tflh Cjmtntu Q&miit Car Time at Itldfrtcay. trie Express East 9:41 p. rn. da do West R:8'U m. do Mail East 2:f0 p. m. do do West - 2:00 p. in. Cecal rreightEast ...ll:00a. m. do do West 3op. m. . Elk lodge, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be keld at their hall on the second and fourth Tuesday, of VTM0Rk. See-T. io. 0. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgwoy Lodge, Wo. 256. held every Wednesday evening at heir Lodge Boom. ,., n. A. PARSONS, W. S. AGENTS FOB THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized gents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there fer and give receipts. " Wilcox. A. T. AtnBioB, J. L. Brown. Kano. FraskW. Mbkce. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Haoas. St. Marys. Chas. McVka. Cenlreville. Homtr B. Leacr, Moj. Corkx. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Wbkd. Bennezetle. Johh C. Bari, J. W. Brows. ' Shawrnut. Johji Farrbs. Spring Creek. A. W. Irvis. Highland. Levi Ei.LOTiioRpn. Horton. D. C. Oyster, N. M. Brockway. Tho ' Old White Rooster" is still alive, but somebody's dorg is still stork dead. The Woman's Rights Women are going to meet soon agaiu. Send in your reporter, Miller. Most all the Democratic papers have lately learned to spell "nigger" with one g. An Augusta tuan after advertising (or his loit watch and looking for it all day, fouud it at niijht hanginwn his back. S. Jackson's ucw advertisement, then go and examine his wagons and stock and you will be convinced that he means what ho says. We understand that Charles lloles, our I'Titerprising jeweler, has purchased the lot agoing Powcl & Kimes's store on the cast, an 1 that hu intends to erect a store thereon. Goi.i) is steadily on 'the decline. It has boon as low as 115, the !owe-t since the war. 1 r it gc much lowoi trere will be a crush among the heavy d y goods dealers, especially the importers nf till articles. all our icehouses are full, Messcr A Hagerfy have put up the b'gest lot; 1 1 :i srerfy estimates it nt five hundred ton. Up should know as he helped cut and haul it and t'.'it in ouce up to hU vcat pocke'9. Wo nr i eillol up iu to anniuiea the death of Jacob MelFcrt, we of the ?arly Kottlir.i ul this county, lie had lived to raise a lurge family and the first to de part Iro.n it. He wa of a, religious tur.i nt min i and had led a peaceful ijuiet lile He leaves m-my fiietils and relations to wouru his loss. Fire. The house ol J. hn Tuwnley, of Highland township, this county, was con unied by fire about 3 o'clock Sunday nior. ning last. It appears that the fire kindled 1 ruin a barrel of ashes iu a back shed or wood hou. A dog having a birth in the :imo room, first gave the alatm which awoke the family, who escaped with the clothes they had on only. Women who want to vote will be interes. ted to know that the following' speech de livered in the Wyoming Legislature was thec'intcher that caused the passage of the law which accorded them the right to vote. A member arose and said : "D n it, if you are going to lot the n'ggers and p'g f ails vote, we will bring in the women, too." And thery were immediately "ruug in." Ex. The Sheriff of Armstrong county and posse, aided by a numder of citizens of Par ker' Landing, made a raid on the Free aud Kusys, houses of illfame, unlicensed whisky shops, gambling bells &o ., and arrested the occupants, numbering about one hundred persons, and hid thorn taken to Kittaniog. A great many were bound over to appear for trial at next term of Court, and a few committed to jailforwant of bail. The Land ing has been comparatively quiet since the raid. Forest Republican. Concert. Messrs. McCollin & Nece, late graduates and Instructors of Musio in Pennsylvania Institute for the Blind, will give their third and last Concei t at Messen ger's Hall, on Monday evening, March 7th. Owing to the wea'her, and other causes, their two firmer conoerts were not as well attended as they deserved to have been, and wo can assure our leaders they will not regret the time and money speut in list ning to one of their pleasingentertainments; iu Musicial aud Literary merit they far ex cel anything yet o fluted our citizens. On Monday a new piece entitled 'Phillip's First Baby" will be presented for the first time. Tickets 25 