The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 05, 1870, Image 2

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(Silt Ofountir guluoijaft.
J, S. D O R 1) W E L L , Er. dito
. UliAA'l) A It Mi' OJ THE 1111-
The Semi-Annual Cuurrntion of t lie (1.
A. R, Iepnrtmont nl Pennsylvania, cotiveii.
eJ in l'itfsl)urh on Wednesday last, n
larye number ol the different l'osts of the
Fito being present. The Convention was
harmonious throughout, and was just j
sucb a rc-union as soldiers onlv kuow how
to enjoy.
JIajor A. It. Cai.IKiU.v, of l'hila.lelpria.
was elected Grand Coninitindor for tho en
suing year, uud ninoni; tho other officers
elect, wc notice tiic tiaiiic ol Rev. J.J.
Maiskn, of I'osl o4, us Chaplain (.leuein).
At the hamiuet jrtven on the evening o'
Wednesday, Jli.jcr Calhoun addio-sci
tho Convontiau, und in his remniks spok'!
el the order and its oljects so cleailv ainl
forcibly that we give it place in our col
umns, conimendiiif; a careful peruse! y
every returned soldier, members or m t, ol
t ie or ati'z ilion.
'"1 ho Grand Army of the Republic ha
met with many vicissitudes since its organi
zation. It would seem u.itural, alter the
close of tho war, that men who lud enlisted
togetucr, who had marched together, who
i i . . i . .i i ... . ,
ijuu cncauipco. lojicincr. w no loiiiriit toel ti-1
cr, and who ut last came out together to see
the flag gloriouslj triumphant, should seek
to become united iu one glorious .r'r mizv
tion. They had many reasuis d !e t.nited.
Iikc many of my comrades L entered the sir
my a boy being only nineteen years of nre,
and came out a grown man. Many of my com
rades bleep around Fort Done 'sou, There
we taught the rebels that one Suu'.herti n a'i
with a cornstalk sould uot whip five Yan
kees. They arc lying along the Tennessee
liver. They nre lying on tho bloody fields
of Shiloh. Following (J rant in his campaign
nlttig the banks o!" .Ston river, they also
lie there. Wc sdtould revere their memory.
And now since the war has closed, it was
well that wo should gather together and
form an organization. We came together,
however, in uo rpnnrtisan spirit. When
this Grand Army ol the Republic was or
gauized wc did not say that the oiliecr.'
alone should cnnie in. It. became a level
institution. Xo nia'ti r whether n man w.v
a private or a jir U.'Lenl. Wc did ooi
osk whether that man entered toe army i
Democrat or Republican. Wc did not asl
at what utcr he kneels. Wc applied onbj
one test, end that is that he went into tin
army with a brave ni''tic. -We did no!
ask to what nationality he belonged. We
care not w hether he is a ou of Jacob oi
the duwii-trodded sou of Hiru. Wc grjsj
his hand and call himfiii-nd. Applause.
We have no liisiinetion of color ; wc have
. it. v ... . .
no national naircu in tins g:a;iu orgrmza.
tun, The ciily lest is loyalty. Vn
plausc It is vrvv strange t! at utter th
war closed we liad r.ot mote meuibeis in
our ranks. Our olje-nt in funning the Grand
Army of the Republic was lifit to place am
members of 'hat army in a political position
Rut, if we. see a numied soldier, ii wc so
a starving orphen, it wc see a widow sfrug
Hug to uiaiutuiu herself and family, we wil
lend a helping hand. This is our grand
mission. We arc gathered together in one
glorious brotherhood, not only to perpetu
ate the memories of the past, but to do no.
blc deeds iu the future. Our organization
is not a political one. Wc have nothing to
do with political organisations. No matter
to what party a mau may belong ho can
become a member of this organization. In
the first place "our object is to become good
law-abiding citizens, and id the next to be
ready, should treason again raise its head
to again enter the army. Wo arc now en-
teiing npon a grand mission. Let no mem
bcr be faithless to his duty. Lend a help
kg baud to all who may ask for aid. Show
the people that you have a worthy object in
covuiug together, and in being members of
fneh a glorious organization. About SI'),
000 citizcus of this State left their homes
to battle for their country. About 270,000
men were permitted to return to their
homes, leaving 74,000 who perished upon
the battlc-fiold. Let us gather together
as many of the liviug as wo can, so that we
may do a still greater work.
