The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 18, 1869, Image 2

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    SATUft!UY,DlJCH.IBER 18, I860.
J. S.. It 0 It 1) WELL, E d i t r.
Fire. Many persons building dcw
houses are useing the llaltitnoro and Spear
Heaters for warming thoir rooms. If prop
erty set and applied they oro useful, eco
tintuiooJ and couvinieut. If uot properly
set ttey are very dangerou". Mr. Daniel
fcjmith, of Wilcox, put two info his new
house aod from each of them the house
tuck firo. The house of Hubert V. Kime,
Fsq., of this place toot fire two weeks ago
Iroin the tamo cause In both iutitHU
ccs the heaters were put intc chiuineyB
which were lathed aod plastered upon the
outside. No parson should e?er set them
la a lathed and plastered chimney ; when
they aro U'-eJ, let the plastering be put
drcctly upon the brinks, aud never allow
the heater to oomo iu contact with, or be
set so that any wood work is ucar it.
Wilcox is growing und thriving rapidly.
The Lumber Company at that plaC6 have a
large lot of Hemlock lumber on baud ready
lor maiket. The Kuipirc Li'io have offerd
rates of transpotation which the proprietors
thiuk will do to ship at. At al! eveuts the
experiment will be tried, and if the busi
ness pays, tlio hemlock timber of this coun.
ty will be a mine of wealth. Col. A. I.
Wilcox has about two millions of pine lum
ber to move to Wilcox from his mill, about
rcveu utiles from town, and the teams
havo commenced upon it. The horse Gun.
Grant rode, wliou he was there last sum
mer, will do duty in a board team this win
ter, unless hauling is cheaper than it has
been heretofore. Everything about Wilcox
has to wctk iu the winter.
We have not much faith in the ability
of our peoplo to compete with tho mauufac-ture-cs
porting nations of Europe in buil
diug and running Iran Steamers across the
Atlantic. Of course they can be built and
run if Uncle Sam will loot the bill ; but he
has too many bills to foot already.
As to allowing steamships to be built for
us on the Clyde aud the Tyue, admitting
them free of duty, registering thtm as
American, and eluistning them Ontario,
Albauy, Massachusetts, it will never
go down. It wore a waste of breath to
discuss it. And the introduction of foreign
materials free of duty will be little more
acceptable. Who can insure that the
dra shack will not exceed the amount actu
ally paid into the Treasury ?
The best way to eucournge American
Fteaniahip-building is to offer und pay so
many dollars psr tuu for every first-class
Ocean Steamship that may hereafter be
built, uiaiuly of Amciican materials by
American wcikiiicn in American ship
yards. If those who profess a deep interest
in American, Commerce aud Shipping will
unite with us iu asking Congress to favor
(his policy, we sha'l hope for its adoption.
rfV, J'. Tribune.
. i
Livingstone's explorations in Africa
show that somewhere iu the interior of that
vast contiucut is a region highly elevated
aud sulubrious, aud of remarkable fertility
and already the keensighted traders are
speculating upon tho advautages which will
nccure to the nation first breaking into that
virgin field of operations. Tho New York
Times says, "our commercial posistioo gives
us, especially with an Istbmiau canal, the
full beuifit of any future South African
trade. For from ucar the Cape of Good
Hope, in direct Hue to the Equator, ou the
wcridan of Cape St. Koquo, nature baa
made the fiuestsca routo on the Atlantic ;
aud so certain and regular are the wiuds
whicn sweep the American trader home,
ward, that 6ai!ors have called this the Gull
Stream in the air." Important aod mighty
changes are os the eve of taking place in
the trade and commerce of the world, and
we should be prepared to clutch our full
share of the harvest
Seuator Corbctt introduced a bill, Dee.
