tin IIILIJlll HI II II fmmfmrnm LOCAL MATTERS. Hates of Adrertisintr. Adrc'r and Ex'rs notices, cao, 6 times, $ 8 00 Auditors not men, each, , 8 00 au'.ioiis niul Estrnys each, 3 times 8 00 Transient Advertising per squre of 10 linos or less 3 times, or less... 2 00 For each subsequent insertion...... 60 Ullicinl advertising for each souare of 8 liner or less J times or less 1 60 For each subsequent insertion Professional cards. 5 liner. 1 vr ...0 01 final notices, tier line, one time 16 Obituary notices, over 6 lines D Yenrlv Ativertisini. oue-lialf column 60 OH Yciirlv Advertising, one column.... 10O 00 Blanks, sin tie nuire.t 2 f( Blanks, three entire - 00 Blanks, tl ouires . ncr nuire .... 1 Blanks, over (1 quires per quiro ...1 6( Jrur bank notes, suiipoenas, summons, ex ecutions, warrants, eomiable sales, road and school ordors. each per dot. ..2 Handbills, eight sheet Ho or less 1 fit " fourth sheet 2'orlcss 2 fit " half sheet 2") or less 4 6( ' whole sect 20 orloss 8 01 Over 25 of each of above at proport iouat e rates Eelioious. Divine service will be held li the Court llouceo, next Sabath. Of tr. 81st by HEW. SAMsON, oi me M. k. ctinrcli. at 10, o'clock A. M. and 7 in the Evening. Pa 0. W. Stebuins will be in Rid;iva during court week. Office at P. T. 15rook up stairs All Wiintiiij new teeth or oi ones extracted will do well by giving bin a call. Dr. Ftertiins is a practical Pnntist i many years experiutice and has the cotf denco ot tlio community at lare. tVc eatl the attention of the public it i'tieral to the new Honk Binding establie! luent in t'o.rv. All work of this kiln wanting can be done through this offiei Try your luck by buying nne of tli now J'rizo Envelopes, for stile tit. Buird'f Variety Hall. Each envelope contains i prize wor'h three times the amount you pi lor it. Tlmy sell from Sve cuts to on ilnllir each. Cull iu and see thfin as the uro something new J. 1?. R.UftD, Variety J1,H. Nvvri!i!:n. -Jos' rreeiv -d new eider, froi. Ynrk State fir family use, at J:hu 11. liaird't. Vt.riety Tin!!. Pnr.sii Dys-K.s. "ecnivd every dny by V.x press, from I lie '() sler Beds," fresh Mouid;!- l ints, in tubs, met li.rsule tiy the luO or UHll a itl in lots to sui' ctislumei s. j. n. H.uHD, Vnrifty Hall. Xov," Oyst.oi S iloort' T would iufurui the citix-n i.f UMgwiy nnl vi-ri'.iiy. Ihnt I have fitted up the room bat-, of inv Slrt'e liootn, as nn Oy-ter and I'atiti Sol-ion. lor r.tt'l.es and '" I-niti wh'te at n: times. I cm n fumi-li (is'ri V,iv. Sicv.pIi i'l ied : iiImi (i'!h;i e.ri.l.!es in season. Entri ant-e o'l Mill Sire.-i -i In don . A'tf .-'-JHsf M till- J'ti-tltUr. J. 11. Ii UlU), V.: My U:i!l'. ( Li !o 15aM-!'s Vnni'ty rl" iH tor ver jr'ovrs and iiiitlciis; ho ha" aii kin. I.-. A Is io.itti 1 1 Hi 1 1 until -nvure it 1 n n'lojt nl liu .f notinii tun imvtiiitur y ( : ; itl.iv Call I you will liml n his pce. ntol as h.i Imv for cash, you ("in piuchiiso at -i small n.l ran iff no Ncv York anl l'ii'i t'l-t.!i i;, m.n lot rates. (Jive hntl a i-a'l as-ir is , tumble to shutr gooJs, if you do not wish ! Imv. V lll'.lii: w!,l a lino ii'i.i.,. i-i r:ii lectin n o on nex !' !?,oi .1 Joliv-n-d ;:t l!m cn;:rt li. T'hms-liiy fvi-niii;: by ,!:.mi" 'i! Ci'v. iitoier tlio tiii-j 'Ji-n tila'is. lor.-, oi tlio lit g .4: H"'I Y i J l .v i ii . ISm.k binders ft lib.iik i'-oik ."'. i'!if,ciui ers, Yri;;iit'w or.-y, I'.-i. li'unk Vi.-Is M i b'to Order. .Mr 111k. Tin Wei'lnf. !H too iiivriio of tin i'Tth tins siioiv covered the jrnimrl and tin c iid w 'tith.-r I'ni i tow d ivs nast lias frozen t .in aiitil.'s and iiiiy xeuatiblos thai wen iiiot ".itkeiod. I'owsu, it KfilH tiro now rei'eivoinjr 1heir lali an ) wioror Kfock of i;oods. Tin c iipcrii'iritv. t:ht!;io)e s and cxteo-ive va aietv will induce of.T) oue to bjy of them. Ijo and .see tlieir iio.ids. Whco l-'red. !)our;ts wufonce triivel itiiroil a boat tin.) t:oinKlled U) take tlio 'd.'ok." hisd'u'iiiS d appi tiranco led iifl.uii passionate iiffi-i.r to think bis condition miju h iinorovcd during the nassnc j f lie ti n-of cilor'' cn'ti 1 hi avoided. So w:i'chin his opport'inity. he approaebprj tin 1 imiuireil wiiiificantly "Imh'n-i ?" "Xn, JVi ,'( .'" frankly re.f nnl-ii Krcl, and paid the penalty by ro.n lining u dock )a.sit!iicr all nljih', w.ilkit: t.j keep warai. 1'ir.r.Y U.iss. a toiiipeiiince Votnrcr at Jiushviile. Illinois, was proailiiiiLt to the joiitz on his favorite tlu me. fie said : "No, bovs. when I ask yon !t q 'it-tiou you oioitn'l be air.iid to n(,!ak riht out mid istiswcr me. When you buik around mi l see all these fion bouses, farms and cat tle, do you over think who owu tlitm all now Yir ftithers own th.eui. b they not ?" 'Yes. sir!" shouted a hundred voice', 'WoM. whore wiil your lathers be in twenty years from now '" 'lb'iid l- Shouti-tl the boys. "That'll liirht. and who will owu all this property V 'I'h boy.-," sliou'cil the urchins. "Jlijht. Now, tell io did you ever in soino; ulosjr the streets, notico the drunk aids lounoiiii; around the 'uloon door, wa ttuj lor Ronndiody to treat them V "Yes. sir, lots of thtiii!" 'Wei!, where will they bo iu twenty yearn from now?" Iteadi exelainiod the br.ys. "Atil who will fill bo the drunkards V" "Us boys!" Jiilly was tliutitlerstruck firn moment; liul recovering hitusslf, tried to tell the toys Low to fecit po such a tute. Tho ttiilocs of Ciik-.rj.j are on a btrikc for Li tier wacs. POETREE.. , The celebrated "bed bug" poet has favored til with another effusion from his prolifio pen. That he is destined to attain a pre-eminent position in hit school of rhymers doc not ad mit of a doubt. rot (tit $ and iriisAry, ' old Patrick was A saint who livid in days of yoar by Providence was sent, to Irelands fair sliour The taint he had A taist it cannot be denied to prattify this senee Potates they were tried For eating they wood answar in every Needed place but for youBing theshelaly an exiiaot took their place- - When mad from th potat'ts ' " a i it was days of yoar men drank and had their fun & lived to a three score but as the seen is Chinged the extract is mad of roy And it. wculd kill the Devil If he dairs the stuff to try In every drink yon take in the bottom is A quarrel suppose oneB bead was prsy you wood swair it was A sorrel In every half A dozen the average is a light I mean whair nil have drank & feeling full of utile to every twenty drinks jest look for A black eye & if you fail to find it bo glad it was not I figlring being over it fills the grvcya'd full & for want of bler'since it mixes hair with something teat comes hard T. II. C. Lgtnminj Flnndartl. LATEST JMEW8. Of.x. Gbant- lfft AYashington on the 2C.tli for fbil.-Kkdiiliin. (Jkn. IHTTKitFiKi.ii 1ms resigned (he isjtsislant tretistircrsbip at New York. So one bits yet lioeu n;ivioiiiie(.l in liis ,)l:iee. Gen. rcOlabon, late .Minister to I'a ngtiiiy, tind 11. G. Yortliington, late Miiiistor to the .Vrgentine lloimlilic, .I'l'iveil to 'Washington on the 2(ith inst., mil bad an ittterviow with Sccretary ''isli, Gen. .MeMaiion is very severe on be Brazilian government for the out ageous manner in which they were leafed, lie wiys tbiit the forces under liOpez arc still fighting againt-t the 'rn.iliuns and will Mieeeed, Kx-I'ivsident Joluison was defeated or I. S. Senator on the 21st inst. :i ml : f Henry Cooper was elected, lie is t Conservative, however, and is said to e a man of considerable ability. The machinists, iu the employ of toe 'rie railroad at Jersey City, struck oil be JiUh install). I 'ere llyncintlic. the Catholic priest. vho refused to attend the Aeeiunenieal 'otincil called Iry the I'ope. has arrived in this country and will go west. I'lie Masonic Hall of Allegheny City vas dedicated on the iilli inst. lion. Itichiird Yaux, (iiiind Master of the tate, ollieiated. A great lire took place in New York on the morning of the 27th( by which property to the ainojmtofball'a million dollars was dot roved. At the liiiitueiiial election in lialti more on tlio 27th thu democratic ticket was elected by a large lnajoriry. A light vote was polled. Reports from Tennessee say that the legislature of that State will not ratify the fifteenth amendment. A deh gatiou of two hundred (litak crs passed through Kiohmoml on the 27th instant to attend the atniti.il meet ing to be held at Greensborotigh, N. C. A heavy snow Kturni prevailed at HarTalo en the 2;th. tnow plows were brought in requisition. A i:ov, five years of age, having stol en n can ( f n.ilk, bis mother took him to task witli morrtl suasion, and wound tp her discourse by exclaiming ; "What in the w orld were you going to do with the milk, any bow ?" 