(Slh tteiiJi SUlcccait, Tjocnl nn'l Mipocllnny. Vir Time at. llldgtcaw Erie Express East . 12:45 ft. m. ilo 'to West 8:84 . m. do Mail East.., orlfrp. do ill Woxt 8el0p. m. Local Freight East fl:40. m. do do West.... 6:30 p. m. Elk Iochje, A. T. M ."Intel mootinirs of Elk Lodge will be hell nl their lin.ll on tin second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WHTTMORE. Svc'y. I. 0. G. T. Tito Tiepnlnr tnmtinrt1) of Ridgway Lodge, Ko. 2515. held every Wednesday evening nl their Lodge. Loom. W. C. Tixnr.p, Secy, ag skis ran tee advocate. - The follow; pit. named persons nrc nutliorizo.d p (rents for the Adeoca'c to receive tnbscrip ticr r.dvertisinjror Job work, take pny there f'." nnd give receipts. Wiieox. A. T. Ai.nnjon, J. L. BaowN. n'nns. Fbask AV. Mekck. Jolintonbur1T. Isaac Raoak. Si. Moi.vs. Chas. McVkan. m Centreviile. IIoMi'R ft. LEAcn, Ma.j. Btore. (Mrdoniti. W. P. Smith. B. A, Vrnn. !Vniioz"t'c. Jons C. Piim, J. tV. Brown. Shaw unit.. J ohm F.iprki. . Sprint; ("reck. A. W. Invix. H::;V,Tn:l. Lvvi Fr.r."THo'.?rp Horton. 1. . Ovist mi, !s. M. 'Bbockway. Hk.vtat,. C W.fvTEBr.KXS, DentisS wiii hsin iVidfcvny during week. Ii"5t3. the coming court TriE IT.iiont.own Simnlurd notices the fact thai n M s. Snv Icr lately rave birth to trto daughters all girl:-1 That's a " good joke on Snyder" or the editor. Tf yon are expor-ed to the rnys of the siiii, don't put a " brick " in yoor hat , it only nigravalos the tvll. A damp c'oth or a bunch of green loaves ij much better. Ur.v. J4y.:;s M dr'phia. M. K. Co"..! C.i.w.'Y of the Pbila rer.ci. savs : " I would rccui.tmcnJ the ijl'I' etui t ior.s. Maeamoose ' i'or ail scroful Tiir. r.!ra of superiority is awarded to Mrs. S. A. Allen for liar improved (new ityle) Jliir Remoter or Dressing, (in on' botlle) and jirateAit public appreciates the very low price Cue Dollar. Every Druggist soils it. rr:-ior!F.5T'-t Maoazinr FO,l Augubt T!iis is really the gem of the Indies' moulklies l's patterns and fashions arc always fresh full, and original, nrd its reading matter vm icd. and fn 11 of practical interest. Its new ilfi.r':TU'Hi, " Tli Le.diej' Club," tinssiruck t; 1 1 1 , cml Iihh lieoom i immrtisnly popular, v hili i's illustrations lire I'un'e niunerous and Inner il''i rcv. vS,l)'. per year with j.r-ini'ir.i. P-.iblicatiuii Utlicc, 0:i.s iiroadwny, J.'iv i ori. 1') TON si.ndy i:n.h b .:; r filled w.tlf r'l.ivnroi C.-indy, a-nl a I'iiiy.i: one a i!nr a 'id Assorted ev.-ry box contain i:f I'oIl.iHing arti : (i-.i-.t :ivil "H'-pr n-atoiu'". v. 'lU'ii chHinc Ijdli , ami j'nts '.ir.'fisi pi's, ftlevj buttons. e.ir viiij. cW.vfK. i-e. T!uy retail at iiSWatn. For culc 'y J. i!. D.W!lii, Kidgway i'.-'iia.i.. n;!"n. l .n; r-: 1 1 Am fi: t ca . The Vw.iti-Si Hud 0' a'.l u.o .niveiule niaga- 1' oesih'ks taid hol.ke l th ZpUcopal t.'jiiireh, lie"iu!e tho c:ij: ;tr let the peopl " talk b-'ck." Mr. D.-n.-iiost uuderstands inia ; i.o lul l un nitiu ruatiein no llieir own ta'.kiiirr. ov, ot ntv r i.'e, " tu'k hack," and t'.ry seem to liko it, aiiu ar.i at any rate de voted to Vcrvo Aj;i:mcA ! Ceit. iuly this liuln msaztuc t-0';iliiie. laoro intniotion of. tlic very best kind, with Ainuscuiect, lhau any i)i.i.ra: inri ." ever saw. $1,0 per year with a ! :-i-'ii:':ii. . Pu'oliisaiion Oliice, SOS Croa.lway :.' Y.u-k. riTrH.vrt') i. rjy AiiK CoLr.ron. Vf nvo m rejuijji of the cat:iiogue of ilii'i sterling Ia:iiii:uio3. To hiiiilrej and ninety-four youojj Id iiej have bci-u iu atteudauco during t'-.e pi.t ytar, g ithereJ not only from promi ntut "iiI iu!lue::t;a; fnniiiics in Pittdburg, but from Philadelphia. iniiieEuet, to Kansas and i:.ibra: !;a. i,i the fur West. The Faculty em luv.cts uf -waT'la cf twenty p:ced teachers, se lected i n ai"vjtt of t!;.i:r know tbllity and sueees.fa! tspui i snce in teaching. The course of tittoiy id tstensive iw d Ecleetcd wlih great care. 