The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 16, 1869, Image 4

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O B.GOULI), Editor.
f t -
Rates of Advertising.
)nePqnnro 1 week, tl m 1-4 Column months
IS 00
15 Oil
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as no
7 mi
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to (Kl
811 Kl
40 00
1! (Ml
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83 110
4"i (Kl
(it) (HI
75 00
.1 Mi do . n
8 s en I do
4 " 9 ISO do 1-1
Smooths " 1 a Column 1
Two t-'qra.
8 " 6 ii do
6 " 7 Bl do
H " 19i0 do
1 wok 1 751 do
1 mouth toil Column
8 " .8 (Ml do
6 " ' IS IK) do
14 " 18 It' do
1 4 Column 1 week ft (K do
bo 1 montn i uu no
Ppectnl Notice after Mnrrlncs and Deaths an addt
lonal of one-hnlf the above rates.
Bulnew Card flvo linen or In", 15 00 pet jeari
over five lines, at the iwial nito o advertising.
Takino tiik Cknsus Tho legibility of
taking the. nextccnsius in ojie day throughout
thoJJtiited Sfutes, was suggested sometime
biocu. A few days ago the atteutioa of Con
gress was called to the matter by a tnemoriul
presented it) the Ilonse of Representatives,
signed by forty-three of the principal officers
of the life insurance compauies of the Uni
ted States. Ililherio months have been con
sumed in taking the census, and when finish
ed after so groat dtflay and published, the
correctness of much of it was still question
able. Tho proposition now is to finish the
jb in n single day, und as a material aid, in
fact n U'icesjity to the accomplishment of
the task within that time, and as a moans of
obtaining greater accuracy, it is eujigested
in the iiiKtiiQriul that blank schedules be
furuitihcd to house holders and others prior
to the time fned npoTi, to be by them care
fully tilh'd tip. This system it is said litis
been successfully practiced in liuropo, and if
so, we cuu iiatigitia no reason why it cannot
be acted upon in this country with equal suc
cess and satisfaction.
Yice-I'rf.sidknt Coi.fax has, at the request
of friends of Father Mc.Mahan, formerly of
Indiana, asked the friendly interposition of
the Government in his favor, with a view of
obtaining his release, if possible, from im
prisonment at Torouto. He was convicted
of participation in the Feuian invasion of
Cuuada, but it is insisted that he was present
only in his ministerial capacity, to adminis
ter the right of the Catholic Church if need
ed. Mr. Colfax's request was transmitted
by the Secretary of State to the British Min
ister, who has forwarded it to his Govern
ment. Indiana Democrats ore not satisfied with
their 'appeal to the people," uud now re
fuse to organize the Legislature, unless the
Republicans pledge themselves not to take
up tho XVtb Amvndmeut. They lira iu u
fair ivuy to have more popular verdicts thau
they bargained for.
The Ssiiclde of Tvilclit.-ll.
Philtidelii h a. Aim 8 1 w.tcheM was
left in his cell at 2 o'clock by the Rev. Mr.
Bringhurst in company with two Catholic
ni'iests. who had been on u visit to Katon's
ell. The keepers removed everything from
Twitchell's cell except a tin cup, at which
Twitchell smiled uud made a jocular remark.
At. :'.!() the waKdiman found Twitchell ap
parently iu d:ep sleep lie shook hitu uud
lonnd that life aiis extinct, A hasty exami
nation by the officers of the prison led to
the conclusion that he had eoiiiuiilteil suicitle
by poison conveyed to him by Irs friends.
He had for- thu previous 2i hours evinced
overwhelming (error of hi:t fate, and his con
duct before being left ulone iipoareutly con
firms the impression of suicide, thou1! this
can ouly be ascertained by tin official investi
gation. The JU'i.l.KTix says: The murderer
bus added to his crime of assassination und
falsehood the crime of suicxlo to which he
Jims been undoubtedly driven by uucoutroll
uble terror which the failure of the last ut
tempts to save him had produced. His mis
eruble end will awukeii u sensation of pit v.
even with those who most firmly believe in
Lis guilt, uud in thn justice of his condem
nation, lie has died uud made no siiru to
convince any oue of the truth ol his so-cull
cd confession, aud there is but one being
alive who call unveil the whole mystery of
tho dreadlul deed whicli lias sent Geo. .
