X 11 Iii 1 JLj IV. A XJ V U OA JTTT 751 mtvi un trr MISCELLANEOUS. A OHKAT REMElir FOtt THE (TRR tit UIllOAT AND LUNG DISEASES J)r. WislinvtV Pino Tree T Alt COllDtAL. Tt is tlio vital principle of tln,Phu Tree, eb. tmlu'il by a pel'lf iai precd!' in tlio (listibuhin (if tho tnr by which il highest tnei'icul pro prieties ore retained. It is the only infpxnnrl ntul rolinblo remedy which bus ever been prcpnreil from tlio jnico of tlio Vine Tree It invigoriilog the ilifstivc o' gnus ninl restores t lie appetite. Il St'-enjit.i-m tlio dobilhiieil fynlem. It purifies mil enriches the blond, nnil espdls from llin sys torn tlie corruption wliicn scrofula breeds on the lungs. Its healing principlo nets upon Hie iriintnl surface of tlio lmifTH ninl throat, penetrating to moli lioiiRcl purl, relieving pain ami sulnlii inc i'lflnmntion. Ilia tlio result of years of study ninl expo, r meat, ntul it is oll'rroil to flip ntHicteil. with tlio positive nsiirnnce of Its power t-- eure the following (license if llic pulient linn li.it too lnnij tle'iiyi'il a resort In the mentis of eure : Consumption of the I. lint's, t'oiipli, Sore Thront nml Ureiisl, llrniicliiiis. J.iver Com tdniflt, lllinil mid Weeding files, Asiliina, Whooping (Intuiti, Dipilioriti, &c- We ore often asked why nt'e not other rente (lips In (he mnrket for (Viiistiiiiptioti, Cunghs Colilj, nml other l'lihnniifiry nlleetim piii:tl to Ih-.L. Q. rYislitirt's l'iue Tree Tar lloiilial We answer 1st. It pure", n 'it by stopping cough, nml by. loosening nml assisting naiuru to thi-nw olf the unhealthy matter collected nbout the thront nml bronchial tubes, causing irritation utid cough. Ho). Mojt, Thmnf nnd I,iing Homedies nre nntnpne'l of nnoilyncs. which nil iy the cough for n while, but by their constringing effects, the fibers become hardened, ami the unhealthy fluids congulate and are retained in the sys tem causing disease beyond the control of our most eminent physicians.. !!d. The l'iue Tree Tar Cordial, with its ns ptstanta, pcrfec'iiblo. because they remove the cntitc of irritation of the iiiucuous iiicuihiitnc nnd bronchial tubes, assist thu lungs tu nL. nnd throw off the unhealthy see, i-noiis, and purify tho blood, thus buiciulficiilly making the cure perfect. Dr. Wishnrt nns on file nt his office hun dreds, nnd Thousands of Certificates, from men nml women of uiiitiestion.iblo cbarncicr who were once hopelessly given up to die, bit through tlio providence of God were com pletely restored to health by the 1'oie Tree Tar Cordial. A physician in attendance who can be consulted in person or by mail, free of chnrgn. Price of l'inc Tree Tar Cordial $1.5(1 per bottle, and SI 1,00 per doz. Sent by Kx pless on receipt of price. Address L. (. C. WISIIAUT, M. 1)., .o. North lid Street, l'hil'a. 1'a. Mny :M,'i0movn27. KW STOHE. The Biibscribrr hops lenve lo inform thp citi zens oi Hidgwny and vicinity that he lint: opened a store where mny be found 1'FHFUMKRY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET AKTICLKS. STATlOXIIItV, , FINK CON FECTION A U V. OVSTFJIS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in eonson. nl2 vltf J. R. EAIRD. A TTKXT10X MIL L 0 WNf RS .' fpiIE EAGLfc! TUItHINB WATER I WIIKEb. pntcnted only 30. PH. is superior to any wheel in use. The under, signed have the agency for said wheel in "he State ot Pennsylvania, and can recommend it us beiug the best manufactured. For further pniiiculars. and circulars, inquire nt our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings ami steam engines will be made to order at reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good share of public patronage. J. F. ROBERTSON, R. BE I, I. Kersey. Elk Co.. fa., jiiiilti 18liSpd. jglCKU & CAMEliON, Lesscs of the Mines of the Kersey Con Company. Miners and &hqnrs of. BITUMINOUS COALS ! Of Bupciior quality, for OAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC TURE OF IRON, SMITHING AND DOMESTIC USE. Arc proparcJ to receive Ordets and make cou tracts lor these well known coals. OFFICE, KERSEY, ELK CO.. PA. Kersey, Yn., March 12, 18H8. vlnl'lf. JF YOU WANT TO BUY CLOTIII.VG for the .Hi 1 1 ion Go to A. Dl'RLACHER, DKALEtt IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING TiOODS, HATS, CAPS, B0?TS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING I5AGS, &c. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, l'ENNA Jau218U8lypd CARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, Sc., done in n neat manner, and nt tho lowest i-kick, FOR CASH, nt the Elk Advocate Printing Office. Job I'uiNTiNd of every description do.ie promptly at this office, nnd in a style un equalled in this section of the State. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. -UNS, 1'isTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES 9T pocket and table cutlery, of the best quality and most, approved patterns, very cheap ut the Hardware Store ou Bibtrger's old corner io St. Mrry'g. NAILS, SPIKES, HINGES. RIVETS, locks, bobs, and all kinds ot builder's r aterinls in general can be bad cheaper nt the St. Mary's Hardware Store than nty other place in Elk oounrty. (n-8ti7) All orders ' for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly attended to an soon gs received, at the J2'67 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. SHERIFF'S. BALK BY VIRTUE of a writ of Linruri Furfnn issued out of the Court of Common Picas of Klk county. Pennsylvania, ninl to mo directed, I will pxini.se. to Pl'lHdC SALE, nt tlio Court Hon. in llidcjway, on Momlny, November 1, lKlis, tlio following described properly, io wit: Alt tin' following described tracts, ph.ccs or parcels of land nit unto i'l tho county of Elk, in tin- State of Pennsylvania, and known and described as follows: One tract of land known as number four thousand one hundred nnd twelve, situate in .Tones township, in said county of Elk. 1 it fjinnitifl nt a bcecli live, bcin-f tin northwest cotucr of said tract, thence south three hun dred and twenty pejehes to n maple, thence oast live hundred and twelve and seven-1 tenths porches to u hooch, thouce north three hundred nnd twenty porches to a birch, thence west live hundred and twelve and sevcn-tcnlhs pen lies to the pla -e of be ginning, surveyed on warrant in tho name of Samuel Wallace, and eontniniiux ono thousand and twenty-live and four-tenths ncros more or less. One other tract of land known as number four thousand one hundred and thirteen, situate in .limes township, Klk county, Pennsylvania, beinninij at a birch tree, the northwest corner of said tract, thence south three hundred and twenty porches to a hemlock, thence east, five hundred and twelve and seven-tenths perches to a beech, thence north three hundred and twenty perches to a beech, thence west live hundred and twelve and seven-tenths porches to the bc fjinninu;. Containing; one thousand and twenty-live aim four-tenths acres more or less, surveyed in name of " Samuel Wal lace." One other tract of bind known as number four thousand one hundred and ten situate in Itcii.iiiu'or township in said county of Klk. liciimiinr at a beech tree beiny tho north-west oi loner of the tract (four thousand one hundred anil ten) thence south three hundred and twenty porches to a boccb; thence oast live hundred and Ihiily-sK and seven-tenths porches to a hemlock, thence north three hundr.id and twenty perches to a rbcsliiut, thence west live hundred and thirty-six and seven-tents perches to the be ginning, surveyed on warrant to " Samuel Wallace " and containiinr ton hundred and soventy-thivo and fotir-teiilhs in res more or less. One other tract of land known as number four thousand one hundred and nine situate in I'cnzinicer township in said comity of Klk. Ucciiiniii!' at a chestnut tree, heiim the north-west corner of said tract, them e south three hundred and twenty porches to a hemlock, tliencc cast tour liuiulrcd anil ninety-cistht perdu slo a beech, thence north three hundred and twenty perches to a hemlock, thence west four hundred and iiinety-eig;lit perches to the hc(iiiuiu;. sur veyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace " and coutainiiiy; nine hundred and ninety six acres mote or less. One other tract of land known as number four thousand one hundred and lil'lcen situate in Henzingcr townMiip in said county of Klk. Jiiyiniiint; at a beech tree bciinjj the northwest corner of the tract, thence south three hundred and twenty perches to a beech, tlicnen cast live hundred and thirty six and seven-tenths perches to a post, thence north three hundred and twenty per ches to a hemlock, thence west live hundred and thirty-six and seven-tenths perches to the boginuiii; surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace." Containin; ono thou sand and .'event y-thrco andl'our-tenths acres more or less. One other tract of land known as number four thousand ono hundred andeiht situate in llonziiievr township in the suid county of Klk. Kc;;inniii tit a hemlock tree boiny the north west corner of said tract, thence south throe hundred and twenty porches to a post, thence east four hundred and ninety eight perches to a maple, thence north three hundred and twenty porches to a beech, thence west four hundred and niiiety-eibt perches to the beyinniiiy, surveyed on war ran to Samuel Wallace." Containing nine hundred and ninety-six acres mure or less. One oilier tract of land known as number fiiurthousand one hundred and sixteen (dilate sn licnziner township in said county of Klk. Beginning at a beech tree bein' the north west corner of said tract, thence south three hundred and twenty perches to a ma ple, thence cast live hundred and twenty four and seven-tenths porches to a hemlock, thence north three hundred and twenty per ches to a hemlock, thence west five hundred and twenty-four perches to the hivsjiniiin. surveyed on warrant to " Samuel Wallace." Containing ono thousand and forty-nine and four-tenths acres bo the same more or less. One other tract of laud known as number four thousand one hundred and six situate, in Henzingor township in said county of KB,-, Beginning: tt a beech tree, the north west corner of said tract, thence south live hun dred and eighty-four porches to a hooch, thence east four hundred and thirty-four perches to a birch, thence north live hundred and eighty-four perches to a beech, thence west four hundred and thirty-four perches the beginning, surveyed on warrant, to " Snmnul Wallace." Containing one thou sand live hundred and eighty-four and one tenth acres more or loss. One other tract of land known as number four thousand one hundred and live situate in Ilenzingor township in said county of Klk. Begitningat a post being the north west corner of said tract, thence south eighty one porches to n post, thence west one hun dred and forty-two