6lh Ojmtntg gilcoralc; Car Time at llidgitay. Erie Express East .. 9:41 p. m. do do West 8:80 a m. do Mail East 2:60 p. m. do do West . 0:20 p.m. Local 1'reieht East. .....11:00 a. m. do do West - 6:35 p. m. Elk lodge, A. T. M meetings of Elk Lodge Staled will be held at their ball on-the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WHITMORE. Sec'y I. 0. 0. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodge, No. 256, held every Wednesday evening at their Lodge Koom. C. R. Slade, Secy. AGENTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized ageuts for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Aldbich, J. L. Bbowh. Kane. Fuank W. Mr.rc. Johnsonsburg. Isaac IIaoan. St, Marys. Cuas. McVkaw. . , Cenlreville. ITomkr B. Leacr, Mai. RtiBKK. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Wfri. Bennezette. John C. Bahd, J. . Brown. Shawmut. John Fakreh. Spring Creek. A. W. Irvin. Highland. Lkvi Ellotiiohi'K. Horton. D. C. Oyster, N. M. Brockwav. CmtlsTM as comes on Saturday this year. Where's our turkey ? Deer Hunting just uow is very b:isk in these parts. The deer, however, as a general thing, fare better than the hunters. Died In this place, uu the Oth instant, Francis Stoiu, infant son of T. II. and E. E. llhincs, aged 9 weeks nod three days. THE roads for the ureuter part of this ween nave oeen in goon sieigning order. i i- i ? i t , . Old " weatherists " tell us tlitre will, be no general thaw before Christmas. IIev. Wm. Sampson will preach at Ccn- treville on Tuesday evening. November SO. At the Graveyard Schoulhouse on Wednes. tkiy, December 1st Evening six and a bal o'clock. Oi ill new devil is a blight one. The other day whilst working at caee, he iuuo. ccutly asked, " V here s tlii-m thiofrs what look like a base-ball bat '! " The boy wanted au exclamation point. (,OL. J ATK, hue ui' the Lycoming Stan. third, has sold his interest in that paper tu his late partner, Andrew Hopkins. Esq., by ...I . I . . . : I I , . . . wuuiu mo piper win oe cuujuctea m tlie future. IJoTII Republican and J )c:iiocratic jour nals throughout the ftntc are advocutin tlie repeal of the law authorizing borough and township elections to be held iu the fall. Spring election are preferred. YVE were favored with a call on Satur day lahtby Dkr.v, of the Altoona I ribunrA who is visiting our iuuiaitaius to toy his i-iflo at the door. II he succeeds in killing doer as we'l as he dnus in priuting a good fiapcr he will do dern well. l B local 01 Hie ADVOCATE wis on TliuigJay last, with other meiubeis of the cralt typographical, made the recipient of a Thanksgiving dinner from Mr. John G. Hull and his amiable lady. Our thanks, in the stereotyped language of the novelist, limy be more -easily imagined than des. evibed, for the kiudness extended. nr . W. 1. , i.auiv i) ii.no.n, rsq., wnose Jortunes we fctelieve have been connected at different times with a greater number of journals than ar.y other man iu this State, has lately started a newspaper at Lawrenceburg, near linkers Landing, at the mouth of the tUarioii river. The paner is called the Northwtstum l.i.l.jtnduil, and neat typographical appearance. wears a J-ET liEtt Oo. ihe young lady who rises early, rolls up her sleeves aud vxlks T T r ,-. iuto the kitchen to get breakfast, or assist in doing so, and afterwards, with cheerful iiess and sunny smiles, pu's her houe in order without the assistance of mother, is wor:h a thousand parlor beauties, wlio, lor want ot exercise, complain of ennui and lounge in luxurious c,e. The former will uiase a goou wne, ana render home a par :iise ; the latter is a useless piece of furni ture, and will, to the annoyance of the household, go whining to the grave. Let her go. A vouxa man of one cf oar neighboting towns a few days since btarted deer hunting. He started in the morning, taking some lunch, and also a quart or whiskey to keep the cold out and stimulate him on Iva way. After traveling in the woods for some time, lie imagiued himself moving at a