HI i I 1 I - from the Ohio Fanner. A Case of Milk Fever, In the Summer of 1860 I wns called from the West to attend my father dur ing h last sickness. He lived on n small farm, nnd hid a larico fat cow that was expected to-'come in" about the first of July. .The milk lever pravailcd in that vicinity, n d was of a' inalipant type. Ma y cows had died of it, and eveiy day new cases were reported. I felt a good deal of anxiety about Bettie, and some of the neighbors said she was "a sure case." A few days be lore she calved I shut her in the barn yard, and mowed grass for her, and gave her what water she wanted. She came in well, and had a large flow of milk It was on tho second day. I think, that she began to show symptoms of -milk fe ver. Her milk stopped, she breathed hur viedly, and her fl sh trembled. She grew rapidly worse, I called in two neighbors to see her, who had some expqence in treating the disease. As soon as they saw her, one of them said, "She's a gon ner. Bare.'' and the other, "She's worth ins! what her hide'U fetch. Its no use to doctor her." As soon as they were gone, I gave her a pint of linseed oil, and then threw over her a linen horse-blanket, that 1 kept con stantly dripping wet with cold water. In about two hours after the first dose of oil I repeated it, and continued the use of the water. I w as up w ith herlhe whole of the uight. The next day I continued the use of the water, but used less, as the lie.it of the body seemed to subside. At night she was able to stand, and her milk began to flow. In a lew days she was well and had no further trouble. While she w as sick 1 gave her what water she would take, though at first 1 gave it warm ller physio operated free ly. I have often thought of this case, nd have wondered it' a like practice would save in other cases. I should surely try it if an opportunity should of fer. Tho oil probably helped, but my feeling has always been, that the water by keeping down the fever saved BeUie's Remarks Cold water is, doubtless, one of the best remedies that can be used in crises of milk fever, aul the most natural, lor cows will often seek streams when first attacked, and lie in the water until restored It is nevertheless impor tant to exercise care in the use of cold water, for, although ot great potency in the early stages ot the disease, it is fatal if applied freely after tho animal Las lost her vital energy. Ed. O F. IIomk-Madr Manure. We have so of ten urged upon our readers the importance of making manure on their own farms in stead of buying so much, that we can scarcely find anything more to say that will give force to what we have said However, looking over the proceedings ot the New York Farmers' Club recent', lv. we notice it stated on what seems pretty good authority, thatjnuch of the "Peruvian Guano" sold in New York, has been nothing more than soil obtained from the Long Island Plains, which Stew art, the millionaire has recenlly purchas ed. Yet testimonials are abundant from intelligent farmers, that they have found immense benefit from the use of this stuff", nnd we have no doubt of it There are very few farmers but who have beds ct manure as valuable to them as the beds of Peruvian Guano, if they will only see it. All that is necessary to discover these beds is not a large fee to some agricultu l alchemist or geologist to analyze the soil or determine the stratas ; but a pen cil and paper to figure out what it will cost in day labor to employ men to dig ditches and gather refuse, and what would have to bo paid tor the ' Peruvian" ma terial. From our experience tho few past years, we think it is rarely n?cesaiy to buy manure when one has a year ahead to get it ready. Forney's Fiess. Tomatoes The largo green "worm will need attention. It is readily discov cred by Us dropinnga. Where these are neen, find the onn and kill it Jt is a voracious thing. an(J spares neither leaf. Btem, nor gieen fruit Save teed fiom the vine tlmt gives the earliest and best formed fruit. The great number ot to matoes with names rIiob what a '"flex ible plant it is. By this we niqyi that a little care in selection will allow one to produce a variety." We. have over twenty of the newer sorts on trial, and look lor interesting results Agricultur alist. FARM ITEMS. Water your team often in hot weather It is said that cattle around Dalon.Geor gia, are dying off by scores with the mur rain. Solid whale oil soap rubbed around the base of a tree will drive away tho borer. It is estimated that the Valley of