The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 16, 1869, Image 4

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    (Silt (fount) -gMflcatc,
rrPT.ii!En rniPAT jtonvtrto, jiY
O U.OOULI), Kditor:
Untfls nf Advertising
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S months A on 1 S Column 1
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1 week 1 is! do 11
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1 4 Cntnmn 1 weolr
fi (M do !
T OH' do 1J
uo 1 month
Fpcclnl Notlcos after Man-birres nnd Deaths nn nddl
tonal of one linlf the above rntcs.
Hnslness C'nrdfi five linos or less, J5 no per year;
ever five llucc. nt the usual rote o advertising.
T,tnr ix A ahk Place. Let tis rejoice
1lnt light is brenkinsr in upon tlio Democracy.
The X. Y. AVoniiD advises its party to nbnn
tlori its policy of "nigsor" prejuclico. The
X. Y. Democrat compliments n negro press
men with whom "the editor worked eido by
side for yenrs without injury, drinking from
the same tin dipper nnd washing from the
Bamo basin. The Boston Tost, leading the
Now Kngland Democracy, refers lo the cow
nrdly attack upon the printer Douglass in
Washington thus sensibly. There will be
liope for the party when they nil surrender
prejudice for principle:
AVo see no reason, if a negro be respectable,
well behaved nnd competent why ho fhould
pot be permitted to follow any avocation ho
desires, nnd to eervo whosoever wishes to
employ him. One of tho most fnilh'fnl men
wo 'ever had in our office was a negro, who
lived with ns lor twenty-five years, nnd when
lie died we sincerely mourned the loss of a
true friend. AVo think nil combinations of
1hn many to oppress tho few not only tinmst,
but mean nnd cowardly violations of these
personal rights which aro the vital attributes
of republican liberty.
Virginia. The election in Virginia on
the Cth inst. was carried by tho Walker par
ly. His majority for Governor is about 40,
(KiO, while in tho Legislature his party has
about 40 majority. The following Walker
Congressmen are certainly elected: MclCenzie
in the seventh: Milnie in tho (sixth; Gibson
in the eighth; llidgeway in tho fifth; Segar,
Congressman nt large. The following Welles
Congressmen are elected: I'latte in the sec
mid district; Toiler ia the third; Xorton
(colored) in the first.
The following dispatch was sent to tho
President on the 7th. from which it will bo
root) that Walker's friouds claim to support
Lis policy:
Jliehnfond, July 7. Mr. President, in be
"naif of the .State .Executive Committeo nnd
the Walker party, I congratulate you upon
the triumph of your policy in Virginia. The
prntitndo of the people for your liberality is
greatly enlivened by the overwhelming ma
jority "by which that policv prevails.
(Signed) K. T. Dasiki..
It is said that General Canby who com
mands in that State, not long ngo nssorteu
1 hat none but those who can take the iron
dad oath will be permitted to take seats in
tho Legislature. This question being re
ferred to the President, lie has nsked the
legal opinion of Attorney General Hoar.
1 1 is desision will be looked'for with consider
able interest.
Tho Covernorclect of Virginia beginswcll.
His speech at Richmond was conceived in the
right rpir.H; nnd tho invitation given to a
rolorcd man to follow him in congratulating
the pcoplo on tho result of the election was
well considered. Put the Governor has n
party behind him of whom a largo portion
have much to learn, yet are inapt scholars.
The Elmira Advertiser says, that, while a
resident at Oswego, to which place ho re
moved from Binghampton, lie was a Republi
can, and still is, not quite perhaps of the An
na Dickson school, but can stand squarely on
the Chicago platform, which is tho last oCi
cial test of Republicanism, known to us.
. , am
A State Convention of School Superinten
dents is advertised to meet in Harrisburg,
on Tuesday, July 20th. Tho Stato Superin
tendent, Mr. Wickerskam, has issued a cir
cular in which he says: "Free return tick
ets have bsen issued for members attending
tho Convention, on tho Pennsylvania Cen
tral Railroad, nnd tho Philadelphia & Erio
Railroad, and tho Xorthorn Central Railroad.
This will onablo those who wish to attend to
do so at half faro. Every Superintendent in
tho Stato 13 expected to Lo present.
Chester county furnishes us with tho last
sensation item. Xo matter how sickening,
heartrending, or cruel it may be, wo cannot
refrain from placiug it before our readers in
all its deformity. John Yatta was working
in his stable; ho took his vest off and threw
it over a etull, his pocket book fulling out.
Soon nfter ho went to tho houso. A calf saw
tho pocket-book. Somo greenbacks happen
ed to bo sticking out. Being illiterate, aud
consequently not knowing tho valuo of the
(scraps, ho stooped down, pulled them out of
it, drew them in his mouth, nnd in lieu of
"pig-tail," commenced to work his jaws vig
orously on them. Somo of them happened
to have molasses on and tho calf finding them
palatable made quick work with them, and
no they were in an incredibly short spaco of
time within the robber's Etomach. When
.John returned for his vest, his treasure was
missing. Looking around he detected a small
pieco of greenback sticking at the sido of the
mouth of Air. Calf. Suspecting the truo
stato u flairs, ho became at ouco enraged, and,
without stopping to inquire, ho with ono
blow disposed of his victim. Cutting open
his 6tomach, three 820 bills were fouud in a
damaged condition. Moral, don't leavo
green backs laying around with calves about.