perches, thence south thirty perches, thence west seventy porches to a post, thence south sixty-two porches to a post, thence east two hundred and sixteen perches to a post, thence south, lil'ly-six per ches to a post, thence west one hundred laid seventy-nine perches to a post, thence south sixty porches to a post, thence oast one hun dred and seventy-nine pen lies, thence south two hundrad and ninety-live perches to a birch tree (being the south east corner of said larger survay) thence west four hundred and thirty-eight, perches to a birch tree, thence north live hundred and eighty-four perches to a beech, thence east, four hundred and thirty-eight, porches to the place of be ginning being the unsold part of said larger survey in the name of " Samuel Wallace." Containing one thousand four hundred and twenty-one acres and allowannce more or less. ALSO the remaining or unsold part of one other tract of land known as number four thousand one hundred and four, situate in Benzinger township in said county of Klk. Beginning ut a birch tree being the south west corner of said tract, thence north two hundivd and ninety-live perches to land of Joseph Paulus, thence east one hundred und twelve perches tfi Oeorge Dumanu's land, thence south twelve degrees east two hun dred and seven perches to a post, thence castsixty-twojicrche.stoa post, thence north twelve degrees west two hundred and sixty seven peeclies to north St. -Marys road, thence easterly along 1 he same about eighty-seven perches to the south west corner of John O. liugler's land, thence noith two hundred and six pcrelics to a post, thence east one hundred and ninety-live and live tenths per ches to a hemlock, being the north east cor ner of the original survey, thence south one hundred nnd ninety-eight perches to John Kraikel's kind, thence west one hundred and twenty-seven perches to north St. Marys road, thence southerly along said road one hundred and six perches to the south west corner of Henry SU pheu's land, thence eiut LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. one hundred nnd twenty porches tn a post, thence south ono hundred nnd fifty-uifjht perches to a post, thence west eif,dity-cinht porches to north St. Marys roud. "thence southerly nlonjr said rond ihirty perches to a post. , thence east eighty-two perches to a post, thence south sixty perches to John Uriel's bind, thence west throe hundred nnd thirty-seven perches to n post, thence south twenty-live porches to n post, thence west ninety-nine perches to the lioinnin.u;, surveyed on warrant in tho name of " Sam uel Wallace."' Coiitiiiiihinine hundred nml ninety-nine news and allowance more or less. (Inc. other tract of land known ns number four thousand four hundred and one situate in l'cn:inior township in said cotiniv of K.Ik. l?i'K'",i'',U n beech tho north west, corner of said tract, thence south four bundled lie (dies to a beech, thence cast, four hundred porches to n beech, thence oast four hundred and six perches, thence north one hundred and sixty-five porches to a post, thence case twenty-eight perches to a post, thence north two hundred and sixty-live perches to a birch, 11 enee west four hundred nnd thirty four porches to tho beginning, being part of said larger survey in the name of ' James Wil-on." Containing one thousand and lifty six acres and allowance more or less. Ono other tract of land known as number four thousand four hundred mid three situate in Boiizingertowiiship in said county of Klk. Beginning tit a beech tree, beiug the north west corner of said tract, thence south one hundred and forth-five perches to a birch i tree, thence west one hundred and thirty- j two porches to a hemlock, thence south onn j hundred and ninety-five perches to a beech, thence cast live hundred and thirty-eight perches to a post, thence north three bun-: died and forty perches to a post, thence west four hundred and six perches to the begin- . nivg. Containing nine hundred and seventy nine and live tenths acres and allow, nice j more or less, and being so much of said lar- I ger survey in tho name of '.lames Wilson." : AIjSO a part of ono other tract of land i known as number four thousand four lieu-: ! drcd and two in the name of " James Wil- ! sou." Beginning nt a birch tree tho north' west corner corner of said survey, theucu south throe hundred and sixly-iivc perches I to John Ivcrcher'slnnd. thence east two hur- 1 drill and thirty-nine perches (o St. Paul's j road, tliencc south along said road to a post, j thence east one hundred and seventy-eight .perches to a post, thence north two huud'ivd and ninety-live porches to a birch, being the north east corner of the original survey. wiciicc vtcsi nun- iiuiidi'eii anil i iiiriy-eignc perches to the place ol beginning. Con taining six hundred and eighty-throe and live tenths acres and alh'wanee more or less. ALSO part of one other tract of bind warranted in the name of ' James Wilson" and known as number four thousand and cigty-iiiiie. Beginning at a birch being tlio north west corner of warrant as aforesaid, thence south two hundred and ninety-live porches to a post on Paulr.e Kleinmcyer"s land, thence cast sevonty-thivo perelns to Oeorge. Seedier' s laud, (hence north one hundred perches to the north west corner of Henry (iroce's laud, tliencc cast twenty-six perches to a post, being the south west cor ner of Wolfgang Si hitltcnhoper's