The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 20, 1869, Image 4

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    rrfusnsD (vert Friday nomnxn, bt
k C 13. GOULD, Editor:
Hates of Advertising.
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Special Notices alter Marriages and Deaths an addl
lonnl of one-half the above rates.
Business Cards five lines or less, tS.OO per year;
over five lines, at the usual rate o advertising.
How Hk Loves Them. The Heading
Times is ventilating Asa Pucker's love for the
poor man. The Times says that Mr. Tacker
amassed a colossal fortune by grinding the
faces of tiie rooR. Years ago ho made
heavy contracts for boating coal to Is'ew
York, and got a kind of monoply of the bus
iness. He carried his oppression of boatmen
so far that they robcled against him, and re
sorted to a strike. He went to South Boston,
where the boatmen had congregated, to com
pel them to continue in his service; but so
violent was the feeling against him that he
was seized by the men, thrown into the Le
high, and would have been drowned but for a
timely rescue. So exasperated were the men
against Packer, that they drove the man who
had saved his life from the ground with
stones! A fortune wrung out of the Bweat
of other men does not carry with it any great
merit, however effective it may be in buying
Democratic conventions.
Nasby on Packer. Nasby, having recent
ly been turned out of the Kentucky Post
Office, has taken to the stump. The follow
ing is the result of one of his recent trials to
raise the "sinking Demokracy uv Pennsylva
uy:" I felt good ez I struck that sakrid soil.
Here, thot 1 to myself, is a State uv laborers.
Here is a Stuta into wich I shel only meet
the brawny-armed end horny-hnuded sous uv
toil. Here, for wunst, my path is clear.
opened out at my first nieetin furiously
nffin bonds, agin monopolies, agin bloated
bondholders, agiu the aristocratic men uv
wealth, wich, by ackumilutin bonds, hev
managed to get into their hands euufTto sub
sist onto, thus wringin goijus luxuries out uv
the sweat of the labrin men, and then rcmcm
berin my last Ohio eggsperionce, had just
commenced to branch out eulogistic uv the
noble men who opposed copperheadism durin
the war, when the most unearthly yell that
ever wuz heerd assailed me.
"Who brot you here to abooze our candi
date for Governor?" shouted the infooriated
mob, and stones and sticks began to fly like
hail about me. I stood this till two enthu
siastic admirers of Packer rushed to a gro
cery handy by, and returned in a minit with
a baskit of eggs. Them I never cood stand,
and demoralized and bewildered, I left Penn
ey Iv any.
Imperialism. Andy Johnson has shown
his colors at last. The secret is out, why he
is well loved by the copperheads. Ho spoke
a piece at Jackson, Tennessee, a few days
ago, lasting three hours. lie declared, to
wards the close of that long speech, when he
must have been sober, that, as to Congress,
. "rather than see their wicked rule perpetu
ated, ho would prefer to be tho subject of
Eorae wise and just prince or emperor." The
reason of the support of the Imperialist by
Democrats is no longer a secret. "Down
with the Abolition Congress and up with an
Emperorl" What think ye of that, Irish
Democrats, after your escape from thraldom
in Ireland?
What evidences has Wm. Persuing ever
given of his fitness for Supreme Judge? He
hus never had any experience on the Bench;
never tried an important case unassisted, and
is in no sense fit for the place. At best, he
is only a shrewd politician. Candid men,
can you vote for such a man? If so on
what grounds do you intend to support him?
If we wish to . preserve the reputation of
our courts, we must insist upon placing law
yers upon the Bench of our highest court,
Will honest men think of these things and
proceed to act accordingly?
t acker, notwithstanding .his immense
wealth, has Lis property assessed in Philadel
phia while ho coutiuues to reside in Mauch
Chunk as he has done for twenty-five years,
thus chiseling the schools and roads and local
authorities of his town out of the revenue
they are entitled to. This is probably done
because there, the local taxation is
higher than city taxatiou. That's one way
by which he gets the title of Box. Asa
The pro-rebel press has no way to meet
the overwhelming argument of figures and
facts showing the rapid decrease of the pub
lic debt, but by open and palpable falsehood.