13 , for '.he funding of tho Government
debt. It authrizes the issue of coupon
nd registered bonds of the United States
to the extent of $l,Q00,0"l,00U in bonds of
oue thuosaod dollars each, and having
thirty-five years to run, the interest payable
semi. annually, piincipal and interest in gold
the interest for the first three years at
the rate of six per cent .,for the six years fol
lowing at five percsnt., and for the twenty
Tears following at four per cent per annum :
the bond i and income to be free from all tax
whatcvor. The Secretary of the Treasury
may exchange the same at par for five
twenty bonds, at the holder's option, or he
may place the bonds at home or abroad up
on the market at uniform fixed price, the
proceeds of wbioh shall be used in redeem,
log five-twenty bonds.
. It is said that in Alaska hailtones fall
as large as watermellons, and that the snow
fiskes t $$ large as umbrellas. Graciom 1
London, Deo. 8.- Thirteen iron steam
ers are building ou Tyuo for tho navigation
of the Suez Canal.
Mr. Ashbury, of tlu yacht Cambria, who
sailed through the Sues Canal, writes that
after tuking careful souudings ho is of the
opiniou that tio vessel drawing over nine
teen feet of water can pass through the
London, Deo. 9. Prices of rebel bonds
have considerably improved recently, in
view of the pioposcd settlement of the
Alabama claims.
London, Dec. 9. Tho government will
take poscsfion of the tdlegmph lines of the
couutryou the first of February, according
to the piuviuioiis of the new law recently
London, Deo, 10. Tho steamship Bra
zilian, of the port, which was built expres
sly for the Suez Canal trafiio, has been
fouud to draw loo uiuoh water. A despatch
announces that s-lie attempted to make tho
passage a day or two since, but was obliged
to discharge half oi her cargo to get tlnugh.
London, Dec. U. The British steamer
monarch, having the remains of Mr. Pca
body on board, hoi, not yet put to sea, owing
to the prevalence of a heavy gale.
Much alarm has been created by the
sudden breaking out of the rimletpast
among the stuck in the great t-atllct show
iu this city.
Chester, Dec. 13. On Saturday after
uoou last the city of Chester was thrown in
to a conditiun of sad but ioteuscexoitcuie nt
by the. sudden aud unexpected taking away
of two much-loved and highly respected
young people, well known residents of this
city, named respectively Miss Mattie
Irwin and Harman Cochcran. Within
the cemetery iu this neighborhood is a small
lake, 4ti winter used as a skating park.
Miss Irwin and Mr Cochcran proceeded to
the lake, accompanied by a little girl, and
glided out upon the icj. Just as the
young couple had reached the deepest por
tiou cf the lake, the ice broke bcueath them,
and both were precipitated into the water.
Before aid could be brought to their assis
tance they had disappeaicd beneath the ice
Every effort was made by those who had
beeu attracted to tho spot to save them,
but owing to the rot tea condition of the ice,
and the want of ropes oro'.hcr material, it
was nearly an hour baforc the bodies were
recovered from the water. When found.
hey wcro tightly locked iu each other's
arms. 1 ho altair has cast cloom over
the entire city. Einjwrium Independent.
Gen. Thomas las been to Alaska, and
what does he find that we have for our seven
.millions and more of sterling coiu ? Ice
and snow, of course, and a few abandoned
coal mines, the care of a few hundreds or
thousands of degraded Aleut and Koloshe
Indians, most of whom "seem to havo no
control over thcir"pasMon for stiong drink,"
aud several millions of seals which, to be
worth anything, must be protected by a
garrison of from two to three hundred meu
with a revenue steamer, ai a cost that will
probably far exceed all the revenue that
will be derived from them. As ' to ever
settling the country, Geu. Thomas, looking
at it with the business eye of a soldier,
thinks that to be entirely out ct the qucs
tiou for the present, at least. The well
stocked gardens aud tropical verdure of
which we have heard so much dwindle
into a few radishes, potatoes, anil lettuce,
with barley, oats and wheat that will uot
ripen, l'crhaps somo one would like to
Jake the elephaut off our hands we might
be induced to sell. X. Y. Tribune.
