OMh founts gdvoQtc. FRIDAY, SEl TEMUEIl 18HO. REEL HLlhAN STALE TICKET. FOR GOVKUNOlt. G EN. JOHN W, GEARY, or cuiDEni,.Ni. JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT. J10N. II. II'. WILLIAMS. lir ALLWillKNr. Tio First Empeior. Yesterday, the 11th of Ai!ust, was tho ono lmnJrctli anniversary of the birthday of Napoleon 1. The year 1709, in which liisbiith occurred, otherwise was not espec ially memorable. Tho world was generally at peace. Turkey lias jutt Lenti war with Russia, because of certain ii-Iiitcmerit.s of lier territory, but tLc remainder of Europe was unusually free from tho" strife 'of arms. The brilliant Catharine II. was i:;oicsf of fiussia, Charles III. held the sctptrt of Spain, Fredriuk tho Cieat wn ruling l'rus--siu, George 111. had been nine years hincr of England, and was just bcininj; to talk of Ills " rebellious fculjejts iu the eo.'o.jies." (.'lenient XIV., a liberal and seiu-ible prince of the church, was Pope of Home, and the volnptujus Louis XV was on the throne of 1'iauoJ. It was the nc of . Voltaire and lloV-.-.-oau, atid the tehool of French phi hi. uphcrSj who revolutionized old forms and i.i..l',;ulior.s, laws aud customs aud adapted theui by froth arrangements to the (spirit of the t;go. Wo have no space f r any writing i.l' the life of Napoleon ; aud tho tale at 'jrst would bo an ott told ono jji- every reader. There is probably no man iu t.;ry, tho etury of whose lite is so well knu'ivu tho world over, l'erhaps we aro tiill too near the stormy scenes, in which 1,( !'iud. to form an impattial ultimate of It:-, ehii.r.ctcr or hi.j L3acnce, ou tLc dea t..iy of France. The recurrence of his birthday, and tlic t!ieuj,ht of what, he made and what he as jircd to niuke Fiinoe, naturally siiL'U'cst.; present ruler and lier present condition, 'i'lic ruling Kuiporur appears to have itilieii ltd, with the little of Napoleonic blood v. Inch tutis iu h:a Veins, tho Napoleonic pafaiou lor the aggrandizomeut of I'aiui. ut beyond this ambition for tho adorn-ui-tit ol the capital, tlurc appears to be very lu lie ol tho First Emperor about Napoleon 111. Tdilitary genius he has uot. Aud of the nrigie influence, which can summon 1 iiuKVi's iu tho severest of advei'eitics, ho L destitute. But this ho lias Lamed, vliieh his great uncle never knew or never piactioi-d, that it is . impossible f.r any man to loi.t; hold restrictions on civil freedom. Aud with none of his uncle's u:agnilleent guuius, and with no very mui'Iio J orialienl poinis of positive character, ho biJj fair to uhcupo the fate of Elba, or Waterloo cr St. Helena. The fiV.-t empire was unrjestion ally a tyranny. But the tyrant was a great man, aud tho glory he cuulened o.i the nu tioii rendered every yoke light. Since that il.iy, Franco has had a fresh teste ofrevolu tii-u, and we ln'utakc, if it does uot require a gieaior mau than Napoteou the loss, tu May the tide which sets, towards institutions lLore democratic aud stable. Jt'sr at a time when the whole country is ciying out agaiust railroad monopolies mid abuses, the lemocrats of our State Lomiuatc u railroad King for Governor, and luorcvcr one whose direct interest identifies him with