They get at it in a very summary way by de
claring that the published treasury accounts
are false. But few copperheads who read
are so ignorant as to be misled by such un
blushing falsehoods. '
Di'RiNO the war Hon. C. L. Yallandig
ham, the noted rebel from Ohio, was the in
vited guest of Hon. Asa Packer, democratic
candidate'for Governor, at Lis residence in
Mauch Chunk. Soldiers of the republic, and
loyal ' citizens, remember the old adage,
"Show me your company, and I'll tell you
who you are. "
The Alabama election gives Messrs. Buck,
Buckley, Ileflin and Hays, Republican Con
gressmen, in the first, second, third and
fourth districts, while the Democrats Lave
- elected Messrs. Pox and Sherwood in the
fifth and sixth. We can stand a good meny
such "Democratic victoricj" ai that!
Temperance nnd Politics,
We copy the following article from the
Northbfn iNDurnNDKNT, published at Alba
ny, N. Y. We endorse its sentiments, aud
recommend them to the consideration of our
readers. The positions taken are invincible
and are the only solution of the vexed whisky
It has become pretty well understood
among all that class of Temperance men who
are in dead earnest, that nothing but the bal
lot can have any effect in arresting the li
quor traffic. There was a period, and that
not long passed, when many honest but igno
rant friends of Temperance wero afraid of
making the question a political issue, and
anxious to use nothing but moral suasion.
But thnt class of temperance men, happily
for the cause, are becoming very scarce, al
though wo do not moan to say they have all
become warm advocates of direct political
action. By no means; for many have sold
out to the dominant parties aud ceased to
take any interest in the cause, while others
are only converted in part. This laBt class
are willing to vote and urge others to vote,
but tbey do not rely mainly upon the vote
tuey only use the vote in conjunction wun
other Ofiencies. They must have the pledge,
the society, secret, or open, and all the mis
cellaneous adjuncts of an olu-lashioned tern
peraoce organization, when Temperance was
supposed to depend as little on civil law as
secret prayer does. Such persons are as in a
transient btate; and "see men as trees walk
ing;" they are partly enlightened, and will in
time we trust get into full liberty. The suf
ficiency of the ballot for this great reform is
appareut at a glance, if we contrast a prohi
bitory law with other penal statutes. Take
for insfance the crime of theft. Who thinks
of getting op an anti-stealing society, and
adopting as a basis of such an organization
a pledge not to steal or countenance steal
ing, secretly or openly, by aiding and abet
ting thieves? AVho would not regard a for
mal organization or this kind as eutirely bu
perfluous? And who would be foolish enough
to get up such a society nnd institute such a
pledge had W3 a law creatinga board expressly
for the purpose of licensing men to steal? Is
there a man in this nation so idiotic as to
think of suppressing the crime of theft by
voluntary agencies such as we have just
named, and at the same time to allow the
law authorizing men to steal to remain unre
pealed on the statute book? Wo believe not.
The case is without a parallel. Had we a
statute authorizing theft us we have author
izing selling and drinking, which are the sour
ces of all druukenness, i,o sane man would
think it necessary to do more than meet the
case at the polls where the laws ot the couu
try are virtually mude. It would be deemed
the height of folly to make loug arguments
or lorm societies and take pledges to abate
the evil, when the whole work could be in
stautlv doncbv the ballot.
Every man having any proper conception
of the character of law, or the duties of citi
zenship under our representative system
which is controlled by the frauchise, would
nifatantly say that nothing more than the bal
lot was necessary. Nor would he hesitate a
moment about bringing the question into
politics, for he would see at once that the
thieving business was established by law,
He would not be imbecile enough to suppose
that eubBtituting a prohibitory law for a per
missive one, was pushing the matter to ex
tremes or in any wise making it more politi
cal than it always had been, it would be
clear to him that stealing was a legal right,
aud that to abolish it wus only varying the
application of the business. All temperance
people who are worth anything to the cause
and who deserve the name, have come thus
far. They see Temperance as a creature of
the law a creature of tho corrupt politics of
the day a nuisance which the ignoranco and
vice of former times have legalized and made
inevitable until we not only abolish tho in la
mous statutes which sauction it, but utterly
forbid tho tralhic which necessitates it. lie
Iiance on anything but tho ballot is the vcri.
est nonsense under heaven. Tho monstrosity
will down, but it never will down uutil it is
voted down. Ballots mauo it, ballots alone
can unmake it. What need have we of oth
er agencies if this is all sufficient? Why
pledge that wo will not drink when we have
destroyed the drink and made drinking im
possible? We do not object to other agencies
but wo do object to relying upon them for
uuy considerable part of tho work, since the
ballot of itself is omnipotent If the ballot
fails we may then full back on other agen
cies, provided we are not forced to the con
elusion that the cause is utterly lost. To ar
rest the abomination of the liquor traffic
seems to us quite as easy ond quito as legiti
mate to the functions of civil law, as to arrest
other abominations that we now successfully
control. We have banished other branches
of commerce that we felt to be a Duisance,
and why not this? There is in tho very na
ture of tho thing an exact identity in the
prohibition ol the liquor trauic with all pro
hibitory legislation, and if one part falls the
whole must.