A New xVar'sGivt. Any gentleman
that wants to gi.e a lady friend a present
ought to send her .Peterson's Lymes'
National lor 1870 as . promises to be
better than ever, and Pctersu.i always keeps
bis promise. The January nutuber of this
most excellent Magazine is on out table,
with two ot the most splendid steel engtd
vin'9 that we ever saw. The first one is
called "Parted by Palo," and is accompa.
nicd with a very powerful story by Frank
Lee Benedics. The second is culled "A
Bitter Morning," and represents two chil
dren skating ou the ice. This is oue of
the most cunning pictures we have seen
for a long time. As for , Peterson's fashion
plates, they can't be beat. T'hey are engra.
ved on steel and are really stipurb ; every
lady ought to ree them. The price of this
maguzine is cnly TWO jtoi.l.AUS a year,
while the inducement to Clubs are very
great. Specimens are scut gratis to those
wishing to get up clubs. Address Charles
J. Peterson, No. 306 Chesnut Street,
Funny Incident. lather a fnony in
cident in Russia shows how easily red tape
may sometimes be untied by a skiltul hand.
A surgeon was hastily summoned to care
for (our men injured by an accident in a
town iu the interior. The only railroad
train to start soon was for freight only, and
the physician was told that he could only
be admitted as an escort to living freight.
lie hurried to a house near by and bought
a rooster, which he carried upon the train,
and was permitted to proceed; the. require
ment of the rule being fulfilled.
A Caufornia County Washing
Away. Alameda oounty, bordering on
the bay of SanFranciseo, ii gradually
disappearing. Tho force of the waves
washes away a strip of tho saudy soil, vary
ing from three to soven feet every year,
and now that laud there has riseu ereatly
in value, somo devite is necessary to pro.
tect it. ''Brush moles," ". r. bundles of
brush a foot thick, and ten wide pinned
down by wooden stakes into the road, art
adopted in the parti of tho coasts of Den.
mark and Germany. Their height de
pends on the height of high water. Some
propose to use this dovico for the protection
of Alameda. The idea is, thai the forco
oi the waves is broken at somo distance
from the shore to such a degree that on
reaching it they have lost their power entir
ly. Tho mole is placed from a hundred
to a hundred and fifty feet outside. Frame
bulkheads have been tried in Alameda aud
found wanting.
Mkxico. The Hon. William II. Seward
and party arrived at the city of Mexico on
the 15th ult., and were received at the
railroad station by President Juarez and his
Cabinet, and a commission of tho notables
of the city. On the 18th of November
the Hon. Thomas Nelsou, the United States
Minister to Mexico, gave Mr. Seward a
banquet, at which Mr. Schlossen, the repre
sentative of Germany, Minister Romero,
and other Ministers, aud many ladies were
On ber way to Egypt the Empress of
French passed through a vilinge, the depot
of which tho loyal villagers had decorated
with a fjstive arch ; the inscription was as
usual, "T7c T Evperenr !" but in the
middlo of which were the letters N and U.
Tho Emnrcss sent one of her officers to the
Mayor to ask what these letters meant, and
ho received the reply that they were the
initials of their sovereighn ; Nupoloou aud
Ugcnie 1
The rumor is revived with great force
that the President iutends to offer the
vacancy on the Bench of the Supreme
Court, created by the resignation of Justice
Grier, to tho illustrious Edwin M. Stauton.
fhe nation would applaud the tribute of
the Great Soldier to the Great War Minister
John Trait, a wealthy citizen of Zaocs-
ville Ohio, was arrested the other day ou a
charge of violating the person of a Miss
Thompson, and released on three .thousand
dollars bail, lie first offered her six hund
red dollars to accede to his desire, which
sho refused, when he attempted to use force.
The undersigned respectfully an.
nounccsto the eitezens of Elk, and adjj'tu.
ing counties, that lie has recently established
a Gun Shop in Ridgway at the head of
Main and Depot Streets, in the basemcutot
the building occupied by W. S. Service as
a tin shop, where he will attend promptly
to all orders for work in his line.
Single or Double, mads to order, and war
rnted. lie also keeps on hand, and lor sale a
Breech Loading Rifie, a good assertmentof
Ammunition, Revolvers, Hunting Tackle,
and articles pertaining to the trade.
