Ijoenl and Misoellnny. CVtr ThUeat llldgtvay. Erie Express East ; 12:45 a. mi do do West . H:34a lii. do Mail East G:15 p. m. do do West - 8:10 p. m. Local Freight E.isti 0:40 a. m. du do West G;30p. in. Elk Lodge, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Mlt i-ouge will be held at. tlicir hali on lh9 second ii nd fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WH1TM0RE. Sec'y. I. 0. 0. T. The Rcpolar meetings of Ridgwny Lntla;e, No. 2oli, held every Wednesday evening nt tlicir Lodge Eoolu. W. C. Tincile, Secy. AGENTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized agents for the Advocate to receive subscrip '"" tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for (ind give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Ai.DPirn, J. L. Biiown. Knno. Fhank W. Mkkcb. ,Tohnonsburg. Isaac IIaoak. ft, Mary?. Cmas. McVeah. Ccnlrcville. Homkr B. Leach, Maj. Burke. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Weed. 'eimezctte. John C. BAni), J. rV. Brown. Slnvwmut. J011.1 FARRisn. Spring Creok. A. W. Irvis. Highland. Levi Ellotiiorpe. Horton. D. C. Oystf.ii, N. M. Brookway. TKimntt,". Rtohm. The terrible storm on Wednesday night, did great, damngc lit St Marys, and elsewhere. l.NTAT, C. W.STT'HHENR, Pcntis', vill be ii; IHdswiiy during the coming court week. u35i:l. It is 0Rti11n1t0.il that the. work on the II .iis.-ic tunnel will to completed in threo years. Twenty years a;o there were six post offices in Miuacsofa Now thero arc six hun. died. The sun is tliiiiiti; and our fanners ar busy making hay. They are getting a fair evop. Ciuiu 'e iibuudaut and a most realy to bin vest. Josh lin.i.iMjs buys: "Give thi ilcii! hi- due.'- rends well enough in a pov-i-rb : but n.i friend wlml wid become uv nu wid you ! this arringeincnt is carried out ? " " 1 uhei) ' Iindscy's looil Pcatclior,' to good necount, but the ' Macaiiioosc ' is tin best medicine I ever found." J. W. STONE, llarrisburg. Pa. A I'oarr, vxi) inm Irw cured oneol the ir.osl diinpcrous case. of ernicer- iy diiiikiii(: Ifd clover tea and applying a rod" clover coin :tvsf, u 11 J tiiinkd ii will provo an infallible remedy in all caos. 5-1 j 1; Walk. That side walk n littl- a:-t of the post paired ilu-.hkb iu office has at la.i been re J mi. And by I he wax w:.lk in the victuiiy of Eli the worse for we ir " biuci we no toe t.'rt'wU is 1 I he l ain. sut " liiil Tin: I''H"n r ii. 'l'tic celebration in 1 1 ir- jibice, v-ns largely jittenilid, mid every tiling jiaaal o.'I' jila-tsri'itly. Hoti. C. B Curlii, of )Wi il.-ii v .'j-.tl 1 he oritio'i, w'a'.oii, of cj-.irc. V.M3 cliLi'idiit. a:i 1 apru;n'in!o. .Tt'Mi'iN'i Match The jatnpiui' tiiiitel ut ihia i.hi:e on the 3J rcamtcd in the success tf O'Coiiuoi". Aii'ji'iei- trial is to take place at Emporium I'jujn'u.v, (Saturday 17th.) Democratic Convention The I)e j.ioctaiie State Convention held al Ilarrisburg iu llio 1 Ith inst., nominated Hon. Asa Pinker, of Curium County fur Ooveiuor, and II011 t'yru-; L. Pershing, of Canibriu Ccjnty, for Judge of the Supreme Court. Nkws Di.iot. J. It. ljuird.bas opened lit his variety tloic, a news depot, where may licliu lal! the Illustrated and weekly pa 1'CVB, books and r.iagaiines ; uny book inaga nine or other publication furnished at Pub- liaheis prices. Orders by mail promptly ul teu-kJ to. SOMET HJii5 NEW! Don ton fuudy PElZIi LOXKS Each box is filled with a new uud Assorted Flavored Candy, and every box contains y PHIZ Li Oueof the folloning urti clea : Uold und.iilvcr watches, watch chains, ladies,, and gent's breast pics, fcleevc buttons, studs, tar rings, charms, Hie. They retail at 3 cents. For sale by J, 11. BA1HD, Kidgway, ' Pcaua. n3ui3. M AHltlED. On the 2ji1i of June, by A. W. GRAY, Esq., at the house of the bride's father iu Bene iteite tii., Mr. II EN BY C. RjOTHUOCK. and Miss ANN E, JOHNSON, Daughter of William uud Julia Auu Johnson, of Beuezett township Also, July 4th, by the same at the