la, id. thence north one hundred and live-five per ches to the warrant line, tliencc west ninety nine perches to the place of beginning. ( o.i taining one hundred am! sixty-three and livo tontlis acres and allowance more or less. ALSO a part of other tract of laud war ranted in the name of Samuel WaBace." known as number four thousand one hundred and throe situate in Beic.iugcr township in said county of Klk. Beginning at a hem lock, being the northwest corner of said tract, thouce souih one hundred and ninety eight porches to a post on John Iiraikcl's laud, thence east one hundred and twenty four porches to a post, thence south thir ty perches to a post, thence east three perches to a post, thence south forty-live perches to a post. being the souty cast corner of land of Henry Stephen, thence west one hundred and forty-six perches perches to a post on the westerh original tract line, thence south one hundred and lil'ty-cight porches to a post, thence cast, one hundred and eighty two perches to a post, thence south thirty porches to a post, tliencc west one hmi.licd and i ighty-two porches to a post, thence south sixty perches to a post. ( hence east one hundred and ninety-: even porches to avenue 1! " thence south about lil'tecen perches to the southern original line of the ! met. thence east one hundred and iliirty four perches to a beech. I cing the south east corner of tho original survey, thence north five hundred and ei;;'hty-four crdics to a post being the north east corner of the original tract, thence west four liuiidn d and thirty-four perches to the beginning- con taining one thousand four hundred and live tenths acres and allowance mor or less. A I.SO another piece or parole of land in Benzingor township Klk county, part of a tract surveyed on warrant to Williclm Willink and olhers. Beginning at a post on the Kschbach road and on the western warrant line of number four thousand nine hundred and ninety, thence south one hun dred and sixty perches lo the south east cor ner of tract number four thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, thence west two hundred and lifty perches to to a post, thence north one hundred and sixty perches to a post ou Kschbach road, thouce cist two hundred and fifty perches to the beginning. Containing two hundred and fifty acres more or less and being numbers thirteen, fouvfren, tiftocn. sixteen and seventeen on Kschbach road in the plan of St. Marys. ALSO a tract of land in J'ouzinger town ship in sain county of Kl!t, situate o:i south St. .Marys road. Beginning at a post on said south St. .Marys road, being the north west corner of Marthias Welleudoi-rs laud, thence cast one hundred and eighteen per ches to a post on (Jcrhard Si lueiiing's lot, thence north fifty-four degrees west one hun dred and fifty-four porches lo south St. Marys road, tliencc south along south St. Marys road sixty perches to the beginning. Containing twenty-two acres more or iess. ALSO iinot her piece or parcel of land, in Ben.inger townshiji Klk county, situate on avenue " II." Beginng at a post on avenue 15 " being tho northwest corner ol" Jacob Kricg's lands, thence north HS degrees, cast Bw.'j porches to a post ou the eastern line of tract number 4101, thence north 4'i perches to a post ou avenue ' B," thouce south sixty inrelics to the beginning, and containing 41! acres, and being eight and nine on avenue "U" ou tho map of St. Marys settlement. ALSO, a tract of land in Benzingcr (own ship, Klk county, Pennsylvania, or a part of a tract beginning at a maple on the south west coiner of tract iiiimbe four thousand nine hundred and id, thouce oast two hun dred porches to a post, thence north three hundrcd-iind twenty perches to a post, ou tho northern line of tract number four thou sand nine hundred and sevctity-.six, thence west lii'ty-iive porches to a post, the south cast corner of the Hoselay tract, thence west one. hundred and forty-five perches to a. post, on the western line of tract number four thousand nine hundred and seventy-six, thciicu soulh ninety-three porches to the place of beginning, containing two hundred acres, and being part of larger survey in the iienie of William Willink, and known as number four thousand nine hundred mid seventy six. ( mo other tract of laud situate in Penzin ger towuship, Klk county, Pennsylvania, known as four thousand ono hundred and seven, beginning- at a hunlock tree, the north west corner of said tract, thence mulli thitto hundred perches to a Letch, thcin! LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. cast five hundred nnd twelve and seven tenths perches to a beech, thence north three hundred and twenty perches to a beech, thence west five hundred and twelve line seven tenths perches to a beech, thonco north three hundred and twenty perches to a beech, tneneo west five hundred and twelve and seven tenths perches to the place of he ginning, and surveyed in the name of Samu el Wallace, containing one thousand and twenty live and four-tenths acres, more or less. A LSO, one other tract, piece or parcel of land situate in Benzingcr township. Klk county. Pennsylvania, adjoining the town of St. Marys, being part of a tract of land sur veyed ou wurront to William Willink and known as four thousand four hundred and seven. Beginning nt a post on St. Paul s road, being the north east corner of Ploiian Schralzeustaller's land, thence south three