The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 24, 1869, Image 3

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    Tocnl and Miscellany
Car Time lit
Erie Express East
12:4." ft. m.
HiMl a in.
fi: I A p. m.
3:10 p. in.
do no w mi.
do M(l East...
do do West...
Local Freight East.
0:40 n. in.
5:311 p. in.
do uo w est ,
Elk lodge, A. Y. M
Stilted nicetincs of Elk' Lodge
will lie
Veld at their liall on tlii second
amt lorn ui
Tuesdays of cncli mmlli.
t 0. G. T.
Th. Tlocridnr merlins' of nidgwsy T.odne.
No. 250. hold every
.... - r -
Wednesday evening hi
C. K. i'kf.mxk. Secy.
tlieir Lodge Room.
The following named persons nra nntliorized
agents for the A'luocatr to receive subscrip
tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there
for and give receipt.
Wilcox. A. T. Amuuch, J. L. Knows.
Knno. Fhask W. Mr.r.cK.
.lolinsonsburg. Isaac Haoas.
:St. Maty. Chas. MtVkar.
'Ccnirevillc Homkh B. Lkach, Maj. 1'ritKK.
Caledonia. W. T. Smith, 1. A. Wki.
Bennciette. John C. Bard, J. W. DnnwK.
Shnwmut. John FAtinun.
Spring Creek. A. V. Iavts.
H ghland. Levi Ellothohtb.
nortnn. D. C. OvTKtt, N. M. TlnocKWAT.
' GoVKllNOH. Sl.'l'llKMK C KT.
tj n I J a
PIBTItlCTS. fif ' I si "'
I 3 3
i ? M t
Betiezette...i 1H 03 Hi 03
Benzinger...; 203 8 i 195 71
Fox : 1i I 78 l'l 7
Highland... li 13 " 1:1
Ilorton 101 29 : 103 :t!t
.Tav 40 Ti ! 41 75
Joic-s ! 4!t 02 49 '13
Bidgwav....' 4 7! I 93 79
Soring Creek i 21 32 I 20 :.l
St. Marys.... 10 21 j Hi 7 25
Total ! OiW 475 ' 9:!M 405
7AssV.llll.V ' TllKASi: til.H.
s? p zT ? si.
P- ? .3 &
B.iiezcac. 55 124 : ; I '.".I 52 .
Benzinger... Kit HI : ! 18 74
Fox 57 102 : j I V! 11
Highland ! 11 : 7 l:t
llortoii ' S3 51 ; 101 41
.lav 13 105 : 4i! 71
Jones 1 ..(! 48 : 52 (10
Bidgway ...I 100 5!l : 5:! 122
Spring ( 'reek; 13 7 : 15 37
St. Marys...; 1112 71 : 101 :!0
Total IW2 705 ... 01 x 511
I'KOT. ; Co.M.MlsslllNKIlS.
-' h T. "-1
Bcnczctte... 117 H 48 II 7:! 5(i 70 07
IifiiziiiKfr.. .'.ifa 10101 15K h .. :!i 34
Fox... 140 8(1 Hi 17 7! ..111 141
Highland...! 7 13 7 7i:!
lloitoii . ! 90 34 78 75 30 8 31 2
.lav 37 4 14 10 7S . . !IS 28
.lime 5 57 53 5:i 50 2 4S . . .
Iti.ltfwav ... OS 7(t 70 70 70 .. 22 17
8l)iiii('ivek 20 !13 20 20 :!2 21
Pt. Marys... 171 M 125 125 21 24 (!4 01
Total 021... I ...
Total vote ou Conimissioiifr Volhuer,
W0 ; Warner, 5S5; Johnsoii, 472; Green,
111: Jones. 410; Hitter. 37(1.
Prothonotary total vote for M'Yuan, 48!).
TSeuezette. . .
llenzinger. ..
Highland . . .
llulgway . . .
Spring Creek
ft. Marys. ..
Vain people tuiuera.
Fee-males Lawycn.
Doughuiains Bakeries.
Waterproofs Soundings.
Oculai Punishment Eye-lasbes.
Past freighaJines Blocked trains.
A pair of tigh's Two drunkards.
A work of arl a fashionable lady.
A favorite word with women tho
The best thing. io the bed of the ocean
The sheet-aoolior.
It a young lady bids you take heart,
does it mean that you can' take hpr?
Don't sleep with your coat on, or its nap
and your will be taken together.
It" is Shid irouically, perhaps tlwt
LlacksinitUs forge and steel every day.
A dandy on shore is di'nstin fo many
people, but a swell of '.ho t-ea sickens every
5- ? ?
. - l- '
" -i r?
-s r J'
47 (SO 74 43 ..
161 1 HI 1(11 ..
15 73 137 14 ..
7 13 .. 7 ..
80 3.1 28 75 7
12 7(1 27 ....
52 (50 .. 52 2
79 74 13 ' 7!) 20
19 84 .. 20 24
137 .. 43 i::g ..