the Virtrinja yielded, this year, five million bushels of wheat. Heavy oats coming from the north de generate in a year or two Th'nt remark applies to the Black Surprise and Norway varieties- The Rural New Yorker thinks the feed inej of whey to milch cows is very objec tionable. The quantity of milk given is increased, but the quality is not good. From the town of Oswego, in the coun ty of the same name, 297,480 quarts, or 8,296 bushels of strawberries were ship ped the present year. Young pigs, especially fat ones, are of ten troubled with thumps a quick spas modic motion of the flanks which usu ally terminates fatally. An extensive breeder informs us that he cures this dis ease by administering common table Halt. His method U to catch tho pig. take a tea spoenful of salt,and with the spoon put the silt well down in the pig's throat One. ct two djes usually effects cure. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Book Agents Wanted. We want TenTtioannnit Rood, reliable Agent to eoliclt for Our New West, To whom the IHtrhent rommlaiilnn rill tie paid. NooMierworkaelllna; halt enfant. Bom tlfully illustrated, over 600 pp., and Bold for f:i. The raciett and tout Ilnnk on the Great ,r-t extant bo say all the lenriltifr journals and emi nent men. Bend for our Circulars, witli tulX information nnd terrriR. Addrcra HARTFORD FUlttJSHiisa CO., Hartford, Ct. 10.0C0 AGENTS WANTtD FOU PRIEST and NUN. Thit most exciting and Interestinff book, by a popular authorem, ib now ready and those pno wish to oanvow for it ahnvld apply immediately for circular, (with stomp enclosed, stating teritoro desired.experienee, o. Afientfi wanted everywhere for this and other flnit-clas boohs add enfrraviiigs, by t'KI I'ENDiiN Jk MclilNNEY, 13US Chestnut Street, i'bila. Fa. AGENTS WANTED FOE HOMES AND FORTUNES In the boundless West and sunny South. Tt speaks to the young man of a home and fortune, and tells him why where and how to seek it; it tots thecal -it aliat where to invent; tue laborer, to Hnd Kd wapes; the farmer, the best luntlsj the merchant, the manuiacturcr, the proles atonal inun and the mechanic ot the preut chauces open to them: it tela evervoodv 3ust what they ought to know, about the vast ruauurcen and wonderlul progress in eqery part pi" this great country. New, fiv0i, inter esting and popular t-enfl lor circular. Unterpritiins men can learn ol a mimev'-m iKiiig Dueiness uv oauress ingrPUOi'LEH l'UliLl6lUatf CO., OU Arch Btreot, 1'hiiodelphitt, Fa. COLBCUN 8 PATENT RED JACKET AXE mm ..'.'"ii Is belter tMn oir retmlnr shaped Ares for these reasons: Firt 11 eu Is deeper, tsecond It dont stick in the wood. Thu d It doe not Jar the hand. Fourth No time 1 wasted In Ink'nc the ase out ol the etu Fifth With the same laSor yon will do one Ihird more work than with remilnr axes. Hi d paint has uoihi a to do wiih the good qii"liiies of thisaxe. Tor all ouraxe are puinted red. If jour hardware More does not keep our troods we will bladly answer liuiuiri' or till your ordersditeet, or e;lve yo'u the name of the neflxest deal, er who kueos our Axes. Lli'i'lNCOTT & BAKEWEIX. Piil-b-iiili, Pa Sole owners of Cclburn's and Red Jicket l'nleuH MUSIC VALE. Young Ladies debiting to become theurutital aud practical mnsiuiaus and Teachers in the shortest time and at the leat possihie expense up on the Tiano, Harp, Orpan ir (imtar will please apply tor catalogue to the Principal JtiLSic Vale fctuimary, halcni, Ct. Aromatic Vegetable Soap. For the Delicate bkiu ot Ladies and Children. 60LD BY ALL UE.TJG GISTS- THE ESTY COTTAGE ORGAN in the best and cheap est. Contains the latest improvements Vox Hu mana and Vox Jubilant .T. J.&TfcY ft CO., Sole manufacturers, llrattleboro, Vt. E "'IIPLOYMENT that pnya. For partieumrs, ondress B.tt.M't;Al. tiUCtu. uratueuoro, u S9 A day for all. Address, A. J. FULLAM, N. V. A PK your Doctor or Dnitrcr't for SWEET QUININE k tt elttlflls (inllerj i'll'ltn is iu:me ouiy oy '. STEAUNS, tbeiult. Now lork. 1TOMOS OF WISPOM for Younn Van one Ruling Passion in Youth .fc Karly m,inhool, with Stbt belp for the ening and unfortuna'e. Sent in senled en velenes fn'e of charae Addicas UUWAKI) AsbOLlA TJUN, Box P, lihila. Pa. nHUUTY YEAItS Experlenee in the treatment o X C'hroii'c and Sexual Pl-ensos A Physiological View of Marriam. The eheapenl hook ever published contaluiusr nearly 3 J pne. ai d 180 flue pintes and epravimr of the anatomy of the hiimmtorirnns in a state of health and dWeits-, with ft irejiti 'i. on earlv errors, its deplorable ron-iHiiienees upon the mind aid hod v. with lh author pl.tn of trualiiient the only ru.