The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 29, 1870, Image 2

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    "Oh, hush j for God's sake keep quiet !
you'll alarm the city."
"Oh, you dreadful uiau !" an J the shrieks
Waxed inure- loud and piercing, mi J the
angry littlo hands heat the water around
her into a foatniug cascade like a miniature
By this time the whole house was alarm,
ed and the palter of running leet wan heard
through all the Conid-jis. The wan couldn't
. get out, because ho was tiot dressed, lie
eouldu't remain, because it was immodest.
The husband by this time was thundering
nt the door, and inquiring iu far from culm
accents, what tbo devil was the matter ?
"Help mo ! help me ! sci earned the
bride. The horrified bus-bund beard in
reply :
"Wait till I get my duties ru and I'll
lie could cmluro no more, but bursting
open the door, rushed like a demon into
the room, crying frantically for ''Mary ?
Mary! My God, what's the matter?"
Hut at the same time his eye lighted 'on
the stranger, turning madly in ineffectual
efforts to resume lis apparel. On ltim he
seined, and, w'uh hU fiat lau-cd, dcinuuded
the meaiiing of this intrusion.
It was oflorded in a trembling tone,
which disclosed bis sense oi the peril
The ludy got into the wrong lath ; be
was not aware of her presen3o until he uu
dressed ; ho meant no offense. For mer
cy sake, let him out !"
Tbo explanation proving satisfactory,
the unfortunate stranger fled, and the bride
was left to the consolations of Tier lord'
TUnifl W j.hstlr AM) His ";i.r.s.
Our readers are aware that the lute Hon.
Daniel Wtbstjr, was not so careful in bis
pecuniary matters as some men, and ill
fault was at times taken advantage of. At
one time a man sawed a pile of wood for
him, and luvhig'prescutcd bis bill it wa
promptly paid by Mr. Webster. The la
borer took sick during the winter, and a
neighbor advised him to call upon Mr.
Webster for the payment of bis biil.
"But be las paid me," said the wan.
"No matter," replied the dishonest advi
ser, "cull again with it. Ho don't know
and don't mind what bo pays. It is a very
common thing for him to pay much smal
ler bills over twice."
The man got wU, and carried in his
account the n'cnnd time. Mr. Webster
looked at it, looked at the man, remember
ed biui ; but paid the biil without demur
ring. The fellow'got '-hoi t" some three or
four uior.flw nflj'ru-iv'w and l.pthmiifl. 1.1...
nf the generous and loose manner cf Mr.
Webster in his money matters; and a third,
time be called and (hit time ho. attain
presented the bill for sawing the wood.
Mr. Web.-ter lock the account, 'iich he
immediately rccogrrzed, and .scanning tit
woodsawyr r a rsouicut, said
"How do you keep your books, tir '!"
"I keep no bxiks," said. the mar. abash,
"I tli it. k ycu do sir," coulinued Mr. Web.
Bier, with marked emphasis ; nod you ex
cel those who are satisfied with the double
system You keep your books on the trip
pie entry plan, I observe."
Tearing up the account Mr. Webster
added "Go sir, and be honest hereafter.
1 have no objections to paying these little
bills twice, but I cannot pay them thrtd
times. You may retire."
The man left the room, as though he was
suffocating for want of air. He had learned
a Usson that lasted through li la.
A good old Massachusetts doctor met a
scxtou in tho street one day. After the
usual salutations the doctor began to cough
" liVi doctor, said the sexton, "you
have got a cold. How long have you bal
'Look here, Mr. Sexton," said the doc
tor with a show of indignation, "what is
your charge of inteiineut '!"
"Oho dollar," was the reply.
"Well contiuoed the doctor," "just come
into my office, aud I will pay it. I dun't
want to have you around, so auxions about
niy health.
The sexton was even with him, however;
tnrning around to tho doctor, ho replcd :
" Ah, doctor, I cannot afford to bury you
jet. Busiuess has never been so good as it
has been siute you began to practice."