I 609 423 355 S87 53
BYVIKTUEofawntor wr;r( Fitr.inii
insned out of the Court of Common
1'lens 01 conniy, i-ennnyivanin, snn to
hip directed, I will x)0e to TUHLIO
SALE, at the Court House In Kidgway, on
.Monday, November ), 1HH,
the followiiiR desorigeil projHTty, to wit:
AH tlio following (loscribivl tructo. rioces
or paiwls of land situate in llio eoiiiity of
hlk, in tlio Mate r I'ennsylvauta, and
known nnd doscrilied as follow:
One tract of land known as numlier four
thousand one humh-ed and twelve, situate in
Jones township, in said county of F.Ik, lc
ginning nt. a lieech tree, U'lng the northwest
cot nor of said tract, thence south three hun
dred and twenty perches to n maple, thence
east live hundred anil twelve nnd seven
tenths perches to a Ix-ech, thence no'rtli
tlin-e hundred and twenty iierchr.s to a
ljircli, thence west live hundred nnd twelve
and seven-tenths perches to the pla.-W of be
Cinuing, surveyeil on warrant in the name
of Samuel Wallace, and containing one
thousand and twenty-live and four-tenths
acres more or less.
One other tract of land known as number
four thousand one hundred and thirteen,
situate in Jones township, Elk muni v,
Pennsylvania, beginning at a birch tree, the
northwest corner of said tract, thence south
three bundrcd and twenty is-rches to a
hemlock, thence east live hundred and twelve
and seven-tenths perches to a beech, thenec
north three hundred anil twenty perches
to a beech, thence west live hundred and
twelve and seven-tenths perches to the be
ginning. Containing tine thousand and
twenty-live and four-tenths acres more or
less, surveyed in'ttamc of '' Samuel A'al
lace." One other tract of land known as numlier
four thousand one hundred and ten situate
in Hcnziiurcr township in said county of
Elk. Beginning at a beech tree being the
north-west coenerof the tract (four thousand
one hundred and ten) thence south three
hundred, and twenty lurches to a W-ecli;
thence east live hundred and thirty-six and
seven-tenths iK-rches to a hemlock, thence
north three liundrod and twenty perches to
a chestnut, thence west, live hundred and-thirty-six
nnd seven-tents perches to the be
ginning, surveyed on warrant to " Samuel
Wallace " and containing ten hundred and
seventy-three and lVmr-teutln acres more or
One other tract of land known as number
four thousand one hundred and nine situate
in Bctmnger township in said county-of
Elk. Beginning at a chestnut, tree licing
the north-west corner of said tract, thence
south three hundred and twenty perches to
a hemlock, thence, east four hundred and
ninety-eight jiercliesto a beech, thence north
three hundred and twenty perches to a
hemlock, thenco west four hundred and
ninety-eight perches to the beginning, sur
veyed on warrant to " Samuel Wallace "
and containing nine hundred and ninety
six acres more or less.
One other tract of land known as numlier
four thousand one hundred and fifteen situate
in Benzinger township in said county of
Elk. Beginning at a iM-ech tree licing the
northwest corner of the tract, thence south
three hundred and twenty iktcIii-s to a
beech, thenew east live hundred and thirty
six and seven-tenths k h In s to a jiost.
thence north thni-hundred anil twenty per
ches to a hemlock, thence west live hundred
and thirty-six and seven-tenths ktcIics to
the lieginning surveyed on warrant to
Samuel Wallace."' Containing one thou
sand anil seveniy-tnivc ami lour-lentlis acres
more or less.
One oilu r tract i-f land known as number
four thousand one hundred andeiidit situate
in Beir.inger township in the sid county of
I-. Ik. Beginning at a hemlock tree Win
the north w-st i-orner of said tract, thenc
-until three hundred and twenty perches to
a post, tlieiici- east tour 1111111I111I anil miicty
cight mti lu s to a maple, thence north three
hundred ami twenty perches to a lieech,
tin-lire west four hundred and ninety-eight
iien hes to the beginning, surveyed 011 var
iant to Sainni-1 Wallace." Containing
nine nuiiun.Ni aim ninei v-six acres more or
One other tract of land known as number
t'.. in thousand one hundred and ixteen inate
sn Ben.inger township in said county of
Elk. Itcgimiing at a la-cch tree Wing the
north west corner of said tract, thence south
three hundred and twenty perches to a ma
ple, thence cast live hunch-ill and twenty
four and seven-tenths ti lies to a hemlock,,
thence north three hundred and twenty er
ches to a hemlock, thence west live hundred
and twenty-four perches to the beginning,
surveyed ou warrant to ' Samuel Wallace."
Containing one thousand and forty-nine and
liiiir-tenths acres be the same more or less.
One other tract of land known as number
four thousand one hundred and six situate
in Benzinger township in said county of Elk.
Beginning It a lieech tree, the north west
corner of said tract, thence south rive hun-
livd and eighty-tour lurches to a beech.
thence east four hundred and Ihirtv-four
perches to a birch, thence north live hundred
and eighty-four lurches to a lieech, thence
west four hundred and thirtv-four perches
the In-ginning, surveyed on warrant to
" Samuel Wallace." Containing one thou
sand live bundled and eighty-four and one
tenth acres more or less.