New York railroad interests aud tigaiust our owu State, llow can they ex pect rcuusylvania to vote for such a man. That Asa Packer, the Democratic can didate for Governor, was a delegate- to tho J)emocratio National Convention held at Charleston iu 1SG0, from which lie bolted, and united with the Southern secessionists iu nominating Johu C. lireckeuridgc as the tession candidate to defeat Stephen A. l'ouglass, the regular Democratic nominee, in a fact that should be reuicuibcrcd. A scamp named IJowen, who was arrest. e.l hist May on auspieiou of having sonic ling to d with the tcrriblo Railroad disas ter u;;.r Carr's rock, ou tho Erie Railway, lias mado a full coufesstom" of his great crime. He removed a lail from tha track v.h.t re tho train was throwu off. This was in lcvct.e for having been discharged by r lie Company aud also iu tho hope of lus- d-iini- tdo enmo od a man nameu Jvuigut o as to .so."ure tho reward of 82,000 ofi'er ,J bv llic C'i'Uipauy. Suoli fieuds iu human !.ji ta jhoalJ not go unhung long at a tituo h(n Uuti Dad. The Walker party iu Virginia rcpudinto the" idea of their tri- iwt.u being called a Democratic victory. L'Lc " Kichuiond JSuyut'i-cr," tho old I tj ; or"-,ii. pneats llius : no leoioonli'- p it'cw st the North uotuuiittcd very pi -v j error in aucnbitig this great iotory t. tho ' Virginia Democracy.' - . -. . . .7 tl. . 7'A.r has been no such artj m van ware 'or eiijht years, and V very hones h'tva oiled otul note crumLU at the toiu h. Ao ''tnrrectlonary jirorrsn could briny that irly to lift, and it" uffs I e mingled with, id uudiSti'iijm'JieJ from that of the old ' Information. If the patieuco of Poflttimsttrs in not. tried then we aro mistaken. No mutter hof much his temper may be gov crm.'i, it. must occasionally get the upper liands of him. An exchange sifys : YVlicn you call at tho office fur your mail nnd tlic Postmaster bauds it out nsk li'un if that is nil. If you aslt fur t ho lrmil'nnd lio tells you there is none, tell biia tliero ought to be ; ihcii go home mid send His rest of the family .iround to ask at dilleieut times through the lny. ' Don't bring your mail to tho office nntil tie nail closes, then curse the Postmaster for not unlocking the mail bag and putting your letter in. When you want a stamp on your letter, tell the Post master to put it on ; if he don't like it you lick him. In case you put the stamp on, Sunk it in your mouth long enough to re move the muci'ag-j ; it will then stick until it is dry. lie sure to ask tho postmaster to credit you lor stamps ; if ho has any accomodation about him at all, he will do it. If joii lu.v!i b x, stand mid drum on it until the Postmaster hands oat your mill. It will make him fuyl good, especially if he is waiting on some cue eLc. J?r&Ji'. Though we have for some time htcn Uvirg under the rule of 8tnmp, the question iu of tvery day asking, " llow uiuth of a stu- P ljas this ? " The lollowirg embrace!., '0 thii.k, the most gen eral use of stamps as itt T'C-l to manufacturers mid particular ciusses of tu i-.'Css that pay n s-ppeial tax : All notes and C ' 'le'ices 'if debt,, live ccuU ou each 100; if uadt Cv cents; il over 1 100, 11 ic