I will aid you all I can, and hope that the
Grand Army of the Republic will stand as
the old army of Pennsylvania did in days
gone by.
Chicago. Jan. 27. Mrs. Harold of
Devilda, Jo Davis County, Illiuois, recently
became insane on religious matters, and ou
Tuesday morning, iu the ubseDce of her
husband, she obtained a razor and attempt
ed to cut her throat, when her daughter
6natcbed it from her aud rau toward an
outhouse to hidoit. The mother overtook
her daughter, and after a struggle regained
the razor, and was about to draw it across
her throat the second time, when another
daughter. 15 vears old, placed her haud
there, and received a teuiblo gash, 'ihe
mother then succeeded in cutting her throat
tsffectually and died tdu.Oet instantly
In 1732, Thomas 1' enn contracted with
T!edyuscuing and some others for a title to
all the land in Pennsylvania, to bo taken
off by a parallel of latitude from any point
as far as the Lest of three men could walk
in a day, between sunrise and sunset, from
a certain chestnut tree, at or near Rristol,
iu a nnriwest direction. Care was taken (o
select the must capable for such u walk
The choice fell on James Yates, a native (J
Rucks county, n t:ill slim man, of much
agility nnd speed of foot; Solomou Jen
dings, a 3 nn Ue o, very stout uud strong;
Rdward Marshall, a native of Rucks coun
ty, a noted hunter, chaiuearrier, &e., u
large luavy-set, and strong-boned mau.
'J he day was i.ppointcd and the chain
piuns notifi -d. The people collected ut
wiiat they thought the first twenty miles ol
the Duiham road, to sec them pass. First
came Vntcs, stepping as light us a feather
accompanied by T. lYnu and attendants on
horseback. Aft.r hint, but out of sight,
ramc Jennings with a Mronir, steady step ;
and not lar behind, Kdward Marshall, aj-
parcutly careless, swing'i'g a hatchet in hi
htnd, ui.d eating a dry biscut. Rets ran in
favor of Yates. Marshall took biscuits to
support his stomach, and cariied a hatchet
to swing iu his hands alternately, that tin'
action in bis aims should buhinee that in
his legs, us hs was filly determined to beat
theotheis, or die in the attempt. lie said
he first saw Yatis in decetiding Durham
Creek, aud gained on hi.n. There lie saw
Yutes sitting on a log, very tired : presently
he fell off uud gave up (lie Walk . Marshall
kept on, aud belorc he reached the Lehigh.
overtook and pas.-ed Jennings waded the
iver'at Rethhhcm hurried on faster b
where Nazareth stands, (o (he Wind Gap.
That was as fat us the path had been
masked for lactn te walk on, aud there was
collection of peupU; waiting to see if any
ol'thc three would reach it by sunset. He
only halted for the surveyor to give him u
poekrt compass, and slated again. Three
Liidiui runners were scut ufter him to see
f he walked it fair, and how far lie wcut.
lie then passed to the right of the Focono
Mountain, the Indians finding it difficult
to keep him in s lit, till he leaelieu fctiil
Water and he would have gone a few miles
fuither bui for tho water. Here he mark
ed a tree witnessed by the three Indians
I he distance he walked between sun and.
sun not being on a straight line, nnd aboil'
hirtN inili s of ii throuh woods, was estit;;a
ted to be from Oec bundled and ten to one
hundred and twenty miles, lie thus woi
the great jiize. which was five hundred
nouiius in :i.oi:cv. anJ live Minorca ceres
of-h'iid anywhere in the purchase.
J.amcs lutes, who leu fie way tor tlie urst
thirty mi'es ormoie, was quite blind when
taken out f Durham Creek, and lived
but thiee davs aficrwaid-i. Solomon Jen
nines survived but for a few years. Ed
ward Marshall lived and died on Marshall's
Island in the Delaware River. IJearrwid
at about ninety ycais ot ne. lie was a
great hunter, and it is raid he discovered a
rich silver mine, which rendered hi in ai.d
his family connexions affluent ; but he nev
cr disclosed where it was, ond it continues
unknown to this dav. Sn1. Erf. us'.
.1 UOMAA JiLliAED TO DEATI1. I felllilllFF S SALE.