Twitchell, Jr., to a suicide's uud a felon's
It appears that during yesterday Twitchell
was ullowed to visit baton in hi cell. I'ur
in"-the interview Twitclicll rem iked to Eeu-
toe that they would lint bo liunff together.
This led to a suspicion ol suicide being con
teinplatod. und 'I witehcH's cell was searched,
and I'verytLing removed in the shape of
extra furniture uud convenience V hen
found he was lying on his buck, his hands
clenched, and his mouth wide open, showing
marks of uu U20inz''d death. Since hisdeuth
his body has become much discolored, prov
ing that deuth was caused by mineral poison.
A further examiuutiou of tho cull, led to the
discovery of a piece of liquorice root, which
is suiinosed to be itiinrevnuteil with nnison.
II jk - 1 r -
It has beeu uftertained that Twitchell was
poisoned with strychnine. It appears that
Eaton was uwtire ol I witcheii s intention to
commit buicidn. A gautleuiuu who had
conversation wuu ivuun tins morning, says
that lust night thu two men were ullow
ed to have au intervied. uud that Twitchell
said: "Jerry, you will huve to bo alouo to
morrow; I'll not be with you; but Mum's tho
word. '' A ftei ward Eaton revealed t h is state-
ment to the cVrgymu in attendance, und
they thoug t it proper to inform the officers
of tho prison, 'i witchwi cell was then
thoroughly searched, afti everything was
renuved by which he might injure himself;
even the looking glass was taken uwuv: but
he must have bad the poison concealed ubout
Lini, or muy Uuvo already swallowed it.
Georob Twitcubll, Jr. This Man. who
was seuteuced to die the deuth ot' a murderer
ou the gallows, the 8th, anticipated hisexecu-
tiou by commission ot suicide in his cell
early this morning. He wus fouud dead ut
three o'clock having put an ud to bis exis
tence by taking poison. - 1 be menus of escnp
ing the gallows were to doubt furnished hi in
by some of his friends wheu they took leave
or him, and all hope of pardon or reprieve
baring been ubuodoueu by the mis
erable mua, he choose to niuke his exit
by meausof poison rather than at thb bands
of the hangman. Trulj, the way of the
iransjiwsor n cara -
Dccornticn Dny. I
Germans, in the Futhcr-land, by universal
and time honored custom, says the I'ittstnrg
(Iazkttr. decorutu the Rruv a of their .lrnl
friends on thn evo of St. John, tho baptist's '
day, or midsummer's eve. At that time
every city ami hamlet, throngs of tho flower
Ireijililt'd living can be seen wending their
ways to the cities of the dead. Brown, un
sightly graves, mid those grown dead with
ago, nhke blossom will) these sweet otlenngs
of Memory and Love. Of course, in almost
every" "Uod s Acre,' there must be sOme,
olleu many, graves which have no friends;
craves for thn occupants of which, that trite
line "uone, iut not forgot ten" has t.o truth;
for such ns these, many kind hearted friends
hike extra garlands along with them, so thnt
no grave muy appear slighted or neglected,
an isolated commcutury on human forget ful-
uess, when the sun of St. Johu s (ley dawns.
Tho members of tho Grand Army of tho
Republic have, for several years, endeavored,
in a measure, to introduce this beuutiful cus
tom in onr own country, by appointing not
St. John's duy, but the 30th day ol Mnv us
a ila in which tho last resting-p'aces of our
fallen braves shall bo strewd with evergreens
uttd flowers. Surely such an object should
meet with no opposition, for, not the surviv
ing Inemm alone ol tho departed, but the
whole country owes, at tho least, one dry of
honor und reinemberanco each year, lo those
who have lost all in fighting aud winuiug its
We hope, now that the note of pfepnra-
tiou has been souuded, when the 301 h dny
ot May comes to us again, oil will be in
readiness, so that throughout the whole coun
try, the cities of the living shall visit and
inlorti the cities of the (lead. We feel sure
too, that no harm shall lie done, if some take
extra garlands to phco on 'nnv poor crave
which m.iy chan-.-o to bo neglected, ami. :f
that gr.ivo should not bo that of a soldier,
if many graves, not those ol soldiers shouu
be thus adorned we cannot see that any
wrons will bo done either to the liviutr or
tho dead.