One other tract of land known as numlier
four thousand one hundred and live situate
in Benzinger township in said county of
Elk. Begitning at a posfrbeing the north
west comerof said tract, thence south eighty
one perches to a post, thence west one hun-di-ed
anil forty-two perches, thence south
thirty jKirches, thence west seventy perches
to a post, thence south sixty-t wo perches to
a post, thence east two hundred and sixteen
)iflics to a post, thenec south fifty-six per
ches to a post, thence west one hundred end
.seventy-nine perches to a post, thence south
sixty perches to a post, thence cast one hun
dred and seventy-nine purches, thence south
two huudrod and ninety-five perches to a
birch tree (licing the south east corner of
said larger survay) thence west four hundred
and thirty-eight perches to a birch tree,
thenec north live hundred and eighty-four
perches to a beech, thence east four hundred
ami thirtv-ejght perches to the place of be
ginning being the unsold part of said larger
survey 111 the name 01 'Samuel Wallace."
Containing one thousand four hundred and
twenty-one acres aim auowannce more or
ALSO the remaining or unsold part of one
other tract of land known as number four
thousand uim hundred and four, situate in
Beii'.iiigcr towiuhip in said county of Elk
Beginning at a birch tree being the south
west comer of aid tract, thence north two
hundred and niucty-tive jK-rchcs to land of
Joseph t'aulus, thence east one hundred and
twelve perches to Ueorge Ouniaun s land.
tlicuee south twelve degrees east two hun
dred and seven perches to a post, thence
east sixty-two perches to a post, thence north
twelve degrees west, two bundrcd and sixty
seven peccues to north St. Marys road, thence
easterly along tlie same about eighty-seven
perches to the south west corner of John U.
Hugler's land, theuce north two hundred
and six perches to a post, thenco east one
hundred and ninety-five and Ave tenths per-
ches to a hemlock, being th north eaat cor
ner of the original survey, theuce south one
hundred and ninety-eight perches to John
Eraikel'a land, theuce west one hundred
and twenty-seven perches to north St. Marys
roatL thence southerly along said road one
hundred and six perch? to the south west
comer of Henry Stephr . 'a land, thence east
one hundred and twenty pcrehos to a post,
thence south 0110 hundred nnd lifty-clght
perches to a jmst, thence -west eighty-eight
perches to north St. Marys road, thence
soutlH'rly.iiUnig said road iliirty pen-lies to a
post , thence cast eighty-two perches to n
post, thence south sixty perches to John
Kricgl's laud, thence west three hundred
and thirty-seven perches to a post, thence
south twenty-live lurches to a post, thence
west ninety-nine perches to the beginning,
surveyed on warrant in the name of " Sam
uel Wallace." Containing nine hundred and
ninety-nine nrrr-s nnd allowance mure or less.
One cither tract of land known as number
four thousand four hundred and one situate
In Benzinger township in said conniy of Elk.
Beginning at a beech the north west, corner
of said tract, thenec south four hundred lur
ches to a beech, thence cast four hundred
IK-rches to a Ih-ccIi, thence cast four hundred
and six perches, theuce north one hundred
and sixty-live perches to a post, tticncn ease
twenty-eight perches to a post, thence north
two hundred and sixty-live perches to n
liirch, thence west four hundred and thirty
four iicrchcs to the beginning, being part of
said larger survey In the name of " .Tames
Wilson." Containing one thousand nnd
fifty six acres and allowance more or less. .
One other tract of land known as numlier
four thousand four hundred and three situate
in Benzinger township in said county of Elk.
Fcginning at a Ik-ci-Ii tree, being the north
west corner of said tract, thence south one
hundred and 1'orth-tive iH-rchcs to a birch !
tree, thence, west one hundred and thirty
two perches to a hemlock, thenec south one
bundrcd and ninety-live perches to a beech,
thence east live hundred and thirty-eight.
perches to a post, thence north three linn
clrcu ami lorty percnesioa post, tncuce west i
four hundred and six perches to the licgin- I
ning. I'ontatning nine liuuilrctl ami seventy
nine anil live tenths acres and allowance
more or less, and being so much of said lar
ger survey in the name of "James Wilson.'
A LS() apart of one other tract of land
known as numlier four thousand four linu-
I ,i....,i .....1 i,. in iiw, n ...... ,.r T , Wil
son." Beginning at a birch tree the north
west corner corner of said survey, thence
south three hundivd and sixty-live perches
to John Hcrcher'sland, thence east two hun
dred and thirty-nine pcrchf to St. Paul's
road, thence south along said road to a post,
thence east, one hundred ami seventy-eight
perches to a lost, thence north two hundred
and nincty-tivn perches to a liirch, being the
north east corner of the original survey,
thence west four hundred anil thirt v-eiglit
perches to the , place of beginning. Con
taining six hundred anil eighty-three and
live tenflis acres mid allowance more or less.
ALSO part of one other tract of land
warranted in the name of " James Wilson"
and known ns numlier four thousand and
eigty-nine. Beginning at a birch being the
north west corner of warrant ns aforesaid,
thence south two hundivd and ninety-live
perches to a post on Pauliie Klciinneyer's
land, thence cast seventy-three perches to
tieorge Scechcr's land, theuce north one
hundred perches to the north west corner of
Henry (nn-c's land, thence cast twenty-six
perches to a post, being the south west cor
ner of Wolfgang Scliutlctiliopcr's land,
thence north one hundred and live-live per
ches to the warrant line, thence west niucty
nine perches to the place of beginning Con
taining one hundred and sixty-three and live
tenths acres and allow ance more or less.