J ITTMiURCi, Jan. eil). Mrs. Eliza Ad
uins, wife of David M. Adams, was burned
to death at her residence in Virginia alley.
Whether her death was the result ef acci
dent or violence is as yet undetermined.
Her husband was urrcsted on suspicion, be
ing found in tho burning room. Ho sta
ted this morning that his wifo aud himself
had both been drinking early last evening,
nnd (hat he had gone to bed and fallen
asleep, leaving his wile sitting in front of
the fire, lie was aroused by the stifling
smoke, and saw his Wife's clothes and the
chair in a blaze. He sprang tip and died
to wrap carpel about her. lie did not know
whether she was dead or not. Just then
Adams says he was put in custody nnd taken
lo the watch house, lie says his conviction
is that his wife did it herself to put. an end
to her life. To him she had several times
said she was going to kill hcisclf. Fur the
past filleen years she has hern drinking
nunc or less. He had been married to her
about ten years. Adams is al out fifty years
of age and a n an of sonic property.
Cnclk's NtiiiiKU. An incident told by
a Toledo paper forcibly illustrates thesueial
changes which have inaiked the history ol
our country during the past ten years. A
poor ragged family on their w.iy (o Chi
cpgo wee detained ut Toledo and uranteil
permisssun lo spend (ho ti'ght ut the Sta
tion louse. In the morning, as t hoy were
leaviug their wretched lodgings a prosj or
ous colored citizen by the m ine of Davis
happened to call at the Station-IIuuse,
when he met the company of begjing trav.
ers. He was in their presents but a mo
ment when too wizeu countenance el tne
mother begun to light up will, an air f .-ud-
lcn discovery, and, infer a moment of pen
etrating seutiny, she exclaimed : ' Oh h r
mo, uncle, you's my old ti..c'.e's nigger !"
Davis was thunderstruck by this exehiiua
tiou, and, with that courtesy which ch.irac
tcrizes a Sous hern negro iu the. pr sense ol
I. is master, made his obedience lo the wo
man and asked her to explain. Iho wo
mau then tuld him the name of her ijncle.
the place where he lived at the time hi Davis, tind other important facts
which the coio. ed iniiu ri n.embi led dis
tinctly. Davis also lecogniz.'d in the pit
irble wo wan before him, t lie faded liic
u;e:;ts of the handsome niece, whom he hjd
often se-rn at his old tuastei's plantation!!.
BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facing, issued
out ol the Cour1, of Common 1'leas of
Llk County, and to me directed, I will ex.
pose to salo by public vendue or outcry, at
the Court Uouso, in Ridgway, on
Saturday, FKnnuAny 20th, 1870,
At 1 o'clock r. M., all that certain town lot,
or piece of ground, known as lot No. 4 on
the plan of the. lots fronting the Dhiladel.
phia Hi Erie Railroad Depot Road, in tho
Rorough of St. Mary's, Elk County, I'eun.
svlvnuiu, bouuded aud described as follows :
Beginning ut a post ou the south lino of
the road leading to tho Philadelphia and
Krio Rail Road Depot, said post being (he
uoiih-ia.-t corner of lot No. 3., fronting on
the nlotciiid road, and being the north
west comer of lot No. 4, now being convey
cd by these presents, thence south fitly five
degrees (S. 05 E.) east along the lino of
lot No. ", one hundred and twenty six feet
(.120) to a post, thence nurth fifty two de
grees (N. 02 4U.) und forty .minutes cast
to a pus t, theiioo north fifty-five degrees
west (N. 5. W.) one hundred nncT
twelity-six feet (12(i It) to a pes'
on (he south side of the Philadelphia und
Mile Rail Road Depot read, thence along
said south side of said road, youth fifty-two
decrees and forty-nine minutes nest, (f2
Ki' W.) sixty feet to the place id begining,
containing seven llmus-md one hu lred ami
ninety square loct. (7l!H sip ft.)
Seized and taken in execution ns the
pro) ert y of John K. l!rat!on, ct nl , at the
suit ol 1'aiiiek lle.hliiiL', und to he sold by
JACOR M CAl'LKY, .Sheriff.
Sheriff's O Ilion, )
Ridgway, Feb. 1, D170.