cents' O'ive Ln;;an calls Prii.ce Aitcur "m little Jiudiilj snob." WE LATE MR. BURLING AME Caicaoo, March 2. A cable dispatch states that Minister Curtin will take charge of the remains ol Mr. Burlingaoie, in con nection with the members of the Chinese embassy, and the bidy will be embalmed and lie in state at tho American legation, and will finally be sent to America in charge of represntatives both of China and the United States. It is said that the negotiations commenced with the Czar will be comple ted by the embasay, which will then return to china. It is understood that Mr. Bur. lingame caught a heavy cold, which culmi. bated in a congestive chill, resulting in death. The bill to erect the new county of Pe trolium was defeated injhe House on Wed nesday night, Feb. 23d, by a vote of 69 to 25, which ends it for the present session. Next morning tho following dispatch was received at Harrisburgti : Werres, Pa., Feb. 24, 1870. Hon. M. B. I.oxcry, Uarrixbury, Pa. The nRW county bill is defeated. There is a god in Israel. Put j our trust in God and in John Brown. Monr-is Tuomas. Rou;o Institute, near Youogsville. Elf; Mining G"zct!e. New YoKK politics fie iu i splendid con dition under the present healthful Demo cratic influence. Even Captain Rtxders, a prominent member of the Tammany fra terinty, is forced to the followiug confes. sion. "There's no chance for an honest man in New York politics any longer. Why, I took a thief up tho river not eight month ago, and I came down to the City Hall the other day, and I found tho same thief there, and he had a precious sight more to say about things than I had." Fifty four murders wero committed in the L'uited States during the mouth of Jan nary nearly two per day. This statement diows tho alarming increase of crime in this couutry, aud exbibits with startling force the necessity for some more effective I reventive of murder than the now dis tcganUid and ulselcte ga!'.ow . Ex. A Ni-w Jeisey farmer lately sent'thc fol liiwirg note to one of the Congressmen 1'ror.i that State : "Deer Stir, Please send uic a eopy of the Agrueultural report and then ib'iii.h the frankling privilege,." Gccrge Fox, a man of considerable wcalih; lied u t'.iw days ag in New York leaving (trnprrty valuud at about $ 1J0 000 to the Oovernmetif, ffr the liquidation of the n iona! debt His relatives yre contesting he will. ''Mike, an' is it yourseif ihut can be after t '.iing me how they iniike ice craruts ?' "Tro ii I ran, don't they bake them in ice ovens, to be mre !'' No cards, nocskes, no company, nobody's business wc notice apfjeude J to a sensibly md independent aunounecmeut of inariage An old laly gave this as her idea of a great m-in ; One who is keerful of his cloths, don't drink spirits, kin read the Bible with, out spellin' the words, aud eat a cold din ner ou a wash day without grumbling. Gov. Geary has vetoed the bill providing for a house of correction for Philadelphia. Tins Missouri State Senate, on Thursday, ad.ipted further constitutional amendments to be submitted to the peoplp, prnvidiug that enlrnnchised persons shall have the right to hold office and serve as jurors The bill for the reneal of the old Usurv laws passed the Maine House on Friday without ay opposition ; it allows parties to agree upon the desired rate of interest. The school book uniformity scheme is killed in both houses. TLe South Carolina Legislative Qammit tea, composed of Democrats and Republi cans, ippoiuted at the last session of the Legislature to investigate the disordered state'of affairs iu the 1 1 1 J Congressional District, have reported that there was a thoroughly organized party in the District, whose purpose was to defeat the real objects of tbo Reconstruction acts ; and that this party had murdered, whipped, threatened, and intimidated Republicans. The Demo cratic portion of the Committee are prepar. ing a minority report, asserting that the majority report is highly colored. DIED- In Jones township, on Monday, February 2Sth, 1870, JACOB MEFFERT, aged about "2 yean. AY okds or wisdom. TOR TOrNO MEN, On the Ruling Tarsion in Touih and Early Manhooit, with SELF HELP for lh Eiring and unfortunate, gent in sealed letter ea velopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Boi P. Pbiladeldbia, Pa FREE TQ BOOK AGENTS. Wa will send a handsome nrnnnentna nt ;n... iruted Family Bi.le, to any book agent free f chant. Address National Publishing Compa ny, Philadelphia, Pa. 4 7-ISITlXG CARDS KEATLY EXECCT 4 ai this otfo. J OB WORK of all kindj ud descri- douo at this tffioe. Ridgway, March Isr, 1870: SPECIE PAYMENT 1 GOLD. OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCFIANOE FOR WAGONS OR JOB WORK AT THE R1DGWAT WAGON SHOP. ' Call and examine my stock beforo buy. ing a Lumber or Pleasute Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but Flrtt Clatt Mechan ics ; I uee nothing but the best Refined Iron. I think it will be to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty five lumber wagons in course of costruction, I wid be able to fnrnisb any party by the first of April. All otdeM by mail, also any ordeis left wUh . S. SYICK at Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. March 5. tf S. JACKSON. LORILLARD'S EUREKA Smoking Tob.icco is an excellent article of granulated Virginia. Wlierover iniro'luced it is universally ad mired. It is put up in handsome muslin bags, in which orders for Meerschaum Pipes are daily pncUcd. LOIULL.VAD'S "YACrtT CLUB'' Smoking Tobacco has no superior ; bting dcnl cotinized, ic cannot injure nevelcss constitu tions, or people of sedentary habits. It is produced from selections of the finest stock, nnu prepared by a patented and origin! manner. It is very aromatic, mild, find lightweight hence it will last much longer than othvrs: nor does it burn or sling the tongue, or leave a disagreeable iifter-taste Orders for genuine, elegantly carved Verrsohamn I'ipos. silver mounted, and pack ed iuuvat leather pocket cases, are plueidu the (Jacht Club brand daily. LORILLARDS CENT CRT Cli?vi-liisr T..l.n"-o This brand of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco has no superior anywhere. It is, without duubt, the best chewing to bncco iu the countrv. I l aNTI.T.ATnTS (bytiffs Have been in general "iiso fu the T'uiied" Stales over 110 years, aud still acknowlodgSd "Hie best-' wherever u.-eJ. If your storekeepers does not have these articles for sale, ak him to eel them. Th ey are sold by respectable jobbers al most every where. CsrciiUi's mailed on application. r.i.ontt.L.m a - t w ior.-. BEST CABINET ORGANS AT LOWEST I'UICES. That the MASON it HAMLIN CABI NET and METROPOLITAN 'ORGANS i are tho best in the world is proved bv the nlmot unanimous opinion cf professional musicians, by the award to tbcui of sr.v ENTT FIVE KM)nnd SILVER MKDAL8 or oilier highest premiums, at principal in dustrial competitions within a few years, itieludiog the Medal at the Paris exposi. tion, snd by a sale very much greater than that of any similar instrument. This Com pany manufacture ony ftrs'.chna Instru menti, and will not make "cheap organs" ht any price, or suffer an inferior instru ment to bear their name. Having greatly increased their facilities for manufacture, by the introduction of new machinery and othevwisc, tbey are now making better Organs than ever before, at increased econ omy in cost, which, in accordance with their fixed policy of selling always at least remunerative profit, they are now offerioc at prices of inferior work, F O U R O C. T A V E ORGANS. Plain Walnut Case, $50. FIVE OCTAVE ORGANS, Double Reed, stops ( Viola, Diapaton, Mc lodia, Flute, Trcmulaut,) 5125. Other styles in proportion. Circulars, with full particulars, including accurate drawings of different styles of or gaus, and much information which will be of service to every purchaser of an orgau, will be sent free, and postage paid, to any one desiring them. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. 