A good story is told of Theodore Parker
aud Ralph Waldo Emerson. A coLfideut
Millerite meeting Parker just as he was
leaving Eiucrsou's houso, said to him :
"Friend, do you kuow that the world is com
ing to an end next week t" Parker replied,
"Ob ? that don't concern mo ; I live in h'g
ton." Passing on, ho saw Emerson, and
asked tbo same question. Emerson's ons.
wer was "Well, let it come to au cud ; we
can get along full as well without it."
The Pole's SxociuNds. A youug
man recently arrived in Rome and present,
ed himself before the Pope. "Sis uionths,'
said he, "I had a swelling in tho leg; the
doctor condemned it to amputation, but
I applied a piece of one of your old stock
ings to the swelling and it immediately dis.
appeared." Ilia Holiness, who happens
to Buffer from a swollen leg himself, was
stupefied at this sudden c-ire. The Pope's
old stockings have ever eincc been at a
high picuiium.
(SHi Ofounfjj gdcoqatc.
BATCUDAV, J AN" U A It V 2!. 1870.
J . S. 11 0 U 1) II' li LI., EH i I or.
Tin: munr.uuiii law
The following bill was offered in the
United Slutcs Mouse of ltepresentaTives
by Dr. Cos, of New York, ami referred to
the Committee on the Judiciary :
Section 1. 1 1. at on and after the passage
of this act, eight hours shall constitute u
day's work lor all laborers, workmen, arid
mechanics who may now bo employed or
who may herealtcr bo employed by any
officer or agent of the United Stales, or
by any persou or persons contracting with
any officer of any of the United States.
Sec 2. Any officer of the Unitca States
who shall evade or attempt to evade any of
tho provisions of thjs act shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and on .sufficient
proof thereof bo removed from office and
place by thu President of the United
States, and any person or persons contract,
ing 'rith any offiei r of tbo Government of
the U ni led Slates who shall evade anv or
attempt to evade any provisions of this
act, shall be deemed guilty of a vii.l iti jii
of the same, and on conviciion thereof in
any United States court, forfeit such con
tract, and in addition thereto shall be fined
rot more than ten thousand dollars uor less
than one thousand dollars.
Sec. 3. The act entitled "An act consti
tuting eight hours a day's work for all la
borers, workmen, and mechanics employed
by or on behalf of the I Jovcrincnt of the
United," approved June 2o; IS'JS, is here
by repea'td.
The remains of the late Mr. Peabody
were submitted lo Dr. Pavy, a di.-tinpuished
Kuglish physician, to a novel preservative
prccess, which CMisistcd in first injecting all
the aricries with a solution of arsenic and
corrosive sublimate ; and after the lapse of
tweuty four hours, with a saturated solution
of tannic acid. By these means tho softer
tissuss are actually conveited into leather.
Mid decmpositiou effect u-illy arrested.
Into the cavities of the chest and abdomen
there was also introduced a paste of'arsenic
camphor, and nv.nt; and the culhti was
:. '...:.i.. i.. i ..:..i i l r. 1
,."... .,, . !
is expected the I eulunly tiect will arrive
during the first week iu lebruary. Ills
l.'ni '(.((( nii'iii.
It having been lung well settled that
.iliers cannot bold real property in F.ngland
. ' U .ll'l b. 0-.l-.lo IU 1 lliul tl. IwU
Mr. 1 eabudy was the owner of certain real
estate in that country. It is held that this
'and now reverts to the crown, and p ssess
sion of it has been taken by the crown
i. Ulcers. It is quite useless to expend any
indignation upon these public servants, who
have merely done what their oaths requir
ed tbeiii to do. Even if they had not acted
the title iu tho crown would have remained
the same. 'c reserve our wrath, until we
find that Farliaiiicnt has not by act afforded
relief to the txecutors, though we are by no
means sure of the power of Parliament to
act in the promises; and whether the crown !
ciiii alienate crown binds, we are not learn
ed enough to dcteniiiue. N. Y. Tribune.
Frii.ce Arthur and suite, accompanied !
by Minister Thornton, visited ihe White
Jou.-c to day aud was introduced to the.