- iid ueee-f!il mode of tore, ns sho n by a it a-e treated A truth I ill adviser lo the mnrVw and thn eopien, plat iutr marriage who ctiteiuined douols ol Hi'-li' pny-UJil eon-dttlot-. Sent, freoor poHtau'ii to any t ddtes-on rceeip of 2T) eentn, in stump or postal eurr'iitv, hv addressing Ot. LAI'ROIX. No 81 Maiden Line. Al'-auy, N. Y The author mav be eon-ulled nrw n any of the dUeaset upon which his hooks treat, either personal or by mail and medicines sent to any part of the world. J JAXIMS for BUSINESS MEN. When a bnsineas man reaches the point where he thinks thai lie cannot spire any time to examine aour ccs of financial and commercial Information, he may leiHv conclude thai Ins ciii-iue-s Is not well mnnHi?ed VViien a ousiuess man flndi himself in a financial sltui'lon so embarni-slnii that he cnunot afford to pos sess every publication that would throw more liirln tip mi his buslnes transaclioiis. he should not delay en hour, but iimtiuje til once with an auctioneer to close ovt hi stoik to the highest bidder. '1 he above Maxims am tnken from the t nlnmns of the NKW VllIlK Mi KC'ANTIl.K Jot HNAI. which the best 118 well nsor.e of the larL'e-t mel-ian ile newspapers pub lihed in the Untied btnlea Its market reviews and careluHy revised list ol Jobber'l prices, embrai ine al moi everv vnoiable article i f meichandiiM', torrt iher with Its. bidicious editorials, fill more Himii ihiny-flv CIS) columns every wi-ek. The cuberltilin price W only 5 nil per yar. (less than ten ecu's per week, and les than l1. outa per d it ) Pirtles d"sirii.tr 10 if. sess themselves o' ibis valvnhle pnblicuti"n should ad' dress The N Y. Mbbcantils JoUKNiL Co., SOU Fearl street, N. Y. City. 3in . . , THK MAOIO COMB TEETH ARK COATED with solid UYH You wet your hair and use the comb, and it produces a permanent black or brown One comb sent by miil lor $l ii5. Address, Wil. FATIUJi, SpiiugUuld, Mas Sm gEE LOW PIUCE3 of China & Glassware. China Tea Rets, 44 pieces f 8 W China Cups ai. bail ers, 84 pieces S S5 China Tea Plate, per dozen 1 45 White Slime Toll -I sets, 11 piece 8 50 Water (ioblets pet dozen 8 00 While Vurlsi.in China Dinner Sets, 133 pieces, (beautiful shapes) SO 00 All our goods marked down equally low. Butlery, Silver -Plated Ware, Tea Trays, &v . Ac. &o. WASHINGTON HADLEYS (ONI.T TORE,j Midilln of tlie Coofior InstitntA Ulork, Store runnine thronch fi im Sd to 4th Aveune be ttveeu 1th Jt Hih streets, one block from Broadway. Esp' clal pains tAkeu In selecting and picking of goods for the country, ju addition to tliu ahove IHt ol goods, we have alays ou hand, at low prices, i),.co rnO'd Dinner. Tea, aud Toilet Self, Cologne Sets, bmokitB seta. iie. T 8m pATEST OFFICB Inventor who wish to toke out letters Fattent are ad vised to counsel with Muuu A Co , bdliors of lbe Kci euliric American, who baie prosecult d claim. Iieore the lJaliuut Oilice for mure than Tseuty years. Tueir Amerlcau and European Valeut Agency tlie most ex tensive !u the world. Chaiyes Ism iuub any otUur reli able nuency. A t'amphlet containing full instructions to Inventors, 1 scut LTullts Address klChK CO., 87 Psrk Kow, Vem Torlt. 8ut GUARANTEE. An frnnrl nnrl ntnmrlnlnff THWOn Cn -mfllrA tft 0 In the next three mouths by follewing our instructions THINK OF-THIS Ye who stsnd with Tonr hum" crcmed In yonrpocVi mnlterlne whM nhnll I do to make mnnrvT wntit one irood smart mnn In every town nn wl,o run keep is business to himself to net confidentially with us. Is O OLD MAIDS Nor minister wanted BnMnei not to be knnwn to your ii!iire-t filcnd. Person in mnkluu nppllivilton will con-lder ihctu-clv.' nndr onth not lo ui nitre the hiifilne-s. Eneh H'm-nt! with pHinly wr ttt'U ad dies tor rv-r ronfldenil-il, iflvtntf fiitl iiwt rctlnnr. Address. DE LAV & CO., Broadway, N. Y. 8m QKND one dollar aud get by ecturno mnll ono of LOUl.VUS DOLL. A It HOXUS of the richest Ini'Kled French Nolo Paper. All tho Ij d es a e in love wiih tlieto. Addrasa, LO.lI.NU, I'nb lUhua)Iloston, Mas. 8m THE'MISfJIPSQroiroWDEK seinnllr ctire. Can c r anil tc oitilous Iis use ofihe shin See re port lo I,. I. Meiliuiil Soei 'lv Siaiements of Phvslciiiis l.i crci.liir sei.t free on iiiiplicillon to f. A. D'CBOIS, lSi Pearl btreet, New Vo. k City. Box 1C5H. Sm ST.OW HOUSES msdo FAST nnd ft-t horce mnda f'iter Himnle. nnictnml Itistriirtinn fur in.mmi-. H23peed snd style, and oilier valii:ihle informntiun for lores owner. In No. 1H of IIaset .Iol-hsai.. tmlv JC-x-3 eei.is. rorpnie oy .11. M. JjAKAlifcE, Mil. porluni, L'omuroQ county, i'a. IX exposures 01 hum JUKs. 8m gpuiiT rnoTociiAi'iis. spirit mom Gil Aprs. AttOriied in my trial nnd aclinowledfrpd by nil who have sat Iwr tli.