Notico is hereby given that the follow
ing accounts have beeu filed iu my Office
aud v. ill bo presented at the next Term of
the Orphans' Court of Elk County for con.
formation : Account of A. W. Gray, Ad
ministrator of V. S. Brockway, decased,
Firsf partial account of Ralph Johnson, Jr.
executor of the estate of Ralph Johnson,
lOn 4t
No. 8 January Term, 1807. In the mat
ter of tho Voluutory Assighmeut ol Burke
& Woods.
NOTICE is hereby tiven that the un-
dcifined, Auditor appointed by the Court
of Common ricas or tan county to uistrio.
ute the f unu n the hands ot the Assignee
will attend to iho duties of his apDoiutment
at the Prothoiiotais office, iu Ridu'way.on
Fridav, December 3i." A. v. iouj, at o
o'clock P. M., wheu and rvbere persons
interested may attend if they e proper.
Ridgway. Pa., December 6. lfcGfl.
Un hi
New Oyster Saloon-
I would iuforra the citiieua of Ridgway and
vicinity, that I have fitted up the room back
of my Store Room, as an Oyster and Eating
Seloon, for Ladies and Gentlemen, where at all
times, lean furnish Oysters Raw, Stewed or
Fried ; also other eatablea iu season. Enter
ance on Mill Street side door.
A o Liquor sold on the prtmitts.
J. R. Baibd,
I Variety Hall.
11. i'L'LLER,
Ridowat, Pa.
Will attend promptly and sfficiently te all pro
fessional caUs. nov27y
Just Received at
a fino assortment of Toys for Holiday Pres-
ents consisting of
Endless Variety, Vsscs All Kinds,
Toilet Setts, Toy Tea Setts,
For The Little Ones,
Aocerdeous, Dulls, Doll-Babies, Toy Speak
ing Animals.
Also the Latest Novelty in Doll Heads
of Parian Granite with Ilead Dress and
Something new ; drop in and soe them.
No trouble to show goods if you d, not wish
to buy ; also a lull line ot otner Toys too
umcrions to mention.
v 1 d8 4i
A THIEF "e has been trvaling about drniHt. nnJ rWta ar.i...
mixing up and selling a base compound which
he calls VOI.COTT S l'AIN PAINT. All of
W oleott s genuine remedies have a white out
side wrapper (with Biguuturo large). Look
out for counterfeits.
for Catarrh and Colds in the head, or one
Pint of Pain Point, for U'cers or Paine, sent
free of express charge?, on receipt of the
money ot 181 Chatham Square, N. V. ; or one
Gullou of Pain Paint (double strength) for
10. Small buttle.) sold by all duggistv
K. L. WoLCOTT. 4w
t niiii i -itvw i.'ttu fTr
Smoking Tobacco is an excellent article of
granulated Virginia.
Vt herever introduced it is universally ad
H is put up in handsome muslin bags, in
which orders fur Meerschaum 1 ipes are daily
Smoking Tobacco has no superior ; being deni
entinized, it cannot injure ncvcless constitu
lions, or people of sedeularv lxibits.
It is produced from selections of the finest
stock, and prepared !y a patented and original
It is very aromatic, mild, and light weight
hence it will last mtieii longer man oiuers i
nor does it burn or sting Ulc tongue, or leave a
disagreeable afUr-taste
Orders for genuine, elegantly carved
Meerschaum Pipes silver mounted, and pack
ed in neat loallicr pocket cases, are plaed in
the (Jnclit Liu! brand daily.
Chewing Tobacco
This brand of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco
has no superior anywhere.
It is, without duubt, the best chewing to
baeco in the country.
Have been iu general uxu in the UnitedStates
over 110, and still acknowledged -the
best" wherever use J.
If your storekeepers docs not have these
articles for sale, ask hi in to ect them.
They nre sold by respectable jobbers al-
most every where
Csrculars mailed on application.
r.LOillhl1Dlft o.,Jtew fork.