ccuts on t"ch flt'O or part ihcieuf. All receipts lor .any nuttut without limit, over $0, two cents ; it uuuVr nothing. Checks of any aiuoiint two cents. All deeds and deeds of (nut, fil:y eeuts ou each $jOD ia value of the propel tj' conveyed or the umjunl secured ; when a di ed of truM is iully s; amp ed, . the note secured ii'.vd not bo ; but they should be en k-r.vd to -hov, the reason why. Mortgage bonds need not be stamped if stumps are uilised to the mor.gagc. Ail appraisements, estates, or cs trnys, five cents ou each sheet oi'pieoe of paper. Aliiuavits of every dtscriptlou arc exempt iVoni stamp daty. AuIuowlcdgumeii!i to deeds, etc., are also exempt, Conaact:; and iigtecmeiits, five ccats for each thed or pie of pap r, except for rents ; when lor rent, fifty cents for each ir '- JM of rent or les ; if over SuOU lilty cents for each additional f-'l'J. or fractional part thereof in excess ot 6 jOO: Any peraens iu'.crcstcd eau alii:; and cancel "'he Ntw Ci'.EL.vr.ACks. The new oqc dollar n oie.3 will have a iuctte of Vi'jbhing ton, aud a represents ou of Columbus disvov eriiig Anieric;; ou the fae j, instead of the vig nette of Chief Justice Chase, as ou those now ,u use. Xhe two duliar notes will havj a vig neite of Jelfeison A:.d a view of the Capitol, instead of the vignette ol FruuMlu, as ou thojo now in use. The plates lor these notes have been engraved at tho Tie.isuiy Depart ment. The backs of the ones will be printed by the National Uunk I.ote Company of New i'ork und that of the tows by the American Company of the same city. The desifns for the new lives, tous, Lveuties, and other de tODi'Lutiut.s have not yet been dolermiiied upon. JUDOli PACL'tit AS A CoAL OVERATO?. The following is ail cxtrait from a letter written by Mr.'ll. . I'lutf, of Ilazleton, to (he I'ottsvill Journal : Iu previous let lets I have told you of t!-1" tyratuy practiced heto upon workingmcn bj some ol tho coal oputators mid their cupcriiiteuJi-uts. 1 will furnish you with auoilier in.-tatico. At Stockton, r.ear here, there was l'.,!i y an operator named Asa Packer, who with otheis owned several slopes The veu'.ilation Was bud, so bad that the uiiueis and Uboiers could scarcely live. Holding or keeping a light, was al most impossible in tho breasts. The men reasoned with the boss, and told him about tho ait, their being noue, etc., etc. Eut lit would not do or say anything, except " Make it iictter; it's to your benefit," etc. Tic told the moil that they would have to buy if they wanted better air, which tho men were obliged to do. This has been going the rouuds of the papers Lr a week or two, aud uebody has attempted to deny it for they very good reason that it is undeniably true. Aud yet Judge Fucker expects tho miuers and la borers to vote for him. Perhaps they will. The Clhr.vnt Worm. At the horti cultural exhibition iu Rochester recently, several gentlemeu stated that the currant worm would uot disturb bu.