The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 29, 1870, Image 3
(Slit (fymnljj Jpuccalc. tr Time til iliil&ivit'j. Erie Express East tMI p. m. do do West 8::i'S m- do Mail East l!:ou f. m- do do West 2:00 p. m. Local freight East 11:(0a. m. do do West 0:3P- m- Elk Lc:lg3, A. Y. M. Ptaled meetings of V.Ik Lodge will h held hi their hall on tin second and fourth luesdays of each month. , J. K. WI1ITM0BE, Pec y. 10. 0. T. The Besolar meetings of Ri'l'wny Loile, No. !-,,, lTeitl every Wednesday evening at ,beir Lodge Koom. 0. B. Sladd, Secy. AGENTS FJH THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized jgehts for the-tirw.V to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there to.' and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Aumicit, J. L. Brows. Kane. Frank W. Mkv.i'R. Julmsonsburg. 1sac II ao.-.n. St. Matys. Ciias. McVean. Centreville. Ho.Mi.n U. Lmcu, Maj. Birkr. Caledonia. W. 1'. Smith, B. A. Wf no. Bennezette.-John 0. Baud, J. A. Brown. Slmwmut. Jons r.unen. .WpcingCreek. A. W. Iitvis. Highland. Levi Et.i.oniorrR. Horton. I), f . Ovsrr.i'. N. M. B;:nrnwAT. Our thanks arc duo .Mr. J. W. 'lead, ol Jay towushp, for a list of new suscribers. J. K. Whitmore, E-fp las killed his hogs. The largest one weghiug 4 Oil pounds drcssel. Car.t II. P. Goodiich, lale Stipci-iutCli. dent of the Shawmut Coal Co., bus bceu ap pointed Deputy Surveyor ol the Tort of ot Philadelphia- Do:TioN I'autv. A Donation Party and Oyster Supper will lc held "at the Hyde lldiie, Saturday evening Jan. -')., lor the benefit o! Rev. Win. Sampson. All uri invited to attend. On Wednesday eening two men met in the lower pait ol town, upon the side, walk when a pltelied battle took place; but as uo lighting is allowed in our town, they were parted. ' So wc don't know who would have uuo out second best. Tl.0 Forest J . hays: The veritable Oid John Cobb hitnsi !l was in town last Thursday, with 15,000 feet ol timber, und allowed we might make iiieiitn.ii ot the iuct about in vay. Sad AcciDKxr. Ou 'ijiesday. 25th. I). iKvkpii v bile liaiiliiiv' b'fjs tit the of Little Ttiy. ) bit on ti'.e bead by a limb which fi ll from a tree, lraoti.iyii'g his fkt;ll. lie w-is .--till iii.-cns .ib'iii on the tnur. uiug ol the .'(jiti., but some h-pes are eu .teitairud f his recovery. SinoJ writing the ab ve we leara that "Sir. Di!v:sou is --ut-h better. Wc hrr.rd once ol a fcllo.v .so lay that he alius s eriul when he was .ailed to iHn. tier, bit: we know a ohti;i w bu bea s that ; he its too lazy to ciy AVf.f We c .u't beat that in ti e l :'.y, but we lire some on the "forgot." Oar 'Icvil" mi-.-ed ".citing bin breakfast one ni -riling this veek just because be In got to go for it. lie never cries. TbMI'KUEXCK LlvCTf ua. A. II. ?te-d man will deliver a temperance leetnu in the Com t Ikuse, Kidjiway, oil Friday, Feb ruary 4th ISrO, at 7 o'clock P. M. At Wilcox Feb Ji.ii. at 7 o'clock P. M. At Kane, Feb. 7ih. at 7 o'clock P. M. Mr. Steadman is very young but able and comes highly recommended. It is hoped ho will have a g'-oj audieuce. rev. Sami'oon's appointments are as follows : Will preach at the Court Houfc, Itidg vay, Sunday, J jnmry 00th lr!70. Centreville, Tuesday, Feb. 1st. Grave yard School House, Wednesday, Feb, 'd. Hoiton, near Oyster's Thursday, Feb. 3d. Wilcox, Siuiday, Feb. Gill. Dr. Tt. V. Pif KCE, of liufl'alo, N. Y., has discovered, residing iu a very common little pJatit tound growing by the roadside, a 'medicinal principle, which burpsses cvety 'ihitig heretofore known for the cure of 'all severe Coughs and Minister's Sure Throat, Laryngitis, Bronchitis and consumption, in iiaar'y stages. It