5ih Ojounfir gdrotpte. . 8. BORD WELL, Editor. SATURDAY, MARCH 6 1870. A WES'i ERN EDI TOR'S DESCR1V HON OF PITTSBURGH. Pittsburgh people never havo fresh a:r except when out of town. The live on until smoke aud floating cinders. We in haled ton tons of coal the first day wo were there. The people breathe the smoke, eat smoke, chew smoke, and carry it loose in their pockets. It is now seventy two years since Pittsburgh Las been warmed or reach ed by the son's rays. Once a streak of sun shine for several years condensing under rock to penetrate the cloitJ of smoke over the 3;ty, got lost, became smoked, and fell liVo 3 stunning edition of tho Black Crook. . The ladies uc smoke and coal dust for heir complexion. Little boy9 and girls fland on the eoruere with wet brooms and hj tmzfs to wash peoples faces for five cents Tfirybody is of i color in Pittsburgh. At ho post office window the clerk distinsuish t people by certain signs, it being inipossi I'e to S3e their faces for the layers of coal O'taad smoke. We saw a little boy cry. v on the street because he had lost his Other who was six feet ahead of him in the Mack n ess. Every one wears mourniug in Pittsburgh. A barber once weut there to color hair and whiskers. He mor'n busted in a week ! Men kiss each other's wives in Pittsburgh, unable to tell which is their own only by the taste. Women send their children on errands', first writing oo their faces with a i hurab nail or wet stick. People feel their way by door knobs, and read by raised type A ni an once stood in his room with the window raised changed his shirt niue times it four minutes, aud only got a clean one cu him when the window fe'l by accident and' kept the smoke out. Meet a man with a cold who had been blowing his nose, and that organ looks like a burnt stump on oaeh side of which u wood chuck has been burrowing. Bedclothes are unknown in Pittsburgh. Leave the window open aud the sheets ot woke settle upon you like newspaper: iron) a machine press, come years siuec i"me snow fell into th city through a cloud ol smoke the smoke, was not hurt, but the enow looked sick. Men carry lanterns to see to shake hands. When looking ate watch to see the hour, it is the fashion to light a match. They make broadcloth by hanging spider's webs out till filled will, truuke, and use hot coal dust for papers They roll the smoke, sweeten its sticks, and ell it for liquorice. SU001ISG AX EDITOR. New York, Ftb. 28. Patrick J. Mea han. editor of the Irish American, was shot this evening, about 11 o'clock, by James Kenoan, on Broadway. Both are members tif the O'Neill btanch of the Fenian Brother hood, and hud been attending a Fenian meeting at the headquarters, corner of Fourth street and Broadway. Mcahan was, it is said, head and front of the opposition to General O'Neill, and Juremost in obtaining the vote of dismissal of Keenan. The meeting broke up about 11 o'clock, with feelings of bitter hostility between the adherents of the Senate and fboseof General O'Neill. Meahan, with friends, Edward J. Carey, McKinley, and others, had cone about a quarter of a block when, at the eorn5r of Broadway, Kecnan , as alleged, stepped behind Meahan and shot hi in iu the neck. He was carried into a drug store and sub sequently taken to the home of Carey. The wound is said to be very dangerous. Keenan was arrested. A five-barrelled revolver was lound on his person, with three barrels dis charged. He fired only once at Meuhan. The prisoner denies the oharge altogether, and while at the station-house he was very oool. Two Steamers Missing. The Bremen Steamer Smidt, which left Bremen on the 20th of January with 293 passengers for New York, has not yet arrived or been heard from, not wiihstanding she has been out now forty-one days. Much appaehen eion is 'felt for her safety. There is also grave fears entertained con cerning the safety of the City of Boston which loft New York for Liverpool, Jan, 25th and has consequently beeu out thirty six days, and not yet heard from. Some hopes are entertained that both these stea mers have only beon disabled and that the passengers and crews are yet safe and will soon be heard from. Warning to Young ladies. A girl in Chester, Vt, died a few days ago from the effects ef tight lacing. To such a fear ful extent had this been indulged in, that the ribs were found