house of ' the'bride's futher. Mr, UliO. J. . ltO'i tltuiCK, nnd MidS MAUV ANN, Daughter of II. It. and Jane Wilson, of Benezjtle towusuip. The Hires, iu gold rates, lor a journey round the world, 'visiting the most important cities, U Is asserted, will amount to $lo54 made up of the following items : New York 0 San Francisco, 100 ; San Francisco to Shanghai, $300; Shanghai to Hankpw and back, 100; Shaughai to Hong Kong, fi5 Shanghai to Canton and Macao and return, u30; Hong Kong to Calcutta, via Ceylon, tijO; Calcutta to Delhi (second class,) $24 .'T Delhi to Alia Habad, $10 ; Alia Habad to Bom ft bay, $io ; Bombay to Suez, $300 ; Suez to Marseilles, $20 ; Marseille! to London, $20 ; London to New York, $130. A liberal esti mate, however, of the fares, will bring the charges up as high as $1800 to $2003, and ihe cost of living amounts to the charges of a first class hotel on shore- Unpleasantness Among the Democracy. It ii with feelings of deep regret, that we are called tipon to record the fact that the Dcmocrntio county Convention which met here on the 12th Inst, was not as harmonious as it niight have been. Wc regret this from the fact that the ex- ample set last Monday, may induce young men to join the party early in lifo and thus load a long lifo of sin, unless they see the error of their ways because other smart young men, get themselves hooked to the party, and like the load which the old man of the Be curried. they can never be shaken off. It is entertaining to listen to the way in which the convention was managed, what Is known as the Ridgwny faction, finding that the St. Marys fiicl'iou had a majority, were compelled in order to carry their plan to get control of ihe Convention and place some on 5 III I tic Cliair WUO wouiu sarry 0111 111 uiiiigo- msnt, what they lacked in strength, and thuH .ppear to be the majority. The whole thing was eo plain a frnud, and a cheat, that any Imdv nhnnt the Court House, could see tlitouirh it. Km bins' savor nir of rascality was ever " ' O - " more plain. Thinking that some might have been present who were blind nud could not sec It, they published their infamy, by brag ging and boasting over it upon the streets, so that ull whether present or absent could hear how smart they acted and how crawling low men can get. The object was attained how ever. All th J townships in the east end of the county, including St. Marys Borough and Bcnzingcr tp. bolted the Convention. Those who remained admitted a bogus set of delegates from one of the townships, and then weni and made nominations to suit themselves. The light originated in nn enrly effort by what is known as the Ridjwny ring to defeat ihe nomination of Fred. Schocuing, Esip, for Prolhonotary. The man who was proposed to be put up as a candidate against him, was so repulsive to all feelings of humanity, that the parties bringing him out were compelled to drop him but the load being so useful, nn etloi t w as uiaiic to get a man who was as re- pcctablc ns he could be. a.id belong to such a party to be a candidate and be elcc:ed, and appoint " dead beat " deputy, but this would not work. This enraged the bette r portion of the party, and in order to beat all those engaged in the attempt to rule or ruin, and loist such loads upon the party it was deter mined, by sonic of those representing the oting clement of the party and not the office seeking part, to come ,o the convention, and eo if some of the representative men of the ounty could not bo placed iu nomination and he ri. g smashed for once. The tfiort to d oat Srhccninjc was given up, it was too much 10 do, with the ,ool proposed to be used, but ta endeavoring to dotent him, it became necessary to deleat C 11. Jiarley who was a i.mdiiluto for the Legislature, and for this pur pose John G. Hall became a candidate tor the nine position. Before the Convention met the i-'nilry men had the Convention but. the trick .vns to manage them