The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 19, 1870, Image 1
NO. 19. RIDGWAYi PA., FEI3.19; 1870. VOL 1. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT $1 1' E II , I JT v u w . Rales of Advertising. Adra'r nnd Ex'rs notices, cac, 6 times, $ 8 00 Auditor's notices, each 3 00 Cnu'.ious and Estrays each, 3 times 3 00 l'ransient Advertising per Bqure of 8 lines or less 3 times, or less 2 00 For each subsequent insertion 50 Official advertising for each square of 8 liner or less 3 times or less .2 00 For each subsequent insi.'tion 60 Professional cards, 5 liner, 1 yr 6 00 Loal notices, pgr line, one time IS Obituary notices, over 6 lines 10 Nearly Advertising, one-hnlf column 60 00 f early Advertising, one column 100 00 Clanks, single quire 2 60 Blanks, three quire 2 00 Blanks, 6 quires , per quire....'. 1 76 Blanks, over 6 quires per quire 1 50 For hank notes, subpoenas, summons, ex ecutions, warrants, eonstable sales, road and school orders, each per doz...25 Handbills, eight sheet 25 or less 1 60 " fourth sheet 5 or less 2 60 Lalf-shcet l!'orlesB 4 50 vfholo sect 25 or less 8 00 Over 25 of each of above at proportionate rates. 05llv (Intuitu gircctorjr. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge S. 1'. Johnson. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jho. P. incent. Associate Judge E. C. Schultze, Jesse Kyler. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff Jacob McCauley. Prothonotary io., Prod. Schocning. Treasurer Claudius V. Gillis. Co. Superintendent Rufiis Lucore. Commissioners H. Warner, Job. W. Taylor, Louis Vollnwr. Auditors Clark Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and Joseph Wilbclrn. County Surveyor Geo. Walmslcy. Jury Commissioners. George Lickinsn, and Horace Little. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Secoud Monday in January, List Monday in April. First Monday in August. Pirst Monday iu November. AUDITORS BJfiiTLJSMENT- l!lCEIITS AND Ext'KNMTURES OF ELK County ro:t tub 1'iiAit E.ndinu Janua hv 1st, 1S70. RECEIPTS. Tax received from un seated lands. 511 49 Tax received from Col. lectors. 8,030 04 Jury lees & indictments. 72 CO Pine Com. vs. Hunger. lord. 23 00 $3,611 53 Excels of expenditures. 3,104.30 0,835 83 KXPENPITUKES. Py amount piid L. V'oll-nii-r, Commissioner Py amount paid J. W. Taylor, commissioner. Py amount paid H. S. . Reluap, commissioner. Py aaiount paid Henry Warner. Py amount paid P. S. Gillis, clerk. Pistrict Attorney's foes. Jacob M'Cauley, sheriff. Commonwealth costs. Pounty lor wolves, &c. Prison expenses. Jury lees. Assessing expenses. Electi jii expenses. J m tides' fees. Constables' fees. Auditors' fee. Auditors' cleik. Puad views. Stationery. Stamps. Pepairs to public tuild- ings, &.O. Puel and lights. Counsel. Pruthcnotary's lees. Janitor. Court Crier. Printing. Tipstaves, 4 Miscellaneous, 'jury Commissioners. Witness fees. P.egistering expenses. Stable for use of sheriff. State roads. ltefuudiug orders. Western Penitentiary. Auditing Prothonotary's account. Inquests, S1G0 00 102 00 42 50 25 00 240 00 202 .00 111 GO 44 80 23 75 295 25 2,043 29 174 40 489 78 64 41 247 06 ' 5250 25 00 28 00 104 GO 4 50 314.70 50 50 100 00 195 27 80 00 G2 50 295 50 83 55 ' 2 85 10 00 133 34 283 00 350 00 07 5G 2G 91 217 75 9 00 . 12 37 0,835 "83 'ABSETTS AND LIAHTLIT1FS OP ELK COUNTY, JANUAKY I, 1870. Assetts. Cash in Treasury. ?2,453 58 Cash in Treasury bounty fund. 3.371 51 Tux due on uuseated lands. . 12,482 99 Tax due from collectors, subject to exoneration, &o. 6,372 08 Cameron. Elk & Clearfield State road. 136-130 m 8 it? 76 Liabilities. County order outstanding. $ 240 08 Pounty bonds " 890 00 Due W. Penitentiary, estimated. 200 00 Due Sheriff M'Cauley. 118 55 Excess of assetts. 