President, his wife. Secretary FUh, Gen
mills Dent. Porter, liabeock and Eordeau i
and Colonel Pougb s. Tho visit was en
tirely infoimal, and nothing was said be
yond the interchange of pleasant compli
ments and well wishes. The Prince bad
an aovecablo confab with Mrs. Grant, who
l)0 JuUbt gave him some motherly advice
and perhaps warned him to steer clear of
the gold eoruers and Jim Fisl.s, Li ter in
the afttrLOon the distinguished party visit
ed the Senate chamber and took seats in
the diplomatic gallery. Mr. llowa was
speaking on the currency bill at the tin e,
Ion. Chas. Sumner, of Missaclusetts, look -
ed as though be would like. to address the
Senate on the Alabama claims and astonish
tlie Prince Charles cousidcrs himself the
ucarest approach to royalty than any other
man in the Senate. The Marquis of Mich.
i"nn was also restive under the Princely
gaze; this was perhaps owing to the com
parison of titles.
Auna Rebecca Green, the daughter of
fa colored barber in Oil City, was found
dead in the barber shop of a negro named
Adams, at that place, ou Wednesday even,
ing. She is the victim of an attempt to
procure an abortion. Adams aud bis wile
were arrested.
George Fiancis Truiu'n appointments for
the next ten days as follows : Ncwburgb,
Jan. 21st ; Wilmington, 2-d ; New York,
(at Tammany Hall,) Suuday, 'ob ; Oawego,
2d-th;Penn Yan. 23th ; Geneseo, 20th ;
Williamsport, 27th ; Jamestown, 28th ;
Buffalo, grand Feuiau demonstration, 2'J.
A number of gentleman are about stock,
iag the Juniata river with bass. Three
huudrcb bass, brought from the Potomac,
were placed iu tho Juuiata, above Hunt,
iugdon. on Saturday last.
Tim Nkw Count. Mr. Lowiy report
ed that the new County bill from the Sejis
ato Committee last Thursday with amend
ments. It is now calcd 1'ttrolia and does
not touch Forest County. In this countv
it takes South West, Kldrcd, a part of
Spring Creek and leaves Deeifield out.
The committee was made to pass it, Lowry
rushed it through without ceremony. One
of the veiiango County Commissioners was
there to be beard and was refused the bear
ing he asked 1
Against this injustice, Senator AUen and
one more of the committee, protested and
voted,.but in vain. Tutting it through is
a part of the boiling programme, and what
care they if meu travel four hundred miles
to record tho people's protect I It has
passed the Senale year after year, but never
with such indecent haste and disregard of
the people's rights. Verily the first suc
cess in electing the Treasurer, mokes them
eager to finish the whole dirty job. War.
re n Mti it.
has twenty three thousand more
boys than uirls.
The Massachusetts
S-'UHAHJ'J last year.
whaling fleet lost
The Governor of Rode? Island had only a
two column message.
A Clergyman in Ohio his sued his con
gregation for back salcry.
Severity five thousand penplo in London
are said to bo actually starving.
A Virginian, whoso father recently died,
last week married bis stc) mother.
The "uricounteifriteiblo" new fifty cent
note has already been counterfeited.
Funcb, alluding to pbtgoris, says a girl
eerns iiow all head, till you talk to her.
The New York L'iitrntayn tie "fi-iher
men's best luck" is "the net proceeds."
Six hiuilrod bills already press upon the
attension of the House at Washington.
In a resent duel in Kansas City, the
weapons were a pitchfork and a butcher
Velvet boots the color of the dress, are
worn iu Boston with drawing room cos.
Mr. Thornton will represent the Queen
at tho Feabody obsequies in America.
r-.mar.uei K,. Jicig-irt, nt Lancaster J'a
wr.o died recently, ai:d 71 cur.', first
nominated the lioii.'l iiauJous i
is -Stephens for
Hon. FT. Buclicr Swoopc has been
ineteu iy tlie 1 res;ue It lor i . ft, Attorney
for the Western Pistiie-t of Fcnii'-ylvai.ia,
vice (,'arnah.ini. Of course be will bu cou
th tned.