'J'ho?o v.'ho luvo mi ended the cxamina tiom at tho ebo of e.ich term, conducted fieouctOy by teachers r.ot coBLuuted with the (?oi!.'e, will ated no endorsement from us as to the tlurough nieibud of training pursued. The Fall term will open September. 8ond to the President, I. C. Fuifching, D. D., for a catalogue. CttANP EcOLFSIASTIOAr. CF.bETtR ATION. Tho church at St. Marys, Llk Co., Pa- will be eolemaly consecrated, on Aug. 15th by the III-. rov. Dr. Mulle-i, Bishop of the diocese of Erie, to which St. Marys belongs. Six other relutes are expected to bo present on the oo casion, tog:thcr with a great number of priests. Et. Rev. Dr. Ityan, Bishop of Buffalo, will preach tho dedication sermon, nnd lit. Rev. Dr. Docker, Bishop of Wilming ton, Del., will oEciate at .pont ifical high mass. Two firat class musicians, Messrs. Ignatus Garner, and Pro. A. Lejeal, Director of the conservatory of aiujio of N. Y., will preside over tho musical department. The new altar, built by Mr. Cosmas Wolf, O. S. B., and the paintings, by Trof. Lampreoht, of Ciafiiunatti, are gems of art, and it will by worth while .coming to St. Marys to see thorn. The feast promises to be such as was never witnessed at SL Marys ever since the days of its founda tion. 1 is believed that extra trains will run on that day. Beligion in English Lite. Of every day religious expression in Rowland a writer in Hearth and Home remarks i Scarcely a family at least none who lay claim to any degree of re pneclability fails to hive family servloo at least part of tho day, These devotions are not irreverently rapid or tedious, as otten with - us j but ore short, crisp, and reverent. The servants come in bringing with them their Bibles and the benches on which they sit- Men who do not profess religion, as it is understood among us. seldom sit at meat without grace, as it is here called. It consists of a few words such as, " The Lord make us thankful for his bon s sake, or " For what we are about to receive tho Lord make us thank ful." At ber breakfast table, where the Queen appears as the woman and lays aside 'he queen, she frequently says grace. 1 dined the other day informally with tho Lord Mayor of London, lie came from the bench where be sits as a magistrate duily, laid aside his robes and triple gold chain, which are the -insignia of his ottico, and approached the dinner table, around which stood several gentlemen, in a sim pie and unaffected manner ho said grace, and asked his guests to be seated. Nor is this cant. The nicrchnnts ot London have an outspoken way of talking of religion, as if it was no appendage or a thing of which they need be ashamed. They gather in their counting-rooms for prayer; have clubs tbat meet weekly tor studying the Bible ; co among the lowly and neglected ; on Sunday gather littlo con. nre;rations where the regular ministry can not go, and lorm that great column, hve thousand strong, who on every onnaay go out to do among the masses their work for their Master. The ladies tilt their hats forward radi cally just now. If Rentlemen were to assume that angle they would be accusod of having taken something spirited. The returns of the vote in the Metho dist Church on the question of lay delegation so far is in, foot up 69,537 for tho measure and 25,638 against. More complete rsturus from the election in Virginia show that Richmond journals have overestimated Governor Walker's majority which turns out to be 17,500. Too Numerous. There is a superfluity of dogs in tliis town. Something ought to be done with them. It would be well enough also, to pay some attention to the twodrgged puppies that make night hideous with their howls. Stroke the back of a cat with one hand and at the same time touch the top of your head with the forefinger of the other hand, and you will receive an electrick shock