4w 154 Tremont St. Boston; 596 Broad way, New York. M AXHOOD s HOW LOST, HOW KE- STOKED. Just published, a new edition of I'K. CTLVEKWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the r-dieal cure (without medicine) of Sfbbmatorbhwa, or Seiuiual Weakness, Involuntary Scmiuul Losses, Imi'oi kscv, Mental. and Phis;cal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Cos blmi'tion, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by sen inuiugence or aexuui exiravngauce. fcijr Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming congruences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal med.cine or the applicatiou of the knife ; pointing out mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no mutter what his condition mav be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radially. sJTThig Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man iu the land. Sent, under seal, in a plaiu envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's " Marriage Guide." price 20 cent 9. Address 4 tha Publinhers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE a Co., r.'i Bowery, ew ork, Pv(-Oflic Bl 4,6Hti. vicryl. POWELL & KIME. QOODS FOR THE MILLION. POWELL. KIME, At tbeir tapaoiotit slot U jr. 7 RIDGWAY, nave on band, a splendid assortment of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of the people of Elk and adjoining counties, which tbey are selling at prices that defy competition. They would umplV state here, that being very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing are un equalled by any establishment in the county. They buy directly from manu facturers and en the GROUND FLOOR. Another advantage. You can always g'.'t what you want at their store, btnee you. will save time by going directly to them-and TIME IS MONEY. Wc have no space here tj enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patronizing their establishment. But cul and see, and reap the advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will find DRY GCODS In en lien varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cu: and finish, BOOTS k SHOES of the best stock and make, CROCKERY for newly married, widdle aged aud eldeily. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, l'ORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly all kinds of country produce taken at the market value-111. A' tSFLL.NvMD PU1ZE FOR- THE LADIES ! The finest, 'most pleasing, and costly engrav ing ever pv.hlished In America, to be presented as a pretu) urn to each subset iber to D"EMOREST'S MONTHLY, a mncpizlne of prnrtioal utility in the house, a tnirrov of the tishlons, snd a literary conser vator of surpassing interest and artislio excel eno'i, acknowledged to be the msdern parlor megoiineof America The engraving, 28x32 inches, is from the or iginal painting, entitled, 'The I'ic-Nio on the Fourth of July.' The painting took a whole yenr, and is con sidered the finest of the entiro list of numerous populor productions by LilliaM. Spencer. The engraving was the labor of four years, by three eminent artists John Rodgcrs, Samuel Halpin, and Samuel Hollyer ; The last named having been induced to come from Europe to finish it. The engravers have ahly seconded the successful labors of the painter. None but artists can fully appreciate the skill and labor lavished on this engraving The general ef fect is very fine and iutyessive, md the deli rate finish to the heads will bear the most mi nute inspection. The union of lino and stipple is executed with unusunl ability, and their skilful combination has grently contributed to the success of the engravers in this unsurpass ed proof of their genius. Thcjwork on the engraving alone cost over seven thousand dollars, besides the cost of the copyright, and is acknowledged by competent judges the most elaborately finished large work of art cvor engrnved in America. Fine copies of this magnificent picture, on heavy plate paper, worth $10 each, are to be given as a premium to each subscriber to DEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGZINE. Yearly subscriptions only Three Dollars, and ten cents (which is to be sent with the sub scription), for tho postage on the engraving (which will be mailed securely done up on b roller. This is certainly the largest, most liberal ;!endid premium ever offered to single subscribers by my publisher, and affords an easy and economical way for any Pne to secure an eletrant work of art, a Parlor Picture that is only next to a piano in the wny of ornnmcn tatinn, and a perpetual reminder of a day which ought to to be cherished and held in re membrance by every true American. The reception of this magnificent picture will take every one by surprise and we do not venture anything in saying that $10 will not procure another that combines so much of in terest and beuuly. Specimens of the Mngniine, with circulars, giving