1... .!! J- Var Time at illdttcay. i Erie Express East p. ra do do West :8Ua m do Mail East - 60 p. m, do do West 2:lp. m Local freiirht East ....11:00 a. in do dp West - &;3u P- m. Elk lodge, A. T. M. Stated moetines of Elk Lodge will be JicM at tlieir hall on (lis secoud and fourth Tuesdays of each monili. ' J. K. WHITMORE. Seo'T 10. B. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodge, No. 206, lieiu every Wednesday evening a tlieir Lodge ttoom. C. R. Sladk, Secy, AGENTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorised agents for the A'dvocatc to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Ai.dricii, J. L. Bkown. Kuub. Frank W. Mkkok. Johnjonsburg. Isaac Hauax. St. Marys. Chas. MoVkam. Cenlreville. Komkr t). Leach, Mnj. Burrs Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Wkkd. liennezette. John C. Baku, J. rt. BnotvN. Shawiaiit. John Faiirkh. Spring Creek. A. W.'Iuvim. Highland. Luvi Eli.otiiohi-k. Ilorton. I). 0, Oyster, N. M. Rrockwat. ljmi) ScjiiEMnu, the new l'rutliuuutury, was sworn in aud assumed the duties uf his oflloe on Tuesday last. We have no doubt tliut Mr. Scbocniiig will prove au cfllcietit officer. His piedccessor, Mr. Ruthbuu, throughout his ullieiul term, lias transacted the business of tho position to the satisfuc tiou of the people. Tu& soft wcalliet of Sunday, Monday aud Tuesday lust, raised the streams in this vicinity to a good flood. Some rafts were started, but whether they reach their desti. nation in doubtful, as the weather (at this writing), indicates a odd snap. We leuru that sotno lumber went adrift during the huh water. Mrs. llKXRr jsuutiikii, of this place in highly commeuded by several ol our ex changes tor the part she took in the late atciduut ul i'atouia The cause ot the laic accident at I'ato iiia is thus described bv au exchange : Tile east bound lieiglit traiu received or., dets at Irviiieton ut 4:1!.) p. in. to make J'atoiiiH by 5:30. . The liaiu wn theu fil. tceu minutes behind lime. Just before leaeliiui; W'urreu, the breaking of a coup ling dividep the ttaiii and caused furtliei delay, and it passed that btation at o : 1 1. with but twenty-three minutes tilleeli minutes less than the schedule- time to reach I'atouia. Instead i, taking thot-idi track at Oil's siding, the station between Warren and i'atouia, the conductor and engiuerr rarhiy attempted to reach r'atir- ilia, and there await the tuissaiju of the mail traij. The freight had two engines with a h'.ht train, but faiicd to uccmnpli.-li the JW. S- SERVICE. At the ew Masonic Hall Building. :.i . t v '. . . ' ' sirabte kindi. TIN-WARE of every kind on hand at all timet. Special attention given to Wholesale ordors. Print list furnished to dealers on application. SMUT- T1X AND COPPER WA RE. , Ova town ii beeoming'oonaiclerable of a mart fif f ra rl n Tlnrinr mat VAAk have ai2 0U8IOMEK8 WAN1KD. tng country have been improving j the sleighing in laying in their supplies fur the winter. Our merchants, have. beep con srarHlj busy loading" teams -will. 'I'lourj Pork, Feed, and all such supplies as tre needed. And our hunters, too, have been active in furnishing this and other mar kets with that moit delicious of all meats renum. Jiven the editor ot this Pper STOVES at prio.s that will please of all de- naa ; waicners oue nignt ; aitnougn not withstanding the symptoms looked very suspicoua, he declares he did not. have the "buck fever," yet the buck fell at the first prescription, never to rise again, But speaking of trade. While we do not de sire to make distinctions among our many enterprising dealers, we were struck with the low prices ot first class goods at the mammoth store of Powell & Kime. Thoir prices of western produce are somewhat cheaper than Erie