) 1 " ' A nimitli iii"de liv ncnts selling
O 1 O') UI'lVi; LOUA.VS great wui-k,
ii!- i (!t;r the rooTi.hiiiT.s asp hkiiind
Til !) fl'HNKS. The inn-t spicy, ni;ii.l sellinjr
Imok out. l'.l,(iO!J onlercl thu tost mni ill.
Ap"iilH can secure field and a J.0 out fit free,
hy i'u:tiii(t this out nnd nildi-cssiiiij I'AHMK-
it ft)-, rutiiisiievs, I'hil .Jeil'hiii.
had Middlclown, Cunii. 1 lu -lw
West end of Hyde House, Ridgway, Pa.
Near tbe Depot, Wilcox. Va.
MARTIN SOWERS. Pronrintor.
The Lady's Friend announces the following -
Novelets for 1870 ! Did He Forget Her T by The undersigned lias opened a large boardii g
Louise Clinndler MohHoo ; The Casonnnon i i,0UBe at the above place, where he is amply
Aunt.' by Elizabeth Prescott, anthor of 'He- ,-., nrp.l m unlisfv the wanln nf ii.n. .i.n
. m t t. - . u i : .1 c:i pl.:.i. I ' r . . . . . . -
1 1 . .i.'l 1 A!u. I I. A . .1 .. Ikf T .. 1 I
Icane s jriuin vfino. uj nuio-jua i.x. jiukih.
author of the Dcbarry Fortune," with nu
merous lior(cr stories by nrunani galaxy e -HARLES HOLES,
iimjr nuivrfl.
A finely exeouted eteel engraving, ft hand-
seme double page, finely colored fashion plate,
and alarire assortment of wood outs, illustrat-
ini tho fashions, fancy worlt, etc., are given in
every number.
ltwill give ft popular piece oi ftiusio in m-
1 V
vry iiiuiiucr.
The January number will contain portrait?
(cngruveil on ste'-.l) ot Mrs jiemjr ovpu,
Florence Percy, Louise Chandler Moulton.
Elizabeth Trescott, Amanda M. Douglas Mrs.,
Margaret llosiner and August Bell,
Who fend in their names before the first of No
vember, shall receitie tlie November and De
cember numbers of this year in addition, milk
ing fourteen mouths in all I And new subscri.
hers sending in their names by the first of
December shall re ve the niaginlicenl Decern
her holiday uuuibci', ma
in nil I
Sells as Cheap as Ever,
Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,
Spectacles, Pens and PenciU,
Exclusive -4 gent for (he salo of
Repairing Watches, etc., done with the sumo
king thirteen months accuracy as heretofore. novliiVGlltf
LAD T1D1.W.3 TO CMNsi L'.Ml l'l VliS
JJ A ftintcl'iil liitiiPi- will send to all who
wish it, the- dircci inns by which his dnnyhler,
alter being given tip by physicians nnd des
paired of hy her fntlier. W:is restored from
CU.M'litMlh) L'ONSUMI'TION to pcrf e-t
heabh. without the nso of lnedieinc. Feiil
li ec. Address Mr. eini.i-.s D. Fiiinkmx,
1 1") lw joisey City. N J.
$ i "jO a venr : two copies, $ I : four copies, $0;
tieec.pi.")., SS. One copy of HOOT k SHOE ESTARLISI1MENT I
Ihe Lady's Friend and one of the Post, 1.
A fnpy d I he lurge and beau ilul TIl0 8n1)SCr;i,or taVcs thin m.thod of i.ifnr,,,-
sleel engraving-- lahing U.4 Measure of (he . ci,iIe8 of Ridgway and vicinity that
Wedding l!,ng'-,ngmved in England at a d
cost of 2lM() -will be sent to every person '
WUWUaZ 1,-'",enw,n,"w 01 u,u ROOT & SHOE STOKE.
31!) Walnut street, Philadelphia. in the room lately occupied by Henry S. They-
Sjieeimen copies scut for ten cents.
Dal gains ill
We will send a ha;:dsMi:e pro--ftei-tim of our
n:.w i;.i,rsTi!ATi;i) fa.vivy iniii.i:. to
,-piv I'o.dv :ip:eiit. 1'iee A cl-iit'e. AdilreFs NA
Tit IN At. 1 l'!.LI:;iKG CO., I'hiiadelphi.i
Pa. 1 1") !w
David Roach shot aud killed his brutl e, a wealthy ciltun dinilcr, a'
ITiij-o Flantatii n on the Yazoo l'iver a fev.
dajs e-x Infenijr-erareo is t'.it.p-ied to
have rre'iuj.led the deed.
