far Time at Illdgway. F.rie Express 1'nsl 9:41 p. m. do do West 8:3fi m. do Mail East 2:60 p. m. do do West 2:00 p. m. wocnl Freight. East 11:00. m. do do West 6:35 p. m. Elk lodge, A. Y. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be leU nt their hall on tlis seoond aud fourth Tuesdays of each mnnth. J. K. WHITMORE. Seo'y. 10. G. T. The Regular meetings of RMgwny Lodge, No. 250, held every Wednesday evening at .beir Lodge Room. II. A. PARSONS, W. S. AGENTS F!)R THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized gents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there foe and give reciipta. Wilcox. A. T. Ai.ntticn, J. L. Browm. Kano. Fbank W. Mkeck. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Haoan. St, Marys. Ciias. McVeah. Ccntrevil.le'. IIomkh li. Leach, Mnj". Bubks. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Wbkd. Bennezette. John C. Baud, J. W. Brown. Shawmut. John Farreb. Spring Creek. A. W. Irvin. Ilighlnnd. Levi Em.othohpe. Horton. D. C. Oyster, N. M. BnncKWAT. A few quires of this issue was duted, on first page, 15th instead of 12th. Reing short a hand and obliged to pub lish the Auditora Settlement, we can give but litte reading matter this week. A Policeman was seen theother day, du. ring 'a rain storm, with an uniberlla, trying to arrest the rain. A S Trwin, of Sptingcrcek township, haul ed a stick of pine timber sixty feet long containing 490 cubic feet, two miles with four horses, a few days ago. Hon John G llall. of llidgway.is chair, man of the committee to try the contested election case of Mooney vs. Graham sixth district of Philadelphia CoAT. M. T. French has made arrange ments to furnish the citizens of Ridgway with both anthracite and bituminous coal, at reasonable rates. Ho will have several ar loads of anthracite to dispose of the first of next week. Send in your orders. Our neighbor of the Eik Democrat is in error as to the operator in the c se of Geo A. Zei:ler, whose arm was amputated in St. Mary's lately. The operation was per formed by Dr. Hurtmnn of this place: not lr. Gibson of Emporium. Elk (lazettr. .Annie Aiirrinsrton, a young lady aged .seventeen, daughter of Thomas U liar rinsrton, of Williamspm't, killed herself oc the 7th inst. by taking poison. The rersoo given for this extriordinary act is that her parents had interfered in 6ouie manner, in a love aiTair in which she was interested. We copy the fullowing directions from a a letter that passed through tho post office this week : Mr. Brockway Pa postofHce, Elk Co Pa Toby Keystone, be sure and take it out at Brock ways, or in other words Little Toby Elk Co Pa, North America, Columbus Keystone or Little Toby. A Meritorious Article. Wo are tired of this idfta of 'puffing" humbug medicines that are. constantly thrown into drug stores and are merely an imposition upon community. But, when an article comes into the market that is really worthy of comment, we are happy to make public acknowledgement, trusting that Home benefit, may arise therefrom. Dr. R. V., Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., is the proptietor of Dr. f age's Cntarih Remedy, und we take pleasure in callhif; atteutiou to it because we know it lo be a good article, and a most sure cure for that loathsome disease, Catarrh. It is sold by most Druggists or may be obtained for Si sty Cents threugU the mail by addressing the proprietor as above Cleveland Herald. A Portland Mil's, on Satuadav, February fith, Redbbn P. Sa-tsman. in the 40th year of his age. At the Hyde Houset, Ridgway, on