A LSO a part of other tract 01" land war
ranted in the name of ' Samuel Wallace.'
known as numUr four thousand one hundred
and three situate in Benzinger township in
said county of Elk. Beginning nt a hem
lock, being the northwest corner of said
tract, thence south one hundred and iiiuctv
eight iierclies to a post on John BraikiTs
land, thence east one hundivd mid twenty
four perches to a post, thence south thirty
ktc.!ii'S to a post, theuce east three perches
to a post, thence south forty-live iierclies to
a post,ls-ing the gouty east corner of land of
Henry Stephen, thence west one hundred
and forty-six ierches perches to a post on
the western original tract line, thence south
one hundred and lifty-eight perches to a
post, thence, east one hundivd and eight v-
iwo iiyicht:., to a pot. thence south thirty
perches to a post, theuce west one hundred
and eighty-two perches to a post, thence
south sixty perches to a post, thence cast
one hundred and ninety-seven iicrchcs to
avenue "B" thence south about lil'tcccn
perches to the southern original line of the
tract, thence east one hundred and thirty
four Tchrs to a beech, being the south
cast corner of t he original survey, thence
north live hundivd and eighty-four perches
to a post Ix-ing the 1101II1 east corner of the
original tract, thenec west four hundred anil
thirty-four jieivhes to the beginning con
taining one thousand four hundred and live-
tenths acres and allowance inor or less.
A LSO another niece or parch) of land in
nenzingcr township Elk county, part of a
tract surveyed on warrant to Wilhclin
Willink and others. Beginning at a nost
on the Esi-hhach road and 011 the western
warrant line of number four thousand nine
hundred and ninety, thence south one hun
dred and sixty perches to the south east cor
ner ot tract number tour thousand cirht
hundred and eighty-seven, theuce west two
hundred and fifty perches to to a post, thence
north one hundred and sixty jierches to a
jiost on Eschbacli road, thence east two
hundred and fifty perches to the beginning.
Containing two hundivd and fifty acres more
or less and licing numbers thirteen, fourteen,
fifteen, sixteen and seventeen 011 Eschbacli
road 111 the plan of St. Marys.
ALSO a tract of land in Benzinger town
ship in sain county of Elk, situate on south
St. Marys road. Beginning at a post 011
said south St. Marys road, licing the north
west corner of Marthias Wellendoirs land,!
iiience easr, one Hundred and eighteen per-
cnes to a posi on ucrnanl tchuiiing s lot,
thence north fifty-four degrees west one hun
dred and fifty-four perches to south St,
Marys road, thence south along south St.
Marys road sixty perches to the beginning.
Containing twenty-two acres more or iess.
ALSO another piece or pan-cl of land, in
Benzinger township Elk county, situate on
avenue " B." Bcginng at a post on avenue
" B " being tho north west corner of Jacob
Krieg's lands, thence north 88 degrees, east
133 iicrchcs to a post on tho eastern line of
tract number 4101, thenco north 45 iierclies
to a post on avenue " B," thence south sixty
Iierclies to the beginning, mid containing 43
acres, and being eight and nine on avenue
"B" ou the map of St. Marys settlement.
ALSO, a tract of land in Benzinger town
ship, Elk county, Pennsylvania, or a part of
a tract beginning at a maple on tho south
west corner of tract nuiiibo four thousand
nine hundred nnd 70, thenco cast two hun
dred iK-rches to a jiost, theuce north three
hundred nud twenty perches to a post, on
the northern lino of tract number four thou
sand nine hundred and seventy-six, theuce
wrest fifty-five perches to a post, the south
east corner of the Hosclay tract, thence west
one hundred and forty-live peivhes to a iKist
on tho western lino of tract number four
thousand nine hundred and scventv-six,
thence south nincty-thjvo Perches o Mie
plaeu of begiuuing, eontaiiung two huudred
acres, and being part of larger survey in the
uviuu ui iiuuiu 11 111111K, ana Known as
number four thousand nine hunlred and
seventy six.
One other tract "of Lmd situate in Benzin.
gor townshiii. Elk county. Pennsylvania.
known as four thousand one numbed and
seven, beginning at a hemlock tree, the
north west corner of said tract, thence south
tliruo hundred perches to a beech, thence
east live hundivd nnd twelve nnd seven
tenths perches to n beech, thenec north
three hundred and twenty perches to a
Well, thenec west live hundivd nnd twelve
line seven tenths perches to a beech, thciicu
north three hundivd and twenty H-relies to
11. Well, tnen.-c west .live hundred and twelve
nnd seven tenths perches to the place of be
ginning, and surveyed ill the name of Samu
el Wallace, containing one thousand mid
twenty live nnd four-tenths ncics, more or
ALSO, one other tract, piece or parcel of
land situate in Benzinger townshii. Elk
county, l'eimsylvaiila. .til.joiiiing n. (()W ,,(
St. Marys, being part of 11 tract of land sur
veyed on warront to William Willink and
know n as four thousand four hundred nnd
seven. Beginning at a post 011 St. Paul's
road, being the north east corner of Floiian
Scliratzcnstaller's laud, theuce south .three
south three hundivd nnd siuty perches to a
post the northwest corner of (Jcoige Hasscl-
bargcrslot. thence east lifty-eight perches
to 11 post, ine southwest.' corner ot Henry
Steinberg's; lot. theuce north one hundred
and thirty-lour pen lies to the line of the
Monster road, thence east along said road
line sixty perches to a post, the southwest
corner of Michael Ballais' land, thenec
north one hundred and thirty four perches
to the northwest curlier of Michael Ballais'
land, thence east 01m hundivd mid twenty
perches to the line of Cross street, thence
north sixty six degrees west one hundred
and thirty perches to the place of beginning,
containing two hundivd and twenty acres,
liioic or less.
