The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 08, 1870, Image 3
f 0 Ih 0omrin giccralf, 's.r'i i.r-- - t'.vi... '-I- Wcsi.. (In Mill! I'.'K-t d3 do West Lorul Freight East . .do do West. it;- 1 J', m. .... fcj'l'i '" i. ni. 2:( 0 p. in. 1 l:i!.i a. ni. o;.'fi p. m. Llk loJe, A. Y. M Staled meetings of Elk Lodge will be hellni their ballon the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. . , .1. K. WHITMORE, Sec y. I. 0. G. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodgo, No. 2"l), )iell every Wednesday ovening Kt tbeiv Lodge Room. C. R. Slauk, Secy. AGSKT8 FOR TILE ADVOCATE. Tho following nnmod persons nro authorized agents for the Adrocute to reccivo subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give rectipts. WUcox. A. T. Amnion, J. L. Baows. Kano. Frank W. Mkece. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Haoan. St. Maiys. Cuas. McVean. Ceutveville. Uombk 11. Leach, Maj. Bubke. Caledonia. W. 1'. Smith, If. A. Weed. Bennczette. John C. Harp, J. i. Brown. Shawimit. John Farh eti Spring Creek. A. W. Ikvik. Highland. Levi Ei.LOTiioKrR. Ilortom D. ('. OvsTKn. N. M. RnrcKWAT. iiKl'U LiLlCAiS COL'.MY COM MITTEE. A Mecling of tbu County Committee will be held at Ridgway on Wednesday Jan uary 12th 1870, at? o'clock I. M. Mem liers from every Township ure earnestly re quested to attend :ib busiucss'of importance will Le brought before the meotiug. By order J. II E.wr.p, Chairman. C. Mj'EAN. See'y. Li.'iT of causses not tiowii for trial at the J-itiuery term, 1870, Elk county common plons. Commencing January lidli, 1870 1. James Coyne vs J. K. Whitmnrs- 2. Fusrer's Adam's, vs- William Rood. 8. L. C. Leny, Adm. etc. vs. James Maicno et. nl. 4. Shnrpc et. al vs. Willis m Reed. 5. Z. M. bb vs- Thomas T. tier. '3. Leaian Stojiheus vs. Gi. D. Icscn. Ker. 7. J. J. Ridgway vs. N. T. Cuuiuiings. 8. J. C. I'm us for use J. V. llouk vs P j;i i n Creek townsUi p. . Clark. Esjhstoii r. William Herd. 10. R. S. Hart, Adm. v. Geo. 1. Mtsfon ger. 11. Adam Shall vs Same. J 2. Frank Weis vs. Devernnx. 13. James Sholvey vs. JsjobMoyer, 1 1. Frank Weis vs. Peveraux. 15. Short vs. N. Lou'i.sbury. 1'5. Wm. 1j. Jones vs. 0. R. Eirley. 17. R H. Belnaj), ko. vs. M. V. .Moore 18. Abraham .1 Lewis vs. Jhn W Feat. FJ:.H.'. Sf'illHMN'J, Pro. Mary EMerx'si, of Empir'trti, was aeet dor.tly burned to death at Trout ilun, Ly toiuir.g cuiity, a few i'as ago. The G-i'id Tempter's Ball at Messenger's Hall, New Year's Eve, pa;.sol off pleasant ly with good attendance. The Shootjng Mutch on Ne Year's day came off as advcitised, Messrs. Iteiic:! and 1 1 tie wining the Erst and second prssics. The Hon. 1'enjamiu Hopkins, Member of Cocgress from the lid District of Wis- cousin, died ou Monday, nt Madison that state. There will be a sociable for the benefit of the Good Templars, on nest Friday evening, (Jan. 14.) to be held at the resi dence of Mr. Geo. Ittle. All ure iuvited to attend. We refer our renders to the medical tour of Dr. A. O. Jackson in an other col umn. He does not stop in this county but refers us to the '"Elk Couuty Gag Law." We do not wonder at the Doctor calling our attention to this oct, as we believe it to be a disgrace to the county, though the law does not affect the township of Ridg. way. We did cot t-ign the petition in its favor, uoither did we sign a remonstrance as it was net for us to say who the iuhabU tauts of this county should employ to treat them. The inhabitants of our township were intelligent enough to foresee the ef fects of this law, and remonstrated against' it nearly to a man. So the inhabitants of this part cf the counfy, if not suited with their physicians, can employ who they please and enjoy the republican freedom of our country. A New Railroad Arrangement It is officially aunouncod that on and after the first of January no free tickets will be furnished by the Pennsylvania Cei-tral and Philadelhhia and Erio railroads to persons