-hes under which cual ashes were liberally tpriukled. In confirmation of this a correspondent of the Express of that city says : ,; That to prcveutthe currant slug ou currant bushes persons have only to mulch thoroughly all the ground uuder tho bushes with anthra cite coal ashes. should bo douo lute ii the autumn or crly iu the spring of tho year, before tho bushes leave out, as the worm that feels ou the leaves, after its growth, drops off and goes iuto the earth immediately under tho bushes. The grub, when it comes up to change iuto a fly, cau not inako its wav through this coarse. sharp, gritty ash Leap, and perishes there. Thus far uiy bushes pro unmolested by fly or (slugs this year, whilo last year they were almost entirely stripped M tlietr leaves ty elugs. au easy and cucap remedy surely. It is said that the name of the Chair mail of tho Democratic State cunmittee, is uot Mutohler, but Minnies, and that he is tha proprietor of " iMishlur's Stom ich Rit tori." It may possibly prove a heulthier touio for Democrats, thuu th ron-gut they generally use. They need something to strengthen them badly. ToluRltow uever anuc. HOOF LAND'S CLRMAN BITTERS, HOLLAND'S GERMAN TOMiC, '. l'KEi'Aitun nr in. a v. jaokjsux, l'HIHTn.PMM, I'A. The rental kno wn remedies fir Livor Complaint, DYSF3P3IA, Nervous Dsi'lr. JAUNDICE, liseasrs of the Kllueys, EiraPTIOKSof tit SKI17, nnd nil 1iM(RrtH ni'ialn from a .firdot ftt htoiunviif or JMVriitTY OF Tit!': ttUKtt). tf-flif Hi? f,io4un:i ftmptuM.. iititf if ff-ut fin.l fh 't yuur ffj.fvi i.i ;. vt"l l.y ,tn t .;' !U . :,oi' may r. -I i'l'lt lltX-11?: ;,.) tv,tn,fni;t( i-'x ,t flit rvV (V flit. r( iit.p rt tn' i -iv rx t'nnm fintty, iiirt Wiir.t n.';t t'o-h ti I" 'h. '.".;'.(;'( vm- hr. ,t Ali'Mi f1 .,n t r.uiUK i'ij in t'ht Kit' b i u rrg-tll C mqti-nation, Pli n1nfj, Tnwn-rl ri'rn, i'Lilno -a o' 13 i rd to tSe j Jt'.ul, Abi lity oi t ha f1'- omujit, Jj :i"MM, H.j.wb burn.P.sjr'int f.?r Po'l. FumoRA or Wijir'it iu the oiii ieij, So'T Jiv.utiiiiiiuEi. j -in,; or Jr'l .'.i ' rr.iiK at tho it ol tK- l-tu::i'ii!li, :nvi'iii:" ;fr of Im ji i,urr el vi D iiijiilt V.-: -rjiH, Ti. nu,- t i.i-: Hrtirt, CI-O'U'K ." n'.l'c S n-ifni wiu.n ij ; rty i',t I'o -ttir-s I i ,:u?f- ct Vri:;:ou, i'.' Oi' l;.. '..T'? : 'V Jit, lit J.' 'i'j i i fi.. I: vi,1. ci.:n:ii ol' t-i-ivuir.iti(,ii, Yci- '.ycM. J'nin Di tin Site, Pa .'!.. O os'.. 1 iniii-y., t,tc L-uil-d f'tl-'i. --I ft lift", t ;i Mt.vx in th-i i., O r.t tit ir.:;)f;mi- "H of Evil, q:hI U:i.-ni Do ..-i-o.- .i ii of Spirits. ..! i'l.H f, '.':. tf-ifth' L I-. r .- li.jtHtt i.'ijl.iit: tlti't - J i ..'-'it .j ... r j.uvii. l P'Hiit l' Vi-J''H1'!;', ".lid fl 1 1 I tl ' 1 1 .( ii.r. I -. c, .1 :.i uv1 n u!r iCx- lrn.''. V.-.f Uii-iih. lie, O-, :ttul Htt-H I.fuu v.tit""i ii'.-.-f ( Tinn'H ie iii:m1h ii i f f.'t 1 i i i t i t i tn . i j l II the i.i t ("i.'iriiti . ! ft u -4 h (- rif! fVtitit tut:i ':: y n. c '. v i . I t v . ,n. I1 uira. lb ii- dua ;i it .irdtil to iUln l iiiliiii'V li f. J-!f "sly fT-,tlie tkt a ii ti t'm: t Hi' it I' '.. v I i : i ... i lit all o.Ktti ' !-. U.' i . ; c i" a iiy "tiiiki i;t-cl i .i i.oii: m .i .li u i .it- i; 1 : (t ti- o." ! itt' It'nl. vnii V 'i' C:n:.;u Conic u! t'. 'it rfu ',. ...i-. .4 -rr-iunl of tif. IZ.thr, I ".' , t"- , 'i: L :' nr ' j,"-in ;v . n-'" i s- .: ' ) ti 'tt i. i m u mii- i.v U.:.-u. t v. -a oviiu. ''t'ftjf .if :i,iui i i , i id',- r -,i. a "U"n- rr rn.