Markiru Lii'k i.v Indiana. Tho relations
of husband und wife in Indiana. The In
dianapolis Srxtnkl of llie full, relates this
case: Ou lust Tuestluy, Mrs Albert Freue'i,
of Lagrange, lelt the room of her sick hus
band to go on nil errand to the house of a
ueighbor, across the street. While there.
some ono u.-Ued her it sue hud heard ot a
rumor that she wns divorcd from her hus
band. She replied no, uud, in u laughing
svav, wus making some remark ubout the
ubsurd stories people tell, when a person
eutisfing, handed her uuote liom un attorney,
informing h-r ttmt the rumor wus true. Her
husband hud made nn application in the Cir
cuit Court ol Elkhart, where the
parties hud n.ver lived ut all; the Sheriff had
served the process so informally that site
never received it; the application had been
grunted on the 13th of March; her husbuud
had brought the decr.'c home with him ami
lived with her more than a week bo 'ore she
found it out, during which time she had been
attelflively nursing him through u fit of sick
ness. Mrs. French wus almost killed by the
totally unexpected intelligence. She- bad
been married to her husbuud twenty-one
years; they had two children neatly mown
uud so lar as it is known, the lutiiily uud al
ways lived in peace and unity. The husband
is worth f)0.00, hut the "wife ilid not re
ceive one cent of alimony, although a portion
of the property waa inherited by Iipt. It is
one of the-most infamous cases we have ever
heard of, uud sis the decree wns granted in u
county where the parties never reshiud. u con
siderable amount of p"rjtiry must have been
ci ir.mitted. The nut ;Ov should have a legal
investigation, for it certainly caps the climax
of anything we have ever known iu the way
of Iudiuuu divorces.
Tiik female winjj of the " I re:il mul
Hutter'' brigailiMit Y:ia!'injtoii is thus
sketched by ''Olivia,'1 tin-correspondent
of the Vf, IVotii that city:
Tho President receives tlm peop'e be
tween the hours of three ami tour p. m,
one brief lionr, which if chopped up in
to second-!, would I'ot give the multitude
a sma 1 fraction of an instant. And yet
with the tact before their eyes, men ami
woaien, too, go day after dny and sit in
the niite-i'ooiu of the mansion jailing
like Mieawber for something to turn
up.'" Oh, that the loving mothers and
dutiful daughters of this brorul land
could be transporte I to Washington in
the twinkling of nn eye, and see with
their own eyes this scramble lor place
and power. There are women enough
here already fur post offices, to give us a
taste of tho time, hich we pray God
may never eomo when women too shall
have the right to take a political mud
bath which only tho divine strength of
manhood can endure, and not be morally
shattered forever. It by any means the
wives and mothers of this country could
have a bird's eye view of the political
stage in Washington, iu' the madness of
their honor they would strangle every
sorosis, and with their own hands shut
up every so-called strong minded. WMiian
iu the insane asylum, and at the same
time fling the keys of the hateful institu
tion into tho uttermost depths of the sea.
Cleanse the cesspools of polities by going
do .tn into them wiMppcd up in the white
garments of our womanhood? Never,
ye bold and brazen irg of sisterhood.
Any woman who comes to Washington
and fights tor a post office deserves it as
a free gift to help to ameliorate mistor
tune because she happened to-be born a
constitutional mistake, for which she is
for a whole lifetime wholly irresponsible
Tomto ScoAit. Mr. Joseph S. Wil
liams, Cinnaminson, N J, writes: "It
is i'0 uncommon yield to take 1,000
'bushels of tomatoes from nn acre, and
100 bushels will press 4,000 to 5,000 gal
Ions of juice, which, if distilled after the
proper ingredients are added, with due
time to complete fermentation, there can
be obtained from 500 to "00 gallons of
proof spirits, which have, by liquor deal
ti'S not know ing the liquor, been pro
nounced new peach biandy, apple brandy,
&u. I have made it au object to get the
opinion both ol the physician and liq'ior
judges; aud believe it to be a liquor
which is healthy and medical, and can be
manufactured at lower figures ia larger
quantities, aud with tenfold the certainty
of any other fruit spirits, and nust iu
time be the great resouise for obtaining
alcoholic spirits, as there is no crop w hih
will yield as many bushels per acre with
same certainty, with, as little expense."
