OJlh founts gduotrate. SATURDAY, JANUARY 1 1870 J. S. BORD WELL. Editor. STANTON, DEAD. Tnn rrdncrrnnlr and the CVCninC rrCSS of Friday announced the death of Edwin M. Stanton, which took, place at Washington that morning. The dny previous it waB nnnouticed that he had boon appointed nn Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Truly a great and eurnest man him pas sed away. His rceord is wi ll known to nil our reders. He had many noble and com manding attributes and his death came lit a timo when he was lully prepared to do justice to his country, in the position to which he had been lately appointed, ami nt the same time live with less labor and turmoil than had of late characterized hi life. . lie was horrrin StculcnviHc, Ohio, about 1815. lie studied for the bar under 1U:n JAMlN Tai'I'KN, who took him into partner ship, and thus gave him a good Mart in his legal career Ho continued to practice in Ohio uutill 1S17, when be removed t. Pittsburgh, where ho was associated, in several important cases. In the wiiiter ol 1S57-8, Mr. Stanton was selected by Pres. idont Buchanan to manage an important caso connected with tlex-ican grants, gain ing thereby, a natioual reputation. In 1858 he began practice in the Supreme Court at Washington, icft held aloof from politics. Towards the close cf President Buchanan's term of office, in ISflO, ho nc- . , ..4 .1. rrtPf nt Jttnrnev Oci.cr.il. pnd. while holding it, tried hard to prevail on the President to send reinforcements to Fort Sumpter. Mr. Cameron resigned his post as head of the War De partment, January 13, 18G2, wbcu the vacant place was offered to Mr. Stanton, and accepted The change was looked upon by the people as advantageous to the cause ol the nation. The vigorous manner in which he set about the roforui in the War Department con firmed the sanguine expectations of his fiiicnds, and beneficial results that attended his appointment soon became evident in the increased efficiency of the vainus branch es of the military establishment of tffo Union. Able Administrator, however, as Sir. Stanton paoved himself, he was not equally l'ortuuatc in acquiring popularity, aud on the cessation of hostilities, differcti; ees of opinion. 1 cudivtg to diicord Wcifrrcd1 between him and one or more of the pro minent military chicle, especially General Sherman. In lfGii he endeavored to thwart President Johnson, and the Pres ident found it necessary to remove him in July, 1867. In this he was srstaind by many warm' friends, but the damage to his position could not well be repaired. And then comes the Justiceship and finally DEATH. Western J' nnnyfvttiiian. TDK LO YE i"J II DhitS From tbe Diary of a Now York Physio'inn. About the jenr 1815, a rather stout coarse looking man, apparently some twen ty-five years of age,-came to my office and wished to speak with me aside, lie was a Dutchman from op the liver, and spoke our hrigiiiigV rattier imperlectly. Ilavinu got me aside, ho stated his Case with very great solemnity. Ho informed mo that ho was in. love with a certain young woman of his neighborhood, who uulortun ately did not return his aflcclbn This lie assured me, was not owing to any want of disposition on her part, for she was wil ling to love him if she could j aud in order to overcome' the natural repugnance she felt towurds him, would consent to any fcasuble means. A love powder was that which most naturally suggested itself to his mind j aud ho had culled to procure ono. "1 would have got it out of our toctor to home," he, but I was afiuid it u ight leak out run hov or nuoder, and den I should be a hiuhiiiL'stoi? to do whole down. 