-n . ' -. .;). .''.(. 1 1 1 1 4 ' i." i t i'i'1' i 1 -' ' " ' "' " "' J-'r n..,.'. (. '.- .. ..-A ti,f Clu 1 to ih ! f., V - -.;.,, .: " it.' tfitfi. '' 'A"C .' f'r Hi ti., .-,('( ('", .i .'.'rii.'ity Unit ItlCtti. !. (.'..(. ; l.'T-.'il'.' u. iu, fri uiUtl t, cc::urTjc;. ll( lit .r.;-;;'..I !' t .ii.-. : t fi-Miii' tM.-.i . Iy I '-' i . -n r.' ni-.t.-; t il u t Hi :i V. Ill i". tl . ' S'.i: i i i i o mi.? r ii it:; 'i ure I ill.' " w 1 1 it, ll'H'F.,tl,(. t-' hl'YI'll' i i -tJi i.i' ui'i .mu us Ultiino of like '. i" :.'. : i.-'.it'U l-t t nv m' ! ii' it' !., ti iv I i-iitt 1 1 fa lil ' v) utl .a intvt ijfiijLi;f .1 r , i tj '.' . "km i'l.jhiri a : -.i- i;' iVf-''tf. 'i. i, !hr (ti. .' -"i ij-'.l'H"-' " .''. ItH'lil' 1'" ti;-.'t it. i'ltrit'y ','(., tfiiw. a rtHitt, S"m"', (..I.V.1.' ciiUjH- si-ti;, I'n'tii nit (-'"i" f'y ri . ;).( a .''ji'. at ti- .'.' t .'j . .'., itmi(!i nr.--Uie O'u.n U t.'W-ri-i.ici, tinaiuiui wo. Weak and tcibate Ch!!drer. Tn,.ir. J.i i,c,., i'i.j art Vint.. It It-u-tlu m. 'J'i.t y ci tn- vi rt; v.l::. ii-vfrt iniij- ,. n c ljl Hurt liionl ;ts ltl, IH- iiiu. ll.'ilcu.r 1. .iiuju, til 1:1 ii ih kit' I.,,, . JV.- iv Lst iiSood hi !H-r rr Ini'H, Iti i t iY aC (,.(.. i r...llltitj ,vm :' ' ' . .. .. ... . , ... t , .. . i. .... .. "... ,.- . ,,, j.., .. x..J i. . (... .. .. tj ". I.-. I'... iv'in i-. i.t. r.iii- ?liiii .iiirt C.'.-iU I'.I'M lr... fi t , f, ,,,, yt llfi.v. J i : ! t- ,. ,u: I.i . ,, ( tiK , Kt i ii tn .,1 . . , . !.:. .-. rift i on:. ,. ,11.(1 i- I !.: f i.i i r, .i., ,i . .. u:it : us. i. .,. ,. '.. ..,... .'.. i . .v. f .' tin- II.,. TI: . iiu ii.Ti. n TiT1tl'lf. i re. i'.l i t . ; ;if iii viil.iv unlit,!' v nr.". a x:rr: Hncox.'i",.wiT:i;n. Hi jil It. i.N. .:!;. v. v. i.) i'iV. a:;!), Cl.U'fJU-r' ' Ui' llU- ."jllpl ,-Ul,. l'..illl i.,' j' ..hl ,Atll:l. l'..'.L,.....l'i;l,i. M .,. ii Jf,. I liT. I fin. " I,..;;'r.rr. 0'.'l,.-"ii Ii( ',.' ;'k !..' ,f,i ut.t ir iltit'J . ft ,; rr, htii if a ( ..! ';-. i. . .;,' ,i - i.ur In.i ( f,:r ili,r.ittr. nJtl'an., .''i..1 v flii.i! it'll' I'J R ? i.f dt,itili.y and .."'ir.' '",-.-.. ':i''lt trt l,Sl '. J' ' '. bj. u. ;Yocinr,-As:D. Kitovt uor.. jy.:.i 'ni .mi'.-i,.v. J !: uf lilt- J"tl.i.. ,:l' C. Il l i I' l ..:., , . n'ia. l''iir..iiF-.'.i'ii; , A : rn. i -ii , I l l.ll'llrr " llg .Jiu.i.l , (i. i ,ij. (. i a c m, j,.,.,, ; i.Uii;c,,;r, . Ii. H I l..(:t.,M or i j,.,., -sin. -.tll verbify (l,l linn, H, y i- ,:t ..Jt l:ce . limn it. y ,..! i : . e. , J.l.'iLlli i H '.)..) !., .V. Ku.iu n;:v. .loiHi'ii it k::nn i n :, ln.-.r uf Hi.' T -t.i l:,;.!,-! ( 'mi. :i, ! I -'A K-i'. I i i'i : -iv :-." r-.. M -r- ... '' '' '" " ' i. "ii- -i'i ,, i . .,',,,,,.,; ..r .liirr:.' I. in , ,',. i,c.: ., ...l ,,,, ,; is .-..' .. it!: ,i, i,::.,, , ';,,.,. ,, t,, ;,. ' "'. .1 r 'i i'i".' :..., ,..,....,( Ji,i,''i.'"l-jr!i.' in ui'HH'ii Uitnit.r.',' ;,r II -J',. I'i ti.:--.-!-. ...,.., ;..'.;... ,:., ,, .., , . Mvii. .,(,", .. . lit .t , .. j., ',. ' .,'l,; i .., eivi'T il .h-Uiitv . 1 !h .it ,:.i'. :u. ;j, . ,Iv .., :,i.; l.iut, it i . ! s. f, ;u I u : .' ; , -.:i. i'..- li' : ' ; '.'i' U-M ";.!' i' : - I. j. v It r.i- '! lo i'i m ii,;,., ,-.., u. ,t, Ciiu.t. loui j.t'fi I-. ..' . .y. A'.'