south three hundred and sinty purchen to a. post the northwest coiner of George Ilassel barger's lot, thence east fifty-eight perches to a post, tho southwest corner of Henry Steinberg's lot, thence north ono hundred nnd thirty-four perches to the line of the Monster road, thence east along said road line sixty porches to a post, the southwest. corner ot -Michael Bnllais' land, thence north one hundred and thirty four perches to the northwest corner of Michael Ballais' land, thence east one hundred and twenty porches to the line of Cross street, thence north sixty six degrees west, one hundred and thirty perches to the place of beginning, containing two bundled and twenty acres, more or less, ALSO, one other piece or parcel of land situate in Bonzinger township. Klk county, beginning at a maple, luing the southwest corner of tract number four thousand nine hundred and seventy six. thence south one hundred and sixty perches to the line of Kschbach road, thence west twenty-live pen-lies lo a post, thence north one hundred and sixty porches to the line of I'mxePos mad. thence east twonty-iivo perches to the place of beginning, containing twenty-live acres, and being the eastern half of iiniiibcr thirty f mr on Bruxc'les road in the plan of the settlement of St. M.irys. A I.SO. one other piece or parcel oflal'd situate in Be-.izingcr townshij . Klk county. Pouusylalin. on Bruseiios r.i..d, beginning at" a post on said road, thence south one lutuih-cd and sixty perches to the line oi' Kschbach ro.,d. tliencc wist twenty-live perches to a post, thonoo north one hui'iilrcil and si.rty lier-.-hes to a nosl on I'l-iixcll.-s i roan, lliencc ca it 1 went', hvo j en to the liegr.ining. containing t winty live acres, and being the western half of number " thirty " on Iiruxellcs roan in ihe dan of the .settle ment of St. Marys. A LSO. one other piece or parcel of land situate in Benzi'iger towu-'hip. KB; county, Pennsylvania, containing thirty four acre's, and boiujf part of warranl number four thousand four hundred and eight. A LSI ), one oilier piece or i, a reel f bind mil ni Beuzinger township. Klk county. Pennsyl vania, containing one hundred and seven acres, and being part of warrant number four thousand four hundred ami seven. ALSO, one other piece or parcel of lam! situate hi Benzingcr t owm hip. Klk county, Pennsylvania, containing t-,veiily-n:ue acre's, and being part of warrant number four thousand four hundred and seven. A LSO. one other tract of land survey: d on warrant in the nemo of, lames Wilson, known as four thousand three hundred ami seventy four, si! eale in Pox township, Klk county. IVimsylva'nii. Beginning at a beech the northwest corner of warrant num ber four thousand throe bumbeil am" seventy four, thence south four perches to Bideway road. 1l:cnce souih e.vsbnly nloug 1hc ssimc about one hundred and ihirty eight perches to a post ihe northeast coi-nei- of P.'tricl Smith's Ifi.tn!. thence south two hundred and lifty porches to ii po.-.t on the soutlurn origi nal tract line, thence ens! one hundred per ches to a post on laud of of William Bmck bank, thence north two hundred :md thirty peicl.es ton port on the Lidgway ro.ni, iheiice north wester:;,- along the .siuie line about sixty four perches (o the wi stern iine Michael Backer's land, i hence leu ; !i i : i ; ( .-porcl-es to the origin, i! ! r,,rt l::;o moilhi i n . thence west two hundred lcrda.- lo ii.e I'l.: if bo inning, conl-ituing two 1-indrod urn SIX i half ' i.; It of civhos and :,': m alloc, one other trin i o-' land hip, l.ik con: ty. ! Vun i war:-..!il in ihe name and knewd as i::iinbi-i vent;,' seven, begin. dii" ALSO, a situate in l-'o:; tow syiv.iuia. surveyed of SatlllK 1 V;-!l:ic( font- thousand and at a Mlgar iree. being the soe.thwi vt corner ol tuo original survey, theme teeth one huntired and ten perches to Ike. M;ind;-r Company's laiuls, thoocceaM live hundred and sixty five erehes to ihe o:isu-r:i iine of the original survey, thence south one hun dred and ten pitches to a posi. lbs south east corner of the original survey, tliencc west one hundred aid sixty porches to a beech on the. Kersey mill tract, thenco north lil'iy-'.ive ) erelies to a post ain't stones, being t he non hi a st corner of the Ktrsey mill iraci. liience we.M two liiiudred and sixty live perches to a pile of stones, thence south fifty live percl-.es to a hemlock on the south ern line of the original survey, thence west one hundred and forty perdu s to the begin ning. containing two hundred and ninety six acres and, allowiuce. more orli-.s. ALSO, a part of ohc other tract of nnd in pox township hi said county of Klk. sur veyed on warrant in the name ol'Saniud Wallace, and known as. number four thous and and seventy eight, and beginning at a sugar tree the northwest corner of said sur vey, thence south one hundred am- twenty pi lches lo a beech, tho northwest corner of Lionel's land, thence oast ninety seven per ches a maple, thence south ninety eight perches to t lie iiidgway road, thenco' south oosterly along (lie road forty five per-hes to a post on the wcsleru line oi' Daniel Hyatt's land, thouce north two hundred and twenty perehisto a hemlock, thenco wesl one hun dred and foity perches to the place of be ginning, containing one hundred and eighty six and a half aires and oliowance, more or less. A LSO, one ether piece of a foresaid f mot, beginning at a post on the eastern lino of the original survey, about thirty perches north of thu Bidgway road, thence north one hitndrnd and twenty four pi relies to a hemlock, theme west sixty perches to a post, thence south thirty four porches to a post, t Ill-Hi e west sixteen perches to a hem lock, thence south ninety perches to a post, thence ca.