Ballots are arguments, aud for the present
they must be our ouly arguments. We must
bencetortb, until the liquor tramc is made a
felony, debate the question with ballots alone.
Tbey constitute the ouly form of speech that
has any significance in this controversy. It
may as well be known Grst as last, that all
other talk goes for nothing, and that by votes
alone can we make ourselves understood. All
short of tho ballot is consummate trilling, so
long as it stands by itself. Until we vote
we have said nothing and done nothing. The
ballot is the only mode of reasoning that de
serves our regard, or that can convmce the
rum-seller that temperance men are in ear
nest. So long as we consent to talk, organ
ize, to anything and everything but vote,
the liquor men know that there is no sincer
ity in us that whatever we say, we mean
nothing. In short they see that our whole
movement is a sham and unworthy of re
spect Wgg?"
non. William A. Galbraitb of Erie Las
been chosen chairman of the Democratic
State Central Committee of Pennsylvania.
Gen. Wm. J. Nagle, identified with the
Fenian movemeut, committed suicide at the
residence of his parents, in New York city,
on Tuesday last
A pietty little Miss, erred fifteen, ran
away from New Jersey to New York, "in
search of a husband." The police r&k Ler
right back again, and without one.
Some one says of a certain congregation,
(not in Emporium, however.) that they pray
on their knees on Sundays, and on their
neighbors the rest of the week.
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue
has decided that base ball clubs must hereaf
ter take out a license at the rate of $10 per
annum and pay a tax of 2 per cent on their
gross receipts.
Wm. Chosser, a Scothman, was arrested
in Hudson City, on Saturday last, on suspi
cion of Laving murdered his wife. After a
preliminary bearing Le was committed to jail
to await further developments.
Vinnie Ream Lai arrived in Roma with
her bust of Lincoln.
Hon. Jeremiah Nichols, for govern!
years a popular Stale Senator from Philadel
pbia, died on the 12th Inst., nged 46 years.
Died, in Brooklyn, on Saturday, Mr.
ricnry O. Evans, formerly co-editor ane pro
prietor of The New York Evening Mirror,
in the 57th year of his age.
Minnesota people believe that there are
valuable gold mines just north of the State
line in the Hudson Bay Company's territory.
Half breeds claim that they can make eight or
ten dollars a day by washing kirt in Boino of
tho small streams in that, territory.
Mrs. Henry B. Stanton has come out
boldly in favor of the wearing of pantaloons
by women, nnd by consequence, we presume,
intends that men shull wear petticoats. Thus
is it Mrs. Stanton's masculine object that
women shall behave like mou; and we -doubt
not some of them will.
Western Massachusetts is to have a Grand
Musical Jubilee on the 8th of September
next The chorus will consist of three bun
dled voices,with other proportionate arrange
ments It has been charged that President Grant
was using his influence to cause thn nomina
tion of Judge Dent, his brother-in-law, for
Governor of Mississippi. We see it now de
nied with authority thut the President had
no part nor lot in the movement.
The Louisiana Planter's Banner says
that ten white men have cultivated a planta
tion iu that State as thoroughly as ever was
done by negroes, and that '.hoy have suffered
far loss by sickness showing that white la
borers can Btaud it as well as tho blacks.
Beecher says that men confess everthing
but their own besetting sins. They steer
clear of these. Who ever heard a man say:
"0, Lord, I am as proud as Lucifer; humble
me;'' or, "0, Lord, I am so mean and stiugy
that 'tis only with great pain that I can un
close my fist; make me geuerous. "
The Erie Observer claims tho result in
Tennessee as a democratic victory. The Gov
ernor elect, Senter, soys emphatically that iu
Teunessce equal civil aud political rights
shall be guaranteed to all without reference
to raco or color. Will those who claim his
election as a democratio victory please ac
cept the situation?
The New York IIerai.p fears for the
moral effect of so many of the Catholic Bish
ops leaving their respective flocks exposed
while they attend the (Ecumenical Council
at Home. It says: "When all the Bishops
are gathered in Rome at the GScumeuial
Couuoil, thoro will bo a fiue time for the
Devil all around the world"."
