JT;iLtnin arcnr midit nonxiNo, T O 13.QOUL.I), Editor: TEKM9, TWO DOLLAH9 A TEAK IN ADVANCE Rates of Advertising. 3ne fqnaro 1 week, 4 1 Oil 11 4 Column 8 months H 00 J 5 00 SO 00 as oo 7 mi ID 00 Ml 00 80 00 40 00 14 00 20 00 8S (HI 4 00 00 00 75 00 do Ml (1 50 INI 1 (III 5tl do 8 " do ' do do do do do do Jwo i?qr. do do 8 " 8 4 " S i mouths 4 8 ' S ". 7 it " 14 1 week 1 do U 2 Column 1 do 1 do 8 do 6 do 14 Colnmu 1 do 1 do 8 do U do do 11 wok JUUIllll 1 uionlb 8 " 6 " Ml 1 wii no IK) ra 001- work Uioulh do do 14 i-i Column 1 week uo 1 mouth Hiecliil Notices after Mnrrlngcs and Deaths nn nddl IuiihI of one hnlf the above rntes. Btmlr.ess Cards Ave linns or less, f5 00 per year; ever five lines, at the nstial rate o advcrtlinR. The (jircut Ainciicaii Cm pet- The Philadelphia Bii.lktin calls Mr. Pack er "tho Great American Carpet Hugger," ami bays he is even more of one than has heretofore been supposed. In his youth he carpet-bapged from Connecticut to Pennsyl vania, and ha ft generally supposed to reside nt Mauch Chunk, aliens a handsome man sion and grouuds are pointed out as liis. But a couple of years ago lie enrpet-bogfred out of Mauch Chunk into Philadelphia. The Mauch Chunk Gazettk says, that, in 1867, Mr. Packer took up his legal residence in the Hixth Ward, Philadelphia, by having him self assessed uud bis taxes paid there. He did this to avoid giving Carbon county the berclil of the revenue it was entitled to do rive from tho legal taxation of his vast es tate. The county commissioners t.nd bo rough couucil, however, succeeded by legal process in collecting tho taxes for that year which has been assessed there, but which he Loped to transfer to Philadelphia. It appears also that the tuxes which Mr. Packer wished to avoid when he carpet bogged away from Mauch Chunk were chief ly those imposed to pny tho interest on the borough and county debts contracted during too war for bouuties, and to make up the quota of troops required by tho national government. Ho had gone to Europe early in the rebellion, because of his disgust nt teeing war made upon his Southern friends. It was an aggravation beyond endurance, that after tho war was over, he should, in ad dition to other taxes, have to pay taxes for Carbon county's war expenses. According to the Mauch Chunk paper, Mr. Pucker, whilo having his legal residence in Philadel phia, Btill actually resides in Mauch Chuuk, as he has done tweuty years before. But he has refused to pay any of the county or bo rough taxes. His friends boast that he has given a million of dollars to Lehigh Uuiver ity, and in his letter accepting the Harris burg nomination, he declares himself in favor of "a general system of organized schooU." But ho avuils himself of a subterfuge to evade the school tux of his place of residence. Such conduct would be unworthy of a man of mod erate means. But in a man who is acknowl edged to bo the richest in Pennsylvania, and whose collossal fortuue has been made in the region that he thus treats, it is absolutely dissraceful. The California Republican State Conven tion solemnly resolved that "tho negro ques tion hus ceased to be an element of American politics." VCe hope so while we doubt. We should be very glad to know that the time had come for utterly discarding all dis crimination, and for securii.g tho equality of of all uk-u before the law, but we see a plenty of. Democratic newspapers which wage a con stant warcfare upon tLc Blacks; and there are not a few Southern "Democrats" who de clared openly during the late Presidential canvass that the Freedom should be deprived of tho right of suffrage. AVe should like to have tho opinion of the ardent Mr. Brick Pomeroy upon the point, siuce ho is probably about the most thorough-going "Democrat in the country. "Who is Mutchler? is tLe all ubsorbing question umoug the Democracy of this State The Ilarrisborg Teleguai'u answers as fol lows! A II we know of interest about the gen tleman il this he is a resideut of Eastou we think a railroad friend of Mr. Tacker, and closely identified with New York inter ests; wasoucoa Whig, if our memories serves us righly, aud is sometimes called 'Bill' for short, lie will undoubtedly wish he had never seen a "bill," big, little or hu man, or a McMnllin Bill, when his brief ca reer is practically brought to a close two monthss hence. Of the political state of affairs in Pennsyl vania tho New York Commercial Adverti ser snys: "Packer lias nothing to recommend him but his bank account Uo