out of it which was done, nud iu such an outrageous manner that those ho had any re-pect for thems .Ives had to tave the Conven ion. Eleven delegates left it, the Kidgway ring part 01 tlie convention hen made nominations, and were smart noiigb to put in nomination on the cuu:ity icket, fur rrothouotary nnd Treasurer, the nil! whom they knew the St. Marvs faction of lie Con ven! ion would favor, and nominated li.r r.ssciiiriy Jolin U. it-ill. Alter luc 111 g- way ring convention adjourned the bolters or -.Btized, and made a vtry acceptable county ickct and laced in noiuinatiouC.il. Em-ley or Astimlily. Both Ccnvcniious will bring heir claims before the District Convention for seals- The bolters Convention was aldrcssed y lion. E. C. Schullz, of St. Marys, uud the litter scalding tears he shed, and the deep iearl felt emotions he gate vent to, show Icaily the deep feeling and regard in which ihe party is held by its true friends. His cjc ampla is well worthy of imitation by th .. ou men who In. ve early in life commenced 10 rido tlie putty litre, and who believe that so long as Si. Marys votes as it docs now if hey cuu secure nominations they will laud in i;ood offices, and that while she gives the whole Democratic majority in the couuty, and is the party iu the county so far as voting is concerned yet she has rtatly no citizens uaiiCed for office and her preferences ought not to be regarded. WriEN rc skipping lutnba like literal y volumes ? When thev oro bouudiu' sheen, they sheep, 1 "NYELOPES, LABELS & TAGS nestly Jjj printed 1 1 the Advocate Ortico. OETON HOUSE, E1UE. PA' J. V. Moore. (Jute of the Hyde Home) J rojiriftor. Open Day and. Night n30tf. T 1ST of causes set down for' trial nt August Term 1 H0! of Elk Co. Common Pleas. 1. Coxe's Exr's vs Eng'and & Drown. 2. Sorg vs Tegle.r el al- 3. Coule vs Grolzinger et al. 4. Webbvs Woodward. 0. Lawrence ct al vs Luhr et al. Ii. llowman vs Elliott. 7. Mayhood vs Crispin. 8. Hyde & Reed vs Woodbury. 0. Wilhclm vs Rcnzinger School Dist. 10. Iteiny vs Same. 11. Vmibiaband vs Tudor. 12. Souther et al vs Thomas. 13. Winslow vs Drown. 14. Foster's Admr's vs Reed. 15 Elliott vs Bowman, 10. Kelts vs Campbell. 17. Dames vs Powell Adm's. 15. Levy Adm'r vs Malone et al, 19. Sharpe et al vs Reed. 20. Moorhead vs Drown. 21. Powell vg Smith. 22. Reading et ul vs Erown el al. 23. ebb vs Toiler. 24. Teelg vs Wellcndorf. 25. Stevens vs Messenger. 20. Wilcox for us3 vs Mead et al Trustees. 27. Ridgway vs Cummiugs. 28. Mjyer vs Thayer. 20. burns for use vg Spring Creek tp. - 80. Egglesoa vs Reed. 81 Colion & Kendigvs Kreti. 82. Ridgway vs Wilmarth. 83. lluntet al Admr'r vs Messenger. 84. Shall vs Same. GEO. A. RATH BUN, Pro. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Y aluable pine lands foii sale. The valuable Pino Timber lands know as the HOWE, ELAKR, ft Co , hinds, about. 6000 acres, lying on lllyson Kun, and Mill Creek, in Clarion and Jtlicrsou comities, and for sale will b:- Bold in one lot, or iu hits of rcaionr.blo size to suit, purchasers. Terms Iiber vl- 'Apply to the subscriber at. American House-Uiookville. I HARliiaoN IILAKU. Brookville, July 10, IStiti. r.OonrJ. SHF.RI: F'8 GALE. By virtuo of Sundry writs of Fi ri Ft'fittt issued out of I lie Court ct Common Picas of Elk County, and to me directed, 1 will expose to public sale or ouicry, at the Court llouju iu Ridgway on Momlsiy Alienist Qd, 18GW. at 1 o'clock P. M, the following described properly, to-wit : All the right, 1 1 1 To. interest, claim ami tio- maud of Ihe defeudunt in and to 11!! that piece or taYCe 0f hind situated in Soring Creek townshin. Elk count v. Psunsvlvniiin. bounded aim noscnocu as minus : i..-Bim.i , foli'lMS t the Clarion river where the old coon line (the western boundary of said i.mly trosses the ne hundred same; Thence iini': !'!' J E, and sevcnty-tlu'ce vetches to a iiniiuo. 