Owiug to tho long continued dry weath
er tho Schuylkill River has dwindled to a
small stream and causes a great t-carcity of
water iu 1 hiladelphia. Over two hundred
cnual boats are stuck in the mud between
there and Norristown. It is feared if the dry
spell continues the supply ol water in Phila
delphia will fail entirely.
Tweuty-two States have already ratified
the XVth Amendment to the Federal Con
stitution, whereby the Right of Suffrage is
accorded and secured to every Dative and
naturalized citizen of the Uuited States,
without regard to race, color, or previous
condition of servitude. The ratification of
five more States is required.
The Lynchburg Repi-iilica? saye:
Earnest prayers were offered iu tho churches
of Petersburg, Yirginiu, for rain, on Sunday,
the draught having parched and withered the
growing crops and gardens in that vicinity.
That same night, for the first time in many
weekB, a heavy rain descended iu sufficient
quantity to wet the ground thoroughly aud
refresh the languishing vegetation.
Advices from Gen. Hancock, who has
been visiting the various forts on the upper
Mississippi River in Dacotah, ore to the ef
fect that the various Indian tribes manifest
every disposition to continuo at peace with
the whites. No disturbances have c?cured un
less some provocation was given, and the sum
mer is likely to pass without the annual loss
ot lives and large expenditures of money.
A no armed soldier recently appeared in
in Auburn, N. Y. , and ground a bund organ
by playing it with his feet arranged with a
treadle. His answers about his service in
the army excited suspicion, when ho was ar
rested, and on examination, it was found
that two good arms were folded across his
breast under his clothing. He turned out to
be a recent vender of catfish in that city.
The "Pride of the Ynllcy" is a very
sweet and poetic name. for Packer, but it op-
pears that the valley is not so proud of
Packer as his friends would have us believe.
In 1861, he ran for the Common Councils of
the town of Mauch Chunk and was defeated
by a heavy majority by a Republican who is
unknown to fanio anywhere but in the valley
of which Packer claims to bo "the Pride."
The mines of tho Lehigh and Schuylkill
coal regions are again in active operation,
though from the unsettled state of the minds
of the miners there is no telling how long
this comfortable position of things will last.
At last accounts the mines of tho D. L..&
W.,andD. & H. railroads, were still idle.
The operators claim the right to use their
capital as they please, and will not yield to
their employes. The miners demand that
tho price of coal at New York market rates
be made a basis of mining rates:
The proposition to change the divorce
law is being freely discussed in Washington.
As the law now stands conjugal infidelity is
the only cause for which the Courts of the
District are authorized to dissolve a matri
monial contract freely made without fraud.
The law proposed authorizes divorce in the
discretion of the Chancellor for other causes.
This law was introduced into Congress last
Winter, but it at once met with opposition,
which will probubly be kept up, as a change
is not deemed very desirable, aud especially
the sweeping change proposed.
At the Missouri Insane Asylum there is
a boy eight years old, who manifests some
strange propensities. Tho boy is in the habit
or eating up his clothes. JSota "stitch can
be kept on him. He devours everything, aud
is perfectly ravenous. He will even eat up
bis shoes. Like many animals, he alwavs
smells of his food before putting it in his
mouth. He repeats but two words, "ball"
and "sugar." This is the extent of his vo
cabulary. When he gets hold of a ball Le
throws it into the faces of those around him.
The sugar be smells of aud eats. -This un
fortunate lad was injured by a blow on the
There is on exhibition in Washington, D.
('., a curiosity in the shape of a fish head.
The fish is known as the "iionnaconda," and
was caught in the Amazon river, South
America, by CeorgeMalcolm O'Neill, com
mander or the (Second Battalion, Peruvian
Uoyal Army, on the 16tb of May. 18G7. The
head is well preserved, and is thiiteeu
inches long from the gill to the tip of the
mouth. Iu the upper iaw there are two sWn
teeth, about half an inch long, and the low
er jaw contaius a similar tooth, while each
side contains long rows of teeth. In resem
blance its nearest approach is to the alliga
tor cf our Southern water.
The Evnnsville and Carlo racket Cum
berland, exploded her boiler near Shnwno
town, 111., at four o'clock Saturday morntntr.
Eighteen or twenty lives were lost. The
boats books were blown overboard, nnd the
names of the missing cannot be ascertained.