lapped over one anoth. er and the breast bone was pressed over one lung so that she had entirely lost its nso. For several months previous to her death, this poof victim had been obliged to alaep with corsets on aud tightened to the last notch, lor loosening gave such pain in the internal expansion that she couid Jiot b 'ar it. KENTUCKY. Keutucky wants immigrants. She is moving in the matter, and, in imitation of some of her Southern sisters, contemplates establishing a Bureau of Immigration. A few years ago it was thft frequent and fa vorite assertion of Southern politicians and economists that cotton wus a complicated crop which only negroes under Southern overseers could possibly raise. N-jw one of their orators declares that the ctop, though "not a complicated one,' can not be raised by negroes in state of freedom ; ' nor by vicious) and avaricious Chinese Coolies : on ly the pure, unadulterated Saxon is com petent to the task. Discarding the labor it has on luud, Kentucky now proposes to import her farm hands direct from England. We hope she may get them in abundance. Kentucky ts a State which deserves and needs the regeneration of new, fresh blood we heartily trust she will establish and maiutain her Bureau, and we are glad to aid in circulating her bid for the favors of European cmcgrants. But Kentucky should remember that her natural advantages are clearly overbalanced, not only by those of other States to the north and south of her, but also by her cwn social and political disadvantages, and hasten to remove the latter. She cannot afford to discard and destroy the labor she has at hand while waiting for thai which is yet to be impor ted. This she can do, however, and we fear will, by a churlish and perhaps bloody acquiescence in the invitable and early change in political relations of former mas ter and man which must follow the adopt tion of tho Fifteenth Amendment. It is not difficult to destroy a system of labor, but Kentucky may find that it is exceed ingly embarrassing and costly to establish another iu its place. N. 1". Tribune.' West Virginia hastens to conform to the requirements of the Fifteenth Amend" ment. Her House of Delegates on Friday voted to amend the State Constitution by striking out "while" from the suffrage clause. With equal wisdom and grace, tie body also nddi-d a clause restoring the bal lot to disfranchised Rebels. Two States have now virtually declared for General Amnesty. We hope noon to see all the other Southern and Western States couple the two propositions of Impartial Suffrage and General Amnesty in one enactment. We have also the gratifying intelligence that the Missouri Lcgislu&ure proposes to restore to her ciTizens the right to hold oflJce and serve as jurors. Tho Senate and House, on Wednesday, Feb. 23d, passed upon over 300 private bills, including a number of divorces. The House alone severed the nuptial tics of five couples, so far as its action in the matter could go. The bill providing for a new county out of proportions of Warren Ye. nnngo, and Crawford, received its death blow in the House on amotion to indefinite ly postpone, which was carried by a vote of 03 to 25, aud the House refusing to recon sider. The Poor. The poorest man to be met with is the man who is too poor to take a newspaper. We pity such a man, rspe- cia'.ly'ifho is a man of property. Who ever heard of a man too poor to ' smoke or shew tobacco, if addicted to cither habit ? And yet men who spend from fifteen to twenty-five cents a day for "the weed" are too poof to take a newspaper, iu the intel lectual enjoyment of which their families participate. Really such men arc poor. They are objects of pity. m A MAN fins been arrested in Massachu. setts, and will be tried for attempting to commit suicide. It is held that the offence is will-recognized under the common law, and that a man has no moro legal right td try to kill himself than to attempt to take tbe life of another person. This is a capi tal point. Let us sec these would-be self. murders severely punished, and, our word forjt, there will be fewer suicides. Ex. Three American Generals have entered the service oflsmael Pasha Gens. Mott, Loring, and Sibley. They all three have nominally equal commands as Generals of Division ; one taking the artillery, another infantry, and a third tho cavalry. It