptivo checks ofthe gno ls we so'l. ' Thj holders of the checks !;rv- the p'rivi. gi of ei'her purchasing the itrtic'.e th-'-eon U I cribed, or of ixthnnging for finy article mr, tiot.ed on our cnta oguc, Lur.il" Vn,r over 0' ' difloi-ent arlifl'-s. not one of hi h can be p r '" '!l? '"1 '" for the tunii n onrv. The advantages of tirst tending Lie ch. Hs are these Wo n,o mn.i..u: i ,. lots of very valluable rio-lj. whicii nrn'nnV'n , wnVl '" v9 rn,J l-:i" ' ve.T. ..!.; v,, will put checks for watches, i,..i:t.-.,.blskf-. dal.ie 3' or e0mc olh;r wl'ele of . vnse tll, ,ff" , ,e'"e1c t moichni.- r fce W i l'e "ld I r:'i-"'""r Jenls at ot.r T ce W e do not ask you to buy goo.'s W, is iwilcss we can sc'l them . l,eper ,! :vi vou can obtain thctn in any ether. l. 'tbi greater paitofcur Coo d"s are sold ,,: ub. u' ONH HALF T IE UCCCLAR rat;:.. Our ock consists in pa' t ..f Foods -. : .:owin tlii. finms, ioPt. Shawls, llY'i'.ett.. o.:il! i t'OT;s. "Mr'"ii',i, i.iiiio LtiiT, owe s ry, Gl .v. T. -Snins, Corsets, f ilaled V.'.ue, Spooiis fh.ted Nickel f liver. lisscrt !'ork i'lAe boitle Male. 1 tors 'trifnr.ii Glass unrt: b'.c an t r....l.eiC...-.,.y, in (!reat Variety, EloL'nn' Fien'-h nn,' Q,r ir.rn I'ntiey Gooils, iirai'i ifiil Phcit.giaph Album" o! the Ne-v. est tu-.r1 ('n jK'est isiy!"s n'l ri,o-o and Velvet L iiniTi, I.eivy aud riuted Jewelry of the latpt m newvs. siyie". We have i.ls , ma In nrrnngeui . nts with some of the lending publishing h.-ss t'lat will eti" ble ns to .-til ll.e Plan. lard and tm e-t works f authors at about one-bait iiki rejTuhir prices : such ns Byron, Burn. M. ore, Miiion su.l Tennyson's Works, in f-s!' (rilt and cloih b.ud ings. nnd hundreds of oiiie.s These and evej -liing cL lor ONE DOLLAR F. R EACH AP.lKLn. In every order amour.Mnp lu over 3- ao compnnie-l by (be ensh.. Uio C"nt may re'ari !?- ! "d iu every ordsr over $iM, $1 my bo retiiined 10 P "Ii EXPRESS CI:.i 11GE3. com -.ii.-..-;; T. AGilivT- r nvJer of f--oi w.'l i:y '!: Htei.l a -4 MII.R blenrlii-d or b.uwn si.en'n.-. all wool punts raf.-rn. ; !-ib o' i'sk:, o. 3 . ? i J-,-j- b t in a i-;.ii- of f I., own 1 e watch. fjs el" .ttevi . or an 0.-;i ol --,u fRii wi': my the ae. t f.5;.ard ed sheeting, limiting cu si:-:y, r o'pi wo h- all Hue snav I, or, m ca-h. F.' -a order of ! CO, ftom a c'u'o ICO. fi ,Vi1' I.y tr.e agent 110 yards , 'I yaid wide I. sheeting, splendid sew ing uiuef'ue, or Jll in ca'Sh. cEND MONEY RY REGISTERED) LETTERS. For further particulars send for catalogues. Address GEORGE A. PLUMMER k CO., (Successors to Harris a Plummer ) Nos. 30 and 40 Hanover nov20,'0'J Street, Boston, Hatt. tf r IIB SATl'RDAYjJVENISG POST. 1 THREE MONTHS GRATIS I This cheapest and best of the Literary Week lies is offering unequalled inducements to neT subscribe; s. Iu the first paper of October, it commenced a brilliant Novelet, calied ' a Family I itiii g,' by Elizabeth Prescott. It also is now running a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Ilenry Wooll, the fuiuous uuihor of " East Lynne," ic. NEW NOVELETS will continually succeed each other. Amotir those already on' hand or in inoirress. ara " Under a Bun," by Amanda M. Douglas ; " Leonie's Secret," by Prank Leo Benedict ; a Novelet, by Miss Hosmer, 40. The post also gives ;he gems of tba English magazines. I'EW Sl'BFCl'I! EU3 f or 1 870 will bane their subscriptioi.t t'ated back to the paper ot Cvtnbrc ZX. until the large exti a edition ol that date is eshaustjd. This will bo t iiirteten papers in a Id. .:..; to ,:. regular wetklj Lumbers lor 1670--or iiileea mouths iu all 1 When our extra edition is ex. haiibted, the names of all new subscribers for 1870 will be entered on our list the very wt.uk they aye received. TERMS : $2 50 a year. Two copies, ?4. t"our copies, $0. Five copies (and one gra is) $8. Oua copy of th Post aud one of the Ladv's Friaud. ' $4. J A copy ofthe largo and beautiful Premium Steel rugraviug. Taking tho Meusura ofthe ttedoing Ring "engrave i in Lnglund :.t a ' tost of $201,0 will be sent to every full i$2 Sfiy ubscriber, and to every person scndmg'a club. This is tvu'y a beautiiul engraving ! Andre's ILTETEESON kCO., 319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. .Specimen copies sent free for five cems. OUH.HOME PHYSIO TAN A newllandp Book of Family Medicine, l'v Dr. BE AUD, ofthe Univer.-fity of the City Jf New York, assisted by medical professors i i the various departments. Three years devo ted to its preparation. Quackery and hum buggery exposed. PtofetVors in our leading niedicul college. testify that it is the best fam ily dovidr book ever written. Outfit and sam ple free to agents, A. H. HUBBARD, 400 Chestnut St. I'uil'a, Pa. A THIEF- He has been trvaling about humbugging druggisis nd private pariien. ,. i"""",? UJ?"'linKa UBe wmppuDl whiea ' ' hecall. ViOLCOTT-S PAIN PAINT. All of Wolootts genuine remedies have a white outs. ade wrapper 'vith tiim.vn.. . i-vzT. 1 -, . - X ..' .' :'--' ;4