23.8G8 13 $24,816 76 AMOUNTS DUE TO ELK COUNTY BY THE SEVERAL COLLECTORS, JAN. 1, 1870. County Tax. J. V. Houk, Ridgway, 1865. $ 37 47 William M'Caulev. Fox. I860. 255 12 O. F. Dickinson, Ridgway, 1866 15 17 J. .Mover. Fox. 18G7. 22 84 T). D. Hnok. Ridewav. 1867. 373 93 D. G. M'Knaul, Spring Creek, '67 34 21 D. a. Johnson. Uenezet, looo. iiy vv D. C. Oyster, Horton, 18G8. 77 71 II. F. Overholtzer. Ridzwav, '68 510 87 A'. Irwin, Spiiug Creek. 274 76 Bounty Tax. John Koch, Fox. 1801. 289 40 C. W. Porterfield. Spring Cr'k, '64 206 92 A. Turley, Jay, 1865. 113 29 P. A. Dill, Ridnway, 18G5. 255 63 County Tax. T. J. Taylor, norton, 18G9. 412 94 M.M.Chase, Penezet, 18G9. 310 27 John Glixner, Penzinper, 18G9. 426 70 P. W. II ay r, Fox, 1869. 846 67 Charles Stubbs, Highland, 1869 7 76 M. Weidert, Jones, 18G9. 313 r 2 Jacob Oval, Jay, 18G9. 492 98 II. S. Thayer, Kidgway, 1869 677 90 K. P. Saltsman, Spring Creek, '69 149 78 J. X. Ilaberbush, St. Marys, '09. 146 41 AMOUNTS OF STATE AND COUNTY TAXES RECEIVED FROM THE 6EVERAL TOWN SHIPS OF ELK COUNTY DURING" THE YEAR 1809. Benezet. $185 71 Penzinger. 417 61 Fox. 158 18 Highland. 80 79 Horton, 272 50 Jay. ' 282 45 Joues. 150 00 Ridgway. 434 33 Spring Creek. 384 29 St. Marys. 898 53 Bounty. Jay. Ridgway. 121 9G 110 00 $3,496 35 We, the uudersigned, Commissioners of Elk, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a correct statement of the re ceipts and expenditures, ic, of Elk county, for the year 1869, and the assets and liabili ties ot the same. January 1, 1S70. LOUIS VOLLMER,-) J. W. TAYLOR, Corcmr's. HENRY WARNER, ) Attest -Robt. S. Gillis, Clerk. C. V. OILLIS, ESQ., TREASURER ELK COUN. TY, IN ACCOUNT WITH ELK COUNTY. FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUAKY 1, 1870. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. $G,573 50 " tax ree'd from unseated lands. 51A 49 " collectors. 3,030 04 $10,118 03 Januarj 3d, 1870. Py county orders redeemed. $7,028 58 " refuudiug orders. 3C8 68 " Treas. com on am't received. 107 08 " " " " " disbursed 220 11 " balance due county. 2,453 58 $10,118 03 State Tax Account. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement $ 58 50 " tax received. 233 35 balance due Treasurer. - 291 tO '$583 45 January 3d, 1870. Py State Treasurer's receipts. $ 58 50 .4 it 524 95 $583 45 ROAD FUNDS. Benezet Road JPumh. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. $745 85 " tax ree'd from unseated lands. 9 8S $755 73 January 3d, 1870. To Treasurer's receipt. $600 00 " orders redeemed. " 15 00 " Treas. com. on am't received. . 30 " " " " " disbursed 18 45 " balance due fund. 121 98 $755 73 Benzinqer Road Fund. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement " tax received. " tax received additional. $391 49 15 60 166 $418 75 $282 00 31 50 82 9 40 95 03 January 3d, 1870. " . By Treasurer s receipt. " orders redeemed. " Treas. com. on am't received. disbursed balance due fund. $418 75 Fox Road Fund, January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement, " tax received. additional. $410 86 17 03 " 2 30 $436 79 $1G1 00 60 4 83 270 36 January 3d, 1870, By orders redeemed. " Treas, com. on am't received. " ' " " disbursed " balance due fund. $436 79 Horton Road Fund. January 3d, 1870. To tax received. $3 50 $3 50 $ 10 3 40 January 3d, 1870. Py Treas- com. on am't received. ! balance due (und. $3 50 Highland Road Fund. January 3d, 1870. lo balance at last settlement. $507 i J " tax received. 127 10 $634 95 $482 56 55 00 3 81 10 1-2 77 40 $034 95 January 3d, 1870. By District treasurer s receipts. " orders redeemed. ' Treas. com. on am't received. " " " " disbursed " balance due fund. Jones Township Road fund. January 3d, 1870. To am't tax received. $361 32 " " " additional. 