prices, with freights added. And not only this, we notice that they have put all their staple prints at Xow York prices 12 J cepls per yard; an J sheetings, standard weights, at I Go. Other goods in proportion. Other stores may be selling nearly as low, but we only speak ot P. & K., becanso we notice the crowd car- roiug otl goods from their store Wr are extremely sorry that necessity and a regard for our rights compel us to speak of gross mismanagement at Earley postoffice. Somr three weeks ago a pile of Advocates, including the name of every ono of our subscribers at that offk'e, was returned. Thinking there was some, thing wrong, we made inquiry in regard to it, nnd every one whom we have seen, pos itively declare that they never ordered it sent back. We uuderstand that our neitrh. bor of the Democrat has been treated in a similar maimer from the same quarter. We believe Mr. V. W. Hays is the post master, and we now propose, unless the conduct at that office is amended, to either have a now postmaster appointed or tho of fice ubolikhed. Dr. Saok's Uataiuui IUmedy is no Pat rnt Medicine humbug gottou up to dupe the uorant and credulous, nor is it repiesuted as being "composed of rare and precious ubstiuauees brought from the fourcorueri of the earth, carried seven times across the i reat Desert of Saliarah on the bseks ol ourtiMHi camels, aud brought across the Atlantic Ocean on two ships." It is a i'm- ic, in mi, Ko'iuuiij, jiiKusum itciuedy, a cijrr( Specific for Chronic Nasa! Catarrh. "Cold in the head," and kindred diseases. The proprietor, U. V. Pierce', M. I)., ot Buflulo, N. V., offers a reward of 8"00 tor a case of Cat an h he caunot cuie. forsale by most druggests everywhere Sent by mail, postpaid, for ixty cetits. Address the proprietor us above. Honst furnishing goods a great vnriety. STEAM AND WATER PIPE1.NO, PUMPS, FISHING AND HUNTING ' TACKLE, such as KODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, &c. Jc. h milAtEU HOUSE, X MDQWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up n largo nnd ooniniodious hotel on the southwest. corner of Centre and Mill streets, with eood ana oonvenient stabling nttnfilied, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the put Mo generally. decl3tiOIy DAVID THAYER. TANNING & LUMBER CO K EYSTONU STOUU WILCOX PA B AR15ERSHOP, T WAS cured of Deafness nnd Catarrh by a JL simple remedy, nnd will send the receipt tree. MKS. M. C. LKUMKTT, 4w Iloboken, N. J. ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING! Opposite Capt. Ernhaut's, Wilcox, Pa. THOMAS ' V. CHAPIN, Proprietor. . nov20,'(lL .. - , . tf QTILL AIILAD t ' . . -OUR GREAT BOSTON DOLLAR STORK J f: It EE -0 ROOK AGENTS. We will send a handsome prospcotus of our new illus trated Family liiile, to any book agent, free of charge. Address National 1 uulislnng Compa ny, rniiaueipnm, la. 4w HOW TO MAKE MONEY Virginia Lands. We will send to any address a pamph iei tf ICO pages, giving descriptions of (KM) farms, with oilier vnlunhle information. V ill sell 75,000 acres of land from $1 to $2 60 per acre, nend postage stump. P. M CRACKEN & BRO., 4w Pox l;!5 Frcdcrickshurg, Va H ENltr WARD BEECHElt'S SERMONS IN PLYMOUTH CHURCH. Are being read by people of every class and denomination all over this country and r.uronc. They are full of vital, beautiful religigons thought and feeling. Pi.ymocth Pui.I'it is published weekly and contains Mr. Ueeclier's Sermon ond prayers, in form suitable for preservation and bindirg. For sale by all newsdealers. Price 10 cents. Yearly sub. script ions received by the publishers giv ing two nnndsome volumes ot over 4IIO pages each. Half yearly, $1 75. A new and superb sH'Cl portrait, ot .Mr. liceclicr presented to all yearly subscribers. Extraordinary oiler ! '1,1 mouth ruiJ'lT ?:), and t lie CHRIS TIAN UNION S2 50, au iinsectarian, Indepen, dent weekly journal of Cliristianitv with lec ure room talks and editorial articles bv Mr. lieeclier sent to one address for bi weeks for rOUK DOl-LAltS. Special inducements to canvassers and uiose getting up clubs, speci men copies, postage lice, tor o cents. J. 1$. iOKD & CO., Publishers. 