-t seventy six perches to the begin ning, containing gfty live acres and allow ance, more or less. ALSO, one other piece or parcel of land in Pox township in said county of Klk. being' part of tract surveyed on warrjnt to Samuel Wallace, and known as four thousand and eighty ono, beginning at a post ou the north east corner of said original survey, theneo south about one hundred perches to a post, thence east iilsmt ono hundred and eight perches to a hemlock, tin m e south sixty four perches to a hemlock, thef.ee east nine ty seven pcrclrtM. to a post, thence north one hundred and sixty live perches to tho north ern lino of the original survey, thence west two hundred and live perches to tho begin ning, containing one hundred and live acies, more or less. A LSC, u part of one other tract of land in Fox township in said county of Klk sur veyed en warrant in the name of Samuel Wallace, and known as number four thous and and eighty two, beginning at a poBt be. : nig tlio southwest corner ot saiit largo sur- , vey, inenoo east two Hundred and five pcr- dies to a post, thence north thirty five pcr- LECXL ADVERTISEMENTS. dies to n post, thence west ninety perches to a heecl0thcnee north seventy live perches to a post on the lino of tho Minister lands, thonco west one hundred and fifteen perches to a post, thenco south one hundred mid ton perches to tlio beginning, containing ninety eight and eight tenths acres and allowance, more or less. ALSO, one other piece or parcel of tho same tract, beginning lit a beech, being tlio northeast corner ot said original tract num. her four thousand and eighty two, thonco south three, hundred and fort, eight perches to a hemlock, thence west ninety eight per ches to a beech, thence north eighty two perches fo a beech, thenco e ist, twentv- tbree perches to a beech, thence north one hundred and ninety nine perches to a post, thenco west one hundred pen lies to a ost on the line of the Monster company's lands, sheneo north sixty seven perches to a post on the northern line of the large survey, tliencc cast one hundred and seventy five perches to the beginning, containing two hundred and thirty three and a half acres and allowance, more or less. ALSO, a part of one other tract of land in the township of Fox, In said county of Klk. surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace, and known as four thousand and eighty seven, beginning at a beech the northwest, corner of said tract, thence oast one hundred and sixty perches to a post, thonco south sixty porches to a post, thenco oast sixty perches to a post, thence south two hundred nnd thirty six and a half perches to the St. Ma rys and Centreville road, thence northeast wardly along said rond about fifty perches to a post the northwest corner of 'Jeremiah Spillane s land, thence south fifty-two per ches to the southern line, of the original sur liieMce wort ninety four perches, theneo north fifty two perches to a beach the north east corn-'r ol a tract ol laud lido-V'-nig to Oeorge Wi is, thenco west one hundred and eighty eight perches (o a hi r.iiock on t!,e western line of the original survey, -on thonco north three, hundred end forty eight l ercl-.es to the piece of beginning, contain ing four bundled and sixty acres ami allow ance, more or less. A LSI a part of one other tract of laud in Fox township. Klk county. Pennsylvania, sjirvcyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace an 1 known as unnibcr fourtho'iasaiid and eighty eight, bcrinni".-; at a brick the southeast corner of said tract, thence wo.-t "ivlity bin perches to a l.i'vh. thence north forty three porches r-.i a m.i(. thou---o c-i.-t lifty .--W per ches to a post, tliencc north forty seven per ches to a her.docl-. thence vest l!l';y fix porches to a htmlock. thence north forty porches to a po. 1, thenco east eighty two perches to the eastern o-igintd line of the survey, thence south one hundred r: ml 1 1 ; i -- I tv perches to the beginning, enntaiuini'- til'tv acr-'s and allowance, more or less. ALSO, another piece or pared of lard in nis town-lo hlk count v, i'c'.i on. ni' ' part of a tr-H t surveyed on s Wilso", and known as nmnb-'i- on and and ninety siv. beginning at aim the north east eo'-ii. r of the free e south about forty four pen ! es to tl ike ro id. thence n.-rt Invest wardly -.'... ror.d about two hundred and til'tv. tlioui bein; '. 1.1'!:: t urn; said crchos to t no southern line of I ract iinnd-ei four thousand and ninety seven, (hence oasl about t wo bundri d and two perches lothc beginning, containing twenty tight acres. aim neiug ui;.i part oi i r.u r number toui j thousand and ninety si.-;, iyi,i:i north ot the MPoshurg rial Smethport turnpike road. ALSO, a part of one other tiaet of hind iv. i'o-; tnwn.-hip, Klk "Vamnty, Penn-ivh-nn ". xiirveyiid on warrant to Samuel Wallace, and known as number four thousand air' liiiii-ly-seven. P-e:. inning at a hendocj: be ing toe north ea'-t- corner of s.iid tr-.n t. thence j smith four hundred pen-he.