rapid rate, perhaps thirty miles from where he fitarted! Wantiug some nourishment, he looked ior his luuch, but found that it was gone. As uight was coming on, he thought he bad tetter eamp, concluding that he could uot take tie buck track of the thirty miles he had traveled during the day, so be tarried for the night, and found himself next morn ing on the side hill, half a mile from where he started the day before. New Oyster Saloon- I would inform the eititens of Kidgway and vicinity, that I have fitted up the room back of my Store Room, ai an Oyster and Ealing Seloon, for Ladies and Gentlemen, where at all times, loan furnish Oysters Raw, Stewed or Fried ; also other eatables in season. Enter' ance on Mill Street side door. Ai Lienor told on (lit premiiet. . J. R. Baird, Yaritty Hall. New Cidriu. 'Just received new cider, from York State for family use, at John R. Baird's Variety Hall. J. ft. J5AIRD, Variety Ilall. Fresh Otstms. Received every day by Ex press, from the "Oyster Beds,1" fresh Monokin plants, in tubs, and for sale by the 100 or 1000 and in lots to suit customer. J. R, Baird, Variety Hall. 1 he Saturday Evening post.; THREE months GRATIS ! This cheapest and best of the Literary Week lies is offering unequalled inducements to new subscribers. In the first paper of October, it commenced a brilliant Novelet, called " a Faiuiiv Failing," by Elizabeth Frescott. It also is now funning a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Henry wood, tne fumous author of " East Lyune," &o. -w NEW NOVELETS will continually succeed each other. Amoftir those already on hand or in prozress. are " Under a Ban," by Amanda M. Douglas : " Lconie's Secret," by Frank Lee Benedict ; a Novelet, by .Miss Hosmcr, Ac. the post also gives the gems of the English magntiues. NEW SUBSCRIBERS For 1870 will haue their subscriptions dated buck to the paper of October l!d, until the large extra edition of that date is exhausted. This will bo thirteeen papers in addiiien to the regular weekly numbers for 1870 or fifteen mouths in all ! When our extra edition is ex. haunted, the names of all new eubsciibers for 1870 will be eutercd ou our list the vcrv week they are received. TERMS : $2 50 a year. Two copies, $4. Four conies, o. rive copies (and one gratis) $8. One copy ot the Post and one of the Lady's Friend. A copy of the large and beautiful Premium Steel Engraving, Taking the Measure of the Heading limit piigruvei in Euirhiud at cost of sail- will be sent to every full ($2 60) subscriber, uud to every person sending a club. ium is iruiy a Deauiuui engraving : Auuress II. PETEESOX & CO., 319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies sent free for five oeuu. HE LADT'S FRIEND. TWO MONTHS GRATIS .' inn i,nj a riienu announces I lie following uveieiH ior ioiu : uia lie Forget Her r by Louise Chandler Moultnn ; The Cuaciiiinon' Aunt,' by Elinabcth l'rescott, author of l!o- twen Iwo, &o. i Solid Silver; or. Chrixie Deane s Bridal Oilts,' by Ama:. da M. llouirlac nutlior of the lehurry Fortune," with nu merous shorter stories by a brilliant galaxy of lady u item. A finely executed steel cneravine. a hand some double pace, finely colored fashion nlnte. and a large assortment of wood cuts, illustrat ing ihe fashions, fancy work, etc., are given iu every number. It will give a popular piece of Musio in ev ery number. ... PORTRAITS OF .DISTINGUISHED AUTHORS. The January number will contujn poi trailr (engraved on met) of Mrs Henry Wood, Horence Percy, Louise Chandler Moulion, Elixaheih Prescolt, Amanda M. Doiiulus. Mrs. Margaret llosuicr aud August Bell, NEW SUBSCRIBERS Who send in their names before Ihe first of No. vember, shall receiue the November and De cember numbers of this year in addition, mak ing fourteen mouths in all! And new subscri bers sending in Heir names by the first of December shall receive the waguificent Decem ber holiday number, making thirteen moniaa in all ! TERMS ; S2 50 a year; two copies, $4 ; four copies, $0; fiee copies, (andoue