ALSO, one other piece or parcel of land
situate in Benzinger township. Elk county.
beginning at a maple, being the southwest
corner 01 tract niiniiier lour thousand lime
hundred and seventy six. thence soiuh one anil sixty perches to the line of
Eschbacli road, thence west, twenty-live
perches to a post, thence north one hundred
ami sixty perches to the line of Bruxclles
road, thenec cast twenty-live perches to the
place of beginning, containing twenty-live
acres, and being the eastern half of number
thirty four on Bruxclles mad in the plan of
the settlement of St. Marys.
ALSO, one other iijcce or parcel of land
situate in Benzinger township. Elk county.
Peuusylaiiia. on Bruxclles road, beginning
at a post on said road, thenec south one
hundred and sixty perches to the line of
Eschbacli road, theln-e west twenty-live
perches to a post, thence north one hundred
and sixty perches to a post on Bruxelles
read, thence east twenty live perches to the
beginning, containing twenty five acres, and
lieing the western half of number " thirty "
on Bruxelles roan in the plan of the settle
ment of St. Marys.
A LSO, one other piece or parcel of laud
situate in llcnzingcr township. Elk county,
Pennsylvania, containing thirty four ncres.
ami being part of warrant 'number four
thousand four hundred and eight.
ALSO, one other piece or parcel of land ill
llenzinger township, Elk county. Pennsyl
vania, containing one hundred "and seven
acres, and being part of warrant number
four thousand four hundred and seven.
ALSO, one other piece or parcel of laud
situate in Benzinger township. Elk county,
Pennsylvania, containing twenty-nine acres,
and being part of warrant nuin'ocr four
thousand four hundred and seven.
ALSO, one other tract of land surveyeil
on warrant in the name of James Wilson,
known as four thousand three hundivd and
seventy four, situate in Fox township. Elk
county. Pennsylvania. Beginning at a
1 beech the northwest corner of warrant num
ber four thousand tluce hundred and seventy
four, thence south four pen-lies to Bidgway
road, theiice soiuh easterly along the same
about one hundred and thirty eight perches
to a post the northeast coi ner of Patrick
Smith's laud, thence south two hundivd ami
fifty perches to a post 011 the southern origi
nal tract line, theuce east one hundred per
ches to a pot 011 laud of of William Brock
)l 1:111k. thence north two hundred and thirty
IH-rchcs to a post on tho Bidgway road,
thence north westerly along the same line
about sixty four perches to the western line
.Michael Backer's land, theuce north ninety
HTchcti to the oiigiu::! tract line inoitlic::!1.
thence west two hundred perches to the
Iplacc of beginning, containing two hundred
mil six anil a hall perches and allowance.
ALSO, a part of one other tract of land
Htuale in l-'ox township, Klk county. Peun
ylvania. surveyed on warrant in the name
f Samtii 'I Wallace, mid knowd as number
four thousand and seventy seven. In-ginning
at a sugar tree, being the southwest corner
ui" the original survey, thence ninth one
hiinlircil ami ten n-rrhcs to the Minister
Company's lands, thonce east five hundivd
and sixty five perches to the eastern line of
the original survey, thence south one hun
divd and ten )H-rches to a post, t lis south
east corner of tho original survey, thence
west one hundred and sixty perches to a
Wrh on the Kersey mill tract, thence north
lifly-live perches to a post and stones, being
tho norrheast. corner of the Kersey mill
tract, thence west two hundred and sixty
live perches to a pile of stones, thence south
fifty live iK-rches to a hemlock on the south
ern line of the original survey, theuce west
one kundivd and forty perches to the begin
ning, containing two hundivd and ninety
six acres and allowance, more or less.
ALSO, a part of ohe other tract of and
in Fox township in said county of Elk, sur
veyed on warrant in the name of Samuel
Wallace, and known as nuinlver four thous
and and seventy eight, and lieginning at a
sugar tree the northwest comer of said sur
vey, thence south one hundred mm twenty
perches to a lieech, the northwest corner of
Eieoel s land, thence cast ninety seven per-
hes a maple, theuce south ninety eight
perches to the Bidgway road, thence south-
oosterly along the road forty five iierclies to
a post on the western lino of Daniel Hyatt's
laud, t hence nortn two hundred and twenty
perches to a hemlock, thence west one bun-
died and forty perches to tho place of be
ginning, containing one hundivd and eighty
six anu a nan ac res ami ollowauce, more or
ALSO, one other piece of a foresaid t, raet,
lieginning at a post 011 the eastern line of
the original survey, about thirty pei-ches
north of the Bidgway road, theuce north
one hundrud mid twenty four perches to a
hemlock, thence west sixty iierclies to a
post, thence south thirty four iH-rchcs to a
post, thence west sixteen -ivhes to a hem
lock, theuce south ninety s-rches to a Kst,
theuce east seventy six perches to tho begin
ning, containing gfty live acres and allow
ance, more or less.