. A traveler inquired of a guide tho reason
whv "echo" was always spoken of as "she, '
mil was informed that it was because it al
ways had tho last word.
'I haven't taken a drop of liquor for a
year,' said an individual of questionable mor
als. 'Indeed!' but which of your features are
we to believe, your lips or your nose?'
. . o
A XutiunolTeniperanco Convention ia to
be held in Chicago on Sept. 1.
rsrrtn, itrcirrs.
If you would not lmvo vonr liorso nc-
qniro tho Imbit of hanging in tho halter,
do not Pliiko nt liim when young.
It is snid Hint one nf tho most power
ful remedies ior liots in horses is n strong
decoction of engo tea, mado very sweet.
A correspondent of the Rural New
Yorker pays dorp, level planting is what
tlic potato wants, lie pays n potato
should bo planted not less than six inches
Wood nslios contain nil tlio inorcrnnic
ingredients which growing trees extract
from tho soil, nnd in consequence nro re
garded ns the best fertilizer for npples,
pears, peaches, plums, etc.
If you want bone nnd largo develop
ment of red flesh in bogs, give them ns
good pasture through the summer ns your
bo?Tes have. It costs less everyway to
make a big hog weigh 500 by Christinas
than to get two small swino up to 230
Killing Dock- A writer of tlio N. E.
Tlomrsicad says the best and easiest way
to exterminate this troublesome pest is
to tako a sharp boo and give it a sliding
stroke, so as to cut the dock just below
the crown, and throw the crowns into n
basket, nnd leave tliein in the traveled
track of the highway; or any other place
where they will not get a foothold in the
ground, and the work is doue.
Fktkd Bread. Slices of toasted bread,
dipped in milk or wine, nnd fried in hon
ey, are excellent. Then, instead of call
ing them "fried bread,'' they are torcjas,
nn excellent Spanish delicacy, 1 can as
sure you. rieasc understand there is
neither butter nor lard. Simply melt the
honey in a pan, and when it is very hot,
put in the bread, which is served hot also
after becoming nicely browned. Lovers
of honey can take notice. Exchange.
To Candy Fr.rrr. Take one pound of
best loal-sugar, lip each lump into a bowl
of water, nnd put the sugar in a preserv
ing kettle. Boil it down until clear, and
in a candying state. When sufficiently
boiled have ready the fruits you wish to
preserve. Large, white grapes, oranges
separated into small pieces, or preserved
fruits, taken out of their pyrup and dried,
are nice. Dip tho fruits into the prepar
ed sugar while it is hot, then put them in
a cold place ; they soon become hard.
An exchange gives the following ns nn
excellent receipt for bottling : To nine
pounds of fruit put five pounds of white
sugar, when it comes to a boil. Boil ten
minutes. Be careful to stir the fruit ns
little as possible, not to bruise it. l'onr
into an earthen ware vessel to cool.
When cold, put in wide necked bottles,
cover with a bladder. Gooseberries,
black currants, red currants, nnd raspber
ries, mixed, made last year, you can hard
ly toll Irom fresh fruit. The receipt for
currants, raspberries nnd plums of all
kinds, is specially recommended.
To Preserve Tomatoes for Winter
axd Early Sower Usf. The most eco
nomical mode for family purposes is to
put Ihem into wide-mouthed jars, hold
ing two, three, or more quarts, according
to the size of the family. The tomatoes,
previously to their going into winter
quarters, are merely cooked without sea
soning of any sort, and put, while hot,
into the jars, which should be filled full
and the corks driven home tightly and
tied down. Preserved in this manner,
they will keep as fresh almost as when
first picked.
To Cixan Faint3. Theic is n very
simple method to clean most any kind of
paint that has become duty, and it our
housewives should adopt it, it would save
them a great deal of trouble. Provide a
plate, with some of the best whiting to
bo bad, nnd have ready some clean warm
water, and a pieco of flannel, which dip
into the water, and squeeze nearly dry ;
then take as much whiting as will adhere
to it; apply it to the painted surface,
when a little rubbing will instantly re
move any dirt or grease. After which,
wash tho part well with clean water, rub
bing it dry with a soft chamois. Paint
thus cleaned looks as well as when first
laid on, without any injury to tho most
delicate colors. It is far better than using
soap, and it does not require more than
half the time aud labor. Coach Makers'
Treatment of Scarlet Fever. Dr.
