T (iMlt cjcmiis gjiucrato. Tjoonl nnd M itveelliinv. far Time at lUdgway. Erie Express Ens! 12:45 a. tn. lo do West Hi'llft m. Jo Mail Flint.- fi:15p. m. do do West v 8:KI p. m. Loonl 1'roip.ht Huh! MO a. m. Jo do West 6:30 p. tu. Hik U?-b, A. M ftnto.l moi'linus of' Elk Lodge will hp l'H 1 m their hall on till second find fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WIHTMORE. Soc'y. . I. C. G. T. The Eopolnr tnoo!ir rt of Ridgwny Lodec No. !;."(;. held every Wednesday eveuing nt tlicir Lodge Room. 0. E. nr.P.MAM, Secy. AG.2M3 FVR THE ALVGCATE. fTio fallowinpr named persons are authorized nrronts for tbo AJrifate lo receive subserip- '"ins, advertising or Job work, take pay there for nnd e'.ve ron-inls. Wilcox. A. T. Ai.i-r.ictt, J. L. Cacws. Kaua. Kbank W. Mkht. John -mushm--; Isaac II An.'.N. St. Matys.CuAs. MoVkan. O'-nlreville. IfnMrii IbLKAen. Mnj. TSi'Rnis. Caledonia. W. V. Smith, 15. A. W'bkik l'"i.tie.clte. John 0. Bab i), J. A. Know. f'liaV"iiit. .ToitN Fa l: IH: a . Frrinjc Creek. A. W. Invis. Ilis'iliiiul. Li:vi El.l.OTllol'PI. lloi ton. 1. C. Ovktbii, N. M. Phockwav. TI.e 0 oriel Templars of Tidiouto nud T iomsta hud a pic nie nn llio Ll. inst. Husbands should he bullet proof in Oil Ci y. l.-ist week n " lovely wife" fired tli to fl.n's nf hpr " dearl" beloved " hus- iiiir.d up." fkr which they " ktscu uuJ liiudc !'lvii)Y I'fpiiblieiiii. in nrdov to secure vole, nni-t he repls'cvc'l before the e'eeU .-n, id ;i.e intler ji'mn i' to attend to it uov. Tttr. Vfirt is six 'riches in length, four inelieF in diuiiietcr, and licnt.x s-. venty tiiiies 1 l- laiiue. -hint limes per hour. 100.MII) Lines J ir day, nnd B7,7V0.('I)H limes per year. Vat .Kit pnd l'etshtni:, a Pi elty Pair rf 1'eor I'rops of the l'oineroy I'cim1!c!oii lie pudiaiiou f.eliool of Politicians. Iluw do yuii lii-.e the sroup, lion"st Domoerat:. Wr: T in ak f- vuur iiatr so beautiful : vrir liai: Sirs, si A- Ailoii'a linpi-oved r'cstoivi' or li'' ('' l"!th I :ul L'o l.ir. Lvcry Dru;";-'! fpUh it. Price It: V. N H ' Pl an i-'.l.t, j.astor of the M. i:. Chnreh at llailioio. Pa., says: 'Ita'-e l-leasui-e in lecoiiiiiiendin I tlrj Macnmoosc ' i ; con? is nm l cools, an i luauv tiucr toe liui..aii l.im. !.'. ? not trumps in a ero.al uti" (.!' life. A A.-a senliaieut iliu iiwi'l Is eoiunmr!! I a preity. bat as a fti-t "f ii: 1 1 e ne 1. i.i i,a'Ui thu thiriil ! Sd.i',: ahoiii liv..:.i '.n! Ih woilil rei'liy i.ol is ii inn' esliuiaiion llitm did MryWk. j "erar i C'Ollll. tho li:i i- i.o Mo:i-, i.;lit'-s , ihe trump eai-d, and to wlucli nh in tlio -.aok jmy lnur.a v. If any di tl.'". leu liiin open Lis eyes uud luui; a simp. id in fallible ti st b n. to :ll!.l lime lllll i.'i-lliriie preeclol'-l. can IM ili.-lisiiriiisliud Ivooi liie conn It is linn : T!i n-.'list lias inscii'oe.l in the eye of tho eai;le foi niiui; the ceii a nn licit d'Oioiiifualioii. of liills, us ins to fiiui tin: p-ipil of liie eye, am! ihe l'i mo ilie lia.liiig, yet so us l':o wliolo percepi iliie to llio nale'i ii oio-e jitlenlioii is called to K, nn l :.liiict wiien Mien Ihroiili .i inuejii.lier. ,i i'i 1 ii yn ; l-ie !J ' throw i;i to maV eye wli To r.v. NoTi.n !u a ch.udj n I'Kii'er of importaneo to th morning it farmer to lniov.- '.. h.-lher il wi.l 0 ninsliiiiy or Kh'owery jo liie a. I'lcruu'.u. ll' ihe au'S lih-vc cleared llieiv hole nicely, and piled ihe diet, up high, it sob .(lam f.ai-s to indieale a clear (Jay, ihciigh it 1,-iiv he cloudy urn il eleven o'clock iu the fore jiomi. Spider webs v.i'.l be very numerous about ihe tops of the grass and grain some iiondy mornings j and fitly yenrs nlisi-rval ion pave shown the S'rilerlhal I hese lii lie w e.ilher jdu'sscrs scMiiui Jail iu ihcir piudictiou 0!' i liiii day. . 