attending conventions or religious, politcal, educational, agricultural and other meetings. Round trip tickets, at the rate of two cents per mile, will, however, be issued if anrdi. oation is made in time and to the proper J railroad oinciais. Vfz have gool 6leighing at preeent. For the Cure of all Ikouchial and Throat diseases, and Consumption in its early Mngcs, nothing equals Dr. l'jefce'g Alterative Extract oi Golden Medical Dis covery. Sold ly Druggists, or send three dollars and twenty-Gve cents to Dr. R. V. I'ioroe, of Buffalo, N. Y., and get three bot tles free of express charges. Dead Sfa Explorations Dr. Car petifer presented a report of his Deep Sea explorations bcfoie the English Royal Society., which is full of valuable scientific discoveries. A small ctinoid was brought up, from a depth of 300 fa'.homs, of a class supposed to have no living reprefentative. A variation of temperature was found to exist at the bottom of the sea, varying from thiity two to forty-seven degrees, at points only eight or ten miles apart, beneath a uniform dredge was successfully worked at a depth of 2. 435 fathoms, nearly equal to the height of Mont Blano. France. The ex-Queen of Naples gave birth to a daughter on Friday morning. At the latest accounts both were doing well. The Radical journals state that seventy four non-commissioned officers and soldiers 'f the Paris garrison have been arrested for having formed a Republican and So cialistic Society. Spain. Advices from Madrid report that Mr Sickles, tho American Minister to Spain, had submitted a project to the Spanish Govortnent guaranteeing neutral ity in the matter of ocean cables. Mr, Sickles bad previously procured the Brit ish Government's approval of the scheme. Tho Curability ot Chronic Iir?eases and Their Suc cessful Treatment. (Lue of Erie, "a., now of Angelica, X. Y.) MAY P E CONSULTED A3 FOLLOWS, FRKR OFCIIARliF. JJt2r"Iuv9liils should mark v. i-11 the time, and civl cahly as possible. Tht time is limited, au:l t he appointmouis will be punctually kept. Euro hum, I'a.. Bi.ldle House, Wednesday & Thursday, Jan. 19 & 20. DfifxwouDj Fa., Gibson Hou?e, Friday, Jan. 21. Renova, Pa., United f fates Hotel, Tatnrday & Sunday, Jan. 22 & 23. Lock. IIavkn, Ph., Irvine Houve, Monday, Jan. 24. Jersey Shore, Pa., Fmnklin House, Tursday, Jan. 25. MlLESCVPO. Pa., Hotel near Depot, Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 20. L'lXLM'ONTR, I'a., Brokel'dff House, Thursday, Jan. 27. Ai.toona, Pa., St. Choreics- Hotel, (S'iiud;iy and Snnd.iy, Jan. 20 and 30. ij.k vo cry a,G law. The I.pgishiture of lli Commonwealth at i!s last session passed a law in and for El'v County, Pa., to aid the physicians of that county in obtaining their bread and btiiter. and compelling the people to cm. ploy theiii or have to plvs'eeiotL Al though 1 believe this law to be unconstitu. tion;:l, I do not wish to place myself iu the bunds of the physicians of that county, neither do I wish to pa) the license of $400 dmamled for the privilage of visiting my numerous patients in said territory. I will h.y t.( the sick and nfilicted residing in the county of Elk, that who see fit to meet me at uij appointments at Emporium or Drift wood, Pa.,-1 will agree to furnish proper treatment at at much less thau the usual price, and will aK deduot from such re uueed price the aniouut of railroad fare paid by them iu makiug such visit. A C. Jackson, M. D. Look well to day and date time and place as Dr. Jackson's time is u II occu pied, and he will be at each point only on the day specified. SPLINTERS. Big relatives Gi-ants. Light infantry Babiei. Pail creatures Dairymaids. The auctioneer's motto. Buy and buy. Pills for occulists and teacherd Pu pils. Fate well performenees Good meals. now do locomotives hear? Through their engineers A renvoi store has a sigh up ; "FyNe. Kut 2 bi.k Oh." Never tell secrets in a corn field just think of the ear ! What sort of manners