-ujuciurert the Oret lJhenoun'nH of .he re. ronr or tlie urli Four of incip;tl plciurs of prominent par 1 cirL Hp- to tlteir L't'iiniiu tic... will ties who Untitled in ourl hf to their ifcnuiiK-ix.- be t po-4 p.iid ou rcreipt of one dollar. Abo a tit I report irm (rial. lUnatn'.cd with wood cut- int.'(-, 50 tx-iits Address, Wil. A. A1UMLEK, W Naa- suusueet,iN. 1. Sui Scents wantr'l.jw. tiumini-siiT, nr -nln tvrni cvciy pnrtof fi!i V. 8 iinLJiImUn, toU our frTmttrd Fatvnt tiMcia rMUvfnr fnll prtiruJrTi mill est the AmiTa Wiaa Cl7t& ViVtin' Y- or 16 Dcorhp-HTtt., Cbimeo. Q 1 0 A d:iy- Address A. J. FCLLMAN, New York L1 ISTEN lo the MO. KINO IS1HD. luO 1 ratrie lil-llc-ana nnimni imtf'iorrftn tjerjsea bv s chl a. I" li1 made to imiuuti tl." soups of every tit rd. lbe ne l'Ii al a iiore. Hie toy ofun as-, ih" crtiiii I a ho': luiUs. Uea-ls ana snakes a e enenuiji -a iinu ntratipt-d bv it. Is n-ed bv Dan Brynut, t'lianey Wln.e. and i the j ustiets anil w arnii rs. annuo oiitui can he learned in three days bv it aid Seni n-wnere upim receipt oi .-j ccuw,, lurcu ior uu cents $1 5 per do.' ii. IT. I. 1 dLb.l J 1-1 UUlSUy CllV, 0 3m UEAT DISTItlBUHON VT Ity the I'lioio!ilaii Gift Com- inmy. :iisli Cjif'ls, l uuiotiitl of sa.50.O0O. liVi ) Ticlict Ilniws n I'llsc 5 Ciish Gifts, each t W.ihi I -10 sh Cias, each t"Ki JO " - (l.tKCI ilHJ " " II SI " ' 1.0011 300 " " 5i 50 Elecrant Rosewood rianos - each $"o0 to $MI '5 " .Melodcoua H."0 Sewing Waehiuea " 75 to lm " fin to 1 Si." Go d W.itclu ' 73 lo Hi Ca-h I'rize. ilvlr Ware, etc., all valued at tl.om ,00 A chin ce to driw any of the nbuve l'rizes for tli els Tickets describiii'' I'rixes are -enled In Euveh lies well mixed On receipt of lis l is. a sealed ticket is driwn.wliiioui c'loh-.e ' d S'-iil by nr 11 to nnv Mldi'eK THep.lze num. d iiion It will he delivered lo Hie lickel I10M1 1- ou i-ivmi'Ui of uu lioitnr. frizes are lminedi alelv sent io auv address by extrefis or reiuun nriil. You will know what your piizc is b. fore you pny for tt. An nnzeexcni'mrei. ior anoiner oi ine s.nne v otte. No bl-tnks. Our pntton c-in uepi ud on f'llr dealiiijr IthFt'KKNCEs We seb-cl the following? from niiaiy who have lately drawn v i.tttible pii..-s aud kindly p. r milled us to p;i 1,1 i-l, tlieiu: b. T i kln. Ilud'itoi$5iOJ Miss Annie Monroe C'liicuo, I'lmin, t Ki; .lolm H. Moore. Lolil-ville, f 1,(1 II; ilis Liimi'l Wnluurlli, Mll ivniikee, I'iruio. f.Vitl; Itev, K. A. llay. New Orleans, $0 . We publl-li no n.-imt's wiihoui permission. Oi'ixioNs Oittiir I'ltKss: "The firm is reliable, aud deserves their sueces-. ' v eekly 'I'libuiie, Oit , b "VVeknow ihem lo be a fair oea'fUi! firni." Si. Y Herald, (id, as. "A fi lle d of ours drew a $."0i! pilze, which was promptly reeiivi d.' Pmly News, Liec, 3. l'uu i.r circular, iiiietai .inaiicenn'Uis to .weiir. rinel-liiciion ii'irrnieed. r.very piickse of Healed hnvelopes coniaiiis one cash ulfi. Six tickets foafl; 13for !; 35 for t6:1lufor fia All leiiors should be addre-sed lo UAltl'iilt, WILSON & C ., L'j4m3 173 Brutdwiiy, N. Y. OTILIi AHEAD Tlie only cheao and useful BewinT kT Machine. Does ALL any machine CAN do IIS ou omy. uinpiesatcost suo a mouin to aponts. Address AbllCELET, S U CO , Hinsdale N. II. nilll rpUIS 13 KO IIUMBUGI U sending S5 centa, ith ace, belcht, color of eyes and lo.ir. von will receive, bv return m:iil. a correi't pii-titre of your lutttre liushmiil or wife, wall niiiue and mite of nun rnige. Addreaa V . r Oi, P. O. drawer Su a r uiioui uie, i. l 4t -TVEAFXESS, CATARItH. A lady who las suffered for years from Deafness and Catarrh was cured by a simple remedy. Iler sympathy uud frratitude prc-upt. her to send the receipts, lice of chaise, to any one Mmiiariy auUcted. Adddreas Mis U C. LtlJUUrr, Ujbokcn, N. J. vUU GENTS WANTED for tho best book of tlie period, WOMEN OF NEW YORrf Or tha Under World of tho Great City The mo-t stanlinir revela'iou of moderu limes,. New York Society Ciima-k'-d. The Arisocracv, Women of Piea-ure, siarrled amen, aud all. clasis bororhly veiualea. oo inusiraiions. Aiuress ai once, Tha New York Book Co., 145 .Nusau Si , N. Y. - 8t AGENTS WANTED FOt "WONDERS OF THE WORLD," Over One Thousand I.lustratious by tue most distin guished Artists iu r.uioi e and America. The lancest, beat UluU'ale.l, uiiKt