'D''OKF.st's Vol'NO A M Kit Hi A. This .rr' 11 en t liute periodionl is coiislanlly addirg to his re utati.m. nnd is oi rl.iiuly tho tnost faiisil'V'. pra.'ieal, and best edited of all iho invenile mnga ziues. it is not composed, like ..one elhers. ot a ceriaiu iiumljcr of stilled (ii-ticlis, but it enters right iulo the wp-i-liiies. intere.-ts, and ccupai ions of its voting g enders nnd laiiroiis. allows them to speak for toeiiisei , es, nn 11 siiinulatea Ihein wonde. fully to nciivity of tliouclil nail expression. i u ..consider it t Ii 0 best invest nienl of lfl,.r0 that jiny parent can uiuku. rubliblii.il ut 808 LioauV. .1 , . Pi'.mouept's Monthly. The enter- ... 1 1.1 1.... nr. :.. .prisini; puiitisncr 01 1 nif p"uiiii .'i.'.i-.'"-; id :vt in the l'ld in aiinouncmg, iniiong ine inducements to subscribers for Ihe coming year, the finest prennt.ui evor yet oH'ercd for q cingle Fiihscriptiou to any magazine iu this or any otherioooniry. ,lt oonsiols of a copy, retailed .t leu dollnrs, of Mrs. Lily M- .Spen cer's great picture of a " Pio uic ou Thu J'ourth of July," the . engraving of which lirtists were sent far, specially from Europe, .- coit'l'leto. Deinorent's Monthly is in ilnelf ihe uosi coniplete and nt tractive Mnga- ine for ladies published u this country, and lenuires little cxn-a iiuluceiiitiit to persuade them lo becomo subscribers. It. 13 really n tvviiig of ininey, however, lo pay ihree dul lars. slid et in uddilion eo valunhie a pie jun, and Mr. Demorest will undoubtedly 1 his list doubled ou the sirengili of it. J ntilishcd nt fD8 Rioadwiiy, X. Y. yi'ii.'Cii'.iu-: '.or ilu AJatuU; A Heeded lefoini. We linvo long experienced tho evil of the system adopted in our Legislutdrn, of lurmnir everything mat relates to a count.? or district to its immediate if preventatives. The roMilt is that Pmpublioiin in minority counties, milit just as well )io Democrats. Jf tii'i y co to llarrisburj' (or ' legislation, and appeal to Hepubliean meipbcrs, they arc told it is a local matter, and thrj musi go to the member from their county; Yet now can tlipy rtppct tnvors from a timn whose election they luwe strenuously ex posed ? Moreover, in most instances, thpy are not willitm to trust him. They are thus deprived ot representation and of nil participation in tho leg it i urn to fruits of n political victory. W c most cordially endorse the Mivr t Journal when it says : " The Pppubli-. cans of tho counties m this Pinto in which they are in the minority, have, for verirs hud just cause to complain of the nef'ect which -they have experienced of the hands of J-ke Picpublicntl Fjetritslsi ures They nrp p-wfcllcri to w.irk twice as hard as the Republicans of the mnj'irity cwintie! for tho success ot the party, ami when thin iro to Ilarrisbnrr for -needed local legisla tion they cannot jxe.t it. Tf the present year was not one in winch a Governor is to bo elected, tho 1 eruihl'oaus of the mi. nority counties would have made a demon stration which would have proved useful as a lesson to the Republicans of the ma jority counties. We nevertheless call upon the Republicans of the minority comities to demand at the next session of the I.Pii's laturo the nitetiti'-m to their wants in the wny of local let'isl-itirn which is their due. W'iiat henefit is it to I ho Republicans of n minority county lo work for tho hiieocn ot the party at the polls, if they are to he treated no better that! if the Democracy were in power? .et the Kepnhlican press of the minority counties t ike this mailer up itnd wi'h lis, deter&.ine to as!; !or notliiii" hut what is liht, i!Du to su!. mit to uctLif" lhat is wren;'. No iv ort Til lis.-- 'emocnitic ncwf-pajevs. which n few mii'li" ai;o were prot.liec im; a terrible deficit in the revenue and a cmr sccpicnt aiio'iiii-iitiitiori of the national debt as a rpful! 