gratis) $8. ttu eopy . of the Lady's Friend and one of the Posh $1. A copy or tlie lorre and beautiful Premium steel engraving- Taking th Measure of the iveaamg King engraved in England at a cost of $2000 will be sent to every person bending a club. This engraving is a gem of art. Address DEACON FETERSON, 819 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies seat for tea eenls. IXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters tesiatuen- tary on the estate of William Wernwar. Ueuoiued, having been granted . to the under signed, persons indebted to the said estate will please wake payiueat, and those haviag cLtuiis will please present the. same without delay to John V. Wernwag, at Wilcox, Pa., or to Theo- dor" Wernwag, wm. p. Wernwag, Executors trTtlt' rUiUJul,hU- - "F VO0 WANT TO HVY CLOTUtJTO for the imillon jGo to A. DCitLACHEB, 7' CLOTHING I CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, t TRAVELING BAGS,' &o. f . ST. MABV'fl, ELK COUNTY, PENNA . Jan218081ypd . HVDE HOUSE, ' ' ' - Rioawar, Elk Co., Pa, W. II. SCHRAM, J'roprietor. iiJh,nkful for lh lNt'-ong beretofora ao liberally Ustowed upon aim, the new pro prietor, hopes, by, paying atrict attention to the comtort aad convenience ot tuesis, to merit a continuance of ikm aaina. Oil 20 1800. W . S- SERVICE. QOO.OOO CUSTOMERS WANTED. At the new Masonic Hall Building. STOVES at prices that will please of all de sirable kinds. TIN-WARE of every kind on hand at all times. Special attention given Wholesale orders. Price list furnished to dealers on application. SUhET-TIN AND COPPER WARE. House furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER PIPEINQ, PUMPS, FISHING AND HUNTINQ TACKLE, such as RODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, Sc. J-c. lllllD CAGLS A MCE VAMETT. ROOFING, GUTTERS, SIOUTS. of Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper an I every kind of HOUSE AND JOB WORK done on short notice and warranted, AGENCY of Henry Dissions eelebraled saws. Orders for saws at factory prices eo licited, also for repairing. Information and price list furnished on application. 1 PAPER RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD COPPER, BRASS, PEW. "j TBR, LEAD, IRON, BEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON SKINS, SHEEP PELTS, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK KOTES, 0. 8. BONDS.&o. lakemU exchange for Goo dt or Work v1n20if. W. S. SERVICE. POWELL & KIME. QOOD3 FOR THE MILLION. POWELL & K I M E I At their capacious store in RIDGWAY nave on hand, splendid assortments ol all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants Ot the people Of Elk and adininini . . . . . J c counties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that beiDg very large dealers, their facilities for nurchnsin'J nrn n i m - - equalled by any establishment in tht county. They buy directly from manu factures and on the GROUND FLOOR. Another advantage. You can always getwliBtyou want at their stores, htnee you will save time by going diroctly to them and TIME IS MONEY". We have no space hcra to enumerate ul) the ad vantages you will have in patronizing these establishments. But call and see. and reap the advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will find DRY GOODS in endless varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cu: and finish, . BOOTS & SHOES of the best stock and make, CROCKERY for newly married, middle aged aud elder!. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE Alto raort other kinds of country pro duoe taken at the market yalue- Tlnltf. HARDWARE JEW HARDWARE STORK ! The subscribers have just opened ia ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf HARDWARE J J And will keep constantly on hand a greet varieiy or COOK AND HEATING STOVES Bur Iron, Sled Anvils, Bdloim, Nail.'n Jlorse Short, irmya, ISuiiu- ' inj Hardware, Suws and Fiet of PISTOLS Every AND D ctcription CARTRIDGES, GCN8, Cutlery, Tinted Ware and nouse Furnishing Goods. Al' kinds of Mechan ics' Tools 1 TINWARE Of every appcription, which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have alpo (ho exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE. BURNING COAL STOVES AND TARLOU FURNACES! Which have received Four First Class Tre. milium at Uie New York State and oth. er Fairs ; Also, the Great Silvei Medal at the Fair of the Am erican iBfltiuite, held iu New Yerk City, 18bo. They are Perpetual Burners, only one fire being required to be made during the seassn. M. BEECH E", Jju WM. H. COPELAND. ccv28'C7 ly MAS UN kettles, Uruss lv Sauce Puns, French Tine Iv el ties, l'uiclean hied Sauce Pans. rruu cans the cheapest and best, at W. S. SERVICE'S, Hardware Store, Pidgway.Pa. 7'A,N"rRl' Agents, Teachers, Students, t T C'ergymen, Farmers' sons and daugh ters, and all to sell The Great Keformer of the Stage, who, having abandoned stage life, uow exhibits in vivid co ors he whole show world before and behind the scenes. Being truthful, moral and high toned, as woll as sensational, rioh ami racy, it outsells all other books. Beautifully Ululat ed with 40 spirited engravings, 24 full-psge cut, COO paes, on rose tiuted paper. Greatest inducements yet offered. Prospectus, sample eopy, Boxes aad Stationery, Free. For circu lar explaining, adJrets immediately VARME LEE & CO., Publishers, either at Philadelphia, Penna., Cinciuatii, Ohio, or Middletown, Con- booucut. 4w rpiUS IS NO HUMBUG 1 A By sending ZH cts. with age, height, eolor of eyos aud hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct plctuie of your future husband or wife, with come and dale of marriage, Address W. FOX, P. O. Drawer No. -1 Fultouville, N. Y. 4w MISCELLANEOUS. A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURB OF 111 110 AT AND LUNG DISEASES Dr. Wisliart's Pine Tree TAR COllDIAL. , It is the vital prlnci pie of th Pino Tree, ob tsined by a pecu'iar proceis in the distilatioit of the tur by which its highest medical pro prieties are retained. It Is the only sategunrd and reliable remedy which has ever been prepared from the juice of the Pine Tree It invieorates tbe dieesliva organs ami restores the appetite. It Strength cnt the debiliatcd system. It purifies and enriches the blood, and expells from th sys tem Ihe corruption which scrofula breeds on the lnnjt!". Its healing principle acts upon the iritated surface of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving poiu and subdu ing inttnnifttion. It is the result of years of stuly and expe, r.ment, and it is offered to the afflicted, with the positive assuranee of its power to cure the following diseases, if the Datlont hiu n.,i n long de'.nycd a resort to the means of cure i Consumption of the Lungs, Cough, 8ore Thront and Breast, Bronchitis, Liver Cora plaint, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Dipthcria, &c We i.re often asked why are not othor reme. dies in the market for Consumption, Coughs Colds, and other Pulmonary'affeclijn equal to Dr. L. Q. Wisharfs Tine Tree Tar Cordial. e answer 1st. It cures, not by stepping cough, and by. loosening and assisting nature to throw olF the unhealthy matter collected about tbe throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough. 2d. AIo.it Throat and Lung Remedies are composed of anodynes, which allay the cough ' lor awhile, hut by their constringing effects, the fibers become hardened, and the unhealthy fluids coagulate and are retained in the sys tem causing disease beyond the control of our most eminent physicians. ad. li e Pine Tree Tar Cordial, with its ns sistants, perfectable. because the vD, , cause of irritation of the mucuous membrano and bronchial tubes, assist Uis luues to act ana tnrow off the unhealthy sections, and punfy the blood, thus scienlitir-nllv the cure perfect. ur. Wishart nns on file at his offie. hun lieds, and Thousands of trfifintu r.. men and women of unquestionable cha'raoter nuu -ureouce qopeicssly given up to die, but Hi rough the providence of God were com pletely restored to health