1 RAILROADS. ?HHJLD LPHIA & ERIE RAILBOA& WfNTER TIME TABLE. 3 h nlyli and Direii Potitti between Philadelphia, Baltimore Harris tlirg, Williamiipnrt, and the GREAT OIL REGION bt Pennsylvania. ELEGANT ""SLEEPING CAUS On U Night Trains. OS and after MONDAY, NOV. 25th, (be trains on the l'hilailu1ibia & Eria Railroad will run aa follows : WESTWARI. Mail Train leaves Phibidelphia.......in. l"t p. m. " " " Ridgway 2.116 p. in. " " arrive at Erie .. O.oii p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia ..11.50 a. ni. ' Ridgway - 3 32 a. m. arrive at Krie -10.00 a. m BASTWABD. Mall Train' leaves Erie 8.15 a. m. ' " " Ridgwny . 2.26 p. m. " arrive at Philad'a .10 a. m. Erie Express leaves Ei 10 ') 20 p. m. " ' Ridgway - 11.10 a. m. " " arrat Philadelphia...- 1.20 p. m. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Knil Hold. BAG CAGE CUECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER. General Superintendent. 4LLEOIIENV VALLE) RAIL ROAD. ie only direct route to Pittsburg WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS from Oil City. On and after Monday May 3d 1869, trains will ran as follows : . GOING SOUTH VtLj Express leaves Oil City at 10,10 a. tn. Arriving at Pittsburg at 6,15 p. m. Night. Exprrss leaves Oil City at 8,ii0 p. m. Arriving at Pittsburg at 8,30 ft; m. Miaed Way leaves Oil City at 7.20 a. m. Arriviug at West Penn Junction at G,00 p. m. GOING NORTH. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 8,00 a. m. Arriving at Oil City at 3, 10 p. m. Night. Express leaved Pittsburg at 7,30 p. in. Arriving at Oil City at 6,40 a. m. Mixed Way leave West Penn June, at 0,45 a. m. Arriving at Oil City at 6,45 p. m. Connections at Corry and Irvineton for Oil City and Pittsburg. At Franklin with James town and Fran Klin R. R. Connections wit h West Penn, R. R. at West Penn Junction' for Blairsville and all points on the main line of toe rennsylvama K. R. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains. J.U. LAWRENCE, General Supt. Tuos. M. Kino, Asst. Supt, BUSINESS CARDS. OHN G. If ALL, Attorney at law, Ridg I way. Elk county Pa. mar-22'60 ly H ENRV SOUTHER, Attorney-at-Law Ridgway, Pa. (fcb-IU'oS), JO.tX O. UALt...........7.;.l.u.w...JAS. K. P. HALL. If ALL & BHO. Attornoys - at - Law ST. MARY'S : BENZINGER P. O. ELK COUNTY, VA. September 20, 18(56. ly. T S. Bordwelli M. D. Eclectic Physician fj 0 Office lind residence opposite the Jail, Oh Centre St., Ridgway. Pa. Prompt at- tentitm wfllbe given to all calls. Office nours : 7 to 8 A. M-: 12 to2 P. M. ; and 6 to 7 P. M. Man 22, 66-tf. D R. W. W. SHAW Practice Medicine and Surgery Ccntreville, Elk county mar-22'66 ly. PT Hf, C. KRUMME. M. D a Physician and Surgeon, Ridgway Elk Ce. Pa Office above Store of R. 0. (J ill is Office hours front 8 to 10 A.M. and 6 to 8 P. M. vlnStf. FRANKLIN HOUSE, St. Mast's, Pa. LARGtt ft MA LOSE, Pbofr's. The proprietors respectfully ask the attention of their friends and the ptihlie in general to their large and commodious hotel. Every attention paid to tot cbnvenience of guests. H. LARGEY, may30-1868-ly 3s A. oiALONE. KERSEY HOUSE, . Cmiaivii.li, Elk Co'., Pa. II. B. Lxaco, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a eontinuanee of the same. vln201y. JOB WORK of all kiods and descri done at this offioe. All orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly attended to aa toon us received, at the' 12'67 St. MART'S HARDWARE STORE. CARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, &e., doue in a neat manner, and at the Lowest rates, FOR CASH, at the Elk Advocate Printing Office. X OtlS H. GARNER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST', Can be found at bis Fo(t6dry at St. Mary's where be Is ready to have all shop-work in fcls line done on short notice. Bt, Mary's, Bensinger P. O , Elk Co., Pa. myl'tiS' ly 1 ENVELOPES, LABELS & TAGS neatly 2i printed t t the Advocate Office. JglCKE & CAMERON, Leases of the Mines of the Kersey Coa Company. Miners and Shipper t of. . BITUMINOUS COALS Of superior quality, for OAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC TURE OF IRON, SMITHING AND DOMESTIC USE. Art prepared to receive Orders and make contraota for these well koown coals. OFFICE, KERSEY, ELK CO., PA. Kersey, Pa., Marob 12, 1808. ylnUtf. milAYER HOUSE. X RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The tindnraioni.il l,vir. ,.. .... . 