(Kill Ojjounfir gidco.qatc. FRIDAY, MAT, 23: 18G9." FOR GOVEHNOR. JNO W GEATtY, Subject (o the decision of tlio Republican State Convention. THE STATE ABM 3, WHAT ARE T3EY. tj Ooo would have thought that if every thing clsoin history ucro proved fictitious or doubtful, the official insigni of political government would bo still considered mi. thentio. But a case has conic up which rc veals the astounding fact that nobody knows, or can know precisely what the arms of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylva nia are. By an act of the last Legislature the Aldermen of Philadelphia and Lancas ter were authorized to provide public Al dermauio seals, and to have engraved thereon the arms of the Commonwealth. It was only natural that those dignitaries should proceed to inquire what " the arms of the Commonwealth were like." After dilligent investigation at Ilarrisburg it was found tho " arm? of tho Commonwealth " were not to be found there ; that there had been one in 1789 but it and all traca of it bad disappeared ; that tho " Great Seal of the State " contains only a portion of what is properly supposed to constitute tho ' Arms of Pennsylvania." omitting as it does the two prancing horses which support tne eagle and shield in tho.CAntnr in biiori;, mac nomine: ochntte isT imi the matter. It shows a woud'eW of State pride and of ordinary carcfinicss in our State officers that this should be so. "We have never heard or read of nnofhpv instance in which a State or nation, great or small, has been so shamefully negligent as to lose her " coat of arms." NEWS HEMS. It 13 said to cost the jWnthnilwt min. isters of this country a million dollars a year 10 remove irom parisn to parish. The " oldest in.isnn " Vinq rtnm tnrnn1 up in Canada, in the person of Charles M'Kcwcu, who was " raised " in Ireland in ii to. Salt Lake City is favored with a one legged acrobat, who walks a tight rope uuu swaiiows n sword when in tho middle A lawsuit iuvolving $500,000 has justbeeu ddcidod in New York. Three lawyers claim 250,000 of tho amount for cervices rcr.uered,. Sccfefury JVmtwell is a reformer lie intends to prohibit smoking oWt; visiting and driuking among the Treasury clerks duriog business hours. Tho tide of emigration to West lemiessce is setting in. One town re tiently received nu nM; lutiu.i of i00 prions from Pennsylvania. Dunn-' ISGS tho TCpntn,.l h(i,. treasury disbursed tho following sums : For red foxes 88,005,50 : for wolves S-'j wi viia villa $ liji:. The California flour and wheat now onoat lor China nnd othrr rnnnir;u ' grcate 2,S:00,000 sacks of wheat, valued .. O I inn YiiA ' Tlicro is great misery and novertv in the City of Mexico. Wealthy fami lies are reduced to beggery, aud, for the iiuui luoro i8 uo empioyuient. A large majority of tho people ot Canada desire reciprocal commercial re lations, and no small number, an-;ition to fcpain s credit is rather badTBhe has just negotiated a loan at twenty-niuo cents uu,,jr U1!U 13 "5 gets about three million of dollars lor tea millions of her ligations. The distance from San Francisco to new I oik is 3,120 miles, tho measure went east trom Chicago being by the x .;OUu tun i ay no ana Chicago and xtuusyivauia roauj. A man died recently in New Orleans leaving one of tho briefest wills on record! It consisted of five wni-da if.. u is my heiress "with a codicil of four or uve woras more. TrT7TThe. first teIePrapliio dispatch from White Piuo to San Francisco, dated Anril 171. .n . . .1 ""i who ionows : " The dwellers amid the clouds greet the dwellers by the eca. All well." During the past winter not a flake of uow ,e in rortiand, Oregon. Only three , , "TP, wo ,orm and theQ onl ol the thickness of window glass. Sowio' and planting were going on all winter. ' According to an act passed by the 6uiiu.o lajuimorur tne aestruction of unavailable deprecated funds of old State Banks, the State Treasurer of Penn sylvania caused to bo burned to ashes a few weeks since, all such funds remaining in the vault of the Treasury to the amount Abolished- Tho new Registry law iiDousnes tne spring Eleolions throughout the State, and all borough andtownship officers will hereafter be elected onjthe second Tuesday of