'of the policy ot Oonjrroa and 1 1 1 ii iiicipaui'v of President Grant and his ('aliment ohi, crs, are now tn;!ic1 in ns surinir their readers that tin increase of rc vi-nuo i ti. I a reduction of the debt were inevitable, ami that neither (loiieress t:or !hu Administration is iMititled to credit fur the inipinved aspect of nHaiio. Did they lie tbcu.of do they Hp now ? IIaiiiiy, you ouu'ht not to throw away .tcu tii-eau ...me d.'.v." like that Well, you may want terther, would land any better chance . f I tdiould tut ii. uo.V." L-l'iin;; A L: r.i:R.r, PutntnaouM A triv.i. ;i. O'ii lately tool.- a notion to Let liis ri iuri itcr the cereiimnv was cncl'Tftcd, the -nippy husband tuck tl twenty -fivo c,cn, an p from l is pocket, deliberately walked :p to the parson and banded it to him. aiiiL', parson, keep the tvhole, you ucciiii t give me hue)? any chuUjjc." A r.Mt.M'iii's son bad fir a long time .cct nsir nsilily s'ndyinj; I at n in n p'.pu- ' .r t'Caili-iny. . Tbe'Uijjot not bciu,;1 i-aiis. ed vrith the c.ui.-.e ot the youn h-ipclu' iieail.l !iin from school, and, ilacii bitn .y ilte fide ol u t-.;:, o"-o ili'.y, t'.t".' rd re s.-,(.d .liiiit : " Now Joseph, here is' a ..rk.aod iheic is aheap of timt tu-e oo-I : .art; v. hat do you tail tJifju in Latin '! " F'ltktbus caiMl'Us, et jiii.niirilvjs," said losi ph. ' Well, now," siiid the old tuun. il you'du not t:-.kc that luikibus pielty luickilnis, and iiitidi that mimtil'ibus into i . '.... hat eart'ous. 1 will tireak your ?.y backi- us. .'US, J.ctpl. -i;t t.- workiL-us iuiLLivulu- "Fuil'Nl) .laMiihy 1 iiiii ie!iscd that .'it u has jot such a fine (-rutin in - thy i.iiuith." " Put," said ttiec'ci'.'jm.iu, ' I li nubt you were sti'oii.'!y nppoM-d to bav 1 1 jr an oruaii iu a.chtuch '( " " So I am, -aid ( liia linb, bin tben if thec will worship :hc Lord with machinery, I would like thee ti) have a first rate liistruiucnt. .'.maii Oi l, Uiiif Ssiiinll lii'd rnnins .MAI. are deal! to lb"F(i who sleep in them. A bed room sliould be 1 he lurjiest room iu the house; mid where it is hot it should be ventilated by open Joints, drooping win dor ft, ate! tho .cbitiii.oy riiii.y 11 .jicrsou bus sicki lii d and ii-d without knowing what the troiihlu was, from sleeping in .-ui-ill and tibt b(!il rooms. A single nij;bt in such a place wili leave its marks on a child, who -.will rise in the nioruiu; and wilted like a liuied-floivcr. Pai ki:u PuoToiirtArnnn, -Haunch, of Fnihi r Ali-idtiiut. who u s ut " Chunk " Ion.' i noiioh to kmvw whereof ho speaks, gives tlio pceunioys Ana this rccomnieudu. lion : " Piiisoiially iiu may safely be termed a cleaver mail ; of (;reat business capneii v, aud of soniu very ood traits of ch'an.ficr. llo lives iu a magnificent bouse ; is a- lnillionare ; kepps plenty of ' puro old whisky ' ou his sideboard (tor w Inch as well as his btampa there will he an imniejiso demand ;) i.s fond of fun, tbou'ih by no means funny himself, and enjoys tbo reputation of binj tho best eUcher playor ot Mauch Chunk." John Poitano of Kersey, was drownr J iu Mead Hun, lasi Sunday. W-o have not the particulars. Gciutle. 2,000,000 acres in tho United States are plained with vineyards, and it is staled that tho urea will soon bo doubled. A LAltOE black beetlu, wearing upon its4 broad bnek rows of most brilliant golden dots, is the friend of the farmer. From i's egos ure produced corn f;rub killer ; the moht inveterate foo of the cut worm, with which it gorges itself until it can .hardly m'ii Ils j tws ore veiy strong. Ph-u-diuiun spare that biiij. Fx I'KRiKNCh is one of the oldest and best of teachurs; but her prices lire ruinously I1M1. Qi;i-,8TIons for younjr Democrfltfl in Pennsylvania : How did your candidate lor governor, lofrin life)'. Asa Packer. When did he do his first packing ? When ho Jiackcd his curjiet-bag "and pacl.ed off from Connecticut to Pcnnrylvauia. When was- his last packing done? When he packed the Jim riiiburg Convcutiou. Gov Geary wns nominated on the first ballot, hy a vote of VI to 8 for nil oThev. Chat is the way the Hcpuhlieans rctnenil tr the. men who fought the hat lies of the fli;:. The 1'emnrropy retnemher tho soldiers in their plntoniis ; the Repuhlieans retnem her the soldiers in their nominations. 