is old, infirm, and past his usefulness. Governor Geury, the Republican caudidate, has served tho couutry as a statesman and a soldier, llo is energetic and progressive. The issue in the canvass in Pennsylvania will be dollars, nge and imbecility, against brains, patriotism, and activity. Gov. Geary was nominated on the first bollot by a vote of 125, to 8 for all others. That is the way the Republicans remember the men who fought tho battles for the flag. The Democracy remember the 6oldiers in their resolutions. The difference is preach with practice, and preach without prac tice, - The New York Citizen-, Democratic, thinks the Democracy of the State wants a whip ping, aud hiuts that they will get it, as fol lows: "Our Democratic frieuds of I'encsyl vatiia must need a flaggcllation. Tbey bate taken off their coats and stepped up to the whipping post once more We hope the Republicans will lay it on well this time. Fockor ia worth Cftoen or twenty millions of dollnrs ntid the cops expect Lis money to elect him. They have olwnys been 1 ho op- holders of a money nristocruey. It lias not been longeiuce they upheld the doctrine that cnpitul should own lubor. They lmve since undertaken to play the role of poor mau's, friend, but that is only forefluct. Their aris tocratic preferences will crop out inppito of nil their efforts to hide them for a season. Packer owes his nomination to his money alono. If the dispatch of the 2d inst., may be trusted, the reduction of tho Debt during the past month will not amount to quite as much us was anticipated on Suturday. It is, how ever, more than enough to wnrraut those sanguine hopes concerning the Treasury which have of late become more general, and which the Secretary's evident confidence helps to spread. On tho first of July the debt during Uen. Grant's Administration liud reached the sum of S3o,4G0,7 79 43. If the dispatch anticipn.ing to-day's statement be correct the reductiou is now 43,710,777 43. In other words, we have five months, uudernll sorts of inherited difficulties from Johston's Administration, in which to attempt getting the fi minces into a henlthy conditiou; and in that time have reduced the debt by a month ly average of eight and three quarter million dollars. On the heels of this cheerful news comes the Secretary's announcement that he will conliuuo to purchase three millions of bonds per week for the Sinking Fuud during the ensuing mouth. We would moke tho pur chase larger; but we are grateful for so much. I ho Treasury is nt least working steadily, and arc working iu the right directiou. Tri bune, Almost Beyond Redemption. About five works ngo a bundle was received ut the Treas ury Department at Washington, from a Ger man nt .Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with the re quest that tho contents, which ho said was niiitnliited currency, should be redeemed, and good bills be returned to him. On opening tho package) it was found to contain about a peck of rubbish, consisting of scraps of pap er, pieces of woolen cloth, strings, chips, nutshells, and fragments of gieenbucks. The German accounted for the confused con dition of his nintulated currency by stating that having saved by strict economy five hun dred dollars, iu order that is might bo safely kept, ho tied it up iu nn old Blocking and thrust it behind a rafter beneath tho roof of his house, und tho mice made a nest of it. The peck of fragments was turned over to two female counters, who, nfter seventeen days' labor iu sorting, matching and pasting, succeeded iu rescuing from the mass i-2M, and a draft lor that amount was forwarded to the economical German. Pi.owinu it Sii.veii Coin. John Vann, of Webber's Pulls, Cherokee National, a few day.s ago was plowing in his field, and his plow struck something und stopped his mule, which he supposed to be a root, and struck the mule with his lash, and it gave a sudden pull, und up came five old Spanish dollnrs. Mr. Yanu went to the spot where the money appeared, aud on examining found u keg full of thecoiu. Tho staves of tho keg were rot ten, but the dollars were as sound as when coined nt the old Spanish mint. On digging up the keg he found it coutaiued live thous and dollars, all in old Spanish dollars of the date of about 180G, ami American half dol lars of old date The keg must have been buried twenty or thirty years ago. Since the findiug of this money the whole field has been dug up iu search of hidden troasuie. Kmf.rsox Etheriucr cf Ti'tinofee is a