The danger of insurrection in Pam,
seems to be over. The troops which were
concentrated thero, urd ordered back to
th.eir original (piartcrs.
Tbo peop'e away down East, ate having
tuujh more severe weather than this sec
tiou. On .Friday, at Kangor, '.'e., the
tbenioiueiei- was ii degrees below Z.:ro.
Some idea of the new hotel being bu'it
in Saratoga, may be inferred by the fact
that, SIJ.OOO worth of Fieiich mirror
plates have been ordered for it.
A decision has been given in the su
preme Court, a business man is not j
compelled to show bis books, if the A .-.set j
sor of Income Tax, doubts the coiicetccsi '
0, lli's r,T0,t
The lied Iliver troubles appear to bo on
j uc increase. The lvbels have taken pes
Usion of tbo Hudson Jiay Company's
I Treasury ; and an Indian massacre by the
Sous is threatened.
Inwa has elected M r J. 15 Howell, editor
of the Gate City, to fill Senator (ititnes'
unexpired term in Congress. Also, (lco.
I. Wright, of Des.Moins, for the full tciui
of six years suceeding.
The House of Representatives has passed
Bmhain's bill, admitting Virginia to repre.
sentation in Congress, by a vote of 'J.j to
Queen Victoria has been not only a -pro
TiQe, but a provident woman. It is stated
that she has saved from
her salary and
Ihere is a wi low
! perquisites 810,0''0,GU0.
worth going for.
When pauper babies out at nurse die iu
Brooklyn, living substitutes "are borrowed,
to be used as vouchers for the collection of
the board bill.
,, ... , . . ,
i cere are rumors at asiungu.11 tout tne
Spanish government is now open to propo
sitions for tbo sale of Cuba to this Repub
lic, for SlOO.OOO.Ol'O But the oHcr has
' not yet been made
Dangerous counterfeits of the fifty cent
notes of the new Lincoln vignette issue aro
making their appearance). The backs aro
exuet counterparts of tho original; but the
laces arc rather darker and havo a more
bluish cast. Keep an ee on them.
The President, on Wednesday, 19ih iust.,
stated to Mr. Geprgn II. Stuart, of Phila
delphia, that he had long tgo decided to
nooiinato Judge Strong, of Pennsylvania
as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court,
in place of Justice Grier, whose resignation
takes effect February 1, and that he would
send his name to the Senate very soon.
Go to Gcorgo Walker's lor your boots
ai d shoes. .
AGf.nfbous Husband. Perhaps fif.
teen or seventeen years ago, in a very good
slate, I saw a woman with a pleasant Qua.
ker face, under a simple Quaker bonnet
1 rather liked it and her Quaker husbnnd
sitting by her with bis broad brimmed hat
on. 'J hey had spent many years togother,
you could see by their faces. He 'was just
bidding her good byo as the train was start"
ing, and I heard her ask him for a littlo
money. I did not at atl wish to hear what
they said, but I beard that be had bought
her a ticket, and saw lie had taken her sat
chel politely ou his arm. Sho hated to ask
him for money ; a good many -other woman
have hated to ask lor it, too. She hegan
to my. "I wish I had a-littlo sho did not
want to finish, thinking that he would think
of it and give it to her ; but he did not.
Ho out it came all at once: "Maybo 1'Jl
want a lit I lo money while fin gone." The
rood, honest Quaker turned his face toward
her with surprise, and said : 'what hast
thou done with the quarter I gave thee
last week?"
$ciir glducriiscmcais.
4 I A month ni.ulo 1- agents selling
V ' ' ,,uvs I-OGAS'8 great work,
Till-' aC.'J'.N Tlie most spicy, rapid spiling
l;(.ok out. 1!',C0-' ordered the first inorth.