October. To Curb Corns. Taka a lemon, cut a piece of it off, and nick it so as to let id the toe with the corn. Tie this on at night eo that it cannot move and you will find in the morning that, with a blunt knife, the corn will come away to a great extent. Two or three applications will flect a thorough cure. Bunions are more difficult to cure j but the following Las ured in some eases : Make an ointment of half an ounce of spermaceti and twelve grains of iodine, aud apply twice a day. Dutch Folk lore. 1st. A babv InuL'hiii! in its dreams is conversing with the augnls 2d. Hocking tho cradle when tho babe is not in it, is considered injurious to the infant, and a prosnosite of its' sneody death. Sd. A strange, dog following you is a sign of good luck. 4th. A stork settling on a house is a harbinger of happiness. To kill such a bird would bo a sacrilege. 6th. Jl you seo a shooting star, the wish you form before its disappearance will be fulfilled. 7th. A person born with a caul is con. sidercd fortunate. . 7th. Four-leaved clover brings luck to tho person who finds it unawares. 8th, An oveiturned salt ccllcr is a ship wrecked. If a person take salt and spill it on tho table, it betokens a strfe between him and tho person next to whom it fell. To avc-t the omen, he must lift up tho grains with a knife, and throw them be hind bis back. 9th. After eating eggs in Holland, you must break the shells, or tho witches would sail over in them to England. The Eng lish don't know under what obligations they they aro to tho Dutch for this cntom. Please to tell thorn. 10th. If you make a present of a knife or of scissors, the person receiving must pay something for it ; otherwise the fncud ship between you would be cut off. 11th. A tinkling car denotes there is somebody speaking of you behind your I -I TP 1 .1- .L 1 . DacK. ii you ucar inc noise iu tuo rigni one, he praises you ; if on the leftside, he enllinir vou a scoundrel or somcthini? o j - like that. But never mind ; for if in that latter case you bite your little finger, the evil speaker's tongue will be in the same predicament. By all means don't spare your little finger. 12th. If at dinner, a person yet unmar ried be placed inadvertently between a mairied couple, be sure ho or she will get a partner within the year. It's a pity it must be inadvertently. loth. If a person when rising throw dowu his chair, ho is considered guilty of uutruth. 1 1th. A potato begged or stolen is a preservative against rheumatism. Chest nuts have tho same efficacy. m m m i The last Bine Invention. The new riflo invented by Meybofer in East Prussia, judgiug from the accounts given of it, is by lar the most destructive death-dealing weapon in existence, and promises to. supercede tho needle. gun eveu ; charge and discharge to tako place almost simultaneously, aud it is said thirty shots can be fired from it in a minute. At the moment when the barrel is closed by a valve, tho cartridge is exploded by a small 'knife. A particular apparatus pro. vents the escape of gasses unless by the InnitimnfA Itnnl TlllQ tl n 10 WrtOmin WnitrVlO or.ly eiht and a half pounds, and the bar - tntrtv-M - ? - --'a - paper; wnicn, ncsiaes nem;; cean, cannot expand and stick fast in the barrel as was .1.- L- t : ;l - miu uuu liiu A-iiuci ican uuu ineu iu St. Petersburg. The long, arrow shaped projectile of the Meybofer rifle is fatal at eighteen hundred paces, and weighs only l-21th of a pound; so that every soldier in tho field can carry .with him one hundred catridges. The riflo is loaded by a gentle blow of the flat of tho hand on tho handle of the valve which opens the powder chamber for tho entrance of tho catridgc, The inventor, who is himself not practi.