'Act as 1 viii cumin:; to New York, I thought I might as well kit here. hut will you ttx lir one slitivii'' love powder, that will do do bisinesi toi de irai 1 and lu.iKe her love me it. iiy;,u ail out EA li TH 'J LA EE San FuAXCisco, Dec. 27. The heaviest earthquake shock ever experienced in East, em California and Nevada occurred about C o'clock last evening. It was felt with more or less severity at Sacramento, Marys ville, Grass Valley, Nevada City, Iowa Hill, Stockton, Chico, Trnekee, and other neigh boring towns. At Virginia, City, Nevada, walls wero thrown down, door.bells rung, and clocks stopped. The consternation was general. The shock was fult severely on the lower levels of all the mines. The vibrations were porth and south, and lasted about ten seconds. At lleno the shock was proceeded by a low rumbling, which lasted nearly two minutes, alarming the inhabitants. The express train bound west was detained about an hour, between Wadsworth and Reno, b"y large rocks and earth thrown on the track by the earthquake. The first mercantile vessel which passed through the Suez Canal on its way to Bombay was wrecked in the lied Sea. This is not encouraging. All tho vigilance which careful and experienced officers can use is not sufficient to prevent accidents in that dangerous sea. Let it be covered with ships, and tho list of the casualities is pretty sure to be indefinitely increased. The bark Noel only went eighty-six miles from Suez before it fell a victim to some treacherous sand bank of coral reef, M. de Lesseps must get the Bed Sea buoyed before his canal will be of any great ser vice to commerce Sudden Death.. We are compelled to announce the sudden demise of Mr. Wm. Irvin, of Curwensville, ou Monday morning, Deo. 20. He had been unwell for some time, but sot confined to his bed. On Sun day morning,in passing from his room to the hall, he fell to the floor insensahle, and remained so until he expired. He was one of the oldest and most active business men in our county, having resided at Curwens. ville, for over forty years, where' he accn mulated a fortune, surrounded by a large family, who mourn big "unexpected demise Clearfield Republican The Dew postal treaty between the United States and Great Britain will go in to eflect on January 1, 1870. at fir.-t I endeavored lo reason with him ou tho folly et endeavoring to excite lov by means of powders, philtre, petitons and the like. But 1 found my argument thrown away. 1 then endeavored to laugh him out of his project. But my ridicule. liko mv argument, fell harmless to th j 0 , ground. Finding him resolved on having the love nowder. come what would, I concluded to give him f-omething which would satisfy him. I accordingly put up tffo powders, of tartar cme;ic, of five grains each j telling him that it was necessary that he should take a powder as well as the girl' in order to produce the desiied effect. "But I be iu lofe now, doctor," said he, "I docs not need any of the bowder to make nio lofe lucre as I do now. What should I dakc it don ?" "you must take it' said I, "otherwise the powder will have no effect upon the girl." "But den I shall have to bay for dwo bowders instead of one." I then gave him directions to dissolve the powders in water, and tako one him sell aud givo the girl the other at the same time; and that they should be shut up to gether iu the same room at the time of taking tho powders, and "so on for three hours thereafter; when I assured him, they would nroducc a remarkable effect. a The fellow went away, well pleased with the favorable termination to his love suit ; and I thought little more of the subject, except occasionally to laugh to my self at the physeal effect the Jove powders would" be likely to produce on the amorous Dutch man and his Dukinca. now far they were likely to produce the desired effect, I could not of courso determiue ; but the Je suit would not finally prove injurious to the health cf the paities, I was well satisfied. It was somewhat like a year after this, that walking one day in the street, I came plump upon my patient. Starled like Mackbeth at the ghost of Banquo, I would have avoided him ; and for this purpose I dodged into the Hotel just opposite. But fear often brings the catastrophic which it seeks 10 avoid ; and the concious ness of guilt conjures up dangers, whero in reality Dono are to be apprehended. My motions were undoubtedly suspicious, and tho DuicLman detected me the sooner for attempting to dodge him. JAt all events he followed me into the hotel, and with a very angry countenance began : "Be'syou nctde doctor what gif me lofe bowder a twelve moth ago?" 