The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 20, 1869, Image 2
(glli flfountg" gtlioptc. FRIDAV, AUGUST, 20 1W.S. REPUBLICAN STA TlF TICKET. FOll OOVEUNOH. GEN. JOHN W. GEARY, of ct'MnEm..Nn. JUDGE OF TUB SUPREME COUUT. 11 ON. II. '. ' I A MS. fir ALI.EnilF.RT. A NEW FAPKH. It is reported tlmt u new paper is to bo Btartcd in Ridgway, by that portion of the democracy known ns the " Ridgway ring." It does indeed hccm rather hard that they should bo shut out from their own parly nrgnn ; and it is not at all nin-prising il they wish to bo treated more politely by tho Democratic press than they have been lately by the Gazette. The lanungo used by their " misguided brethcrn " has not n I ways been the most choice, certainly not tho most endearing ; and it is no more than wo should expect' of human nature if they start an organ of their own. But, before they engage in such an en terprise, wo would affectionately counsel our friends of the Ridgway fat-lion to count the coil ; for if it is only to gratify wounded prido and ambition, they may be assured beforehand it will not pay. Wc arc entirely disinterested, and ask no thanks for our advice ; but while wo have no afTccjiou fur the Democratic party as such, we have some respect and the very best wishes for the individual in that party. We sincerely icish ihey would do the bent thing, and It-avo altogether that corrupt organization known as the " Demo cratic party." 15ut if they will not do that, wc would bo glad to havb them do the next best, and try to the organi. zatioti of its corruption. Wo wc do not suppose it possible that they should suc ceed ; for it would be to much even foi Hercules ; but it would do them good to try. Something might be effected by a deteriiiined effort ; and where there is so great room for improvement, certainly a beginning ought to be made. We hope the new Democratic paper, if it shall be determined tin, will attempt something in this lino There is plenty of room for journalists, as Webster said thcie was lor luwyers, up hiyh. And wo think there is a fino opening for a Democratic newspaper in this county that Bhall be manly, and always ijentlcmanfy, in its tono, nnd advocate with what ability it can its own convictions as to what is right in principle and expedient in policy. There is room for honest difference of opinion on many public questions ; and we wish others to enjoy the same freedom that we claim for ourselves. Thero must bo patties, more or less, trader a republican govern incut. But these should bo only the ranging of citizens on different sides of disputed questions, according to their con. victions of what is right or expedient as the case may be. Now if the Democratic party in this county can bo made a party of principle, whoso members vote together because they think together, and think differently on some important proints from tho Republican party ; and if the new paper shall be .instrumental in effecting this change ; thea all honest men will re joice. We would not say a word to discourage our Democratic friends from undertaking this arduous work'; but they may as well moderate their expectations at the outset, and settle their determination to act their own part well, whatever becomes of the party, and whoever gets the offices. It is allowed to bo a very difficult thing for the Ethiopian to change his skin, or the leopard his spots j and whoever undertakes a work of equal difficulty should be thankful for even a small measure of success. Yet, for tho encouragement of our friends in this new enterprise, we venture to pro. diet, notwithstanding all that might point to a different conclusion, that if they will publish such a paper as we Lave intimated, they will not only gain the respect of their political opponents, but will fiud that courtesy, candor, and a thorough Aoncs'y can be perceived and appreciated even by tho Democrats of Elk county. Theretoro wo wish the new paper the highest success ; and to this end would remind thoso con cerned in it that, like charity, repeutence and reformation should Icy in at home. Questions ,for young Democrats in Pennsylvania : How did your candidate for governor begin life? Asa l'acker. When did ho do his first paoking ? When he packed his carpet-bag aud packed off lroin Connecticut to Pennsylvania. When was his last packing done? tVhen he packed the Ilarri&burg Convention. Gov- Geart was nominated on tho first ballot, by s vote of 125, to 8 for all others. That is tho way the Republicans remember the mon who fought the buttles of the flag. The Democracy remember the soldiers