An attempt was made to rcb the Nasi, i al
Riin'at Cos-i;ekie en Si.ndny u.enuii:. but
I'uUTLANP, Me., dan. li'J. This morn
inir tho lucniiors steamed down to (he fun
eral fleet, and (he 1'eabody aud I'ortlaud
cour.neils proceeded iu the revenue siesme;
Malxnin to the Monareh. As the muni
tors steamed past the funeral fleet and teok
their line in the rear, the Plymouth salu
ted, to which both of the monite-rs replied,
followed by l'ort Treble. At half past ten
the fk-ct weighed suclior and sailed up in
the inner harbor, the Monaieh hcadiini;
fo'.lowdd by (he Maiufonomah and Terror,
and then J'! mouth and smaller vessels
At eleven o'elovk (hey authored oil Tort
George's in the inner harbor. The fpec
taelu Was very fine aad was witnessed by a
j-eat nun ber of people from the shore
ihe iYabody Ciiinnitiee boarded the Men
. ?.. t T. ....... I ..,. .l
arcli and Si'ein .or. llucM ii-iunuu
to the eity. 1 he l"""'y will remain on uoarc!
the Moeareh until tiaiurday noon when it
will be brought ashore, 0e.d escorted to tbe
Cit Hall by a nuvul procession composed
ot officers and men of tha whole squadron
At City Hall it will be received by Gov
Chaiutierliu aud staiT.
gtcif gldreriiscmc.-.ts.
Tlie mcst 'cm; 5Eic ls U'Ht 'tt-
Ic-gc (1st! t':lt-d states.
Aff.'irding fiieililies for aeroiireiiig a t'ioriti''h
prnctiunl liusiiiess ediiciiliun, j-u.-se-ssid by ui
oilier Sehoiil iu the country.
Since its incorporation iu IS"), marly Six
t cen liiousaml Mudiius, renveseuliiuvcs iroin
every State iu the Union, have ailondeJ here
No vacation!". Pludents t-u'ernt iinv time
and receive privaie ius.rucCviis llu'e.iigli"iil
the culire cour.-c.
N. I'. Circulars with full mrtictilars and all
necessary iiifrmutioii, on uddre-ssiug
SMITH i COWLEY, Prineii'als,
I'rrrsLii iiciii, Pa.
oi.tws now to uorni.K thu tuof-
IT.S OF Till; FARM, and !.ow Farmers
ml ihen- kous can eaeli make rriCkl I'M!
)NTII iu iViulir. Ill (I'll) copies will be
mail ;d fri e 'n farm. 'i s. Send naino nnd 'ad
.Ircssto Zfl!.-L--:it, MoCUKDY & CO, 1'hila
1 Iim, Pa. 1 la 4w
A il'usti tiled journal of IU p-iges, de-
voteil in n.aeiiiie-ry. Agricultural luipvove
me-iits. Chemical Sioence aad ew lsojverics
A Splendht J.-e-nal.
c l.."H'M' '.il in P,-i;:es will be ia'd for cbih--ut'
set srr'.bers, nn ihe 10 I: of
A haii.isoi.iu !ar;:e -".-. 1 phue ENU.iAYING
nf 111 d'.Miiiai.-iir I A hici ie-aii luvvut'ii-s, J.-e
eiued lo stilt .(-riliei s.
pecliueiis of paper, pvospeel ii'cs, nnd
l!:;i. Us tor 1. ames, sent free. Terms, a year:
si ",f.vsi. months. ):coiiiil lo Clubs. A
liool; of iiiipu, lance lo all libout lo apply for
iaUi:ti sent tree. Write for full pa.ueiil:ii
voiiCui-iiiii j plies and palenls. 10
.ML'.NX &- CO.,
l ubK.-li-rs nnd I'alent Solic tors,
1 lo iv u7 I'ark I'ow, New York.
J. M. llF-AHD. bavins just returned from Phil
adelphia, where he lias purchased a large as-.-ortuieiit
of the above goods, along with nenrh
everything in his line, 'would respectfully in
vite the nitenlioii of ilie public to them.
lie is al all limes prepared to manufacture to
filler all Uinda of harness, or anything else in
his line.