'I What ! I a doctor ? I give you love powders?" said I, appearing to bo vastly surprised at tho question "you must cer. tainly be mistaken in th3 man." "Py jinks, I peleve you pe de man, persisted the Dutchman ; "you look so much like him as one ecg does to anoder. "No my frieud," saysI,you must bo mis taken in the man. But what is the story of yonrs about the love powders?" contin ued I, wishing to learn the affect they had produced, as well perhaps as mischievously to afford sport to the company in the bar room. "What is the story ? wy MisLter Toctor, do lofe powders didn't do at all. Dey . was nothing more one tarn cheat. Dey was nothing more as one vile tattero mattocks, what makes bcople buko deir insides out When I goes home, I shuts mineself up in a room mit Kattarina ; and we dakes one a a bowder and toder a bowder, just as you told me. Den we waits for de deration Py and py we grows sick in de stomach, Tinks I what for in a tyfel of an operation in dis? dat makes me feel ao all apout de short rips, de haad, de stomach ? Put I says nothing at all, hopin 'twould all durn for de pest, Py and py we begins pote on us, to just like de sea in a thunder storm. "Oh, how eick I pe 1" says Cattarina. Den she grows bale as a gorbs, and I thought she would vaint, ao I puts my arms round her vaist lo hold her up wheu my O 1 we pote on ns at once time be tins to cry New loig, Jew i org I and py kraeious I you never seen any pody gast up aggounts as vo did. Drre was put one winter in de room and we couldn't git cut te door because I logs it and trows away de key when I first comes in ; and we pole shticks ouro heads out ol do winter and bukes, and bukes you nevor seen de like io all de days you born' And what tinks was de consequence, toctor?" "What, why, I suppose the girl fell in love with you of course," said I "No, fy Joy she hates me ten toueand amies worscr ann ever, cne won i so much as shpeak to mo now, And all de young fel'erg and de gals dey laughs at me aud lioinls dcr finger at me as I walk de shtreets, and says. Dere goes de vool vat pought de bowders in New York! And now I pe de lnughin shtog of de whole bhicc. And all this gomes of de dam shcat of lofo bowders you gin me for 1 can swenr you pe's to ferry toctor wat played dat. t rick on me. And if I ever catches you in our m-lgborhood," concluded he, doubling his fist in a tbreatning manner, "I kiveywi cno of le tngdest lickcm you over had in de days of your life." Saying this ho left the hotel in a rage, and this was tho lHt I ever saw of him or heard of the lova pow.lcrs. N. Y. 7'rmi. xeript. '(lew $drliscmMir. SHERIFF'S SALE. Mr. L. DeG aukikl, a conductor on the Phil. & Erie, railroad, picked up a pocket-book iu a scat the other iiayt above Ronova, which, on examination, he found to coutaiu 2(3 oue thousand do'.lar bills. IJe quietly put in his pocket, and then iustitutcd search for the owuor, whom ho soon found, and who proved to be a gcutle mau named Smith, a dciler in stock, on his way to New York from Ohio. Mr. Smith, when spokeu to by Mr. DcGabrie', was unaware of his loss, but was soin made aware of it by Mr. DeGabricl'iS hints about having found a "small parcel." He wa so overjoyed at the recovery of his fnotiey and so grateful that it had fallen into no honest man's hands, that ho pressed upon Mr. DuGabricl's acceptance a bran uew one hundred dollar bill. This, however. Mr. DeGabriel refused to accept, saying that he asked no reward for doing his duty. Mr. Smith then remarked "you shall hear from me again," aud went on his way rejoicing. Such a man as DeGabriel comes under tho poet's definition of tho "noblest wurk of God," an houest man, and is him self a fortune to his employers. We advise them lo '"cultivate" h'ua.Eelleone Watchman,. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Ejn ponax, issued out of tho Court of Com mon l'lens ol I'AK. uomity, I'ennsyiva- nia, and to mo directed, 1 will expose toFUBLICSALE,at the Court House, in llidjrwny, on Momlny, January 10, 1870, At 1 o'clock P. M., nil the following described property, to wit : Beginning at a post, being the nort west corner of lot deeded to Lnurctte M'Cauley by Eddy Hyatt and wife, thence in a westerly direction along the Milesburg and Sniethport Turnpike about 6ix nnd a half rods to ft pottt, thence southerly direction about eleven and a half rods to a post, tlietiee nn easterly direction about six and a half rods to a post, being the southwest cor ner of Iinureue M L'nuley's lot, thence a northerly direction along said lot nliout