cmd'. d ito for the United Hlnles Senate. Kaiei.'ou used to he a pretty good fellow, and several years ao the liepiililieans in Cougiess made him Clerk of the House of lteiuesentaives. This ho liked very well. Ijiit after a while l:o fell out with them because .Mr. Lincoln didn't make him niilitnn Governor of Tennessee or something else that lie wanted, and ever since that ho has been uruwliiij; around in irksome retirement. Now he comes up again, and is tjoiiig to inn against Andy John son. Hell, boih of them can t have tin) puueo. and of tho two Kthcridgo is likely to bo fresher and more entertaining as a member of the Sen uto. lint if neither of them would get it, the number who will shed tears will bo small. Pai'KR IIamikehciiieis The uncleanlinoFs so common with those who use pocket hand chiefs is very great, uud ought to be remedied. No handkerchief ought to be used more thun one day: those who are obliged to use ouo much, might advantageously adopt the Japa nese system of usiug paper, und never using the same piece twice. Their paper is peculiar being soft, thin, and tough. Among this people paper is of tho greatest importance. Tbey use it for almost everything, aud even go so fur us to stipulate when a daughter is given away in marriage, thut she shall have a certain quantity of poper. Is Greenland they havo a prohibitory law which prevents the sale of alcliohul in any form. It is suggested that the license men in Massa chusetts might learn a lesou by visiting a coun try that has made such progress towards the proper treatment of tiie question. NEWS ITEMS. A colored boy bad bis heei, badly smashed between the bumpers of two railroad cars at Sharon Wednesday evening. It is stated that the whole line of the Erie railway is soon to be illuminated at night oy a newly discovered electric light. The saw-mill of Hutchinson Bros., Treu ton, N. J., was burned by incendiaries Fri day night. Loss, 25,000; insured 13,000. Messrs. Pvmons & ITocken, grocers of Dover, Morris couutv, N. J., are said to have absconded leuviug liabilities of about $20,000. A barn was struck by lightnbg near Green ville the other day, uud partially burned. A large quantity of hay aud grain was dam aged. The Erie Anuual Conference of theUuited Brethcrn church, will commence i.t Little Cooley, Auguet 19. Bishop Weaver will preside. The Blade has got a blind man out at Cor ra "who hus never kuown what it was to bo blessed with a father or mother." Like Topsy, he probably "growed." During the month of July 1826 emigrants arrived ut the port of Baltimore, from Bre men, of whom 762 remain the Maryland; of these, 531 are men. The cholera is making fearful huvoo at Nuevitas, 2(10 of the troops there dying daily of that disease. Frederick Strader was on Satnrdoy com mitted to juil at L'lmira, charged with caus ing the death of an infant child of a servant in his family, Mrs. Mury Dell Thetgo. The se-vant was also committed as ucccesary for the murder. A npaniard in Cuba is of the opinion that I 100,0(10 more troops from Spuiu will be re quired to conquer the island. When is a newspnper the sharpest? Wheu it is filed. Prof. Thurston, of Mcndvillo balloon noto riety, is to make an ascension for that rural citj on the 9th, with the intention of going to New York, provided the wind will ullow. Lightning is no respecter of persons or things. The Spectator records the fact that it struck a tree in Veuango coutity, the other day, and killed three wook-peckers on it John Rider and Wm. Brown have been nr rested in Williamsport, charged with passing ten dollar counterfeit bills on Third Nutiouul Bank of Philadelphia. They will bo tried before the United States Court in September uext. A little girl eight yenrs of ago, residing in llarrisburg, is said to have died on Thurs day from the effects of lock-jaw produced by Having a tooth exiricteri a week before. The injuty was produced by the rough man ner iu whicn the tootn was pulled. Charles W, Arnold, n lad about fifteen years old, went to Mercer to visit Yankee Robinsou's show, and while looking at one of the men driving a stake, ho was struck on tho head by a back stroke of sledge, from the effects op which ho died on his way borne. A colored individual near Pittsburgh, last week, put up a horse at. lottery, anil sold sixty tickets atone dollar each. Holding the lion's share of one hundred aud twenty five that were in the hut, he mauugod, iu a business way, to draw the horse "his own self,'' and rode him uwuy carrying his green