1 he difference) is preach with practice preach without practico. and " Pivilh's. Musical Monthly " for Ant: lift is en eurtalde. This work contains 1 1: e liitept nius'o pul.lislicd, Inakiii!; ii ii.v.-i'.iKi'e'e to (lie noisical piJilic. li eonicins ever !";"it) Hon'li oj' music in a ye.-ir, liesides IdX pages of rendi: jf niatiei. Price SM pei aiinnni. Iress J. L. l-iiTJblW, l'.iS Uruudway, Vork. Ad. .t-w him- Kuod TlfF. Arabs allow n lntin to divorco elf from a wile yv Iij dues nul hmke, luead. Ti'K Aipvucatk lias llie Urscs! cii culniion in lie ouuiiiy, and is (lie hest mtvertini" iiiedium. Accouhinu to the ."-'nair.di journals in l'uba, the lolhiwini: insurgent eotnipanib rc have bced killed nud cf-me, to lilo. several times : (J'tcsndn, twice;' l'tueredo, uiiitola. leralto. ('isiu-ros eardi once ; Mm mol twice, and IiviIy ti"ec tiitics. NEW 'A j) V jE -TI 315 r-lTl T8 ("' Ti From ll. ."oad'-iny '.i ta,. la l. -.vhttc evee Vht red. sub -avilv.-r. froai ihe K :'..' Co ii jireioii-eTi, ou or ah oit the. '7ih of A i.iiil"y cow, s;x years old. nil it her ciieehs andiars. v:lii.-li ,-ne Any peroii v,-li.i will giro info tiia i mil or vet urn said cow to t ho lvorscv Coal Citinpatiy la-a-minM iee, or io tli:s oi'ic.' will he vai-.l.d. O. I-'. CLMilC, Fox tow n-diir Aitirust lllh. lSir.l. loiOi:'.. yyoii-jK ion n.i.a. A snlo any iUi uii'i ll'dll Har-.- -. XOI 1 ll'l I W.'l pi, to W. S. li av. l'i. vln.V.'tf. i.Vi. -'":;- l-iuu cans -Kr.Yll'K'r:, K:tl Tans the . li.i: . l!f.i.s K'-nh-s. I'.iri'leau . I'r.-ii li T:ii- -i c::i" r-;ii" heape-i 1 st, at V. S. 1 ware Store, i'i'!.:w-a.v, Pa. 1? The undcrslgii'-.l havir,!- polvha ;ed th? en. ire st'a.'K ot iuriiivoi e. na:e'.aais .U'., of .-civilioa T!i(i.'iris, late for s i'e by II. II. hoimis, .l-'agi-m. as 1U0 ihe ikU owned by T. Wlieider. '.m) i.i o'-.ai-,;.! o il. II. Thomas for '.ale ipu e. muih. -i'i, -."c;'1" to "irry on liie fiii-a'iUie b i-iiiess in tac rojiuo 'oiitdy f.ccup'ed by II. II. 'I'll inias A coinpci-'iit prnclical cab .net siaker wii' -iiperintend the b.isi'.eas an 1 da the. woi'-'. and ,t is the il('tei'.,l;i.ati.)ii of tha pronriet 0 to oaha nnd se'l l';i'Ui:iiie inoi''.' B'lli-.iil'.jthil'.y laaie nnd at l.-.er prl'-os t'l.an his ecl' Leu "il'e. ed to Cie j.:pii uf lli s vicinity. 'I'he public are in' ite-l -. call na.l exim'.ua his stocii Ijclei 0 pal i lias-.u; iti.lgway ',Ily 31 P-OO. r i'!-. " ;k i-e. ' ,i'". 0. Ii ALL. vii:.:.f. 3. Y'ANIIO'in : ivi SI'llO l I.w .1 7'"-. 2 1 1 '(: -- Jll't of puh'ishel now nUii'' ' 1.1'. WELL'S (.-. !. ii,:. (.11 " 1AV 011 the 4 of Sr :.i-MAT 'iv'ili'iitiii'y S v and l'ltis '-'A CI'.l.KIiU A fiiJ 1 f A-iiiioul modie'ce :elilillal V enVnei;?, I ! M col K'.uy. M octal iau:e.. or i'lal Losses. I,K"ip.c!:y, also, t'o - . I! I I ll ll 01 o t -' 10 lo Marriage, eic. -r.-ii'ii'iN. rru.m'SY, nt d 1 its, i'i"uoed 'iij in-li'.lg'-u-e ors'-Mial extr-r ! nee. Ji-J- Price, iu a scaled 0 :i. po, oulj ii ecu's. , The ei'h-bralud n'Ulior. in th,s admirable essnv, clearly de'i'oostr.iie-i from a thirty yenrs' snecessfal prncic", that the iilarmii'g eonser1o"n''es of self abuse may be radiea.Py eurcd without, the tbiv.gerous 11-"! of internal med cine or the nnpiicni ion of the knife; pointing out a mode of euro nt once simple, e.ei-iiiiu, nn l ell'.'ci mil. by means of which every suil'oier, no mailer whnt his condition 111:1 v bi. may cure hi.u--.eU' cheaply, priva..e!y, and wii'.Vi.iy. Tliis Leetu -c should be iu the hands oi ever viiiii ti i.C'l every man in Ihe mini. Sent, under seal, 111 a plain eovei'ij a. 10 nu.v nb.i i'so. !..'