The boat Is a total loss. A portion of her
cargo, consisting principally of wheat nnd
corn, will be saved; the boat wus insured for
Son Francisco Log fallen from political
virtue. Some years ago she was under the
rule of ruffians, chiefly emigrants from New
York, and the Dovil ran loose at her elec
tions. But the people began to consider, and
the result was decidedly favorable to good
government. It now appears thot the action
of the Democratic Convention for the nomi
nation of local officers is not well received,
and the present outlook is directly toward a
repetition of the acts of 1856, unless the ap
parently dominant party should be reformed
or beaten.
The Albany nnd Sunuehnnna Railroad
war, glowing out of the efforts of the Erie
Railroad Managers to obtain control of the
road, is, growing livelier. Injunctions nnd
other legal weapons having been tried, it is
reported thot the opposing parties have now
mustered their employes at a tunnel, about
thirty miles from Binghnmtoo, and that some
of them are armed, and that a collision oc
curred there last week, in which one man was
wounded. I ravel on the road is interrupted.
Gov. Hoffman has declared that, if the riots
aud obstruction to travel continue, he will
take possession of the road, and declaro the
district in a stute of insurrection.
Some time since, while a gentleman liv
ing near the Trappe. Montgomery county,
was totking to ouother, he inadvertently
seized hold of the ltghtning rod of a building.
A cloud was visible near the horizon upon
which the lightning was playing, but thre
was none near at hund. No sooner had the
geutlcman seized the rod than he was knocked
down senseless by nn electric shock, and re
mained in an unconscious condition for two
days. It very often happens when persons
are conversing near a building that one
catches hold of the lightning rod; the above
accident shows the danger of such a proceed
ing even when the sky is cloudless, and Bhould
serve as a warning.
The new one dollar greenbacks which
will be out about the first of Septemher, will
have a vignette of Washington, and a repre
sentation of the discovery of America by
Columbus, on the face, instead of the vig
nelte of Chief Justice Chase, on those now
in use. The new two dollar notes will huvo
a vignette of Jefferson and a view of the Cap
itol, instead of the vignette of Franklin, on
the present one. Tho plates of these notes
have nlready been eugruved at tho Treasury
Deparcmeut. The backs of the "ones'' will be
printed by the National Bunk Note Compa
uy, of New York, and those of tho "twos"
by tho Americun Company, of tho same city.
The designs for the uow fives, tens, twenties,
and other denominations have not yet been
determined upon.
The subscribers offer for sale the
In Bmnezette township, late tho property ot the Ben
The bnildlnir Is 80x72 feet, and contains all tho neces
sary machinery for a
saw mil.
(never used) also for sale.
The hollers sre SO feet long nnd 80 Inches In ulatne
tcr. The Engine is
Fifty Horse Power,
(or sale.
The property will bo sold loeether, or the machinery
wl'l be tnken out and sold seperate.
This la an excellent chance lor parties desiring to
purchase a
and ad exeellent odonlni for a Tannery The proper
ts will be sold nt a bnjynin, as the proprietor, being
non residents, have uo ue lor it.
For full dartlculars addressG. C. IIARVEY & CO.,
Lock itttveu.
June 17-1SU9. tf
THE CHAT 171 "isa
WILL cure Tir Chills & Fever,
Liyer Complaint, tglM, Fever sores,
Dyspepsia, IOJ psuobswtawi.
Erysipelas, R
Bronchitis, fil J'ST'
Coughs, Colds, "55
Otpyrighi secured.
Secret History
The astoundinsr revelations and startling disclosures
made in this work are creating the luost intense desire
to obtain it. The secret political intrigues, tec, of Davis
and other Confederate leaders, with the Hidden Myste
ries, from "Behind the Scenes in Richmond,1 an tho
roughly ventilated, tend fur Circulars, aud' see our
terms, and a full description of the work. Address
ATiuAL,r u JUSiUNO CO., Wuladalphia, Pa.
July ii it
A ffCntlem&n Whn nffnrvul Aw mom fmM Tb.
bility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful
indiscretion, will, for the sake of Buttering humanity,
end froe to all who need it. the recipe and direction fur
making the simple remedy By which he was oured. Suf
ferers wishing to protit by the advertiser's experience
oaa do so by addressing, iu perfect confidence.
5T No. U Ctdar St., New York.
Hair Vigor,
For restoring Cray Hair to
its natural Vitality and Color.
A dressing which
ia ttt once agreeable,
healthy, and effectual
for preserving the
hair. Faded or gray
hair is toon restored
to its original color
with the gloss and
freshness of youth.