is called Dr. Pierce's Alterattvo Fxtiact, or Golden Medal Dis covery, aud is sold by druggists or send three and a qurter dollars to the discoverer, and get tbrtjj bottlec free of express char Kts. The fol'owing letter is given to us for publication.. The writer would like a situ tion as bchool-umstcr : Wilcocks, Nov. 1th 1809. Dear Sir I take my pen in Hand to tell you about uiy cuuiing a way Sunday I will pay my bill when 1 will see you a gen Urite tole me that you wa9 eehool drector and that you Hat to liter ah Other teager if you Hand got an Other ingayged I would like to teagh that solool my fceive let me Hear from you, I'utn yours Trouly. Our Democratic friends are making a big blow over the colored regiment that marched io procession during the inanger. atlon ceremonios, and upholds the Fire De partment in leaving the procession. The Tidioute Journal takes another view of at. it anys : The dispatch from Harrisburg, slating that the fire companies of that city left the line of the precession during the inattgera tion ceremonies, because a colored regiment held a position in the parade, must be re ceived in evidence that men are slow to learn wisdom. It is a settled fact that theso distinctions are abolished on great oc casions, both in war tnd peace. On this occasion the military were assigned a posi tion iu front of the Fire Department. The colored regiment took its place according to the programme. Every attempt to re sist tiie established order of things must neccssarly end iu the discotuGtuio of the of the mal-contents. How long shall the'se exhibitions of spleen and folly disfigure the anualsof the time ? A Great Curiosity. The great nat itral curiosity known an Sunken Lake is situated in the Cascade Mountains, about seventy five miles northeast of Jacksonville Origon. The walls ate two thousand foot biirh. and almost pcrpendicula:, running down into the water, and leaving no beach. Tlio depth is unknown, the surface is smooth and unruffled, and it lies so fur be low the surface of the niouutains that the air currents do not affect it. Its lepgth is estimated at twelve miles, and its breadth at ten. No living man, it is said, ever reached the water's edge. The lake lies 'silent, still, aud mysterious iu the bosom of the everlasting hills, like a huge well scooped out by the hands of geuii. Aiuiy Pay. The War Department has preparer! ''an act to reduce the Army" in which the pay of officeis is fixed us follews : 'General, 15,000 ; major general, 87,n00; brigadier general, 85,000 ; colonel, 83.500; lieutenant colonel and major, 2,5d0; cap tain, mounted i?2,000captian not mounted, 1,800 ; regimental quartermaster, ?1 ,800 ; first lieutenant, mounted, 1,000 ; second ikutcunt, mounted Sl,500 ; second lieuten ant, not mounted, 1,400; chaplain; 31,200, aid de-camp to major general, 8150; acting commissary, 150; per uiium iu udditiou to their pay of rank The above schedule to be in full of all commutation and other ullowunces." Cleat field Health li van. A-Chicago pnper tells this story about Cari.otta Patki : A certain shoo dealer of that citiy, who is as well a passionate lover of music, was purticu'arly demonstra tive at a recent concert . iu insisting that Ml. I.E. Path should repeat one of her songs. The lady who has sharp us well as beautiful eyes, noticed this. The next day she had occasion to purchase a pair of gai ters and happened to buy them, of the gentleman who had been so ardent the evening before. Having selected the articles and paid for them, she turned to the vender of the shoes, and, in f. very pleasnt, quiet aud matter of fact way, said : "Now, please give me