Monday, Ffbruary 7lh, WkliAngton R. Rkillt, in the 43d year uf his age. In Snyder township, Jeft'ersan county, Pa., at the residence ot Mr. A. Format, on Sunday Feb, 6th 1870, Samuel Beman, in the 87th year of his age. NOTICE. v All persons are hereby cautioned against buying or medling with a certain Dapple Gray Horse now in the hands of J. C. Case, of Jay towpship, Elk County Pa,, and subjuect to wy orders. Said horse about Nine years old. ' Z.M.WEBB, B OOK. AGENTS WANTED FOR Struggles aud Triumphs of P, T 3 Written by him-elf. In one large octavo vol umenearly 800 pages printed in English und German. 83 full page engravings. It em. braces forty year recollections of his busy life, as a merohant, manager, banker, lecturer and showman. No book published so acceptable to all classes. Everp one wants it. Agents aver age from 50 to 100 subscribers a week. We offer extra inducements. Illustrated catalogue and terms to agents sent free. J. B. BPRil & CO., Publishers, tw ilartford, Con. A UDITORS' SETTLEMENT. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF ELK County for. the Year Endino Janu rt 1st, 1870. RECEIPTS. Tax received from un seated lauds. Tax received from Col. lectors. Jury fees & indictments. Fine Com. vs. Hunger, ford. Excess of expenditures. 8514 49 3,030 04 72 CO 25 00 53,641 53 3,194 6,835 83 EXPENDITURES. By amount paid L. Voll- mer, Commissioner $160 00 By amount paid J. W. Taylor, commissioner. 162 00 By amount paid II. S. Belnap, commissioner.- 42 50 By amount paid Henry Warner. 25 00 By amount paid R. S. Gillis. clerk. 240 00 District Attorney's fees, Jacob M'Cauley, sheriff. Commonwealth costs. Bounty tor wolves, &c. Prison expenses. Jury fees. 202 00 60 111 44 80 23 75 205 25 2,043 29 174 40 489 78 64 41 Assessing expenses. Election expenses. Justices' fees. Constables' fees. Auditors' fees. Auditors' cleik. lload views. Stationery. Stamps. Repairs to public build ings, &o. Fuel and lights. Counsel. Prothonotary's fees. Janitor. Court Crier. Printing. Tipstaves, Miscellaneous. 247 06 50 00 25 28 00 104 69 4 50 314 70 50 50 100 00 195 27 80 00 62 50 295 50 83 55 2 85 10 00 133 34 2S3 00 350 00 67 56 26 91 217 75 9 00 12 37 $6,835-83 Jury Commissioners. Yv Uness fees. Registering expenses. Stable for use of sheriff. State roads. Refunding orders. Western Penitentiary. Auditing Prothonotary's account. Inquests, ASSETTS AND LIABILITIES OF ELK COUNTY. JANUARY I, 1870. Assctts. Cash in Treasury. 2,453 58 Cash in Treasury bounty fund. 3.371 51 Tax due on unseated lands. I2,4S2 99 Tax due from collectors, subject to exoneration, &c. 0,372 08 Cameron, Elk & Clearfield Stale road. lob 00 024 816 70 Llahilltics. County orders outstanding. . 8 240 08 iountv bonds " 3UU OU Due W. Penitentiary, estimated. 200 00 Due Sheriff M'Cauley. 118 55 Excess of assctts. 23,808 13 824,816 76 AMOUNTS DUE TO ELK. COUNTY BY TIIE SEVLRAL COLLECTORS, JAN. I, 1870. County Tax. J. V. Ilouk, Ridgway, 1865. $ 37 47 William M'Cauley, Fox. 1806. 255 12 G. F. Dickinson, Kidgway, 1806 15 17 J. Moycr, Fox, 1867. 22 84 D. D. Cook, Ridgway, 1867. 373 93 1). G. M'Knaul, Spring Creek, '67 34 21 D. S. Johnson, ISenezet, 1808. 119 99 D. C. Oyster, Horton, 1808. 77 71 II. F. Overholtzer, Ridgway, '68 .510 87 A. Irwin, Spiing Creek. 274 76 Bounty Tax. John Koch, Fox. 1861. 289 40 C. W. Porterfield. Spring Cr'k, '64 206 92 A. Turlev, Jay, 1865. 113 29 B. A. Dill, Ridgway, 1865. 255 63 County Tax. T. J. Taylor, Horton, 1869. 412 94 M. M. Chase, Benezet, 1869. 310 27 John Glixner, Benzinger, 1869. 426 70 P. W. Hajs, Fox, 1869. 