Charles T. Thompson reports in the Lan
cet his manner of treatment in scarlet
fever as follows : The patient is immers
ed in a warm bath in tho early stage of
tho disease, and this is repeated frequent
ly, or as often as the strength of tho pa
tient will allow. Tlio first effect is to
produce a soothing and refreshing feeling
in the patient, to bctollowcd soon by such
an eruption on the surface, of so vivid
a color, and in such amount as would as
tonish thoso who have never witnessed
it. Thus one of tho greatest dingers of
this fearful disease the suppression of
tho eruption ia escaped. The npctite
generally returns after tho first or second
bath, aud tho strength of tho patient is
kept up by nutritious food. The bath
prevents tho dissemination of the disease
by removing tho excreta from the skin as
it is deposited. This treatment promotes
cuticular desquamation. 1 he body should
be gently dried by soft linen cloths after
the bath. By this procedure the various
secretions are deprived of their noxious
properties, and the irritation of internal
organs is quickly relieved, thus dissipa
ting infection. Another benefit is that a
very serious case is -soon reduced to a
mild ono, and the patient recovors in less
than half tho usual time. Since Dr.
Thompson lias pursued this practice du
ring the last fifteen years ho lias never
lost a patient from scarlet fever.
A Corry " wanderer" lias visited Eric,
and after " taking a general survey of tho
town " owns up that " her future looks
bright" Much obliged that Corry man
can " wander " hero again.
From tlio New Orleans Picayune. Juno Jo.
Stricken Icn1 In n Gii milling
r Hell.
I1I.K Pl'KfTAf'I.E.
About hnlf-papt nine o'clock Inst night nn
unknown man fell dead in tho gambling
house, No. GO, St Charles Street. As usual
on Saturday night the houso wns crowded to
suffocation. The young nnd old, the rich and
poor bad gathered in to spend tho earnings
of thft week. The light ofmnny a hrillinnt
gas jet flushed over n crowd of men, earnest
and eager in the passionnto excitement of
tlio pnmo. hmldenly a tall, dark looking
mnn from ono of tho center tnbles, roso from
his pent nnd wnlkir.g n few pteps unsteadily
fell back upon tho floor. Ono convulsive'
shudder passed through his body and limbs,
and tlio mnn was dead; died Irom heart dis
ease, or the excitement of gambling. For a
single moment, Btillness like death fell upon
mo crowu, ana men some ono said ho had
only fuintod, nnd the gains went on. Uut
lifo wns extinct
'lie's dead!' some one cried, aud then men
rose hastily from their seats, nnd left the
room The gamo was stopped, nnd a littlo
circle gathered nround the dead man on tho
floor. Tlio face had grown waxed; nud the
death look had settled darkly around him
it wns a loreign loouing luco nn Italian or
Spauiard and in life had been handsome,
but now its rigid lineaments woro a sacred
expression, ns if the heart had struggled
vainly to live but to got out ot that bad
Suddenly, nil unprepared, the man was
hurried into tho prcsenco of his Maker, dead
with tho gamester's passion fieico in his
heart, with nil his evil thoughts nnd guilt
upon him. thoughts wero turned low in
the darkened room, nnd tlio Coroner's jury
gathered nround the nameless dead. 5e'low,
in the halls, tlio rattle of d ice, the noise and
strife of gambling broke padly on the ear.
What a contrast! None sncmcd to heed tho
spectacle above them, or take warning by the
awful judgment so suddenly pronounced.
The games went on, nnd the low voices oftho
jury nnd witnesses wero scarcely heord in tho
uproar heneatu. jucn could not pau?o in
that eager strife of hazard. AVhat if a dead
man lay above? They wero hazarding the
earnings that'should bo devoted to n family's
necessities tho bread, may be, of their chil
dren. AVhat need they care? Tho insanity
of gaining ran riot in their veins. Iho pnlo
wife's tears, tho children's wail wero hurder
ar to meet, nud yet meet them they must,
for they had put their all upon the huy.ard of
tho cast.
One can reconcile his feelings to seo death
upon the battle field; but death in a gam
bling houso poems out of place. "Who c:ires
for the dead man ? Roino one will say.
'Take the fellow out go on with tho game.
At last the inquest was over, the brilliant
ly lighted hallrf again resumed the excilo
niont of the game; nnd one entering nu hour
afterwards would never suspect that death
had so recently snatched a victim from among
Hoys Wanted.
Koys and girls everywhere have their little
wants. Men and women their larger ones.
And tho wido world bus its great ones that
nro hard to satisfy. It wants men, but it
wants boys also honest, noble, manly boys.
Somo one has said that tlio boys the world
wants and they will make the men the world
wants should possess ten points which are
thus given:
1. Honest. 2. Furo. 3. Intelligent. 4.
Active. !i. Industrious. 0. Obedient. 7.
Steady. 8. Obliging. 9. Polite. 10.
Xeat. Ono thousand first-rato places nro
open to one thousand boys who como up to
this standard. Kach boy enn suit his lasto
ns to the kind of business ho would prefer.
The places are ready in every kind of occu
pation. Many of them nro already filled by
boys who luck some of the most important
points, but they will Boon be vacant.