a pair of gaiters." "(jive yr.u a pair ot V "Corlaily ; give me a pair." "Why ! what do you mean V I mean that you bought a ticket at the concert last evening, and then demanded that I should give you double what you bad paid fur. Am I asking more thau you did:"' It is to bo supposed that Patti got her gaiters. Disf.asf.d Pukk. Every one now knows that au insect is found iu pmk, called by the, trichinia tpi-nlis, which has the power, after leaving the pork, of fasten ing itself on the muscles of the human frame, and producing a horriblo death scarcely less to bo feared than hydrophobia. From time to tiire deaths aro auuounced, aud yet people will still eat raw pork. It was clearly shown at the last meeting of the American Association, that there was not the slightest danger when cooked, as heat destroyed the little iusect. When LoDg Island was evacuated by Washington, s army, a woman within the tinea, seeing tho movements about to be made, seut her colored man through the Ameiicrn lines to notify the-RritUh Gener al, The negro fell iuto the bands of eome Hessians, who never having seen one, and not understanding his language, thought him the Devil, and locked him up for the tiight. Next morning he was takeu before the general, but it was to late to attack. Had he fa'.bu into the bands ot an Eng lish sentinel at the next post, the American army would have been destroyed. Louisville, Jan. 22 George D. Prentice, the editor of the Courier Journal died this morning at four o'clock His re. mains will He in State at the Temple until! Monday, when he will be interred in Care Hill Cemetery. Mr. PreuTicc was sixty, eight years old. The Donation that was to bo held at the M. E. Parsonage is changed to the Hyde House by order, of the Committee, on ac count of room. Died. In Horton townshp, Jan. 21th A. Pcarsoll. Married: In Wilcox, Pa, Jan. 18, 1870, by Hev. Win, Sampson, Miss Caroline (. Peterson to Charles Swanson. Both fresh from Sweden. Cr U.sSMmiLNJ. The undersigned respectfully an nounces to the cite7,cns of IClk, and adj. mi. ing counties, that ho has recently established a Gun Shop in Ridgway at the head of Main and Depot Streets, in the basement of the building occupied by W. S. Service as a tin shop, where ho will attend promptly to all orders for work in his lino. TAUGHT AND HUNTING HIFLES, Single or Double, mads to order, and war ruted. He also keeps on band, and for sale a NEW AND Sl"rii"UR l'reech Loading lliflo, a good nsscrtmcnt of Ammunition, ltevolvers, Hunting Tackle, and otlur articles pertaining to the ride. nlO. tf HOltACK WAllNLIt. TIIK ONLY IIKMABLIV'L'RE I"t It BY: l'Kl'SIA IN THE KNOWN WOULD. Dn. Wisiii-rt's Curat Amkrican Pvspf.vsia Bills mid Bine Turk Taii CcueiAi, are a r.oai- tive aud infallible cure for dyspepsia in its most aggravated form, And no matter of hw lull); standing. I hoy penetrate the Rccret abode of lbn ter rible disease, and extemiiuatu it, root and brunch, forever. They elleviale more agony and silent suf fering than a toiifrue can tell. Teey are noted for curing the most despe rate and hopeless cases, when every knov- n means fail to nfl'o'd relief. No form of dyspepsia or indigestion con re sist their penetrating power. DR. WISH ART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. It is the vital principle of the Bine Tree, oh taiucd by a peculiar process in the distill. ition of the tar, by which its highest medical proper ties are retained. It invigorates the ('igestivo organs and restores the appetite. It strength ens the debilataled system. It .purities and enriches the blood, and expels trom the system the corruption which scrofula breeds