hv tha Pin. r j.'oidial. A physieian in attendnuce who can oe consultod iu person or h n,n;i t chnrgs. Pnco of Pine Tree Tar Cordial SI M) per bottle, and 11,00 per dos. Sent by Ex riMoSn.nnccciPt of Pric- Address L. G. 0. May 21,'C9in3vln27. - --- 3. B. BORDWELL, M. D, eclectic i'im rsicrajr. I ri. - . I w"i eeiectio means to choese icmes from nil fl.i .l-.te . or sa- a ineun schools of medicine ; using remedies that aro safe, and discarding from praetioo all medi cines that have an injurious effect on the sys tem, such as mercury, autimonv. Ip,) per, &c. " ' ' '"J "e innce the old bit rciuccr or doplctcr, and equalise ' the 11011 restore the system to its I lay aside the lnnce the old bloodMtM. a circuWi . state by aUerativcH and tonics. I shall her, alter give particular nHiiii.,n i 1. J: . ases, such as Rheumatism. Dvenensin. T.!v complaint. Catarrh, Ne iralgia, diseases of the throat, urinary organs, md all aiseasog pecu liar to females, &u. 1 CATARRH I treat wit. a Into invention which curcsevorv 1 EETH cxtrnctcd without pain. . Oflico and residen Centre St. Office hours from J. ' , o 1 p. mj C to 7 p. nj. ' . Deo. 23'07.-ly. J. s. BORDWELL. Spooial Notices i rpO CONSUMPTIVES. The Arlvertiser. having Vcu rentored to liealth m a few weeks, by a very simpl. . remedy, after having differed several years with a severe luue affur.ti nil. ami lliot .K.An.l disease, ConRum,tion is nnximis in known to his fcllow-Eutrcrers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of ihe description used, free of charge, with the directions for preparing and using tne same, which they will find a sure Cure for Consump tiou, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. The object of '. he advertiser in sending thq Presoripiion is to benefit the afflicted, and spread intimation' ' which he conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it wiU cost him nothing, and may prove a bless- Pui tieg wishing the prescription, will pleas audress. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON v'ln2GylWilUaln8bUrg' KinS Coul". -Y. "ANHOOD : HOW LOST, HOW RE. STORED Just published, anew edition of DK. (IBI.vi:nvi.'ii'a CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical CELEBRATCl (without med ithout medicine) of Si-erm iTnimi,,.. - Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses iMForwcr, Mental aud Phisical lnoapaoitv' m ui impeaiments to Marriage, etc. : alan. rvii. sumption. Epilepsy, and Ftrs, induced br self indulgence or sexual extravagance. i Jft3"l'iice, in a scaled envelope, onlv S cents. T J : The celebrated author, in this admiraW. essay, clearly demonstrates from a il,;.., years' suoowsful practice., that the niarmio - i ui cu uuse may Joe rail call v j- e.ery sunerer. no matter what, his conditio mav be, may cure himself cheaply, piivaiely. and radically. ' ' ' " ekrlTiis Leafu-e should be in the liaads of every youth aud every man in the laud. ' Sout, unjer seal, in a plain envelope, to any i address, pottpaid, on receipt of six cents, or iwo pus mamps. Aiao, Dr. CulverweR'o Marriage Guide." price 2.r cm A A t the Publishers, CHAS. J. 0. KLINE Co 'if Bowery, New York, Post-Offioa Box l.JO'J. vln35yl. . BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR Struggles aud Triamtih. P T, BARNU1VI, WrUlea by him-elf. In one large octavo vol-uwa-noarly 800 pag.s-printed ia! Enlinh ud German. 83 full i I'uge engravings, li eui ullentiniis i,f Kiu K.lu.. 1:1-.. Pill-All aiifliAnt J fuo uungerous use or iuteranl medicine or h opplication of th knife t pointing out a' mods of puro at once simpl, certain, and effectual, bv main ,.r ,i,;..,! Hf. Wf -o- "t as a merchant, manager, banker. Wurer and'1 showman. No book published ao aeceniAl. il ' ioi ,y year recollections of his buav lif . . Iro. 1 ""li1"-. all clauses. r.verv one wania it x ' KUl, VI ape from M io 1O0 suhsorihers week ' Wa offer extra inducements. lUustrated cataloeua aud teinis to sgecls sent free. k ' J. B, Bl'ili; it CO., Publishers, . liiiiUtrd, Conij.