in their platforms ; the Republicans remem ber the soldiers in their nominations. The difference is preach with practice, and preach without practice. i Subscribe for the Advocator EXCELLENT SEASONS. '" The following excellent reasons why Govoruor Geary should be re-elected, wc Gnd going tho rounds credilcd to "ft co temporary : " Bccauso ho has boon a faithful, efficient and honest Chief Magistrate. Bccauso ho is the nouiiucc and represen tative of a party that stood by the country in the hour of danger, and that stands by the principles of justice and freedom, upon which onr government is based. Bccauso ho has been tried and .not found wanting, neither in his devotion to tho principals of truu Republicanism, nor in his integrity in adhering to tho strict line of principles in all his official acts. Because ho is a man whoso privato char actor is unblemished, and whoc habits aio such as meet tho approval of all good citi zens. Because Pennsylvania owes it to her honot and fair name nut to permit a bravo and gallant soldier who drew his sword for her safety, in the hour of her deadly peril, and who has served lu-r fuithlully in time of piaoe, to bo defeated by one who flyui p'lthized with her enemies when the dalk cloud of battle lowered, aud (ho flurcu con flict for national existence tsuiged around her. Because a just regard for tho memory of the martyred dead, who fell in the heroin stmgult' tor iialiuiml existence, forbids llio .State to place in high official positions those wlio sj nipatliized with her enemies. rcausc the triumph of (he Democratic candidate in this State would be the tri. uuiph of tho principles of Free Trade, and a deadly blow at the policy of Protection to American Industry a policy to which t Ii 3 hardy sons of Old Keystone have always been devoted. Recausc the triumphant reelection of Governor (Jeary would rejoico the hearts of the true friend of tho uatiou everywhere, while his defeat would bring joy into tho camp of its eucmies. Resides tho above there arc these addi tional reasons why workingmeu should vote for him : Because he stands upon the record as a true friend to Labor and tho laboring man, as shown by bis support and approval of ibo Eight Hour Law in this Common wealth, aud by refusing to order out tho military to guard, as criminals, the miners and laborers of tho coal regions during sus pensions, when requested to do so by cer tain nervous capitalists. Because he is the nominee, and a con sistent member, of the party which has done all that ever lias been douo in this country to ameliorate tho condition of laboring men, by abolishing slavery, pass ing Eight Hour laws, and protective tariffs. Recausc, his opponent, Asa Packer, is closely and largely identified with interests antagonistic to the cause which Labor is now fighting for, and if cloeted would cer tainly do all in his power to crush it. Judge Packer as a Coal Operator. The' following is on extrat from a letter written by Sir. R. R. Piatt, of Hazlcton, to the Pottsvill Journal : In previous letters I have told you of the tyrauny practiced here upon workingmen by some of tho coal operators and their superintendents. I will furnisn you with another instance. At Stockton, tear here, there wa9 formci ley an operator named Asa Packer, who with others owned several slopes The ventilation was bad, so bad that tho miners and laborers could scarcely live. Holding or keeping a light was al most impossible in the breasts. The men reasoned with the boss, and fold him about the air, their being none, etc., etc. Rut he would not do or say anything, except " Make it better; it's to your benefit," etc. He told the men that they would have to buy canvass if they wauted better air, which the men were obliged to do. This has been going the rouuds of tho papers for a week or two, and nobody has attempted to deny it for they very good reason that it is undeniably true. Aud yet Judge Packer expects the miners and la borers to vote for him. Perhaps they will. A Nokle Life. On the 23th of June 1861, at the very beginning of the late war. for the. preservation of tho Union, John W. Geary was mustered into tho ser vice as a Colonel. On the zoth of April 1802, he was promoted to Rrigadier Gen eral, and on the 12th of January, lfctio was made Major General. lie was wound, ed at Rolivar, Codar Mountain and Chan., cclorsville. To the present day he carries rebel lead in his body. He has been Mayor of San Francisco, Governor, of Kansas, Military (.iovernor oi bavannab, and Governor of Pennsylvania, lie dis charged tho responsible duties of each and