exciting, amusing instructive, entertaining, startliux, bumurous, and at tractive subscription books ever pubbshed. hend tor Circulars, with terms, at ouce. Address UNITED STAiLtS PUBLISHING CO., nuttt 411 Btuoiue Street, New York, GENTd carfltiw got Teritory for Itlark Twain's Htxv HOOK with 231 Eiisraviiigs Who has not heard of the author! Who baa not lauphed over his quaint sayings and q.ueer ideas, and Liiriy succumea to nu racy storiesi THE INNOCENTS ABROAD Is the quintessence cf himself, tne condensation and con oeutrauon of all his powers. No s'oud&xu can w;tnstaud its geniality aud humor It is the ui'ist readiibie, eujoya ble, laugbublo and popular book printed sor yeaii. 20,000 Volumes priuUxl in advance and now rcidy for Ageuta. Aditress for an agency BLImS & CO , Newark, N. J. Ail tli 10 AN 11 llLlhlUMJ CO., Usrttbrd, Conn. nttil AGRNT9 WANTED FOU . iecrcts of tli Gtocnt City. . A work deerlpttvc of the Vlrtnes nnd the Vlee, Ilia Slyi'teile Miseries sum ,miie ol Isew lork 'jr. If ron wih to know how fortunes are made and lost in a d.y; how Hmwd Men are ruin-d in W'nll Street; how J'tranffera are swindled by sliarj era; how Ministers and NochmiUi are blackmailed: how Panee llall and Con cert Saloons are eoudiic.ted; how (iumb)iti Houses and Lotteries are eondiieted; how htock and Oil Companies uncinate, and how the Bubolou burst, thai this work It consul. "''e ei.iT'iMiiL'!: ena w me npiriei mo-t llirlllint', injunctive and t-hciipegi wink ixiblicll ed. ONLY $2.50 PER COPY. Send for Circular and s' 'cimen paaes of the worR. Address JONES UllOi I Its Hi ( O , I'hlln., Pa nJi4 AOENTS WANTED FOU TDE Sights! Secrets OF THE NATIONAL CAPITOL. The moat ntnrthnp, inntructive and L'iitfthininlr; btiolt oi tlicdy. Fend fnr 'irciiluvs nnd soc onr tcim. Ad dreHW U. B. FUBLISillN(i CO., 4U 15rooiuo yticot. New York. ul&i JIMPLES. The nndcrilcnM will cheerfully mail, Tr.zr, to all who wish it the reeeire and full di ircction itir ri.--"or- iTiflt and uiins a simple and beautiinl Ycite'nb'.e 1 a jyi; that intm tliitc;y reiinive Tatt, tr'VKieji, jvorrhes, m.a all enipiions an l impti'ie ot the Shin, Icaviiijj the ajine i oft. ck ir, smooth and beautiful , . t lli' will alo nend, Fm:r., inatmctiona for proilueitic, by very dimple menni, a luxur.int jrrowrh of hair on u bald head or rmoolh lace iu leas than thinly days from brat application. I he ubovc can he ani nined ov re'urn mall ny address ing THUS. P. (.'RAHMAN, Cbcmii-t, -.u hot nil's. iuj Droadwuy, rew loiic. August S. 1309. ly Y WORD TO CONSUMl3TIVES . Pt lnrj hnrt nnd prncMral trpttn on the nntnro, cnif'. nnd HVinn'oin; o. Pnliponnrv ctitt-iiiniittciii itiinictiilir. nd AthuiH : nnd tluir jtr vcniio". nnd tnwn' nf, nnd cuie hv Inhtlntinn. Si-nt bv in:U. riis Addnft il VAX llL'AIMELL, M. I .-Iti Wust Four lecnih , N. Y. Juno li, 3&t'.. ly cad 0 THE LADIE3. The Jrarricd Ladies Friviit' rcmrnnion oontnins the desired inioiiiitttion on inijHJitant nmtU'ra lu-ver before mode public. A copy maiicil free to ihosc vlio wi-h lo -ive it a candid perusal. Addrt Miit. It. is. OUU1KKY OrtiCDpoint, King Countj'. ."t;w York. Iv ERRORS OF Y'OCTn. A ircrtl mfin who snflVrcd for venrs from yprvouf Pe- bility. 1 t?m .tnre lectivt and ali tho ein-cis ft youtlii'ul indiero on, will, far tho siike of Buliunnr hiinmui wind free to .ill who need it, tho rei-ipc and direction tor urikii'g tho simple rumily by which u wur cured, ftul tcrerit wi.ilmiQ io prolit by the utivc.rtiH.r'H CJCjcrioiJU; cau do uo by uddrtin, in pcifc't rfitiiiflLfiicc, JOHN U. UOi,U., 42yl Xo. 42 Cedar St., New York. SALE A CHEAT BARGAIN I The subscribers offer for e.ile the SAW BOLL in H"imezctte township, late the property oi the Ben zinser COAL AND IRON COMPANY The hnlldinir Is Pni72 feet, and conloins all the neces snry maeUiuery lor a SAT MILL. BOILERS AND ENGINE, (cover used) also for sale. The boil-rs are SO feet long and 3D Inches In dlnine ter. I ne tuume is Fifty Hors3 Power, ALSO -A. !G3 3VI OIIE STAOH for sale. Tlie properly will be sold 'oerether, or the machinory 1 I be taken out and "old sep"-tite. , Til's 1 aa excellent chance for parties desiring to purchase a MILL rROPEIiTY, and ad excellen' od"nlnr? for n Tannery The prnper- rs win he so'd lit a bnjt'iiin, as the proprietors, being; nun rcfstifuts, nave no use ior it. For lull diullcula.B address G. C. IIAUYEY Jt CO., Lock llnven. June 17 lStM. tf Tffl GSE1T 111 '"5 INDIAN extract BLOOD i38 WILL CURE fTSf Chills & Fever, Li'er Complaint, Fever Sores, Dyspepsia, aOl loob