equal io that from the batteries of a telegraph office. Tho experiment is worth trying. Ezchanye. During tho sultry days when the hent is so oppressive and the atmosphere stifling, all, and especially those who are compelled to be much in the sun, should be creful and regu lar in their habits. Let beer and all other intoxicating liquors alone. The are healthi est who ere moBt temperate and regular in : heir habits. A CnrAr BaruMeter -A Western paper is responsible for the following s It is said that a cup of coffoe is a sure barometer, if you allow tho sugar to drop to' the bottom of a cup, and watch the bubbles arise without listurbing the coffee. If the bubbles collect in tho middle the weather will be fine ; if they adhere to the cup, forming a ring, it will be rainy ; and if the bubbles separate without assuming any fixed position, changeable weather may be expected. Foul Air. Are housekeepers aware that foul air enough to seriously taint a whole house rises from the drains of stationary wash- stands left opea over night ? The lecturer at the Frunklin Institute, Philadelphia, censured this carelessness of leaving sink and basin trains open in strong language.' In this warm weather, when every possible miasniatio germ developes quickly, this point ought not to be neglected. Sunstroke and Drinks. Beware ot strong and intoxicating liquors during the heated season. Sunstrokes will become preva lent if the heat continues, and a drinking man is the most liable to the action of old Sol's rays. During the hot spell last year, it was noticed that of the many cases of sunstroke that occurred, not one temperance man was affected in the least. One of our exchanges gives tho follow ing schedule of prices for the benefit of those who need and seek after " puffs." For a modest puff .three julips. A tolerable one one box of segara. A very good one-one vest and two shirts. A splendid one one cloth coat. A perfect sockdolager one suit. An exchange says it is an extraordinary fact in this.world that every man or woman who wants something done for nothing goes straight to the publisher of a newspaper. He is the free briJ.se over which merit and de merit propose to pass the stream of trouble. He is the free horse that every man proposes to ride Into the green pasture of prosperity. "y ALUAULE PINE LANDS i'OH SALE. - The valuable Fine Timber lands know as the HOWE, BLAKE, & Co , lands, about 5000 acres, lying on Blyson Bun, and Mill Creek, in Clarion and Jefferson counties, and for sale will be sold in one lot. or in lots of reasonable size to suit purchasers. TTm I ihnvnl. Apply to the subscriber at American House Brookville, Pa. HARRISON BLAKE. Brookville, July 10, 1809. n35m3. -t,-ORTO.N HOCSE, ERIE. PA- ' ' 21. V. Moore, (late of the llyde House) Proprietor. Open Day and Night- u30lf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1STRAS. Came to tho premises of tho subscriber on the evening of the 27th inst., 8 (two gray and one bay) marcs. The owner is hereby notified to call pay damages and costs nnd take (bora away. . OHN WEIPKRT" Jones, township, July Z'.Uh, lBO'.t, nHtH. M ANHOOD I HOW LOST, HOW EE- STORED 1 t i i 1 - "itI- -JNitf JUBi j.mimmiu'1, new vuitnut of DR. CULVERWKLL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the vdicil cure (without medicine) of SrfcRMATORmnrA,, or Seminal Weakness, Involunlarj Seminal Losses, Lmpoi'Encv, Mental and Phisical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; nice, Lo.v- sitMfTtoN. KrttKi'ST, nnu rus, lniuice.i ny self indulgence or sexual extravagance. CHTTrico, in a seateu envelope, oniy o cents. The elcbraled author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates ir.om a nurij yenrs' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of scll-aouse may oe rauicauy cured withrtnt the dangerous uso of internal medicine or the application of the knife i pointing out a mode of euro at onco simple. certain, and cflectuat, iy means ot which every sufferer, no matter what, his condition . , r 1 1.. l niav ne, may euro uiinscu urn-ai'iy, privuivij, and railicnlly. etssyTUis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in tho land. sent, under seal, in a piain cnvci'ijie, iu any address, peslpaul, on receipt, of six cents, or two post stamps. "Also, Dr.'