. Y. I ''II. A ' ''"'.' ...' Prise of tha Bitters. 41,00 par bottle, O.-, a liuli dviZiui loi' $ j.CO, t'riee of tuo Touio, $1.50 pur bottle, Or, a iiali d jzon tor ST. 5). l'lit Turic is ,.nt ui- iu .jimi ! L.uti't. Hfiiih -i .'( iv t... .,-. ,;, ,.rs r;..-,ii.,j .vt,vj ll'll illy .... UiiitrrMiily i:si.l ,,.( ,ii:.ii, r-, -".Am nil' m: tin. I i- ii. .1 :lu ii. ...j,nt i . fa takt i'i t; ti.itlj .:hf If.'ll )t' III "v i- .,. .... i c.i. ii. i.i d.j a U'r j',.u'' in . '' t . i ,.,f 'i' .i: ni tj.trjuiu tu .. ,'u.-a.y . jj-.-i ,ii i;.Vu(i,. Iu lia I'ltlMil'lL Ol'UfE, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STOHE, A.. AKl.'ll STIiMT, V...'...j.i.;il. C'HAS. M. EVAKb, Piopator. Farieily C. M. JACJZOS i CO. I'lxi.e I'.tniiJIn aie f,jr M,r Diuiji.ij, inriki..,.r., ,utin. I'o wit fnr t tu xtiHi:u ivi ii Uu ar'i.:U y -u luu in tv uii- III gu tfit yutumc Dr. JHa V. SKETCH'S W.RRAi(TkiaiiEiioT all F?nT'iu Tobacco, ft nlir.y LrluiM UWI Aurwifuf. lrfrijn .nil cm-iA ttM bluuii, tllbiMO.'liBOUe fcftli inJajt:.-ati glU.l UauiiblA. it.4 vii itr.;ii:iliuiuy wr. jfiku cuellum tuu.o uiil p p -tir, ttuulik UK kiuulVka Uik"! lliti tuuiliekl liiua, luku. bleep refrkhiiiR.yffJ .KUluilkht:. Iwlnial hclilu h 'ivAertt aiui tntieers iJf iiaOuxAirt cured, fric i itijr ctuu pdr box, pot frwrT An iiiiT-Mif tivattM on the in. Jutiou clfuci. uf tyKiwco, wlib liBtTnCii'imouiiila, cXm UW) .tu., &Kfer,.. AjtvDU uiuiJVtSlilrte. II. T. R. Auh.1I, Jet?yi,i y, N. J. r&r sale b all cnuG(iisii. t'CaUtiou. Uwre haiuliug iuiluubtA lTriidt.iiuirt X CojijrijhUil W . S SERVICE 00,000 CUSTOMtllS At tlic. new Maaonio Hall 1'uilJing. STOVtS'nt firlccB tlmt will flonso of nil do lirablo kinJs. TIN-WARS of every kind on liund at all times. Fpecial ntlcntion given to AVliolcsnlo orders. Prioe list ftirm.licd to dealers ou niiplicalion. SllKET- T1X AXD COVPEH WARE. House furnishing goods a gvent variety. STEAM AND WATER riPElNCJ, l'UMPS, FlSlIISa AND IIUNTINO TACIILK, Buch ns UU1)3 15AS- KETS, EF.INES, FLIES, IIOOK3, CAl'S, rOIYDF.r., &c. .J-c. BIRD CAG..S A NICE VARIETY. I.CCFLVG, CL'TTHItS, El'OUTS. of Tin, GulvtiuizuJ Iron aud Cupper aud every kind of MOUSE AND JC B WCR.K June on short notice and .warranted, AG'CNCV of Henry Dituus cclelirntc.l , aws. Oiiiors for saws at f.iutory prices to lie'itcii, al.-iO for re airing. information anil price list furnished ou application. l'Al'EIt UAGS, cr.U 110 E, OLD COlTEll, CltAS., l'EW TER, LEAD, IltON, r.E.ESWAX, HEAVY HlfcES, EiUKL:: SKINS. S'.'KEP 1T.LT3, GHEES HACKS, N ATIOS A E I5ANK KuTEj?, V. B. K-'KL'i? ic. liiLiit in fJi hoinjr for Uooun or ni.. v!u(i!f. S. n:nYI('E. Ayers Cathartic Pills, For nU tho prpjsoj of a Lasati'o LlSuLCuXO. -I rerliana no ono meli- cine ii ho univiM'.Milly io. i;un.'ii ly cv.:r.vlniity as 11 t'aiuariii , mir v.ii. ever - ' 1 ly ii'lnptu 1 iulu um), in . .' rvi'i-v.-t.intl'V:iiiil:iiiitinir nil ciasos, as luis until lntt eiiii:iullt IMll'itllvtl fitt. Tlie nliviiiiis iva foii is. it i-- it iiiiiiv i'o 1-7 .-- , 'i-'i 'a. lialile all'l' lin.ri: kil'ui 'LXA-ir romwly tliaii liny --&-''" ' ciiIut. 'l'lm.o win- ha i'o li'ieil it, know that it emeil llu iii; lliomi who liavo Hot, knnv Unit it. cnrns llieir imiIiliui'.'