83-94 8415 20 January 3d, 1870. Iiy balance due at last settlement l ill orders redeemed. 34 o U0 Treas. com. on am't received. 13 35 " " " " " disbused 14 85 " balance due fund. 4 12 .$445 20 Jay Road Fund. January 3d. 1870. To balance at last settlement. $258 14 23 50 1 75 " tax received. " additional. S283 39 January 3d, 1S70. By District Treasurer s receipt S200 00 " J;x. order. 1 U " Treas. com. on am't received. 75 " " " " " disbursed C 84 " balance due fund. 51 00 $283 39 R dgway Road Fund. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. $1,482 40 " tax received. 332 32 " balance due treasurer. 52 27 $1,807 05 January 3.1, 1870. By District Treasurer s receipts. $1,437 00 orders redeemed. 31)0 00 " treas. com. on am't received. 9 90 " " " " " disbursed 54 09 $1,807 05 Spring Creek Road Fund. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. $353 90 " tax rsoeived. 13 42 " " " additional. 9 42 January 3d, 1870. By lownship Treasurer s receipt, $338 28 " I reas. com. on. am t received. 08 " " " ' disbursed 10 14 balance due fund 27 64 $376 74 St. Marys Road avd Corporal on Fund. January 3d, 1870. To bal at last settlement due road $100 47 do do do do do corp 38 35 do tax received, road 4 1'5 do do do corp 2 05 do do do additional 1 $146 64 $97 46 37 20 January 3d, 1870 By boro treaj recp't, road do do do do corp do Treas com on amount ree'd do do do do disb'd do bal due fund 23 03 72 $146 64 SCHOOL AND BUILDING FUSDS. Benezett Township. January 3d, 1870 To balance on hut settlement $1,796 84 do tax received, school 8 89 do tax do beildiog 8 89 $1,814 62 January 3d, 1870 By district treasurers receipt $1,742 93 " treasuiefs com on am't lee'd 53 "treasure's com on am't disb'd 52" .28 balance due fund 18 88 $1,81462 Benzinger Township Jauury 3d, 1870 To balance at Ira settlement $1,231 86 do tax received 15 60 do tax receved building 5 84 $1,2.3 30 January 3d, 1870 Py district trcas's receipt $1,194 91 " treasurer's com on ain't ree'd 63 " treasurer's com on atut disb'd 35 L'4 " balauce due fund 21 i'2 $1,253 Foe Toimship. January 3, 1870 To balance at last settlement do tax received . do tax received buiding $1,139 13 22 93 17 03 $1,178 G9 January 3, 1870 By district treasurer's reeeipt 1,083 20 do tresurcrs com on am't ree'd 1 21 do do do on am't disb'd 32 04 do balauce due fund 57 04 81.179 01 Highland Township. January 3d, 1870 To balance at lust settlement $467 25 do tax received 127 16 $594 41 SanuTry 3d, 1S70 By District Treasures receipt $400 00 do treas. com on atu't received 3 81 do do do do ditbused 12 00 do balance due fund 178 CO $594 41 Horton Township.' January 3, 1870 To tax" teceived 85 00 5 15 4 83 January 3, 1870' By treas cam ou aurt received do balauce due .fuud $5 00 Jo itcs Township. January 3, 1x70 To balance at last settlement do tax received ' do tax(received buildinsr do balauce duo treasurer 8701 92 301 32 301 3'! 73 87 81,556 43 January 3d, 1870 Py district treasurer's receipt $1,312 !'0 do treas com on am't received 21 07 do treas com on am't disbursed 44 70 do district treasurer's icceipt 150 00 81,558 42 Jay Township, January 3, 1870 To balance at las, settlement do tax received do tax received building SCG1 51 07 45 15 40 $013 39 January 3J, 1870 lly district treasurer's receipt 8550 00 do refunding order 14 38 do treasurer's com on ain't ree'd 95 do treasurer's com on am't disb'd 16 93 do balsnce due lund 60 13 $048 39 Ridgway Township, January 3d, 1870 To balauce at last settlement 8100 01 do tax received 199 40 do tax received, buildimg 210 02 do balaueo due treasurer 30 55 $852 01 $803 40 24 40 24 09 $852 01 January 3, 1870 Py district treasurer's receipt do treas com on am't ree'd do treas com on am't ditb'd Sgring Crcce Township. January 8d, 18(0 To balance at last