The bc?( collar for lumbering purposes, n-
er in tho west end of I lie Hyde House, wlicio
may be found a general assortment of
Ladies Shoes,
Ooiiiicunens' Tjoots and Shoes,
Roys' Doois and Children's Shoes.
Connected with the above ctablishmcnt "have
a l!o. t and Shoe Manufacturing Establishment
where virk wil! be made to orOer. K' paiiin.;
lone on short notice and on i-easnoiib'.p tern. a.
The public are invited to give me a call.
ocl:i,'li'.;y t!i-.OR(iH WALKER.
now prepared lu snow lio.v nil may pos.-c.-s
ii in abundance, by loii.m iu a few siinp'.e ui
struciio s which will be given
Til HE
of charge, except the trilling mm of twenty-five
ue itn. as a una' iinlee oi' irond !'.-.iih. 'I he lu-;.-
CHALLENGE COMPETITICN AF ness is inexhaustible, ni.d th.oi.-aiids are
niT'iccd iu il ; whi.e to their li-icti'is ihe i-misa
DO.Givc nte a call at my establisfinicnt
l Weal-,
AL01A Nervousness and Female
nei-s Cured. A Clereymim's Widow
s'ltl'ered for years Willi the. above diseases: will
scii.l ihe melius of her own cure free Mrs.
Dim, Jvi-M-y Ciiy, N. J. 1 lo4.v
4$ THACB .
The be-l. cheapest, and most richlv illustra
?1 i!l n year in iidvanec. Subsci ib' now; aud
get the last Number of If.'.!), FRFE.
Addicts. JOHN. L. SlIOREY,
1 1-j lw 13 Wjishingloii St., Doston.
Peaisody, Mass. January ol. Tha fun
eral of (J eorc Peabod) is ollieial'y auuoun
ced to (ake pheo here cm Tuesday, l'ebru
arv 8, nt 11 o'clock, iu the South 4hureh.
On the arrival of the funeral train to.iuor.
row, the remains will be escorted to the Pea
body from the railroad dep d, by
a battalion of United States troops, aud the
Sutlou Guards, of this town;, the latter fur.
uisbing a guard of honor while the remains
lie in state. The doors of the Institute will
bo Ppeu to visitors fioin the 2d to tho 7th
of February inclusive between the hours of
- , . . . i . ..' .1. ,
IU o cIoeK a. m., anu o u uiutk j.
Suuday excepted.
Albert R. Iiarlun, a seaman ou board the
brig Abby, fion liostou to Ilayti, robbed
i La? v.-ssel of 81,000 iu silver coin, ai d
(.ucceeded in effecting his escape from the
brio- on Saturd.iv. H was arretted at Al-
luny and all tie money recovered.
T")Y vitue ol a writ of YiwHtioin
L);iks, issued out ot Elk County, and to j
me diiec.ed, I will expose to sale by public,
vendue or outcry, at tho Couit House, in
Ridgway, ou
Satuiuiay, Fedbuauy tlGth, ,170,
At 1 o'clock p. M., All that certain tract of
lend situate iu the towuship ol Rcnczettc,
Elk county, Pennsylvania, bouuded and de
scribed as follows : Ou the north by warrant
No. ii!81 and the Cameron county line, on
the cast by the Cuinerou county line, -on
the south by warrant No. i'liiS, and on the
west by No. ijo42, containing eleven hun
dred' acres, more or less, and wan anted in
the name of George Meade, aud ktiowo as
No. J55590, unimpioved
ALiO, one other tract of lend situate iu
the tjiiwuthip of llorton, and county ol
Eik, warranled in the name of John 1'ar
run, Jr.. known t.s No. A'$i bounded and
de.-eribed as follows: On the north by war
laul No. 4ii-i, ou (he east by No. 41G0,ou
the south by No. on the wst by No.
o7i.ll, containing ten huh Ired and seventy-
one acres und twelve perch. s, mere or less,
ALSO, one other tract of land situate in
Horton township, county of Elk, warranted
iu the uame ol John Rarron, Jr , and No.