-.. on roo":pl of six cauls, or two post Ktami Also, lb. Culver well s l,.ia.i.fe fin de." nnce Si cent s. .lunress. Iho Publishers. CIIAS. J. C. K I.l S E Co., 1"7 Lowerv, N'-w York, Post-Oliice Eox l..ri'i. vtnSoyl. ypoci ;tl Notices rSM) CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by u very simple remedy, "flcr having suffered several years with a'scvere lung nii'eotiou, and licit dread disease. CopsihiiiU ion is anxious to niahe known to his leliow-sulicrirs iho melius of t- n o.i,f .i,.vl, i it he will send n cry of ,1,.. "il.Hsoriiitiou used, free of charge, with the directions for preparing nnd using ihe same, .. , ..... ........ ..1. . , 11. 1. 1 u'v wi 1 iuri a sure liiic n" v .......i.i' ti-Mi, Awhi'ia. Bronchitis, etc The object ot the ndv-jitiser in t-euning tno "''""I"""1, ,n li.m. f,i the ntiiictcd. and sprend inlormation .iilnii I.- .onecivea to bo invnluuldo ; and ho hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, ns it will cost him mulling, and may prove a bles- Partiea wishing the prescription, will please address. REV. Ef'WAKll A. Wll-SllN, Williamsburg, Kiugs Couuty, N. . v1n20yl. 7RROR3 OF YOUTH. A P.oileoinn who' snffered for yenrs from ., Iii.l.ilitv. Premature l'ecay, nnd all il,eifee,ls of youthful indiscretion; will, for .i. ..i ,.r euiwitirr b umiin it v. t end f ree to ..11 ), r....,l ii- tbo receipt and directions lev ninkiug the simple remedy iy 'which he was eiired. iSuuerera wisiiuik 10 i"" ".1 -- vertiser's exporicnec. tan (in so ny iiuui is-ini. in perfect conlidence. .1 . wuui-.-, vlniltiyl. N- 4- st 1 cd, N. 1. TTISITINO CMU'SNEAT'Li i-XECUT V ed a' this otee. 7 NEC I TH'V S, li nn-, V.'i..-i"iO' tulv Ut lllls Otl-'.C. SI M l ' A.O., co sr f.fMj-.. 1 1 a 1 1 I'.r HA1LH0ADS- PKiLABELIHIA &, EEIS EA1LECAD. WINTEtt TIME TABLE. Th. ru:h and l)!rct h'mtie . hrhneen 1 liiltidiJjilu'tt, JJnttimsre JTurri bun, Wilfimntpnrt, nnd tht G R E AT 0 1 L R E G I 0 A of Pennsylvania. L M G A N T Si.T.KPI.VG CA118 On nil X;lit Truii.t". rX nnd l;l!T MONDAY, I-'OV. 2-r)'li, JJrie ! tie- trni'i" Mi fie IMiiladelpida & Uaili'Mid ill rim n-- l'i v e rv, n. Mail Tin? a leavn )!;'!;;. iiia " " " ll'd-rwuy " " iii-i ive at lie Kris i:--j losv.-a riuiad-lt-Uhi.. " " " Pe''.-.-iy " " ni riv l' i.l !':-i a .'. n-HA n n. Mai1. Tiahi leaves J-'vie " " " l.i-l;-.'ay.. " " in rive at l'hiUd'a. Krie Express luiivvs Jiie " " " i-'-jv, iy... " " n"-nt Plii',a.!,.'.,h I'M" p. in. H.il p. m. !I..'iO p. in. ' I oO a. tn. '' o I a. in. 10 OiJ a. m 10 r,., n, O.IIJ l. 10.110 a. 'i-M'- 1::.4". a. ( 4 '21) p fail and Ex.urss conn, ;-t with Oil Creek nnd All eny IVver H-iil i'oid. 15A0 (jAUli Ciii.UKiiD Tlilidt'Cil. Al.i ItKii I.. TYIjF.R, OrH"V-il UM'-r'-it eiidept. LI.EuillEl-CV VALLK-i KAIL LOAD, l ee only direct route to l'iltslnr5 WITHOUT CIIAXGE OF CAR a from Oil City. i In and il'ii'V Mo'i'l '. ;ii run us follow s : M.i IriUO, trains i IMJ f-'OUTfl. Day Express 'e-r Arvi-'i ti! 1'ills 'i. '.;'U KiptT' s 1 Oil C "? at. y at ID 10 n. in. 6. i " p. in '-.:! i p. m. II. -hi n. ni. 7. -') n. m. 's ti! City at '-.i ;.t Oil (':' at Arnviii;' i 'lixed V. i sh Iv '.it , iiin-ii. ill LI. i)av f..1a-v-t ; i. 8.(;frn.. m. P,10 p. m. '.hi p m. Mia iu. il1' a. m. 1 itburg at Arriving at Oil L'i'y at .N'-i!:t F.xprerslcvss Tit sl-uvg at Ai riviiv; n( 0l City at Mir-it v-iV haive Wett Pcun Jliac. at Arriving at Oil (liiy at 0, !") p. in. Cop"ee!...ii City nnd i''i town iiui Fr. West P-nn, I 1' ,-r-1'-.. 'oi v r-i.d T' v : in.'' on f r Oil :. l l-'ra'ikliu w.'h .huncs l IV 1!. Cainvc'.ioMs wi'li at Ve-t fenn .hririion for :. h. .1 aP !IIS o;i ihe inuiii lii.0 of 'i-ii- v laaa 1!. ;.,i,i Tin .-il ei- in T -t a' t-s on .1. .1. h.A l is. M. Ktrci. A ' ii '.vjiioial Sep. . r.oat tusi, - Jtr.SXE.S.S (!A h'hS, yoilX G. If ALL, Attorney at la-r, Hi (p way. lili; c.ouily i'a. uiai'2'i:ijl) 1 i' i'.r.:. I'a. Attovrov-at -Law . LI'INF, Htll.'.s':;. Sr. Mary's Pa.. Her J man Kret,, Prupriciftr, PUgH'til! T'i. W. JAM I A'.Lnd .jL.l-lgli, S I'M. iif'I.Y Thysieiun iit. Jiary's. li'k ci uny mur-y.i'1'iilly. 