do gamblers have ? winsome. Waiter's epitaph. ho Coulden't wait any longer so he went. Where would you look for a coarse race of men? Ou a race-course. Wlieu doet cabbage beat a beet in grow ing? When it gets ahead. Why ib a man who never lays a wager quite as bad as one who does ? Because he's no better. Here is a liniel translation of a pork butcher's sign iu a French provincial city: "Batta, junior; slaughters hogg like Lis father." The hog may not be thoroughly posted in arithmetic, but when you come to a square root he is there the hog is. When may a target-company be said to be bankrupt? When it becomes necessary to soil ;U prison to pay for its nwic. ' What is (ho difference belwecti a blind man and sailor in prison? Ono can't see to go, the other can't go to sea. Josh Billings says: "The mewl Is a larger burd than the gus'e or turkey. It has two legs to walk with, and two hiorc to kick with, and it wares its wiugs on tho side of its head." Mrs. Partington has been reading the health officers' weekly reports, and thinks "total" must be an awlu) malignant diseare, sinch as many die of it as all the rest put togbtiicr. A furrier Wishing to inform his customers that he recast their old furs, wound off his advertisement as follows: "N. B.-1 Capes, victorines, ate., made up, for ladies in fashionable styles, out of their own skins." Upon a tomhstond apceared the following inscription: "Here lies John Tug, sung as a bug in a rug." A wag seeing this, and a stone near by with no iuscriptiou, wrote: "Here lies John Tugger, snugger than the other bugger." "Sam, what do you suppose is the reason that the sun goes toward tho south in the winter?" "Well, I don't know, liiabfa, unless he no ftand the climate of norf, and so am 'biiged to go to the souf, w here he 'sperieuces warmer longitude." Hydroviiobia. Tile two young men of New Jersey whoso cases we notice cW. where have both died ; and the Kvrnimj Slur reports another fatal easo iu Yurdlcy ville, Bucks couuty, Pa. that of Alexand er McDonald. Oihcr parties have been bitted by tht same dosrs. Persons should be especially careful at this season of the year, and indeed always, how they deal with dogs. Muunt Joij Jtru'il. Mcre Wine on More Wrrrr.ES. An Euglish clergmun went to an hotel to order a dinner for a number of clerical friends "May I ask, Sir," denianltd the waiter, (iiavcly, "whether the party is High Church or Low Church ?'' "Now, what on earth," cried tho clergy man, "do my fi'icuds' opinion, matter to you ?" "A great deal, Sir," rejoined the waiter, "if High Church, I must provide more wine; if Low Church, more wiitles," SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of 'ciili!iou' Kx jhiwii) issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Elk County, Pennsylva nia, and to nie directed, 1 will expose to PUBLIC SALE, at the Court House, in Ridg'wny, on Minulny, January 10, 1870, At 1 o'clock P. M., all the following described property, to wit : Beginning; nt a post, being the nort west corner of lot deeded to Ltuircttc M'Cauley by Eddy Hyatt and wife, thence in a westerly direction along the Milesbnrg and SmcUiport Turnpike about six and a half rods to a post, thence southerly direction about eleven and a half rods to a post, thence an easterly direction about six and n half rods to a post, being the southwest cor ner of Laurette M'CsluIey's lot, tlionce a northerly direction along: said lot about eleven and a half rods to the place of .beginning, containing seventy two square rods of land, being part of the same land, conveyed to Eddy Hyatt by Jacob Wilson and wife, by deed bearing date the first day of March, A. I). 1848" And has erected thereon a Two Story Dwelling House- about eighteen by twenty-four feet, with ti wing eighteen by eighteen feet or there abouts, and a stoop about six by eighteen feet.