Gardener 't Monthly.
Feeding Chickfas Chickens are as 1
liable to eat too much ns any other farm
stocks.' Who thinks of so arranging his
corn cribs that his horses mid cattle nnd
hogs can help themselves to nil they can
eat, providing ouly they waste no grain
by trampling it under foot? Chickens
evidently reason as little nbout the conse
nueiico of eating too much as do other
domestic animals, lly cramming them
selves, ns they often do, they impair diges
tion, nnd become dyspeptic yet, not
losing nn nppetitefor food, they continue
to cat, and thus make the trouble worse
When they become crop-bound, although
they still eat, they grow poor, and finally
die as of starvation. Many, however, are
affected in n different way The diges
tive organs do not fail so soon, and the
hens become excessively tat. They cease
laying, lose their sprightly gait, mope
around, nnd in a few days, unless reduced
to a mere moderate diet, commence dying
on. A post-mortem examination will
now reveal a diseased state of the liver,
it being very much enlarged, nnd more
yellow in color than is natural. This
disease of the liver is what is commonly
called " chicken cholera'' in this region,
and often we hear it said, '-Our fattest
hens died of tho cholera." Covntry Gen
Si.feiGiiiN.. with A Gmr.. Of nil the
joys vouchsafed to man in life's tempes
tuous whirl ; there's nought approaches to
heaven so near as sleighing with a girl
a rosy, laughing, buxom girl ; a feeling.
flirting, dashing, doting, smiling, smack
ing, jolly, joking, jaunting, 'jovial, poser
pocsiinvt. clear iiuieuucK oi a "in. i'iie
up your wealth a mountain high, you
sneering, seomng churl. 1 II laugh as I
go dashing by with my jingling bells
und urirl the brightest, dearest, sweetest
girl ; the funniest, flushest frankest, fair
est, roundest, ripest, roughest, rarest,
spunkiest, spiciest, squirmiest, squarcst,
best of girls With drooping lashes,
halt conccali"g amorous flashes just the
girl tor a eliaphke me to court and love,
and inarrv yon see with rosy cheeks
ami clustering cuds, the sweetest und the
best ot girls.
Cattle Diskask in Euiiopb. It is re
ported that cattle disease prevails very ex
tensively at the present time in Eastern
Europe, ami great fears are entertained
of its extension from Austria, to those
States fiom which England receives n
large supply of eullle. Not only are Mol
daviu. Waliachia and Tr.msylva'iia greatly
infested, but ulo Poland, GalUcia, and
Hungary. The pleuro pneumonia is said
to be on the inovea-c, no only in thcLon
don dairies but in several parts of the
country, and on the continent. Recent
information reports its existence in severe
from in Spain. The small pox of'sheep
is also reported to have recently broken
out in the neighborhood of Hamburgh,
at d to be still prevalent in some parts of
Holland, particularly near lloltciduiii.
Ci t Fkud. I am a strong advocate for
cut food lor till kinds of stock, but not
without good reason, ami the experience
of more than one year. Last .season we
cut all the hay, straw, ami corn fodder
fed to forty head of stock, and are till
well satisfied that by so doing we were
repaid tor our trouble three or tour tunes
over, althongli our t-xpeneiico With corn
fodder is, that if fed i!bout steaming it
hould never be less than from three-
quarters to one inch long lor a large
corn stalk cut up into half im-h pieces
will turn on end in the animal's mouth,
and wound his jaws ; but cutting double
the length avoids this difficulty. Cor. of
Southern Ftdntir.
A Western editor litis got such a cold
in his head that thu waler freezes on his
face when he washes it.