7'dAV-K ii.iMMM'T, A I lorn ey (j"- Cieariiel.l, i'etm a Will p. a i Ik a -i.i I'anif'iou e.uii tics. "Cf'-1' at-l.nw, tico in -,H-y . D'l. W. W. SilAVv' Paaet'ces Madicire and ui- 'erx , Ccmrcvi'le, i'.V- count v l'a. f'.'-ir '.:?; ly. V. C. ! liUM.MK. la k Vir.-.'-iaii!.. and . rV, l'a ( '!Sn above 1 dice iifu-.i li..a iu M. ..1. I)., ;e.rrr'."iii, Rid-rvray Kl!; .'.-o of Ii. (!. 0 !lin 1UA. M. uud I', to S. 1 lnSif. f- 11. Vui.M, ll: p..i. Si. M r.y M '.r-JJ'l'"i-1 . Manufacturer and 1'ea'er In1, r, opyo ';etl,o Iui.'.i:-e:tci s, i.iii. t'OUiilj i'u.. uOil.N O. Ii.M.1 'AS. K, I'. UALL. HALL tV IUt(. Atto l' 11 ( y n - n t. - la a w bi'. .M.VUVrf: DI'N'lN'illR P. O. n K COUNTV, PA. September 2o, v!i5. ly. TS. Inlv,-cP, , Dl'l'-e au.l Jail en Centre Si. Ponlvi-cP, M. T. Ecleolic Physician .1 lpsidenea opj.nsjto toe en Centre St., h idovny. Pa. 1 ro rmt al- ntioil wiil be given to all calls. Cilliee hours : to h A. M- : l.' t0J P. M.'; and ti to 7 P. M. Mar. 2-1, OU tf. P. TUG WAY, PA. D.'YIIi TIT A YE", Pi opriotor. The inide-.sif ned . bnviiig fined up n largo nnd con. in odious hotel on tt.e f.iii.hwest corner of (.'enlre an 1 "!iM slre'!, Willi pood nnd convonb-iit siabling nt! lel.ed. repcct- fullv solieiis the paironage of his old friends arid the yd lie geinii..lly. lecl8 Oil lj VW THAYER. 7IiANI-:i.IN HOUSE,' p S-f. M.M'r'n. Pa. LAROEY & M ALONE, Propr's. The propriet i'is vespeeifu'ly mil the ntteption of their fi -ends nnd the public in general to Iheir nnd ci.miuoilioiiH hotel. Every auomiou paid lo tho convenience of guests. 11. i,.A 1.(1 I. 1 . niny'iO-lK'iMy. J. A. '..AbOVE. rr kusuv norsK, SV l'i.v.p.ivn.'F T"i ir Ci Pa. ' fi-:Sk. ' ' TI. I Lkacii, Proprietor. Tlian'sful for tlio patronage I eretnfore 80 liberally bestowed upm him. t ic n'-w pro prietor, h"pe.-l, by paying sir'Jt iitleniu.n lo tlie conitor: nr.u convf nirnee 01 guests,.- 10 merit a continuniic! of the same. vln-iOly. OR TON HOUSL', izniK. PA T". 2'oitiC, (Jnfr of the JJidt : Hoiw) V"j)' irtfir Opci'j Day and. Nilit nilOif. T-ALUAULE PINE LNIiS FOR SALE. The valuable Pine Timber lauds hnow ns Ihe f'OWE, PLACE, & Co., hinds, about 6! '00 ncrs, ljing en l"ysun Run, nud Mill Crei k, iu Clarion and Jefferson counties, nr.d forj-alc lOH I) sold lironc lo', or iu lots of reu'oni.lile size tos i't viireh.ascis Tcvniii I ili'M-nl. Aiip'y to the :i - e. i"''' (' Ai'. inoi I - . a J'' "hvi'te, P J'.l . MISCELLANEOUS. A GIUIAT EEMKDY , FOR THE CUBE OP " I into AT AND LUNG DISEASES Ir. Wishavt'' Pino Treo T A It GOIIDIAL. It is tho vi(nl principle of the Pine Tree, ih' mined hy n peen'iar process in the dislila'ion of tli? tar hy which ils highest niei'ical pro prieties ore retained . It is the only sn'ejrimrd nnd reliable remedy which has ever been prepared from the juice of I lie Pine Tree It invi-jora'cs I he digestive organs aii't restores the nppetit c. Il Strength ens the ilnbilial ed system. It purities and eii'ioh.es ihe blood, and expells from tlio pys I "ni the corrupt ion wliicti bcrofitia broeds on the lungs, Ils henliiifr principle nets upon tho irilnted suiTtiee of the. lungs ;ind throat, penetra ing to each ili'eiisid part, relieving pain and subdu ing i 'tl '.aiatiou. It in the result of yenrs of stu !y find expe. r'laeiit. nnd it is oifwd to tti ntllioted. Willi the pnsitivi! assuriinee of its power to cure 'he following diseases ir the pa.ti"nt has not too loni; daaiyd a resort to the menus of euro: i)onuiiip!ion of the Lings, Cough, Sore Throat, and Ureas, lironcbiti". Liver Com p'aint. Poind nnd I'koding I'ilcu, Aslhuia, (VhoopinT Cough, Dipiheria, Slc p re often naked why nrj not other remc' dies in the uinrl'u! for Cor'sutaption, Coughs Col Is, and other Pulmonary ntnctiin equal tn Tr. L. Q. Wi"liart'a l'iue Tree Tar Oon.li.il. We nuswev 1st.