backs iu his pocket. That "boss" is held for sale again. Amusement a in Petroleum Centre nro de generating from killing men to fiijht between between a wolf and a dog. On Thursday evening lust there was a fight between the celebrated dog "Faro" and the "Rocky Mountain Wol'f," at that place. Tho fight lasted twenty-four minutes ui;d was drawn. Providing they didu't get up a first class mur der there within thirty clays to amuse the people, tho owner of the dog proposes to light him agaiust the wolf for 100. The other night a policeman in Corry ar rested a man named Sullivan and a initio ond female companion for kicking up a row gen erally, but the prisoner considered himself good on the muscle, concluded he would not go if he could prevent it. They hud severe trials of strength, by tho way of rough und tumble, and nfter a scries of escapes uud re captures, Sullivau was like to get away en tirely, when the policeman ordered him to stop or he would shoot him. Not heeding the order, ho lodged a ball in the fleshy part of Sullivan's arm, when ho came to a halt. Tho next day the wounded mau had "the offi cer arrested for shooting him. llarrisburg has n haunted house, and it is pot the house of Representatives, either. The pranks of the ghost are various, bul its chief amusement is in not allowing the doors to remain closed, nor bedelothing on those sleeping on tho premises. Bolt and bur the doors us they will ghostly fingers undo the fastenings, uud ghostly feet are heaid on stairway, hall and room, while ghostly hands clutch and remove the clothing fioin the shivering limbs of those occupying tho beds, und breezes us cold as if from hyperborean regions are said to sweep through the house. The ghost is felt rather than seen, yet there are those who assert that they havo seen a soinethine a dread presence which they could not describe, and yet could feel. Kciiiotis liifcSligoiH'C, Tho Young Mens' Christian Association for tho United States ntid Canada, recently met at Portland, Me. About 06 delegates were present. The annual report embraces C3H associations, and of these !il" were rep resented at the Portland meeting. The en tire membership is estimated ut 00,000 per sons. A successful mission has been main tained ulong tho line of tho Pacific railtoad. An Episcopal preacher of Boston in a ser mon recently reported, regards it a fatal r.iis tako ol the "day, to erect booses of wo.'ship for preaching, und not for prayer. 'I ho prayer offered ot tho opening of the Peace Jubilee iu Boston, is criticised by an Episcopalian as a complete failure, whilo the speeches aud addresses were characterized by extraordinary eloquence. Tho Ameiican College of tho Propoganda ut Rome, has thus farieceivid from this coun try lb0,000 for its endowment through the labors of Father Douno, brother of tho Epis copal Bishop of Albuuy. A writer in tho Gori-el Messenger discus ses the evilB of a divided Christendom, and finds them immense in sevcrul particulars. How then? What is the theory and method ot their removal? A Presbyterian mission chapel in Bogota, the cnpital of the United States of Colombia, South America, has been opened recently. It is the first Presbyterian church iu the country, and a number of the most promi uent men of tho republic were preseut. On taking down recently tho spire of one of the churches iu Portluud, Me., one of its gilded balls was opened and found to cou taiu a prophecy, thut in a few years by the increasing spread of intelligence, the Culvin istis system of theology will become extinct. Sunday evening, July 11th, the auuuul sermon before the Young Mens' Christian Association, In Rochester University, was preached by Rev. Sumusl Moss, D. !., of Philadelphia, on the religious culturo of the preseut period us a resultant of tho labors of ull the past. Tho eldest son of the late Lord Stanley of Aldeily. England, becumo a Mohanimedau some years ago while a member of the em bassy to Constantinople. Jiy lus lainers death he now becomes n British peer aud member of tho llouso of Lords a Moham medan peer. Bishops Kip of California, and White houso of Uliuois, -reject Protestant from tho titlo of their Church and are calling it Epis copal and not Piotestutit Episcopal, nnd the lute Bishop Scott, of Oregon, regarded Pro testantism as a blunder. He thought Lu ther und the other reformers should have staid iu the Romau Catholic Church. Reunion between the Old and New School Presbyterians is being finally adopted almost unanimously. Of