846 67 Charles Stubbs, Highland, 1869 7 76 M. Weidert, Jones, 1869. 813 15 2 Jacob Oval, Jay, 1869. 492 98 II. S. Thayer, Ridgway, 1869 677 90 R. P. Saltsman, Spring Creek, '69 149 78 J. X. Haberbush, St. Marys, '69. 146 41 AMOUNT8 OF STATE AND COUNTY TAXES RECEIVED FROM THE SEVERAL TOWN SHIPS OF ELK COUNTY DURING TIIE YEAR 1869. Benezet. 8185 71 Benzinger. ' 417 6i Fox. 158 18 Highland. 80 79 Horton, 272 50 Jay... 282 45 Joues. 150 00 Ridgway. 434 33 Spriug Creek. 384 29 St. Marys. 898 53 Bounty. Jay. Ridgway. 121 96 110 00 $3,496 35 We, the undersigned, Commissioners of Elk, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a correct statement of the re ceipts and expenditures, &o., of Elk county, for the year 1869, aud the assets and liabili ties of the same. January 1, 1870. LOUIS VOLLMER,") J. V. TAYLOR, f- Concmr'B. HENRY WARNER, ) Attest Robt. S, Gillis, Clerk. 0. V. GILLIS, ESQ., TREASURER ELK COUN. TY, IN ACCOUNT WITH ELK COUNTY. FOR . TIIE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1,1870. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. 86,573 50 " tax ree'd from unseated lands. 514 49 " collectors. 3,030 04 810,118 03 January 3d, 1870. By county orders redeemed. $7,028 58 " refunding orders. 308 68 " Treas. com. on am't received. 107 08 " " " " " disbursed 220 11 " balance due county. 2,453 58 $10,118 03 State Tax Account. January 8d, 1870. To balance at last settlement $ 58 50 " tax received. ' 233 35 " balance due Treasurer. 291 rJO 8583 45 $ 58 50 524 95 January 3d, 1870. By State Treasurer's receipts, ii ii ii ii $583 45 ROAD FUNDS Benezet Road Funds. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. " tax ree'd from unseated lauds. 6745 85 9 8S $755 73 January 3d, 1870. To Treasurer's receipt. $000 00 " orders redeemed. 15 00 " Treas. com. on am't received. 30 " " " " disbursed 18 45 " balance due fund. 121 98 $755 73 Benzinqcr Road Fund. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. " tax received. " tax received additional. 8391 49 15 00 11 66 841S 75 $282 00 31 50 82 9 40 95 03 January 3d, 1870. By Treasurer's receipt. " ordeis ?edeemed. " Treas. com. on am't received. " " " " " disbursed ' balance due fund. 8118 75 $410 86 17 63 2 30 Fox Road Fund. January 3d, 1870. To balunce at last settlement, " tax received. " " " additional. $136 79 January 3d, 1870, By orders redeemed. $161 00 " Treas, com. on am't received. 60 " " " " " disbursed 4 83 " balance due fund. 270 80 $136 79 Horton Road Fund. January 3d, 1870. To tax received. 83 50 $3 50 $ 10 3 40 January 3d, 1S70. By Treas- coin, on am't received. ' balance due fund. $3 50 Highland Road Fund. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. $507 79 " tax received. 127 16 $634 95 January 3d, 1870. By District Treasurer's receipts. 8482 50 " orders redeemed. 55 00 '' Treas. com. on am't received. 3 81 " " " " ' disbursed 16 12 " balance due fund. 77 46 $034 95 Jones Township Road Fund, January 3d, 1870. To am't tax received. $301 32 " " " " additional. 83 94 $445 26 January 3d, 1870. By balance due at last settlement $ 67 94 " orders redeemed. 845 00 ' Treas. com. ouaai't received." 13 85 " " " " " disbused 14 85 " balance due fund. 4 12 $445 20 Jay Road Fund. January 3d, 1870. lo balance at last settlement. " tax received. " " additional. $258 14 23 50 1 75 8283 39 January 3d, 1870. By District lreasurer s receipt. cUU 00 " Ex. order. 24.80 " Treas. com. on am't received. 75 " ' " " disbursed 6 84 " balance due fund. 51 00 $283 39 R.dgway Road Fund. January 3d, 1870. To balance at last settlement. $1,482 46 " tax received. 