ALSO, one other piece or parcel of land
in Fox township in said county of Elk. licing
part of tract surveyed oil warrant to Samuel
Wallace, and known ns four thousand mid
eighty one, lieginning at a (Mist 011 the north
cast corner of said original survey, thence
south about one hundred perches to a jsist,
thence east about 0110 hundivd und eight
perches to a hemlock, thence south sixty
four perches to a hemlock, thence, cast nine
ty seven perches to a post, theuce north one
hundivd and sixty five perches to the north
ern line of tho original survey, thence west
two hundred and live perches to the liegin
ning, containing one hundred and live acres,
m - e or icfs.
I A I SO, a part of one other tract of land
in Fox to.vusliip in raid cou ity of Ell , sur
veyed vn warrant in tho name of Samuel
! "Wallace, and known as number four thous
and and eighty two,, lieginning at a pott be
ing the southwest corner of said laigo sur-
t vey, thence east two hundred and five pcr
chea to a post, thcuuo north thirty five pcr-
dies to a post, thence west ninety perches to
a beech, thence north seventy five jicrclicRto
a post on thn line of the Minister lands,
thence west one hundred and fifteen perches
to a post, thence south one hundivd and ten
perches to the beginning, containing ninety
eight nnd eight tenths acres nnd allowance,
more or less.
ALSO, one other piece or parcel of tho
same trai t, beginning at 11 beech, being the
northeast corner of said original tract num
ber four thousand and eighty two, thence
south three hundred and forty eight perches
to a hemlock, thence west ninety eight per
ches to 11 beech, theuce north piirhtv two
perches to n beech, thence cist twenty- ;
three crchfs to n Wch. thence north oiio I
hundred mid ninety nine iierclies to a post, j
thence west one hundred perches to a post j
on the line of the Minister company's lands, i
shencc north sixt y seven pen-lies to n post '
ou the northern line of the large survey,!
thence east one hundred and seventy five,'
lu rches to the beginning, containing two
hundred nnd thirty three and a half acres
ami allowance, more or less.
ALSO, n part of one other tract of land in 1
the tow nship of Fox. in said county of Elk.
surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace, mid
known ns four thousand mid eighty seven, ,
beginning nt a beech tho northwest corner
of said tract, 1 hence east one hundred and;
sixty perches to a post, thence south sixty1
Iierclies to a jMist, thence east sixty perches '
to n lost, thence south two hundred and i
thirty six and a half perches to the St. Ma- I
rys mid Cent reville road, thence northeast- !
wanlly'along said road nbnut fifty perches
to a post, the northwest, corner of ' Jeremiah !
Spillane's land, thoiiee south fifty-two per-'
dies to the southern liae of the oaiginal sur
thence west, ninety four perches, thence !
north fifty two ihtcIh-s to a licach the north- i
east corner of a tract of land belonging to
iieorge vt cis. thence west 0111
hundred and
eighty eight perches to a hemlock on the !
western line of the original survey, and i
thence north three hundivd and forty eight !
perches to the place of beginning, contain-'
ing four hundred and sixty acres and allow- 1
ance. more or less.
ALSO, a part of one other tract of land in j
rox townsnip. .r.iK county, I'ciinsylvaiita,
surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace and !
known as number four tlioiiasmul and eighty I
eight, beginning at, a brick the southeast. I
corner of said tract, thence west eighty two
perches to a birch, tht-uce north forty three
pen-lies ro a post, thence east fifty six per
ches to a post, thenec north forty seven per
ches to a. heifilock, thence west fifty six
perches to a- hemlock, thence north forty
-rches to a post, thence east eighty two
perches to the eastern original lino of the
survey, thence south one hundivd Vind thir
ty icrchcs to the beginning, containing fifty
acres and allowance, more or less.
ALSO, another piece or parcel of land in
Fox towns) ip. Elk county, Pennsylvania,
being part of a tract surveyed on warrant to
James Wilson, and known as number four
thousand and ninety six, lieginning at a post
being the north cast corner of the tract,
thence south about forty four perches to the
turnpike road, thence northwestwardly along
said mad about two hundred and' fifteen
perches to the southern line of tract numlier
four thousand and ninety seven, thence cast
about two hundivd and two perches to the
beginning, containing twenty
I'cnty eight acres, j
tract number four I
and being that part of
thousand and ninety six. hind" north of the
Milesburg and Smethport turnpike road.
ALSO, a part of one other tract of land in
Fox township. Elk ?county. Pennsylvania,
surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace,
and known as number four thousand and
ninety-seven. Beginning at a hemlock be
ing the north east corner of said tract, thence
south four hundred perches to a lieech the
southeast corner of said tradt, theuce west
four hundred and thirty four perches to a
lieccli, licing the southwest, corner of said
tract, thence north one hundred nnd thirty
. 1 ... ...a ii. .
perches to a post on five southern line of ,
I' nine is i-hnka s land, thence cast fifty live 1
perches to tho nevyoad, thence northwardly
along said road about two hundrud and cigli- 1
ty three perches to the northern original line '
of the tract, thence cast, four hundred and.
ten perches to the lieginning. Containin" '
nine hundred and litty-six acres and allow-
mce more or less. j
ALSO; a part of one other tract of land i
in Fox township in said county of Elk sur- :
veyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace, and
known as number four thousand and ninety-
eight. Beginning at a hemlock the south1
east corner of said tract, thence north two
hundred perches to a post, thence west four
hundred and thirty perches to a hemlock.
thence southwardly along the new road about
two hundred and twenty perches to tho,
southern line of the warrant, thence east to :
the lieginniiig, containing five hundred and '.
thirty acres and allowance, more or less.