eleven nnd a half, rods to the place of beginning, containing seventy two square rods of laud, being part of the same land, conveyed to Eddy Ilvntt by Jacob mlson midwife, by deed bearing date the first day of Marclif A. D. l-H. And has erected thereon a Two Story Dwelling House about eighteen by twentjMVnir feet, with a wing eighteen by eighteen feet or there abouts, and a stoop about six by eighteen feet. There is also a barn erected on said lot about sixteen by twenty-four feet. Seized nlul taken into execution an the liroDcilv of William "Wood, at the suit of G. M. Smith A: Co., and to btf sold by JACOB M'CAL LEY, eWiniiiFF's Oitice, ) Sheriff. Bidgway, Dee. 25th, '(i9. )" dee2G'09-tc JOARDINQ HOfrSE, IScar I ho Depot, Wilcux, ra. MAUTIN SOWERS, Proprietor. The undersigned lia open -id h Inrga bennfirg rouse aiine aonve place, where he is rniply prenrcd to g!Uiffy (lie wonts of iliose who riinv utof hi in with ilicir Cuctom.. nov20.'0'J THE ONIA UELI.VBLE CUKB Full IAS PEl'SIA IX THE KNOWN WOULD. QIIARLE3 HOLES, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER JEWELER, West end of Hyde House, Riilgwny, l'n. Sells as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WATilAlS, Clocks, Jewctry, SilverwaVe, XX VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, Spectacles, Tons and Fencils, Exclusive Jgent for the isle of ALEX. MOftTO.V'S GOLD PENS. Repnirinfr Watches, etc., done with tlie same accuracy as heretofore. nov20, (iilif A Baciiklci;8 Df.fense. Who is petted to death by ladies with luarriaeble daughters? The bachelor. Who is invited to tea and evening par. ties, nnd told to dmp i:i just when it is con venieut? The bachelor. Who lives in clover all his days, and when he dies has flowers strewn on his giaveby the girls who could not entrap him ? The bachelor. Who goes to bed early because time drags heavily with hitn ? The married man. Who gets a scolding for picking out the softest part of the bed, aul for waking up the baby in tho morning ? The mar ried man. Who has wood to split, and marketing to do, the young ones to wash, and the lazy servants to look qer ? The married man. Who is taken up for wh ipping his wii'e ? The married man. Who ceta divorces? Tho married man. Dn. Wisn.nT's Ghkat Amf.iucan Pvrrr.rsiA Pn.1,8 ami I'inb 'I'u kb Taii CeiU'iAi, in-o n posi live and infallible cure lor dyHuennia in its most iijjgiavuUd form, and no mutter of haw Ions Et an cl in rr. Tbey penetrate the secret abode of tliii tcr rime ui.case, nod eximuiiuulu it, root an branch, forever. They cllevi.ile more ngnny nnd silent suf. .1 . Teey an noted for curing the most deep ale nnd hopeless caaos, whrii every known menu3 f:iil to nfi'o'd relief. No form of dyspepsia or indigestion can re sist their peneti iitinp; power. DR. WISH ART'S- PINE TFLEE TaR. CORDIAL. It is the vital principle of the Pin Trc. oh- taincd by a peculiar process in the Jiciilluiiun of (lie tnr, by which its iiinliOHt medical proper ties arc retained. It invigorates the eigesiive organs nnl restores the appetite. It strength ens the debi'ulated system. U purities nnd enriches the blood, nnd expels troni tho yMuiu the corruption winch scrotum breeds on il.e liinns II disolves Ihc mucus or phlegm which. siopslhethe nir passage of tho li.iigs. Its leulinjr principle acis upon tnc irriimeu sur face ul' the iuiis ui.d ihroiit, pencil-Ming to each diseased part, relieving pnin mid sub duing intlimintion. It is tho result ofygnr of sluilv nnd experiment, auu it is ottered lo the uilicted with positive assurance of its power to cure ihe lullowing discuses, it the patient ins not loo lung delayed n resort to the means of cure : VanMuinitioa" of iltc Lnvjt, Coiijltx, Soar lkruiil anil JJieiist, liruttrlttti, Jjiocr Cntniiit, ISliiul ami Jll-cdinj ' J'its, Aslliina, Yli(irj'ni t'oitih, Dipiluiin kf. A medicfil expert, lail'line honor ,ble colle- giate diplomas, lievnten his entire lime to the u'.n'.i.nlion of palienis ;it lliu oliice parlors, Associntca with h.m are llnee consulting phy sicians of acknowledged eniicnce, whoso ser vices nre givento (he public hike or ciifgk Inis opportunity is ottered by no oilier in stiiuliou in the c -uuii v. Letters from any p u t of the country, asking advice, will be promptly ami gratuitously res ponded