- io a beech ihe s mthcast corner of a!d Iraih. theme west iour hundred and, thirty four parches to a leech, being the soon, west corner of said tract, (hence north one hundred and. thirl v 1 perches to a po- t loit '. c ; oat'.a-i"i lino of ' l-'r.mcis .cliuka's l.r.id. liieneo on t 'iffy live i iii-vohos to tin li' wroa.'l. !! ni'-.- iort!iwan!';.- ) i r.i.ont iv i'.-i'mIi""! and rigli- I 1 i ! in- ;i. H-! liei-n o- i -inal line along said road tv three perdi-a-of the tract, the Ion pe-.ahes to 'doe hundred a: Mice more or 1" ALSO; a pert in Pox towiivhi : e east f : hundred ai d ii" '-":: la-ling. Co::t . i ; j I ; ; 1 li.-'ly-si-; ;,ci..'S and ail.nv- I oi on" oti'iT tract in s.ii-.l comil y of of hid IB; snr oo, and nine! v- vi veil o.i wire ut to Samuel Wad! ! known as nuno't r f Hii-toou ind an ight. B.'giunia.g at a hcml .ast corm.r of said tract, th hundred perches to a post, th i toe si-i;i, ance norfli two IICH West four niiiil'-ed alio Innty perches to a iu-niloel--. il.eiice southwardly along- the new road about two hundred and twenty junches to that sol-thorn line of the warrant, thenco east io the beginning, containing five luindse-l and i thirty acres and allowance, more or less. J OX K o-her tract of land situate in iiidg-' way township. Klk county. i-;:n--;, l-.-.od'i. and surveyed upon warra.it lo James Wil son, and known as number four tkousard threc iiiiinlri d ai'.i seventy fly 1,1 .runn at a beech t he north oast corner o!' said i rac, (hence west five hundred and 1 went v--four perches to a beech, thence south throe hun dred nr.d twenty pcrcho-i to the beginning, containing one' thottsmd and foity-eight, acres and allowance more or less. One other tract- of land in Iiidgway town ship in said county of Klk, survey il o:i warrant to James Wilson number four thous and three hundred and seventy-six. Begin ning at a bceeh the north oast'ooi ner of said tract, theneo west live hundred and ten !,cr elios to a post, (heneo south three h in id red cud twenty porches to a beech, (hence east live hundred and ten porches to a beech, thence north three hundred and twenty per ches to tho beginning, containing- one thous and tvvonty acies und allowance more or less. One other tract of hind in Kidgway town, ship Klk county, surveyed o i wai'rant o James Wilson number four tin ".isaud three hundred and St'veiity-sev, n. Beginning -, a beech the north cast corner f' said tract theme west live hundred and tei: pen-ht. u a hemlock, thence smith three hundred a in twenty perches to a post, thenco oast live hundred and ton porches to a beech, thenew I north three hundred and twenty iierchcs ; the 1 egiiiuing, containing one thousand an-L twenty acres and allowance more or lest. ALSO, a part of one othertract of laud in Bidgway township in said county of Klk, survcycuon warrant lo. lames il; in, known as number lour thousand throe hundred and eighty-nine. Beginning at a beech tree be ing the north west corner of said large sur vey, thence oast along the line of said sur vey three hundred and twents porches to a post, thence south about twenty degrees east, by the Brookville road one hundred and seventy-live perches more or less to a post, thouce wot about thirty porches to a en cumber corner, thenco south one hundred and lifty.six perches to Hid original line of said survey, thence west, along said linn three hundred and sixty-three porches to the south west corner of said tract, thence north three. Hundred and twenty perches to the hi ginning, containing six hundred and eighty-four mid live tenths acres and allowance more or less. Ono other tract of hind being part of tract known as number four thousand three hun dred and ninety, warranted in tho name of J allien Wilson and situate in Bidgway town ship in said county of Klk. Beginning at a beech tree the south west corner of survey on warrant four thousand three hundred anil ninety, thonco north one hundred tuul ten perches to the Minister land, thenco cast two hundred peaches to a post ou Michael LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS- Baker land, tliencc south one hundred and ton perches to a post on the southern line of the warrant nnd thenco west two hundred perches to the beginning, containing one hundred and thirty-seven and live tenth acres and allowance more or less. It. being intended to convey hereby only being so much of tho land within the boun daries above described as was sold June 11, A. I). If til", by James Coyno Treasurer of Klk eouiith to sundry persons for the unpaid taxes of the years 1WH and W nnd con veyed to saiii pcesons by deeds as follows viz : 1st to Albert Willis for warrant 41-1(12:; ceres Jones township. 2d to Albert "Willi for warrant No. 4113-10i8 ticiew Jones township. !!d to Albert Willis for warrant number 411 1-1(120 acres Benzingcr township. 4th to Albert W libs for warrant number 4Cf)-()!i2 acres Benzingcr township. alh to Albert Willis for win rant number 410!l-!M)(i seres, Pieiizingor township. Cth to Albert Willis for warrant number 411". Beitzinger township, Oil!? acres. 7th to Albert Willis for warrant number 410S, renzinger township, !);Mi acres. 8th To Albert. "Willis for warrant number 41 Id, Benzingcr township, 101!) and ono tenth acres. '.Hh to Ab :t Wi'lis for vr'trnt. number 4101!. Benzingcr township. 14 !2 :;cv,.s. K'th to Albert Willis for warrant number 410", Bi nzhigor (owic-bip. .!!'(! acres. 