4il was going to , steel n little dog to drink it,'' was the crushing reply. JNVAu iMiHsrutive writer fn s : ''Wo men is compounded of three articles, sugar, tun-lure oi" arnica, and si lt map. ISiionr, because ul iis sweetness w hich is apparcut in uii-t women tdns ! that in some It t-liuiild have acidulated into strong donies tij vinegar j artiieti, because in wt tueu is found that (piaotity of htalinc mid K)lh. ing utter bruise and wounds wliich aflict us men in thegreat batto of life; and soft soup ior IcaJUs too obvious to uccd spciGca- silJU rs.More "Ilia Tree Groves" have been Hi scuverod in Calatornia. they tire a giant red woods of the species famous in Culave. ras tnd MaiipiiFo, and me found on (be head wa'ers f the Tulare tiud Sau Joaquiu rivers- (Jvo of thes n.roveu is haid to contain trees measuring over one huuered feet in circiimleranoe, and even these re n ported to be excelled by those in another grove. irWhen niy a ebip be said to bo fool i.-bly iu love ? Ads. Wheu she is attach ed to a buoy. When madly in love f When he is ankcring alter a heavy swell. When ambitiously in love ? Wheu he is uuaking for a pier. joh phinting. PRINT! NGr ! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION rUO.MI'TLY DONE AT THE OFFICE OF THE THE ELK ADVOCATE Tbe work done here. always GIVES SATISFACTION. HOTH 1NEXECUUTION STYLE AND PRICE IAIN AND PRINTING ch as I ILL fli.DS, Clltt'KS, cuncKS, ir,.irxs, EXVELOI'S, LABELS CIKCULARS, SUIITINO CARDS AND TAGS RECEIPTS fc RECEIPT HOOKS, LAW BLANKS, HANDBILLS ic, Executed promptly, in the beet manner, and at the very lowest prices. POWELL & KIME. QOODS FOR THE MILLION. POWELL & KIME, At their capacious store in MDGWAY Have on band, splendid assortments cf all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of the people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that beiog very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing are uo erpialled by any establishment in tht county. They buy directly from manu factures and on the GROUND FLOOR. Another advantage. You can always jrift whnt you want at their stores, htnee you will save time by going directly to them and TIME IS MONEY". We have no sp.ice here to enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patronizing these establishments- Rut call and see, and reap tlio advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will find DRV GCODS mcnllcss varieties, GROCERIES choicnanJ fresh CLOTHING of best material supcrioi cut and uisli, ROOTS & SHOES of the best t-toci and make, CliOCKERV for newly married, middle, aged and el Jeily. DRIED FRUIT, WITTER, EGGS, PORK, II A MS, LAUD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND KVERVTIIING ELSE Alto raoM other kinds of country pre diieo taken at tbe market value Tlultf. HARDWARE. "JEW HARDWARE ETORE! The subscribers bare just epooed in ', . 1 ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stook of Heavy & Shelf And will kctp constantly on hand a greixf variety of CO OK ASD I1EA TIXG S TO YES Ear Iron, Steel Anvils, Bellow, A'ail.'s Jlvrsr Shim, Springs, Build, inj JJanlwure, Saws and Files of Every Description GINS, TISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cntlcry, Plated War and House Furnishing Goods. All kinds of Median- ' ' ics' Tools ! TINWARE Of every dosrriritinn, which will be sold at tlio LOWEST CASH TRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BA8E.BUKNIXG COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES I Which have received Four First Class Tre--milium at thu New York Slate ami oth. tr Fairs ; Also, the Great Silver Medal at. the Puir of l'io Am erican Institute, held in New York City, 1S05. They are Perpetual Burners, only one fire Icing required to be rondo during the season. M. BEECHE". Ja. WM. II. C0PELAND. nov28-C7 ly MASLIX Kettles. Brass Kettles, Porclean Sauce Puns. French Tined Sauco Pans. J-riui. cans ihe elieapot and best, at