is probable that Ratheb Pasha will retain the nominal chief command of the Egyptian army. Chicago, Feb. 21. A special dispatch to the Tribune, from St. Paul, says the bill which recently passed the Minnesota House of Representatives, providing for submit iog to the people of the State an amend ment to the constitution on the question of woman's suffrage, on which question they should be allowed to vote, was to day con curred in by a vote of 12 to 19. Tho bill provides that women's votes shall be taken in seperate boxes. It is understood that Governor Austin will sign the bilL ""Are these iresh eggs)"' "Yes madam." "How do you know ? You speak to positive ly." - "Why, I laid them in that box, myself, early this morning." MODEST REQUESTS IN OLD UMJSSi The Holyoke (Mass ) Tramcript pub lisles the following copy of quaint letter from Rev. John Pbndmeton, of Spring. 1 field, to Amos Ai.lin, of West Sprigfield, one of his parishioners, which bears the date of July 6, 1787 : Honored Sir; My kind lova to thee and thy wifo and dear family, hoping these lines will find you well Dear Sir, I know you love to do good. Tray Sir, I intend to cut my grass next Wednesday, if fair ; if not, the next day, and as we are to make our wants known, if you will be so kind as to let my friends know of the same, and they would come and ent the grass down for me. I hope I should be thankful and obliged to them for tho same. Four or five will do it, with what I expect this side of the river, and pray be so kind the next day after they come and cut my grass, for you and Miss Allen, Dcakon Homeston and his wifo, Deakou Rogers and wife, Mr Lizeh and his wife, to come over and see my wife and I am in hopes you and my friends will come and see me oftcner than you have done so, and then your horses may have some to cat, dear Sir farewell. Yours iu love. John Pendleton. A Fulls county (Texas) paper says the family of General Houston is very poor. It remarks: "His youngest child is, wo sup pose, about ten years of age. He has two others, about 'l or 14, perhaps 12 or 1G years old respectively. lie had a noble wife, who, in the providence of Ood, was grcauy instrumental in leaaing mo mind ot the -Teat statesman to the sublime faith in ,. ,1.,.. , , , Cbri&tiau.mity in which he died, and by which ho was led to happiness and heaven. His Dumcrous friends will not let his fain ily suffer, but it should be a state affair and then the humblest friend and admirer of the hero of San Jaciuto, who pays taxes, will fell that he or she has some share in the laber ofbve and grMiludc. Rev.. Dr. Chalmers once said: "The little that I have seen in the world, and know of the history of mankind, teaches me to look upon their errors in sorrow not in an ger. When 1 take the history ot one pocr heart that has siuncd and suffered, and pres ent to myself the struggles and temptations it has passed through ; the brief pulsation of joy ; the tears of regret ; the feebleness of purpose; the eorn of tho world that has little charity ; the desolation of the soul's sanctuary and threatening voices within ; health goue happiuess gne 1 wouid fain leave the erring sou! of my fellow nan will Him from whose hands it came." 1ILES. A MISSIONARY. WHOIIADSuf fercd 22 years with tho Piles, wag cured, ana will send the receipt free. KSV. fOSTtK IMS. 20 ire Jersey City, N. S. A GREAT CHANCE! A AGENTS WAN 'I KD ! 81000 per year Mire made by Agents, male or female. selling our tcorld-renoicned t'M'Kt. .verlaiiing While Wire Clothei Lines. Cheapest aud beat clothes lines in the World ; only 3 cts. perfodt, and will last a hundred years. AddreFS the Hudson Rirer Wire Co., 1o Vim. St., or 16 Dear- burn St. Chicago, 111. 20 4w. 17 m DEAFNESS THE PATENT OltGAN- IO VIBRATOR. It fits into the Ear, is not prcceptible. removes Mngmg voltes in toe Head, and enables Deaf Persons to hear dis tinctly at Church or publio Assemblies. Trea tise on Deafness, with Means of Cure, sent free. Da. T. llrsr Stilwkll, 702 Broadway, N. Y. 20 4w CANVA83ING-BOOKS SENT. FREE FOR, T) ARIS BY SUNLIGHT L AND GASLGHT- WOltH descriptive of the W I'STJE- MtiES, fiHTVKS. ofthe ciTfovptnis. It tells bow Paris has becocme the .Gayest and most Beautiful City in the world ; how its Keauty ana splendor are purchased at a fear ful cost of Misery aud SuflVu ing ; how visitors are swindled by Professional Adveutureg : how Yirute and Vice go arm-in-arm in the Bonti. ful City; how tbe most Fearful Criines are commit t e J and couceiled ; , how money is Squandered in useless luxury; and contains over l-0 fine engiavingsof noted Places, Life ird 8eues in Paris. Agents wanted, Canvas, sing Books sent free. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 20 4w Philadelphia, Pa. WASTED AGENTS. CT, OOAA PER jp 1 O to ipJJ MONT II. Everywhere, male and female, to iutroduee tbe Genuine Improvod Common Sense FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This Machine will gtich, hem, fell, tuck quill, cord, biad, braid and embroider in a mobtguerior manner PRICE ONLY 18 DOLLARS. Fully Warbjjtedtob Fivk Ycabs. We will pay $1000 for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam tbau outs. It makes the "KLASTASTIC LOCK STITCH." Every eecoud stitch can be cut, aud still the cloih cannot be pulled apart without leaving it. We pV Agenli ftora $75 to $2(K per inonin aim exweuses, or a conuiission from which twice that amount can be made. Ad dress. BECOME 4 CO., Pittsburgh ra. ; Boston, Mass., or St. Louis Mo. CAUTION. Beware of all Agents selllns .lucuun uuuer iue game name as ours, unless iney can snow a uertilioate or Agenoy signed by us. We shall not hold ourselves resDunsi- lile fur worthless Machines soldby other parlies either selling or useinff Machines under this name to obtain from us by our Arenle. Do not .be inipoaed upon by parties who oopy our ad- venigeuienii aua circular ana oner worthless Macbipes at a less price. 0 4w NEW AD VER TISEMENTS. I was ouled of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy and will send tbe receipt free. 19n 4w. MRS. M. C. LEGGETT, . Hoboken, N. J. KILLTHE DEMON of pain. Vol- colt's Pain Paint removes pain instantly, and heals, old Ulcers. JFolcett's Annihilator eurei Cntnrrh, Bronchitis and Cold in the head. Sold by all druggists, and 181 Chatam Square, N. Y. 19n 4w AGENTS. WANTED FOR THE SECRETS OF INTERNAL REVENUE. EXPOSING. The Whiskey Ring, Gold Ring, and Draw frauds Divulging systematic Robbery of tht pub lic Treasury, Organiied Depredations, Conspir acies and Maids on the Government Official Turpitude, Malfeasance, Tyranny and Corrup tion. The most Slartling, Facinating, Instruc tive and Imvorlanl Hook yet pub'ished. Con taining authentic facts, indisputable evidence, sworn testimony, complete and accurate details. Legislators. Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, every Citizen and Taxpayer, are directly inter ested in the Stratagems, Artifices, Machina tions and Crimei of Corrupt Politicians, Illicit Distillers, Gold Gamblers, Drawback forgers and crafty Malefactors, Published ic one at tractive volume, about BOO well-filled pages, with spirited illastrationg. Price low to suit the times, $3.00. Sold by subscription only. Sen J for circular and special terms. 19 4w W., FLINT, Publisher Phila., Pa. AMATEUR CULTIVATOR'S GUIDE. FOR THE Flower & Kitchen Garden. 24th edition of this popular work. Which has met with so much favor in the past, is now ready. It has tieen re-written and improved. hustrated with a beautiful Lithograph, and "nuy oDicr fine engravings from nature. It III nil cu n ii ii uv iiuc, iiii'j yj u imv Liiiiiei, 11- contains full description and the culture of over l-00 leading varieties of Flowers and ven dibles: also descriptive lilt of the novelties of tho present season ; to which is ad Isd a collec lion ot 2()Ochoiec Fieneh Hybrid Galdiolus. ilns work, we feel confident, will compare fu vorably with any similar one. From Lett BartUtU Warner. A". 11. "I have received a copy ef your superbly gottot up Amateur Cultivator's Guide. 1 think it fur ahead of anything of the kind ever be fore issued trcm the American press. Sent to any nddress upon receipt of 25 cents lor papor coeer, ana bo ceyts for tastefully Doiind in ciuia. 