to. n here convenient, remittances should .take the shape of DRAFTS Oil POST-OFFICE OllDERS. Price of Wiflmrt's American Dyspepsia Pills al a box. hent by mail on reciyl of price. Price of Wishart's l'ine Tree Tar Cordial, l,uO a bot'le. or 11 per dozen. Sent by ex press. All communications shnuld be addressed L. Q. C. WLSIIAST, M. D., No. 2:12 North Second Street, Dhila. gO.METUlXG NEW IX 1111)0 WAY ! BOOT H SHOE ESTABLISHMENT The subscriber takes thin mzthod of inform ing the citizens', of llldgwny aud vicinity that he has opeucd a BOOT & SHOE STORE, in the room lately occupied by Henry S. Thay er in the west end of the Hyde' House, where may be found a general assortmcut of Ladies Shoes, Ueniiemeim' Hoots and Shoes, . Boys' Boots and Children's Shoes. ALSO, Connected with the above establishment I have a lio. I nnd Shoe Manufacturing Establishment where work will be jnado to onler. Hepairing done on slmrt notice nnd on rcnso-inhle teru.s The public are invited to give me a call. ' ocl!.VliOy CiKOltOK WALKEH. 'i ijt: AMi.n.K'.w family K N ITT I NG M ACHINC Is prevnted t.j the public ,is too most Si.Hjdf, , Duriiiik, Cmjht.-t & ('".; Knitting Machine ever Invented. V II I C E, $26. This Machine will run cither backward or forward with equal facility ; MAKES THE SAME STITCU AS BY HAND, but far superior in every respect. WILL KNIT 2 0,0 0 0 STITCHES IN ONE MINUTE, . find do perfect work, leaving every knot on the inhido of the work. It will knit a pair of stockings (i.ny size; in less vhan hull an hour. It will knit Closn or Open, riain or Rilled Wort, with any kind of contse or fine wollcn yarn, rr rott-in, silk or linen. It will knit stock., inswith c'oublo heel and toe, drawers, hoods, sacks, smoking caps, comforts, pur1 sof, iiiufFs, fringe, a.'phans, nubies, under, sleeves, milieus, skating caps, lamp wicks, maps, cord, uudcifhirts, shawls, jackets, cradle blankets, levins, suspenders, wris tcis, tidies, tippits, tufted work, and in fact an endless vanety ol articles in every daf use, as well as for ottianient. r o wi i ( o 510 p e D a y Adam and Eve. Adam aud Eve es caped two very ecrious annoyances of mod em lovers. In the first place, Eve had no mama to make judicious inquiries as to Adam's social position and propcets of mat riuiony; aud Adam had no ''governor to see that ho didn't throw himself away on a portionless girl. NONT'Y IS nn article despi led by nnno, nnd wo are nn prepared to show how nil may possess u in iibuudiinee, by fulln. iug a tew simple in struclions which will bo given FREE of charge, except tho trifling sum of twenty fivt ceils, as n guaiaut.ee of good faith. The busi ness is inexhaustible, and thousands aro now engaged iu it ; while to their friends the cause of llicii great success remains a mystery. Any party engaging will frequently receive sealed packages by express or mail. runner than this the business is nil to yourself. AS toe article csn be carried in the vest pocket, ex cept when wanted for use. It neds your at tenlion but one or two days in tho week, or a couple of hours daily, which can be after -other business is over, ."so additional rent, tuxes, o help of any kind. All engaging must be of fust WATER. None but gsnd smirt men wanted, who can keep their business to themselves, act conn ler.tinlly Willi me, and make lrotn 4o io riu for every hour s service. Act promptly, llegin now and a fortune is yours. Inclose with your nd. tress j. cuts. and you will get full particulars by return mail. . Address, E. F. IIALLF.T, nov20-8W Box 356. Tiiusville, Pa. Can he mode nnj one with the Ameiran Knitting Machine knitting stnckitics, Ac, while expert opperatois can cveu inako more kuiiting fancy work, which nlwnjs commands a ready tiale. A person can readily , knit from twelve to fifteen piirs f t stocking per day, the prnGt. on which wilt ue urn less man lorty cents per pair Can sell tl eir wool at otdv forty lo fi!!v cents per ponnd ; but by petting the wool made into yarn t a small expense, and knitting it into sucks, (wo or three uo'lavs per pound can be reali.i j.