Agents ca'.i secure field ami a e-ii.lllt out tit free,
by cnttii.g this cut ui) a.! hvssmn PAKMK
l.r.K S CO., 1'uMislieru, l hil .iTvl pliifi , l'n.,
and Middlotown. Coin. 1 l' 4w
J'A' 1 1' A D 1 'Eli T I SEMEN TS.
r A 0 i-nt e ful futlu-r will semi to all who
wish it. the ilirecliimi by which his daughter,
ufier heie.g 'ven up hy physicians ami des
pnii'C'l "I' by Iit latiipr. was restored from
CO.SIIliMKi) CUN.SI'Ml'TlON to perfect
health, without Ihe u-e ef incrticine. Sent
free. Address Mr. Oukf-s U. I'bwkms,
1 13 -lv .ieisoy City, N J.
will si'inl a hninlsnnp prnappctus of our
NKW li.Ll'.STliATLl) FA.MI.'.Y BIBLE, to
any Book s.'-nt. ftco of cliinec Address NA
TIONAL l'L'BLIS.HNCI toT, riiilndnlphia,
I'n. 1 15 4w
oii'iws now to i)ort:f,r. thr rnoF-
O H's, Till: FA CM, mid how Farmers
and their can eic-i nmke $100 PER
MON'TII in iVinlpr. lli.O 'M eotdes will be
::;ailcd Tree li- f.irnif rs. Si-nd name and Jnd
dress to .MULi-K, MeCl'liUV & CO., l'hila
ilt'l j.Iiia, l'a. 1 15 lw
I i.u
A ivi-e!;ly il'ii-liated ji.uvsi il r.f Id pages, ile
vuti'd t-.i nvu-hiii'.'.ry. A v.t'i ''nil Improve
iiiotits. l ii.'::i!. al ::p;cin.e iii.d . ew Discoveries.
A Sj-'a-h'tid .loiutial.
f I ." on I'Atf II in l'i i;:s will be paid for clubs
uf Mih-crilipi-s, on the Hi h id February.
A li.-iii.!..nt3 tm-Ke HtfH j E.NOHAVINO
of l'.t distiii;-!. i-l c l -l.i:i'.iiean inventors, pre-.-eiiie-l
to si.i.-;:rib-.:vs.
t-'l.ceinit'iis of jn! per. pr-ispcctuses, and
Idniiks fur iiaiiie--. sent iVip. Terms, $3 nyear;
:;'l 0;: In sis mouths. Discount to Clubs. A ii'iuorlii'.iiro J o i.ll :;l---nt lo nmitv for
j l-tiitnt' v. n: tr..;.. V riti' i'.r full particulars
uocl'Uitig prucs aiol j".' -ais, to
'i:. :.T i CO.,
i'i;V.i h-r- nti-l I'at. '.t Solicitors,
1 1" -l-.v oT I'.ii k II..W, New York.
.T i'i' i; A LC ! A--N01 v oi'-iii'ss and Female
Wm'"!i -s Cure f. A i ii rpyiiiiin's Widow
siiti-.-i-i:d for yi.ivs with t! .i!")vo diseases: will
-i-n.lllie an.'Hii'' of t.:' own oure free Mrs.
iuxt. Ji-t.-- City, N. J. 1 15 liv
'k i2::
: l : r. 1.
The lici. 'ico -I . and i.-o- i 1 ichly ilnt ra
ted MONTHLY MA0AZ1 K FOI'. ('ill LIJltKN".
3l "" n yc-.rin ndvnuce. ib uow, and
-el the la.-! Niriib.-r of IS I-'KI;::.
Ad-in-?s. .KiliN L. Silt ill FY,
1 1" -lw W.tsliinirtiiii St.. li.-ton
MAlllC COM II Wi'l chaitie anv
K fi'd l.air 0 i- bi-ir,t to a Viiiiiannl
l-i.e!) orb .n,:i. It contains no eniMis. ny
one can use it. One -ent l.v noiil for $1. Ad
drc.s MAi'illJ i'UMIl CO.,
1 1 mil SprinpiluUl, Mass.
t HE SAT l'?iiAY : VE.N ING 1'O.iT.