- There is also a barn erected on said lot about sixteen by twenty-four feet. Seized ahd taken into execution at the property of William Wood, at the suit of G. M. Smith A: Co., and to b: sold by JACOB M'CAULEY, Sheriff's Office, Sheriff. Ridgway, Deo. 25th, '(',!). " dec2(i'G(.)-tc. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED PA PER IN ELK COUNTY. THE ELK CO. ADVOCATE. HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULA TION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE COUNTY !' Jcfotffl to the 3f!ttrrf,itK jftlugroplt of Clh County. Qx&txft' Ut ifoi Voxb oliritra anfl gwm.stltj gLttcngrd ta. Address J. S. BORDWELL, Pel DO A AY, PA. THE AMERICAN Fa.MILY KNITTING MACHINE Is presented to tho public, ns the most St'mjitc, Durtthh, Compart k Vhcup Knitting Machine ever Invented. f it t V , OJi'd' S5. This Mauhiuo will run either backward or forward with equal fasiiity ; MAKES THE SAME STITCH AS HI' HAND, but far superior in every resii"ct. WILL KNIT 2 0,0 0 0 STITCHES IN ONE MINUTE, and do perfect woik, leaving every knot on the inside of the woik. It will knit n air of stockings (i.ny size; in lees ihan an hour. It will knit Closr or Open, Plain cr Ei'tlcJ M'ir r, with any kind of coarse or fine wollcu yarn, er cotton, Bilk or linen. It will knit stock. 1'igswiih double heel and toe, drawers, hoods, sacks, smoking caps, comforts, pur ses, muffs, fringe, ntgluins, tiubies, under, sleeves, mittens, skating caps, lamp wicks, maps, cord, uuilcrshirls, idiaw's. jackets, cradle blankets, leggius. Kuspcuders, wiis ters, tidies, tippita, tufted work, and in fact an endless variety of articles in every day use, as well us for ornament. F r o m Si to 10 per Day Can le mode Iu Oli our. v:ith ilf. Amn'ritii Knitting Machine knitting stockings, Ac., while expert opperatois can even make more knitting fi.ncy work, which always commands a ready sale. A person can readily knit from twelve to fifteeu piiirs c! stockings rer day, the profit on wla; h will tie not le.s thau forty cents per pair $M B t' J ji" IB Hi9JfeS.!S Can sell ti eir wool at only forty to fifty cents per pound; but hy getting the wool made, into yarn at a small, and knitting it into soe!;s, two or three collar: er jioui-.d eau be realized. 0:i receipt of 02.") we will furwarJ a tn?. chint as or-kred. Iff !C : pvni-vrc active AC L A TS in ' very tcrlinn of the In .V Stole (?; ruins !n tch'jl.l the must iilnral iniluv m-nts if ill ojf-u'ct. AiLtietx Am; liiiAN Kmttin-.i Macuinf. Co., 4 B'lM ui, Mass, or St Louis, Mo. LVceniber, 1 1, lM!;. I was cured of Ieafne.s and t'a'arrh by a t-imple remedy, mid will scud the receipt fi .'."I. MRS. C. LEGiJKTT, Ilobolcn, N. Y. VINEGAR" flow made in 10 hours without diiiKS. For Circulars, address L. SAGK Viuetiar Works, Cromwell, Conn 8w . All (-'NTS VWTLlJ l'OK I T. Ft !: V. 1 1! K L''-I-l'JUTS AMJ 13EHIXD THE SCKXK3, by Olivor A high toned. rapid selling boot . A eump'eta expose of the t-howworhl, 6m pncs :CU cng: firings, l'ros- pe-.-:u nud .Sample to Agents. lMUMLKlI&CO.. r'aililclpiua. or Midllc- tow ii,. Ct. AT.l'M'S V.'ANThD lor oar Great Household Work, GUI! HOME PHYSICIAN A ncwll-indp Itnuk nf l'l.m il.y Modiciin'. Ily !'r. i:i;. U D, of ilie Cm vci-f iijf of tho City uf New York, assisted 1-v inodiciil piotesnrs in iliu vaii-ms'lni-.iils. Tlnee veins devu- leU lo its preparation, vu-iosery and lium liu;;ery csnoscd. l'lnfet'snri ill our leading 'ec 'i-al colleges testify llnit it in the bflst fam ily ik-ctof boos cvef wi-itlen. Ouiiit and sain- jilo free lo njrents, A. II. Ill iUDAliD, ino Chestnut SI. I'hil'a, Y. Vtt.IL! iiwMMmn.'