all of these positions with honor to himself, and credit to his native State. Few IVnn sylvanians have ever mado a nobler record. The people read it with pride, and will re elect him in October by an overwhelming majority. Not Our Dad. Tho Walker party in Virginia repudiate tho idea of their tri umph being called a Democratic victory. The " Kichmoud Enquirer," the old Democratic organ, speaks thus : " Tho democratic papers at tho North committed a very gravb error in ascribing this great victory to the ' Virginia Democracy.' There has been no such party in this State Jor eight years, and its very bonus have rotted and now crumble at the touch. No resvrrectionary process could briny that party to life, and its ashes ( rmnijled Kith, and undistinyaished from that of the old nhig party. ' " On, for a thousand tongues," said a little urchin who had crawled inside a huge sugar hogshead. Modesty promotes worth but conceals it, just as leaves aid the growth of fruit aod hide it from view. A Heedefl Feform. We have long experienced tho evils of the system adopted in our Legislature, of turning everything that relates to a county or district to its inimedinto representatives. The result is that Republicans in minority oourjties, might just as well bo Democrats. If they go to llarris'burg for legislation, and appeal to Republican members, they are told it is a local matter, and they must go to tho member from their county. Yet how fan they expect favors from n man whose election they ha70 strenuously op posed ? Moreover, in mos't instances, they arc not willing to trust him. They are thus deprived of representation nnd of all participation in tho legitimate fruits, of a political victory. Wc most cordially endorse tho Miner's Journal when it says : " Tho Republi cans of the counties in this Stato in which they arc ia tho minority, havo for years had- just cause to complain of the neglect which they have experienced at the hands of tho Republican Legislatures. They are compelled to work twice as hard as tho Republicans of the majority counties for tho success of tho party, aud when they go to Ilarrisburg for needed local legi-la-lion they cannot get it. If the present year was not ono in which a Governor i to bo elected, the Republicans of tho mi. nority counties would 'nave made a demon stration which would have proved useful as a lesson to the kepubliouns of the ma jority counties. Wc nevertheless cali upon the Republicans of the minority counties to demand at the next session ol the Legis lature the attentioa to their wants in the way of local legislation which is their due. Wlt'it benefit is it to the Republicans of a minority county to work for t lie success of the party at the polls, if they are to be treated no better thau it the Democracy were in power f Let tlic licpubhcan press of tho minorily. counties take this matter up, and with us, determine to ask for nothing but what is ngit, and to sub mit to noihiug thai is wrong. Novv or Then. Democratic new; papers. which a few months ago were prophucyiug a terrible deficit in the revenue and a con equcnt augmentation of tho national debt as a vesult of the policy of Congress and the incapacity ol President Grant and his Cabincnt olh'.-ors, are now engaged in as suring their readers that an increase of revenue cud a reduction of the debt were inevitable, and that neither Congress nor the Administration is entillod to ere lit for the improved aspect ot affairs. Did they lie then, oi do they lie now '! Packer PijoT'jjiiArnr.i, Raunch, of Father Abr.ihani, who was at " Chunk " long enough to kuow whereof ho speaks, gives the pe'euuious A fa this roconr.uciiua. turn : " J'ersomiiiv ne may salcly be termed a cleaver man ; of sjveat business capacity, and of some very good traits of character. lie lives in a magnificent houe : is a millionaro ; keeps plenty of ' pure old whisky ' on his sideboard (for which as well as his stamps tthcre will be an immense demand ;) is fond of fun, though by no means funny hinibelf, and enjoys the reputation of being the best eucher player of Mauch Chunk." HARRY, you ouirht not to throw awny nice bread like that ; you may want it some day." " Well, mother, would I stand anv better chance of iri'ttin" it then if I should cat it ac.T." A Lereral Bridegroom. A green horn lately look a notion to get man h i!. After the ceremony was concluded, the happy husband took a twentv-fivo com stamp from his pocket, dclibcratory.walknd up to the parson and handed u to him, saying, " person, keep the ivliole, you needu t give we back any change. A FAttvrn's son