4w Hi) Park Row, Yew York Wo want rood roliabln agents In every pari of tho country, liy employing your tpare tiiu to form clubs and sending us your orders, you can obtain the tuost. liberal commissions, either in cash or merchandise, nnd nil goods sent by us will be as represented, and we enarantee WINTER GOODS closing out regardless of I satisfaction to every one dealing at our house. vgents should collect teu rents riom every customer, and forward to us in advanoe. fur descriptive checks of the goods we sell. Hie holders of the checks have the privilege of either purchasing ihe nrtiole thereon des cribed, or uf exchanging for any article men tioned on our catalogue, numbering over GOO different articles, noi one of which can bo nur- chused in the usual way for the same tnont-y. The advantages of first Rending the chocks are these : We arc constantly buying small lots of very valluable goods, which are not on our catalogues, and for whioh we issue checks until all are sold ; besides, in every, club, we will put checks for watches, quilts, blanket, dress patterns, or some other article of eonal value. We do noi offer a single article of merchan dise (hat can be sold by regular dealers at our price. We do not ask you to buy goods front will always contain a large and well soleotcd us "u,"9.we cn B ,ue" cheaper than yon fWiT VUIUI, TTIIJ1U lilt The largest b( ore in North Western Ta., lit- tcrally filled to overflowing. value. We are opening the spring campaign with the largest' and most attractive stock evre offered in this market. W shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well assorted tho year round, Our DRY GOODS DEPA ft TMEXT BIRD CAGES A NICE VARIETY. ROOFING, GUTTEI5S, 61'OUTS. I'aklor Games. The hinj; winter cv- J'atiiiiia. The mail train we?t hud a clear rilit to the track, ami the rashness ot the conductor and engineer ot the freight were the sole cau.su of the accident. di.,tatieu, and die ccilisioii occurred us pre. em"K nre co,ul"nr. " everything that viously stated, within u tjiiiirter of a milo of w'" l'erve to pass them pleasantly in the parlor, about the cheerful grnte, while winds howl and snow and lect assail with nut, will be reeeived with delight by every body. To do our share towards enlivening the home sircle, we give below somo very amusing slight of hand tricks without any extra charge to our subscribers, although we are satisfied we could have dispused of them to any mngioiao for a large um. 77i Spittoon. Take two half-gsllon spittoous white ones are preferred then of Tin, Calvauiied A on and Copper an 1 every kind of HOUSE AND JOB WORK Firk! On Thursday afternoon about four o'clock, our ijniet tuwu- was startled by the fearful cry ot fire I Citizens rushed pell uiell iu every direction. It was soou discovered that the beautiful new residence of Robert V. Ivime, K.-ri'. was on fife. The J FARMER'S HELPER Shows how to dou- ble profit-, of the Farm, and how farmers and their sons can each make $100 PER MON 1 II in winter. 10,000 copies will be mail- d n ee to lai niei s. H.v.d name nnd address to Z EI'! LEU, M'CURDY & CO., Iw Philadelphia. Pa. T A CO 11 YOUNG & CO , Buck Hinders And ft lilauk Rook Manufactui ers, Wrighl'sDlk. Corry, ra. U'auk Ito"ks Made to Order. UNS, PISTOLS. 