One is in an office not far from where we
write. The lad who has tho situation is lo
sing his first point. He likes to attend the
circus nnd the theater. Thi3 costs more mo
ney thon ho can afllird, but somehow he man
ages to bo there frequently. His employers
are quietly watching to seo how ho gets so
much extra spending money; they will soon
discover a leak in tho money drawer, detect
the dishonest boy, nnd his place will soon bo
ready for some one who is now getting ready
for it by observing point No. 1 and being
truthful in ail his ways.
Somo situations will soon bo vacant be
causo tho boys hnvo been poisoned by read
ing bad books, Buch as they would not daro
to show to their fathers, nnd would be
ashamed to have their mothers seo. Tho im
pure thoughts suggested by these books will
lead to vicious acts; the boys will bo ruined
and their places must bo filled. "Who will be
ready for ono of theso vacancies? Distin
guished lawyers," useful ministers, skillful
physicians, successful merchants, must nil
soon leave their places for somebody e!so to
Gil. One by ono they nro removed by death.
Mind your ten points boys; they will pre
paro you for stepping into vacancies in tho
front rank. Every man who is worthy to
employ a boy is looking for you, if you have
the points. Do not fear that you will be
overlooked. AyoungpersoH having theso
qualities will sliino as plainly as the stars at
We have named ten points that go toward
making up tho character of a successful boy,
so that they can bo easily remembered. You
can imagine ono on eneh finger, and so keep
them in mind; they will bo worth nioro than
diamond rings, nnd you will then uevcr be
ashamed to 'tshow your hand.'
Ciir.TSTiAxiTV, like a littlo child, goes wan
dering all over tho world. Fearless in its
innocence, it is not nliashed before princes
nor confounded by tho the wisdom of synods!
ISoforo it tho blood-stained warrior sheathes
his sword and plucks tho laurel from his
brow. The midnight murderer turns from his
purpose, aud like tho heart smitten deciple,
goes out and weeps bitterly. It brings lib
erty to tho captive, joy to tho mourners, free
dom to tho slave, ropentunco and forgivenes
to the sinner, hopo to tho fuiut-hcarted nnd
assurance to tho dying.
It euters tho dwellings of poor men nud sits
down with them and their children; it makes
them contented in tho midst of poverty, and
leaves behind on everlasting blessing. It
walks through great cities, amidst nil their
pomp aud splendor, thoir iguoblo prido, ami
their uuutturablo misery, au ennobling, cor
recting ami redeeming ungel.
It is alike tho beautiful companion of
childhood, aud tho agreeable associate orold
It ennobfcs tho noble, gives wisdom to tho
wise, and uew grace to tuo loveiv. luo pa
triot, the prelate, tho poet nnd tho eloquent
man derive their sublime power from its in
fluences. Ir you aro angry with him that reproves
your sin, you secretly corneas your uuger to
be unjust.
5orie got out before tho President could
sny Jack Robeson.
Tho Now York Kxrnuss thicks a good
qay delegation ' is a "hen."
Mississippi has a Ku K lux charged with
murdering seventy-eight persons.
(Jor. Geary's majority against Clymcr in
18GG, wns 17,17G voles.
Tho Jubilee receipts wero nearly $1,000,
000. M. D. AVilliami, ticket agent tit lluffulo,
has nbsconded with $2,000 belonging to dif
ferent roads.
New York city has 10,000 thieves. This
does not includo tho city government, stock
board, Ac.
Minister McMahon is out of tho wilder
ness. Ilo has reached Ibienos from tho camp
of Lopez, and is bound for Hio Janeiro.
Pennsylvania is the banner Stato ns to
railroads, having four thousand four hun
dred miles of track in operation.
Maine has a family in which tho father is
six feet four, the son ditto, nnd tho grand son
two inches taller.
Nasby is in trouble the guillolin Iter, fal
len ho is no longer P. M. a cussid nigger
hez been nppinted.
AVe don't know that wo Bboll renp any gain
from the disturbances in Spain, but wo have
put our Sickles there.
Senator Morgan Enys that tho Democratic
party having livnd upon the negro for twenty
years have now starved to death.
Mrs. E. A. Pollard, ssntenccd to 30 days
incarceration in Pnltimoro for shooting nnd
wounding r. Moore, has been released n
paying .$100 fine.
Richard Roalf, old John I'rown's Secretary
of State, hns been appointed Assessor of
Internal Revenue in the I'ietrict of Edge
field, S. C.
Hon. AV. F. Seward has purchased Thur
low AVeed's interest in tho Commercial Ad
VEMisun, and will assume tho editorial con
trol of that paper.
Josh Killings says: "Give tho devil his
due," rends well enough in a proverb; but
mi fricud what will become of mo and you if
thin arrangement is carried out?''
Tho enameling of female faces, ns a branch
of business is quite lucrative. Por enamel
ing tho faco to last two dny3 it costs from
S10 to 815. This trudo is carried ou at
Uroadway, New York.