-. cally skilled in Cre-arins, has, on several occasions lire thirteen shots in thirtv-six seconds, aud twenty-six bhots in oue minute. Tf-ters' Musical Monthly for Mov is on hand, and well sustains the proud title it bears " Tho l'rince of Musical Monthlies," for if there is any one periodical adapted to suit the wants of all Lovers of Music, pro fessional or amateur, it is ccriainly this Mnga- zino. The Mny number come to us ovcvflowinir with Choice New Music. There are four New Songs, by Hays, Thomas, Dunks, end Eaton ; three Piano Tieces : and we notice a new fea ture in tho shape of six pages of Quartlet Music, which will prove a valuable addition: also, a dozenor more pages of Biographical Sketches nnd Reviews of New Music, that will be of interest to all Musicians. Being largely engaged iu the publication of Sheet Music, Mr. 1'etera has always a fresh stsck from which to make his selections, and seems nothing loth to draw from his resources to any required ex tent to make the Monthly what it should be. Besides the Musical Sketches and Reviews of New Music, each number contains no less than thirty full-sized pages ef New Music by the best writers in the country. When Musio is furnished so cheap, what Musician can afford to be without such a pub lication ? $4 worth of good Musio cannot bd picked up every day for 30 cents, and we feci justified :n saying that a subscription at $3 give as much Musio (and good Music, too,) as you can buy for $50. This valuable Magazine is published bv J. L. PETERS, 198 Broaawoy, New Pork, (P. O. uox bl'J. The Fourth of July fallinz on Sundav this ye&r, the 5lh is by statue desinatd a Wul holiday. Taper falling due the 6th is there. lore uue tne tun, and paper falling due the 4th must be paid the 3d. Some embarra9Smin I may perhaps be saved to business men by noting tnig laet. Thb District and Cirouit Courts of thu United States for this Western District nf Pennsylvania, will meet at Erie on the secon,! Monday in July, instead of the first as hereto. fore. 1 his is occasioned by the fact that the Court commences at Williamsnort one wpiIi later than heretofore. De. Johnson was one day dininz at the house of a lady, when she asked him if he did not think her pudding good. Yes, growled the great moralist ; it is very eood for ho Shall I help you to another plateful, than ? " asked the polite hostess. Mary C. Vaughn, a.story writer well known in nil parts of the United States by her prolific contributions to tho literary weekly papers, died recently, from (lie effects of long continued and unremitting literary labor. When Bonner was a type setter, he and his nearest fellow-workman ngrecd that which ever got started in tho world first he should help tho other. Bonner did not forget it, but has given his friend a choice position ever since. Ton have no business to have any business with other people's business j but mind your own business, and that is business enough. An observer of tho habits of the robin comes to the conclusion that it is beneficial on oue hnndtod and forty two days, injuo rious on sixty days, and ncutrul on one hun. drcdand sixty three days. . ... " Wheiie tliall I put this paper so as to be sure of seeing it to-m'orrow ? " inquired Mary Jane of her brother Charles. " On tho looking-glass," was her brother's reply. A man's wife is his best adviser, his best counsel, his bc3t judge, his best lawyer, nnd nlso the cheapest and most reasonable. W . S- SERVICE. 900,000 CUSTOMERS WANTED. At the new Masonio Hall Building. STOVES at priocs that will please of all de sirable kinds. TIN-WARE of every kind ou hand at all tones. Spe cial attention given to Wholesale orders Price list furnished to dealers on application. SU LET- T1JST AND COPPER WARE. IIouso furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM A.i WATER Pll'jiiAu, TUMPS, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as RODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, rOWDER, Sc. .ye. BIRD CAGES A SICE VARIETY HOOFING, GUTTERS, SfOUTS. of Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper and every kind of HOUSE AND JCB WORK done on short notio'c and warranted, AGENCY of Henry Disstons celebrated saws. Orders for saws at factory priocs so licited, also for repairing. Information aud price list furnished on application. TAPER-RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD COPPER, BRASS, PEW TER, LEAD, IRON, BEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON fiKINS, SHEEP PELTS, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK NOTES, U. S. BONDS &e. taJcen in excltanijc for Coods or Work. Tla20tf. IV. S. f ERVICE. Tho Great External Eemedyi For I-2an and Beast. IT WILL CURE RHEUMATISM Tho reputation