nn li e lungs It disulves the mucus or phlegm wnieh stops the the air passage of (he lioigs. ! i healing principle acts upon the irriiu'i-.d sur face of the lungs and throat, pem-trutlng to each diseased part, relieving pain and sub duing iiiH.iiuation. It is tlii result ufycarj ot study and experiment, and it is olii reo Iu li-e ntlicied with positive assurance of its power to cure the following diseases, if the patient has not too long delayed a lesort to the means of cure : Consumption of the, Lnn;s, CtutjKn, Sonr Tlirnnt am! Breast, Bionrlii.'i.i, Jji'rcr Complaint, Jjliml ami M 'rJiiuj 1 its, A xtt in a, 1 i h imji in i Cowh, )iitluriat Jkr. A medical expert, holding honor 1,1c eolle giate diplomas, devotes his entire time to the r.A....i.....,u.. ,.r...t . . ... Associated with are thiee oiisiiliing phy sician of acknowledged eniieuee, whose ser vices are given to the public kulk or ciiick. This opportunity in offered hy no other in -sliiulion in the country . Letters from any pu t of the country, ashing advice, will be promptly ninl gratuitously n s pnuded Jt. Where convenient, remittances should take the shape of DRAFTS OPi POST-OFFICE OKDFI'.S. Brice of Wishart's American Dyspepsia Bills SI a box. Sent by mail on recipl of price. Brice of Wishart's Bine Tree Tar Cordial. !rl,o0 a bottle, or 5-11 per dozen, press. Sent by tx- All communications shauld be add id L. Q. O. W LSI! AST, M. D, Xo. 232 Xorth Second Street, I'll ill. A THI2.F- He has becu frvaling about humbugging druggists nnd private parlies, mixing up and selling a base compound which he calls V'OLCOTT'S PAIN PAINT. All ol Wolcitt's genuiuo remedies have a while out side wrapper (with signature large). Look out for counterfeits? Six Pints of WOLCOTT'S ANNIHILATOit for Catarrh and Colds in the head, orotic Pint tf Pain Paint, for U'ceis or Paine, fenl free of express charges, on receipt cf the money at 181 Chatham Square, N. Y. ; or one Gallon of Pain Paiut (double strength) for -U. Small bottles sold by all duggistv H. L. WuLCOTT. -Iw EV STORE. The subset it er begs leave to inform the citi zens ot Hidgway and vicinity that he has opened u store where may be found PFUFCMEEY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. nl2 vltf J. R. 1-AIiiD. AGENTS WANTED for our Great HotisoliolJ Work. OUR HOME PHYSICIAN ! A New Handy. Book of Family Mediiine. By Dr. BEAKD, of the L'uiversily of the City of New York, assisted by medical protestors in the various departments. Three y cms ill voted to it's preparation. Onackcry tlllj l,ul,tig gery expose I. Professors iu on,' le I n ' mcd ical oolleges testify that it is the best "l'mnily doctor book ever written. Outfit and. sample free to agents, BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR Struggles uud Triumphs of P. Ta BARNUA1, Written by himself. In one large octavo vol umenearly 800 pages priuteil in English nnd German. 83 fall page etigravings. It em braces forty year recollections of his busy life, as a merchant, manager, banker, lecturer and showman. No book published so acceptable to all classes. Every one wants it. Agents aver age from 60 to 100 subscribers a week. We offer extra inducements. Illustrated catalogue and twin to agents sent free. J. B. BL'KK 4 CO., Publishori, 8w Hartford, Conn. rj HE LADY'S FRIEND. TWO MONTHS GRATIS 1 Th Lady's Friend- announces the following Novelet r for 1R70 t Bid lie Forget Her T ' by Louise Chandler Moulton ; ' The Cnscnnnon's Aunt,' by Kliznbeth Brescott. author of 'Be tween Two,' Slc ! ' Solid Silver i or, Chrisie Donne's Bridal Gilts,' by Ama dn M. Douglas, author of the Debarry Fortune," wiih nu merous shorter stories by a brilliant galaxy of lady writers. A finely executed steel engraving, a hand setae double pttge, finely colored fashion plate, and a large assortment of wood cuts, illustrat ing the fashions, fancy work, etc., are given in every number. 