Capital punishment in Arkansas to be
locked up two days with eleven pretty girls
in a jury box. On, my! who would ever find
a verdict?
'You have a very striking countenance,' ns
tho donkey s.1W to the eh phan. wheu ho hit
b i in over the buck with histiuuk.
A large comet is nightly looked for in this
latitude. It is said to be cotisi(V:..biy larger
than the ouo which visited us iu 1SCU.
Grasshoppers have appeared iu Crawford
Col. J. C. Hays has purchased the interest
of Col. Tyler iu the Meudville Republican.
The Tyler iu the hike has left tho neighbor
hood of Eric.
They are to vote in Tobdo whether a loan
of SlUll.OUu shall be negotiated to build
water works.
Niueteen practicing lawyers reside in Iu
diuua. Dad lor Indiana!
Cleur.'ield couuty is making preparations
to erect a uew jail; so is Putter couuty.
A bald eaale, measuring six feet four
inches from tip to tip of the wings, wus
cuught iu Chester county recently.
The grain fields look promising in tho
centre of the Stale, and the fruit uppears to
be in good condition,
A man named Francis Cope wns kilLJ ut
Cluriuu, by slipping from the roof of a house
while engaged in shingling it.
I'hn Warren Ledger estimates the produc
tion of suwed lumber ou the Tiouesta this
seas in ut seventeeu millions of feet.
Mi lei MoUride, of Armstrong county,
was so baOly frozen some uights ugo thut bo
died on the eusuing eveuiug.
Messrs Daniel uud Wurren Muuger, of
Couueuut township, Crawford couuty, lust
week cut with a cross cut suw, by huud, a
cord of stove wood iu less than teu minutes.
Rev. J. S. Lytic, pastor of tho M. E.
Church of Youngstown, wus donuted with
nearly $300 ju tush and useful urticles, one
of which wus a sewiug uiuchiue for Mrs.
On Thursday night, the 22d ult, the store
of Mr. Jacob Goehriug, at lrwiu, Westmore
land Co., was burned with its couteuts.
which coubisted of a very largo stock of
every variety of dry goods, precedes, &c.
The loss is estimated at from $28,000 to $30
000, on which is an insurance of 22,000.
The Indiana democrats hovo Cnnllv come
forward and been sworn in, the considerutiou
of the fifteenth amendment having been post
poned until ine eleventh or May. When
that dny comes we tiust there will be decision
enough on the part of tho Republican ma-
joiity to drive the measure through. There
is never any thing gained by shilly shading
with copperheads.
Some very remnrkublo conversions in
opinion hove been effected by our civil war.
Gov. Wise, who declares in a recent letter
that ho "praised God for tho war every duy,
notwithstanding its disasters oml deaths, us
a special providence, Indispensable to free
me and my heirs forever from the weakness
if not wickedness, of African slavery."
Tho wife of Marshal Vulliunt, who rcently
died, shaved regularly every dny for many
years. She hud u thicker beard thau most
meu. During her lust illness her beaid be
came so bushy that when thn phvsiciau who
visits all the dead, to see that they died a
natural death, examined her, ho asked,
' What was this gentleman's positionT"
Ve hear of an elopement which tori; place
two or three days since, the parties being a
married woinau of Uorry, Erie' county, und
n married man of Columbus. Probably
they huvo euch now found congenial spirits.
On last MoijJay night a couple of fellows
in Wellsville, Ceuver county, got into a dis
pute In regard to tho fighting qualities of a
certuin game cock. -Harsh words brought
on n lively "null'' between tho disputants,
which resulted in one ol them presenting
the borough with $25 for luxury of sportfug
a puir of durk-cuniplected eyes.
F. M. Evans, of Vernon township, employ
ed as switch tender ubout the Freight Depot
in Meudville, iu attempting to get'on a mov
ing train, on The 2!th uit., lost his balance
and was thrown iu front of tho car hetweeu
the rails. Although not run over with the
wheels he wus bruised and jamu:cd iu u ter
riblo manner, und owing to internal injuries
received he died ou Saturday night.
Hair Vigor,
For restoring Gray Hair to
its natural Vitality and Color.