This cheapest mid be. t r.f the Literary Week
lies is t.lii rini' uiu-i.ualkd inducements to new
Iu the liit pnpi'rof Oejuher. it commenced
a brilliant Novel-.-!, failed ' 11 Family Faili-.g,"
by l'tvsviiit. li also is now running
a serial, called " (lenrge CaiuerUti y's Wiil,"
liy Mrs. Henry Wood, llio famous uulhur of
East Ly: lie," &c.
u ill con! inrnt'y sucen'e -1 other. Among
thuso already ou hand or in progress, are
Cndi r a Fan," by Amanda M. Douglas;
" Leoniu's Secret, " by Frank Lee Eeuedict ; a
Novtlel. by .Miss llu-mev, AC.
Tlie poi-t ulo gives the gems of th English
For 1870 will haue their subscriptions dated
back to the paper of October '2d, until th
iai tie extra edit ion of that date is exhausted.
Tiiis will bo tli'uieeen papers in additien to Ihe
1 regular weekly numbers for 1870 or fifteeu
t mouths in nil ! YVhcr. our extra edition u ex-
1 haii-Uo 1, the names of all new subscribers for
lt,-ii ....u i, .........ej ,. uul. iist tiia erv eek
lliey are leocived.
' f.rt a year. Two copies, $4. Four copies,
jij. rive copies (and one gra4is) $8. One
copy of tho roal and one of the. Lady's Friend,
A copy of Ihe large and beautiful Premium
Steel FngMiviiig, Taking the Measure of the
Wedding King " unravel in England at
cost of s-JUl.O will be sent to every full (S2 60)
ubscriber, aud to every person sending club.
This is truly a t.eauiuul engraving !
. Andreas
819 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
Specimen copies sent free for five eeuts.
A newllandp liook of Fuuiily Medicine. By
Dr. ltKAUD, of the University of the City of
New lork, assisted by medical professors in
tho various departments. IhTee years aevo
led to its rrevurutioii. C'uackery sad bum-
buggery exposed, l'tofel'sori in our leading
medical colleges testify that it is the best fam
ily doctor book everwritteu. Outfit and sam
1 nlo free to agents.
1 A. U- UUEDAKD, 400 ChastnutSt. PhiVfc, Pa.
At their capaoious store in
Have od hand, a splendid assortment of
all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants
of tho people of Elk and adjoining
counties, which they are selling at prises
that defy competition. They would simply
slate here, 'that being very large dealers,
their facilities for purchasing aro un
equalled by any establishment in tht
county. They buy directly from mauu
facturen and on tha
Another advaulaga. Tou oan always
get what you want at their store, htnee
you will save time by going directly ta
them and TIME IS MONEY. We
have no space here to enumerate all the ad
vantages you will have in patronizing their
establishment- But call and see, and
reap the advantages for yoursnlves.
Among their Goods you will find
DRY GOODS in en Rets varieties,
GROCERIES choice and flesh
CLOTHING of best material superior
eul and finish.
BOOTS & SHOES of the best
ttocic aud make,
CROCKERY for newly married,
middle aged aud elderly.
Nearly all kinds of country prodtico
taken at the market value-
Near the Depot, Wilcox, Ta.
MAHTIN SOWERS, Proprietor.
Tha undersigned lias opened a large bcardirg
hoBsc at tho above place, where he is amply
prepared to satisfy the wants of those who may
Tor liiui w ith ilieir custoni. jiov O'JO,
Went end of Hyde House, Bidgway, l'a.
Sella ns Cheip as Ever,
Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,
Spectacles, Pens and Pencils,
Exclusive 4gcnt for Hie sale of
Repairing Wnlehos. elc.dane with Hie sntvo
accuracy as hcrololVn e. novlid.Ti'.itf
Tho subscriber taUes thin mzlhod of inform
ing the citizens of .lildgway and vicinity that
he hag opened a
in the room lately occupied by Henrv S. T'-av-
er in tho west end of the Hyde House, where
may bo loiiud a general assortment of
Ladies Shoes,
Gcntienieim' Rools and Shoes,
Hoys' Boots and Children's Shoes.
Connected with the above establishment t lmv
a lloot ami Shoo Manufacturing Establishment
where work will be made to onier. Ui-pairing
done on short notice and on reasonable tein.s.