11th to Albert Wi'lis. for warrant number 4101. Benzingcr township. (i-JIJ acres. Ifih to L. II. Kicholtz. for warrant num ber Mill, Benzingcr township. 101(1 acies. ll'.lh to Albert Willi.--, for warrant number -iUW, Bi iciuer township, !M) acres. I'.ih to Albert. Wiilis. for warrant number i-!f.' Ber.zin.ger township. " '(! acres. fill to Ooorgc l-ctg-nr for variant num ber i''.".1. Benzingcr tov. nship. 1-12 acres. Kth to Albert Vi'iiiis. lor warrant number 110:1. 'VnJt-ger iov.whtp. !"7 neres.' 17th to Al'iert Willi-' for 20t acres jCsch l.aeh ro:nl. lioitzirigyr tow.i-hiti. ISO, to ,io;cph Wiihelm. for CO cies, St. .Marys mini, i'.enzin r (own-hip. !!!(U io Oeorge Wcis. for IS acres, aveir.io B, v.nrrar.t number .1 tOl, Bi.-iiziner two. Will to Albert Willis, for warrant inimljoe .lilVt. Benzi'iger towu.--.hip. Cf'O acres. "M.-t to Albert Willi", for v hi i ant Lumber IK'7, lien-'.inger towti-Oiip. Win a'-res. C-M to I,. It. Kieh.ut., warmr Is uuir:- hers 1 !0! a: acres, ";!.! in Ail sells road in 2!ili to L Bos; l--.v n v. 2'ih to !' ! lit"-. Peiizi wth to ; d -lib's1. Beiizk'.ecr towia.hin SO rl in.is fir "0 Benzingcr tow nship. II. Kicho'.l.. for ii I in lb nziugrr tow nd :"T ;-e Weis. I'm vrrra ".el- township. Ii-! nco o:-.c Wi is tor v a: r:o it is 1 U7. Ban .an ger fown-.hb lb', ;., i- v. arrant ir.:.:b:-r I 'i v:i to i -0-..-C i ts l , I 1100. p.T..Iup-rtowr.sb:; ! 2-.ii io i,. II. Kieho'd.i-. I her -di, i. Pov township, i VnU to -,. II. Kicholtz . I bar lO'I I. I 'lis ton nship. :sn;h to L. IL Kh-h-i'dz. j I oi- 101 '. Pox t a.v, nsho . ' :! ! to L. 11. Kid.okz. ma i s. valiant nun: :ic: cs. f.-r wa.i i int lii ;ii'! cs. for wai-ianl i'i acre-;, for warrant (.'." acres, or v.-1 is. d ! 40-!. l-'o -c towns!:!-,. ::Cd to L. II. Kieh-.h. '- :'"a':". i'o..; (own.-.hi,.. b's.d lo L. L. II. Mi-boil r Ol:;?. Pox towu-diio. "lib to L. II. Kich.-ltz. t Itl-', Fox towiishif. tl'-tii io L. H. Kiel f !!z. . or wari 1 acres. r w.ai i". acres, i w a I !Y. :t. m:in- llf. l.Uln- i'aCi, Fox to-,v!ls ip. 2S aci cs. l to L. r.ich.illv.. for wo-. num. oat. num t numbci- bar !0' Po O'V ? hi o, ,'f',-- ;n res. holtz. fir wan- 2, ;ii to bar I'll '-si. Utah to -i::; -. ;:id. :'.!a ii to ioi'l. Bal -'O;',! lo -.)- i-ia L. '.I. tin to Albert .. ivay ii lin 1 1 ;w iy I A :iu al fuship. Wil'is. cvnslii Wi'ii- I'V' acres, f-n- warrau aci es. arrant numb-' or v. Ii.'s '1V11S . ii' M' . tor v.-1 1" in'. ;u;i:ii'i-i' '. ":i.!. .- : M to Mia at ' '. Lidgw iy ii-d and lab. ,i-. i'nc laoi.-cr ilere a I i .1 : c: i s. on. it nnnib. o.hi; ir. -a of C to 1 , i tiiii. ii i , ii; cot Orricr., Oct. !.. I I Bid 1 sV. ! '1 l I'd!' !' : j H...1. s r LA M A I .'"hiistai Ol1!,... ioi f tlie P. no III.'.'. Wacii' I'resi.b"!! .1 I .1 -..(. Kyb-r ; I !iinri i r Hun i. i-I. r. si ei.iie -lodges . () ) h ins' i'ciii-1 i-iai -lid debvci A i ver ,ni i 'f v, inr i (i.. ii i am i ll oi-. anil Ut ! et .-an.oii ni r K.k. 'i.y t!-,. ive on! a ed i Icild.ai at l!nl ether uffeiin's in the county pr -ip.li1 in hi e ihl-i-en-l. I a n r-ib'l n.-iai".t t'.iiins hi h von , in 'iicl l-'ir-l .Moio 1-1 day. of the 1. Niii ice is ties tor i- i.f "iilti I'V '. ilia Nnv nm'H y 0K !o Il jr tile I I I he V l td. . icr. .1 ii-O :c, s.iul i-iaint , laai.-oi I. d io 1 i".-..eiis i:,-. il be :-ciii ima 11,0 I'i.I-i, di of t In-e-iaits c. . ileal i . livi'li Ii of th" Peace, nml thai they in- by t i Ii ii" i ni-ii auo i ai-r-' in lieu- pro ten o'c od;, A . M , of dd (j roil, ri conls nid iinoii-ifini,.;. l!ll'lilli-.l!l-CS. ill do !l!o-.i! aM. iilliecs appi'i-iiiin lo he ihme .1 usi ii'C - of s.i i I e.i-iM y uiji iu i'l' will: tl.. -lied oiler a-. Uaiidl lllci. Hint laai si-. I'd in as ir a'd I ei-oii-. n in "- e.i i .a e.i into a, a V" I ham. ' o i ha A-s,. iiil,1v ri ii re h.oilld i i r shall be in (' of lin- Con, !. n per ,:,. ,, i 'bh is;'. .. ,.,-,, ., lit a ihe i ri-aiie, s i h.-u ni-,. i M I'i' I II" ind ut i lie con of i again nun lo i I lo-ai be ! In n us .di.-lit mid i here I o pru- ei-ii just. JACOB. lc(' October 1C, i, LI.V, S!i Ili.l-war. PA'foONI.K lliiMl: LNhf 1 1 1; i id.s. FLO U ft, TEED AND GR.A!..'. r;t!ii-: Sllbsci ibc.-s I a-1 f. Ni CO II) dan-, ople ' l iii,.;, ev t. risl ,l . i '" llo'V till! Slll- pr-.'pun-il In I'uriilsli th roiniiliiig eouiiirv nil h if Flour cf tlie 3-sst mi l Di their own inaiiufaelnre, Qnality nt tin; h,ft" i aid olio ih market rates. 'J'lie iiiioiil'on of bi'idwiiieii is culled lu our laeihtirs l,.r Iheni with lui'llisliiii:; I j -::) or mj, av i.S. any I l"' "1" ' ""i" u "an ne ioii -j. Ii t. place ni tiiu coiii.rv. ItiJ' Cash i n von (Ih.mn- J. S. in;. J. v. 1 1 one. I. K. lll'I'.MOiti' N "velo'wl- 7. ISbTtf CEN-RtVILLE 7IN-QKOP. "lOtlN .Al. U (lesbes i lku kKlWlt tu the ehhei.H of (Viiireviile ami I lei siirroo.iiibiig coiilflrv that he 1,,, i,.t,.. il,,. j shop formerly (m " MoPuuh'v s ('. ciipicl l,y It. J. Mnloiiey, ou oi l.er in ( ', oi n. villi. .. ...I urn Ha dopes hy paying strict niteiiiion lo his business mid H, vvniits of his ciisliMiiers, lo iiierit llmir palioiiiigu in hi line. Bo will Kelp on liiiinl ii hi! go nnd well utliicleJ u:,.oi t mcni nt iTiu mul iu'rt-i'e-!t W'nvt, of his own limiiiifiicluie. wliicli he will warrnnt to bo of ihe best (pnihij. 1 1 i.-s stock consists of everything iliut is uselul in the t,iiwme but) about u h. UMi. 1 ask a fuir trial, and if my work docs not give fcutisfuotioa, my oustnuiers will not ba obliged to take- it. JOHN WAl'lli. Bcpltklf. ti- ol !ior