332 32 " balance due treasurer. 52 27 $1,867 05 January 8d, 1870. By District Treasurer s receipts. $1,437 00 " orcers redeemed. 366 00 " treas. com. on am't reoetved. 9 96 " " . " " disbursed 64 09 $1,867 05 Spring Creek Road Fund. Jaouary 3d, 1870. To balauoe at last settlement. $353 00 13 42 9 12 $376 74 January 3d,-1870. By Township Treasurer's receipt, $338 28 " Treas. com. on. ain't received. 08 " " disbursed 10 14 " balance duo fund 27 04 So70 71 St. ilaryt Road vvd Cororat, on Fund. January 3d, 1870. To bal at lust settlement due road $100 do do do do do corp tl! do tax received, road 4 do do do corp 2 do do do additional 1 $140 61 $5)7 46 37 20 23 4 03 January 3d, 1870 By boro treas reep't, road do do do do corp do Treus com on amount ree'd do do do do disb'd do bul due fund $140 FUNDS. SCHOOL AND BOILDI NG Benefit Township January 3d, 1870 To balance on last settleiner,t do. tax received, seliool do tax do beilcling $1,796 8 8 81,814 62 January 3d, 1870 By district treasurers receipt 81,742 93 ' treasutcr's com on otu't tee'd 53 "treasure's com ou am't disb'd 52 28 balance due fund 18 88 81,814 02 Benziuycr Township Jaoury 3d, 1871 To balauce at r. settlement do tax received do tax reccved building $1,231 SO 15 60 5 84 $1,2- 3 30 January 3d, 1870 By district treas's receipt. $1,191 91 " treasurer's com on am't ree'd 63 " treasurer's com on atut disb'd 85 81 ; balance due fund 21 92 $1,253 30 Fox Tote nslt 2. January 3, 1S70 To balauce at last settlemcut do tax received do tax received buidiug $1,130 22 17 1,178 09 January 6, ifSiU By district treasurer's receipt 1,0SS 20 do tresuier's com on am't ree'd 1 21 do do do on am'c disb'd 32 01 do balauce due fund 57 64 1.179 Il'ijhlund Townsh !p. January 3d, 1870 To balance at lust settlement $407 do tux received 127 01 $594 $400 n O 12 178 Sanuary 3d, 1S70 By District Treasures recejpt do treas. com ou am't received do do do do disbusvd du balance due fund $594 41 TTuiion Tov.unh:p. January 3, 1870 To tax uceived $5 00 00 Jauuary 3, 1870 By treas cam on am't received do balauce due fund 15 8.5 $5 00 Joues Township. January 3, 1870 To balance at last settlement do tax received do tax received building do balauce due tu usurer $701 301 801 92 '-! 73 87 $1,558 43 Jauuary 3d, 1870 By district treasurer's receipt $1,342 do treas com or. am't received 21 do treas com on am't di.-bursed 44 do district treasurer's receipt 150 (0 67 70 00 81,558 43 Jay Township, January 3, 1870 To balance at lust settlement do tax received do tax received building $001 67 15 54 45 40 $013 89 January 3d, 1870 By district treasurer's receipt $550 00 do refunding order H 88 do treasurer's com on am't ree'd 5)5 do treasurer's com on am't disb'd 10 98 do balsnce duo fund 66 13 $648 39 Ridmeay Township. January 3d, 1870 To balauce at last settlement $-100 04 do tax received 299 40 do tax received, buildimg 216 02 do balance due treasurer 86 55 $S52 01 January 3, 1870 Bydistriot treasurer's receipt do treas com on am't reo'd do treas com on am't disb'd $803 24 24 40 46 09 01 $852 Syring Creec Township. January 8d, 18 (0 To balance at last settlement fC34 do tax received J 7 do tax received building 11 56 44 09 363 $324 9 28 69 52 87 73 57 January 3d 1870 isy aist treasurers receipt do treas com on am't reoeived do treas com on am't disbursed do balance due iuud 363 69 " tax rsccived. " " " additional. St. Marys Bonvgh. January 3d 1870 To balanoe at hist settlement do tax received do tax received, building do tax received