- It eurrs, not hy i-tapp'tig cough, hut by. h.esening and asisliiig namro to thiov," oil' the imliea'fhy nmt'er collected about the tl'vont fnl liruui-liial tube.', causin; ir-.itiui.jn and coui.'li. Mod Throat nnd Lorn P,emedies nro compced of anodynes, which allay tho eougli for awhile, but by their coiistringiiig etl'eots, the fibers become hardened, and the unhealthy tluids ca.Tulale nud are retained in the sys tem en"-"".: disease beyond llio control of our inol enrio'tit phys:ei"iis. ;'d. Tl'e Pine Treo TarCorllah with ils 13 sistiiufs. perfee. able, because they remove Ihe eac-e of irrh a.'ini of the inucious luembrano r..'. ' V.-"c,.r'-:.".l tubes, assiai the lungs to nel end tl.rr.'v oil' the unhealthy sec elions. nnd p.,-ify the ''"i-'t, iiuis tcieiniii'.'aily induing the cure perfect. r. Wl'lnr! tilft on file nt W office 1i:tn-d-c-la. nii'l Thousands of Cerlilcates, from man mi l wmeii of unqiieotion.iblo characler who we'e once hopelessly given up to d:e, but tliri.'.ijth the providen-.-e of God wero com l.lule'v restored le iiealih bv the P'ne Treo Tar Cordial. A phj sici-m in r 1 tendance who can be consii'ie:! in person or by imiil. free of idiarg.1. rric-of I'i 1 1 c Tree Tar Cordial .?1.50 per bottle, nnd 1 1, Oil per doz. Si.it by Fx iue,s on veeidpi of rriec. Addre's T,. (I. C. ISHAUT, M. b., Xo. Ji Ji'orlh 2d Bticc!. Phir.a. l'a. tav '.,1,'i;rivP,v'!o27. "IE1V JSiOj.Ui. lvi The suhsoiabev la gs leave to inform the o'H sens 0 llidgwny and vicinity that he has opened a store where may be found PFiU'UMERY, FANT COOL'S, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE CONFFOTIONAR Y. OYST.::PS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. n!2 vl'f J. R. EAIIVD. A T TEX TIO X MIL L O WXF R S ! 'lllR KV'iLE TCri'INE V,' A T 1-i 11 I li'UELL, patented .inly SO, 1HG7, is su;-s.ior lo liny wheel in use. The under sijiiied have the agency for 'mid wheel in 'bo Stnie of I'liinsvlvruiin, uud can recommend ,t us her- Ilia lies' nia'iHl'ai-aired. For a. and tiivi.Iars. inquire nt Kersey, where machinery, further pai-iioiih'.i; our Foiuidry in 111 1 II ge-'ring, car-tii mad,- to erdr at r. :s and steam ermines will be aonnble prices. We expect by giving p:H!sfirti hi iu our work to receive " good shure of publie paironage. ' -; J. F. i;ot'.i;uton, R. r.ELL Kvsov. Elk Co.. Pa.,jnnlii 1-s(,?pd. rMcKli & CAiLilON, U Lr-saes of tho Mines of the Forsey Coa Miners and Sh'ppcii -, IJITUMI2ntOUS COALS ! Of supuiior 0 unlity, for GAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC--fTL'RE OF IRON, SMITHING AND DOMESTIC USE. A lo- prcmrpd to receive Orders nnd mnko contracts lor these woll.kuowu coals. OFFICE, KERSEY. ELK. CO., PA. K'Msoy, Pn., Mnroh 12, ISrtS. vln17lf. JF YOU WANT TO BUY Jl for the Million Co to A. UCRLACIIER, PEALim TN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISH LG GOODS, HA-iS, CAPS, KOCTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, T.AVELTVG ST. MAdY'S, T'LU Jiin-MSC-Slviid PUIS, iX-o. COUNTY, l'ENNA' c t!:l'S, ir.il-Heiids, r.etter-lleads, 'J'ajrs, llaudlu.U, ic ,, d ine in a neat r-anner, nnd at Ihe toivr.sT iti:ev:, Hill CASH, at tlio Elk Adv'ienle Priniin;; (liHee. doae .lou I'll ix t; k j 01 evorv (I- serirtinn nroiiiruK tu tliii-. o'liaiv and in n e'vlc 1111 eiUi!lle.-l iu this Kcolioii (il tii Slaio, l.liliie salisfaci ion coar .inieoH . Si UN'S, PI'l'OI.S Jt 1" eh' nnd lal pii'oi.s, p.irur.s, km vex lal lo cmU'L'y, of the VeHt t iualiij nnl i.i'i-t approve! pntteins, vu.y cheap ut the Hardware Store ou Eibecgcr's old oorncr m .St. V' y'a. "VfAl'-S, SPIKES, HINGIVs, HI VETS. JJ lochs, bolts, iindall kinds ot buildur's luaierii'ls iu peneral can lie had chcapor ut Ihe SI. Mary's Hardware Store than at. oilierphice iu )' Ik counrty. (uJH'ti7) 1 11 orders W'.ll bo p for Stoves and Hardware romplly aHeiidgd to J) -I ..- HARDWARE. j-EW HARD WARE ETORU ! Tlio subscriber-) have just opened in S T. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf 1 9 And will keep constantly on hand a great varioty of COOK AXD . HE A TIXG S T OVES Bm Ifm, Sfnl Anvils, Prtftnrs, Nail! a Jorsr $hnw, Spri'v;? Build- inii llu-dicare, dawn and' Fihs of Evert GUNS, riSTOLS AND D( script toil, CAUTIUDOES, Cutlery, riateil Ware and Ilnuso Furnishing Goods. AU kinds of Mechan ics' Tools ! TINWARE Of every description, which will bo sold at tins LOV.'FST CASH PIUOES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for tli,o IMPROVED ORIENTAL 13ASE.BURNING COAL STOVES AND PARLOR. FURNACES I Which have received Four First Class Pre miums ill the New York Stale nnd eft. cr Fairs : Also, the Great Silver Medal at the Fair of Ihe Am erican institute, held in how York City, 1805, They tjrc Forpctnnl rurners, only one fire being required to ho made during tlio season. M' lVEEClTE". .In. WM. II. COPELAND. nnv2R'(i7 1 v PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, PEflD AND GRAI:M. THE pub"ci ibers having couplet ed their New Grist Mill in llidgwny are now prepared lo furni.-:h the people of the sur rounding country with Flour of the J3est Quality nnd of their owu manufacture, at Iho lowes mai bet rates. The ntteii'lon of onibormen and others is called to our laciliucs for iuiuisiiiug thwu with FEED OF ALL ATA PS,- cher.per than U can be bought any other place in Iho counly. JCit"CA;ii Paid for OnAix.--Qa J. S. HYDE, J. V. IIOCTC. J. K. WHITMOIIE. November 7, Ih(17if LOOK HERE! C2NTK;VILLE TIN-SHOP. yt'lIN WAPI.E desires lo hmke known lo the citizens of Centreville snd the siirrouudinj country thai ho has taken the shop formerly occupied by P.. J. Malonoy" on " McCau'.cy'.-j Ccrnor " in Cent roville. and that h" hopes by ppying strict, nt tent ion tu li '-j business and the waul 5 of his customers, to merit their patronage iu his line. He will ie.ip 011 hand a large aud well selected assort ment of (Tin nmi&'hfrt-lfvon Wiu'C, of his own manufacture, which he will wurrnnC to bo of the best (fti'ility. His stock consists of everything thai is useful in the tinware line nbout, a house. I ash a fair trial, nnd -if my -work does not rive salUfne'.ioii, my customers will not bo obliged 10 lake it. JUI1N WAPLE. scplG:tf.. J. S. liORDWELT,, M. D. ECl.EVTH! I' U I'S 1 CW.t .V. the word xrlcctio means lo choose or se lect liieW.-i.ies from all tho different schools of luedioini! ; using remedies that nre safa, nml discnrdii-r from practice all medir cines th; t have an imjurious effect en the sya tcui, such as mercury, auiimony, lead, cop per, ka. I Iny aside the lance flic old bloodlclter, rojuter or depteter, and equalize Jtho circuln- . liou nnd restore the system to its natural shite by alteratives and ta llies. I shall here after give particular attention to chrouio dis eases, such as Hhcumat'sin, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint. Catarrh, Ne irnlgia, diseases ot tha throat, urinary organs, and all uiscasea pecu liar to feninlos, itc. CATARRH Ureal with a new instrument of a lute invention which cures evevy case. TEETil extracted without paiji. Ollice and tesidmco Snuth of thei'iiil or Ceiuro St. Ol'ice hours from 7 to H a. ; m 12 1 0 1 p. m : i to 7 n . m. ' li-i'lir. -ly. J. P. 1S0RDWELL. ('U.S 11. C'.ukeu, PilAC'lK'AL MACFIINTT. Can be i.'-. rj i,t his ('inimlra ..1 Si M,'0' where hf.u ready to have all shop-work in j lr.s li'.io done ou i-hoii not ioo. St; JUrv's, 1 licniuixcr P. l , I Elk co.. Pa. lnvl'tlH'tv - ! lOLi WOUK of all kiLds aud descri- O dor done ut this cfiice. LACESMl'i'irs .CARPENTVR'S AND 5 ) joiner's tools for sale " ol e .per than ihe cheiipcst" at, the St. idary':s Hurdw.i.a Sturo (uov28'G7.) roRDSOl;' WISDOM. On tho Kuliuw Passion in Yom'j and Early Manhood. xjUtl RFl.v l(t.'r- j l-. -:- soon slid uiifortua.ite. Sent in i'o,l !.,H..- ' - w - .... v TU T