W. S. tEliVlCii'S, Hardware Store, Pidgwny,Va. i . COri'.T PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hmi. S. P. .lolmsim. President Jadge and Hons. E. C Si'littlize and Jeete Kylcr. Also-, ciates, Judges of ("lie Cunt if ijuarter Sessions Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer, and Gen-c-rel Jail delivery, it.r the ttial of capital and oilier o!iVu-cs in the county of EH;, by their preeipl to tee -direatt-iL have ordered the iilo'. estiid tunned Courts to be hold n at Riilg way, in Slid for ihe county of I'.lk, on the First Monday of November it being the 1st day of ihe iiiiuitu. and to ;oiilinue one woek. Xotioo is hereby iriven to the Coroner, Justifies of tlie Pence, mid Cons ables of thesaid coiintj-, that they are ",- these p -nseats commanded to lie l hen and there iii'heir proper persons lit leu o'ciuck, A. it, of said day, wilk their rolls, ncoiils and inquisitions, and other re niciuhraiicas, la t!" bise things which their oliiees appertain to be done, nnd that all Justices of s.i i l coiin y mako J eturns if all recognizances enieied into liefore them. o tho Cieik of the l'mii-t, ns per net of Assembly of March 4th lSii-i. And those who are bound to prosecute the prisoners that aro or shall be in llic.jnil of the enmity of Elk, and to be then ami Hi ere to prosecute ug.i-.tisi t!it.-ia us be just. JACOB VcCAl'LEV, BhjrilT. Kidg-wny, October IU, uTto. LOOK HERE! WATCHES, Ji'.WiailY & SILVERWARE. C4IIARLES HOLES, Practical Watchnia- ker, Jeweler and Engraver, Ridgway, bin coiiuty, Pa. The subsoiiborbcgs leave to announce lo the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that he iit prepared to do all V.oi k in his line ou vhort notice and at reasonable rates iu the very best manner. Shop iu 11, S. Thayer's Store. Special altculiou paid to engraving. lie has also on hand a large assortment of Clocks. Watches. Jewelry and Silverwaro w hich be offers for bale oif reasonable It-rnis. Give htm a tail. n7 tiTtf. MISCELLANEOUS. A FOB TIIE CURE OP 1IIR0AT AND LUNG- . DISEASES Dr. Wishart's ' Pine Trco i TAlt CORDIAL. It is the vital principle of the Tine Treo, ob. tained by a peculiar proecis in the distilation of the tar by which its highcBt mcftoal pro prieties are retained. - It is the only salcguara anu rounoig romcuy which has ever been prepared from the juice of the Pine Treo. It invigorates the digestive organs and restores the appetite. It Strength ens the debilialed systom. It purifies and enriches the blood, and expolls from the sys tem the corruption whioh scrofula' breeds on the lungs. Its healing principle aota upon me lruatea surface of the lunes and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and subdu ing intlamation. It is the result of years of study and cxpe. rinient, and it is offered to the afflicted, with the positive assurance of its power to cure tha following diseases if the patient has not too long decayed a resort to the means of cure : Consumption of the bungs, V ougn, core throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Liver Com plaint, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Diplhcria, &o- We are often asked why are not other reme dies in the market for Consumption, Coughs Colds, and other Pulmonary affection equal to Dr.'L. Q. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. We answer 1st. It cures, not, by stopping oough, and by, loosening and assisting nature to tltrnw . oir the unhealthy matter collected about tho throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough. 2d. Mojt T'iroat and Lung Remedies are composed of anodynes, which allay the cough for awhile, but by their constringing effects, the fibers become hardened, and the unhealthy fluids coagulate aud are retained in the sys tem causing disease beyond the control of our most eminent physicians. !Jd. The Pino'Tree Tar Cordial, with its as sislants, perfeetiiblc, because they remove the cause of irritation of the mucuous membrano and bronchial tubes, assist, tho lungs to act and throw off the unhealthy Bccrctions, aud piirjfy the blood, thus scientifically making the cure perfect. Dr. Wishtirt nas on file at his office hun dreds, and Thousands of Certificates, from