S'"a,tl, Erysipelas, gjJ wn Bronchitis, ,'.ST" Coughs, Colds, jZSj 1 PHILADELPHIA. Copyriyht secured. Wc do nut wirih to iulorio tou. iluuaui. vLdi. t-r. on- dcrlul, or any other nmu, faan dtbcovered a remedy that curosf CoiiHtim ution. when the lunira are half oonsumud. in ahurt, wiH euro ull dweawjii, whttber ol body, iuiud, or Mtate, malce men live for over, and let death play lor want ot work, and is detained to make our sublunary spht-i a biitalul ParailiMj' to which litaven i self eh all be but a tide shuw. You have hcaid enough of that Uiud ot hunibuptfury, aud we do not wonder that you, by thin time, have become diguat-,d with it. Hut wheu we tll you that Dr. bayou Catarrh Hemedy wul pooi tively vure the wornt cauc of Catarrh, we ouiy a&aort that which thousand cuu teatiry tp Try it, aud you will be oo iuobd. We will pay $5uu Rewajui for a caae oi cauina w e cannot cure, FOB BALE BY MObT UEUOGISTS EVERTWUFRE Price owlt 50 Cents- Bent by mail, postpaid, for 60Ckkts. Fourpaokafalor.OO.or 1 Ik, for 5.00 bena a it lamp lor Vr. baKos pamphlet on catarrn. a CO.. proprietors. uunaio. rpliOHE who de ire brilliancy of Corrplexion must pu 1 nry anil enrich the blood, which lie luboui'a Con- oeatrat3d Extract of baraupanlla invariably doua. Jihk tor Ueauuold a. lake no other. a CLEAR, smooth shin and beautlfil complexion V iouow uie uae oi ueuubeia s Conocutrau.'a .x Uc ot fearnapanUa. FatSHaOBBSSaatnBEanBBKMRaE fBii Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is At once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigJus. lis occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off", and consequently prevent bnldllCSS. FrCO - ,ii,;a ,10,or,o wliioh ii villi iiiuao uviciuiiuua uuu.'it.uv, make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, tho Vigor can ouly benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not sod white cambric, and yet lasts long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a gratetul perlume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, IiOWEIX, MASS. PRICE $1.00. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ron ptniiYisG the blood, The reputation this ex cellent nieilicino cniovs. is derived from its cures, many of which are truly niuivellinis. Invetcnito cases of Scrofulous dis ease, where the system ecemed saturated Willi corruption, have been Timiilcd anil cured by it. Scrofulous ndections nnd disorders, winch were aff cravated bv the scrofu lous contamination until they were painfully alllictinp, have been radically cured in such irreat numbers in almost every sec tion of the country, that the public scarcely ucvd to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enemies'of our race. Often, this unseen and unfclt lenunioi me organism unilci mines ineeonsiiuuion, nnd invites the attack of enfeel iliiifr or fatal diseases, n iiuuui c.i.iLiiiff u eiiniiciiill ill lt pi um'ik iii ji3ilin. it seems to breed infection throughout the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideov.3 forms, either on the surface or among the vita..;. In the latter, tuber cles may be suddenly deposited in the liincs or tieart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it snows its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcer ations on some part of the body, llcnoo Die occa sional use of a bottle of this tinreanarilla is ad visable, even when no active symptoms of disease npiic-a-.. Persons alllirled Willi the following com- plaints generally tind immediate relief, and, at length, cure, ny the use ot this tA Its I l'Ai; I L- J.l : or, hiioii;'. jure, jtnne or x.rjsijietff., Trtter Suit Rheum, Scald Ifead, Jiinaworm, (lore Eien, Surf ii"r, and oilier cruplions ot visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Viiwiwla , J)rop$y, Heart JJimane, tits, HiUeptiy, Xeurafaia, nnu tno various t fret-on auectiousoi me muscu lar nnd nervous svbtetns. Hunliillx or I'rMrrrnl and Mercurial DUeaurt are cured by it, though a long time is required for Fiibduing these obstinate maladies bv any medicine. Put long continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint. Leucarrha'a or U hitee, Vterine Ulcerations nnd Female Diseases, are com monly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and invigorating ellect. JUinuto Direc tions for each case are found in our Almannc. sup plied gratis, llhrumatittm and Uout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver VompialittSf Torpiattif, voufestton or mpam mationaf (he Liver, and Jaundice, when arising. as