'i'bencu south 75 K, two bundled and six Vervhcs to a hemlock at Clarion l iver ; Tiimi, c .I.t.vii s iel river by its several li-.eiinderiiigs to the pluca of begiit-iinp;. being liic en .ii :n of tr:un No. 4012, and eonlinii ng s x liuml-eit a;i l t'lrco aures, bo the sain moi-c or less, I'tid v-. erected thereon one lo;; house Iwei-ty leei m anl cichlceii feel wide, also one !Y.u:e bavi thirty t'cet long and twcu'y-livo feel wide.- and of Enid laud uUout ten acres lias been lta p.ovod. A Lt( . All th!" cor'.n-.n tract ot iani bounded and described fts f -Hows : Eegiu ning at a post on the tio th line of tract uuni herid twenty-nive hundred an 1 iortv-tv.o (211-12;) 'I hence south onu hnnili ed perches to a post, llienee east one hundred and seventy perc-hc' to a he.ech ; Tlo-uee noitii one huti- Ired pcivhfn to- 11 in'Toliei; : I Hence west one hundred nnd m-v.-hv ptrchta lo a posl, the plai-e of l.es:!:.uii j; : t ontaiiiiiiir otu .'uuiilrb-: neres t""vc or in. of which about tw.-niy notes has be in im proved nnd has twi-nty I c-i'-ini; fruit tries growing tln-i-.Mn. Abo one lo hou-e tweniv four feet loiiji and twenty Het v ide and one story liifrh, and one log barn forty feet lo.-ig nnd thirty ltd v. tuu, nut- ureu trcctcu on taiu ands. Seized and tiiVrn in cxenuti.in as th-j prop erty of Jereiiiiu'.i Ellioit and to be anid by j.m tin Aiet ALLM. atiertu. EiJ'w.iy, ..'u'y ni'h, 1SV.'. u'l-M'J. COl'HT Pl'.OCI.AM AT10N.--Uhere.-is, the. Hon. S. P. .lr.hiv-on.' President .l-.tdge titid Hons b.t . hohuiise and .' m Kyler. As:-o- ciates, .IiiiIl-i": 0, the i' l'.iri .1 outirier bcwions. Oi-r.hans' C;.urt, ()yer nr. ! Terminer, nnd Gen eral Jail delivery, for the 11 i:.l (if eupitul and other olleti-x-3 in tha i-.vtnly of Elis, by ilieir nroceinl.1 to me diietttd. hitvu ordi-rod tnc aforesaid iiu:ei-l t.'oiii ts tobe Lol-L-ti at I'.idf.;- wav. in and Tor the county 01 Elk, on tae Fii-sl. Muiidav ot Auicust it Iji-.Uij the -M day of the tr.o.ilh. 'ind to :o:tinu one week Notice is herd y iriven to the C.ironci-, Justices of the IV-iee. and Cons aides ol the said county that :lic-v are by tUese. n?-.ents tLii::.ilideu to he 1. it'll and liici " in ilu ir poper persons at ten i.'clo. k, A. M.. of said day. with ihc;r rolls, records and iii.i'ii.-iiior.j, nud 0'lsor re iiiembrunces, to to .u,-.S': things w. 10:11 tnetr offices appertain lo be done, mid that a!! Justices of eni-1 conn y make reiul'.ia of nl. recopnu jnees cntei ea into iji rot e ineni, -o uie. Clerk of the Coil!-!, a- per act of Ass.oably of March 'h D'-'M. And th-v.-e who are bound to prosecute Ihe prisoners, that ate or &I1.1E be in the jail of the e-jur.'v of K!k. ttnl to be ihi-u mid' there to pi 'e.-.-.;u; ; .-ig:.:.iiit them as tsUalt be just. JACOIJ MeC.-.UI.KV, Shorn!. niJtfw:iv, Jitiy M, iiiotc T "MIOMAS EiilCU & SON, Al'CliONEEi; Rv virtue of a tiower couin iic.l in a certa mortgage nxul dieree na-ie toireon hy 1 tia Court of Common Pleas ol Llk I ouut 1. Pa. Thotuns !i:ieh X Sou. Auctioneers,' wid s'c! at the E.'it'iinngc, in the city of I'luludelp 1111. on TIlUKS:iV, July 2'Jwi, 180'.!, ut One o'clock, P. M. All the real poisonal proper! y nnd corporate franchisee ot " TUK SlIAtVMUT COAL t'O d I'ASV OF l.lli CO.," consi-'tiug of a-.-'i-.t seventeen miles ot i-.i.!roa;!. well I'iil.esieu aii.i in good order ; the fee (less the pine limber,) iu about five thousand five hundred ucics oi land, and the ininiug rights fur all future time in about six hundred ucics additional and ad joining. The above property is located in ltorton ana Ridgwny townships. Elk County, Petmsyl Tallin, and ins beeu worked by tho Shawmut Coal Company for six years past. 1 he Improvements consist ot eleven ins entries, wi'li 11 total of ubout seven thous and fuel of ;fingv.ay : oeveniy-scven dwelling houses, store and offices, two engine houses, turn-table, wat. i-iat.ks. steam sw-reii:, steam hoisting apparatus, srrecu. caul selu'.tos, coke ovens, bams, carpenter ana mnetisniun snopa, laborer's shaiilies, and all the eoiivtruieuee.0 of a first-class colliery ; three tlx-wheel iiuliwin freight emnues, one passenger engine, two Gondola freight car.