19 4w WASHBURN A CO., Boston, Mass. THE FOLSOM IMPROVED FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE. Thce machines make a strong, durable and e'ust ic stitch; mil sew wit ti case every vuriety of eotton, woolen, linen and silk goods, from the finest to the coarsest, and ot any required thiekneis at greater speed and with less power and noiio than any other machine. Agents wanted in eery town. Lib eral commission allowed. For terms and circu lar address A S. Hamtltvv, No. 700 Chestnut St. n!8 4t Philadelphia, Pa , Sole A gl AE A It TF.R TISEM h 7'S. H INK LEY KNITTING MACHINE FO!t FAMILY CSE simplt. cheap, reliable. Knits ivEnvniiKii. AGENTS WANTED. Circularand sampie giocking FREE. Address IIl.KLli a.U'n.NU MACHINE CO., Bath. Me. 4 THE MAGIC COMB Will change anv colored hair or bcara to a permanent black or brown. It contains so rbieoK. Any one can use it. One sent by mail for $1. Ad' Jress MAC 10" COMB CO.. 1 13 3m a Springfield, Mass. THE GHKAT CAUSE HUMAN MISERY. Just Published, in a Sealed Fnvthpe. .Vice tiz cents. A Lr.CTcra On Tna N.vTrnr, Treatment anu Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sper matorrhoea, induced by SelfAbuse Involuntary Emissions. Impoleney, Nervous Debility, and Impedements to Marriege generally ; Cocump tion, Epilepsy, and Fits : Mental and Physical Incepacity. Sc. By KOIJ. J. I'LL VER WELL, M. D., Author ot tbe "Green Book," kc. The woild-te ftowned author, in this admir able Lecture, clearly proves from big own ex perience that the awful consequences of Self Abuse may bo effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical op erations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cor. dials, pointing out a mode of euro at once cer tain ana enectua1, by wuicn every runerer, no mnitor what his condition may be, may euro himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This lecture will prove a boon tothousanu aud thousand. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on' receipt of gic cents, or two pog tage stamps, by addressing the publishers Also, DK. CULVERWELLS "M-wringe Guide," price 2-1 cents. Address tbe Publishers, . Ciias. J. C. Ktiiss & Co. 127 Bowkrt, New York, PostOHice Box 4,585. TO THE WORKING CLASS We are now pre pared to furnish all classes with cons ant employment at homo, the whole of the time or for the spar o moments. Business new, light and profitable- l'ersens of either sex easily earn from oOc. to$ per evening, and a prop portsonal gum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see thig notice may send their address, and lest the business, we make this uhparalleled offer : To such at are tot well saligtiied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to eimmeuce work on, aud a copy of Tht People's Literary Companion- ouof Ilia largest family newspa pers published all sent free by mail. Read er, if you want permanent, profitab'e werk, address JS. C. ALLEN &CO., Aigi sty Maine. Feb. 10 Sm, NOTICE. AH persons are hereby, cautioned against buying or niedliug with a certain Dapple Gray Horse now in the hands of J. C. Case, of Jay township Elk County Pa., and subjuect to my orders. Said horse about Nine years old. Z. M. WEBB, D R C. II. FULLER, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, UinowAT, Tk. T?XECCT10N5, SUMMON.?, 6CBP03. JTj oaa, Warrants, ., hand aad for sale at this offiea. NOW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE CHEAP Bargains in HARNESS, SADDLES, VALISES, TRUNKS, WHIPS, 4C. J. M. HEARD, havingjust returned from Phil adelphia, where he has purchased a large as-, sortment of the abovo goods, along with nearly everything in his line, would respectfully in vite the aitention of the publio to them. He is at all times prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of harness, or anything else in bis line. BOSTON TEAM COLLARS, The best collar for lumberiag purpose, are KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I CHALLENGE COMPETITION AS TO PRICE, STYLE OR QUALJY. !&.Giv me a rail at my establishment, ABOVE THE CORNER OF MAIN AND DEPOT STREETS, RIDGWAY, PA. noT5,'69.1y J. M. HEARD. THE ONLY RELIABLE CURE FOR DYS PEPSIA IN THE KNOWN WORLD. Da. Wishart's Great Anf.ricak Dyfpki'sia Pills and Pins Trek Tab Ccruial are a posi tive and infallible cure for dyspepsia in its most aggravated form, and no matter of how long standing. t hey penetrate the secret abode of thn ter rible disease, and extcrminuto it, root and branch, forever. They ellcviate more agony and silent suf fering than a tongue can icll. Tecy are noted for curing the most despe rate and hopeless cases, when every known menns fail to alio' d relief. No form of dyspepsia or indigestion caa re gist their penetrating power. DR- WISH ART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL It is the vital principle nf the Pine Tree, ob tained by a peculiar process in the distillation of the tar, by which its highest medical proper ties arc retained. It invigorates the cHgcstive organs and restores the appetite. It strength ens the dcbilat.ucd Fvslein. Ii purifies and enriches the blood, and eipels trom the KysU-m the corruption which scrofula breeds on the lungs. It disolvfs the mucus or phlegm which slops the the air passage of iho lung. It lcaling principle acts upon the irritated snr faco of the lung3 and throat, penetrating to each diseased pa"t, relieving pain and sub duing infl-imation. It is the result of years ol study mid experiment, and it is offered to the iiflieted with positive assurance of its power to cure the following diseases, if lh patient has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure : Consumj-lion of tin. Limjs, Cunjhs, Soar Thront ami lire'i 't, linntrhiti. Llv.r Complaint, Blind inl JJl'ct'inj l'iks, Asl'n.tti, Wltntiju'iig Cowjh, J)'jitfim'i. &r. A medical expert, holding honor We colle giate diplomas, devoirs his entire time to the exainii.atioii nf patients it the office pnrlors. soeiatea with h in are three consulting phy sicians of acknowledged cniicnce. whose ser vices sre giveh to the public irke ok tnBOE. This opportunity is offered by no oilier in gtitu'i'jti in the c untry. Letters from eny pu t of the country, askinp adwee. will be promptly and gratuitously res ponded to. Where convenient, remittances iliould take the shape of DRAFTS OR POST-OFFICE ORDERS Price of Wisharl's American Dyspepsia rills $1 a box. Pent by mail on rocij.t of price. Price ofWishan'Piiie Tree Tar Cordial, $1,50 a bottle, or $11 pur duzen. Sent by ex press. AU communications shauld be addressed L. Q. C. WLSHA3T, M. D., No. 232 North Street. I'hihx. JOARDING HOUSE, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa. MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor. The undersigned has opened a larg boardirg house at the above place, where ho is amply prepared to satisfy the wants of those who may avor him with their custom. no'G02O, c WARLEd HOLES, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER k JEWELER, Wtstendof Hyde House, Ridgw.iy, Pa. Bells as Cliesp as Erer, GOLD AND SILVER WATAES, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, XX VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, Spectacles, Peng and Pencils, F.xclniive Jgcnt for the sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD TENS. Repairing Watches, etc., done with the same accuracy as heretofore. uov20,'ti0if OOMETH1NG NEW IN RIDGWAY ! BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT 1 The subecribcr take thia mzthod of inform ing the cilizene of Rldgwuy and viciuity that he bag opened a BOOT i SHOE STORE, in the room lately occupied by Henry 8. Thay er in the west end of the Hyde House, where may be found a general assortment of Ladies Shoes, Gentiomens' Boots and Shoes,' Boys' Boots and Children' Shoes. ALSO, Connected with the above establishment 1 have a Bout and Shoe Manufacturing Kstublisliincm waert worn will lie made to order. Repairing Hone en hrt notice and on reasonable lern.s The pnhlie are inviid to gW me a cull .W.'WJy GEORGE WALK.ER. The moit Complete nunlncss Col lege the United States. Affording facilities for aoquireing a tboroagu, practical business education, poisoned by Da other School in the country. Since its Incorporation in 1856, nearly Six een Thousand Students, representatives from every State in the Union, have attonded here. No vacations. Students enter at any time. and receive private instructions throughout the entire course. N. B. Circulars with full particulars and all necessary information, on addressing SMITH & t'UWLEY, Principal, PlTTSBtiaGB, Pit. MONEY IS an artiole despised by none, and we art now prepared to shew how all may posgeaa it in abundance, by following a few simple in gtructioag which will be given FREE of charge, except the trifling sum of twenty fire cents, as a guarantee of good faith. The busi ness is inexhaustible, and thousands are now engaged in it ; while, to their friends the cause of their great suceess remains a mystery. Any party engaging will frequently receive sealedi packages by express or mail. Further thaa thig the buginesg ig all to yourgelf. . A3 toe