tho New School Presbyte ries 11 have voted for it unanimously, and of the Old 12, with the exception of one oppo sing vote in New York, and four in Phila delphia. The change of sentiment nud feel iug iu both Schools siuce the division id very remarkable. Rev Dr. dimming, Scotch Presbyterion and court preucher, Loudon, proposes, if full rights of membership will be accorded to him, to attend the Pope's general council, lie ban since written to the Pope for infor mation us to the liberties of speech and argu mentation that will be allowed him ia that budy. In Cheyenne, an agent of the Homo Mis sionary Society recently found nineteen per sons toady to unite in fornnug a Congrega tional Oliurch, und to pledge 000 towards the support of a minister. The society ap pointed J. G. Davis to that field, and he has organized a Church. The Presbyterians are Creparing to found a Church in that city. It an a population of 8,000 souls, uud is tho capital of Wyoming Territory. A tnnn lias appeared in Poland, claiming to be the Messiah on his second mission, llo has chosen twelve apostles and claims to per form miraculous cures. lie repronches the peasants for their indifference to tho Insur rection of 1863, and urges them to repent and prepare for new emergencies. He has gained considerable influence am the govern ment is using means to counteract his politi cal heresies. It will be satisfactory to the friends of re ligious aud moral reform, to be notified of the progress of AVnter street mission in New York. It has cost $2,812, of which all but SG43 have been paid bv two men. It has taken C5 womeu from Jance houses, many of whom oro domestics in private families. It hasuided in extreme distress and helped with situations, 50 more, and put them on the road to respectability and usefulness. It has closed three dunce houses, uud maiutniued daily religious meetings. The work has been prosecuted thus far in a rickety old dance house, ond it now asks aid to make thorough repairs, or to build at an expense of 15,000 for its better accommodation. A correspondent, writing from Rome, snys tho Pope is beginning to entertain fears that his general council will not prove satisfacto ry. Prince llohenlohe and the best classes in the Catholic world object to the elevation of the principles of Syllabus into dogmas. Kitiim nt theologians, canonists, lawyers, and diplomatists, unite in these objections. The deliberations of the. general council will take place in sections, or contrregatious, each of which will be presided over by u Cardinal. The Cardinal Presidents of the congregations will represent the Pope, ond hold their ip poiutnieiits from him. The doings of the congregations will be reported in the sessions or general assemblies, over which the Pope will preside iu person. There will bo ten sessions of the council and each session will proclaim or.o law. The subjects' of consider ation urn ten, and nro an follows: 1. Pun theism, Naturalism, uud Absolute Rational ism, in nine paragraphs. 2. Modified Ra tionalism, in seven paragraphs. 3. ludiffer cutisni and Tolerance, in four paragraphs. 4. Socialism, Communism, Secret Societies, Bible Societies, and Clerical Liberal Socie ties, in six paragraphs. 5. Krrora with re spect to the Church und her Rights, iu twen ty paragraphs. t. Errors with respect to Civil Society in its self and in its relation to tho Church, in seventeen paragraphs. 7. Er rors with icspect to Natural and Christian Morals, iu ten paragraphs. 9. With respect to tho Sovereignty of the Roman Pope, iu two paragraphs. 10. With respect to Mod ern Liberalism, in four paragraphs. ADVERTISEMENTS. F )l( SALE-A GREAT HAUGAl.X ! TI.e fei'k'erlbura oHlt for enle the SAW MILL In il'iiiiezctte tow tMliln, hite the propirl .inner l the Ecu- COAL AKD IRCli COLIPAKY- The l)nllJlii'' Is WxlJ Tout, und ceula!e all the neces sary iii.tchiui.