men and women of unquestionable character who were once hopelessly given up to die, but through the providence of God were com pletely restored to health by tho Pine Treo Tar Cordial. A physician in attendance who can be consulted in person -or by.' mail, free of charge. Price of Pine Tree Tar Cordial $1,60 per bottle, and $11,00 per doz. Sent by Ex ptess on receipt of price. Address L. Q. C. W1SI1AUT, M. D., No. 32 North 2d Street, Phil'a. Pn. May 21,-G0mCvln27. J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. KCL F. CTIC Pfll'SCJ JT. The word eclectic means to choese or se lect medicines from all the different schools of medicine ; using remedies that are safe, and discarding from practico ell medi cines that have an imjurious effect on the sys- . tern, such as mercury, antimony, lead, cop per. &o. 1 lay aside the lance the old bloodletter, rcluccr or deplctcr, and equalize the circula tion and restore the system to its natui.il state by ulterativeB and tonics. I shall here after give particular attention to chronic dis eases, such ns Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint,. Catarrh, Neiralgia. diseases of the throat, urinary organs, and all diseases pecu liar to females, &c. CATARRH I treat with a new instrnmcnt of a Into invention, which cuvescvery case. TEETH extracted without pain. Ollico and residence .South of the jail nn Centre St. Office hours from 7 to 8 a. ; m 12 o 1 p. ui : G to 7 p. in. - Dec. 2a-C7. -ly. J. S. BORDWELL. Special SNoticcB mO CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having been restored to health n. a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affeaiion, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fcllow-sufi'erers the means of cure. Tc all who desire it, he will send a copy of the drescriptiou used, free of charge, with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit tho alilicted, and spread informal ion which he concoives to bo invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cast hiui nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address. REV. EDWARD. A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, K. T. vln2('.yl. M AN'IIOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RE- STOltliU. V!P -iQ Just published, anew edifion tW of DR. CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the ra dical cure (without, medicine) of Si-khmatobrhcca, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Imimukscv, Mental and Phisical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Cos st Mi'TioN. EriLEi'sv, and Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual cxtnivaaaiice. Price, iu a sealed euvciope, only 6 ecu's. The celebrated author, in this admirable ' essay, .clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that tbe alarming ooiisequennes of belf abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal med cine or the application of the kuil'e ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition tii-iv be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and ru'lir-illy. tilTliis Lcctu-v kould be la the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under veal, in a plain envelope, to any ad.iress. poipatd, on receipt of six ceuts, or two post stumps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's Marriage Guide," price 2-r cents, ddrcss the Publishers. CMIA8. J. C. KLINE a Co., 1 V27 Bowery, New York, Post-Office Box 4. '-Mi. vln'ioyl. .UTiMIUKE. The undersigned having purchased the en- It ve stock nt furniture, materials t fte.j ff Sciviliou Thomas, lata for sale by II. 11. Thomas, as agent, as also the stock owned by (i. T. Wheeler, also in charge oi' II, 11, Thomas for salo upon comiuissiun, iHiends to carry ou the furniture business iu the rooms lately occupied by H. 11. 'i'bajuia. A compel cut practical cabinet maker will superintend the business aud do the work, and it is the determination of the proprietor to make and sell furniture niDre mtitOaiiLiaH.y made and at lower prices lltau haa ever bi uu offered to the people of ill. a vicioiu. The public are invited to cull and examinei his stock before purchasing elsewhere. JSO. U. HALL. BU.'way July 21 vln.38tf.