Horatio Seymour hns won n $1,000,000
law-suit, about somo Illinois lands he was in
terested in. That's as good as being Preui
deut. Mrs I.ivermore, the Chicago AA'omanist,
says that if any man proposes marriage to
Anna Dickinson, .he would get coufuundly
snubbed. 'Sho!
It is said that A. T. Stewart & Co., are
gradually introducing saleswomen in their
establishment, nnd intend, in time, to em
ploy only women as Eelling clerks.
The largest real estato price yet paid in
Chicago was last week, for a lot on the south
east corner of Washington and Stato streets,
at tho rate ol i n per front foot
Thomas Jefferson has born committed to
jail in Pittsburgh for petit larceny.
George Washington couldn't keep
sober on the 4th in Poltsville, and had lo
go to the lock up.
Pittsburgh lias increased her police
force from one hundred and tweuty-two
Hon. Jair.cs Pollock, of Philadelphia,
will deliver the oration before the literary
societies of Lafayette College, on Tues
day evening, July 27.
Rrannon has escaped for the Beeond
time from tho Washington county jail.
It is about time the authorities examined
a little into this matter.
Pittsburgh is just now agitated over
the question of Sunday labor. Somo are
in favor of shutting down all secular em
ployment, and Eome are not.
In York county tho other day, a horse,
hitched to a mowing machine, look fright
and undertook to run away, but the ma
chine proved to be too much for him and
mowed both bis hind legs directly below
the knees. Of course, the mutilated ani
mal had to be shot.
Four of tho prisoner incarcerated in
the Williamsport jail conceived that their
quarters wero too confined, and so one
night not long since bade it a " long and
sad farewell." Tho Sheriff not relishing
such unceremonious leave taking, nor by
any manner of means desirous of part
ing with their company, has offered a re
ward of 25 apiece.
Tlio subscribers odor for sale Iho
In IViidczcIIc towusliip, lato (he property ot the Ecu
The buiidtns 1 80x12 feet, and contains till the neces
sary nuithiuery lur u
(Dover used) also forealo.
Tho hollrs nre SO foot long and 30 Inches In diame
ter. The lnuluu U
Fifty Horse Power,
for snlo.
The properly will ho nold topeiher, or tho machinery
wl'l bo lukuii unl aud pold neporale.
T hia la au e&uullcut cUnuco lur parties doalring to
puituuoo a
and ad excellent odnilnT fir a Tannorv Tho pronor-
la will be auld at a lituL'uin, ao the proprietor, bciujj
uon rcHsdeiil,', havu no uc lir it.
l-'r full Unrtitulti addles U. C. IIAUVEV & CO..
Lock lluvt-u.
June !" 1-jC'J tf
I'UKVAicEi) nr in. a m. jack.wx,
r-itiMiiixvitiA, Pa.
.The greatest known remedies for
Liver Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
mt1 nil l)fnMt' nilar from ft I) la
urtliTt'tl lilri'i't Ktomnrli, or
iMruitirr of Tint iihoon,
77Kff fit nftotn'nff fymt'ow., rtnfi if yrt ftntl fhi(
ynnr ny it'tii if n (fretted y . ' them, pni way rl
tt wired ih'tt di'it'tiitf. fnt vnntatmred H otlavle tm thA
w impnrfitttt ntynnr nf fffnr, nttd unlet rwri -eherfod
htf the lire nf pnir-rrfnl r?tudie$n ffi'mtW
life, no'm term in li tig in le ttht wil! On the, result
ConnMpntion, FlntnlrTioft, Tnwurrt Piles,
Ful urns of "Blood fatlie Hand, Acidity
ol' Iho Btomnnh, Nauwsn, Jlenrt
burn.TOi BRunt lur Food, Fuinesa
or Weight in tho Htonnuili,
Hour KriiPtnf ion. Kink
intf or Fluttorinir nt tho Fit
ot Iho fctomnoh, MwiiiuniTiff of
the Hond, Hurried or DiWoult
TJrnnthmK, Fluttering nt. tho Honvt.,
Choking or Hnflonntinu; HouKntionH whoa
in a Ly int?Pisture, JiinnHK of Viniou,
Jjitu or Webs boluro tho t.U:ht,
Dull Pum in the Hcmd, Uofi
cifivjy of i'orapirfition., Yel-
JowiiOHsol tho bkin nnd
IDveH,- Pain in the Hide,
Thick; Chest, Mmlm, toM Hud
don Fliishon ol' ll'jut. Burning in
tho Flosh, Count nut Jfmngf mngfi of
Evil, nnd Gret D-.jpresHion of spirits.