full particulars, will be sent to any giv. en address, post free on receipt of 15 cents. Addi ess BEMORESr MONTHLY. nov20tf MS Broadway, N. Y. H ENRY WARD BEECHEU'S SERMONS IN PLYMOUTH CHURCH. Are being read by pcoplo of every class and denomination all over this country and Europe. They are full of vital, beautiful rcligigous thought and feeling. Pi.vmoi th Pulpit is published weekly and contains Mr. Beecher's Seimonsam. iU form 8ui,ftb, tn preservat'on and binding. For sale by Un newsdealers. Price 10 cents. Yearly sub. scriptions received by lbs publishers (3;, giv ing two handsome volumes of over 400 poges each. Half yearly, SI "0. A new and superb steel portrait of Mr. Beech er presented to all yeailv subscribers. Extraordinary nfl'er I PLYMOUTH PULPIT S3, and tho CHRIS TIAN UNION 2 f0, an unsectarian, Indepen. dent weekly journal of Christianity with lec ture room talks and editorial articles by Mr. Beechcr sent to one address for 52 weeks for FOUR DOLLAKS. Special inducements to canvassers and those getting up clubs. Speci men copies, postaie free, for 5 cents. J. B. FORD & CO., Publishers. 4w Si Park Row, Yew York. 1 HE LADY'S FRIEND. TWO MONTHS GRATIS ! The Lady's Friend announces the following Novelets for 1870 : Did He Forget Her t ' by Louise Chandler Moulton ; ' The Cascannon's Aunt,' by Elixabeth Prescott, author of 'Be tween Two.' &o. ; Solid Silver j or, Chrisie Deane's Bridal Qitts,' by Ama :da M. Douglas, autbor of the ' Dcbarry Fortune," with nu merous shorter stories by a brilliant galaxy of lady writers. ' A finely executed steel engraving, a hand seme double page, fiuely colored fashion plate, and a lare assortment of wood cuts, illustrat ing the fashions, fancy work, etc., are given in every number. I twill give a popular pieco of Music in ev ery number. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED AUTHORS. The January number will contain portroite (engraved on steel) nf Mrs Henry Wood, Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moulton. Elizabeth Prescott, Amanda M. Douglas Mis., Margaret ilosmer aud August Bell, NEW SUBSCRIBERS Who send in their names before the first of No vember, shall ice ei tie the November nnd De cember numbers of this year in addition, mark ing fourteen months iu all ! And uewsubseri. hers sending iu their names by the first of December shall receive the magnificent Decem ber holiday uuniber, making thirteen months in all ! TERMS ; $2 50 a year; two copies, $ I ; four copies, $0; the copies, (nndone gratis) $8 One copy of e Lady's Friend find one of the Post, Si. ft A copy of the lorge and beautiful Premium Wed engraving 'Taking the Measure of the ceddinj Ring ' engraved in Engluud at a sost of1 $20011 will be sent to every person ending a club This engraving is a gem of art. Address DEACON PETERSON, 310 Walnut street. Philadelphia. Specimeu copies sent for ten ecnts. N EW STORE. The subscriber begs leave to inform the citi zens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has opened a store where may be found PFRFCMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINK CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, CHANGES. LEMONS, In season, ali llf J. R. EAIRD. TILL AHLAD I - OCR GREAT BOSTON DOLLAR STORE f We want good reliable agents in every part Of the country. By employing your rpare time l..k n.l aenilincr im vnlir orders. YOU can obtain the most liberal commissions, elthou In cash or merchandise, and all goods sent by us will be as represented, and we guarantee satisfaction to every one uimx u"-" Agents should colleot ten cents from every mlnmn .n fnrwnrd tn US in adVtnC. fOf descriptive chocks of the goods we sell. The holders or tue cnecKS nave iu i of either purchasing the article thereon des cribed, or of exchanging for any article men tioned on our catalogue, numbering over 600 different articles, not one of which can be pur chased in the usual way for the same money. The advantages of first sending the checks are these : We are constontly buying small lots of very valluable goods, which are not on. our catalogues, and for which we issue checks until all are sold ; besides, in every, club, we will put checks for watches, quilts, blankets, dress patterns, or ome other arliole of eqaal dalue. We do not offer a single