had for a long time been ostensibly studying Latin in a popu lar academy. The larmer not being satis. Ccd with the course of the young hopeful, recalled him from school, and, placing him by the side of a carl, ono day, thus ad dressed him : " Now Joseph, hero is a fork, and thero is a heap of manure and a cart; what do you call them in Latin?" " Forkibus enriibus, ct nianuribus," said Joseph. " Well, now," said the old man, " if you do not take that tbrkibus pretty quickibus, and pitch that nianuribus into that cartibus, I will break your lazy backi bus." Joseph got to workibus forth ffithi bus. " Friend Mallaby, I ain pleased that thee has got Buch a fino organ in thy church." " Rut," said the clergyman, " J thought you were strongly opposed to hav ing an organ in a church ? " " So I am, said Obadiah, but then if thee will worship the Lord with machinery, 1 would like theo to have a first-rate, instrument. Smaix Bed Rooms. Small bed rooms arc death to thofo who sleep in them. A bed room should bo tho largest room in tho house ; and whero it is hot it should be ventilated by open doors, drooping win dows, and the chimney. Many a person has sickened and died without knowing what tho troublo was, from fleepmg m small and tight bed rooms. A single uight in such a place will leave its marks on a child, who will rise in the morning tired and wilted like a faded Cower. The New Greenbacks. The new one dollar notes will have a vignette of WaBuing ton, and a representation of Colunibus discov ering America on the iaoe, instead of the vig nette of Chief Justice Chase, as on those now iu uao. Tho two dollar notes will have a vig nette of Jefferson aud a view of-tlie Capitol, instead of (he vignette of Franklin, ns on those now in use. The plates for these notes have been engraved at the Treasury Dejjurt rjent. The buets of the ones will bo printeJ by the National Pank Note Com .any of New York and that of the tows by the American Company of the eanie city. The designs fur the new fives, tens, twenties, and other de nominations have not yet been determined upon. To-mokrow never comes. For Crroi.ERA, Diarriiea, Etc A corrcs pondent of the St. Louis Republican, who signs himself Ronj. Ames, jj,ivcf the following information : " A weak Jye made from common wood ashen, about as strong as common tea, put in bottles. Drink nftrer each meal about hall a wine, glass full of tho above water which I will guarantee to bo a complete preventiva against cholera, cholera morbus, or dys pepsia. This can be given to an infant without injury. Whenever the bowels bo como changed, lye-water should be used freely. "In tho year 1819 I passed up tho river on tho steamer Robert Campbell, William Eads, captain. Two men died out of tho cabin from 4 o'clock in the afternoon to 10 o'clock next morning. 1 consulted with captain Eads, and advised that ho should put wood ashes in tho drinking water, so that all tho passengers should havo to drink from it. He did so. This happened at Wackapaw Prarie on the Missouri river. He had not another sick or complaining pasrenger from there to Council Bluffs, and I havo conversed with him frequently since, and ho told tno that ho had always adopted that plan, and never had any sickness on his boat during tho California emigration- " This simple medicine is within the reach of everybody. When made and put in bottles, it will last good a year. For the Fake of humanity, I beg all tho papers (both English and German) to copy this. Cut this out and put it where you. can see it." The Currant Worm. At the horti cultural exhibition in Rochester recently, several gentlemen stated that the currant worm would not disturb bushes under which coal ashes were liberally sprinkled. In confirmation of this a correspondent of the Express of that city says : ,! That to prevent tho currant slug on currant bushes persons have only to mulch thoroughly all the ground under the bushes with anthra cite coal ashes. This should be done late iu the autumn or early in the spring of the year, boloretho bushes leave out, as the worm that feeds on the leaves, after it) growth, drops off and goes into tho earth immediately under tho bushes. The grub, when it comes up to change into a fly, can not make its way through this coarse, sharp, gritty ash heap, and perishes there. Thus far my bushes are unmolested by fly or slucrs this tear, while last year they wcro almost entirely stripped of their loaves by slugs. An easy and eh cap remedy surely. It is said that the name of the Chair. man of the Democratic State committee, is not Mutchlcr, but I-'ishles. and that he l the proprietor of " Mishler's Stomach Bit ters, ft may possibly prove n hcaitnicr tonic for Democrats, than the rot-gut they generally use. They need something to strengthen them badly. W . S- SERVICE. 