'RIFLES, KNIVES, X pocket b nd table cutlery, of tho best quat'ty and most npprqved patteins, very cheap at I lie Hardware Store ou Dibcrger's old curlier iu ot. .M'vy s. TVTAI-S, SI-IKE8, HINUEa, RIVETS. X l locks, bolts, nnd all kinds ot builder's materials in genrvnl can be had cheaper at the it, Mary s llidwar otore than any other place in Elk couarty. (n28 7) ti CII. Vol i" Lag LK, Manufacturer and Dealer gir IJcer, opposite the Railroad Depot, M. Jlnry s, Elk county Pa. Mar-J2lifi-1 . stock of Cloths Cassimers & Cloakings, Black and Colored Silks. Seassnabie dress iroods in great variety. Table Linens, Napkins Towels &c, white goods of every description, bleached and brown sheet rugs all widths. GLOVES & HOSIERY TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS WALL and WINDOW PAPER, ROOKS AND STATIONERY, CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, HOOTS & SHOES DRUGS 4 MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS & DYE STUFFS, LEATHER, ds SHOE FIXDIMGS, HARDWARE, STOVES TLV' WARE, III OX & STEEL, XAILS A BUILDERS HARD WARE. can obtain them in greater pint of our goods are sold at about ONE HALF THE REGULAR RATES, Our stock consists in part of the following goods : Shawls, Elnnkets, Quilts, Cottons, Ginghamn, Jjress uoods, laole Iiinen, owels. Hosie ry, Gloves, Skirts, Corsets, Silver, hinted Waie, Spoons plated on Kiukol Silver, Dtssert Forks, I'Mvo boltle Plated Css lors liriitania wars, Gins ware, Ta ble and Pocket Cutlery, In Great Variety, Elegant French nnd Ucr mpu Fancy Goods, lienuiifiil Photograph Albums of tho New. est and Ciioicest Styles in Morocco and Vclvot Bindings. Hcavv Gold nnd Plllted Jewelry of the latest aud newest styles. We have alsj ninde arrangements with some of the leading publishing houses that will ena ble us to sell Ihe standard and latest works of authors at about onchalf (he regular prices : such as Byron, Burns, Moore, -Milion aud lennyson s Works, in lull gilt and cloth bind ings, and hundreds of others. Ihese and ever) thing else for ONE DOLL.' R FOR EACH ARTICLE. In every order amounting fo over S50. o. compnnied by the cash, the agent mav retain S2 ; and in every older over S100. $1 mav be retained to PAY THE EXPRESs'ciIARaES. TV Jji nns, Warrants, &c, on hand and for salt) at ling oltice. f BLACKSMITH'S I J joiner's tools CARPENTER'S AND for sale " cheaper than the cheapest" at the St. Mary's Hardwaie More (uovlibbT. 'HUE EAGLE TURBINE X WHEEL, patented July done on short notioe and warranted, fim bii.l n-illtiht In tlm I'init.i It, rF ih.i TTi I ,l . ... 1 t - r-" '-"'""j ' " iBuieci a BiruiiK tiu cora a worsted one is lioard Stove, the studding and laths were the best pass the two cords through the on fire inside the f pace between the partition two holes of thepittoons and give the ends walls and the flames aud smoke were begin, to a lady and gentleman, delected from the Id" to show themselves at the second story, company to hold. Now let a lady seize jMr. Thomas A. Neil, one of tho carpenters t,le spittoons, and sliding each to the oppo- wlia had been to work on the house, was B'te eo tne cord, bring thein together .at hand and with his udre soon made an 8lnurt'J t when they will break in pieces opening ; and as the flames rushed outtney 'oa fall to the floor. This trick is easily were quietly cxtinguihed, there being a (erforu.cd and excites considerable ap- pleutiful supply of water alrealy there. plause. Tho bar of irou upon which the brick The Flying Hem. Select a lare, well rested above the hot uir space after exten ding through the brick walls of the chim ney had the ends framed into mum very dry pieces of studding. This bar bceanie 0 hot that fire was communicated to the fed heu the color is immaterial only so it s black and placo her in a sitting nosi- tion on some