settlement $334 50 do tax received 17 44 do tax received building 11 GO 303 69 $324 52 87 9 73 28 57 January 3d 1S70 By dist treasurer's receipt do treas com ou am't received do treas com on am't disbursed do balance duo iuud 3G3 69 St. Marys Borvugh. January 3d 1870 To balance at last settlement $2S2 61 do tax received 4 05 do tax received, building 4 05 do tax received builiug add'l 33 290 94 $274 05 24 8 22 8 43 January 3d 1870 Py district treasurer's receipts do treas com on am't received do treas com on am't cisbursed. do balaueo duo fund $290 94 BOUNTY FUND. County Bounty Fund. January 3d 1880 . . To balauce at lust settlement $3,411 51 3,411 51 $39 80 20 8,371 51 Januarj 3d 1870 By ex & ret order do com on am't' disbursed da balauce due fund 3,411 51 ' Benezett Bounty Fundf. January 3d 170 .. Bal due fund at last settlement 53 74 Balance due fund ' $53 74 Jones Township Bounty Fund' January 3d 1870 To balance at last settlement do balance duo treasurer $203 90 97 54 301 50 $300 00 1 50 J.msnry 3d 1870 Pv district treasurer's receipt IQ ' do treas com on am't disbursed. 301 50 Jay Township Bounty Fund. January 3d 1870 To balance at last settlement $301 08 do tax rc8oivcd 121 96 486 04 353 16 January 3d 1S70 ' By district treasurer's receipts do ex order do treas com on am't disbursed do treas com on am't received do balauce due fund 17 30 1 70 00 113 22 486 04 Jiiilwwny Bounty Fund. January 3d 1870 To balance at last settlement 107 19 do tax received 110 00 217 19 100 00 50 55 110 13 January 3d 1870 Jiy distriot treasurers rsccipt do treas com on am'tdisbursed do treas coin on am't received do balance due fuud 217 19 St M'lrya Bjiinty I' und. Tanuary oJ, 1870 To balatce aa lust settlement 151 S3 151 83 151 83 151 "83 January 3.1, 1S70 Py baluuco due fund STATE ROADS. M'Kcan, Elk, Forest & Clarion State Ru. January 3d, 1870 To balance at lu.-t settlement 3064 77 do tax received Jones township 359 32 do tax received additional 89 94 3514 03 1,891 53 1,081 25 9 18 13 47 138 55 January 3d, 1870 Py commissioners' receipts do ordoi'3 redeemed do tr,eu3 co.n on am't disbursed do trons com on am't received do balance due fund 3,514 03 Ridgway, Vi'Hcoj: and Kjhc State Road January 3d, 1S70 To tax received. Jones township C51 32 do fax ree'd, Ridgway township 332 32 do balauce duo icr 18 72 ""702'ao January 3u, 1870 Py commissioners receipt 002 00 do treas out on am't received 20 50 do treas com ou am't disbursed 19 80 "V702 36 Wilcox and Hamlin Stale Road. January 3d, 1 870 To taa received from Jcucs tp. 89 91 89 94 79 00 2 69 2 37 5 88 January 3d, 1870 Py orders redeemed do treas com an amt received do treas com on aiu't disbursed do balauce due fund C. V. GILLIS ESQ , TREASURER OF ELK COUNTY, IN ACCOUNT WITH REDEEMED LANDS, JANUAKY 1, 1870. Jauury 3d, 1870 To unpaid redemptions 484 28 484 28 County ealh of Jauary C.'V. Giilis, Eiq., Treasumr Elk ii Acnount with lie Comma mt Pcunsylcaniajor the year ending 1, 1870- Januaty 3d, 1870 To balance at last settlement do tavern licekses do eating house licenses do brawera licenses . do lifjuor licenses do retailers licenses 008 44 415 09 120 00 42 00 70 653 00 00 1,938 44 January 3d, 1870 Py Stato treasurer's receipts 603 41 do balance due commonwealth 1,330 00 1,938 44 Tue. ( ommissloncrs of Llk eounty in. ac- count with the i uwtty,J'or theyear ending January 1, 1870. Louis Volmer. January3d, 1870 To coucty orders 1G0 00. 160100 January 3d, 1870 Py sxty-four day's sev's 2 50 100 00 100 00 J. W. Taylor. January 3d, 1870 To county arders J 62 50 162 50 January 3d, 1870 ly sixty five dirfs serv's 2 50 162 SO .. """16256 U. S. Belnap January 3d, 1870 To county orders 42 50 42 50 Januarv 3d, 1870 Py seventeen days' serv's 2 59 42 50 42"50 Henry Warner January 3d, 1870 To county orders 25 00 25'od January 3d, 1870 Py ten days services 2 50 25 00 Jacob M'Cauley, Esa., Sijeriff of Elk County, in account with said counli, Jan. uary 3d,. 