1 1 will give a popular piece of Music in ev ery number. IOPtTllAITS OF DISTINGUISHED AUTHORS. The Jaminry number will contain portrait! (engraved on steM) of Mrs Henry Wood, I'loieiiee Percy, Louise Cluindl-.r Moulton. Elizabeth Brescott, Amanda M. Douglas Mrs, Margaret llosmer and Annual Bell, NEW SU1JSCUIP.E113 Who send in their names before the first of No vember, shall reeeiue the 'ovomh"r and De cember numbers of I his year in addition, mak ing fourteen months in nil ! And new .-ubscri-hers sending in their names by the first of December ii;ill re, reive I he magnificent Decem ber h diday niiMi'jei-, making thirteen in all ! TEKM3 ; ,2 "0 a year : two enph s. ? 1 : four copies, liee copies, (and one gratis) One copy of the Lady's Friend and one of the Post. S I. A cony of t h" huge and beauiiiui Brcciiim steel en-i living - 'Inking the Mcnsme of the Wedding Kin? ' engraved in Kngland n n cost of r?jll l v. ill bo sent to every person sending n club This engraving is a gem of ait. Address BEATON n BETE 11 SOX, 31 f Walnut street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies sent for ten cents. N TOW IS THE TIME TO P HOC I' BE CHEAP Largains iu HARNESS. SADDLES, YALISES; 1 HUNKS, WHIPS, kC. .1. M. HEARD, having just returned from Phil adelphia, w here he has purchased a large as surii'ieiit of t he above gun. Is,' along with nearly everything iu his line, would tepee! fully In vite tiu- intention of the liiihlic to them. He is at nil times prepared to n anul'ietr.te to i order ail kinds ot hui niss, cr anylning cise m his line. liOSTON TEAM COLL A 11 S, Tiic lio-t collar for lunihu'rg purpose, a' c K.LPT CONSTANTLY .OX I.'aXD. I CHALLENGE COMPETIi TON TO PiHCE.STYLE OR Ql'ALlY A? SfC:ve nio a cull nt n y otablishment, AROVE THE CORN'ER OF MAIN AND DEPOT STREETS, RIDGWAY, PA. tiovn.T.n.iy . j. m. II F. r.D. TlTIl It! In!ali:ble Remedy does not. liko the J poiso oils irritating snulis mi l si mug caustie solutions with which the people Imvo long bsen humbugged, sir.. ply palliate for a short time, or drive the disease to the lungs as there. i danger of do:!ig in the use of such nos trums, but it prodyi-e perfeol und j ennaiH-M cures of t lie w orst cases of Chronic ("atari h. us thousands can testify Cold iu th. head is cur ed with a few applications. Catarrh::! Head ache is relieved and cured ns if bv magic. ' B removes olf-nsive bieath. loss or impairment of the sense of tashe, smelling or hearing, wa'.er ing or weak eyes, mil impaired memory, jtheu caused by I he violence ol Catarrh, lis they 're qui'iitly are. I oiler in good faith a sia'nding reward of ."0) fur a case of Cau.rli thai 1 cannot cure. For sabs hy nust druggists everywhere Price only "j.I cents. Ask your druggist for the remedy : but if be has not ye t got it on sale, il m l put it oil by ac. eiiiin.; ary mi-crable worse tliao worihlcs's substitute, but enclose sixty cents to me, .in ! 1 he remedy will be sent ou postpaid. Four packages S, or one lor 'J, Scud a iv. o cciil t iaiop fot Dr. Snge pamphlet ou Calaiih. Ad lress the proprietor, ii. V. PIERCE. M. D. novJT'ty Buffalo. N. Y. SSpocsuil Xotiees rjno CONSUMPTIVES. J'lie Advertiser, having been restored to health lit a few weeks, by a vt;y siiujj'c leinedy, after having suffered several years wilh a severe hin affection, and dread disease, Consumption is anxious io make known to his fciluw-ou;lcr. rs ii,e ii.tauj of cuie. Te all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the di e.