they often do, from the rankling poisons In tho blood. This SA USA PA It 1 1. LA is a great re storer ior tne strengtn ana vigor oi tne system. j nose who are Aannua nun jashchs, eston dri,4, Sleeuless, and troubled with Aerrotf. An nrehensions or fears, or anv of the affections fymptomatio of Weakness, will find immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative PREPARED BY Dr. JT. C. AHIl &. CO., I.oweII, Maa; Practical and Analytical Chetnists. SOLD BY 'ALL DRUGGISTS EVERY WHERE, The last dsffiij Sue cess. Hair dressiiM BY ITS VSE Gray or Faded Hair is quickly restored to its youthful color and bchut'y, and witli the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to tho Hair. It will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spoti It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLIXG HaIK is immediately checked. Fr Hale br all Druggists. DEPOT removed from Gr eawlrh St. to 33 liarclay bt. & 40 1'axk l'laco. PBiOMEDollia EW MEAT MAEKET. ft WcDPyALD k FRANK FOX have established a FHKM1 MlAT MARKET in the location recently oc cupied by Oto. Mutter as a Foat Ouice, ulitiw thty are i-iepured to aurply the citiaem of the boroiiL'h uud vicin. ity with good UuW.me Fresh MeuU. auch a will auit ui uwu) ui uie dumi uuuuiouit. ibeywul alo deaver ineata at the miidenuea oi their customer, three timed per week, a follow viz: On Morudya, Wedneaduya aud Saturduvp, ejEtituding tach trip to Cuinerou aud bteriuiir liberal Htiare of patrouage hi aolioiUtd. July 2j, iwy. ly TT ELMBOI.D'8 J 1 hOOFLANO'S GERMAN BITTERS, HOOFLANO'S GERMAN TONIC, I'RM'ARKD Br IHt. C. M. J.iCKSoy, PillLAnirLPMlA, Pa. The greatest known rtmtd'm for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the KiJneys, ERUPTIONS of the SKIN, -ii m.....a i al ii ir rrttm n dim P Tt II fill - -a ordered I.lver, htoinnc l., or IHVVMTV THE ItTAWU . ..... j. it .. .,n.f It uru Suit th-lt T'UII lf J'tnviriJl'l j.y"'..'-'.", " .' r . ym,r ilrm it -iiTtclM t,y unit " ' "'. " " '"' atfitmi thut ii'nif r-anviierd ' "' mntl fnri.n'1'fnr orgitn l ynur e"y, -cheelmt lit H.r nt".r fi'r'i fill rmlin,n i'in'm , . L. .1. .11. k. thl MIlU Constipation, Flatulent", TnwaH Pilns, t! illness ot lilooa toine nena.iwi"" ot thd Stoinauh, Niiuncn, Hoart burn. D.HHiiNt tor Fond. Finnans or Weisht in tho Btomiioh, H iiir Kruetnti jns. 8111k init or Flutierinn at the Pit of His Btomaoli, Bwiaimlnpt of the H'ai1, Hnrnod or D.IHoult DrnAtbinff. Fliitterme; at the Heart. Ciiokinf! or S'ilf'.iiiiiin 8 jiiBiitions wheo in a 1 ,yingMxturu, unnueanoi vihioq, I t rt or vVto!ih betoro tlio biKht. D ill P.iin in tlio Head, L.eii oien.'y of i'orspiratiofi. Yel lowness of tliH Skin and Hlyes, iiti in tba Bide, Bn.'k, Oiieat, Limbs, eto bud dan Flnsiios of H.'iit, Bliiuhir in tha P lush. Ojllsllint llUHUilllMH of Elvil,' and Ui'tjat DopreNHiun tipirits. Ali th'-ft iii''V'V di.Klt of the l.ivrr nr Ihyrttii Oi'ltativ, cmhtttnt Willi imjntrt btmiU. 1) jofl;inVs German Dittcro lliurtr I U iMimim-ii or r Inlil ItuctN. Tite itouirt. He. o- ntnl llnrU from vliltli lliroc riVnil-' ni-r Hindi nre niitri'td In :rrn:ti; All 1 li lit f ll it ii I virnwi nrr .i-'t I lie in hy it fclv mi trtc cli . Tlire fxt niri n mr Ititn foi nnlcl to Iil4 Country l ln irl rxuri.ily for tli in a it it t'a r( lire of I lie- iliKt-r. T!irr I si art liioiioi ic MiDaiicsui any kiiiii iim( (t In cuiiipniiiidUi I lie lilm r, hence It I Ihi- unf lltMi Hint cttu br Ub-I In i-mm w fr nluoliollc mini" uliiuin Hi e ol nd v Uiiblr tjjotl.tnb's e5:rmait (Tonic a cfinbiti'itiiHi nf all tli tvyrrihrtitg nf v,t (fr. with I'tin y.tn'it ( 'fit Htm Onnitf, r.; r it mm j"T the ttn liirr.tt'A an the itittsr, hi cw u-herf. mm pure uicn't-tic stunndu it r-ftmt. I .n win Mar tn nu'wl t-i'it timf. rtitirtfic ir ptitiiWy diflV-ieni mm ax.V nthrr ailvrUm't w t?m vnrt u the dtf.tttet ,(-(, ('!. U' i'iil jjcftfi Hi" prsniiratiiniit nf ittrtttctiMi tjctrt'rU. while the uiU rt mrr tlfmrtinmo rum i,t $a,nr J'ti'M. T f T 'N'O Is '. t i dnt It um the irwst fttfiiimut ttn-l ttyrTithU wmrdi'-s ever nfTfretl to th litl'iU. lis 1: V is '. -i'llr. It ijt it plnHUie tn .'. it, if(,7,' it h. -f?niurt, rrhifiir-ittug ''titl irictftWM'if rjitithtif.i hitre, ouir,t it tn 6c kwnvn tu t-le ynatctt of uft Um:t CONSUMPTION TlioiiMmid ut in-ien vtin Hie pit lent hii;i)iciKffl lie hmh nlU'eted tvltli t nls I ei -riiilM UiM-mr, hnv orrn rm rd tiy f it itc iriiiri-ri i!H (ll -:h, Kxl reme rit.Ht.t Ion, debility, nu A inuli nr tlie iimuiiI ntiriid'tutH i-toit fceveve rn .i'i it t it y r te if I n r 1 1 1 v n e of lbe (l.j4e-(c ortfntii Kved In cnf ttt Hen il ne foils h in liu, 1 iiene rrineil Irs Mill be loniiil !' lbe i-enleit bcnAtt ktient benlng mul Invlgotaiiug. D3I5ILITY. T!'re in vo ineiticine fijnnf tn Ifnoftunir German Bd'. r nr 7'-mV in rm' of lUUHi'y. 