1-61, bounded aud described asfb'bws: On
the north by warrant No. 4282, on the eud.
by No. 44.03. on ihe south by No. 42S0, on
tho west by Nos 5794 aud 500, coniaiuinj;
ten hundred and sixty acres and sixty six
perces, more or let, uniuif robed.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of William Reed, at the suit of
George II. Newtou, and tn be sold by
JACOR JP OAt LEY, Sheriff.
Sberiffa Offioe, )
Ridgway, Jan. '25, 1870. j"
rgTilE MAGIC COMI5 Will changa anv
j colored hair or beara tn a "permanent
blacl or b.own. It contains so 1'oimis. Any
one can use it. One sent by mail for SI. Ad-
IreM JtlAlilU (OMR CO..
11'iSm Springfield, Mass.
The undersigned respcetfully an
nnuncesto tbe eitezc-ns of Elk, u-id adjoin.
inz counties, that he has recently established
a Gun Shop in Ridjjwny at. the head of
Main nnd Pepot Streets, in the basenieutof
tho building occupied by W. S.' Service as
a tin shop, where he will attend promptly
to all ordeis lor work in Lis line.
Siuj-le or Double, made to order, and war
rnted. He also keeps on hand, and for sale a
Breech Loading Rifle, a good assert men t of
Aiumuuitiou, Revolvers, Hunting Tackle,
aud othir articles pertaining to the trade.
rrMUS Infallible Remedy does not, like tin
poiso ous irriiatinu mi nil's and xtroii)
cnoMic solutions with winch the people hav
iong b.-en humbugged, Kimjily palliate fori
shun lime, or drive ihe disease lo the lungs a
Ihere is danger of doing in the use of such uos
ti uins, but it produces perfect and eriiiaueti'
curim of I lie worst cases of Chronic Catarrh, as
thousands can testify ('old in till head is cur
ed wiih a few applications. Catarrhal Head
ache 18 renevcu unit cured ns if by magic. 1
removes oflVnsive breath, loss or impairment o'
l lie sense of taste, smelling or hearing, water
inpc or weak eyes, and i in paired memory, hei.
caused by the violence ot'Catarvh, as they !re
queiitly are. I idler in good faith a etandiiif.
reward of $.jl)( lor a case of Caiairli Hint i
cannot cure.
For salo by mrst druggists everywhere
Trice only fit) cents.
Ask your druggist I'm- I he r-medy ; but it
he has not yet got it ou sale'jrdou'l put ii off by
accepting aiy iiiiicrabla o.-e ilmu worthies"
substitute, but enclose sixty cents to me, nnd
the remedy will be sent you postpaid. Four
packages $2, or one dozen for Js - Send a (vto
cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catanh
Address the proprietor,
R. V. riERCE, M. D.
nov27'tiOy Duttalo, N-. Y.
if theit ircnl suc'ess reninios a myslery. At y
(nit ty ctij!agiiig will Irciueully receive ..fair I
packages by express or niuil. Further lin;ii
his t!. b isinets is all to yourself.
oenrticle cr.n 1 c curried In the vest portet. ec
rep! when wnoieil fir use. It ne-ds vourri.
.eiition but one or two days in the week. ir a
simple of Injurs daily, which can be after other
business is ov. v. So addil ioual rem. luxes, 0
nip of any kind. All ongaui must be ot first
V ah; it.
' i." bii p.' ! ,-tu ,rl rien vnr.lcu. who can
ini-ii l.ii-diess lo 1 hi lu:---1 es, net ei-lifi.
i. i.iiaily wiih me. and make from .' lo v'.d
r every hour's service.
A ei prmnplly. Rejoin now rnd a luriiiae is
.oui-y. l.'i-lose wiih y ur ini-'-. L-.-s 2-" e-.l.l ,
and o'.i v. .11 i:ct full l ai licu'.ars l.v riturii
u. ill-iiov20-i.w
i'. f ii a i i.r. r,
Rox Tiiusvi'.le, Fa.
Siooial Notices
.ISl'tENDlD riilK FOR Tui: L.iulKS
I lie finest, most pleasing, nn 1 rosl'y engrav
ing ever pubiisliid iu America, to bo preieuud
is a I iic in I n m to each siib.:('i iber lo
i magar.ine of pro e leal utility iu the lu iv-e. a
mirror if ihe I ishions, and u lilenuy cms. r
nitor of suriiasiii-j; iuicrcsl and nrtislic exei l
piiea, nrkuoA lodged to bo llio nidein parlui"
magazine of America
Till! engraving, liSxlll! iuchc, is from the or
iginal painting, emitted, 'I ho l'ic-Nie on Iho
Fourth of July.'