.j.i.'y B TitAua 1 rsill IS Infallible KemeJy does not, like the J poiso: oils irriraiinjt f-nulTs mid strong cuustiu Hiilutions with which the ponplo have long bsun huiubtitrjied, simply imliiule for a short time, or drive the disease to the lungs ai there is danger of doing iu the use of such nos trums, but it produces perfect and ; eruiutieut cures of tho woivit ca?s of Chronic Catarrh, as thousands can tesiily Cold in the head is cur ed villi a few applications. Catarrhal Head Hche is relieved and cured ns if by magic. Il removes offensive breath, loss or impairment of the sense of taste, smelling or hearing, water ing or weak eyes, and impaired memory, when caused by the violence of Catarrh, as they fre quently are. I oiler in good faith a standing reward of 500 for a case of Cat una that I cannot cure. For tale by mcst druggists everywhere Trice otily 00 cento. Ask your drii."; for the remedy ; but if he has not yet got it on sale, don't put it off by accepting ary niberable worse Uiau worthies substitute, but rncloKe sixty cents to me, rind the remedy will be sent you postpiiid. Four packages 2, or one dozen for $J. Send a two cent stamp for l'r. Saga's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address the proprietor, It. V. PIERCE, M. D. novQ7'C0y ISuffalo, N. Y. I WAS cured cf Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy, and will snd the receipt free. ' MUS. M. C. I.EGGETT, 4w iloboken, N. J. F KVK I'll ISOOlv AGENTS. V will send k liniidsnme urosDeetua of our new illuH- trateJ Family liitle, to any huok agent flee of cliarire. 'Address National Publishing Compa ny, Philadelphia, Pa. 4w CH. VOLK, Manufacturer and pealer . iu Lager Reer, opposite tho Baibroaa Ueput, St. Mury's, Klkooumyr. Uar-22 66-1 . Fl'LLEK, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, Rikuway, Pa. tntitm. mrimtmt n K V" ' rM-ivi .-iiti i.( t ,i 'itti &iiiiwttiLTirf?iTrTr-"j''---JrK-iTfi 1T1LL AIILAU I OUR GREAT BOSTON DOLLAR STORE! We want pnod reliable ngonts in every part of Ihc country. Ey employing your rpure time lo form duns and sending us your orders, you can obtain tho most liberal ecminissions, eithou in cash or merchandise, and nil goods sent by us will be ns represented, nnd wo guarantee satisfaction to evtry one donlin? nt our house. Ageuts should Collect ten cents from every customer, nnd forward to us in advance, for descriptive cheoUn ofthe goods we sell. The holders of the checks have tiie privilego if either purchasing I lie article tin reon des cribed, or of CM-hniiging for any article men tioned on our cam o;:ue, numbering over OuO different articles, not one of which can bu pur chased iu the usual way for tho same money. The advantages of fust sending t lie cheeks are these : We are constantly Inlying small lots of very vallunbln giods. which are not on our c-.ti.bigues, and far which wo issue checks until nil are sold ; besides, in every, club, wo will put cheeks for watches, quilts, blanket, "Ii ess patterns, or ouitie other article ol equal dnlue. We do not offer .1 single article of tnerelinn vuscihat can be s-ild by regular dealers at our price We do not ask you to buy goods from is unless wc can sell them cheaper than yon can obtain them in riny other, while the greater paitofour guoda are sold e.t. about OXE HALF THE REGULAR RATES. Our slock consists in part of the following goods : Shawls, Wnnkets. Quilt, C.jftoiis, Ginghams, Dress Ueo-l, Table Linen, owe!. Hosie ry, Gloves. Skirts, Corsets, silver hinted Wine, Spoons plate-ion Xiehel s ilver, Dtsscrt Forks, Fivcbuille l'luled Can tors Uritiania ware, Glass ware, Ta- hie and Ticket Cutlery, in Orcat. Variety, Elegant French and Ui-r-mrn Fancy Goods, I'.eautiful rhutngiapli Albums of (lie Xew. est nud Choicest .Styles in Morecco and Velvet Holdings, Heavy Gold and Tinted Jewelry of the latestnud newest styles. We have als ) made ni rang "incuts with sonic of the leading publishing hou.