-Culvcnvclt's " Marriage Guide, price 2o cents. iddris the Publishers. CIIAS. J. C. KLINE & Co., 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Ollice Lox 4,588. vln3oyl. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of Sundry writs of Fieri Facius issued out of the Court of Common Picas of Elk County, and to me directed. 1 will expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House in llulgway on Monday, August 2d, 18GP. at 1 o'clock P. M. the following described property, to-wit : All the right, title, interest, claim and de mand of the defendent in nnd to all that piece or parclo of land situated m bpring Crock township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fnllows : Beginning at the (Marion river where the old county lino (tho western boundary of said county; erodes the same; Thence north 4:U E. one-hnndied and seventy-three perches to' a maple. Thence south 75 E, two hundred and six perches to a hemlock at Cliirion river : Thence down said river by its several ineanderiiigs to tho plf-.ce of beginning, being the eastern part of tract No. 4012, and containing six hundred and three acres, bo tho same' more or less, nnd has erected thereon one log house twenty feet loug and eighteen feet. wide, also one frame barn thirty feet long and twe.nty-iive feet wido and of said land about -ten ucrcs has been im proved, ALSO. All that corlain fricf of land bounded and described ns follows : Begin ning at apost on the north line of tract nnm bered twcntv-nluo hi'iidred nnd forty-two (2942 ; ) Thence simtli one nunureu percnes to a post, thenee cist one hundred and seventy perches to a beech i Thence north one hun dred perches io a hemlock ; Thence west one hundred and seventy pcrcl.es to a. post, the place of beginning : Containing oqo hundred acres moro or le, of which about twenly acres has been im proved and has twenty bearing fruit (rets growing thereon. AIfo oho log house twenty four feet long and twenty feci wide nnd one story hish, and one log barn forty feet lonp and thir'y feet wide, hue been erected on euid 'ands. Seized and Ink in execution as the prop erty of Jeremiah Eiliott and to he sold bv JACOB McC.VULEY. Sheriff. RUgw.iy, July lihh, lf'J. udotS. 1ST of causes set down for trial at August j Term 1SU9 of Elk Co. Common Picas. 1. Coxe's Exr's vs Kn'and & Ui-owu. 2. Snrg vs Tegler et ab 8. Conle vs Grotzinger et al. 4. Webbvs WooJwiir.l. 6. La.wrcnce et nl vs' Luhr et al. 6. Bowman vs Elliott. 7. Mayhood vs Crispin. 8. Hyde & Reed vs Woodbury. 9. Wiiuelin vs Uenzinger School Disf. 10. Henry vs Same. 11. Vsnbraband vs Tudor. 12. Souther et al vs Thomas. 13. Winslow vs Brown. ' 14. Foster's Admr's vs Reed. 15 Elliott vs Bowman. 10. Kelts vs Campbell. 17. Barnes vs Powell Adm'g. 18. Levy Adtn'r vs Malonc et. al, 19. Sharpe et al vs Reed. 20. Moorbcad vs Brown. 21. Powell vs Smith. 22. Reading et al vs Brown et al. . 23. W ebb vs Tozicr. 24. Tects vs Wellcndorf. 25. Stevens vs Messenger. 20. Wilcox for use vs Mead et al Trustees. 27, Ridgway vs Cummings. 28. Miyer vs Thayer. 20. Burns for use vs Spring Creek tp. 30. Epglcson vs Reed. 31 Colton & Kendigvs Krctz. 32. Ridgway vs Wilniarth. 