1870- January 3d, 1870 To fine in Com vs Pevling 50 CO do tine iu Com vs Gill t0 00 do line com vs Cleveland 50 00 do fine iu Com vs Sowers 75 00 do iu Com vs llungerlord 25 00 do jury fees and indictments 72 00 do county orders 111 00 do balance due Sheriff 118 85 551 55 January 3d, 4.870 Py serving jury notices Aug 3 '69 111 00 do serving jury notices Nov 3 '69 111 00 do serving jury notices Jan 3 '70 111 00 do election proclamation 1 00 do commonwealth costs 42 55 do Cues pd. Jones tp acool dist 125 00 do Cues pd Pox tp thool dist 5 J 00 551 55 We the undersigned, Auditors of Elk county, haviDg met at the Commissioner's office, iu Ridgway, ou the firit Monday of January, A. D. 180, it being the 4tli day of the month, for the purpose of auditing, settling and adjusting the accounts of tho several county officers, do hereby certify that, al of said officers being present, wo carefully audited, settled and adjus'cd their accounts as appears in the foregoing report, tindiug ogaiust C. V. Gillis, Esq , Treasur er, a balance of eight thousand five hundred seven dollars and t-ixty.two cents, which is due to the several funds, as set forth in said report ; and a balauce of one hundred iiud eighteen dollars and fifty five centsin favor of Jacob M'Cauley, ES4., Shariff. In witness whereof, wo have hereunto set our hands, the 24th day of January, A. D. 1870. C. A. WICOX, ) G D. M ESSEX ER, C Auditors. JOi. WILHELM. ) AtUst J. K. P. Hall, Clerk. Comym'ssioncrs 0 the McKean, Elk, Forest aud olaiioii State Road, in account with saiil road, for the year 1800. January 3d, 1870 To balance at .last settlement 2,519 82 do proceeds of bomls ueg,d 3,025 ( 6 do orders from M'Kean county 408 6j do cash ree'd lor ouo yoke oxeu 225 00 do cashee'd tor ouu cow 35 00 do cash received for lumber 40 00 do bianco duo Commissioner's 430 23 7,290 January 3d, 1870 By vsuchcrs aud bills rendered do Gen. Kane 2,575 50 do S. D. Freeman 4.540 70 do S. D. Freemen 90 75 do W S Oviatt for commission 83 95 7,290 40 Xote. In the above account the Audi tors in striking balance duo Commissioners did not take into consideration tho personal property on hand, belonging to said road aud now in their , posessions. J. L.Brown, Comnu'ssiuer of Wilcox and Hamlin State Road, in ( ccount with, said Puud Jor theyear 1809 January 3, 1870 To orders reo'd from Elk county 420 00 do bulaucu due commissioner 317 87 737 87 January 3d, 1870 By balance at lonner settlement 65 67 do vouchers aud bills rendered for work on said road 672 20 737 87 We, tho flndersigned, Auditors of Elk county haviug met at the Commissioner's office, in Ridgway, on the 13th day of Jan uary, 1S70, do hereby certify that we have carefully examined, audited and nettled the accounts of the Commissioners of the Mo Kean, Elk, Forest and Clarion State Road and of J. L. Brown, Commissioner of the Wilcox aud Ilualin State Roid were repia seuted by W. S. Oviatr, Esq., and J L. Brown, Commissioner, appeared iu person. C. A. WILCOX, ) G. 1). MESSENGER, .Auditors. JOS. WIL11ELM, ) Attest J. K.p. Hall, Clerk. AGENTS WANTED Vor our Great lifusehold Work, CUa HOME PHYSICIAN ! A New Handy. Book of Family Medicine. By Dr. BEAK D, of the University of the City of New York, assisted by medical professors the various departments. 1'liree.yeais devoted to it's preparation. Quackery and bumbug gery exposed. Professors in ouc lediug med ioal oolleges testify that it it the best, family doctor book ever written. Outfit and sample free A agents, ' D B C. IP" FULLER, , BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, Uidowat, Pa.