. anil tVii'ml., tuul all know tliat iviiiit il iluu oni-e it ilurH ahvay.-i that it uei'i'r fails Hu-imiIi any fault or iu'li:'ti,t its roinoor.ition. We liavo tlionauilii ii.oa tliiiti FftniU of cortili."iU.s of Iheir reniiirkiiiilo taiie... ol' tho lnllowhi I'.nnplaintri, Iml such cures aro known iu every ncihtioi'liooil, anil Vfu neoil not iiulilih Ihoiii. Ailaiitcil b all ae.H ami conUilious iu ail clnnalco; cunt. lining iicithcr calouycl or any Ucletoi-ioub iti'iir, they may ho taken with safely hy anylioily. Their pillar coaling jrei:i've.-4 them uvorlVesh anil makes theiii pleasant to take, while hcini; lurely vecetiihlo un harm can arise from their use iu nny'iiiautity. They operate by their poweii'ul influence on'tho inun'iial viscera to pui'il'y the hlooil ami Mimtilntci it into heulthy action remove the obstructions; of tho ttumach, towels, liver, ami other oi'tr.ins ol' Iho boily, I'c-trii iiix their inuviilar aclion to health, ami by correcting, wherever Ihey exist, such ilciuiiiiu. liu-aU ii 1 ae Hie lirst origin of ilisease. Miimto iliiecil.l.'.H nro itiveii in Ihu wrapiicr on the hox, l r tho following coinplaiuU, wUith Uicao i'.7.i I'apiilly cure : Foi' llyMpepiit. or Viiillr.Mttont X,Utl.?iM Duo, l.uuur ami l.i-o of ,i-i-i'iie', lli. y ehoiiM he laken moilerately to stimulate, thu aioui. ach ami restore its healthy tono anil action. Kur l.ivr iilainl ami its various symp toms, fMlaou lMuflacti. MicU lltuilai'hi, Jamiiiice or Cireoit Miirkue.n, 12iBioa C'i-Iiv and Ef ilitiuM Fwrri, taey slioiilil be j it tliciously taken lor each case, to correct thuiliseasctl action or remove tho obstructions which cause it. For IlyiMMitpry or Itiitrrliuea, but uno mild do-j is Kcnerully leipiireil. l or lllieuiimtini, iioii, Cravrt, Pu1nl f .clou of Iho lli'art, lain in thn Mido, IKuick uuti JLoiun, they shoulil bo euniuousiv taken, as reijiiii eil, to vhaiiKe thu iliseaseil action of tlie system. Willi nucli cbuugo tliooo counilaiuta liiappear. For troiv anil Iroplcul Nwrlllmrn they ehoiihl bctakeu iu Iiii'kc anil lreiiieut lo pro. tluce tho otl'e:t of a ilrastie purse. For ku-rf iou a lunie ilose shoulil tie taken as it pioilUiJes the ilesiroil eil'ei t by syinpathv. As a Dlmtrr fill, take ono or two fitlu lo pro mote digestion and relieve tlie stoinacli. An occasional iloso stimulaUis tho stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, anil iuviKorates tho system. Hem it isollen ml vantaKeous where no serious ilei'anireiiii.iit exists. One who feels tolerably well, ollen tin. Is lhatu.losu W thuse I'm makes him feel ileculeilly lietuir, fi-om their t'leunsiiiK uuj icuovuliui; cllcct ou Uuu durc tive uppui'alus. DM. J. C. AVER CO., Practical ChemUtit, LOWELL. 