A dressing "which
is at onco agreeable,
healthy, and effectual
for preserving the
hair. Faded or gray
hair is soon restored
to its original color
with the gloss and
freshness of youth.
Thin hair is thick
ened, falling hair checked, and bald
ness often, though not always, cured
by its use. Nothing can restore the
hair where the follicles are destroyed,
or the glands atrophied and decayed.
But such as remain can be saved for
usefulness by this application. Instead
of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi
ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous.
Its occasional use will prevent the hair
from turning gray or fulling off, and
consequently prevent baldness. Free
from those deleterious substances which
make some preparations daugcrous aud
injurious to the hair, the Vigor can
ouly benefit but not harm it. If wanted
merely for a
nothing else can bo found so desirable.
Contuiuiug neither oil nor dye, it docs
not soil white cambric, aud yet lasts
loug ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy
lustre and a grateful perfume.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical and Analytical Ciiemots,
FKICE $1.00.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
For Diseases of the Throat end Lungs,
such as Cough. Colds, Whooping
Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,
and Consumption,
Prolialily never before in tho whole history of
mi'ilu'iue, liao ntivtltinx won so widely uuil .-olcvly
upon tl.u I'onllili'iR'e u mutikind, u.i tin cxi-i'ik'ut
remedy lor inilinoitary complaints. Tlu ottgli a loitjr
series of years, uuil umonir most of the races ot
meu it has risen higher uuil higher iu their estima
tion, ns it has become belter known. Its uaiiurm
character uml power to cure lite various ullecliun
of thu lungs uiitl Uiiout, have .uuUe it known us a re
liable pruleotur uguiut Uieni. While inlapteil to
mihler furins of iliseitse anil lo young child cn, it is
at Uie tume the most elleclual rcmeuy th'tt euu
be giveu for incipient co:uu:apiioii, and' the dau
Reruns ulleetions of lire throat and lungs. As a fi!o
virion against sudden attacks of C'rofi,, it should
be kept on hand in every family, mid indeed as all
are sometimes "puhject lo colds uud coughs, uU
ehould be provided with this antidote for them.
Although settled Coimumiitiutt is tl'.i. i :.t in
curable, still great numbers of eases where the dis
ease seemed s'etlled, have been completely eared,
and the patient restored to bound health by the
Cherry J'cclorul, So complete is its mastery
over the disorders of tho Lungs uud Throat, that
the most obstinate of them yield to it. Wheu noth
ing else could reach them, under thu Cherry I've
tornt th?y subside and disappear.
Mnyrrt and I'ublia bjtcakert find great pro
tcetiou froul it.
Aathmn is always relieved and often wholly
cured by it.
Uiuucliltln is genera. ly cured by taking tho
Cherry feclorul in small aud frequent dotes.
So generally mo its virtues known that we need
not publish the vcrtillcntes of them here, or do mora
than assure Uit) uubiio that its qualities are fully
Ayer's Ague Cure,
For Fever nnd A'ruo. Intermittent Fever,
Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb
Ague, Periodical or Ti:lous Fever, &u.,
BnJ iadeed all the affections whioil arise
from malarious, marsh, or mi asm alio
As its name implies, it docs Curx, and Uneo nnt
fail. Contuinm'Jr neither Arseuir, Quinine, Disiuiiin,
zjnc, nor nny oiner mineral or poisonou Miusuince
Whatever, it in nowise hilurcs any patient. Tho
number ami hnnorttince of its cures' In the lunif dift
tricts, are literallv bevond n'-cnunt, nnd we believe
without a parallel In the ht-tory of Airtie medicine.
Our pride is srattflod by the acknowledgment we
receive nf the radical rures etfectc-fl in f-bihiate
cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed.
Cnacclinmted persons, either vo-id.'nt in, or
travelling through miar-nmtii- locnlitio, will be pro
tected by taking the AiiUE CVKK dailv.
For Liver Vnmiilaint. arising from torpidity
of the Liver, It is an oxcellmt reuiedv, stimulating
the Liver Into healthy aetivitv.
For bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it Is
an excellent remedy, producing- inanv truly re
markable cures, where other medicine, had f.i.led.
l'rep.ired by Dh. .1. C. AVKlt A Co., Practical
and Analytical Chemists, Lowy.ll, Mass., aud sold
all round Uie world.
For doing a fainil" washing in the best and
cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal lo any iu
he world ! Han ull the tlieiitb of old rosin
atiap a illi the mild and Uthcring qualities of
genuine Habile. Try this Milei.d.d hoop Sold
Ni tt4oi
C. B. GOULD, Editor,
1'. IDG WAT, PA.
Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job
'rioting are equalled ty very few establish
icdii in the country. Orders by mail pi ompt
lcd. All lettcil should be addressed,
Manufacturers of
Steam Engines,
From 8 to 100 horse power,
. J1LLLK PAW 51 1 1, 1.8
Spur, Bevil and Mttra Ghi.'ii
Of all descriptions and sizes, nnd
needed in the LiiiiiUringin.d Tur.i.ii-g B liiic
We keei ou band
Biaas Work, Fittings fur Sicnru and W03
Elbows, Tees, I'ouk, Ulubo Valves,
Check Valves, (Sus l'i)ie, Ac.
We bine the use of A. If. STEA VXS' HE A
lilJJVKS. Inr our Ciirular t"w Mills, tvhirh
iii.-iln 5 lliein equal tu tiny in uc, hi a vcrv ini'ch
less price.
run ii aiinnl lo uuiid I nnner;es or f-aw ililln
will rind ii lo their nilvHiituue In call nn us IjcU'H
C'liiiMctni ' lor their inucliineiy.
Ilavinj' ii rn asid nttr facilities I.v tlx addition
nf I lit: verv bt'ft licuvj iu.d ini ruvtil ty
we me ueli runniil mat our win ka hi all Kiep
puce with the liilicn. t'uri.ld airuns, wlm bate
oven nn their hii rt. in the pie-l, l.avtMUir
thanks, un 1 will ulnavti timl l.s iindv lpt-u.)y
I heir wunlB on hlmrt nut ice.
L, W. Ahn'Ktt,
iiUvl T. SmtTiiEua.
C Ii o ;i ' F u r n i t u r o Store o
Every variety of F U K X IT U It E unu.tuntlv
uu liiiini mid Inr mle al the lmvc.,1 figure
"35 "rder lV n nil ilnii)ll tilled.
l.Mincriut county citizens invued to call and
xaiiitno stuck.
Scmly-nnidci Ilntiin-, eoirslautlv on hand, nnd
u iti mi d nn short imtieo. Everv ilcnoriution of
Collin I'tinii-bed nt any point in t'.-uni mii coun
ty, in u few bniiiK nfier receiving on leu,.
l.'idjiwnv.E k Cu. Nnv. 1S1.7 K4-lr
Muiiufuclururs of
Grist and Mill Castings.
Machinery of ull kimU furuinhed al t-hort notice
Lock Haven, Pa., Sept. !), ie5. I-3i'f
Trio I .L rl-
m Success.
ftsyfityh inoise3o!i,
BY IT3 UliE "
Gray or i'.nled Hair is quickly
restored to its youthful color and beauty,
and with tho firbt apuliciitioii a
beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance
is given to tho Hair.
It will cause Hair to grow on Buld Sjwti
It will promote luxuriant growth!
FALLING HAIR is immediately checked
For Male f all DragicUta.
DUl'OT removed from Gr.-cowlrk St. to
35 Uarciay ht. & 40 Fork Plucc.
A Kenllfinpii l,o suffered for yean from
JVurvuua Debility, Pretn.nure Dt-cav.and all the
tlticlsol yotilhlul iiidi-rreliiiii will, fur I he sake
of aufft-riiltj humanily, e U free to all who mtd
it, the ncipe and direction fur making the im-
ne reiuiuy oy wnicn ne waa cured. Hu. erer
u ihiiij; to profit by tlie ttilrtrtihei's nj.crience
caud do so by aUdresbiuR. in perfect eonfldeuce.
Jl'HN H. OtlDKN.
No. 43 Cedar H., 5Te York.