1 . --o ........ . and eonimodious hotel on the south west corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attanhed, respect- iniijr kuiiumk i ne patronage or ins old mentis and the pil lie generally. ueciat.ii ij DAVID THAYER. I WAS cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy, and will send tl.e receipt free. MRS. M. C. LEOGETT, " Hoboken, N.J. FKKB ""O IHOK AGENTS. We will send a handsome prospectus of our new illus Hated Family I'.il.le, to Any book agent free of charge. Addrces Nutiotinl Publishing Compa ny, Philadelphia, Pa. 4w HOW TO MAKE MONEY Virginia Lands. We will send to any address a pnmph let- of ICO pages, giving descriptions of BOO forms, with other valuable information. Will sell "5,000 acres of land from $1 to $2 50 per acre. Send postage stamp. P. MCRACKEN & BRO., 4 Box 185 Fredoricksburg, Va H ENRY WARD BEECHER'S SERMONS IN PLYMOUTH CIIURCn. Are being read by people of every class and denomination all over this country and Europe. They are full of vital, beautiful religigous thought, and feeling. Plymouth Pulpit is published weekly and contains Mr. Beccher's Sermons and prayers, in form suitable for preservation and binding. For sale by all newsdealers. Price 10 cents. Yearly sub. scriptions received by the publishers ($3;. giv ing two handsome volumes of over 400 pages each. Half yearly, $1 75. A new and superb steel portrait of Mr. Beech er presented to all yearly subscribers. Extraordinary offer I PLYMOUTH PULPIT $3, and the CHRIS TIAN UNION $2 50, an libertarian, Indcpcn. dent Weekly journal of Christianity with lec ture room talks and editorial articles by Mr. Ilceuher seut to one address for 52 weeks for FOUR DOLLARS. Special inducements to canvassers and those getting up clubs. Speci men copies, postage free, for 6 cents. J. U. FORD & CO., Publishers. 4w 39 Park Row, Yew York. 1 FARMER'S HELPER Shows how to dou- ble profit of the Farm, and how farmers aud their sons ean each make $100 PER MONTH in winter. 1 0,000 copies will be mail ed free to farmers.- Send name and address to ZE1GLER, to'CURDf & CO., 4w Philadelphia, Pa. JACOB YOUNG & CO., Book Binders And Blank Book Manufacturers, Wright's Blk. Corry, Pa. Blank Books Made to Order. GUNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES, pocket and ladle culfory, of the best quality and most approved patterns, very cheap at the Hardware Store on Biberger's old corner in St. M'ry's. NAILS, SPIKES, IHNOEs, RIVETS, locks, bolts, and all kinds ot builder's materials in general can be had cheaper at the St.- Mary's Hardware Store than acy ot her place in Elk eouarty. (n28'7) 6 CH. V'OLK, Manufacturer and Dealer . in Lftgtt Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St, Mary's, Elk County Pa. Mar-22'00-1 . EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, SUBPlE, nas. Warrants,- fte.,- on baud and for sale at this office. BLACKSMITH'S CARPENTER'S AND joiner's tools for sale " cheaper than the cheapest" at the St. Mary's Hardware Store (nov28'67. ) A TTENT10N MILL- 0 WNIRS ! 'pilE EAGLE TURBINE WATER JL WHEEL,- patented July 30, 1867, is superior to any wheel in use. The under, signed have the agency for said wheel in the State of Pennsylvania, and can recommend it as being the beBt manufactured. For farther particulars, and circulars, inquire at our Foundry In Kersey, where machinery, mitl-gearing, castings and steam engines will be made to order at reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good share of public ptrtronage. J. F. ROBERTSON, R. BELL. Kersey, Elk Cci., Pa'., jan!6 1868pd. jgRRORSOF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who Deed it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experieboe, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence. JOHN D. OUDEN, vln26yl. No'. 