83. Huntet al Admr'c vs Messenger. SL Shall vs Same. GEO. A. RATHBCN. Tro. LIST of Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for August term 18G J. , OBAXD JURORS. Benezettc. H- D. Derr, Monroe Moore, Jas. W. Brown. Bcnzinger. Francis Cassidy. Jos. Kcrner, Charles Rittor. Fox. W. S. Hamblen, refer Banznrt, Prochosus Thompson, Wm. Wood, Hiram Hewitt. Highland. Uobt. J. Campbell. Horton. Geo. Funk. Jay. Jos. Dill, Josiah W. Mead. Jones. F. Wonk. Ridgway. J. V. Houk, A. Thompson, J. Vnnorsdall. Spring Creek. n. R. Moote. .St Marys. Geo. Ed. Weis, .Louis Garner, Daniel Scull, Chas. Weis. ' TBVEr.815 JL'ROBS. Benezette. J W TYinslow, David S Johnson, Ellis Lewis, Jacob English, Edward Flotoher, J. 0. Johnson. Benzinger. Geo. W. Ralhbnn, Michael Lawler, Andrew Kaul, Thillip Kraikle. Fox. Geo. B. Taylor. N. G. Bundy, Ellias Moyer, Michael Gillen, Stephen Hays, R. M. Bennett, Robt. Thompson, James Farnsworth, Thomas Burchfield. Horton, Patrick McCroady, Daniel Phclan, Harvey Parsons. Jay. A. W. Gray, Zenas Webb, Ym. P. Luce, A, Turley, E. F. Morey. Jones. John Marsh, Godfrey Wonk, Michael Dill, Jacob C Meffort, A I Wilcox. RidgwayD S Luther, W C Hoaly, Thos A Neil, Jas Rickard, Nathaniel T Cummings, Robt V Kime. Spring Creek. David Kennedy. St. Marys. John Butch, Jno Frcendel, Chas Ames, J 8 Bates, John B Ahfes, Thos Zimet, Jno Weidenborner Wm Uratutf, Adolpli Fotchman. Jll LJJIH RAILROADS. PTIILADELtinA & EiKXE EAILi:0A3. WINTER TIME TABLE. Thvmoh nvfl Diretf Ronlf. Iict'':cii I'liirt'ttljifn'a, llaliimure JTtrn'H- '"''i Vi'tH law sport, nnd the GREAT OIL REGION of Penr.f vlvanin. ELEGANT On nil SLKKPIN'G Ni'it Trains. CARS the trains on' the PlilhulelpUia & Ei is Railroad will run as follows ! WSHTWARII. Wnil 1 ram lonres I liihidelplna id.4.i p. " !' ' Ridnay S.Cl j. " arrive at Trie i)..iO j. ErieErp leaves Phihi-leiphia 11. W n. ' " " lli.lpway - !1 :J.I tv. " " arrive at Jh 'm. 10.00 a. IIASl W.M'.l). Mail Train leaves Ivi.' 10.5"i . ' " " Ri.lfwiiy ). lil p. fc " nrrive nt l'hilad'a 10.0(1 a. Erie Ex prey! le.ivcs Ene 'i 2.1 p. " " " Pbi-'wnv 12.-ir a. " " nr-at. Pli!h'idv'lihi:i 4.:'d p.' Mail r.nd Express connect v.i'h Oil (.'re nnd Allt'clu-nv River Itnil Hold. BAG GAGE CHECKED TIlROCtiU. AIKI.i) L. TYIEP.. General rtiiperini er.deiiL LhECliE.N V YALLL1 HAIL hOAD. 'J'lie only direct rfuiio to Pitt'-buvg WIT R OCT CHANGE CF CARS from Oil City. On and alter Monday May 3d loo.l. trains will j'uu as follows : " GmIXO SOUTH. Day Express lenves Oil City nt Ariivi ip nt Pitt-burg nt 10.10 n, m. 6,15 p. in. Right I'.A-prrsy loHves Oil City at- , A twin s nt Pittsburg nt 0. MSai-iI 'iV.iv leave.. Oil 'V.' ; nt 7 '" i'' tv'i a. '.! a. Arriving at 'A'et Penn Junction at C.,00 p. in. GOLXG SOUTH. Day E.vp";-n 1-ives Pittsburg at. fiiO a. :n. Arrivii'sr at i)i: City ai ii.H) p. ra. Night Kxpri"? Ir iv?- Pi'.trdmrg nt 7,2-1 p. m. Arriving nt t 'i! fit v at 0. 1'Ja ni. Mixed Vny leave West Penn June, at (1, 15 a. m. Arriving at. Oil City ai 5, J5 p. m. Conneeinn nt Corry nid Irvinc'on for Oil City ami Pittf h'li-jt At Fnnikiiu wi;l. .I.unc.r town ami Frauiilin U. .' nn- ctioni wiili West Penn, R. K. f.t, '.Vest Penn Jti'jeiion for Bhiii'Kville and all points on tiio inaiu line of the Pennsylv miia Jt. H. Sleeping Curs on Nieht Trains. J.J. LAVt r.ENCE. Go.ir:,lSupt. Tiirs. M. Ktxfi, A.-st. S.ir t. JiUSJAEKJ CARD k. IX G.HALL. Attuiu'ey at law, liidg way, Llk county i'i, liuar.- 'So ly ENitV P.tdL-r s.'jtTir av. Pi. ,1, Altornoy-r.f-Lnw ALPIXE n-nn l HOU.SE. .'t. et., Proj.iietor dary'i Pa., ller- ptig'J'ljO IV. V,;. JAM Ell ELAKULV Phytfeiiwi r.B'l Surs"on, tit. Mary's, Ltk comity Pa. f m.ir-22' (jli-ly. FRANK fj. Clt'.iriiehl, UA R E'i'T, A i iuiney-at -L.t t. id, leuna. Will rractieo in Llk and Cameron courties. fset.li.'US-y. fll. W. Vi. SliA'.V Pra J aud Surgery, Ccntrevi! !t M cute: ne ilie,- Elk county tiiiir-22'Cii ly. Pa. 1-. C. Kl'l'MME. M. D., Physiciiu Surgeon. llidL'W.y Elk Co, Pa (tiboe e.b'ivo (-tore of G. Uil'is' Oliice Loiit -i iroiu J to ir A, M. aid G to P P. M. vlnStf. r Ji. 