-, dump cars, miuo tvugons, sc., tiC. A Irain v ill leave Shawmut Jnnetion, P. E. R. It., daily, for the mines at 5:20 P. M., and passes can be had rnd a pamphlet giving a full and accurate description of the property, real and persanal. the quality of the coal and capacity of the mines may be obtained by ap plicatiou to ths audion-jers, or to the under signed: 1:11 as. 1 . t;ui 1 1 mi, WM. C. ENDICOTT, No. 9 Trinifui' street, Ronton, Mnss., liENKV SOUTHER, Ridgway, I'a., Trustees, Or, Cap'.. II. P. GOODRICH, Agent n33wi. Shawmut, Elk Co., Pa. DMINLSTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration, on the Estate cf CLARK EGLESTON late of Horton Township, deceused. having been granted lo the subscri bers : Notice is hereby giveu to all indebted to Baid Estate to nuikt immediate payment, aud all having chums against the saiac to pre sent them to the subscribers forthwith for ad- I iustmsnt. I iTTri?niTc.TrvT I1UVA1H I.UL 1.0 l HORACE LITTLE, Administrators. Ridgwoy June 22, 1809. n32t0. DMINISTRATGR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration, on the estate of NANCY EOLETON late of Hortou Township, deceased, having been granted to the subscri bers ; Notice is hereby gtveutoall indebted to said Estate to make immediate payment, aud all having claims against the same to pre sent them to tliesuuscriDers iormwun lor au. Ijuslment. UlH.l.U t.U I.L3IU.1, HORACE LITTLE, Admistrators. Bidgwsy June 25, 18C9. u32tb RAILROADS- FU11ADEL1KIA & ERIE EAILEOAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Th rvnli ami Du-ct Rnulc hctwr.cn l'hiliitblphia, L',ult!mnrc Hiitrig livrtj, Willianifjinrf, awl tha G 11 E A T 0 I L I! E G I 0 A of Pennsylvania. i: i E 0 A N T SJ-KI'TINVx CARS On ail Night 'Plains. ON nnd after the trains eu MONDAY, NOV. 'i.'.th. the Philadelphia 61 I'.i U Kuilroad will run as follows : WESl W.Mlll. jMnil Train leaves Philadelphia " " " Ridgwny ' " nrrivu lit Brio Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. , Uidpway 10.15 p. ...M Z.'ll p. H. .'lit p. 11. CO a. y ill a. " " arrive at Erie H) 00 a. HAsrw.uii). Mall Train leaves Erie " . " " Ridt'wity.... " " arrive al PhUud a. Erie Express loaves Eue " " " )'id(fwav.. ....10.t"i a. m. 6.1(1 p. 111. 10.00 n. m. (i-'J-'i p. m. ... 12.4') 11. 111. tn-'-nt Pliihuielphia. 4 20 P. m. I M.-i:l and Express uuuu-t. w-ith llil Creek j t'tn! AUcirheiiy Eiver Bail Koid. LAG- CAGE CI'IXVKD Tllll'iliiMf. Ar'ar.i 1.. tvi.eh. O'lnnral f'i;pc.i-!n! en dent . LLEGilL'NY VALLKi BAIL llOAD. J tie oLly i.:roet route to Til ourg OF WI'MOVr CHANGE CARS fro 111 Oil City. 'm and after Monday May 3d lSli?: trains viW run us follows : GOING POUTII. Day Express loaves Oil City at 10,10 a. m. Arrivir-g at Pittsburg at 5,15 p. in. i;i;cht Kxprrss leaves Oil City at 8.80 p. 111. Arriving at Pittsburg at (!,:!() a. 111. Mixed W'ny leaves Oil City at 7,20 a. m. Arnviug ut Wcat l'etiu Junction at C,0U p. in. GOING NOKTH. Day I-;pre3s leaves Pititburg at- P. 00 a. m. rrivtiiS at t.111 Ciiy at :!,10 p. ui. Niyhl Express leaves Pittsburg at 7.3d p. in. Arriving nt Oil City at 0,-10 11 111. .Mixed Way leave West Penu Juno, at 0,45 a. m. Arriving at uil City at 0,45 p. m. Connections al Corry and Ii'vino'on for Oil City and Pittshurg. At Franklin with James low:! and Frannliu B. K. Cotiiiectioiis with West P eun, K. B. at West Penu Junction for Ehv.rsville and nil jioints on the maiu line of the Pennsylvania 11. B. Sleeping Carson Sight Trains. J.U. LAWRENCE. General Supr . Twos. M. King, Asst. Supt. -Ttiiirnrn-rn rm wmin JJCMXESS CARDS. F OilN 0. II ALL, Attorney tp way, Elk county Pa. at law. Ilidg. niar22'CG ly "BTENHV HOU'l Xi Kidgway, Pa. SOUTHER, Attorucv-nt Law (fub2U'f)8), A Ll'INK HOUSE, St. Mary's Pa., Her iii.m Eretz, Proprietor. ruO'OO DR. W aud t Pa. JAMES 1 LAMELY Physician Surgtou, St. Mary's, Elk county pilar-22 b-j-ly. i.5ANK s Clear S. DAUI'.I-ITT, Attornny-at-Law, le.aitit'iJ, l'enii a. Will practice 111 Kii and Cameron couriies. l'sei,H,'08-y , TR. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine jl.9 'l:'d Surgeiy, Ccntrevillo, Elk county l a. mar-22 lib ly. I F. C. ICRU.MME, M. D., Physieim and Surgeon, Ridgway EU, Co, Pa Office above More of II. (i. Gillis- Otilce hours from e to 10A.M. and ti lo 8 1 .1. vluStf. VOLK, Manufacturc-r and Dealer inl.ajrtr Peer, opposite the EailrouJ Depot, St. Mary s, Llk county l a. Mar-22'ti'M . Hi. IN O. HAM IAS. IC. V. II ALL. haim, & r.no. Attoi'iioyt; -nt -Law ;f. MAUI' 8: BEN .INGE P. P. O. El lv COUN'TV, PA September 20, lSGti. ly. S. EurJwell, M. 1). Eclectic. Physician ell- Ullico aud residence opposite the Jnil, on Centre St., Ridgwny, Pa. Prompt at tcmion will be iriven to nil calls. Olhee hours : 7 to 8 A. M- ; 12 to 2 P. M. ; and U lo 7 P. M. Mar. 22, OH tf. rrpHAVER HOUSE, X RIDGWAY, PA. DJlVID THAYER, Proprietor. Tho undersigned having lilted up a largo and commodious liniel on the southwest coiner of Centre and Mill streets, with good nnd convenient sinbling attached, re.-peot-fuily solicits the patronage of his old friends nnd the p'il tic generally. deel3 Cli lj DAYID THAYER. HYDE HOUSE, RtnowAY, Elk Co., Ta, M. V. Mooke, l'ropvietor. Thankful for Ihe patronige heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new prc piieior, hopes, ty paying strict attention 10 the comfort ftul convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. Oct 21 ISCli. 17 R A K KTjT n house, X; -yT. Mary's, Pa. LARCEY & MALONE, Pimra's. The proprioiors respectfully nsk the attention of their friends and tho public in general to ;he large and commodious hotel. Every utieutiou paid to Ihe convenience of guests. , H. LAEGEY, miySO-lS-n.l y J, A. aiALON'E. KERSEY HOUSE, CLNTiiLviLiE, Elk Co., Pa. II. 1 Leach, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so Eberully bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to tho comfort ui.d convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the sume. vln201y. I EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, E I'll PUS. nas. Warrants, &o., on hand and for sale at this office. VfAII.S, SPIKES, IIINtTEs, J( locks, bolls,' and all kinds RIVETS, ot buildor's materials in general can be had cheaper al the St, Mary's Hardware Sloro than acy other place iu Elk counrty. (n28'C7). A- orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly attended to as soon as received, at the 12'ti7 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. M.niiTj!wieMiF.ijiaajijii!uftiHBiiiiii wn niwi MISCELLANEOUS. A till BAT HEM ED Y A FOR THE CURE OF 'I !IU0 AT AND LUNG DISEASES I)v. Winhai-ffl Pino Tree TAIL OORIUAL. Tt is the vital principle of the Pine Troe, oh. laiued by 11 peculiar prone 'S in the dislila;i"ii of thfc tnr by which its highest mciHcnl pro prieties are retained. it. is the only snietimrd and reliable remedy which bus ever been prepared from the juiuo of the l ine Tree It invigorates the digestive orgfins and restores the appetite. It Slrenptii en the ili'biliated sysieiu. It purifies and enriches !he blood, and expells from the sys tem the c.jrrnptioii wiiich ccrufula breeds on the l'ifig". Its lnf.linpr prtmdpla acts upon thn iritnted surface, ef the lunjs and throat, pene'rnting to tvioh ili-:ensnl pari, relieving pain and subdu ing i illiimalion. It is ihe result ef yr.ir.n of stn 'y nud expe. rlmeiit. :i!id it is offered to the ntllicted, with the pohitivc u- uranee of its power to cure the ti.llowiti;; .!':'e:isps if t i3 palicnt has not too long dc'iiyod h lesm-t to the menus of cure : Onsiinipiion of the Lungs, Cough, Pore Throat nnd Breast, Bronchitis. Liver Com plaint, Lund and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Piptheria, Sic- VYe -ire often asked why are- not oilier reme dies in Ihe market for