- On receipt ol S'25 wc will forward a ma c'lino as ordered. H e ic sA to procure active A GENTS m I very arc'ioii of the. i'n ted States and Can adit to trivim the ;?' lihrral inducement wilt he -vfercd, Addc-sn AMritic.vN Knitting Magiun'r Co., 4w BostJit, Mass , or St Louis, Mo. December, 1 1, 18'H. I was cured of nrn(ne."S;nnd Catarrh by a siiiip'e remedy, and will scud the receipt' free. MRS. C. LEGtJ F.TT, TToloien, N. Y. VI i EG All" flow mad? in 10 h o u r's without dvugs. For Circulars', addrens L. SAQW' Vinegar Works, Cromwell, Coun. 8w 4 .U'.KNTS WAM'KI'FOlt BKFOISK Tli'-l 2l'Oi)T-I.ltiinS AND lllOiUNl) TUB SOIINT.S, by (Uixer Logan. A high toned, rapid si'.ling bonV. A complete fxpr?e oTthe sliow.world, 650 pages; 00 engravings. Pros pectus ami Sample fre? to Agents. PAUMLKE & CO.. Philadelphia, or. Middle town. Ct. AT.FNTS VrXN'T'tD for our Orta IIoii3choM Work, OUU 1TOMEP1IYSIOIAN A r.ewllandp Hook of Kr.inily Medicine Py i.L.VtlLi, ot the University of the City or AGENTS WANTED for our Great Household Work, our Home physician ! A New Handy. Hook of Family Medicine. By Dr. IiE.lKD, of the University of the City of New York, assisted by medical professors the various departnunls. Three yenis devoted to it's preparation. (Junckery and liimhlig gery ss'posed. 1'iofessors iu our leding med ical colleges tcslify that it is Ihe best family doctor book ever written. OuthC and sample free to agents, Dr. The total number of graves of soldiers who died in the defence of tho American Union tow recorded in the printed forms published by the Quartermaster's Depart ment amounts to about 103,000. There yet remain to be printed tb records of about 120,000 graves, making an aggregate of 300,000, of which the names of 100,000 occupants will probably never bo known. Four indiscreet Iowa chidrcn two boys and two girls 14 years of age, having be. come enraptured with the lilo of a hetniit and the romance of 8 forrest life, took to the woods for the purpote of digging a cave in the depths of the woodland, away from the cares and sorrows ot civilization, to enjoy the freedom of the Qipsy or the Indian. The cruel parents, however, got wind of the aGair before the wanders had reached a Becluded spot, and brought them home. AOF.NT3 WANTED. Newest and greatest invention out the New Selt'ndjusting Guides, forcuttihg perfect fitting I'ants, Roundabouts, and Ladies' Dresses. lndipensible in every household. Address RAMSEY & SCOTT, Pittsburgh. Pa. M ANIIOOD : STORED HO'.V LOST, HOW RE- The Pennsylvania Legislature assem. bles on Tuesday January 4. The inauga ration of Governor Gear takes place on Tuesday Janury 18. Vfif Ju9t pittilislieil, a new edition fe.teV"d of DR CULVLKWF.LL'a CELEDKATLD ESSAY on the r-dical ttr ( without medicine) of Sprbmatobbhiba, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Imi'oi'EnCy, Mental and l'liis cal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc f also, Cox sumi'Tioh, TJriLKPSV,' and Fits, induced by selt inuuigcnce or sexuni ejuravnpance. StjrI'rice, in sealed envelope, only 0 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, elcurly demonstrate from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming oonseriucnces of self abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, eertain, and effectual, by means of whish every sufferer, no matter what his condition mnv be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, gnu radically.- fcTThis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in fhe land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, potlpwd, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's " Marriage Guide," price 25 cent i. Address the Publishers, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE Ce., 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Office Boi 4,586. vln35yl. SPLENDID PRIZE FOR THE L!F.S 1 The hncst, most pleasing, nnd costly engrav ing ever published in America, to lie presented lit n premium to each subset iber to DEMOIIEST'S MONTHLY, a magazine of practical utility in the house, a mirror of the l ishions, and a literary conser vator of surpassing interest and uriisiiv e,xccl enco, acknou ledged to be the in -del u parlor magazine of America The engraving, 28x32 inches, is from the or iginal painting, entitled, 'The Pic-Nio un the Fourth of July.' The painting took a whole year, and is con sidered the lines I ot the enure list of iiume.ous populor productions by Lilli; M. SpcncT. .The engraving was the lubor