Thin hair is thick
ened, falling hair checked, and bald
ness often, though not always, cured
by-its use. Nothing can restore the
hair'vvhere the follicles are destroyed,
or the glands atrophied and decayed.
But such as remain can be saved for
Usefulness by this application. Instead
of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi
ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous.
Its occasional use will prevent the hair
from turning gray or falling off, and
consequently prevent baldness. Free
from those deleterious substances which
make some preparations dangerous and
injurious to the hair, the Vigor can
only benefit but not harm it. If wanted
merely for a
nothing else can be found so desirable.
Containing neither oil nor dye, it does
not soil white cambric, and yet lasts
long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy
lustre and a grateful perfume.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
PRICE $1.00.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
For all
the purposes of a Xiaxative
Perhaps no one medi
cine is so universally re
quired by everybody ns
a ciilhartic, nor wast ever
nny before so universal
ly adopted into use, in
everv country and unions
nil classes, as this mild
lmt ctticient purgative
J'iff. The obvious rea
son is, that it is a more re
liable and far more effec
tual remedy than nny
other. Those who have
tried It, know that it cured them : those who have
not, know that it cures their neighbors nnd friends,
and all know that what it docs once it does always
that it never fun through nny tault or neglcctof
its composition. We have thousands upon thou
sands of certlllcates of their remarkable cures of the
following complaints, but such cures oro known iu
every neighborhood, and we need not publish them.
Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates;
containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug,
they may bo taken with safety by anybody. Their
sugar coating preserves thcin ever fresh and makes
thcin pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable
no harm can arise from their use in any quantity.
They operate by their powerful influence on tho
internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it
into healthy action remove the obstructions of the
stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of tho
body, restoring their irregular action to health, and
by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange
ments ns are the first origin of disease.
Minute directions are given in the wrnpppr on
the box, for the following complaints, which these
2?iUa rapidly cure
For lrPla or Tnillgeslion. MAntlr-
Hf. Languor nnd La., of Aptit, they
should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom
ach and restore its healthy tone and action.
For I.Iv.t Complaint and its various svmp
t"ms, lliliou llcailuchr. Kick lleailache,
Jaundice or Ursrn MicknwiN, Jfilious
Colic and Ilillon l overs, thev should be ju
diciously taken for each case, to correct tho diseased
action nr remove the obstructions which cause it.
For Iyeiipry or siarrhoea, but oue mild
dose is generally required.
For Ilhrumatiam, Jonf, Oriirel, Palpi
tation of thn Heart, lain In thn Side,
lluck and I.olnw, they should bo continuously
taken, as required, to change the diseased action of
the system. Willi such change those complaints
For Itropsy and Dropsical ftwellingw they
should be taken in largo and frequent doses to pro
duce the effect of a drastic purge.
For Kiiiir.ion a largo dose Bhonld be taken
as irproduces the desired effect by sympathy.
As a Mutter I'll!, take one or two fills to pro
mote digestion and relieve the stomach.
An occasional dose stimulates tho stomach nnd
bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite,
and invigorates tho system. Hence it is often ad
vantageous where no serious derangement exists.
One who feels tolerably well, often finds thnt a dose
of these Ptll makes him feel decidedly better, from
their cleansing and renovating effect on tho diges
tive apparatus.
XR. if. C. AYElt Jb CO., Practical ClicmUts,
r i
Gray or Faded ITair is quicxly
restored to its youthful color and beauty,
and with the first application a
heautiful gloss and delightful fragranca
is given to the Hair.
It will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots.
It will promote luxuriant growth.
Falling HAIR is immediately checked.
Far Sale by mil Druggists.
DEPOT removed from Greenwich St. to
33 Darclayfct. & 40 Fork Place.
Paor, Klikk, ot the I'hiladclphia University, is
making astonishing cure of Cancer and all tumors bv a
newpiooe. A Chemical Cancer Antidote, that re
moves the largest Cuncera uud tumors, without pain 11
the 1 use oi the knife, without oaiutio eating or turning
medicines, and without the lus of a drop if blood. Fur
partioulaja call or address V. H. KLINE, M. 1). Vo.
hi, Arch street, fhiladelphia, Pa. July si-U
rpHOSE who desire brilliancy of Complexion must pu-
J- .f" ""a enncn the Wood, whictt lielmbold's Con
wuted Extract of SarsapanlL doss. A.U
for Htuabold's. T.inn.mi,,,.
( Thf greatest known rtmid'itt fir
Liver Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all Piscines arUlns; front a Dls
ordered l.lver, fstoinncli, or
mvvHiTT or the xnoon.