'J'hey impart a U.tif tind riiinr m the whole rysti in. strengthen the up pftitr Ctttr. 'in enjrilfJlt 11 the J'norf, tWtile the I'.iMit h tn 'Hii-xt i'tt p'lrif; the bltl, gire a ff'i, in 'Hi, hfttlthy comicxi'Ml, eradicate the jiellnw tiny from the rr, impart a Ma i to the. cheeJct, and chttnnn tne paiiait 0m a tort-breatUed, cnuxcia'M ttak. Weak and Delicate Children nrr mnde Hlioiiff by lining lbe lilt era or T iii-ile. In In el , t bey nrt m.l y Jl rd le : ln'h 'I' lie y rn n be d minim ti vd ilb pet-feet Mfely to n elilld tbree iiioiitiih old. tlie moiit Urllealr leinalef orn 111 nil oi'iilnety. Tnesc ll maliit are the bext Jlooil l-iii'lilera ever l-antvn, unJ 10M cure all ttitcatts resulting from tw .,.. K-'pyonr hh-yrnl pure; keep your hirer in anter : k.rti inr it iyfi 1 rr m'fuiit in n .i.ft hraltl y rtwli' ttnu. ' the uu uj t,ime itiiitiiVt, ami uo duruft wiH ic.T astail i'-a. m snm-i W ' m dMV I..itdien who ithb a fair akin niid f;oid euiutl -ctont free from n yrllov sU t lif;e a nd nil other dUAnriii emeu I, Kbiiiild line lliiNO reiiieilie. mrt.ittii nlly I'lif Kli erln perlVel order, Aiid lbe blfnd pure, it ill remilt In hptirk. lii'S " and blooming clieek.4. CAi-nos, ll'uf't). (Cs (intuitu tt tit'tlii i are entntterfriftd. Tfif U'rutittf It iff tir ritittuurt it t'. .V. .Ittrl.-Mtm mt tltf. I'l'ttttt nf itir. t.Htriiti tfl'ttfttfr nf rufh lint tjlid thr H'inir nf the uttidi Mown in fuch'btiltu. Jitltlefi ii"k ci'iiiif. rjiit. THmixniulx ol Irltrra Imve liren re rrlrt l, tolliyiuK lot lie v 111 lie iiflhcx rtiiieilie. BEAD THE RECOMMENDATIONS. UtO.M HON. OKI). V. WOODWAltD, Cliiif Jint'' lof the tii,reme Court uf IViitilraula. r.:iL.iiii:Li'NU, Makch IO1I1, 1SU7. iftn l Ihuifland't Crt..;.in hi ten" it nut an inMj. ie.ttiii'i brrrrtfje. t.ttl it a g ' rmii'r, useful mi ti diTt nf the rlifrttive m-gaiu, cm., great lietieU in ttuet nf UeUtitj) and mutt f Hereon action in" the tyscNI. litirt trtd;, VtiU. W.WOOllWAUD. FROM 1IOX. JAMKS TIIOMI'SOX, Jllilge uf lbe iiiit erne I'umt nf I'minnrlrnnK I'iiihiiii.hu.i, April 2Stli, 1(A I rons'iler Iloofluiil' liri mnu lilt. Ifl'" r-ttitae,:? medicine In ciu.t of Ml. iMcka l liitllrai;it or l)j liriii.la. I vnii e.rtlfy thi from nir ciiirrtcuca gill. Yoiir, h It li rr,in ct, JAMKS 'l'llO.UISOX. rr.im HKT. JOSMIMI If. KKXNAItP, D O., PwMr of Ibo Teutli IliplUt Church, I'hilaiieluhla. I Ml .IAC10X lrK Ml illtareliern freqimttlnr ytetled loa,ict , unrne with reauHiantdaliimi of lltjln rut kinds til Medicine, lii J i ei,urdiiii the l.i .icdVi ""' "ITinpi file ,,,here, I ' ,i, all caiei de. tlmrd ; but uitll, a clear prunf in ruriein i,t.-tnce, and vnrtKularln i m y men fan, Hit, nf the tuefutneu nf Itr. Ilftlnnil' fiermuH Hitter. I de,u-t fnrnnct Dim My eonrte, to erprex mi lull culu iV'f-.ii' f,( f.., elil:il il.'l.ilil.v..fllio1li.i,. i,ii, fH,rt-.'ill f. Liver Ci.le; llnl, il U h fo mul v.iliiulilu .i a-(st nil, Jn tome rate, il mntlf.iil ; H.-.uull,. I tt.mt.t U;t, it ,.7J be rein Uwjiriul to thiue whn infer Irnm Uie abort CUCJCf. i uun, very re.,,rc! fulhi J. 11. kkxS ahik y.iuhth, keluw Cthttei St. Pries of the Bittera, 11.00 por bottle Or, a half dozen ior V03. frice of the Tonio, $1.50 por bottle j Or, a half dozon for (7.5-3. Thi Tunic U fit t up In quart b iltlun. Kecniltrt that it i, Dr. ll..,J1aJ', firman nemedie, tli.it tne m mitrei i.illi, ut.a mid ,n Itl.jhl revmmr,,. tit ; unit iln w4 ullnw the hi ti,?,! In inditre ym to take uiiy tlmig e.lu thai he via, m,, i ,, gnvtl. If nuttje lie Hi, ike, a lr.,er ptntil an it. T'irie lemedie, leiH U lent lit, expect tu uj lialily tip applicaHtm PUIXC1PAI. OFFICE, "AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, An. K3 Altai arh'KKT, I'hiladelftta. CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor, Foraurly 0. M. JACKSON 4 CO. Tliene Remtdiea are for a lru$t(i'la, bluii-keepcra, uud tint utleri Kii uli. ale hy Meili. Uo o(.ri;.-( to cxuMllw tvcll the article Holt iuu im vrder to ttt tlu genuine. ' """ JOTICK TO DRESS MAKElui. "D IT 13 SI 13 aPXiCTTIig-a- Ttfinn at ti Rtnn . Jua. 10, 18C0.-6t A- s arra, Ta. YOVNO LADIES BEWAR? of the fajuroua effeeta of lace Hoy, den and Waaliee. All auvh r. raeOiea olu up the pore ol Uie kin, and in a ahurt tune de. 1