'Ul.K, .Manufacturer nud Dealer in Lai'tr lteer, ocuositti tlie Railroittl Depot, St. Mnr Mnr-SU'tW-l . 's, Elk county Pa. Ji, IN d. "ALL ...I.H. K. V. HALL. 1 f ATjTj & 1MIO. Attorney si - nt - Iaw tT. J'.AliY'H: BEXZIXGER P. O. EI K COUNTY, PA. .September 20, 1800. ly. S. Bard well, M. D. Eclectic Physioiau O'iicn aud residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. l'roit.ipl. at tention will be pivmi to all c i'ls. OHic'! hours : 7 to 8 A. M- ; 1 2 to 2 P. M. ; ind 0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, C'3 if. T" IAYEU HOUSe, RIDGWAY. PA. DVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a lnr;ie and commodious h-itcl on tho southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good nnd convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of hii oidtrieudi and tho pul lie generally. declii ou j DAVID THAYER. FRANKLIN HOUSE, ' St. Maht's. Pa. LAFiGEY & MA LONE, Piim-H's. The proprietors respectfully n'; the nttentlon of their friends and the pul.iio iu general to their larorc and enmniodioiis hotel. Every attentiou paid to the convenience of puests. ii. LARGJ;V. mayR0-l$.ly J. A. niALONE. K ERSEV HOUSE, CENTltlVII.LE, Elk Co., Pa. IT. U. Leach, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage hereto.'ore so liberally bestowed upon bi n, the new pro. prietor, hopes, by puyiug strict attention to the comfort. nr.d coitvcnience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. vln201y. -VfAILS, SPIKES, HINGEn, 1 lochs, bolts, nn.laU kinds RIVETa. of builder's innteriHls in geueral cau bo had ch' tiper at tho St. Mary's Hardware Storo than an other place iu Elk coitnrty. (n2S';7) orders for Stoves nnd Hardware J will be promptly attended to as soou as received, al the 12'G7 St, MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration, on tho estate of NANCY EOLEsTON late of Horton Township, deceased, having boeu granted to the subscri bers ; Notice ;a hereby given tonll indebted to said Estate to make immediate puyutpnt, end all having claims against the smne to pre seut them to the subscribers forthwith for ad. justmeut. niRAM EGrdlSTON, HORACE LITTLE, Adiuistralors. Ridgway June 25, 1FC0. u"2t0. MISCELLANEOUS. A GC.E.Vr REMEDY ron TTfE cure or li:OAT AND. LUNG DISEASES Dr. Wittliart'R Pino Ti-eo TAIl CORDIAL,. It is the vital priueiploof the Pine Tree, ob. tn'meil by a pecu'inr piocos in the Oistila.ion of iho tar bj which lis highest mei'ical pro prieties are retained. It. is the only sai'pnnl and reliable retneily rhieh h is ever I ven prepire l f'-.nn thn Jnlcti nf the Pine Tree It invij;nrttcs the difce'ive o' pans mid retnrr P the nipei':ti'. I! "('eufr cii" tlie d.'b'l'ni el py-teiM. It pr.ufios and em ic'nes the bb'od, nnd ettir'l from Him sys tem the corruption which scrofula breeds on the lung. Its h -nl'ng prine'ijilo n-ls upon the irilatcd surf'aee ot the lungs nnd throat, peuul ruling to c ieh ili'ens'd part, relieving paiu and subdu iti;r iiflnniiition. It is the result of years of study nud cxpe. riimtit.' and it i' oii'ervl !o thr niilictel. with ill - ;i it':vo n'isiiraiicu of its power t..- cure the fallowing d:.!:-.i;es if tiio pnlienl haa not too lonrr deinyi 1 a r.'.-Mr: to 'lie i.'.-rni of cure : Cumii'ipi ion id' tli.; hmi Cuegh, Sore Tlirnnt and 'breast. Brone'iitis, T.iver Ciim plninf, 1'iiiii! and . Hlecd'n;; Piles, Arthma, Whfi'.pinT 'Cnurti. Iiipih' ria. ir. We 'ii' often aske-1 why not ntlicr remc. die in tlie market, for Consumption, Coughs Cu!'j, nnd i;h' r I'uir.mii.'ry att'ecti m e'tuil to lr. Li. ij. Wisliarts l ine tree iar Cordml. Vi'r nii'-wer 1st. ll ctves, not. by stoppini cough, but bv, loosening; and afsij'in nature to throw nil" Die unhealthy nintler cPected about the liri.et an.i ljicnieiii;il lubes, c.iiHin; irritation r.tid e'.u.ir'i. lid. 