of four years, by turee eminent artists John llodgers, Samu?l llalpin, and bamuel Holly cr ; The last named having been induced to come from Europe to finish it. The engravers have ably seconded Ihe successful labors of the painter. None hut artists can fully appreciate the skill aud labor lavished on 41iia engraving llie general ef fect is very fine nnd impressive, nd tho deli rate finish to the heads will bear the most mi nute inspection. The union of litift aud stipple is executed with, unusual ability, and tueir skilful combination has greatly contributed to the success ot the engravers iu this unsurpass ed proof of their genius. Iheiwork on the engraving alone cost over seven thoutnnd dollars, besides tho Cost of the copyright, and is acknowledged by competent judges ihe most elaborately finished large work ol art ever engraven m America tine copies of this magnificent picture, en heavy plate pifper, worth $10 t-ach, are to b given as a premium to each subscriber to New Yrk, assisted by medical professors ia ihe various depuvtme its. TliTce years devo- led Id its preparation. Quackery ana hum bujJK'Ty exposed, l'tofelsmi in our leading medical colleges testify that it is Ihe best fam ily doctor book ever written. Out At and (am hit: free lo ancnls, V. 1!. lHJi$;UKD, 4 )0 Chestnut St. I'liil'a, Tn. DSIOfifc'ST'S MONTHLY MAGZINE. Yearly subscript! OU9 only Three Dollars, and ten cents (which is to be scut with tho sub. scription), for the ponlngo on the engraving (which will be mailed securely done up on 1 roller. This is certainly the largest, most Vbcrsl and splendid premium ever offered lo single subscribers by i ny publisher, aud affords an easy and economical way for any one to eectjre au eleirant work of art, a Parlor Picture that is only next to a piano in tho way of ornamen tation, and a perpetual reminder of a ddy which oua In lo lobe cherished andteldinre membraucc by every true American. The reception of this magnificent nicture will take every one by surprise and we do not venture anything in saying that $10 will not procure another that com Linos so much of in terest and beauty. Bpecimens of tbe'Maeazine. with circulars. giving full particulars, will be Bent to any giv. en aauress, post tree on receipt of lo-cents. ' Address DEMORE3T' MONTHLY. BevSOtf 838 D road way, N. Y, THIS Infallible Remedy does no.t, like the poisn ions irritating siiufls and strong caustic solutions with which tho people hr.ve lone bsen huuihugge J, binipiy palliate lor a shun lime, or drive ihe disease to the lungs a there is danger ot doing in the use of such nos trums, but it produces perfect and rermanent cures of the worst cases of Chronic Catarrh, as' thousands can testify Cold in the head is cur ed with a few applications. Catarrhal Head ache is relieved nnd cured as if by magic. It removes offiiusive bveath. loss or impairment of the sense of taste, suu-lling or hefiring. water ,ng or weak eyes, and impaired memory, irhen caused by Ihe violence of Catarrh, as they fre quently are. J offer iu good faith a standing reward of S.j00 for a case of Catarrh that I cannot cure. r'r sale by most druggists everywhere. Price only 50 cents. Ask your drupgist fur the remedy j but if he has not yet got it on sale, don't put it off by accepting ury miiernblo worse thnn worthies substitute, but enclose tixiy cents to nic, and ihe remedy will be sent you postpaid. Four' packages $2, or one dozen for S2. Send a two cent s'amp I'm Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Calnrr'u. Address the proprietor. R. V. PIEIUT., M. D. nov27'60y liufl'alo, N. Y. WAS cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a . simple remedy, and will send the raccipt tiee. JUK3. At. u. l.t.uut.11, 4w lloboken, N. J. w 1 I ' a handsome prospectus of fiur new illus trated Family Hi' le, to any h.,ok agent free of charge. Address Natioual Publishing Compa Ay, Philadelphia, Pa. 4w AllS, SPIKES, IUNOEa, RIVETS, locks, bolts, and all kinds ot builder's Daterile in general cnu be had cheaper at the St. Mary's Hardware Store than aty other place in Elk oouerty. (n28'7) 6 CH. YOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer in Lager Beer, opposite the Railroait Depot, Si. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'66-1 . .