Consumption, Coughs Colds, and other Pulmonary titl'netbn equal to i?r. j. tj. vt i:ili:m s Pine Ticc Tr.r Cordial. Vi'e answer 1st. II cures, not by stopping poutth. but by. loosening and assisting nature to throw olf ihe uiiheiililiy matter collected about the t'uroiii and bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough. 2d. Mo.'t T'trnnl nnd Lung Remedies nre composed of anodynes, which all ay the eoitgli for awhile, but by their coustringing elfocts, the fibers become hardened, ttn l the unhealthy fluids congr.latc and ore retained iu the sys tem ciusing disea-o beyond ihe ooutrol of our most eminent physicians. 3d. The Pino Tree Tar Cordial, with its ns sistunts, perfectible, because they remove the cau.e of irritation of the laucuoua membrane and bronchial tubes, assist the lungs to act and throw off the unhealthy see. t-tious, and purity the blood, tiiiis bcieutitisaiiy making the cure perfect. Dr. i isbarl uas on hie at his office hun- heds, and Thotisauds of Certificates, from men nnd women of unqitc-ttiouAblo character who were once hopelessly given up to die, but through the providence of God were com pletely restored to health by the Pmio Tree Tar Cordial. A phytician in attendance who can be consulted iu pc-rs-iu or by mail, free of charge. Price of Pine Tree Tar Cordial $1,5(1 per bottle, and SI 1,00 per doz. Sent by Ex- pies on receipt ol price. Address h. (J. C. ttlSHArU, -I. D., .No. 232 North 2d Street, Phil'ii. Pa. May 21,'(J0m3v1ii27. The ftubs-ci irer begs leave to inform the citi zens o; Uidg,way and vicinity that ho has opened a stoi c- where may be fouud PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STAJIONEllY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. nl2 vltf J. R. EAIRD. LOOK HERE! WATCH HS. JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. C1HAELES HOLES, Practical Walclima ker, Jeweler and Engraver, Ride-way, Ll'.c eouiiiy, Ph. The subset ibcr beg.-i leave lo announce to tho citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that he is prepared to do ull work in 111s line on moit notice and nt reasonable rales in thuvuv besi inantitr. Siion iu 11. Thayer's Stem. Special imtniiou paid to cn;fravm;r. He has also on hand a largo aesortnient of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry nnd Silverware which ho ctl'ers for saloon reasonable terms. Give hiii a cill. iiov7'07tf. A T TENT I ON Mil, h- 0 WNI- RS ! 'JMIE EAGLE Tl.J'.lHNE WATER J WHEEL, patented July SO, 18G7, is superior to uuy wheel in use. The under, signed have the agency for t-nid wheel in the ftiito id Pennsylvania, and enn recommend it as beiag the I.eBt inauuiacturcd. For further panituhirs. and circulais. inquire nt our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings aud steam engiues will be made to order at reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good share of public pntrocage. J . r . KOULKTSON, 11. DELL. Kersey, Elk Co.. Pa., janUi 18tiPpd. 1CKE cc CAMiillO-V, Lesbos 'of the Minos of the Company. Kcrcey Cuu Aliitcrs and Slu'j'jiirs of. BITUMINOUS COALS ! Of supciior quality, for GAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC TURE OF I HON, SMITHING AND DOMESTIC USE. Arc prepared to receive -Ordom and make contracts for these well kuowu couls. OFFICE, KERSEY, ELK CO., PA. Kersey, Po., March 12, 1808. vlul7tf. JF YOU WANT TO BUY VLOTiCWG for the Million G to A. DURLACilER, DEALER IU ' CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BO'.TS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING KAGS, &c. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, PENNA Jau218G81jpd -HARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads. Tacs. J Ha Handbills, do., doueiu a neat inannor. and at the lowest ritn-K, FOR CASH, at the Elk Advocate Printiug 03ioe. Jou 1'KiNTiNu of every description doae prompilv ai this office, uud in a style un equalled in this section cf tlie State. Eutire satisfaction guaruuwed. HARDWARE- jt-EW UABDWABE STOBE! The ttubscribers have jiiBt opened in ST. MARY'S Anew and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf Ai.d will ke.