of Uiia prnpnrftUnn Is so trull cstab lldliol, tliut little ncd bo unit! In t!ilf connection. On MAX it Inn ni'vnr fnlHl to euro TAIMTt. KKKVOl'3 Al'KKCTlO.VS, CIINTRACTINd MI'S rr.KS. RTIFKNES3 AMI TAlXS I.VTH1C .101NTS, STITCHES In tlicSIDEor Uncle. SPRAIN'S, IIHUISKS, IiLKN'S.SWEM.IXOS.COIl.VSaiKlFKOSTEOEEF.T, Persons HlT:ct-4 witH Klicumattsm c;in be effectually tn(licrm;incntly cured by using this Troniurful prepa ration ; it penetrate to tho nerve and bone immediately on beinjrnpp'u'd. On HOUSES It wmciireSHUTCTTFS. RWKKN'FT, roi.t..i:vii,, n.siTi.x, oi.ii.wnni.vo snrtEs,- SADfll.EorCIII.I.AH (I V!.!., SPRAINED JlllXTS, STIEFXESS OF TUB STIFI.ES.fco. It will prevent Iinl.I.OW IIOU.V and WEAK HACK IN illl.CU COWS. I have met villi jrreat ailoc-si In' brlntjinf? my Mixture within the reach of the Public. I am d:iily in receiptor letters from Physicians. PruirRlsts, McrclianU aud Farmers, testifyinu to Us curative powers. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Sole Proprietor, BALTIMORE, Mn. FOUTZ'O CELEBRATED HOteb and Cattle Pewters. This iirejianitlonjoiip nnd fsivnraMy known, will thoroughly re-inviorate broken down niid luir-sptritrd horn!", by strcntliLninK out! cleansing tho flora iu:h and In Us tin es. It is a uro preventive of nit diFcafs 5sv Incident to this animal, fuch us Ll'.Nii WATKR, 1IKAVK8, COUGH, PIS TKMl'KR, FKVKI13, FOUN HKK, LOSS OK AITKTITBAXO VITAL KN'EHGY, kc. Its use Improves the wind, Increases the appetite gives a sin 00 tli and pluy skin and transform the iuierablu skeleton . intoafinedookingund spirited horse. &ig!i3&J' To keepers of Cows this prepara tion is invaluable. It is a sure pre- vtntlve against Rinderpest, Hollow II Horn. etc. It has been proven hy (actual experiment to Increase the quantity of milk and cream twenty per cent, nnd uake the butter firm gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them thrive much fuater. In all d leases of Swin?, such a Coulis, fleers In the Luiur, Liver, fee, tjiis article act rvr'-- ns a specific. Hy putting from one- T-. Iiu'f .1 prtp'T to a piipr in i barr.l of C-. "I swill the abrtv!disi.aes will b mm adi- V;, 'f,.v ( c.iti-d or entirely prevented. Iftriven i J t Ji in tine, a cvt.im ptevouiive aul V.'.'."" cure lor the Ho Cholera. PiTi3 ErFOlTTZ, Preprkior, UALTIMOJfVK. Md For sale by Drup-rists nnd Slon-VeepeiM throughout tlie L'nited States, Canadas and .South America. SHRINE SI'S Will cure t!io ASTIT?f A, rr.ONTniTI?, BI.OOTI BPITTINH. WFFICUI.TY OF IIHKATiii.vr.. 1AI.V nndWKAKXKSB IX TUB CHEST, TUIH'HI.ESOirB CUUCIIIXU AT NIGHT, t;a It will cllVcliialiy re move the Cou'h that frequently follows AIca:.h:!, and any afTection of the retpiratory organs, no matter of liow lonK BtaniinR, or whatever the a;eof theperjton. It acta as ft gpeciflc, H pureiy vtetablc. and is pkasant tt the taste. Its cfi'ect is FootUinfr. allaying tho vio lence of the cough, f ieilltntln'-(i'X-ctnraUoa,quleUcg tlic nerves aud enilii-utiiiK Uus system. Mothers, tftve Your Children I No child need die of CROFT1, If tM Prrnp In used in tim.; 1 tfi'S is a ftrrf ticmcvstratrtl by txperiince. No family should l.y wilhout vrsin, that f.ital disease, CHurr, conies like a thh'f in' the niirht, to rtcal away your litlla ougs, wheu reuular uitdicul aiU caunot be obtained. Prepared only I y DAVID E. rOUTZ, HoXtimore, Hi. a .1r.1l S. rit'tv. n A mJi 5! E T'i" itef(ues (f;iiy Ilnir Ui i's .'Ttitir-d Co'.or t II! 3 -jltCiiUs l'.'nlrul.' n-l ITiiini'm: pn-wn V'A lJAir Ttl'Mit: out t in ft pupcrinp JlrntL.iiiK it ci'iitaim hj ntjt,';Mit- iii;;r'"ri;.-iil, -j. Mil is the met fn'p'''ar and riU- 4 'rti. -j thi-tju-hoi.t Uie 3 Etmt, Wei.t, Nonh.iud 4. R. 6rRSETT & CO., Proprision, MAN'CUESTE.T, . U. F O U T Z'Q CBltBBATB Horss si Cattla Mm. bv strciiL'theointf and cieansing Uie stomach ud iutu. tines. It is a sure pre reiiUvs of all dls. eases SBcMent te Uiis animal, sueh YKLI.OW WA TBK. IiKAVKB, COUGHS, Hid TEMPER. FE FEH3. FOI XDEB LOSS OF Ai'I'E TITK AM) VITAL E.NKRliY.