'o.it 'I'.'ivoat and Lung; Hcinfl'cs am coinpo"-''.".', of anodynes, which till'.y the couli for nwhile, but by their c m'jti'int.inr;' effects, the -libers become hardened, ami the unhealthy Huidi eon jui';itn nnd are reinined in the sys t. in tn'iir.; disa:-c beyond tho control of our most ei;iineul phv.-iiei.ins. !d. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial, with its ns sist inls, perf'cctabbt, becmu-e titev remove the eau.-e of ireitnti.in of the uiueu'iui liieinbraua a'. l bronchial tubes, n?rist tiie ltius to act nnd throw off the uiiheallliy sec. otions. and purify the blood, ti.us ttieini.icuily making lite enre ported. Dr. Vi'bimrt litis on file a his office hun dred , n ltd Thousands of Ceriincutet, from uirn and wcr.ien of uti'iuctiotuble clt-irncter who werecnec hopcley -y eiven to die, but throiili the providence of God wero com pletely restored to health by the P'ne Tree Tar i.'ci l'.:l. A physician in Miumlurce who c.tti bo ccti'iilted in pe'-son or ty mail, tree of elinv-. I'ritif ('' Piue Trto Tar Cordlnl SI, 50 per liet'ie, ai:;l 511,00 per !?.. Vent, by Ex p'oys on receipt of price. Address L. 'J. C. VISHAET, M. D., Ho. 2-J2 ::.;rvii 2J Sticct. Phil a. Pa. May 2!,"0mCvln27. it r t i vV fcTOIvE, ine ;ii! scr:ter begs leave to uuorT:i tliocui zens oi Kldgwny and vicinity tiitt, te ltr.s opened a stole where may be found PFRFUMERT, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, ' FIXE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season, n 12 vltf J. R. EAItlD. LOOK HERE! WATCHES. JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. lf itIARLES HOLES, Practical Waichtna J ker, Jeweler and Engraver, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Ths siii.scii'oer botes leave to announce to tho citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that lie ia prepared to do all work in his lino on viiiirt n itice ami at r-- iiH.uinhl.j rales in the very bew nirciier. SIku) in Ii. S. Thaycr'if Store, t-ptcittl atteutiou paid to t::'jrraviiig. lie has al?o on hand a largo aa".r''n;nt of iioeKH. watches, Je.wcUy ntiu .Silvci wave which he offers for sale ou iCilsonublc terms. Give h mh a call. nov"'07if. A '1 TEXTJO V MILL 0 WXt iiS ! f-HE EAGLE TURBINE W A T E R WHEEL, patented July 30. 1807. is superior to any wheel in m-e. Tho under signed have tiie a,rency for said wheel in the State of Pennsylvania, nnd call recommend it us being tho be-1 manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, inquire at our Foundry in Kcrpey, witero machinery, mill-gc irir.g. castings and stuain engines will be Hindu to order til l e.ixine.blo prices. Y.'u cipect by giving sati.U'noiion in our work to roceivo a good snare of public pmrounge. J. F. ROBERTSON, R. DELE. Kersey, Elk Co.. Pa.,janll lSGSp I. .' 1CKK & OA.MEKON. Ler,3? of f'uc Mines of tho Coutptity. Kersey Coa Miners find Slippers of. BITUMINOUS COYI.S ! Ofsu-otior finality, fcr GAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC TURE OF IRON, SMITHING AND DOMESTIC! USE. Are prepared to receive Ordets ami male contracts for tlicso wttll.kuowti coals. OFFICE, KERSEY, ELK CO., PA. Kersey, Pa., March 12, lS'J'J. v!nl7tf. r YOU WANT TO BUY CLOTZiZJl'G for ihe JlllHo Oo to A. DURLACiiER, DKAI.IR. IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING . GENTS' FURNISHING! GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, JSFIOES, TRUNKS, TH AAtETj1NQ EAGS, Io. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, PENXA Jau218j8lypil C4RDS, liill-IIends, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, io., done in a neat mnmter, and at the hiwkst i-riok, FOR. CASH, at ihe Elk Advocate Printing Office. JouPuintino of every .description do.io promptly at ibis uilico, and in a blyle uu equHlled iu this section of the Statu. Eutiro SHiisfiiction guaranteed. HARDWARE. N EW HARDWARE 8T0RE! The subscribers have just opened in ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf mnmmi 1 1 And will keep constantly on hand a great variety of COOK AND HE A TIXG A TO VES, Bar Iron, SicA Ann', Brffnw, Xatl.'a. Jlorsf! iSwrs, Spring, Jhiild inj JlnrJwrirc, (Sates anil FiUs of Even Description GLNS, riSTOLS AJiD CARTRIDGES, Cntlcry, Tinted War? and House Furnishing Goods. AP. kitidsof Mechan ics' Tools! TINWARE Of cvoiy description, which will be sold nt the LOiVEST CASH PRICES. They have albo the exclusive agency In St Mary's for tho IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASK. BURNING COAL STOVES AXD PARLOR FURNACES I tun-. :..! t. I t Which lvave rccc;4 Four First Olr.ss Pro mitmis nt the Nov York State nnd oili er Pairs j Also, tho Great Silvel Medal at the Fair of llio Am erican instil tlie, held in New York City, H-U5. Thev nro Perpetual Burners, only ore being required to be made during the season. ' M. BEECIII'F., Jr.. - IVM. H. COPELAXD. nnv23'f.7 lv five PATilONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUFl, FEED AND GFlAii. rjpHE subsoiibers hsvin? completed tiieir. New Grist Mill in liidway are now prepared to furnhib the people of the stir roiiuding country with Flour of th.o Lost Gnalltr nnd of their own cianuficturc, nt tho lowrs market rates. The nttcntion of lumbermen nnd others is calind to our lacllitic3 for furnishing thciu wiili FEED OF ALL KINDS, cheaper than it cau be bought any other place in tho county. JCviTCAsu Paid ron Ghatn-tX53 J.S. HYDE, J. V. HOUK. J. K. W1UTMORE. Xevember 7, 18 37 If LOOK HERE! ' CENTR2VILLE TINSHOP. JOHN WAPLE desires to mako known to the citizens of Centreviile and io. surrounding country that he has taken ti. : site;' formerly occupied by R. J. Moloney, i i " McCattley's Cortier " in Centreviile. iitcl that he hopes by paying sirlct nttcntion . ; his business and the wants of his custom":' , to merit their pnironago in his lino. He v:i 1 Ke.ip on hand a large uud well selected assort incut of of his own manufacture, which he will warr.mfi to be of the best quality. His stock con.' i.-: of everything that is useful in the tinware I'm: about a muse. I nsk a fair trial, and if my work doe t not, give Butisfactiou, my customers will not !. i obliged to take it. JOHN WAn.E. seplO:tf. J. S. BORDWELL, m. d. ECLECTIC M Si k'SM CI word eclectic means to choeso or s,. - lect incliciues from all tho dit.'i r. in, selmcls pf medicine ; using remedies that w sate, and ('.i.'.cardicg from practice nil m vl -cines t'tr.t have an imjurious effect on the si -tent, such as ueroury, nntiutouy, lend, cop per, &c. 1 lay asido the lunco (ho old bloodla'"-, relucer or depleter, and equalize tho citcitl.'. tion and restore tho system to its nmu :'! state by alteratives and tonics. I shall in re ni'ler give partieular atleutlon to cjirouic lic enses, such as Ithcumat'.sui, Dyspepsia, L'v r complaint, Catarrh, Xe ira'gia, diseases r.f ti.,. throat, urinary organs, and all diseases pecu liar to femnles, &c. CATARRH I treat with a new instrument of a late invention, which cures every case. TEE I'll extracted without pain. Office nnd residence South of the jail ou Centre St. Oliice hours from 7 to 8 a. j in i i to 1 p. m ; 6 to 7 p. lu. Doc. 23 07. -ly. J. S. BORDWELL. J OU1S H. GARNER, J PllACTTCAL MACHINIST, Can be found nt his Foundry at St. Mary'-? where he is ready to have all shop-work in his line doaa on short nokice. St. Mnty'r, Benzinger P. O , Elk co., Pa. niyl'W ly TOE WORK of till kinds, and deser, ,j done ut this office. BLACKSMITH'S CARPENTER'S AN i joiner's tools for sale " cheaper than tho cheapest" at the St. Mary's Hardware Store (nov28'07.) yy.ORD3.OF WISDOM. FOR YOUNG MEN, On the Ruling Passion in Youth and Early Manhood, with SELF HELP for the Errinij and unfortunate. Sent in scaled' letter en velopes, free of charge. Address, HOWAUD ASSOCIATION, Box P, I'hiladcldhia, Pa. '