4l Cedar street, N. Y- EW STORE. The subscriber bers leave to' inform the citi- tens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has opened a store where may be fotiud PFRFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES; STATIONERY,- FINE' CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, CHANGES, LEMONS, in season. nl2 vltf j. R, BAIRD. JiTORTON UOL3t URIE. PA- M. V. Moore, (late of the Hyde Hotue) ii ... Open Day aVxd Niht- 80tf. W ORD8 OF WI8DOM. FOB TOtlJiG .Mt.V, On the Ruling Passion in' Yoaih and Early Manhood, will SELF HELP for the Erring and unfortunate. Sent in sealed letter en velopea, free of charge. Address, HOWAKD ASSOCIATION. Box P, Philadeldhia, Pa. VI8ITING CARDS .NEATLY EXECUT. d at this ofiee. B LANK8 ef all kind fur tale at this of net. TANNING & LUMBER CO K EYSTONE STORE WILCOX PA- ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING! The largest store In North Western Ta., la terally filled to overflowing. WINTER GOODS closing out regardless of value. We are opening the spring oampatgn with thf largest end irfost attractive stock cvre offered in this market. We shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well assorted the year round, Our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT will always contain a large and well selected stock of Cloths Cassimcrs & Cloakings, Black and Colored Silks. Seasonable dress goods in great variety. Table Linens, Napkins Towels &c, white goods of every description, bleached and brown Blicotings all widths. GLOVES & HOSIERY TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS WALL and WINDOW PAPER, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES DRUGS & MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS DTE STUFFS, LEA 7 HER, A SHOE FINDINGS, HARDWARE, SIOVES.i- TIN' WARE, IRONt STEEL, NAILS A BUILDERS HARDWARE. NUTS & WASHERS, HORSE SHOES Sl NAILS, WAGON SPRINGS, PATENT AXLES fc BOXES, CROCK ERY and GLASSWARE, STONE WARE, FLOUR, FEED & MEAL, CORN and OATS, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, SASH & DOORS COFFINS, MATRASSES, BEDDINO, TOBACCO t CIGARS, TRUNKS, VALISES 4 CARPET BAGS, RUBBER BI5LTINQ. CLOCKS GREAT VARIETY. Agents for Hoyt Bros. Celebrated Leather Belting. With our superior facilities for obtaining heavy goods, in large quantities',' from first hands we defy competition is Qreocrios Sc "Pvoxieiaiis. We invite particular attention to our choice brands of extra and double extra flour, we get direst from mills at the west thus saving to customers the profits usually pocketed b middlemen. Oar flour is always fresh ground and we guarantee entire satisfaction with every barrel '' : l: J.I TANNING 4 LUMBER Ce. vlaaitf. Wilcoa Pa POWELL & KIME. QOODS FOR THE MILLION. POWELL, 4 KIM E At their Capacious store in RIDGWAY Hnvo on linml, Hplcndid ausortaients ol nil scnHnnnlilu (looils adapted j the wants (if . Ihn (intipln of Kilt and adjoining onutitiuN, which thry nro selling at prices that defy competition. Thry would sisuply state hero, that hetng very large dealers, their faciliticM for purchasing are un Cfjutillcd by any CHtahlishmcnt in tht couuty. They buy directly from manu factures and on the GROUND FLOOli. Another advantage. You can always got whut you want at their stores, hance you will save time by going directly to them and TIME IS MONEY. We have no space here to enumerate till the ad vantages you will have in patronizing these establishments. 5ut call nod see, and reap the advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will find DRY GOODS In en Hess varicttes, GROCERIES ehoiceand fresh CLOTHING of best inatcrial superior cut and finish, BOOTS & SHOES of the best stock and make, CROCKERY for newly married, middle aged" add elderly. DRIED FRVtT, BUTTER, Etia'S, rORK, HAMS lard, Flour, corn meal, and everything else . i Alto mort other kinds of country pro duce taken at the market value , Tlnltf. HARDWARE- JT-EW HARDWARE STORE S Th subscribers bavc just .opened la ST. MARY'8 Anew and Complete Stoek ef Heavy & Shelf HARDWARE 2 2 And will keep constantly on hand a great variety of COOK: AND HEATING STOVES liar Iron, Slfl Anvih, Bellovi, Nail.'e Horse Shoe$t Springt, lfaihU inij