article of merchan vuscthat can be sold by regular dealers at our price. We do not. ask you to buy goods from is unless we can sell them cheaper than yon can obtain them in any other, while the greater pait of our goods are sold at abou ONE-HALF THE REGULAR RATES. Our stock consists in part of the followin goods : Shnwls, Blonkets, Quills, Cottons, Ginghams, Dress Goods, Table Linen, . owels. Hosie ry, Gloves. Skirts, Corsets. Silver, hlated Wute, Spoons plated on N'ickel Silver, Dtssert Forks, Five bottle Plated Css tors Brittania ware, Glass ware, Ta bic and Tocket Cutlery, in Great Variety, Elegant French and G tr ine u Fancy Goods, Beautiful Photograph Albums of the New", est n.1 chohest Styles in Morofloe aud Velvet Bindings, Heavy Gold and riuted Jewelry of the latest aud newest styles. Wchave alsj made arrangements with some of the leading publishing houses that will ena ble us to t-ell the standard and. latest works of authors nt about onedialf the regular prices : Milch as Byron, Burns,v Moore, Milton sttd Tennyson's Works, in full gilt and cloth bind ings, and hundreds of others. These and o?erj thing else for ONE DOLL. R FOR EACH ARTICLE. In every order amounting to over $50, a eompanicd by the cash, the agent may $2 ; and in every order over $100, $1 may bn retained to TAY THE EXPRESS CHARGES. COMMISSION TO AGENT.?. For an order of $30 frorr a clnb of thirty. w will pay the agent as commissicn, 83 yards at bleached or brown sheeting, good dress pattern, all wool pants pattern, or $3 50 in cash. For an order of $K0 from a club of sixty, we will pay the agent 65 yards of brown or bleach ed sheeting, hunting case watch, all wool shawl, or $7 in cash. . For an order of $100, from a club 100, w win pay ine agent 110 yards !l yard wide) niiecug, s..-.... -.""""2 muKUiue. er ill Ul cash :end money by registere LETTERS. For further particulars tend for catalogues Address GEORGE A. PLUMMER & CO., (Successors to Harris a Plumraer ) Nos. CO and 40 Hanover Street, Boston, Mass. nov20,'Ca tf HE SATURDAYZVENISG POST. THREE MONTHS GRATIS t This cheapest and best of the Literary Week lies is offering unequalled inducements to new subscribers. In the first paper of October, it commenced a brilliant Novelet, called " a Family Failing,"! by Elizabeth Prescott. It also is now runniuf a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Henry Wood, the famous author of " East Lynno," &o. NEW NOYELETS will continually succeed each other. Amoflg those already on hand or in progress, are " Under a linn," by Amanda M. Douglas ; " Leonie's Secret," by Frank Lea Benedict : a Novelet, by Miss Hosmcr, tc. The post also gives the gems of the English magazines. NEW SUBSCRIBERS Tor 1870 will haue their subscriptions dattd back to the paper of October 2d, until the large extra edition of that date is exhausted. This will bo thirteeen papers in additien to the regular weekly numbers for 1870 or fifteou mouths in all 1 When our extra edition is er. haunted, the names of all new subscribers for 1870 will be entered ou our list the very weeic they are received. TEHMS : $2 50 a year. Two copies, $4. Four copies, b. Five copies (and one gratis) $. One copy of the Poet aud one of the Lady's Friend, ' A copy of the large and beautiful Premium Steel Fugraving. Taking the Measure of the Wedumg Ring "engraved in Englond t a cost of $2010 will be sent to every full ($2 60) ubscriber, and to' every person sending a club This is truly a beautiful engraving I Andrcss H. PETEESON & CO., 810 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies sent free for five eents. OUR HOME PHYSICIAN A newilnndp Book of Fhniily Medioine. By Dr. BhARD, of the University of the Cily of New York, assisted by medical professors H the various departmants. Thiee years dove, led to its preparation. Quackery and hum buggery exposed. Plofefsors in our leader medical colleges testify that it ia the bestfuia ily doctor book ever written. Outfit and sam ple free to agents, A. 11. HUBBARD, 400 Chestnut St. Phil's, Ps. A THIEF- He has been trvalins; about humbugging druggists and private parties, mixing up and selling a base compound which he calls WOLCOTT'S PAIN PAINT. All f Woloott's genuiue remedies have a wlp out side wrapper (with signMvrs bar,). out tut eotintWtti. . s