-o lor a SAW MILL. BOIICUS AND ENGINE (never used) nl.o fjrsnlo. Th" Rollers nre SO feet long and 30 Inches lu dinine tor. The Entiue is Fifty Horse Power, ALSO J. STACK for sale. The property will he sold 'ogetlier, or the machinery wl'l be taken out aud Hold pepe-rute. Thin U au excellent chance fur parties desiring to purchase a MILT, PROPERTY, and ad excellent odi'iiln? fur a Tannery The proper- la will be sold at a uajfulu, as the proprietora, beiug kon renifdcnii, have no use for it. rur lull tiaitlculaia addreasU. U. 1IAUY&X E IV., Lock llavcu. J liuu lLlStil). tf 3M Urntl iniiian jtemruy. By thoroughly dentin? the Mood, it radically curea LVHlClbU, Liter Cunipliiiiit. Ooutrbs, CoM, Di.Mwi'i of Hi hi'liu j. Prepay, Gout, Sm;il We.ikncM, Jumnlui', Itlii-ooiutlMni, Chill" and K.'ViT, I'hthlsio, Crmip and lls.nl l-.rr.ill.iug, 'oor Bonn, KryaiHdaa, &Ot lihrinn, K. urul gia, LoHrfof Appetite, Thrmtt J)iitut.c, tiure Kyerf, Canker in uil forms, lutlummiitinn, Ocucral l cakuct. Sou (T Dicoaun. J.P.FELT,GeiriA6t. Ho. Ill Area bU, Folia. fPEB TEAB Ana ika-ik. Avt-nU wanted. MrCbmuiiwioB or AhiarnT every part ( . I:. H .) iLadoa. to aeU ouraCnited ftifcni irira ClailLnei. arfaiitcaVrIaat Ufi-tiiuejurl e IWniimJiaffTjTY, or 16 Iearliai. CllKlilo. Sin C3 Kl Per Year to sell "Wondorof th World.' r5u,JUU Addrea J. C. XILTGX, fitUbuiKh, w 11Y NOT MAKE MONEY W'lih otirBteu!! (ud Key Chock Outfit, and by aeling Novel aud attractive ailldeal1 bTAt nOUD 11 t). CO till l ullou bl , N. . it $20 July 1 PER DAT. -Agents wanted everywhere. Bam. ple lor two stuuim. Addrw Dates, lliuu & Co., CleTclaud, Ohio. i U Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the liair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color tcith the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin Lair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles nre destroyed, or tho glands atrophied nnd decayed. But such as remain can be saved for Usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Frco from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer dCo., Practical and Analytical Ciiemi3T3, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $1.00. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FOR PIBIFYIXO TIIE BLOOD, Tho reputation this ex cellent nietlii.ino cn.ioys, ia derived from its ciiren, many of which are truly niaivelloua. Inveterate caecs of Scrofulous dis ease, where tho cystom Bccmed auturuted villi corruption, havo been I'lu iliril nnd eared by it. berofalous nfTecliotia mill disorders, which were aff pravated liy tho scrofu lous contlllnilintioli mint il they vrere painfully afllictinfr, havo been rndically cured In such jrreut numbers in almost every eou tion of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enemies of our rnce. Oitcn, this unseen nnd unfelt tenant of the orpanism undermines the constitution, und invites the attack of enfeebliuir or fatal diseases, w ithout excitinp a suspicion of its presence. Ap.-iin, it secins to breed infection throuKhout the body, nnd then, on some favorable occusion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, cither on tho Mirfuce or among thc-vitms. In the latter, tuber cles may be Maidenly deposited in the itinera or jicun, or minora lormcu in ine liver, or u eiiows its presence by eruptions on the akin, or foul ulcer ations on home part of the body. Hence the occa sional use of a bottle of this tiitrsaparitla is ad visable, even when no nclivo symptoms of disenso miptM;. Persons atllicteil with the following com plaints generally find immediate relief, nnd, nt leiifrth, cure, by the use of this SAltSAl'A It II. 1A: Ut, Anthony' l-'irt; iione or l'rtHipclant Trttrr.,Snlt Jthcititt, Nraltl Jlcatl, Jtiiiairorm. JSocd J.;i, .Sure Jiar, und inner eniiiuoiis m Visible forms of Sciii'iiIoiik disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as ItfinprjMia, Jtrovnif, Heart JHscase, T'itH, ICttilt-fittj, Xruraffia, nnd the various l lrrrnus uilectious of the muscu lar und nervous systems. Hyphtlig or Venereal nnd Mereurial Jitsrattn uve c ured by it, though a hmirtiineis required for Fiihdiihig these obstinutc maladies by any medicine. I'.ut long continued use of this medicine w ill cure the complaint. Leueurrhra or Whites, I teri tie Vlcerationt nud J-'etmtle IHsease, arc com monly soon relieved and ultimately cured bv its purifying and invigorating effect. 'Minute liircc tions'for each case are found in our Almanac, sup plied gratis. Jilieumatism aud O'niif. when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in tho blood, yield mtii-kly to it, us also 7-iir C'omi'taiHtH, H'orpiultft, r'onfer ton or inflam mation of tho IAeerf&ui Jaundice, when arising, as they often do, from ttie rankling poisons in tiie blood. This N.I USA I'A II 1 1. LA in a great re storer for the Mrcngth and vigor of the system. Those who nre J.anautd and J.iftU xn, Denpon tlcnt, Steeplem, und troubled with Xervaus Ap prehenKiont or fears, or any of tho uffcctioim symptomatic of Weakness, will find iminedinut relief and convincing evidence of its restorative ixjwcr ujiou trial, PREPARED B Y Dr. JT. C. AIEII