AU Mi?: in tii'ttte iwwrw nf th Lire? nr ?fU'4
Vrjitt t'twi ''' with impure Uiotxl.
fjaollitnlfs rrmiiit Ditlcrss
Ih cut In I v vryfrl Idr , n! rotif nlim no
I 1 f Um' It I A H COIII(MMK of Kl II If I Ki
IruvtM. TIm- fi: nnri Itirk
from tvlilrU iliwc rxlrncf nrr mmle
nre i;nd rt l lit t itnt.iy All Ilie
in rd )! nn I virtu- nre rxt rf A,tn from
li4iti. tty it m iciHlli' !. T lirh
4-xfrjirtM mt In f'rvn rded 4olll4
roinitiy t' l! Mm-d rprNly fur (lie
in it ik ti fit v. I ii ft ii f ili:m lHM'. Thi-re
I nn itlr.oholtc m fi nre of miy kind
iihi-iI I ti poii nd I ii 4( I Ii' If II I -I'M,
Iw nre It t tilt nly III It I'M Hint mil
l iiMtt In 'MrM whvrt- nlcoliidic nllm
uluiim me not ndvlaiildr
ijosflanys Ocnnr.n Conic
t- ft r-m-tv,inti''inn t.f oil the in-jrrttieitf nf tht. fl 'ffn'S,
with IM'RK S-ttr-i '.'": A'-';ii, Hi ''Hjr, etc. ' i.-- if. for
the. ftmie iti.-ftstH the V;.'.Vs, in CH'S where ruin,
ytf n!r.i'm!.- jr.' iil ''- r""iC". )'." wilt Itmr in
mind Ihtt: mnedie ore ontirfly iliif'-ri-:it fmtn
any r-t'fr. adv-riis-d f,r the wr f 0e rii ten teg
tt 'tiie-f, t'nite th'in-j sriffi'i'ic frep-trntirts nf ntedirivil
tstra-!:, while, th- ..-'.. nrft mere ihwii'tttx of run
ri torn firm. Y"v V. t.N W is dend'-dlu nn ' f the. mot
ji'n.'int tivd tttfrrrtilit'e rnnedif.i enr nj fared to tin
piV-l'f, .'. t !( i? rjrqtn:it!e, 4 . fi !-lfUre. fO tuf.t
tile i
y'rift rrhifrtrnhvff nnd rntdiennu
ui' d it In t. hi'"i:n it ; tic greatest of
yi.tti'i. A.-i
Ut't tnnu'ii.
T1ioil4 f mwr, tv Ii tn 1 Tip jin
If'-nl. t u ;tjifir.' (1 Itc wr..t jHij.'rlcil wild
t ii l.-i i 1 ri-i M- il iKf-n Imvc 1m'i nu rd
Ity 1 1'' ith of I lirT rtnicdtcH, W,xt i fine
r mi'ctn i ton, lcl)Hity, i tui-h nm
the Uhfi"l 1 1 (-tutu 11 1 ft Tpoii n-vt'ie
t- . of dy ;m-j-: :i i llt- of tho
ill'jcaMvf oriMiii. Kvrti III of
I 11 nine l'oiiKtmil ton, t Ik-mc re mrdlri
tvlll lie fon ml nf 1 tie ffftties4 lienelltf
fctrcjigt lidiitiitf niitl invigorating.
Tier i' vn med-'ine rqunt In Ifnnf ivtTf Cermnn
Sdl rAor T'wi: in '!!:' of D'hiHty. Tueii impirt a
t;e tmd r '' to t'e vdcte rV- '' 'M, strryi;'ln n the Of
jt-iife, run. nn rttjnnmt of the J'n.-it, rmtlde the
j'oaw -h to di-i st if, I'-irifj th t t.d. jur a ff t
fo'ilid, fie,itf?t'i fmifiterinn, rrttdirote the irritate iilt'jl
frnut the tte, intpurt a litonm tn the i,7nv7., and chnny
t,e p-xticnt from a hort brcaUnd, emaciated uuak.
Weak an;J Delicate Children
arc itmcl.' ui rout liy using the ltltiern
or Tou It. In tiict, lliey nre Kuinlly
JWefiif itu-x. '1 hey ran lv ndmliithfered
i t ii it'i'l'eet km iel y . t o n v. Ii I Id 1 Urea
monf I'm nlil, tli i ii ok 1 delicate liuul
or u 111 ii n ol ninety.
Jii inrditF air tht Lest
Jllood Xnirlilci'B
evrr 1 nwn, and will cure all difear$ rrstdthiff from
bud l,fo.:d.
AV.:i if nit r I l,t',d pure; Irerp yn'tr Lire? in order;
. ; i;-nr .' ' ffi.ttus in n anttnd, hndtl-y fundi
tiun, till the ime nf thse iVHittriVs, and uo u'ixeabU wiU
tnrusHtH ioti.
mm mm m
Tndieii wlio n flr Kln nm
Itci'io eom plexloit, liee froTt. h yellow
in it i i ti iv ii i. ii 1 1 oDii-r il lslf; nn meiitf
i ho did ns' tlieoe i cntt tUi'M ncrnHion
oily. 'I'ti- Jivei lii iri feit order, niul
tlie Irloml iiit-i', iCHitIt In ttpiuk
lii tjvii u iid bloom I ii 3 check.