-criptir-n used, free of ch irg j with tile directions for preparing and using same, which they will find a sure Cure for Coiisunip li n, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc The object ol the odvuriiser in sending the Proscription is to beneiit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives tu ho invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost hiai nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing tl.e prescription, will please address. Bl.V. EUV.'ALD A. WIL -ON, Williamsburg, Eios County, X. Y. vln'Jtiyl. ' A AGENTS WA"TED FOR BEFORE TIIK FOOT-LIGHTS AND BEHIND THE SCi.NES, by Oliver Logan. A high toned, rapid selling book. A complete expose of the show. world, 0-50 pages ; 00 cugi avings. Pros pectus and Sample free to Agents. PARMLEE & CO.. Philadelphia, or Middle town, Ct. AGENTS WANTED for our Great Household Work, viNEGAR-i'",r.ii1:i drugs. For Circulars, address L. SAGE Vinegar Works, Cromwell, Conn. 8w ami TANNING & LUMBER CO EYSTONE STORE WILCOX PA' ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING! The largest store in North Western Pa., lit terally filled to overflowing. WINTER GOODS closing out regarding of value. We aro opening the spring campaign with the largest and most attractive stock cvre offered in this tiarkct.' We shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well assorted the year round, Our DRY GOODS DLPAllTMEXT will always contain a large and well eolecled stock of Cloths Cassimers & Cloaking, Black and Colored Silks. Seasonable dress goods in great variety. Tabic Linens, Xapkins Towels &.C., white goods of every description, bleached ami brown sheetings all widths. GLOVES & HOSIERY TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS WALL and WINDOW PAPER, ll'J'JKS .VXD STATIONERY, CLOTHING; HATS and CABS, BOOTS & SHOES DRUGS & MEDICINES TAIXTS, OILS & BYE STUFFS, LZA. "Uni:, SHOE FIXDIXGS, ii aud waul, stoves.: tixv;ai:e, ikox& stl el, xails & builders hard xaiie. nuts a was he iis, horse siioe. k nails, wago:; springs, patent axle j ,0 boxes, crocic- ERY and GLASSWARE, STOXU WAUE, FLOUR, pe::d k .tiaL, corn and OATS,FU.'.NlTi;i!E OF all kinds. SASH & DOORS COFFINS, MATRASSES,. REDDING, Ac, TOBACCO & CIGARS, IKENXS, VALISES & CA " BET BAGS, nuuri:ii DELTING. CLOCKS iu GaZAT VARiETY Agciiis for Hoyt Eros. Celebrated Leather Belling. With our superior facilities for obtaining he ivy goodo, in large quantities, from first hands we defy cou. petition in Grcoerics & Provision.. We invite particular attention to our choice brands of extra and double extra flour, we get direct from mills at the west thus saving to customers the profits usually pocketed by middlemen. Our flour is always fresh ground and we guarantee entiro satisfaction with every barrel TAKNING 4 LUMBE-R C. vlnJltf. vVileo l' MEHRY CHRIS I'M A.-s A.N i' HAPPY" NEW YEARS TO ALL ! t TOYS! TOYS!! Just Received at BAIRD'S VARIETY HALL, a fine assortment of Toys for Holiday Trcs- ents consisting of rAlilAX FIGURES, JEWELL BOXES IS Endless Variety, Vases All Kinds, Toilet Setts, Toy Tea Setts, For The Little Ones, Harmonicas, AcoorJeons, Dolls, Doll-Babies, Toy Speak., ing Animals. Also the Latest Novelty in Doll Heads of Parian Granite with Head Dress and Ear Rings. Something now; drop in and see them No trouble to show goods if you dj not wish to buy; also a full line of other Toys too umerion3 to mouth,!). v 1 nS 4i gTILL AH LAD I OUR, GREAT BOSTON DOLLAR STORE! Wc fl'fint rood rrlijiliin nnnfo a of the country, lly employing your tparc time to form clubs and sending us your orders, you can ojitain the most liberal commissions, cithou iu cash or merchandise, and all goods sent by us will be as represented, and wo guaranteo satisfaction to every one dealing at our hoaso. Arrents shnolil pnll,.,.t e r v. ..4. . v,,n3 iiuiu v very ciistonier, nnd forward to us in advance, for nc.