A CO., Lowell, Slaw,- Fractleal and Analytical Chemists, SOLD BY ALL DIU'GGISTS EVEIttTVlIERE. The ItuVralMifS Success. MR DRESSING BY ITS USB Gray or Falod Hair is quicKly restored to its youthf u color and beauty, and with the first application a beautiful gloss aud delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. Il will cause Hair to grow on Eald Spots. It will promote lururiant growth. FALLING HAIR ia immediately checked. For Hale by all DruseiMe. DEPOT removed from Oretnwii h 8t to 35 liarday feU & 40 i'aik riuco. AOENT8 WANTED FOB THE Sights I Secrets OF THE NATIONAL CAPITOL Tht moat tartling, instructive and entertaining book of me uuy. oeua inr i ireuiara. ana aee our uirmi. Ad diw V. B. i'VUHtfUlXU CO., ill liroouie itrcet. New ivis. ultu j " My J5 tmnsmsm MQFLAND'S GERMAN BIT1ERS, end HOQFLANQ'S GERMAN TONIC, I'RKPAREP UT Dlt. C. M. JAOKSOX, I'llII.AnKLI'HU, I' A. The reatrst inmvn rente Jiet for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Disease! of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of the SKIS, mi t nit Disease rltnK from a Dla ordered l.lver, Ktomach, or JMPVMTY OF TIIK Jlt.OOT. Henri the fnllomnn lymplnmt, onrf if fan find your siittrm ft nfTrrinl hy on; nf tlinn, yro may rr.'i tnwr"l that ttitHtttr. ha vimMetwtd it attack tm tht mi important orjjani nf jnnr bttyt and vnlttf tnnn chuktti hy thf Hf nf fvnti'rfnl rvmifti, rt mitfratM Vft, iki UrMinnlii'ii in tttth, will be Oi rault. Consttrjfttion, 'Flntnlenoe, Inward Filoa, Fulness ot Blood to t ha iiend. Acidity of tho EHonisch. JViinsea, Heart burn, DiKU8t lor Fowl.IViinese or Weight in the Stoirmoli, Hour EruotHtions, Hmk ing or Fluttering nt the Fit of the bloiuaoii, tiwimuiinfl; of the Iloail, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering; Rt. t-ha Heni-t, Choking or MuIVoculiriK Bensntions when iu a fjy inuFvisturo, Dimness of Vision, P. is or Webs before ihe Sight, DjII Pain in the Head, IM1 cienoy .if J'erspirat iofi, Yel- lownesnof tho Bkin and Eye. I'rtin iu the Sule, Bunk, Chest, Limbs, Rto., bud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in t ho Flesh, Const nut liruintuiiiKB of Evil, aud Urunt Depression of bpirita. AU fi'f itftirut' ct.'ir nf itw t.ivr or thttttlirt 0r,'iin., cotwjiifil with iinjinrtbtwa. llocifl.nVo (Senium Cittern m nil Ircl vrtroti1lttiirt roTitnlna no 1 1 it hi 1 1 I n . o in pf !! of Kl ulil fix iinciN. Tht lifioirtf llp-int mid ltttrtt from tvlilcli i!irn? i xlnicli rr lit n do nre f;nt li-i'Ml In t-ciiim.iy All t lie lit flic I iim I i IrHicn nre t-x'.ff cl from tli t-ni by n ft'tciil I f.c cli...il. Tliro fxinula ore liieit forvrrt-cl to thla caiuitry In lie ttKrtl exprenttly for llta lilHii(il;i4 I hi? of lit? Ititltrs. 1'Iirio l no itlcolioile Miiitnee of may Klnil il .it lit coiuiiotiiMll.ttf Hie HHui, hmuc II Ik Hi only ItHHn tUnt can liv nrl In tmra wlid-rr nlcolioUc lUit ulants are not ntl vlunlile fioofla lib's ;rmtm Sonic inn ermhiutitim rf oil thf. iuffrrtlifuts of tht Jiittfra, with vtiiK Niuit i 'rut Hum, 0ntngct etc.. It it utrti fr the tamt tliwttr ua the Wttfrm, in CitSfM whfft $nmt purr. utrn.'to!t; it i inn tux is rufUive.d, u wilt hew in tttitut tfutt t ft ftt rrwtie ttr ftiitirrly different frmii any of.Wx atlrn-titrt J'nr the cure tif thf dittttt't n ittttti, thtrr briwj tfi. n:it'ic prvf,ftrntinn nf rn'itictwtl extract, white tht nth rf r mre H'rwtinn of rMwt n tnmf f'trm. Ttf 'iMNIOi ttrcitirtili on nf the mnti p!r.ti,int aii'i arerut'lf rtmttlift ever nffrrtH tn tht p'thtir. itt tti ff i rjcfjtiititf. It it a pfeamre tft fnVj i', iWi'.V it. ti' fjiri'i'tt fxhiti'mtivg ivil mfdicitl fti'tlitirs Itttre cutitfti it to be knvivtt a.. J.V greatest of Unties CONSUMPTION. TliaiiMAttttft of tNc, tvltvit tlifi pn Unit ititppoartt he ww. nflUvlecl vvlllt I IiIm I err I lil llieae hnve. eeu ettreil ly die iixc of i liee reniedlem Kxt rtn eniHc l Ion clvlilllfy atiil eoiilt art) Ihe ttiiat ul I e lulu nt if ;ioi never) i'tK'H of clyHi'nla or cIImcum of th 3letlve orKiui. Kveit In crici of y, l u nine CoiimihiI Ion, lline rented 1 . ill hr f'o it ml of the f7rrnlt beaiteflit Mtrciillieiiiiig and litvlgorattttg. DEBILITY. T-.'r ii no medicine eqtuxl to Unabintta G'rmnn B t"-rt r 'flmiv in caxfi nf Drhitity. They impnrt a tone ttnU riittf to th wholf tystem, ttrevtjt 'ten the. ati prtite, enlist nn titjuymfnt of the food, enable tVi $Iumli 'h tn di'jrt it, purify the liltuxl, yivt a fftxni, goitiut, healthy complexion, tradicnt the. ttlbtw tiny from Ute. gye. iinjtari a hlo-m tn the chft);tt und chant4 tM p ttunt from a ttort-ltretithedt tmaciabtt vwiit. Weak and Delicate Children are mnile miniif; ly ukIii the Hitlers or Tonic. In ihcI, they are Family ledieltivH. Tlirj rnu be ttdiitlnUiercd with jHifirl mifety fo a cnlld threa itiont Hm old, l he moht tlclicale fcuialci or n tun 11 uf itiut-ty, Thete U'meditt are the bett JUool Purldov erer 7.