.i i ' .u ii j i .i-
are tho best in the world is proved by the
almost unanimous opinion of professional
musicians, by tho award to them ot BliV.
enty yiVE ooi.i) ana tsiLVfcii mkiialh or
other highest premiums, at principal in
dustriul competitions within a few years,
including the Medal at the Patis exposi
tion, and by a sale very much greater than
that of any similar instruments, lino Uom
pauy manufacture on 'y Jirst.class inslm-
ments, aud will uot make "cheap organs"
ht any price, or suffer an inferior instru
meut to bear their name. Having greatly
increased their facilities for manufacture,
bv the introduction nf nnw machinery and
othevwisc, they are now making better
n,. ,llom.Lt,.,. ;.,o.l,l n
..w v..w.c,
ouiy iu oobt,, wii:en, in aucuruauuc wuu
their Died policy ot selling always at least
romuneraiivc proiu, iney are now uiieriuu
at prices ot interior work, I) U U II U U.
hi . v . vt o in t'
IA to W I II A II O , X Itt.ll II UlllUi
Lase, 5JU. 1' l to UUAHi unyains,
Double Reed, stops ( Viola, Diapason, Me-
lodia. Flute, Tremulaut.) 8125. Other
- n T ITK (WiillTPII tttrt , VT 1 1
st vies d proporiion.
J . . . .
Circulars, with lu U particular., ineludtng
accurate drawings or oinerent styles oi or-
uiib, auu uiuuu iuiui lijuiiuu ntiiuu mu v
of service to everv Dtirchaser of an Oman.
1 1. . . I . ; .u ;nu Dill h.
will be seut free, and postage paid, to any
.... 1 . . u
n ito.!nni,
m i cis s. ii m r t xt i nn iv t
. ....
.1 1 r. I -i i k, !..... .. r.fif; Ti-u,t
I'inoun iv un.'iimi uuu.ii, w.
way, New York.
VT. vl.
The subdoribcr bees leave to inform the aiti-
tens of Ridgway and vicinity that ke has
opened a store where may De louuu
fn s-r'st Innlsi fnv sain shearer than
the cheapest" at the St. Mary's Hardware
fttora iaOV.9 0J.
Is presented to the publio as the most
Simple, Durable. Compact 8l Cheap
Knitting Machine ever In? ented.
PltlCE, oir )H,
This Machine will run either backward
or forward with equal facility ;
but far superior in every rcspeot.
and do perfect work, leaving every knot on
the inside of the work. It will knit a pair
of stockings (any size) iu less iban hUfan
huur. It will knit
Close or Open, Yam or Ribbed Wor 'f,
with any kind of ooarseor fine wollen yarn,
or cotton, silk or linen. It will knit stock.
ings with double heel and toe, drawers,
hoods, saoks, smoking caps, comforts, pur
sec, muffs, fringe, afghans, nubies, under.
sleeves, mittens, skating caps, lamp wicks,
maps, cord, nudersbirts, shawls, jaekets, I
cradle blankets, leggins. suspenders, wris-
ters. tidies, tinnita. tufted work, and in font I
,n endless variety of article, in every day
" "uuisu.
From i to $10 per D
b.e mafe ?f 9 .ne. m'lh
Knitting knitting stockings, &c,
wb expert opperatots can even make
more knitting fa-ney work, which always
GuuiwauuB renu naie. n pornou can
reaauv suit irotn twelve to niteen pairs ct
stockings per day, the profit on which will
de not less than forty cents per pair
Can sell ttsir wool at only forty to fifty
ceuts per pound: but by getting the wool
i . . ii i
made tuto yarn at a small expense, and
knitting it into soeks, two or three uollars
per peaod can be realised.
On receipt of $25 we will forward a ma
chine, as ordered.
He wish to prorure active A G EX TS in
every section of the L'n ted States and Can
j,., wton tfte moK( Meral inducements
will be ojered. Address
A.ubnivAn Ax.vtktiiv I'lAvmim
liiFBiniu KuiTi'iwn 1 ir-niwp I'r, I
ucccniner, it, .ouj.
I was cured of Deafness aod Catarrh by
a simple remedy, and will send the receipt
MRS. C. LEGGETT, Hololen, N. Y.