Brad Hi', fnllntvirfi rymylomt, awl if ymt Ann" Ih 't
ymir tistcni it njfrctfd hy arty nf thrm. you may reft
nftnrni llt'tt diieattt hat C'tmiit'tti'ti it atlotk on tit
tnoft important oryattn of yonr bnty, and tmletl tam
ch'cketi by tit t,t of powerful r,m.ii. a ftiinrabtt
lift, toon Unninlitt3 in dm'LKiU br. Utt result.
Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles,
Fulnessof filood to the Head, Acidity
of the Stomtch, Nausea, Hewt
burn, Disgust for Fond, Fit moss
or Weight in the Stomach,
Bour .Eructations. Smk
Ing or Fluttering at the Pit
of the 6to:uaoji, Uwiinniing of
tho Head, Hurried or Dilbouit
Bronthin?. nt the Uonrt,
Chokine or Snfl'ootint Sensations when
in n LyinRPosture, Dimness of Vision,
Dits or Vobs beloro 1I10 Sight
Dull Fain lit the Heart, Defi
ciency of Perspiration, Yel
lowness of the tiidn and
Eyos. I'ain in the Side,
Bfl'jlc, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sud
rlon Flushes of Heat, Burning In
the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of
Evil, and Great Dspvsssion of Spirits.
Aii tfr. intlicat difcaftf of ttt. Livrr nr ltigtslivt
Ofyam, combined it',7i itupurt. blood, ,
fboflauVs German Bitters
Is entirely vesretnlile, mid eonlnln. ns
ll.uar. It t m eoiii(Mfl of ri'luld 10.x
trnctx. Tlio Rooin, IIcm'O-, m.u Uurks
from tvtiicii tlirse rxlrncts nre mnde
nre unUivn-d In IVermiii.y All Ilie
medicinal virtues nre fx:.. .4rd Trout
llieitt liy n scientific vli...lit. Tlire
exlrrtcla are then forwarded to tills
country to lie uvd eaprvhly for tli '
liin.ii ul ft nre of tliesc lSlllers. Tlirra
Is 110 nlcoliollc substance of any kind
Mst-tl In eoiiifioimdliiir the Hitler,
hence It la the only Hitters that can
br used lacAittHulirrG alcoholic st lm
ulunts ore not advisable.
iiaofliiiD's (Scvmiut 2Tonic
ir t finmbinjtian tif all the ini;i-:di:nts of the ZfifTi,
vif'i i'Vv k Sinta (nt Hum, Orattrjt, etc. It t umt for
the sum (thf 'srtf as the 12itter in cores where, iomt
purr atcnh"lfr ttlimutwt ig rrqm'wd. JVw will bear in
minU ih-'t thetf- rvmeilict are entirely different from
any often oil vert tmt for the cure of the ditasri
n-uHut, thtte being scientific pr'-pi-ira'u.rtt of medicinal
.rtrttrt.i while V-K nthnx ar vicr: dcoctvmt of rum
in oiiw form. The TON IC i flecidrdttf oic of the most
phattint and tiprwaliU reinetli.s ever offered to the
ptthiic. lis dt i rj.HMi'. ( it a pleasure, tn talc
it, while its l,'j-jirintt cxhiloratii g and medicinal
q t'tlili-s huvc caustd it u known ai grtatctt of
till to.iics 1
Tliouiiniwltt of ni Mr, ivhrii the pn
tlriit miiitiK'l It warn nfll! fieri ivltli
f li l h ( ri'i t hit l turnse, Im ve orrn rm-cd
ly 1 lie 11 ht of I Iichp rr in rill ex lOxt rrnie
Fiiinvlni Ion, clf-hlHty, anil roiiU nre
tli? UHim I nt t 11 t a nt 9 nnnn e vio
C'iihfs of fflyHpi'ita nr (llnense if Ilia
(Itf-i i ve orHiiH. KiVi'n In cne of
K ti ill hp C'okn uiiipt Ion t lifite rrme (Hi n
will l'v found oi the frt-iititt beiicll(
trcitKl lie 11 lit g nnd Invigorating.
7Vrn f no medicine, equal to IToofndn Ge.rman
B-ttrrs or 7'-iic in rases of IM.iWt, ' Titty impart a
Ume and rigor to the whole $yFtrm, ttrenythen the ap
petitet cause an enjoyment of the food, enable the
ttnma-h to diyest it, purify the blootf, give a good
sound, healthy complexion, eradicate iVt.: yellow tingt
from the eye, impart a bloom to the cheeks, and change
Vie patitnt from a ihort-brtaUwd emaciated twuk.