4)00,000 CUSTOMERS WANTED. At tho new Masonic Hall Building. STOVES at prices that will please of nil de sirab'o kinds. TIN-WAKE of every kind on hand at all times. Special attention (riven to Wholesale orders. Price list furnished to dealers on application. SI1 EE T- TIN AND COPPER WA RE. TIouso furnishing goods a great variety. STKAM AND WATER riPEIXO, 1' UMTS, FISIIINOAND HUNTING TACKLE, such as HODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS,, rowDEn, asc.jc. BIRD CAGES A NICE VARIETY, ROOFING, GUTTERS, SPOUTS. of Tin, Galvanized Iron nnd Copper and every kind of HOUSE AND JCB WORK done on short notice and warrantod, AGENCY of Henry -Disstons celebrated eaws. Orders for saws at factory prices so. licited, also for repairing- Information and price list furnished on application. PAPER RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD COITER, BRASS, PEW. TER, LEAD, IRON, EEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON -6KINS, SHEEP PELTS, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK NOTES, V. 8. BONDS &o. talcen in exchange for Goods or Work vln20tf. VV. 8. SERVICE. TANNING & LUMBER CO. EY STONE STORE WILCOX PA ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING ! The largest storo in North Western Ta., lit- terally filled to overflowing. WINTER GOODS closing put regardless of value. We are opening the spring campaign with the largest nnd most attractive stock ever offered in (his market. We shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well assorted the year round, Our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT will always contain a large nnd well selected stock of Cloths Cassiuicrs & Cloakings, Bluck and Colored Silks. Scasonnbic dress goods in great vjiricly. Table Linens, Napkins Towels &c., while goods of every description, blenched and brown sheetings nil widths. GLOVES & HOSIERY TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS WALL aud WINDOW P AIMS LI, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, CLOTHING, HATS and CArS, BOOTS & SHOES. DRUGS & MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS & DYE STUFFS, LEATHER, .t- 5707; FINDINGS, HARD W A HE, SI 0 VESA TIN-WARE, IRON A STEEL, NAILS t BUILDERS HARDWARE. NUTS & WASHERS, HORSE SHOES & NAILS, WAGON SPRINGS, PATENT AXLES Jk DOX1SS, CROCK ERY and GLASSWARE, STONE WARE, FLOUR, FE1SD & MEAL, CORN and OATS, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, SASH & DOORS COFFINS, MATRASSES, BEDDING, &c, TOBACCO & CIGARS, TRUNKS, VALISES & CAUPET BAGS, ItUBBElt BELTING. CLOCKS in GREAT VARIETY. Agents for Hoyt Bros. Celebrated Leather Belting. With our superior facilities for obtaining heavy goods, in large quantities, from first hands we defy competition in Groceries & Provisions Wo invite particular attention to our choice brands of extra and double extra flour, we get direct from mills at the west thus saving to customers the profits usually pocketed by middlemen. Our flour is always fresh ground and we guarantee entire satisfaction with every barrel TANNING 4 LUMBER C InSltf. Wilcox Pa POWELL &. KIME- QOODS FOR THE MILLION. p O W E Ii L & K I M E, At their capacious stores both in HIDGWAY AND CENTREVILLE, Have on hand, splendid assortments; of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants) of the people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are Fellin? at j viced that defy competition. Tlicy would sisiply state here, that being very large (icalci.i, their facilities for put chafing ai o un crjnalled hy any establishment in the county. They buy directly from manu facture and on tho GROUND FLOOR. Another advantage. You can nlways got wlmt you want ut their stores, luneo you will save time by going directly to them and TIME IS MONEY. Wc have no space hero to enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patnmb-.iiij ihe.-o establishments. !ut c-ill and see, nud reap tho udvautnges for yoursi Ives. Among their Goods ymi will find DRY GCODS hi eulless variutbn, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cut aud f.n:h. BOOTS k SHOES of the Lest stock aud make, CROCKERY for newly married, middle aged aud eldeily. DRIED FRUIT, butter; EGGS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, FLO UK, COKN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE Abo tnofUthor kinds of country ptj - duco taken at the market vaW Tlnltf.