OM-' other tract of laud situate in Bid"-
way township, Elk county. Pennsylvania.
and sun-eyed upon warrant, to James Wil
son, ami known as number four thousand
three hundred anp seventy five, beginning
at a beech the north east corner of sab! tract"
ineucewest nve nuniirecl amt twenty-rour
perches to a lieech, thence south three hun
dred aud twenty perches to the Is-ginniiig,
containing one thousand and l'oity-eiglit
acres aud allowance more or less.
One other tract ol land in Bid-'wav tow n-
ship in said county of Elk, surveyed on
warrant to James ilson number four thous
and three hundivd and seventy-six. Begin
ning at a Wch the north east corin'r of mid
tract, thence west five hundivd and ten per- :
dies to a post, thence south three hundred
and twenty jierches to a beech, thence east
five hundred and ten porches to a beech,
thenco north three hundred and twenty per
ches to the beginning, containing one thous
and twenty acres and allowance more or
One other tract of land in Bidgway tow n,
ship Elk county, surveyed ou warrant o
James Wilson number four thousand thret
hundred and seventy-seven. Beginning i ;
a beech the north east corner of said tract
thenec west live hundred and ten perdu. 0
a hemlock, theuce south three hundred ai:l
twenty perches to a post, thenco east five
hundred and ten perches to a beech, thenc
north three hundred and twenty perches:
tho beginning, containing one thousand ant
twenty acres and allowance more or less.
ALSO, a part of one other tract oflandin
Bidgway township in said county of Elk.
surveyed on warrant to James Wilson, known
as numlier four thousand three hundred and
eighty-nine. Beginning at a beech tree lie
ing tlw north west corner of said large sur
vey, thence cast along the line of said sur
vey three hundred and twents iicrchcs to a
posr. iiience soiun about tw
entv ileirr.ea
l 1,1- Ilia l!.-.u.l.-. Ul.. ...... .1 .. 1.. l. V . . 1
scveiity-Uvo perches more or less to a. uost.
thenco went about thirty perches to a cu
cm uoei -corner, iiience south one hundred! TOIIN W.UM.K desires lo make known
anil tifty.six lu rches to the original line of If) m tlio chuens of Centreville and the
sain mux j, iiience west along said line
three hundred and sixty-throe perches to the
south west i corner of said tract, theuce north
.vu ..Miv-ii mi,, HH-iaj- iktciics to the
iK-giimiiig, containing six hundred and eighty-four
mid live tenths acre and allowance
more or less.
One other tract of land lieing part of tract
known ns numlier four thousand three hun
died and ninety, warranted in the namu of
James ilson and situate in Ridgway town
ship iu said county of Elk. BenHnnino- ,, .
lieech tree the south west coiner of survey
on warrant four thousand three hundivd and
ninety, thence north one hundred aud ten
perches to tho Minister land, thence east
two hundred iK-achc to a post on Michael
' Bakers land, thence south 0110 hundred and
ten perches to a post on the southern line of
the warrant and thence west two hundred
iicrchcs to the lieginning, containing one
hundivd mid thirty-seven and five tenths
j acres nnd allowance inoro or less.
j It, being intended to convey hereby only
being so much of the land within the boun
daries above described as was sold June 11,
1 A. B. 18(1(1, by James Coyne Treasurer of
, Elk count h to sundry persons forthe unpaid
taxes of the years I HO t and 1805 and con-
, veved to said pcesons bv deeds as follows
! viz :
! 1st to Albert Willis for warrant, 4113-1935
; ceres Junes township. 2d to Albert Willis
I for warrant No. 4113-1073 acres Jones
j township.
j !!d to Albert Willis for warrant number
i 4111-1035 acres Benzinger township.
' 4tli to Albert Willis for warrant number
! 400-0112 acres Benzinger township,
j 5th to Albert AVillis for warrant number
4100-noii acres. Benzinger township.
llth to Albert. Willis for warrant number
1 4115. Bcnaiii-'cr township. til!(l" acres.
7th to Alliert Willis for warrant number
410K, Benzinger township, 000 ncres.
8th to Albert. Willis for warrant numbor
411(1. Benzinger township, 1019 and one
tenth acres.
Hth to AllH-rt, Willis for warrant number
41 0'l. Benzinger township, 14 12 acres.
Illtb to Albert, Willis for warrant number
4105, Benzinger township. 930 acres.
11th to Albeit "Willis, for warrant numbor
4101. Benzinger township, (ill ncres.
12th to L. H. KiehoHz, for warrant num
ber 44' M, Benzinger township. 1050; acres.
lrtlb to Albert Willis for warrant number
410:'. Benzinger township, 080 acres.
14th to Albeit. Willis, for warrant number
4402. Bi-nzincer township, 540 acres.
15th to George Itetgar fur warrant num
her 4080. Benzinger township, 142 acres.
10th to Albert Willis, for warrant number
4103, Ben.inger fownsbin, 357 acres.
17th to Albert. Willis for 200 acres Esch
bacli road. Benzinger township.
18th to Joseph Williclni, for 20 acres St.
Marys road. Bcnzincr township.