buil;ng add'l 290 94 $274 05 Jantmry 3d 1870 By district treasurer's receipts do treas com on ain't received do treas com .on ain't cisbuised. do balaiico duo fund $290 04 130UNTY FUND. County Bounty Fund. January 3d 1880 ' To balance at last settlement $3,41 1 51 3,411 51 $39' 80 20 3,371 51 January 3d 1870 By ex & ret order do com on am't disbursed do balance due fund 64 3,411 51 Pcncsctt Bounty Fund. January 3d 1S70 Bal due lund at last settlement 53 74 Balance due fund 53 74 Jones Toirnshlj) Bounty Fund' January 3d 1870 To balance at last settlerccnt $20 do balauce duo treasurer 97 801 50 $300 00 1 50 Jansarj 3d 1870 By district treasurer's receipt do treus com on am't disbursed 301 50 ' Jay Toivnshlp Bounty Fund. January 3d 1870 To balance at last settlement . $301 08 do tax received 121 90 486 04 January 3d 1870 By district treasurer's receipts do ex order do treas com on am't disbursed do treas com on am't received do balauce due fuud 17 1 113 486 04 Tiih"ray Bounty Fund. January 3d 1870 To balance at hist settlement 107 19 110 00 do tax received 217 100 116 January 8J 1870 By dist riot treasurer's rsceipt do treas com on am'tjdisbuised do treas com on am't received do balance due fuud 217 19 S Marys Bounty Fund. Tanuary 3 J, 1870 To bulai.ee aa lust settlement 151 83 151 S3 151 83 'l5i"83 January 3d, 1870 By balance due fund STATE ItOADS. M'h'can, Elk, Forrst & Clarion State R t. January 31, 1870 To balance at last settlement 3004 77 do tax received Jones township 859 82 do tax received additional 89 94 3514 08 January CJ, 1870 By commissioners' receipts 1.891 58 do oidcn; redeemed 1,081 25 do treus o.n on am't disbursed 5) 18 do treus com ou ain't received 13 47 do balance due fund 4U8 55 '3" 5140;; Ridgway, Wilcox and Kane Slutc Road Januarv31. 1870 To tax received. Jones township 351 32 832 82 18 72 do tax rec u, liidgway township do balance due treasurer 702 80 January 3d, 1870 By commissioners receipt do treas com on a-.u't received do treas com on am't disbursed 06 20 50 19 80 7U2 80 Wilcox and Hamlin Slate Road. January 3d, 1870 To tax reeeived from Jcnes tp. 89 94 89 94 79 00 2 69 January 3d, 1S70 By orders redeemed do treas com an amt received do treas coin on am't disbursed do balance due 1'uuU. 89 94 C. V. GILLIS ESQ., T II EA SURER OF ELI' COUNTV, is ACCOUNT WITH REDEEMED LANDS. JANUARY 1. 1870. Jauuiy 8d, 1870 lo unpaid redemptieus 484 2S C. V. Githt, Eq., Treasurer Elk County In Account with the Commonwealth oj Pcunsyhuulajor the yrar ending Jauary 1, 1870- Jauuuiy 3d, 1870 To balauce at last settlement fif;8 i J do tavern lioekses 4 15 09 do eating house licenses 120 00 do brewers licenses 42 00 do linuor licenses 711 fin 1 ,v vv do retailers lice uses G53 00 1 Clou a 1 January 3d, 1870 ' ' By State treasurer's receipts 003 44 do balauce due commonwealth 1,880 00 1,938 44 Tne Commissioners of EUc eounty in oc count with the county, fur the ve.ar endum v , J January 1, 1870. Louis Vohner. January3d, 1870 To county orders January 3d, 1870 By sxty-four day's sev's 2 50 61 05 05 83 160 00 "ieo'po 100 00 'IGO'OO .. IF. Taylor. ' January 3d, 1870 To county ardcrs 21 22 43 162 50 "IC2T6 162 P0 "i02"50 January 3d, 1870 By sixty-five days serv's 2 50 IT. S. Belnap Jauuary 3d, 1870 To county orders 42 50 42 50 Janyiary 3d, 1870 By seventeen days' serv's 2 59 42 50 42T6 Henry Warner January 3d, 1870 To county orders January 3d, 1870 By ten days services (a) 2 50 25 00 "2500 25 00 Jacoh M'Cauley, Esn.t Sycrlff of Elk Count', in account with said counti, Jan. uary 8d, 1870 January 