Weak and Delicate Children
are matte strong by using the IJIttrra
or Tonlr. In tact, they an Wmxwnlly
ill lli tiie. They can lie administered
Willi lieilert safety 10 a child three
tiKint lis old, t he most delicate female,
or a man of liinr-t y.
Then Ilitntdiet are the. best
Jtlocxl rurlflers
trr l-nati-n, and Kill cure all diecasci vaulting from
bud (,.. '
A;i ytntr blood pure ; l-ep your tieer in order ;
k'.t t.tttr dtgtttiv. otyant in tnutid, henlthy con li
ti"it, by the use of IhtM remtdies, and no ditcuu uiill
iter assail you.
I.mtles who wlah a fair skin and
Co.ul cinilriln, free from a yellow
llillnij iiiulnll ill her uUlifrm eiuent,
should iii.e liM-HO l-einc'iliek orrH.inu
ally. The l.lver in ,ei le l order, and
he lilootl .ui, w ill remilt In simik
lliijf eye uud blooming cheeks.
Haojtamrt Urrmun Jtrmrdit are eounlrrfitett.
Tit' urniiine Acer the ticinalure of C. 31. .Ittil.ttim
on the front of the outside wrapper of each btt'l', uud
the n,i wr of the uriide bhivn in eachboMe. All others
are couttti rfcit.
Thousand of letters liave been re
Cr I nil, testify lug to the virtue of thca
Chief Juti"s of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
l'2iiiEtrni.i, March IO1I1, 1S6T.
tfnd "tTooHand-, Gcnr.nn Bi'trsf is not an into,
icating breraye, but is a tonic wteful in i.or
dcrs of the f Kiw oryaut, an,, of great brntfU in
cases of debility aud want of nervous action in th4
system. Yours Irulu,
Juile of the Supreina Court of I'ennij
rHII.ADIl.FHIA, APRIl 28th, 18M.
I cons'der Iloofland's German nit.
ters"' a viliiaoU; ,Hrliri,tn In cass of at
tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I
can certify this from mv experience
fit. Yours, with .-expect,
Pnstor of the Tenth UnptUt Church, Philadelphia.
Pa. Jackson Dear Sir :lhure hern freaunitlvro
justed to connect my name with Textnumendutians of
lit era kinds of medicines, bid rnjardiwi the vracti'cs
as o,d of my appropriate sphere, J hare i alt cases de,
lined ; but with a clmr pranf in rurious instances, and
particularly m my own family, of the usefulness of Or.
iloofland's German Hitler,, 1 depart for once frommy
usual cor- to express my full conviction' that f't
general .telahty of the system, and e.puehilly fr Liver
iOli', it Is u sale Rod vuliwble lireuarattun. 7n
join cases it may foil ; hu usuallv, I doubt not, it unit
be very bencji:tul to Owse uho sufler from tin abovt
causes. 1 ours, very respectfully,
j. H. A'H.ViVAItD.
Xt'lhili, below Cbates St.
Prioe of the Bitters, i.00 per bottle
Or, a half dosen for $5.00.
Prioe of the Tonio, 1.60 pep bottle
Or, a half dozen for $7.00.
the Tonic is put up In quart bottles.
Becolkcl that it is Dr. ITooflanaVs German Semediet
that are so universally used mid so highly recommend
ed ; and do not alinui the Drutyist to induct you U
take any tiling else that he may say is just as good be
cause he makes a larger profit on it. These Remedies
Z tlit "t"rait 10 a locality upon ajiplicalioH
A6. m ARCH STREET, Philadelphia'.
CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor,
Formerly 0. II. JACKSON & CO,
These Remedies ara for sale b
nruggl.l., storekeepers, aud Medi.
ellle Uealers everywhere.
Do not forget (e examine well (As article you buu Im
truer to get tlie gesuun. ' '
Vf Asss-isjsay
Comprising startling incidents, Interesting Scenes and
Wonderiul events in all Countries, all Alios, aud ainonv
all People.
Over One Thousand Illustrations by the most distin.
guished Artists in Europe aud America.
The largest, best illustrated, most exciting, amusing
instructive, entertaining, startling, huuiurous. aud aU
tractive subscription books ever published.
Send tor tSroula, with term, at onca. a
ill Uroouie Street, New York,