&o. Iu U'XO FEViiK, GLAJiCEfia, miserable sltckton lata a fine-IooVlDg and splriUU kvirse. To keener nt flnw t V. i nn14iM i - i 1 ... It lucreaaoi tho quantity anil Improves the quality wt me 1UIIK. 1( UiU been proven by ae tual experiment to Increase the quan. tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make tho butter firm and weet. In fatUsb cattle, it gives Aen an apKtite, looftss their hide, and Bukei theia tbrlr In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs. Ulcers In ins Lungs, Liver, ko.t this article acts as a specific. By putting from one-half a papr to a paper in a barrel uf swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely area-anted. If given in time, a curtain prjveutiva ami sin fur the Hog Cholera. Price 2i Cot3 per Paper, or S Paper for tt riUSPABED BT r3. L. FOUTZ 1JKO., AT THEia WBOLLSAIB WtfO 1HM ItiJSIHXB DET0T, bo. 118 Franklin St., Balttmore, Md. For Bata by Druggists aul bturckaaiieri tbrouab, u tit Culfcd BUUS. ' -fCi'7V This preparation, j4 yf1'.-. .J long and favorably JUa rr'''4ft' piY'-f'l known, will thor K,'i; l"V 'r '.1 Vt onglily reii.vigoiaw ft t-WjidirJ?'Vp fl broltt-n-down nod UFiy-.tJ "tJ low-spirited liorsvj. K It Am improves the a- t.j wind, Increases M U :fWW the apitito--glv i if. . Yi a smooth and , . A : . !oy skiundvv;TC? taiiiformi t h a-r-ViV,vi,7.?: '.TiwaSt nacb faater. TANNING & LUMBER CO. J'YSTONJ5 STORE WILCOX IN ATTENTION EVERYBODY SPRING OPENING TI10 largest store in North Wostcrn Ta., lit- torally filled to overflowing. WINTER GOODS closing out regardless of value. Wo nro opening the spring campaign with the largest and most nttraetivo Block ever offered in this market. We shall endeavor to keep every depart ment well assorted the year round, Our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT will alwnys contain a lnrge and well selected slock of Cloths Cassiincrs & Cloakings, liluck nnd Colored Silks. Seasonable) dress goods in great variety. Tnblo Linens, Napkins Towels &c, white goodsof every description, bleached aud brown sheetings nil widths. GLOVES & HOSIERY TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS YALL and WINDOW FAI'ER, COOKS AND STATIONERY, CLOTHING, IIATS and CAPS,' BOOTS & SHOES, DRUGS & MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS & DYE STUFFS, LEATHER, it- SHOE FIXDISGS, HARDWARE, STOVFSib TIX-WARE, Hi OX A STEEL, XAILS D BUILDERS HARD WAR L XUT5 A WASHERS, HORSE SHOE. & NAILF, WAGON ' SPRINGS, PATENT AXLES ,0 BOXES, CROCK ERY and GLASSWARE, STONE WARE, FLOUR, FEED & JIEAL, CORN and OATS, FURNITURE ' OF ALL KINDS, SASH & DOORS COFFIN'S, MATRASSES, BEDDING, &c, TOBACCO & CIOAUS, TRUNKS, VALISES i CARPET BAGS, RUBBER BELTING. CLOCKS in GREAT VARIETY. Agents for Iloyt Bros. Celebrated Leather Beltinj. Wilh our superior facilities for obtaining heavy goods, in large quantities, from first hands we defy competition iu Groceries & Provisions. We invite particular attention to our choicf brands of extra and double extra flour, we get direct from mills at the west thus saving to cubtomers tho profits usually pocketed by middlemen. Our flour is always fresh ground and we guarantee entire satisfaction with every barrel TANNING k LUMBER Co. vlniltf. POWELL & .KIME. QOODS FOR THE MILLION. POWELL & K I M E, At their capacioui stores both in MDGWAY AND CENTRE VI LLE , Have od head, splendid assortments of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of the peoplo of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would sisiply state here, that being very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing afs tins equalled by any establishment in th6 county. Thoy buy directly from manu fac'iurci and on the Another advantage You ean always u'Ct whist you want at their stores, hnea you will save time by going directly ta il'ieni and TIME IS MONEY. Wo have no space hero to euuiuorata nil the ad vantage; you will have in patronizing thesa establishments. Rut c-ill r.nd see, aud reap tho advantages for yourselves. Among thoir Goods you will find DRY GOODS iu eniless varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material supcrioj cut and finish, HOOTS & SHOES of the best ttoci and make, CROCKERY for newly married; middle ngod aud elderly. DRIED FRUIT, . GUTTER, EGGS, FORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN HEAL. AND EVERYTHING- ELSJ? Alto most other kinds of eountry j-d duco taken at the market value-vlnltf. Wilcox Pa.