The public are invited lo give tne a cull.
ocUVu'.iy GKOKUE
IS nn article des pi ied by none, and wc nro
now prepared to show how nil may possess
tt in abundance, by following a few simple in
slruclio .s which will be giveu
of charge, except tlie trifling f in of twenty. five
celts, as a guarantee of good l'niih. The busi
ness is inexhaustible, and thousands aienow
engaged in it ; while to their friends thcciinso
of theii grout fuccss remains a mystery. Any
pni ty engaging will Ireqiiciitly receive soaled
packages bv express or mail. Further thau
.iT. 11) all to yourself.
I oe article can be carried in the-vest pocket, ex
cept when-wanted fur use. It ncds your nn
teution but one or two days iu the week, or a
couple uf hours daily, w hich can be after other
hiisiues" is over. No adiln u.nal rent, tuxes, 0
help of any kind. All engaging must be of first
None bnl gsod small men wanted, wi n emi
keep their tiiisiness lo t lieiuseH es, m l cuntii
let.nally with me, ntid make from .j to ?10
for every hour's si rvice.
Act promptly, lugin now and n fni-huii is
yours, lnelo.-e Willi your address '.i-ie.nls.
and lull will get full particulars byittu:u
mail- Address,
E. F. HAI.Ll'T,
iiov20-Sw F.ex ;!"i(i Tiiiisvdle, Pn.
si'LENiiiu i'lU.i; Foil Tiia ladies s
1 lie hnest, most ill. 'iistng. and cosilv nigrav-
ing ever ) ul.lished in America, lo be j rcicntcd
a a premium locach subecfiber to
a magazine of frae'lcul utility in the house, a
mirror ut tho t isluons, and a literary ctiim-r-
vtiloi' ul sui passing interest and anistio exeel
ence, nek no a lodged to be iho lu-dcm parlor
nnicazine oi rtiiiericu
The engraving, 8x"'i inches, is from the or
giual liaiiiting, entitled, 'The l'ic-N'io on Iho
Fourth of July.'
1 lie puintitig toott a whole year, and is con
sidered iho tincsl of the eniiru list of iiumuroiis
populor by Lilli M. SpcLcer. Tho
engraving was Ihe lt.bor of four years, bv
three emiucnt avtials Juhn llodgcrs, Samir-l
llalpin, ana bamuel llollyer ; The last named
having been induced to Mine front Em-one to
finish it. The engravers liavo ably secoudi d
Ihe successful labors of the painter. None but,
artists can fully appreciate the tkjll and labor
lavibbed on this engraving The general ef
tect is very fine and impressive, nd the deli
rate finish lo ihe heads will bear the most nii
nuto inspection. The union of line and stipple
is executed with unusual abilitj-, and I heir
skilful combination has greatly contributed to
ihe success of the engravers iu this unsurpass
ed proof of their genius.
Theiwork ou the engraving alone cost over
seven Ihotttand dollars, besides the cost of the
copyright, and is acknowledged by competed
judges the most elaborately finished large work
of art evor engraved in America.
Fine copies of this magnificent picture, on
heavy plate paper, worth i10 each, are to be
given as a premium to each subscriber to
Yearly subscriptions only Three foliar, and
ten cents (which is lo be seal with (lie sub
scriptton), for the po.ilago on tne engrnving
(which will bo mailed (securely done up ou
This is certainly Ihe largest, most Fberal
and splendid premium ever offered tosiuglo
subscribers by rny publisher, aud nll'ords an
easy and economical way fcr any ono to secure
an elegant work of art, a l'arlor Picture that
is only next to a piano iu the way of ornamen
tation, and a perpetual reminder of a day
which ouu;ht to to be cherished and held in re
membrance by every true Auieriean.
The reception of this nuiguilieent picture
will take every one by surprise anil we do not
venture anything in saying that $10 will not
procure another that combines so much of iu
lerest and beauty.
Specimens of the Magazine, with circulars,
giving full particulars, will be sent to any giv.
en address, post free on receipt of 13 eeuts.
nov'Otf 838 Broadway, N. T.