JTonf ni't (; rmnn Jit mrdirS nrr. rnunf.-rf ifdt
T'ie fj'tmin-' hove th tout-dure tf 9', il. tnv,Hoth
on the front ;f im nnhi'-d wr t ')', nf ,oehttutd-,niii
the ti-nne nf t;,e artkk boiwn in each buttle. Alluthrrt
are counterfeit, m
TTioiiMniid4 of letter hTf lr-n rr
rel vi d,leni n lii)4 toilie vlvl ucoi
ft head. .the kecoijke:;dation3.
Cliicf Jii-U"ouf t)i Huproino Court of Pontioylvanln.
r:fnni:i.piiiA( Marck 16th, lsti7,
I fnd"7Tft todn G t m Bt'ters" it tint an into
''itin;t bur-rune, hut m a ft'? Untie, nn fat in fijwiv
der of the dii4e$tite oroaua, nm of ifivat UueJU in
camt of d:biliiy and wont of un cuut action in L
Itstem. yonrt trul't
Judge uf die Supreme Court of Peimsj lvnniiv
rnn.iTEi.ritiA, ArniL iSth, lSftfl.
I rous'rtfr IIooflHiid'a Oermnn lilt
f ri-M 9 r'dj.? tin diriito tik rate of nt
tncks of ludiueHilofi nr lyniiephl a. I
rait certify lit! from my experience
f it Your, Willi renpiet.
Pastor of the Tenth IlH'itht t'lmrch, PliiliuMpliI.
IR. Jacko Sir I have been freaueidfy r
If tn. tied tu ennnert my mnne with r-om metn fat ions of
dqfernw kind of m divines, but refjantimj the praetiet
a out of my nipro)iriatg jf ( J have in all eatetde
tlined ; hut with a clear pronf in rorinuf imtunvet, and
Jwrticutarlij in mv own family, of the usefulness of Or.
hwtlnwV Herman iJittrrt, J ttruort f-r unec frum wiy
Uunl can rite, to expret y fnll onirietioit that (t
gt'iienil lU'bilit y nftliiyu iii. ml esu i.tily ftr Liver
Cmi''niu', it ifl a tmiv nml valn.i ll preiiiiiHtiuii. In
twite caret it mnyftil ; 6' Vsuafty, IdunU tv4, it
be very btueffitd to thme who tntl'er J rum the ubovt
eautet, i'uurt, very repertfulfyt
J. Ii. fi f.. . A
J-ligUthi oetvui Ctate St.
Price oftho Bitters, ftl.OO per bottles
Or, a half, dozen for IB 5.00.
Trice of the Tonic, $1.50 por bottle
Or, a half dozen for $7-60.
IfJie Ttiiifc h put m lii quart li Mth-n.
Jtecnllfct thtt' it in fir. J 'f-mjlawt i.aerman Kemedieg
(h'd ore to unirersnlty uxed and i hitdit rerum mend
td ; and do not ultmo the Jh tifrflid to induce ynit tn
tulze any thiny elte. that h. miy nay is just a 'hw; be
can he nioh't a tatyer profit on it. These jlemtilieg
tvilt be sent by express to any locality ujwn ajlicatiun
to the
Ab. 31 JJlClf STREET, J'hihdetpfna.
CIIAS, M. EVANS, Proprietor,
Formerly C. II. JACES0N & CO,
These Remedied nre for ftnle by
nrupinlii, iurkeeiers, und McdU
clue liculcrt every where.
Da notjhrael to ewtmitu well Vu article you buy i
trder tn get tin genuine, "
for Special und liicoino twxes nre now in mv hauda
for Collucttoii. 1 will Hi Li-lid at tbo liyde JioIihc, iu
Kidtrwuy, ou TnuHUntr, the 18; Al.duo Iiouho, bt. Wiirys
on tlio Mih, and Ht thl biddle housw, Kmporiuui, on tiie
liiili mid 10 of July, iiit , lor tho purixtrto of rvcuiviug
tiuid UtiMA. p. fc'OliD, Dept. Col., 1'JtU DiuUicl, 1'a.
xuly 1,1600. at
Mercitant Tailor, Emporium, Penn'a.
Koops constantly on had, cloths. Trimmings &c.,
and liiHkcs tu order in tliti niot fiuhioimhio utiles aud
best uiauucr. C'lutliiug tor mou and buys.
tm Imiid nt nil limta clulljiuj of hie own wake.
Maiih lMtjti'J ly
Hair Vigor,
For restoring Cray Hair lo
its natural Vitality and Color.
A dressing which
is nt onco ngrccablc,
Jicnlthy, nnd cflcctiinl
for preserving tho
hair. Faded or gratf
hair is soon restored
to its original color
with the gloss and
freshness of youth.
Thin lmir is thick
ened, falling lmir checked, nnd bald
ness often, though not always, cured
by its use. Nothing enn restore tho
hair where the follicles nro destroyed,
or the p;land3 atrophied nnd decayed.