-p constniitly on hand a great variety of COO AT A ND II E A TING STO VES lint Trim, Slid Anvil, Billows Nail'.t liornc iSlinrs, fyi inys, Jhuld iny If'tnlirme, lioirs and File of Every Dexc.riptiotl OLNS, riSTOLS AND CABTBIDQES, Cutlery, Plated Ware and House Turnishing Goods. Al' ' kinds of Mechan ics' Tools I TINWARE Of every description, which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASii.BURNINU COAL STOVES AKD PARLOll FURNACES 1 Which have received Four First Class Pre. niiums nt tho New York State and oth er Fairs ; Also, tlie Grent Silvef Medal at the Fair of tho Am erican Institute, held in New York City, lbo5. Tiicy are Perpetual Burners, only one fire being required to bo mado ' uuring the season. M. EEECHE", .Tn. WM. II. COPELAND. r.ov28'67 ly PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. nrUIE subseiibers having completed their X ew Grist Mill in Ridgway are now prepared to furnish the people of the sur rounding country with Flour of the. Best Quality and of their own manufacture, at the lowcs market rates. Tho attention of lumbcrmc and othtrs is called to our iacilitics for furnishing them with FEED OF ALL KINDS, cheaper than it can bo bought any other place in the county. iJCASii Paid foii Grain.3j J.S. HYDE, J. V. HOUR. J. K. W111TMORE. November 7, I?07tf LOOK HERE! CENTR.E.VILLE TIN-SHOP. JOHN WAPLE desires to make known lo tho ci'ir.ens of Centrcvillo and the surrounding country that he has taken the shop formerly occupied by R. J. Maloney, on " McOauley's Corner" in Centreville, and that ho hopes by paying strict attention to his business and the wants of his customers. to merit their patronage in his lino. He will nejp on baud a largo and well selected assort ment of Itin- ami hcct-frM Ware, of his own manufacture, which he will warrant to bo of the best quality. His stock consists of everything that is useful in the tinware lino about a ht uee. I ask a fair trial, uud if my work docs not give satisfaction, my customers will not bo obliged to take it. JOHN WAPLE. seplOitf. J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. Kvi.KVTtv u r i cr.i jr. rihc word eclectio menus to choose or se X loot medicines from all tho different schools of medicine j using remedies that are safe, and discarding from practico all racdi cints that huve-an imjurious ell'eot on the sys tem, suoh as mercury, antimony, lead, cop per, &c. 1 lay aside the lanco the old bloodlcltcr, re lucer or depleter, and equalize Jl lie circula tion and restore the system to its natural state by alteratives and tonics. I Bhall here after give particular attention to chronio dis cuses, tuch as Rheumat ism. Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Catarrh, Ne u-algia, diseases of the throat, urinary organs, and all diseases pecu liar to femules, ko. CATARRH I treat will, a new instrument of a lato invention, which cures every case. TLETH extruded without pain. Oilice aud residence South of t he jail n-i Centre Si. Oilice hours from 7 to 8 a. ; ul" to 1 p. ru ; 6 to 7 p. in. Deo. 23 C7. -ly. J. S. BORDWELL. J'OUIS H. GARNER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, Can be fouud at his Foundry at St. Mary's where he is ready to have ull shop-work iu his line done od short notice. St. Mary's, Beuziuger P. O , Elk co., Pa. . inyl'68'ly J OR WORK of all doue nt this oilice. Liudi uud deseri- m 'Mm BLACKSMITH'S CARPENTER'S AND joiner's tools for sale " cheaper than the cheapest" at the St. Mary's Hardwart Siore (nov28't57.) "yyORDS OF WISDOM. FOR YOUNQ MEN, On the Ruling Passion In Youtli and Early Manhood, wiih SELF HELP for the Erring and unfortunate. Senl in sealed letter en velopes, free of charge. Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box V, Pluladeljjua, va. 'V I 1 1