-cujiuvo ctiecKs oiine gooits wc sell. The holders of I ho el.i-.o-j l,,-n il. . - ------ ..,,.1. MIL" JOlViU'gU of e.lher purchasing the article thereon des cribed, or of exchanging for any article men tioned on our catalogue, nnii.bciing over 500 different articles, not cue of which can be pur- -o.. v-. io me usuai way lor tno same money. The advantages of first sending the checks aro these : We are constantly having small lolS Of VPVV V,illii,,Hln i,n.,L ...l.tI. " . ' " b"" oiJll EIIU UOl Oil our catalogues, and for which we issue checks mini nn are soia ; nesiues, in every, club, we will put checks for watche?, rjniits, blankets, dicss patterns, or ooiuc other article of equal daluc. We do not o!Ter a single article of nierchan vuscthat can be sold hy regular dealers at our price. Wc do not ask you to buy goods from is unless we can sell ihem ,-!,,, n,. can obtain them in any other, while the greater l aitd'our goods are sold at about OXE HALE THE REGULAR RATES. Our slock consists in part of the following goodsv Sli nvls, Blnnkets, Quilts, Cottons, Ginghams, Dress Goods, Table Linen, owels. Hosie ry, Gloves, Skirls, Corsets, Silver, lihiled Ware, Spoons plated ou .Nickel ."'liver, Dfssert Forks, Five-bottle Plated Cas- . tors Brittania ware, ( ware, Ta ble nnd Cnllery, in Great Variety, Elegant French ami ijer mcu Fancy Goods, Beautiful Photograph Albums of the New. est and Choicest Styles in Morocco and Velvet Bindings, Heavy Gold aud Bliited Jewelry of the laiest and newest styles. e have als j made ot the leading publishing houses that will ena ble us to sell liie standard and la. est works of auuiors at aiiout one-half ihir regular prices : such as Byron, Burns, Moore. Milton aud Tennyson's Works, in full iri'.i nml .-!, t.i.,j ing-, and htitreds of others. u.cse auU eveij Hung tUe for OXE DOLL.1 K FOR EACH ARTICLE. In every order amounting to over $"0, ao eoinpanied by the cash, th agent niay.retaiu ;'J ; and in every Older over SlOil St retained to TAY THE EXTRESG CHARGES. COMMISSION' TO AGENTS. For tin order nf .?:in r,.,rr . i- .i ... ... - - uiij oi iiiiriy, we will pay iho agent as commissi,' n. ll-i yards cf bleached or brown sheeting, good dress pattern, ail wool pants pattern, or si:J ,0 iu Cil3,. r ui au omer ot ?-',o trom a club of sixty, we Will nav the nn-ent ;.'. vii,.1m ,.( I , i.i . ed sheeting, hunting case watch, all wool shawl, or in cash. for nu order of 100, from a club 100 we wdl pay tho agent 110 yards ,'I yard wi'de), -licet i ng, splendid sewing machine, or 11 in cash. END MONEY BY RE J ISTEREi LETTERS. For further rarticulars ... w nnoiusucji GEORGE A. PLTJMMER A CO., (Successors to Harris Plummer ) Xos. .10 niid'40 Hanover Street, Boston, Mam. The Great Reformer of the Stage, who, having abandoned stage life, now exhibits in vivid col ors he whole kIiiw world bet'o e and behind thdocues. Being truthful, moral and high toned, as well as sensational, rich and racy, it outsells ell other books. Beautifully illustrat ed with 40 spirited engravings, 2i full-pace cut, tioO, on rose tinted pnper. Greatest inducements yet offered. Prospectus, sample copy, Boxes aud Stutionery, Free. For circu lar explaining, ad.iress immediately PARME LEE & CO., Publishers, either at Philadelphia, Penna., Cir.cinatti, Ohio, or Middletown. Con, aectiout, 4 4