But such as remain can bo saved for
usefulness by this application. Instead
of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi
ment, it will keep it clean nnd vigorous.
Its occasional use will prevent tlio hair
from turning gray or falling olF, and
consequently prevent baldness. Freo
from thoso deleterious substances which
make some preparations dangerous nnd
injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can
only benefit but not harm it. It' wanted
merely for a
nothing else can bo found so desirable.
Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs
not soil white cambric, nnd yet lasts
long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy
lustre and a grateful perfume.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical and Analytical CuEai3TS,
PBICB $1.00.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
ron rminnn the blood. ;
Tlic reputation tins ex
cellent meiticino enjoys,
is ileriycd Irom Its cures,
many of which nro truly
marvellous. Invetcrato
rases of Scrofulous .Un
case, where the system
seemed saturated" with
corruption, havo been,
jniriikil nnd rured by it.
(Scrofulous affections nnd
disorders, which were nit
pravntcd hy the scrotn
Ions contamination until
thev wore painfully nffllctinp, have been radically
cured in such frrcut numbers in almost every sec
lion oftho country, that the public scarcely nucU to
be informed of its virtues or uses.
Scrofulous poison is one of the most dcstnietiro
cnemies of our race. Often, this unseen nnd unfelt
tenant of the organism undermines the constitution,
nnd invites tho attack of enfeebling or fatal discuses,
without excitinp a suspicion of its presence. Again,
it seems to breed infection throughout tho body, nnd
then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop
into one or other of its hideous forms, cither on tlio
furfnoo or among the vitals. In tho latter, tuber
clos mny bo suddenly deposited in the lungs or
lieart, or tumors formed in tho liver, or it shows
its presenco by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcer
ations on some part of the body. Ilcnco the occn
sionnl use of n bottlo of this tiarsapartlla is ad
visable, even when no nctivo symptoms of disenso
mipc-Ai. Persons nftlictcd with the following com
jilaints pcncrallv And immediate relief, nnd, nt
length, cure, by (ho use of this SAliSAVAltll.
J.A; St. Anthnnji't fire, Jlon or Xrgtlprlan,
3'rttrr, Sfilt Itheum, Braid tlrntl, JHuiju orin,
tiore Jijivs, horn JCarx, nnd other eruptions or
visible lorms of NcrnfulauK disease. Also in tlio
more concealed forms, as Ititsjtepsla , Jtrojtut,
llrnrt Visinno, 1?U, J7i(iwj, Xeurnftl'a,
nnd tho various ITlrcrous affections of the muscu
lar and nervous systems.
Syphilis or '-iicrc; and Merturtal Islnraur
lire cured by it, though a long time is required for
subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine.
Jiut long continued uso of this medicino will euro
tlio complaint. J.rurnrrhcra or !l7i(cs, I tcrina
I'lewations, nnd l'emate liiiraseti, nre com
monlv soon relieved nnd ultimately cured by it
purifying nnd invigorating effect. Alinute U'ireo
tions for each case urc found in our Almnnnc. sup
plied gratis. MhrumatiKtn and tlont, when
caused by accumulations of extraneous matters
in tho blood, yield quickly to it, ns also lAvrr
C'omplaitHH, Torpidity , ijotitimtlon orjiilam
matlnnnf tho lAvrr, nnd Jauniiicr, when mising,
ns they often do, frointhe rankling poisons in Iho
blood. This HAllSsll'Altll.lA. is a great re
storer for the strnrrLh nnd viimr nf fhn aatn.n
Those who nro J.nunuid nnd I.intless, Jtenpon
tlimt, Sli'i'l'"'. nnd troubled with tiervmm Ap-
it uiinuiiiiiLiu iii ii rnKiirmm. win nnii imnipi niii.
relief anil convincing evidence of its lestoiativa
Dr. 9. C. ATIB & CO., X.owII, Maie
Frattieal and Analytical Chemintt.
Gray or Fadsd Hair is qnifKly
restorc4'to its yoathf ul color and beauty,
and with the first application a
1 beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance
is given to the Hair.
It vill cause Hair to grow on EaM Spots.
It will promote luxuriant growtli. x
FaLLIXO HAIK is immediately checked.
For Sale by all DmggiaM.
DEPOT removed from Greenwich St. to
33 Jiorclay ht & 40 l'ark l'lacc.
Wm. MORRISON. Propr. No. 2 Cocfi
Block, Fmponum. Pa.
Will mako to order the fluent and bout II oota and tsh
to be found in tin. mirkot. liu reputation aa the bt.
jjuui uiuKcr ui uiu section ox uie couutry wid be fully
maintained, ltupturtug done with dinpatcli. v4uitt
nEI.MEOLD'H Extract Rarsaparilla cleanse and
. renovate the blood, instills the vigor of bean b.
tuio the ayntcui, uliil punjvs out the huniuu tlu.t uiuku