smooth surface. The over her place a pasteboard box eighteen by thirty inches. Pound smartly upon the AGENCY of Henry Disstons celebrated saws. Orders for saws at faotory priess to lioitsd, alio fer repairing. Information nd price list furnished oa appliaatioa. studding. The house was just coain'eted : t0P t"e "ox withaboue handled table the fast uuil had been driven that day, and u'e 'or t'iree minutes, aud then suddenly it is one of the hausumcst residenww in ,a,k0 j "hen the hen will immediately flv nwirwav. i away. iiiia inca can oe (lone bv anv rwr. - j J r O ir town has boen pccnliarly fortunate u of ordinary intelligence, who give their in regard to fires, hut this alarm forcibly I whole mmd to it. reminds us of our lack of the ordinary means . "he. Xail Trick. Take two -wrought- af safety. Shall we not organize a fire Company or do something iu that line ? Gold is down to 12 ; Greenbacks are coming up; Republicanism is sweeping ev ry thing aud goods are knocked into sock ed hat. The Tanning Company at Wilcox are selling goods at reduced prices, those wanting anything in their line hud better cull before they close out their entire stock. iroc nails aud wiie them together in the form ot a cross. It will tthen be found im possible to swallow thorn. There is no de ception about this. 7 ha tour Jack Select a pack of cards with plain white backs. Take out four jack and burn them together before the j company, letting them ace the ashes. Now . i..m. v. - i. ' ' ' i ... ' Buuiuu mo uirui uiciij, ana Doiuing theui iu the left hand give them a sharp rap with the knuckles of, the right, .Then ith faoe down, Suicide. We learn that Godfrey We ver, of Brady township, committed suicide place them on the table on Friday lat-t, by hanging himself in his and defy the company to find the jacks. barn. lie has been disturbed mentally, for They can't do it several years, aud everything was done by bis friends to ameliorato his condition, but all to no prirpose. He was 29 years of age, .Journal, Clearfield. PATBR RAGS, OLD EOPE, OLD COPPER, BRASS, PEW- . TER, LEAD, IRON, BEESWAX, , HEAVr. HIDES, DEAKOX SKINS, SHEEP PELTS, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK WOTES, U. 8. BONDS &e. A TTENT10X MILL- 0 WXJ RS .' WATER 30. 18G7. is superior to any wheel in use. The under. signed have the agency for said wheel in the State of Pennsylvania, and can recommend it. ns being the best manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, inquire at our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery. mill-gearing, castings and steam engines will be made to order at reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction iu our work to reteive a good share ol public patronage. J. F. ROBERTSON, R. BELL Kersey, Elk Co.. Pa., janlO lSORpd. E RRORSOF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervoui Debility, Premature Decay, ond all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for lite mike of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser experieuce, can do so by addressing, iu perfect contideuoe. JOHN 11. OtiDEN, vlntiyl. No. 4U Cedar street, N. Y- VT'TE3 f- W i nrinnn & NAILS, WAGON PATENT AXLES cfc BOXES, CROCK ERY and GLASSWARE, STONE WARE, ,FLOUR, FEED & MEAL, CORN and OATS, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, SASH & DOORS COFFINS, MATRASSES, I3EDDING, TOBACCO k CIGAR8, COMMISSION TO AGENTS. For an order of $30 front a club of thirt v. will pay the agent as commission, 83 yards ef blenched or brown sheeting, good circus natlern. all wool pants pattern, or $3 .10 in cash. For an order of JitiO from a club of sixty, we will pay the BKent. 05 yards of brown nr hlnurd,. ed sheeting, himling case watch, all wool shawl, or $7 in cash. ror an order of SI 00. from a club 10O. w will pay the agent 110 yards II yard wide), sheeting, splendid sewing machine, or $11 in cash. SPRINGS, cEND MONEY BY REGISTERED LETTERS. For further particulars send for Mlolnrriio. Address GEORGE A. PLUM. ME It & CO., (Successors to Harris a Pluiuiner ) Nos. 30 and iO Hanover Street, Boston, Mass. novai, oa tf LLEGIIENY VALLEY RAIL ROAD, llie only direct route to Pittsburg WITWET CHAXGE OF CARS from Oil City. iin aud aticr Monday Nov. 22J 1C0, trains will ruu as follows i G01NO SOUTH Day Express leuves Oil City at i living ai nusnurg at V. -1. . . N EW STORE. The subscriber begs leave to inform theciti- teiis of Ridgway and vicinity that he has opened a store where may be found PFRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, ft FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in soasou. nl2vltf J. R. EAIRD. jyORTON IloUSb, ISIilEi PA M. V. Moore, (late of the Hyde House) I ropi ietoT. Open Day and Niyht- u30tf. Night Kxprrss leaves OU City at A i-k-tvi,,.-.. d:....i ' Kittauuiiff Acc. leavus Emlftntnn Arriviving at Kittauning Mixed Way leaves Oil City at Arriviug at West Penn Junction at GOING NORTH. 10.80 a. m. 6.30 p. in. 0.30 p. ra. 7,00 a. m. 0,10 p. m, SI. 00 p. m. 7,00 a. m. 7,05 p. m. TRUNKS. VALISES riPiMTT i4.o ' "auo 7 Express leaves PitUbur at v;k v i ' HUBHEU BELTINQ. CLOCKS in GREAT VARIETY. 7,15 . m. 1,55 p. m. 8,00 p. m. ,00 m. 7.20 a, i, B,55 a. m. w ORD3 OF WISDOM. Congress convenes oa Moudsy next, the taken in tmchangt for Good or . Work arii njoousv in December. Stoclinglianginguptiaie is coining vlnlOtf. W. g EIRYICE. FOR YOUNG MEN, On the Ruling Passion in Youth and Early Manbooa, with SELF HELP for the Erring uu umunuuBie. sent in sealed letter en velopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadeldhia. Pa VISITING CARDS NEATLY EXECUT ed at this ofiee. " LANES ef all kinds for sale at this of BLAN1 be I. Agents for Hoyt Bros. Celebrated Leather.' Belting. ' With our superior facilities for obtaini0 henvy goods, in larg. quautitias, from first hands we defy competition JB ..-- Oreocx-iea & Provisions. We invite particular attention to our ehoict brands of extra and double extra flour, we get direct from mills at the west thus saving te customers the profits usually pooketed, by middlemen. Our flour is elwaya fresh gronnd uu we guaranty eBtire satisfaotioa every barrel itb vlnSltf. T ANN I NO 4 LUMBER Ce. vVileex Pi Night Express leaves Pituv,,,r Arriving at Oil City at Parker Acc. leaves. KiUanuing Arrivinor at Parker Mixed Way leave West Pann .Tnn ut T Ail a Arriving at Oil City nt 6,'oO p n! Connections at Corrv and Irinnn t. r;i City aud 1 Pittsburg. At Franklin with Jaroes towu and traaKlin R. R. Connections with JJ est Penn, U. R. at West Penn Junction for BlairsviRe and U points on the niuiu Una f the l'eonsylvauia R. R. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains. i. i. LAWRENCE. General 8up Tiios. M. Kiku. Asst. Supt, r TOHN G.HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg, tJ way, Elk county P. war.22'6d 1 j JO.lJi 0. HALL V.US. IL.tf. HALL,' 3 TALL & BRO. Attorneys -at -Law SI. MARY'S: Ajav BENZINGER P. .0. ELK, (JQUNTT, PA. September 20, 18G6. It. T8- Boidwell, M. D. Eoleotio Physician- omc kuiI residence .. opposiU tha teu L0." CnU Ri(ey, Ta. Prompt a teuuon wa Im givep U, U o!U.. Office hours : Pa. W W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Centreville, Elk csunty tmar-22'66 ly. 1?uan Klin "To1jse'" LARGEY 4 M A LONE, Pao,V.. The proprietors respectfully ask the attentloi oftheirtr.endsandlhe public in general To ihe.r large and commodious hotel. Ev.rv aiteutiou paid to ihe convenience of .rue.t. ' - - n-syJH'-ms.lr 11. LARUEY, j, ,. ,alqxi;.