31 ASS., V, 8, J.. TfiHEiT INDIAN BLOOD gtirifici: i IS AN EXTRACT ' or BARKS 0XLY. CrJntirariltJ. WILL CURE Lii'er Complaint, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Chills L Fever, Fever Sores, AND ?ll Jlaab J?'ist'.it 6wl4 bf pru(uUt. J". FELT. Tcngas, Cclds, PHILADElPHtA. m TANNING & LUMBER CO. jEYSTONK &TOKE WILCOX PA- ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING ! The lurgest ulore In North Western Tu., lit torally filled to overllowing. WINTER GOODS closing out regardless or value. We are opening the spring campaign with the largest und luosl uttruclivo stock ever offered in this uaiket. We shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well ussurted the year ruttiid, Our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT will always contain a large and well selected stock of Cloths Cussitneis & Clunking, lllaek and Colored Silks. Seivsonalilo dress goods in Kreal variety. Table Linens, Napkins Towels ko., white goodsof every descriptiou. blenched aud brown sheetings ail widths. (JI.UVKS & HOSIKUY TiiIM.MIXG3 and NOTIONS CAl.rLTS und OILCLOTHS WALL y.iil WINDOW l'Arj:i!, MOliS AND STATION EP.Y, CLOTHING; 11 A To i:nd CAP 8, BOOTH .rv filiOLS L'UL'US & MEDlClNEo, FAINTS, OILS & UE STUFFS, LEA') HER, f- SHOE FINDINGS, HARDWARE, S 7 O YES . TIN- H'A RE, IRON d STL EL, NAILS .0 Ul'.LDERS ii:.ri)ym:l. nuts ii wap iir: us, no::si: si:o:: .t NAILS, WAGON fcP KINGS, I'ATLNT AXLKi .. LOXHo, CUOOlv i:::v s.:i.i glasswaui;, 8'iONL WAUL, FLOL'il, j'ki:d &, mi:al, co::n and OATJ,lLTiINITllUE OI' ALL KINDS, fc'ASLl & 100 US COFFINS, matua'sls, ' j;;;ddinj, TUUACCO L CIGAltS, 1I1LNKS, YALESEJi CAI.l'ET EAGS, ivUi3ni:n ul-lting. o:i;s cnATVAP. ety. Agents lor lloyt Eius. Cclchratud Leather ! Eelliu!'. With our superior faeilitits .fur obtaining heavy goods, iu lurge iiuautities, from Cist huuds we defy competitiou iu I Groceries & Provit-ioixs. We iuvite particular attention to our choice hruuds of extra ad double extra fl jur, we get direct from mills at the west thus saving to customers the profits usually pocketed by middlemen. Our flour is always fresh ground uud we guarantee entire satisfaction wiih every barrel TANNING i I VMEEU Co. viuLf. VUloX I'i1- Tv;7ELL .& KIME. QOOlS I'Olt T11JT M1LLLON. P O W 12 I. 1 ' & I M E, At thoir cupaoious stores bolli iu RIDGWAY ANU CENTIIEVII JJLJ 1J , Have on lititid, Hiilciidid tiw.(irt:iitnt.s cl ill scasonublo Guods ailiij'ted to t'.o wa.its nf tho f'Ciplo of Y.Ik a:td aiij lit.ii: oountics, w Lich tlicy ate scliit'jr ;it j-vicif) that defy cuinpelition. TLry would sisiply slate here, that Li:i:iej very laro dotilois, iliuir I'uoiillies fur j'iiixliuiii3 avo un- fj'tallcd ly any rst.iUi.sliiiii'tit in lliv ouunly. Tliey buy directly (iotti i'aoluios ut;d uu t'.ie Vi it U i U i U j V it Anotlior adv;,ntaj;c. Yon can n'ways ;t '.vliut V'.-tt want tit tlioir stores, liLtieo juti will tiaVu tiuic by K'-'".4 d-r. ctly to ili-jin and Tl.MI-j IS .''iONiiV. Y o nave no i-jmco In i'i! Id ouiloii t'.itii al! ib:: a i vtinlacs )'uu will li.ivi; in palru.xlnj;' tlico entablialliliuiiti. J.ilt t'i'il and lij;, Hlid reap ll.o ndvatitii.'cs fur j;UMoit'S. Among thoir Goudi. y-ia vlli iiud !)UY GCODJ hi onUoiss iw, GUO0LUILS cltoieu a:: 1 lush CLOTHING oi l:A i-iatoiial iu;j trior " :ut and f'.iiir.h. LOOT'S i fc-LOKS of tU Lost toc; aLid uiaLc, CIHK'KUUY fur Lcw'y municd, .idulo aod and tiddly. DU1KD l'UUIT,' , LUTTLU, LGCS, roniv, HAMS, LAUD, FLfc'UU, COUN MLAL. AND EVLriYTIIING KLSL' Alto mo., otbor kin ii of cuaatry po duce ttiktn at the uiatLct value- ! vlultf. ' Mug party.