Hardware, Sntci and FiU of Every Dfsrriptinn GINS, PI8TOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cntlery, Plated Ware and Honse Furnishing floods. AH ' ' kindsof Mechaa . ics Tools! TINWARE Of every deseriptien, which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.BURNING COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES! Which have received Four First Class Pre. Btiums at the New Tork Stale and oth. er Fairs ; Also, (he Oreat 8ilver Medal at the Fair ef the Am ericas loatitnte, held in hewTerk City, 1866. They er ferpetaal daraere, ernly one fire Hiag required to be made oaring the enmimi U. BEECHE", S4 WM. II. COPELAN1. Bovft'ftf if Tff AS'LiN Kettles. Brass Kettles, Porclean lf L nance Pans. French Tined Sauce Pans. r ruit cans the cheapest and best, at W; 8, SERVICB S, Hardware Store, Pidgway.Pa. TT7"ANTED A genta. Teaehera. Students, f F iergyinea, farmers' sons and daugb ters, and all to sell The Great Reform :r if the Stage, who, having uwugm g" mvw cxniDUS in Vivid eol Ore he whole show world before and behim the scenes. Being truthful, triors! and high tOned as well as sensational, rich and racy, i htitsalla all tfthar tfnak. H..:..ti. in....... . . wu.ilu,i- HIMIll at- ed with 40 spirited engrSviigs, K full-page cut, 650 pagss, e rose tinted paper. . GreaUst innueemenis yat anered. Prosnectfts, sam copy, Jtioaes and hletiolfery. Free. For circu lar explaining, address immediately PARME LEE CO.. Pnblihri aiik.. ., PLM.J.l.l:. Peona., Cinciuatti, Okie, or Middletowa, Con weeueus, ,.,,, ....... -r 4w fTlHIS IS NO UUMBVO t t5"t ueigui, voiot or evas ana nalr, you will receive, by return tntif, a eorreot plotuie jv. .ii auiuuu or wire, wiia some date of marriage, Address W. foi P. and O. vrawsr.-so. s fultotlville, N. Y. 4w MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT REMEDY , t ' FOR TIIK CURE OF 1HROAT AND LUNG DISEASES Di Wishart's Pino Tree TAll CORDIAL. It is the vital princi pie of the Pino Tree, ob l.lnjtlt K. m hAflltlB DMIIMI ttl I ll a Jiatilalii.1. of the tar by which its highest niet'ical pro- iriiviivB nrreiiiiueu. It is the only safeguard and reliable remedy which has ever been prepared from the juice of the Pine Tree. It. invigorates the digestive organs and restores the Umielilo If Siren oth. ens the debiliated system. . It purifies and cnricnes the blood, and ezpells from the sys tem the COrmntinn Wllinh axi-nriiloi kraorla nH the lungs. its Dealing principle aets upon the Irifated Stirface Of thm Innrra rl cIi.-m., . I - I -j each diseased part, relieving pain and subdu' Ills Ih ra.Hlt vf AB' t .1 . v. j i ... i u m fimujr auu expe. rimcnt, and it is offered to the afflicted, with iub pusuiTe assurance or its power to Cure tte followinir diseitjieii if thm n.iin( nA, n - - ,'.....buw UU. .WV long delayed resort to the fiieans of cure : vuiinuuijpuuii tti IUD JLtllDgS, VOUgU, OOrJ ThrnAt. kxnei It rots sir niS-vok;. :a T r . v " ' " "uvuiiin. uirn plaint, Blind and Bleeding Piles. Asthma, '!...:.. C....L T..-...I : . We nre often asked whv ar not other rim dies in the market for ConsumMin-n. nnnvlia s, and other Pulmonary affectijn equal to L. Q. Wishart's Pine Tree Tap i!..nli1. We- answer 1st. It cures, not by stopping cough, and lotfseninir and itaaiatinn .t O ) uu.uiv .V LUaUW the iinhpaltliv mnf& nn 1 1 . 1 -1 . . i - -j vviiwicu buuui lam throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation n1 m AH em W and i 2d. t. Mo.U Thrnnf inJ T.nnf ... eom - uuu atiu wiico a i m DOflefT (ft ttrtiHlmP whinh sail. tW..-W for awhile, but by their constringing effects, fibers beetimA hnrdAnorl anfl ..n 1. 