article eaa be carried in the vest pocket, ex cept when wanted for ute. It neds your alt tention but one or two days in the week, or a couple of hours daily,' which can b after other business ig over. No additional rent, taxes, help of any kind. All engaging must be of first WATER. None but gsod gmart men wanted, who caa keep their business to themselves, act contii deuiially with me, and make from $0 to $10 for every hour's service. Act promptly. Begin now and a fortune is youri. lactose with your address 25 centg. and you will get full particulars bv returu mail- Address. E. F. HALLET. nov20 Sw Box 3f.6 TitusviUe, Ta. c 1 UNSMITHINJ. X hip nnnersit-Tra rosjicctjuiiy u. iintuiccsto the citczens ol Elk, and ncfjoiu. mp cotintieSj.tliai he us recently cstablishC'l i thin Shop in Hidjrway at the hen'l rf Main nml Prpot Streets, in ths basement of tho builuinjr oecupied y V. S. Servica as & tin sh'ipf where he will attend promptly to all order for work in hi lino. TARGET AND HUNTING RIFLES; Single or i'oublc, madu to order, and w.ir rn'ed. He also loops on laiid, a-.id, Ur sr N'WAND Sl PmiOll Urcech J nuditi;; Rifle, a g.md sssci liuent t A 1 1 n 1 1 1 r. i 1 1 o i, Kcvolvers, H anting TsiAla, and othir articles pertaining to the mde. nlO. tt HORACE WARNER. Infallible Remedy does not, like the 11III3 '"" irritating tinuil's aud strong pojoiiilious with which the people hue cuust'ca. humbugged, simply palliate for long bsc or drive the disease t.,the lungs at short titnnt'ger of doing in the use of guch uos there i da't produces perfect and fermanent trums, but worst cise of Chronic Catarrh, as oures of ihean testify Cold in the bead is cu tuoussiids cw application. Catarrhal Heait ed ith a feved aud cured as if by magic. It ache is rcliensive breath, loss or impairment of .einoves off taste, smelling or hearing, waier ng or weak yg, andinnird n.cnciy, aim caused by 1 hcvio'ence of 'Catarrh, as they fra uently are. 1 offer in good faith a standing reward of $.00 for a cate ef Catarrh that I cannot cure. For gale by nicst drnggiate everywhere-. Price only 50 cents. Ask your druggist for the remedy ; but if lie has not yet got it on sale, don't put it off bv accepting ary miserable wprse thau worthies substitute, but enclose sixty cents to me, an-l the remedy will be sent you postpaid. Four packages $2, or one dozen for $2. Send a ;w cent siamp for Dr. dago's pamphlet ou Calanh. Address the proprietor, R. V. TIERCE, M. T. nov27 C9y Buffalo. N. T. GRAT DIST R BUTION By the Metropolitan Gilt Co, C VII GIFTS TO THE AMOUNT t.F $VJ0.00O ETEDY TICKET DRAWS i.P3;ZE. r c'h g's, each ?0,0t!0 HI C h g'g, each $1 fiOO 10 " 10,000 2MJ " aiio 20 " 500 I COO " " 10O .V) Elegant Rosewood Pianos each $300 to $7l 75 ' Veluduoub hOto 10 KfiO Sewing machines - CO to 175 fit 1(1 Hold Watches - - " 75 to 800 Cash prizes silverware, ,Jc., vul'd at 1,000 000 A chance to draw any of the aboyj Priz for "Joe. Tickets describing Prizrs are scalerf in t'uvealopes and well mixed. Ou receipt ot .oc. a Sealed ticket is drawn without choice ant sent by mail to any address. The prize namet upon it will be delivered to the ticket-holder on payment of One Potior. Prizes are im mediately sent to any address by express or return mail. You will know what your Frizo is bifor you pny for it. .Iny Prize exchanged for anoth- er of same value. No Blanks. Our patrons caa depend on fair dealing. HKFunr.Nfi:: We select the following from many who lve lately drawn Valuable Prize and kindly pcrmiltol us to publish them: -Andrew J. Burns, Chicago, $10,000; Misa Clara S. Walkor, Baltimore. Piano, $S00 James .1. Mathews, Detroit, $5,000 j John T. Andrews. Savannah $."i,0OO ; Miss .Ignes Sim mons, Charleston, 1'inno, COO. VYo publish u names without permission. Opinions or thr Pabss : "The firm is relia ble, and deserve I heir success " Wtrkty Trih. line. May 8. We know litem to be a fair deal ing firm. A". T. Jlcra'd, May 28. A friend of ours drew a bOO deih.r prize, which was promp tly received Vaily Ks cs, June 3. Send forcireulai. - Liberal inducements to .Igeuts. Satisfaction guaraoleid. Every package of Sealed Euvea'.opes oontains o.a OAhii (it rr. Six Tickets for one dollar ; 13 lor two dollars; So fur five dollars : 110 for lodul. larg, AM letters f bou'd he addressed to H.4UPKR. WILSON CO.. Feb IV 2m lOeBroadway, N. I.