-h- n, and will cure alt diffuse retutiiu fumt Knp yi-ttr bhxtd pure; hfp ynur hirer in ortUr; Imp ytiur diyrttiv tivjttut in u t-tind, hwltl-y cnH ttttii, 'it t!,f utt nf these nmtdiex, und nn diret$4 wtU ttrr uLsml yr.tt. I.iutli . Im nUh n fiilr akin and co.nl mil j.l lion, free from a ellotv tH 1 i it ml till u In-r d!Jlut-emeiit, klifinlil iinc lliei.e i-eiiiriliea ucu.lun ally, a'lii- !,ltr In iin lVi t onln, aurl I iu hlo.iil pin i , M ill n ill ti, kjmrk liiijf eye, uud lilouming clicvk. I A CTinx, 1ntfltwJ't titrmnn litmttlitt art enwxIcrfeit'A. Tli? yrttuinr fmn liir tirimliirt of C. ill. Juchuon rm tli' front nf thr natsiitc vn-uftpcr nf tacit LoOlt, and tht name of tUt artidc Lfown ill iitri iiul. All : Inn art countertit, Tliniiauiid. of lettrra have been re cr I ved, I etUfy lug lot lie vli'l ue of I lie. rt-iuedlen. A BEAD THE EEC0MMENDATI0N3. ritOM HON. O tO. W. WOOUWAKD, Cliiof Jual'.'vuf thr Kupreini Court uf I'oimsylTmila, rii.McLriu, Miki u 10; li, 1S07. ltid "Ilnojtamfi (!cnzn M'trrs" it not an intos, iratiny brrrrajjt, but it a an... tonic. usrftU in dixnr, drrt of Hit ((iyfj'fi nrpiui,, alii, of arrat btn'JU in eaxrt of debility and want of nervout action in t4 lytU. 'otir, truhr, VLU. if. WOODWARD. PROM IIOM. JAMKS TIIOMI'SOV, Jii'ljs uf Hit Siiirum Cuurt uf ronni.i It;iiiK. 1'niLtnri.riiu, A run. l!tli, 1M4. I rou'rloi- u Iloni!nul'e (trriiian Hit Ii-i-m" a rf(ii.-jj tneilieinn In ease af nt lackawf indlgoalloii or U .iir iitla. I rail certify tula from my rictlcuc fit. Youra, uilli irrrl, JAJIICK TltO.UPSO.X. Frnm ItKV. JOSKfll II. KKXXAItl), Ml, Ptur of tlio Tulitll lliiti.t Church, I'hilndHlihl. Da .TiCKjOX l.ta Sir : havtUm fritmtntlyr- JH'ultd tn ronntct my nant Willi Tceonimentlationt t,e iff't 'Ul kind of mmlirinrt, Init rrffanlinu tht pi uctict at out nf my aifiri'inrr rphrrt, I hart in all cunt dr. timed ; but Willi a ' tear Jirunf in carinut inttavctt. nnd ttartiulurly iu in n nmi family, oftht utrfulnttt of r. Ilimftand't Urrman IJillrit, lil,'p,irt for'nnrt from my uiual corn-it, tn esprett my fall amrieltoii that 1 f -"t.iI il.'l.illly .f llmayati'in. anil t.., f,,r Liiw Cnm;-Viut, il i. a khI'm hiuI vulu.-ilile prrnmtion In tnmrcatet it may fail ; liu' v.uall., I doiiltl not ii wiU If. rery beueffial to Ihnre who tulUr Jrom Hit uiost tuattt. l'ourt, very reject fully, J. U. A'A'.V.V.I HP, Xijlitli, btlvui Coattl a. Prioe of the Bittara, 1.00 per bottle ' Or, a half doxon for V00. I'rice of the Tonio, $1.50 pur bottle J Or, a half dozen for $7 53, TU. Tunic ! iut Hi. in quart Uitllva. Recollect thai it it Pr. Ilnfnn.rt German RenieAi.i that art to wilrerilty ut'd nnd tn highly rtcinnnitnd' td; and do tint allow tht Vrujitl tn induct you Is titkt any thimj tltt that he stay toy itjutt at nam!, eante he niaLet a larger jn-nlil on it. Thett J.'tmctties will bt ttnt by &prtu to any locality ttyii application, to Hit IMtlSCIPAL OFFICK, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, .Vu. 03t AHCU STREET, rhihidtlphim. CHA8. M. EVANS, Proprietor, Formerly G. M. JACKSON & CO. Tli rue Itemedlee arc fur sale li DniggUla, Blurekeepera, aud Midi, clue Ualrtvr) wli,r, Ikt nntfornrl to tsnmint writ Hit articlt you buy ia writer tn net In acnnin. JODD'B NEK VINE DID if! " .1 . i. v . a luuutrni 11 wuu to Walt another week oetore Titin(f, to aeo if I oonunutxt to im prove, an I have been doing for eome time, under the treatment of the new medicine, and am happy to tell vou that 1 am getting better even flutter then when you Were here. I ftnuinaiuw tVia nun. iwtlti i i. i'iVu witliuut anybody advuoiig me to it. When I began with it I could only walk tri.m my bed to the ehair. ily trouble baa been extreme pain In the head, and ha lasted over three year. All the medicine I have here- mwac waaj lm uiiiea mi give any reuef . 1 am now able to go up and down ntuira, and am daily improving. I consider the NEHVINK the beat medicine 1 ever lound, and ahall oontinue it uae, for I aw oourident of entire recovery. 1 have Uken culy three bottle and would not be witbont it on any acoount , , Very tiulr, Mci. 1. . Vnn July ti 4