1. the I ids etntgitlate add are retained in the sviij tern CStrSinir diseAHe hevnnrl thA Annt.l r ... most eminent physicians. u. me l ine tree Tar Cordial, with its as sistants, ferfootable, because they remove the cause of irritation of the mucuous membrane and Droncoiai tuDes, assist toe luugs to act throw off the unhenllliv an puril ify the blood, thus scientifically making cure nerfefft. the i Dr. Wioharl nas on file at his office hun reds, and Thousands of Certificates, from en and women of unquestionable charaoter who wurcuiic-j nupciensiy given up to die, but polish llf nrnvirl.nna . --- - -w f ' v. uuu n rr o corn- iletely restored to health by the Pine Tree Tar ' I : I . i . . ... j ruim. n. pnysician in attendance who can i consulted in person or by mail, free of arffe. Prioe nf Pin, T-m rn.i:i c n - - aiaa vj . . i ..ii ajl,,fl, per bottle, and $11,00 per dox. Sent by Ex- lt esr nn receipt or price. Address L. Q. C- 'lo..a.m a. . . . T ... WIS oiiaivx, m. u., i0. z:iaorth 2d Street, lil'a. Ta. May 21,,tmm8vln27. I J. S. UORDWELL, M. D; KCE.KVTIC I Ml !. w ti w.d.iir. The word eclectic means to choexe or se lect medicines from all the different schools of medicine ; ti-tinr- rAmo.i;n ..w , a ,. ,. T ft ."tvo .in.,, ma, fare, and discarding fmm tn-nniinu all cines that have an imjurious effect on the sys tem, such as mercury, antimony, lead, cop- I lay aside the lance the old bloodlettcr, lucer or denleti-r. uml AmntiT ion and restore the system to its natural "J niiemuTes ana ionics. 1 shiill liere tfter eive parliculnr nileiilinn i .hmi.;. a;.. eases, such an Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver uuniiiiiii, vatarrn, xte tralgia, UiHeases of Ilia .irinnry organs, .nd all aiaeascs pecu- CATARRH Ureal with a new instrument of late invention which cures every rase. TEETH extracted without pain. (Mice and reNidf ncn .Vnllth rf ,l.a tn;i Centre St. Olliee hours from 7 to 8 a. ; m 12 to 1 p. nii G to 7 p. ft. uec. z.i o,. -ly. J. S. DOR DWELL: Spociatl Notieea T 10 C0XSV.MPT1VE8, The Advertiser, having b.i. a....i ... health in a few weeks, bv a vrv ..',,,.!. emcdv. after hi.vini with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to mil. known to his fellow-snffcrnrs the means of cure. To all who desire if. i, . . . he drennrintinii numii r... .r.i ... .l . . , ..vv ... uuiiru, wiiii ine direction's for preparing and UHiug the same,- u.v.. mcjr an, nnu a sure uure tor Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afllicted, and spread information wu.v.. ..o wum vivcn io oe invaluable ; and lie hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost him nothing, and mrtv move a M-.. ing. ' 1 arties wishing the? prescription, will please address. REV. EDWARD A tcttuiv Williamshurv Kin.. r..n. .. vln2(J,I. 6 M ussm.' """ be. Jtfst ptihlished. new editiort of DR. CHf.VK.IlU I.'l t CELEBRATED ESSAY nn the r.,'dieal curt wuiioui memcinei or srasMAToitsiiu?, or1 Seminal Weakness, frivolnnlar Seminal Losses iMfurcKCv, Metttal and Physical lucancitv- ..,u,u. ,u niorruijfB, eiC. ; also, Co SVMrTIUN. Kpil.lt, ami F.- i.l t i. j selflndulgei.ee er sexual etrav't.gauce. It" Price, in a sealed envelope, only t cents. ' The eelffhrafert inilin I n.:. .j...:v,. i , , ' ' " " uiuirnuio essay,- clearly demonstrates front a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming eonseauencea of lf.hiii.A ... v.- n? cured withont the dangerous use of internal mail sins' Mdt a I - i . ... or in appucauou or iix9 knife; DOinlinfl tttlft M. 1 nf art. l ceruiti, ahd effectual, by mentis of which wsj ruuerer, no marier wirat ItU coitdiuoa mar be. mut cnr tt?mUAfr .u ..:. -i- J wtiusvtt fUCDUIf. Dill (41 V 1J I and raetitally. . ' f ' lttr This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, uuder seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, potpaid, oa receipt of six cents, of taw.. ... .. 11.. rv . 1 ,a. juri Biitmpa. aisd, u . vuiTcrwen a " Marriage Guide," price 2 cent s. Address the Publishers. CHA3. J. C. KLINE a Co., ' 127 Bowerv. New Tork. Pust-Othca 1U 4,58tt. vloiloyl. B OOK AGENTS WANTED FOR struggles aud Triumphs of1 P. T. BARNUM written by him'elf. In one lartre oetava vol ume nearly S00 pages printed in English and German. 83 full page engravings. It em braces forty year recollections of his busy life, as a merchant, manager, banker, lecturer and showman. No book published so acceptable Ui all olasses. Every one Wants it. Agents aver age from &0 to 100 subscribers a week. W offer extra inducements. Illustrated catalogue and terms to agents sent free. J. B. BL'RR A CO.. rablishers, 8w lUulu.4, Conn. J