Ul'th to George Wvis. for 18 acres, avenue
B. warrant number 4401. Bcnzincr twp.
20th to Albert Willis, for 'warrant number
I 4tl7(i. Benzinger township, 200 acres,
I 21st to Alliert Willis, for warrant number
' 4107. Benzinger township, 8118 acres.
! 22d to L. It. Eieboltz, for warrants num
i bers 4409 and 4408, Benzinger township 220
I 23d to Albert. Willis for 50 ncres on Brus
' sells road in Benzinger township.
21th (o Ij. 11. l.iclioltz, lor M acres on
I'oselay road in Benzinger township.
25th'to George AVeis. for warrant number
4-lOsi. Benzinger township, 31 acres.
20th to George Weis for warrant numbor
4107, Benzinger township, 107 acres.
27th to George Weis for warrant numlier
440(1. Benzinger township. 29 acres.
28th to I,. II. Eicholtz for warrant num
ber 4374, l-'ox township, 200 acres.
29th to L. II. Eicholtz for warrant num
ber 4077, Fox township, 200 acres.
30Ui to li. H. Eicholtz, for warrant num
ber 4078, Fox township, 24(1 acres.
31st to L. II. Eicholtz, for warrant num
ber 4081. Fox township, 105 acres.
32d to L. II. Eicholtz, for warrant num-
tier 4082. Fox township, 307 acres,
33d to L. L. H. Eicholtz for warrant num
ber 4087, Fox township, 15(1 acres.
34th to L. II. Eicholtz, for warrant num
ber 4088, Fox township, 57 acres.
35th to L. II. Eicholtz, for warrant num
lier 40!I0, Fox township, 28 acres.
:ilith to L. II. Eicholtz, for warrant num
ber 4007, Fox township, 708 acres.
27th to L. II. Eicholtz. for wai rant nuin
1 icv 4098, Fox township, 429 acres.
it'.Hh to Albert Willis, for warrant numbor
437", Bidgway township, 973 acres.
HOtli to Allien "lYillis, lor warrant number
: 437(i. Uidgway township, 1020 acres,
.11 ii-oii- r i
40th to Alliert Willis, for warrant number
5377, Bidgway township, 1020 acres.
41st to Albert Willis for warrant numbor
4380. Bidgway township, 075 acres.
4 2d to Albcat, Willis, for warrant number
4300. Bidgway township 127 acres.
Seized and taken In execution, and to b
sold as the property of ('has. W. Huntington.
SbcrifTof Elk county.
Phkrikf's Oi-fici:, )
Bidgway, Pa.. Oct. 9. 18(19. j" octO ic.
OL' II T I'liOl'LAMATION. Whereas. 1I10
Ibiii. S. 1'. Johnson. President . I udgc mid
lions. E. C. Scluih.e and Jesse Kvler. Asso
ciates, Judges of the Court 1 f Quarter Sessions,
Orphans' ('unit, (Iyer and Terminer, and Gen
eral Jail delivery, lor I ho 1 1 in 1 of capital ninl
oilier offenses in dm county of Klk. by their,
preccipt to 111c directed, have ordered tlio
iiloresnid 1111 moil Courts lobe hidden at Uidg
wiiv, in nud for 1 ho conniy ui' Klk, 011 lite
First Mmiihiy of November it being the 1st.
ilny of the inoniti, nud 10 Continue one week.
Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices
of the 1'eneu, nnd funs iihh-s of the said county,
that they sre by these presents commanded to
be then mid there in 'heir proper persons ill
ten o'clock. A. M., of said day, wiik llicir
rolN. rt curds anil iiupiisiiions, und other re
membrances, to do those things which their
nllices appertain to bo dour, and that all
Justices of said enmity make returns of nil
recognizance enteied into before llieni. to tlio
Clerk of the I'uiiri, ns per net of Assembly of
March llh IS34. Andlliose who are bound to
prosecute the prisoners that ore or shall bo ill
tliejail nf the coiiiuy of Klk, nnd to be then
and there to prosecute against tlicni us shall
be just.
JACOl' McfML'LKY, Sheriff.
Iliilgwny. October lrt. n7to.
Ill K subscribers buying completed their
New Grist Mill in liiiWivuy arc uow
pi'i-piiriMt In furnish tlie pcoplo ol the sur
rounding cnuiiiry with
Flour of the Best Quality
ami ot iluiir own manufacture, al the lowes
market rates.
Tlie intention of lumbermen ond others
is called to our lacililies for furnishing
them with ,
cheaper than it can be bought auy other
place in I lie county.
JC&TCasii 1'aio ron CmiN.-TjSt
Neveinlier 7. IPOTtf
surrounding country that he has taken
1 shop formerly occupied by K. J. Maloney
; " McCaiiley s Corner " iu Cenlrtville.
that he hopes bj paying strict attention lo
his business and the wnnis of hii customers,
lo merit tlieir pal runnge iu his line. He will
Kc.ip 011 hand a Urge mid well selected assort
nieut of
(Tin antl .hcft-3Irou Ware,
of his owu iiniualiiciui e, wundi he will warrant
lo he of the best utility. Hi ioc.k consists
of everything that is useful iu the tiuware line
about a li ue.
1 ask a fair trial, mid if my work doea
not give satisfaction, my customer will not be
oblineil 10 lake it. JOHN VYAPLE.
.Sep lli: if. ...