ITT M T? n K D flow made in 10
V 1I iJUn 11 Ha- r s without
drugs. For Crresjlare, address L. SAGE
Vinegar W orks, Cromwell, 'Jonn. ow
SCENES, by Oliver Logan. A high toned,
rapid selling book. A completo expose of the
show-World, COO pages ; CO engravings. Fros-
, an,j Sampie free to Agents.
.,. , -.,,, i .t-u,
i u.mue.jiu. or .umu.e-
town, LI.
AGFXTS WASTfcD lor our Great Household
I Work
I , . , .
-UAl rtUMl- PtlXMIUlAK
A Tiewiunup uooa oi rimuy .ncuicine. ry
Dr. UEAKD, of the Uuiversity of the City of
New York, assisted by medicM professors in
the various departments, la Tee years devo
ted to its preparation, tuackery aud hum
buggery exposed. Plofefsors in our leading
meTa 00 leM ir tt " ' ft ram
ily doctor book ever written. Outfit and sam-
fe free ,0 tt(?enl8i
a.. II. UL'UBARD, 400 Chestnut St. Phil's, Tr.
rnillS Infallible Remedy does not. like the
poisonous irritatiug snuffs and strong
caustie solutions with which the people have
ln8 bsen humbugged, simply palliate for a
short time, or drive the diseaae to the lungs as
I there is danger of doing in the use of.such dob-
trumil but it produces perfect ana permanent
cures of the worst eases of Chrome Catarrh, as
1 """""; ,'""
" -Ff"- .
aohe is relieved and cured as if by magio. It
I ..r..i.. kr..h In.. of
I vv.v., -v. . .
tb sense of Uste, smelling or bearing, water-
ing or weak eyes, and impaired memory, a lien
eaused by the violenoe of Catarrh, as they fro-
VTKAi;u 8WW ,Z . 77
rwsnl nf IAIN) fnr & etVHA of C&ta.rrb thtlt
Mve.thou.wd lnX:
For Mle by mogl drueeiats everywhere
I r, l - Kr -
uui; w esun.
Ask your druggist for the remedy ; but
1 1. i . - . : . -i ...t l, tr l..
" " Rl f
WMfUUJ .u; llllimauil nullll in.. ...........
.uu.ti.u.c. uui auuiun U.ll WVU.. .V m
.. . .... . .
ni ramedv will Da sent vou Doaioaiu. ronr
I i n . .1 o Ami
U.,...h.TI, B...'. mmnliUl n ralarrli
Address lbs proprietor.
.f - b " - ,--"-r
II. V. M. U.
novJ7'69r Buffalo, N. T,
T WAS oured of Deafness and Catarrh by a
I simple remedy, and will send the receipt
free. NUB. W. L. LCUUCTT,
lloboken, N. J.
y a haadsome prospectus of our tew illus-
t rated Family Bible, to any hook agent free of
charge. Address National Publishing Compa-
y, i-BiiaaeipaiB, r. w
looks, bolts, and all kind ei builder's
materials In general can be sad cheaper at procure another that combines so much of la
the St. Mary'a Hardware Store than any terest and beauty.
ether place in Elk coumrty. (n287) 6 Specimens of the Magaiine, with circulars.
1 Jt. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer
la Lager Beer, opposite ine juuuroaa
Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa.
fr-4 o-t
Near tho Depot, Wilcox, Pa.
MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor.
The undersigned has opened a largs bonrdirg
liouse at the above place, where ho Is amply
preared to satisfy the wants of those who may
favor him with their custom. no20,'6u
West end of Hyde House, Ridgway, Pa.
Sells as Cheap as Ever,
Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,
Spectacles, Tens aud Pencils,
Exclusive vtgent for. the salt of
Repairing Watches, etc., done with the same
eceuraoy as heretofore. nov20,'G9if
Hiau msw in RIDGWAY 1
The subscriber takes thiamxthod of inform-
lag the citixens of Ridgway and vieiuily that
be has opened a
in tho room lately occupied by Henry S. Thay-
a In -A.I anA f 1 1. H ...I - ! I
,n.. hn found m. irAnera nj, rf
Ladies Shoes,
benticmens Boots and Shoes,
13oy' Boots and Children's Shoes
Connected with the shore establishment I have
a Rout and Shoe Manufacturing Establishment
wnere worn win uc made to order. Repairing
done on short notice and ou reasonable terms
The public are invited to give me a call.
oc23,'69y GUORGE WALKER.