The p..inling took a whole year, and is con
sidered the finest ot (lie entire list of iiuuier ins
populor produclit ns by Lilli . M. t-'pc-icer. 'J'iie
engraving was tho lubor of four years, by
three eminent artists .Min Rodgers, S iniuid
llalpin, ana finniuc! Ilollyer; Ihe 1 ist liann-l
having been induced to come from Europe to
finish il. The engravers have ably seconded
the successful labors of the painier. Noncb'.:t
artists can fully appreciate tlie skill and labor
lavished on this engraving The general ef
fect is very fine and impressive, 'md tho deli
rale finish lo Ihe heads will bear (lie most mi
nute inspection. The union of line and stipple
yjEV S'J
hcal.l. ,u a few weeks, by a very simple , . V""81"11 "V'l'ly. ami . their
remedy, fter having years gmiuy contributed 'o
with a severe lung affection, and lhat dread ''f "1 r r ?, enran lu lLl!i u.isurpa.s-
,. . . i eil proot ot their genius.
disease, Consumption is anxious lo make ,.i. .. ,i .
t . t : ,.f,. n- ... ll.eiwork on (he engravimr alono cost over
nuunii iu itts iBtiow-Buuetrtu mo titouttn oi i -rt tl.,,m,l .1 i i . i , ,
i -... uniaii, iiesiues Hie cost ot the
m' , , . ,. , ... -1 copyright, nnd is acknowledged hv rnnmnlorf
a o mi who fiesire u, ne wm 8ena a copy ot i.,;!. t u,. i i i . 1
the drescription used, free of charge withe
directions (or preparing and using the same, KiI10 Co,ies of this niH-.l. : ...
which they will find a sure Cure for Consume- I i,0v i,, 0.. ......i. oi "
liMt. Asthma. Drottchitis. etc Tho ohieot ol "7 ' ' " 1 ' . '"" .' ' "en, are to LO
.. ' . ,. , : '. 7 given as a premium 10 eacu subscriber lo
to benefit (he afflicted, and spread information
which he conceives to be invaluable; and he
ItopcB every sunerer will try his remedy, as ii
will cost mm notning, ami may prove a blesi
Fnrtieg wishing the presenpdon, will please
auuress. Ktv. edwauu A. WIL--O.N.
Williamsburg, Kiugs County. N? V.
The eubscr'iber begs leave to inform the citi
zens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has
opened a store where may be fouud
nl2vltf . J. R. EAIRD.
SCENES, by Oliver Logan. A high toned,
rapid selling book. A complete expose of the
showworld, 650 pages j 60 engravings. -Pros-peolug
aad Sample free to Ageuts.
PARMLEE & CO,. Philadelphia, or Middle
town, Ct,
Yearly subscriptions only Three Dollars, and
ten cents iw.iieh is to be aeni wiih i,,e Bu,
seripiiou). for tlie po.-iago on the engraving
(which will be mailed vecurdy done up ou"si
This is certainly (he largest, most Vberal
and splendid premium ever ottered totin"'J
subscribers by rny publisher, and affords u.l
easy and economical way for any one tosecurJ
an elet'aut work of art, a Parlor Picture lhat
is only next to a piano in tho way of ornamen
tation, and a perpetual reminder of a day
which ought to to be cherished and held in re
nieniorauce by every true American.
LAKES fall kinds for lale at this
The reception of thin i.;k..i ;..i,m.
will take every one bv surnrian u nut
AGFNTS WANTED tor our Great Household! venture anything in saying that $10 will itot
Work, procure Boomer mat Kombiueg so much of iiw
lerest aud beauty.
TfTMTTTI 11 How niadain 10 cmiens oi tue Magazine, .with circutar,
V IN IMT A K hZ 10 g-'HysfuU Particulars, will be sent to any g.v.
Xll J-J A il l v uontl Without en address, post free
For Circulars, address L. SAGE AdJr
ftauswr AlUllllLi.
H08 Broadway, N. Y.
Vinegar Works, Cromwell, Conn. 8vr