- es thai will ena ble us to sell the standard and latest works of authors 111 about one-half Ihe regular prices : such as Eyron, liurns, Moore, -Milton r.ud Tennyson's Vi ojlis, in lull gilt and cloth bind ings, and hundreds of others. These and tveij tiling el.:e for OXE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. In every order amounting to over $"0, ac C'-mpanied by the cash. Ilia nirent may retain 2 : and in every older over blOO, 1 ma;- be -tfiint-'l to pay xin: Eatress charges. COMMISSION TO AGENTS. Tor an order of .30 frorr a club of thirty, we will pay the ngent as commissii n, .'IS yar Is ef blcaelu-d or bruwn sheeting, good dross pattern, till wool pants pattern, or J1:! :0 iu cash. For nil 01 der of Sol) from n club of sixty, we will pay the agent G- yards of brown or bleach ed sheeting, huntius case watch, all wool shawl, or$7 in cash. For an order of SU'JO, from a club 100, wc wll-pay the agent 111) yard , 'I yard wide), sheeting, spicniid sewing machine, or if 11 in cash. ."END MONEY BY REGISTERED LE I i i'.R3. For further particulara send for catalogues. Address GEORGE A. PLUM ME R & CO., (Successors to Harris Plummet' ) Nos. 30 nnd 40 Hanover Street, Boston, Mass. n jVJO.YiU f The Great Reformer ofthe Stage, who, having nbdndonet) stage life, now exhibits iu vivid col ors ho whole, slnw world before nnd behind tke scenes. Ueing t, uthful, moral and high toned, ns well as sensational, rich mil racy, il outsells nil other books. I'.eatniftilly illu.itiat ed wiih 40 spirited engravings, 'Jl full-paga cut, UoO pages, on rose timed paper. Greatest induceineiiis yet (dTered. Prospectus, rumple copy, I'.nxes nnd Stationery, Free For circu lar explaining, address immediately PAIIMF. LLE Ai.CO., l ublisliers, either at Philadelphia, Penua., Cinciuaui, Ohio, or MidJletown, Con necticut. 4w IE SATl'llDAYxiYEX-ING POST. THRES MONTHS GRATIS ! This cheapest nnd best of the Literary Week lies is otiVri-iug unequalled inducements to new subseriL jrs. In Ihe first paper of October, it commenced a brilliant Novel.;!, called " a Family FailL.g," by Elizabeth Prcsoott. It also is no.r running a serial, ciii'.cl " George Canterbury's Wiil," by Mrs. Henry Wood, ihe famous author of " Eut Ly-uiu," &c. NEW NOVELETS will coutinually sucoced each other. Among those already 011 baud or in progress, art " Under a Ei.n," by Amanda M. Douglas ; " Leonie s Sicret," by Frank Lee Hcnediot ; 11 Noviet. by Miss Hosiner, Ac. Tiie post also gives ihe geuis of tha English magaziiies. NEW EUCSCUIDEUS For 1870 will hnue their subscriptions dated back to the paper of October Sid, until the larg exti n edition of that date is exhausted. This will bo tiiirieeen papers in addition to the regular weekly numbers for 1870 or fifteen months in nil I When our extra edition U ex. liausied, the names of all new subscribers for 1870 will be entered on our li&t the very week thej are received, TERMS ! $2 50 a year. Two copies, $4. Four copies, F'ivo copies (and one gratis) 8. Ono copy uf the Post uud oue of the Lady's Friend, $4. A copy of the large BDd beautiful rretr' nm Pieel Fiigriiving, inking the Measure ofthe Wedding Ring " engrave 1 in England at a cost of $ JOIO will be sent to every full li! 50) subscriber, nud 10 every person sending a olub. .This is truly a beautilul engiaviug ! Andre H. PETEESON & CO., 810 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Specimen, copies aeut free for five oents.- s mmmmmm Special Notices rpO CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having been resiorcd to health 1:1 a few weeks, hy a very simple remedy, aHer having suffered several year with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to bis fcllow-suffcvera the means of cure. , To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of Ihe drescriptlon used, free ofchnrgo, with the directions for preparing nnd using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Crtnsump. lien, Asthma, Ilronchitis, etc. The object of the advsrliscf in sending the Prescription is to benefit tho afflicted, and spread enformation which lie conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, ns it will cost him nothing, and niny prove a bless- Parties wishing the prescription, will please address. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, vin:i.y 1. J. S. BORDWELL, M. P. Ihc word eclcotio means to cboese or se lect medicines from all tho different chools of medicine; using remedies thnt are safe, end discarding from practice all medi cines thnt have an injurious effect on the sys tem, such as mercury, antimony, lead, cop per. &c. I lay nsirle tho lance t'io old bloodlelter, relucer or dcpleter, nnd equalize 'the circula tion and restore the system to its natural state hy alteratives nnd tonics. I shall heve aliter give particular attention to chronic dis eases, taich as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Catarrh, No iralgin, diseases of tiie throat, uriimry organs, mil all discuses pecu liar to females, &c. CATARRH I treat with new instrument of Into invention which cnes every rase. TI'IETH extracted without pain. Ollice and residence South of tho jail on Centre St. Office hours from 7 to 8 a.'; in 1J 1 1 1 p. 111 ; 6 to 7 p. m. Dec. 2J t!7. -y. J. S. BORDWELL. JOHN. G.HALL, Altorney nt law, Rids way, Elk county Pa. innr-22-i;0 ly a. hall j as. u. r. hall. HALL & I3HO. Attorneys -nt - Law til". MARY'S t BEXZ1XGER P. O. El K COUNTY, PA. September 20, 1800. ly. J S. Bord well, M. D. Eclectic Physician . Olheo nnd residence opp-.sitc tin Jail, ou Centre St., Ridgwny, I'a. Prompt kt iention willbe given to all calls. Oilico hours : 7 lo 8 A. M- ; 12 to 2 V. M. ; nud o to 7 P. AJ. Mar. -22, CC tf, UWANKLIN HOUSE, J cSt. MabvV. Pa. LAROEY & MA LONE,'s. The proprietors respectfully nsl; tho attenlion of their friends nnd the public in general to their largo nnd cotimioiliouH hotel. Every attention paid to Ihe convenience of clients. il. LARGE?. may30 l3o?.ly J, A. 1.1ALONE. MAPLIN Kettles. Bra!3 Kettles, Porcloan Sauce Pans, French Tilled Sauco I'.im. Fruit, cans (he cheapest nnd best, nt W. S. SERVICE'S, Hardwaio thorj, ri.'gwny,P. HYDE HOUSE, Rinoww, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCTIRAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the palromgo heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, ty payin.r sirict intention lo the comfort and convenience of g'tes'.g, to merit a continuance of the tauij. Oct 'M 1800. rSIHAYEU, HOUSE, K I DC. WAY, PA. D.VID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and commoiliiii.s lnt..l ,i 1 vim ,..,3 riiiiijiwest Corner of Ci.iiti-.. nnd Mill t(.,.. . and- cetivctnent stabling attached, respect- I'air.iiuigc 01 ins old tnemJ and the pul lie generally. neciooojj DAVID THAYER. T'' EIliiEY HOUSE, JLV C::.NT:.tviLiF, Elk Co., Pa. II. I) Leacu, Proprietor. Thniikful for the patronage heretofore (O liberally bestowed upon him. the new pro. prietor, hopes, by paying strict r.tientioil lo the comfor: aid convenience o." guesis to men! continuance of ihe same. vln'.'Oly. All orders for Stores and Hardware will be promptly attended to na soon as iceeivcd, h! tho '-'G7 ' MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. JTORTON HOUS', ' KIUI2. PA- V. V. Moore, (late of the Jjyde House) Prop ittor. Open Day "and Night- r.SOtf. CARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, &o., done in a neat manner, and at the lowkst fiuce, Foil CASH, at the Eik Advocate Printing Office. L GUIS II. GARNER, PRACTICAL lUAnriTNTTOT Cn be found at his Fouudry at St. Mary's where he is rcady'to have all shop. work in ins hue done 00 short uotieo. St Mary's Bonzingur P. O , Elk co., Ta. iuy'l'08'ly J.:' " D. PARHONS, Mauufuolnrer and Dealer iu Boots & Shoes, Main St., Opposite Hotel, no27y W;lcox, Pi. 17 ORD3 OF WISDOM. FOR TOU'jfl MEX1, On the Ruling P..-j8ion in Youth and B.rly Manhoo.v, wi.b 'jELF HELP for tbe E-'ir.k and unforti,rate. guDl , ,eu)e(, , AhhOC.AXiON, Boi P PhHadeldhia, Pa lunk Book Manufacturers, Wrigbi'a Blk Curry, Pa. Blank Boek. Made to Order. '' HF. C. KRUMME, M. D., , PUysiciiii ami Surgeon, Ridgway Elk Co. Pa Office above toro of U, G. Oil1 ia Office hour from S to 10A.M. and 0 to 8 P, U' vln8tf. 1 ENVELOPES. I.ABELS & TAfrS n.atl, 1 r""d t the Adroex r Otliee.