IS an article des pined by none, and we are
now prepared to show how all mnv possess
it in abundance, by followine a few simnle in-
struciioos wnicn win De given
of charge, except tho trifling sum of twentv fire
ceais, as a guarantee of good faiih. The busi-
ness inexhaustible, aud thousands arc now
cugngeu iu ii ; nniie 10 ineir inenns iiicctiiiffQ
of their great success remains a mystery. Aay
party engagiug will frequently recvive sealed
packages by express or mail. Further thaa
this tu business is all to yourself.
toe article can be carried in the vest pocket, ex
ccpt when warned fur use. It needs your nt
tention but oue or two days iu the week, or a
couplo of hours daily, whieli can be after other
business is over. No additional rent, taxes, or
help of any kind. All engaging must bo of first
Kane but gsod smart men wanted, who can
keep their business to themselves, net coufli
dcuially with me, and make from $i to f 10
for every hour's service
Act promptly. Begin now and a fortune is
yours. Inclose with your address 2 cents,
aud you will get full, particulars by return
mail. Address,
no20-8w Box 356. Tiiusville, Ta.
The finest, most rlcamnff. and costlv emrrar-
ing ever published in America, to be presented
eium l0 cach subsolil;er l0 1
a magazine of practical utHity in the houue, a
mirror oi the Wslnons, aud a literary conser
vator of surpassing interest and artiotio excel
enoe, acknowledged to be the m darn j arlor
magazine oi America a.
The engraving, 28x.32 inches, is from the or
iginal painting, entitled, 'The Pic-Nio on the
fourth of July.
llie painting took a whole year, and is con-
I sidcred the finest of the eutire IihI of numerous
I nnpulor nroductions bv LillWM. Hnenner ti,
engraving was the labor of four years, by
three eminent artUts John Hodeers. Samuel
Halpin, and Samuel Holly er ; The last named
I having heen induced to come from Europe to
nuibli it. Theengravers have ably seconded
the successful labors of the painter. Nonebut.
artists can fully appreciate the skill and labor
-" mminiing mg general er
7 . "" ' 'u me uen
rate finish lo the heads will bear the most mi.
,u,l. in.llnn l: ,
. ..... w. v. v.uw. .uguilCUUUI HUB I1QU IL IID I
is executed witk unueual ability, aud their
skilful combination has greatly contributed to
the success of the engravers iu this unsurpass-
i cVu U1, rBc"""- .
I I Thsivnrlr nn im sn.A n. .1A-a. a
copyright, and is acknowledged bv comnctett
i juuvo ma luvni eiMooraieiy nuisned large work
if of art evor engraved in America.
I . ! . t i , , .. . . . --
J pio oi 101s magmnoent picture, on
I c-:nA-.A.: ..l
uc.j, pii.v j,nper won 11 IU each, STB tO t)
i kiilu a m urriniuin in .Ui'n .iili.(li. ha. 1 1.
I .
SJtMjaUOl O JlUJUUhl WAtjjl-Mi.
Yearly subscriptions only Three Dollars, and
ten cents (which is to be seut with the sub
soription), for the postage on the engraving"
(which will be mailed securely done up en s
This is certainly the largest, most liberal
and splendid premium ever -offered (O'Stngle
subscribers by my publisher, and affords an
easr And economical war for anv one to secura
Ian elegant work of art, a Parlor Picture that
I ; r.nlv next to a piano in the war of oimamnn.
I lation, and a perpetual reminder of a day
I which ought to to be cherished and held in re-
memnrauoe oy every iru American.
The reception of this magnificent niolurA
will lake every one by surprise and we do not
venture anything in saying that $10 will not
giving tun particulars, will be sent to any giv.
I en address, post free on receipt of 15 cents.
828 Broadway, N. I.