3d, 1870 To fine in Com vs Dovlrng 60 CO d-jfiue in Com vs Gill 50 00 do flue com vs Cleveland 50 00 do fine in Com vs Sowers 75 00 do in Com vs llungcrlord 25 00 do jury fees aud indictments 72 00 do county orders 111 00 do balance due Sheriff 118 85 90 54 551 55 Jauuary 3d, 1870 By serving jury notices Aug 3 '09 111 do serving jury notices Nov 3 'G9 111 10 SO 70 Olt do serving jury notices Jan 3 '70 do election proclaruutiou do commonwealth costs do fines pd. Jones tp cool dist do fines pd Fox tp shool dist 111 1 42 125 50 00 t 551 5.0 Vo the undersigned, Auditors of El.k county, having met at the Commissioner's oflice, iu Ridgway, on the fiiit Monday cf January, A. D. 1870, i being the 4th day of the month, for the purpose of auditing, settling and adjusting tho accounts of the several county officers, do hereby certify that, all of said officers bciug present, we carefully audited, settled aud adjus'cd their accounts as appears iu the foregoing report, finding ogaiust C. V. Gillis, Esi , Treasur er, a balance of eight thorfsuiid five hundred sevcu dollars and sixty -two cents, which is due to the several funds, as tel forth iu said report; and a balauce of one hundred and eighteeu dollars and fifty five cents in favor of Jacob M'Cauley, Esq., Shoriff. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, the 24th day of Jauuary. A. D. 1870. O. A.WICOX, ) G D. MKSSENEil, C Auditors. JQti. WIUIELM. j Attest J. K. V. Hall, Clerk. Commissioners 0 the McKean, Elk, Forest and clarion State Road, in account with said road, for the year 1800. January 3d, 1870 To balance at last settlement 2,519 82 do proceeds of bonds ueg,d 8,625 06 do orders from M'Kcan county 408 6!) do cash ree'd for one yoke oxeu 225 0() do cash ree'd lor one cow 35 Ot) do cash received for lumber 40 00 do balauce due Commissioner's 480 23 7,290 40 January 3d, 1870 By vsueliers aud bills rendered do Gi.n. Ivaue do S. D. Freeman do S. D. Freeaieu do W S (Jviutt for commission 2,575 4.540 90 83 95 7,290 40 Note. Tu the above accouut the Audi tors iu strikiug balance due Commissioners did not take into consideration the personal property on hand, belonging to said road and now iu their posessious. J. L. Brown, Commissluer of Wilcox and Jlandln Slate Road, in cccouni with said road Jor the year 1869 Jauuary 3, 1870 To orders ree'd from Elk county 420 00 do balance duo commissioner 817 87 00 787 87 65 67 January 3d, 1870 By balance at former settlement do vouchers aud bills rendered for work on said road C72 737 87 e, tho undersigned, Auditors of Elk couuty having met at the Commissioner' office, in Ridgway, on the 13th day of Jau uary, 1870, do hereby certify that we have carefully examined, audited and settled the accounts of the Commissioners of the Mo Kean, Elk, Forest and Clarion State Road and of J. L. Brown, Commissioner of the Wilcox and Ilurjlin State Roid were repre sented by W. S. Oviatr, Esq., and J h. Brown, Commissioner, appeared in person, C. A. WILCOX, G. D. MESSENGER, ( Auditors. JOS. WILHELM, ) Anest J. K.P. Hall. Clerk. AGENT3 WANTED for our Great Household Work, OUR HOME PHYSICIAN ! A New Handy book of Family Medicine By Dr. 1JEAKD, of the University of the t'ii of New York, assisted by medical profeBors iu tue various departments. Three yeais devoted toils preparation. Quackery and humbuc gory exposed. Professor, in our leding med ical colleges testify that it is the best family dootor book ever written. Outfit and sample free to ageuts, 1 LANK!?, of all kinds for sal. at this. J, 00 00 00 CO 55 00 50 70 75 20