p Opposite Capl. Eruhaut's, Wilcox, Pa. THOMAS V. CIIAPIN, Proprietor. nov20,'69 tf QTlLtAHDADI j OfR GREAT . BOSTON DOJJiAIl STORE! We want good" reliable agents hi every part f the country. By employing your epnre timo j form clubs and sending ug your orders, you an obtain the most liberal commissions, either in cash or merchandise, and all goods sent by us will be as represented, and wo guarantee satisfaction to every one dculing at our house. Agents should collect ten rents from every customer, and forward to us in advance, for descriptive checks of the goods we sell. The holders of the checks have the privilege of either purchasing the article thereon des ribed, or of exchanging for any article men ioned on our catalogue, numbering over uUO 'liferent nrtiolcs, not one of which can be pur 'iased in the usual wiiy for the same money. The advantages of first sending the checks re these : Wo aro constantly buying small its of very valluablc goods, which are not on jr oatnlogues, and for which we issue checks ntil all are sold ; besides, in every, club, we ill put checks fur watches, quilts, blanket, ress patterns, or oome other article of equal nine. We dn not offer a single article of mcrchnn liscthat can be sold by regular dealers at our rice. We do not ask you to buy goods from 1 unless we can pell them cheaper than yon n obtain them in any other, whilo the .eater part of our goods are Hold at about ONE-HALF THE REGULAR RATES. Our stock consists in part of the following goods : Shawls, Blankets, Quills, Cottons, Ginghams, Dress Goods, Table Linen, . owcls. Hosie ry, Gloves, Skirts, Corsets, Silver hinted Waie, Spoons plated on Nickel t' liver, Dissert Forks, Five-bottle Plated Cas tors. Brittauiu ware, Glass ware, Ta ble and Pocket Cutlery, in Great Variety, Elegant French and Ger mpn Fancy Goods, Beautiful Photograph Albums of tho New. est aud Choicest 6'tylcs in Morocco and Velvet Bindings, Heavy Gold and Pluted Jewelry of the latest aud newest styles. We have alsj made arrangements with some of the loading publishing houses that will enn blo us to sell tho standard und latest works of Authors at about one-half the regular prices : such as Byron, Burns, Moore, Milton aud Tennyson's Works, in full gilt and cloth -bindings, and hundreds of others. These and ever thing else for ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. In every order amounting to over $"0, ac companied by the cash, the agent may retain $2 ; and in every order over $100, $1 may bo retained to FAY THE EXPRESS CHARGES. COMMISSION TO AGENTS'. For an order of $30 from a clnb of thirty, we will pay the agent as commission, 33 yards ef bleached or brown sheeting, good dress pattern, all wool pants pattern, or S3 50 in cash. For au order of 00 from a club of sixty, we will pay tho agoit 65 yards of brown or bleach ed sheeting, hunting case watch, all wool shawl, or If 7 in cash. Foranorderof $100, from a club 100. we w'll pay the agent 1 HI yards , 'I yard wide.), shooting, splendid sewing machine, orSlliu cash. SEND MONEY B REGISTERED LETTERS. For further particulars send for catalogues. Add iess GEORGE A. FLTJMMER k CO., (Successors to Harris riummer ) Nog. 30 and -10 Hanover Street, Boston, Mass. nov'JO.'U'J tf LLEGHENY VALLEY KAIL ROAD. The only direct route to Pittsburg WITHOUT CI1AXGE OF CARS from Oil City. On and after Monday Nov. 22d 186t, trains will run as follows : GOING FOUTII Day Express leaves Oil City at 10,80 a. ro. Arriving at Pittsburg at 5,30 p. m. Night Exprrss leaves Oil City at 9,30 p. m. Arriving at Pittsburg at 7,00 a. m. Kit tanning Aco. leaves Enilenton , 10 p. nv Arriviving at Kitlouniiig i.oo p. in. Mixed Way leaves Oil City at 7,00 a. in. Arriviug at West Penn Junction at 7,05 p. m. GOING NORTH. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 7,15 a. m. Arriving at Oil City at 1,65 p. m. Night Express leaves Pittsburg at 8,00 p. m. Arriving at Oil City at 6,00 a ni. Parker Ace. leaves Kittanuing 7. 20 a. Jin. Arriving at Parker 9,55 a.'ra. Mixed Way leave West Penn June, at 7,00 a. m. Arriving at Oil City at 6,00 p. m. Connections at Corry and Irvine'on for Oil City and Pittsburg. At Franklin with James town and Franklin R. R. Connections with West Penn, R. R. at West Penn Junction' for Blairsville and all points on the main line of the Pennsylvania R. R. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains. J. J. LAWRENCE, General Supt. Thos. M. Kiho, Asst. 8upt. JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'6G ly JOiiS O. HALL....- ,.JAS. K. t. HALL. ITALL & BIIO. Attorneys -at - Law ST. MARY'S: BENZINGER P. O. ELK COUNTY, PA. September 20, 1866. ly. TS. Bordwell, M. D. Ecleotio Physician- Office and residence opposite the 5 ail, on Centre St.. Ridewav. Pa. Promnt .. tention will be given to all calls. Office hours : 7 to 8 A. M- j 12 to2 P. M. i and 0 to 7 P. M Mar. 22, 66-tf. PR. W. W. 6HAW Practices Medioine and Surgery, Centreville, Elk county mar-22'C6 ly. I7HANKLIN "H O USE ; tit. Mast's, Pa. LARGE V & MALONE, Fropr's. The proprietors respectfully ask the attention of their friends and the public ia general to their large and commodious hotel. Every attention paid to the convenience of guests. , , : ? ' 11. LARGE!', mj30-J8GS.lx J. A. iuALOXE. TANNING & LUMBER CO K KYSTONK STORE WILCOX PA- ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING! The largest store in North Western Pa., lit lerally filled to overflowing. WINTER GOODS closing out regardless of valuo. Wc are opening the spring oampaign with the largest and most attractive stock evre offered in this market. We shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well assorted the year round, Our a DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT will always contain a large and well selected slock of Cloths Cnssiiners Si Cloakings, Black and Colored Silks. Seasonable dress goods in great variety. Table Linens, Napkins Towels Sc., white goods of every description, bleached and brown sheetings all widths. GLOVES k HOSIERY TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS CARPETS nnd OIL CLOTHS WALL and WINDOW PAPER, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS. BOOTS & SHOES DRUGS & MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS & DYE STUFFS, LEATHER, if- SI10E FIXDIXGS, HARDWARE, SI 0 VESA TIX-WARE, IROXit STEEL, ' XA1LS A BUILDERS HARDWARE. NUTS k WASHERS, HORSE SHOES & NAILS,. WAGON SPRINGS, PATENT AXLES fc BOXKS, CROCK E.RY and GLASSWARE, STONE WARE, FLOUR, FEED k MEM, CORN and OATS, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, SASH k DOORS COFFINS, MATRASSES, BEDDING, &c, TOBACCO & CIGARS, TRUNKS, VALISES Si CARPET BAGS, ltUBBER BELTING. CLOCKS in GREAT VARIETY. Agents for Hoyt Bros. Celebrated Leather Belting. With our superior facilities for obtaining heavy goods, in largo quantities, from first hauds we defy competition in Greocries & Provisions, We invite particular attention to our choice brands of extra and double extra Sour, we get direct from mills at the west thus saving to customers the profits usually pocketed by middlemen. Our flour is always fresh ground and we guarantee entire satisfaction with every barrel TANKING Si LUMBER Co. Tln21tf. POWELL & KIME. QOOD3 FOR THE MILLION. POWELL & KIME, At their capacious store in RIDGWAY, Have on hand, a splendid assortment of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of the people nf Elk and adjoining couuties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that beiDg very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing are no equalled by auy establishment in the county. They buy directly from manu facturers and on the GROUND FLOOR. Another advantage. You can always get what you want at their store, btooo you will save time by going directly to them and TIME IS MONEY. We have no space here to enumerate all tho ad vantages you will have in patronizing their establishment. Rut oil and see, nod reap the advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will find DRY GOODS in enllcss varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cut and fiuitih, BOOTS & SHOES of the best stock and make, CROCKERY for newly married, middle aged aud eldeily. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, i rORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly all kinds of country produce taken at the market valur viol If. HARDWARE. N EW HARDWARE STORB 1 The subscribers bare Just pnd la ST. MARY'S Anew and Complete Stock of Heavy k. Bhelf HARDWARE 2 1 And will kep constantly on band a great variety of COOK AX D HEATIXG STOVES Bar Iron, Steel Anvils, Bolows, Xail.'s Horse Shoes, Springs, Build, iny Hardware, Saws and GUNS, Fifes of PISTOLS Every Description CARTRIDGES, AND Cntkry, Tlated Ware and House Furnishing Goods. Al' kinds of Mechan ics' Tools 1 TINWARE Of every' description, winch will bo sold at tho LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.EURNINO COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES 1 Which have received niiiuns at the New er Fairs ; Also, Four First Class Tre. York State and oth. the Great Silver Medal at the Fair of the ericnn Institute, held New York City, 1806, Ami in They are Perpetual Burners, only one being required to be made uuring the season. fire M. BEECHES 3m. WM. H. COPELAND. nov28'67 ly MASL1N Kettles, Brass Kettles, Porcleaa Sauce Pans, French Tined Suuce Pans. Fruit cans the cheapest and best, at W. S. SEUVICE'S, Hardware Store, Pidgway.Pa. WANTED Agents, Teachers, Students, Clergymen, Farmers' sons and daugh ters, and all to sell The Great Reformer of the Stage, who, having abandoned stage life, now exhibits in vivid col ors (he whole show world befoie and behind tkt scenes. Being tiuthful, moral and high toned, as well as sensational, rich and racy, it outsells all other books. Beautifully illustrat ed with 40 spirited engravings, 21 full-page cut, G50 paKes, on rose tinted paper. Greatest inducements yet offered. Prospectus, sample copy, Boxes and Stationery, Free. For circu lar explaining, address immediately PARME LEE & CO., Publishers, either at Philadelphia, Penna., Cinoiuatti, Ohio, or Middletown, Con necticut, 4ft mms IS NO HUMBUG i J. 'By sending 85 els, with age, height, color of eyes and hair, you will reeeive, by return mail, a correet plctuie of your future husband or wife, with noma and date of marriage, Address W. FOX, P. O. Drawer Ke. 24 Fultonviile, N. Y. - aw THAYER H0CS1S, RIDQWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on the southwest corner ef Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the public generally. deoU'68 ly DAVID THAYER. X WAS cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a 1 simple remedy, and will send the receipt frea. . MRS. M. C. LEGGETT, 4w Hoboken, N. 3. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. We will eend a handsome pfospeotns of our new illus trated Family Bible, to any hook agent fiee of charge. ' Address National Publishing Compa ny, Philadelphia, Pa. 4w OW TO MAKE MONEY Virginia Lands. We will send to any address a pamph tet of 10O pages, giving descriptions of boo farms, with other valuable Information. Will cell 75,000 acres of land from $1 to $2 50 per acre. Send postage stamp. P. M'CRACKEN ft BRO., 4w Bos 135 Frederiokshurg, Va H ENRY WARD BEECHER'S SERMONS IN PLYMOUTH CHURCH. Are being read by people of every class and denomination all over this country and Europe. They are full of vital, beautiful religigous thought and feeling. Plymouth Pulpit is published weekly and contains Mr. Beechqr's Sermons and prayers, in form suitable for preservation and binding. For sale by all newsdealers. Price 10 cents. Yearly sub. scriptions received by the publishers ($3;, giv ing two handsome volumes of over 4UU pages each. Half yearly, $1 "5. A new and superb steel portrait of Mr. Beeoher presented to all yearly subscribers. Extraordinary offer ! PLYMOUTH PULPIT 3, and Uie UUKIS TIAN UNION $2 60, an unseotarian, Indcpcn. dent weekly journal of Christianity with lec ture room talks and editorial articles Dy .nr. Beecher seut to one address for 62 weeks for FOUR DOLLARS. Special inducements to canvassers and those getting up clubs. Speci men copies, postngo free, for a cents. J. B. FORD & CO., Publishers. 4w 89 Park Row, cw ork. 1 FARMER'S HELPER Shows how to dou- ble profit of the Farm, and how fanners and their sons can ench make $1 00 rF,R MONTH in winter. 10,000 copies will be mull ed free to fnrmers. Send name and address to ZEIOLER, M'CURDY & CO., 4tr Philadelphia, Pa. T ACOB YOUNG & CO , Book Binders And tf Blank Book Manufacturers, Wright's Blk. Corry, Pa. Blank Books Mado to Order. UNS, PISTOLS. RIFLES, KMVKS, pocket and table cutlery, ot tne Dost quality and most approved patterns, very cheap at the llnrdware Store on Biberger's old eortier in St. M'ry's. NAILS, SPfKES, I-MNGEn, RIVETS, locks, bolts, and all kinds ot builder's materials in general enn be had chenper hi the St. Mary's Hardware Store tliimar.y other place in Elk counrty. (ti2S 7) 0 C. H. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer in J.ngtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'liti-l . 1 EXECUTIONS, j nns, Warrants, sale at this office. SUMMONS, Sl'RPO?.. &c, on hand and lor BLACKSMITH'S CARPENTER'S AND .joiner's tools for salo " cheaper than the cheapest" at the St. Mary's lUvdwart Store (nov2807.) A TTEXTJOX MILL- 0 WXI RS ! r he Eagle turbine water X WHEEL, patented .inly 30, lStw, is superior to any wheel in use. The under, signed have the agency for said wheel in Hie Slate of Pennsylvonin, and can recommend it as being the best manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, inquire al our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings nd steam engines will be nmde to order at reasonable prices. We expect hy giving satisfaction in our work to receive a eood share of publio patronage. - J. F. ROBERTSON, R. BELL Kersey, Elk Co.. Pa.Janie 180Spd. JRRORSOF YOUTH, A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervoiu Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for (he sake of suflcring humanity, send free to all who need it. the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profi. hy the ad vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEM, vln2(iyl. No. 42 Cedar street, N. Y- N EV 8TORE. The subscriber begs leave to inform the citi zens ot Ridgway and vicinity that he has opened a store whore may be found PFRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, iu season. nl2 vltf J. R. EAIRD. M ORTON HOLS: ERIE. PA- J. V. Moore, (late of the 1 JJgde House) Proprietor. Open Day and Night-,' n30tf. ... w ORDSOF WISDOM. . fOR YOUNG MEN, . On the Ruling Passion in Youth and Early Manhood, with SELF HELP for the Eiriog and unfortunate. Sent in sealed letter-en velopes, free of charge. Address, UOWARD ASSOCIATION. Boi P, Philadeldhia. Pa VISITING CARDS d at this oWee. NEATLY EXECUT- B LANES ef all kiuds fur bale at this it uc. MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT REMEDY FOR TBI CURB Of 1UROAT AND LUNG DISEASES Or Wishart's Pine Tree TAlt CORDIAL. It Is the vital principle of the Pine! Tree, oat tained by a peculiar process in the distilatien of the far by which its highest medical pro prieties are retained. It is the only safeguard add reliable remedy whioh has ever been prepared from the juice of the Pine Tree. It invigorates the digestive organs and restores the appetite. It Strength ens the debiliated system. It purifies and enriches the blood, and expells from tho sys tem the corruption whioh scrofula breeds on the lungs. Its healing principle aots upon the irllated surfuoe of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and subdu ing loflamation. It is the result of years of study and expe. rimcnt. andit is offered to the afflicted, with the positive assurance of its power to oure the following diseases, if the patient has not too long de.ayed a resort to the means of cure : Consumption of the Lungs, Cough, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Liver Com plaint, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, &o- We t.re often asked why are not other reme dies in the market for Consumption, Coughs Colds, nnd other Pulmonary affect! jn equal lo Dr. L. Q. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. We answer 1st. It cures, not by stopping cough, and by, loosening and assisting nature to thrnw off the unhealthy matter collected about tlm throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough. 2d. Mojt Throat nnd Lung Remedies are composed of anodynes, which nlby the cough for awhile, but by their constringing effects, the fibers becume hardened, and the unhealthy fluids coagulate and are retained in the sys tem causing disease beyond the control of our most eminent physicians. 3d. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial, with its ns sistants, perf'ectable, because they remove the cause of irritation of the nuicuous membrane and bronchial-tubes, assist the lungs to act and throw off the unhealthy secietions, and purify the blood, thus scientifically making the cure perfect. Dr. Wishurt nas on file at his office hun dreds, nnd Thousands of Certificates, fi o n men and wjmen of unquestionable character who wore once hopelessly given up to die, but through the providence of God were com pletely restored to health by the Pne Tree Tar Cordial. A physician in attendance who can be consulted in person or by mail, free of charge. Price of Pine Tree Tar Cordial $1.50 per bottle, and $11,00 per doz. Sent by ptces on receipt ot price. Address L. Q. C. WISHAKT, M. D., No. 2:52 North 2d Street, Phil'o. Pa. May 21,'09m3vln27. J. S. BORDWELL, M. 1). EVLEVTIC lU S fCl.l.V. Ilic word eclectic means to rhowse or se. lect medicines from nil the different schools of medicine ; using remedies that m-o safe, nnd discarding from practice nil medi cines thit have in imjnrioiis r fleet nn the svm tcin, such as mercury, antimony, load, cop per, &c. 1 lay asido tho luncc the old bloodlette;-, relucer or deplete!-, nnd equalise the circular noil nnu restore t lie system o its mi turn I stale by alteratives and tunics. I shall here after givo particular ntieutinn to chronic dis eases, such lis Rheumatism. Dveneri.i. I.iv.r complaint. Catarrh, Nc u-ulgin. diseases of the ini-oai, urinary organs, uid nil uiteutscs pecu liar to females, die. CATARRH I treat with 4 new instrument of a late invention which cn--e ev.-rv cno. TKETH extracted without pain. Office and residence .uutli of the nn Centre St. Oiliee hours from 7 to 8 a. : in o.l p. m; 6 to 7 p. m. Dec. 23"ti7.-ly. J. S. BORDWELL. I V) CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, hnvincr been rnwtnrpil in health ru a. few weeks, hv a very ximi.'a remedy, after lmving suffered several veH.j with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious io mako known to his felluw-suU'eri-rs the menus of cure. To nil who desire it, he will send a copy of iho drescriptiou used, free of charge, with the directions tor preparing and using the same, which ihrjr will find a sure Cure lor Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc Tho object of Hie advertiser in sending tho Prescription is to benefit the ntllicted, ami spread information nc vuuuuives io ue invaluable ; nn hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, will cost him nothing and may prove a'b it men ne conceives to he invaluable; ami he ns it V prove a Mess ing. Parties wishing the prescription, will plensa nddress. . REV. EDWARD A. WIf.stiv XV 1 1 . i ... Williamsburg, luugnCounly, N. Y. vln26yl "AN HOOD : HOW LOST, HOW RE- STORED Just published, anew edition of UK. CLLVEItWELLS CELEUliATED ESSAY on the r tlical cun (without medicine) of Si'EiuiATonBiioeA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary S.-minnl Losses, Isiroi KXCY, Mental and Pbhr.cal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; nlso, Co. -si-Mi'TioN, Epilepsy, nnd Fits, iuducej by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. fteirPriee, in a seuled envelope, only 0 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful praotico, that the ulnriuing consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of iuterual med cine or the npplicntiou of the kuife j pointing out a mode of cuie at once simple, certain, nnti effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no mutter what his condition mnv be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. erajrlhis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man iu the laud. tent, uiuler seal, in a nlam euvelone. to n. address, pot paid, on receipt of six cents, ur two post stamps. Also. Dr. t'nlvi .-fir. Marriage Guide," price 2" cent s. Addrrn the Publishers, CI1A3. J. C. KLIN K a Co.. 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Office Box 4,6813. lu30yl. BOOK AGENTS WASTED FOR t'truggles and Triumphs of P. Is 8ARWUIVI, Written by him elf. In one large octavo- vol-ume-uearly 8(J0 pages printed in English and German. 33 full page engravings. It em. braoes forty year recollectious of his busy life, as a merchant, manager, banker, lecturer and showman. 0 No book published so acceptable to all classes. Every one wants it. Agents aver age from 60 to 100 subscribers a week. We offer extra inducements. Illustrated catalogue and terms to agents sent free. J. B. BIRR & CO., Publishers. 8w Hartford, Conn. r It I 1U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers